Some lots of note: NZ FFQ 6d red-brown SG 43 (lot 669); Hong Kong 1903 $3 EVII SG 75 (lot 2727); NZ 17/6 QV Long Type Kiwi R236 (lot 1924); Great Britain 1840 2d blue (EA) SG 5 (lot 2328); NZ 1901 2/6d QV Long Type counterpart error CP Z3ez (lot
1705); NZ 1945 commercial air cover Canada-NZ (lot 1881) . As aways there is a wide range of New Zealand and Worldwide items on offer.
If any items you are interested in are not showing an image, please email with a request for a scan and we will send this to you.
There is a good range of lots illustrated, and scans and further information can be provided on request to
Sale Session Information:
Session 1: (Lots 1 - 3365) Monday, March 03, 2025 6:00 AM EST
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