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NEW ZEALAND - Postal History continued...

NEW ZEALAND - Postal History continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Description Opening
581 C 1941 WWII early aerogramme ("Air Mail Letter Card") ex NZ soldier in Nth Africa to NZ, franked NZ 3d Wahine, canc good-fine double-ring cds "A.P.O. - U- M P K / 3" 31.XII.41. With good Unit Censor No. 819. Interesting message (written inside tank in the "desert wastes"). Very unusual cancel (South African?) ex NZ forces. Nice condition.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
582 C 1941 WWII OAS air cover Egypt to NZ, franked 30m Air + 10m Army Post, canc fine complete cds "N.Z. Army Base Post Office" 9 MR 41 (used at Cairo), with good-fine Unit Censor No. 91. Central vert fold, otherwise very good.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
583 C 1941 WWII OAS air cover Egypt to NZ, franked 5 diff Egyptian stamps 4m-15m, canc fine complete strike (& a 2nd part strike) of cds "N.Z.E.F. FIELD POST OFFICE 3" 22 MR 41. Used at Helwan, Egypt 3-24 MR 41. With good Unit Censor h/s. Vert central crease, otherwise fine.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
584 C 1942 WWII OAS stampless cover ex Egypt to NZ, canc fine complete "Egypt Postage Prepaid / 30" cds 18 SE 42. D/s used by N.Z. F.P.O.1 4/3-26/9/42. Minor opening faults at top. With censor h/s.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
585 C 1942 WWII OAS cover ex NZ naval serviceman to NZ, franked Ceylon GVI 10c, 3c, 2c, canc 3 light strikes of barred obliteraotr with apparently "C C" in centre. With boxed red h/s "Passed by Naval Censor", signed & dated 17/3/42. Much of flap missing, otherwise fine. Attractive item.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
586 C c1943 WWII stampless OAS cover ex New Caledonia to NZ, canc fine complete "N.Z.E.F. / N.Z.A.P.O. 150 / NO. 9" circular rubber h/s (violet). With fine triangular "Service Censor No. 118" h/s (blue-green), with unclear signature. FPO at Base Training Depot, Bourail Racecourse, New Caledonia, May 1943-Aug 1944. Sender's name & service number on flap. Undated. Edge creasing & small surface fault.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
587 C 1943 WWII OAS stampless cover (only fair condition), ex RNZAF airman in GB to NZ, canc fine NZ Base P.O. U.K. cds 11 SP 43. RAF badge on flap & b/s boxed b/s "Orderly Room No. 90 Squadron Royal Air Force" with "10/9/43" m/s. Still with original contents: silver & black paper scraps & note "This is some rubbish the Hun drops over here to bamboozle our radio Location ..." etc. Rare survivor! Receipt cds 10 NO 43 (readdressed). Ex Startup.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
588 C 1944 WWII OAS stampless cover to NZ, canc fine "R.N.Z.A.F. / N.Z.A.P.O. / C" cds 5 OC 44. With good RNZAF censor h/s (signed). D/s used at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands from 13.8.43. Small opening faults, edge creases, but good average condition.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
589 U c1945 printed parcel address label (11.5 x 9.5cm) of "RNZ/Radio Corporation of New Zealand", with 3 1935 Pictorials applied (2/-, 1/-, 4d) + perforated "New Zealand Parcel-Post." label, all canc C.1 Wellington roller cancel 1945 (day & month unclear). Creasing & tiny 4mm tear, but scarce item.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
590 C 1945 WWII OAS stampless inter-unit cover, India to (?) Egypt (to NZ soldier at "Infantry Training Depot, 2nd NZEF, M.E.F.", canc fine "3 R.A.F. POST 3 / INDIA" cds 17 JULY [45]. With fine boxed RAF Censor / 299 h/s (violet). From airman in "SEAAF". Flap m/s "Received 24 July 1945". Edge creases at right, otherwise fine. Unusual. Ex Startup.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
591 C 1947 bundle of 18 post-WWII "Air Letter" aerogramme) forms, m/s endors4ed "On Active Service", franked GB 6d GVI stamps & with London civil pmks between 1 AP & 22 NO 47. From NZ officer Lt. Col. C.J. Williams to his wife in NZ. Messages headed Stuttgart (1), Heidelberg (17). Sender's address c/o various INRRWA locations, then "PCIRO HQ, APO 403, Heidelberg". Williams had seviced in 2NZEF during WWI. Inner sheets all removed.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
592 C 1948 3 matching NZ-type "Air Letter" forms (early aerogrammes), franked US stamps (at 25c rate), canc "U.S. Army Postal Service A.P.O. 403" machine d/s Feb-Oct 1948. All with address of sender, NZ military officer Lt. Col. C.J. Williams, "C/o HQ PCIRO" (in Germany). All to his wife in NZ. Williams was involved in relief services for refugees post-WWII. Inner sheets removed, otherwise good.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
593 C 1948-50 bundle of 12 NZ-type "Air Letter" forms (early aerogrammes), franked US stamps (at 25c rate), canc mostly fine "U.S, Army Postal Services A.P.O. 62" cds (8) or machine d/s (4), between MAR 1948 & JUN 1950. All with address of sender, NZ Military Officer Lt. Col. C.J. Wiliams, "c/o HQ PCIRO, APO 62" (or similar). All to his wife in NZ. Williams was involved in relief services for refugees post-WWII. Inner sheets all removed, otherwise good-fine cond.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
594 C 1948-9 bundle of 10 air covers franked US stamps (most at 25c rate), canc U.S. Army Postal Service A.P.O. 602 cds or machine d/s between MAR 2 1948 & OCT 10 1949. All with address of sender, NZ officer Lt. Col. C.J. Williams, HQ IRP, APO 403. all to his wife in NZ. Williams was involved in relief services for refugees post-WWII. Good average cond.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
595 C 1950 matching air covers x 2 (franked 25c US stamps), canc fine U.S. Army Postal Services A.P.O. 62 cds AUG 7, AUG 14 1950. Both with address of sender, NZ military officer Lt. Col. C.J. Williams, "HQ IRO, APO 62". To his wife in NZ. Williams was involved in relief services for refugees post-WWII. Minor perf tone, otherwise VG.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
596 C 1953-4 Royal Visit pictorial souvenir cover (tour itinerary on back), franked Royal Visit set & GVI 1/-, canc Masterton 14 DE 53. 2PM, by air to GB. Posted the day the royal couple arrived in Masterton. Two old tape stains on flap, otherwise fine.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
597 C 1958-9 Cranford Street, Barrington & New Plymouth CPO opening day souvenir covers.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
598 C 1959 Oturehua (DN 1908-88) 3 fine strikes of skeleton relief cds 12 NO 59 on 3 stamps on collector's reg'd cover. Two mount remnants on back, otherwise fine. D/s only 5-18 NO 59. Scarce.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
599 C 1959 South Canterbury Centennial Mail Christchurch-Timaru souvenir cover, canc RTPO South Canterbury 12 SP 59.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM
600 C 1961-2 printed Bank of NZ parcel tags x 2 similar ex Wellington to BNZ, Napier, with similar "Express Transit" P.P-3 labels (with 3 diff printing details). One with 1960 2/6d, 1/- canc Wellington Registered cds 20 AP 61 & with "Insured Parcel" label. The other with 1960 5/-, 2/-, 1/9d canc undated Wgtn roller & with unusual "R/No. E.E.T./WELLINGTON C.1" boxed h/s.

Closing..Mar-03, 06:00 AM

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