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Brigham Auctions Ltd. Sale - 1
Large Queens -
February 22, 2014
The Large Queen collection is Mr. Brigham's favourite exhibit because of
the uniformity in design and the variety of beautiful colours and shades of
the stamps. The collection has garnered worldwide attention and
recognition. Putting together a collection such as the Large Queens
requires determination, knowledge and, some fortunate circumstances. It
requires the help of dealers, other knowledgeable collectors and those
genuinely interested in promoting the philately of Canada.
In studying this catalogue you will notice the variety of papers - ten in
all - used to print these stamps, as well as the many shades and printings,
all adding to the major complexities of Large Queen collecting. Added to
its short period of use (1868-1872; except the 1/2c to 1882 and the 15c to
1897)it makes this a challenging and interesting collecting area.
For more information please contact us at:
Brigham Auctions Ltd.
Suite 223 - Plaza 2
350 Rutherford Road S.,
Brampton, ON Canada L6W 4N6
Phone: (905) 451-5072
Fax: (905) 457-0537