Call for Consignments from Auction Firms for our
5th Annual Tour de Cure Auction to Benefit the American Diabetes Association.
I am announcing the 8th Annual Tour de Cure Charity Auction for the American Diabetes Association.
This is a call for consignments. We are looking for auction firms to donate stamps or covers to the auction.
In return, we can give you a credit toward Stamp of the Day.
In the last seven auctions we have raised $138,000 for the ADA, we can push it over $150,000
I am looking for auction firms that will donate stamps or covers to the auction. We are looking for consignments (anywhere from 5-20 lots) from the auction firms in the $1,000 - $2,000 range.
You will get a byline for your auction firm on each item you consign identifying you as the donor.
This is the kind of event where everyone wins. Diabetes affects many people in Philately. I receive nothing but thanks and appreciation for the firms that are involved in this effort.
Please call me at 919-403-9459 for more details. But the process will be very simple. I just need the stamps (and scans if convenient for you) with accurate descriptions by April 1st.
Please also provide an accurate estimate of its market value.
And because of the short time line, we will triple (3x) your contribution and give you a 3x credit toward Stamp of the Day.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this matter.
- Tom Droege
This is the link if you just want to make a donation, but we would
rather get stamps and covers.