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1854/59, group with three covers, with Papal States Mi.-No. 5 in pair on folded cover from "SENIGALLIA", Modena Mi.-No. 1b on folded cover and triple strip Sardinia Mi.-No. 12 on envelope from "LEVANTO" to England, partly somewhat faulty, but visually appealing, two covers sign. A. Diena
1852, Coat of arms, with period after value, 1 l. black, fresh color and good margins, tied by black cancel to small piece, fine, signed E. Diena and certificates Fiechhi (1974) and Raybaudi (1983)
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1852, Coat of arms, with period after value, 1 l. black and 40 c. blue, fresh color and 1l. good margins, 40 c. close at right, tied by black bars with adjacent cds. "CARRARA 16 OTT” to folded letter to Philadelphia, vertical file fold through 40c., otherwise fine and attractive, a scarce entire form the known Vito Viti correspondence, signed E. Diena with certificate (1979)
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1852, Coat of arms, without period after value, 5 c. green, fresh color and good perforation all around, tied by black bars to registered folded letter with adjacent fancy "CARPI” and straight-line "RACOMM” to Modena with arrival mark, fine
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1852, Coat of arms, without period after value, 5 c. green, 10c. rose and 25c. brownish all fresh color and mostly good margins, tied by black bards to folded lettersheet to Milan with arrival mark, 10c. touched at lower right, otherwise a fine and attractive 3-color franking
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40 c. "celeste”, fresh color and good margins, used with "grigletta”, scarce, natural inclusion at top, fine
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40 c. "celeste”, fresh color and good margins, used with blue bars and small ink stroke, fine, signed Diena
1852, 25 c. on green, the error of color, fresh color and good margins, with greenish administrative cancellation, fine
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1859, Coat of arms 5 c. green, horizontal pair, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, signed Senf
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1859, Coat of arms 5 c. blueish-green, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, fine, signed Bühler
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1859, Coat of arms 5 c. green and two singles 20 c. violett, fresh color and good margins all around, tied by boxed "PAVULLO *" to small piece, with one 20 c. showing additional straight-line "RAC”, very fine, an attractive piece with rare cancellation, signed E. Diena and certificate Cardillo
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1859, Coat of arms 5 c. dark-green, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, a.o. signed Schlesinger
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1859, Coat of arms 20 c. dark-violez, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, very fine, signed Sorani with certificate (2007)
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"Doppio ovale con aquila”, good and complete strike on two singles 1852 10c. rose, fresh color and good margins, on small piece with adjacent cds. "MODENA 9 OCT”, fine and attractive, signed G. Bolaffi and Raybaudi with certificate (1993)
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1859, 10c. black, fresh color and wide margins all around, unused, very fine, signed and certificate Chiavarello (2002)
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1859, 10c. black, fresh color nd wide margins all around, used, fine, signed E. Diena and Bolaffi with certificate (1973)
1858, 1 gr. red, horizontal pair, good to wide margins, unused, fine, signed A. Brun
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1860, Croce di Savoia ½ t. light blue, fresh color and wide margins, used with black boxed "ANNULATO”, very fine and most attractive. Signed Starauschek and Colla with certificate (2024)
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1860, Croce di Savoia ½ t. blue, fresh color, wide margins all around, tied by boxed "ANNULLATO” to small piece, very fine, signed Zumstein and certificate Colla (2012; described a small thin spot in the upper margin, but the thin spot is only in the letter piece)
Get Market Data for [Italy Michel 9a, Sassone 1] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census
1852, Papal coat of arms ½ black on blue-gray, block of 8, fresh color, touched in places, two stamps "otto filetti”, tied by grill to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. "FOSSOMBRONE 15 MAG 56” to San Gemini, some minor aging, a very scarce, and one of the largest recorded, multipe, sign. Colla with certificate (2004)
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