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Worldwide Stamps and Covers
   Africa / Afrika (1)  
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   Zurich / Schweiz - Kanton Zürich (1)
Lot 813 EUR 100
1939, color commemorative page to the 50. Birthday of the Leader and Chancellor of the Reich Adolf Hitler, lateral minimal billowy otherwise impeccable

1939, color Gedenkblatt zum 50. Geburtstag des Führers u. Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler, seitlich minimal wellig sonst tadellos (page)

Lot 814 EUR 150
1941, Marine Day at the 7. And 8. June in Swabian Gmuend, hosted by the district committee of the NSDAP, decorative DIN A5 Color event journal, inside with event sequence, franked with Michel no. 772 and suitably special cancel from 8.6.1941 SEEGELTUNG / WELTGELTUNG, top condition, rare.

1941, Mar (page)

Lot 815 EUR 300
\"Hitler as soldier in the world war\", the messengers d. Rgts. In the barrage over that funnel field. Watercolour from Rgts. Bud Vzfldw. G. Hirmsch, color, very scarce propaganda card, used from Munich 12.5.33 to Berlin, neat overall condition.

"Hitler als Soldat im Weltkrieg", Der Meldegänger d. (page)

Lot 816 EUR 10
1933, \"the emancipators Germany's - 30 January 1933\" - the first Redes of the Leader in the Sternederbraeu, Munich (bay 54), s / w card with postmark 16.10.33, unmailed used

1933, "Der Befreier Deutschlands - 30 Januar 1933" - die erste Redes des Führers im Sternederbräu, München (Tal 54), s/w K (page)

Lot 817 EUR 10
\"we died for You and you\", coloured propaganda card \"memory to the 13. January 1935\" and besides set varnish seal, faultless condition

"Wir starben für Dich und Du", farbige Propaganda-Karte "Andenken an den 13. Januar 1935" und nebengesetztes Lacksiegel, tadellose Erhaltung (page)

Lot 818 EUR 20
1930, dedicated to the memory of the liberation of the \"German Rheines\", decorative color card, designed and drawn from Theo Matejko (signed), publishing house Webeko / Mainz, used from Mainz to Schmalkalden

1930, Zum Gedenken an die Befreiung des "deutschen Rheines", dekorative color Karte, Ent (page)

Lot 819 EUR 10
1937, 4. German pharmacist's day Essen, coloured card with appropriate special cancel in good condition

1937, 4. Deutscher Apothekertag Essen, colorierte Karte mit entsprechendem SST in guter Erhaltung (Im (page)

Lot 820 EUR 30
1938, international automotive and motorcycle - exhibition Berlin, color commemorative card with matching special cancel from 25.2.38, unmailed

1938, Internationale Automobil- und Motorrad - Ausstellung Berlin, color Gedenkkarte mit passendem Sonderstempel vom 25.2.38, blanko (page)

Lot 821 EUR 30
1938, coloured postal stationery card \"and Your have yet won\" with illustration of a merchant, SA man and worker, postage stamp impression 6 Pfg Hindenburg with special cancel \"Munich - capital of movement 9. November 1938\", mailed to Ludwigsburg, good condition

1938, farbige Ganzsachen-Karte (page)

Lot 822 EUR 100
1939, coloured propaganda card \"1. Baden Postsport and Postal service protection affect 28. And 29. May 1939 Freiburg i. Br. \" unused, rare card with minimal little age spots.

1939, farbige Propagandakarte "1. Badisches Postsport- und Postschutz Treffen 28. und 29. Mai 1939 Freiburg i. Br." unge (page)

Lot 823 EUR 100
1941, \"Your Victim a crotch to the victory\", propaganda card to the 5. Victim Sunday at the 12 January 1941, blank stamped, impeccable

1941, "Dein Opfer ein Schritt zum Sieg", Propagandakarte zum 5. Opfersonntag am 12 Januar 1941, blankogestempelt, tadellos (page)

Lot 824 EUR 50
1942, artillery, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 11 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"Hagen (Westf) 29.3.1942 (page)
Lot 825 EUR 50
1942, messages / TROOP, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 9 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel HAGEN (WESTF) 29.3.1 (page)
Lot 826 EUR 50
1942, fog troop, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 10 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"cathedral (Westf) 1.3.19 (page)
Lot 827 EUR 50
1942, antitank, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 13 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"Munich 15.3.1942 capital (page)
Lot 828 EUR 50
1942, pioneers, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 8 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"Nuremberg 20.4.1943 6. Our (page)
Lot 829 EUR 50
1943, drive division, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 14 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel Berlin our captain ex (page)
Lot 830 EUR 50
1943, mountain troop, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 20 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"Nuremberg 20.4.1943 (page)
Lot 831 EUR 50
1943, cavalry, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 12 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"Vienna 10 years accession (page)
Lot 832 EUR 30
NS Flyer corps, Germany for ever most vigorous air power of the world, these demand preoccupied the NS Flyer corps through the education the next generation of pilots, published from corps leader of the NS Flyer corps, unused

NS-Fliegerkorps, Deutschland für immer stärkste Luftmacht der Welt, Dies (page)

Lot 833 EUR 50
1942, air news, \"the triumphant flags and standards of the German German Armed Forces\", color propaganda card no. 18 to a draft from Gottfried Klein / Munich, from the central publishing house of the NSDAP, French rather successor, Gmb H, Munich, franked, special cancel \"STRASSBURG (ELS) 11.1.194 (page)
Lot 834 EUR 20
1938 (approximate. ), picture postcard \"sail training ship Albert Leo Schlageter\" under swastika Reich's flag, later under Brazilian and today under Portugueser Flag sailing, sister ship to the Gorch Fock I, impeccable unused

1938 (ca.), Foto-AK "Segelschulschiff Albert Leo Schlageter" unter Hak (page)

Lot 835 EUR 30
1942, captain lieutenant sheriff, color W. Willrich card from the set \"our U boat arm\", unused VDA no. P1. R5. No. 3, condition I

1942, Kapitänleutnant Schulze, color W. Willrich Karte aus der Serie "Unsere U-Boot-Waffe", ungebraucht VDA Nr. P1.R5.Nr.3, Erh. I (page)

Lot 836 EUR 10
1937, day of the German art Munich, officially color celebration postcard, with stamp from the souvenir sheet from the culture donation souvenir sheet, unmailed used

1937, Tag der Deutschen Kunst München, amtliche color-Festpostkarte, mit Blockmarke aus dem Kulturspende-Block, blanko gestempelt (page)

Lot 837 EUR 10
1939, day the art, officially colour card with special cancel \"Munich 16.7.1939\"

1939, Tag der Kunst, Offizielle Colorkarte mit Sonderstempel "München 16.7.1939" (Image 1) (page)

Lot 838 EUR 10
1939, officially celebration postcard for the day of the German art, reverse Michel no. 699 Brown Ribbon with special cancel \"Munich RIEM the brown volume from Germany\"

1939, Offizielle Festpostkarte für den Tag der deutschen Kunst, rücks. MiNr. 699 BRAUNES BAND mit SST "MÜNCHEN-RIEM DAS BRAUNE (page)

Lot 839 EUR 25
1939, day the art, officially colour card with special cancel Munich

1939, Tag der Kunst, Offizielle Colorkarte mit SST MÜNCHEN (Image 1) (page)

Lot 840 EUR 130
1911, Austria decorative telegram with decorative illustration in favour of Jewish National foundation, bilingual, franked with twice 5 H. Green from Gorlice to Grabownica, folded, fold tears reverse reinforced, attractive and rare! (page)
Lot 841 EUR 40
1935, German Reich, telegram replacement in favour of Palestine construction, franked with 12 Pf. Hindenburg, from Hagen to Karlsruhe, folded, at the bottom small glued tear, rare!

1935, Deutsches Reich, Telegrammablösung zu Gunsten des Palästina-Aufbaus, frankiert mit 12 Pf. Hindenburg, von Hagen (page)

Lot 842 EUR 100
54 Pf Goering behind bars, alleged private produced propaganda forgery from the post-war period, similar DR Michel number 844 / 49 in the unperforated miniature sheet to four values, impeccable mint never hinged. Rare!

54 Pf Göring hinter Gittern, angeblich privat hergestellte Propagandafälschung (page)

Lot 843 EUR 50
1940, \"the triumphal processions the division\", propaganda card used as fieldpost card, stronger transport traces and spalling / tears, rare!

1940, "Die Siegeszüge der Division", Propagandakarte gelaufen als Feldpostkarte, stärkere Beförderungsspuren und Abplatzungen / Einrisse, selten! (page)

Lot 844 EUR 50
1944, private propaganda forgery 54 Pfg \"Goering behind bars\" with right lower corner of the sheet, impeccable mint never hinged, decorative piece

1944, Private Propagandafälschung 54 Pfg "Göring hinter Gittern" mit rechter unterer Bogenecke, tadellos postfrisch, dekoratives Stück (page)

Lot 845 EUR 30
France 1944, \"Hitler near the to play at cards\", s / w anti-German propaganda picture postcard, unused

Frankreich 1944, "Hitler beim Karten spielen", s/w antideutsche Propaganda-Ansichtskarte, ungelaufen (page)

Lot 846 EUR 110
\"Hitler is the war\" \"Hitler is the war\", \"freedom\", \"freedom\", skull with Wehrmacht helmet and swastikas\", strip of five 60 Pfg \"worker\", scarce propaganda pieces!

"Hitler ist der Krieg" "Hitler ist der Krieg", "Freiheit", "Freiheit", Totenkopf mit Wehrmachtshelm und Hakenkreuzen", Fünf (page)

Lot 847 EUR 50
1945, \"men make history\", souvenir sheet from the atelier Albrecht with 4 designs \"the world sees on Berlin\", mint never hinged, faultless condition.

1945, "Männer machen Geschichte", Block aus dem Atelier Albrecht mit 4 Entwürfen "Die Welt sieht auf Berlin", postfrisch, tadellose Erhaltung. < (page)

Lot 848 EUR 80
1945, draft from atelier Albrecht, cut souvenir sheet (approximate. 105 mm x 90 mm) with the unpublished designs \"Wehrmacht motive\", multicoloured, complete original gum ( ** ), rare!

1945, Entwurf vom Atelier Albrecht, geschnittener Block (ca. 105 mm x 90 mm) mit den unveröffentlichten Entwürfe (page)

Lot 849 EUR 35
1933, decorative sheet telegram \"eagle with swastika over flags\", used, impeccable

1933, Schmuckblatt-Telegramm "Adler mit Hakenkreuz über Fahnen", gebraucht, tadellos (page)

Lot 850 EUR 35
1933, decorative sheet telegram \"eagle with swastika over flags\", used, impeccable (Lx9)

1933, Schmuckblatt-Telegramm "Adler mit Hakenkreuz über Fahnen", gebraucht, tadellos (page)

Lot 851 EUR 70
1938, decorative sheet telegram \"Nazi Party Congress 1938\", used, impeccable

1938, Schmuckblatt-Telegramm "Reichsparteitag 1938", gebraucht, tadellos (page)

Lot 852 EUR 70
1938, decorative sheet telegram \"Nazi Party Congress 1938\", used, impeccable (C187Lx17)

1938, Schmuckblatt-Telegramm "Reichsparteitag 1938", gebraucht, tadellos (page)

Lot 1286 EUR 300
APIA KDPAG 21 / 7 88, full and clear strike on centered folded 10 Pfg postal stationery card to Wroclaw with on face issue 15.9. (88), commercially with a lot of text and handwritten dating\". Aboard S. M. S. Eagle\", in escort one contemporary photo postcard \"Wreck of S. M. S. Eagle\", the in the (page)
Lot 1287 EUR 100
20 penny in the block of four with cancellation \"German post stream ship agentur\", letter piece with small unevenness, rare, Michel / Steuer 500,- (V42b)

20 Pfennig im Viererblock mit Entwertung "DEUTSCHE POSTDAMPFSCHIFFS-AGENTUR", Briefstück mit kleiner Unebenheit, selten, Mi./Steuer 500,- (page)

Lot 1288 EUR 100
APIA KDPAG 21 / 3 00 multiple clear on larger money order coupon with two vertical pairs 50 Pfg crown / eagle bright red brown, reverse cancel Hamburg 8.20 / 4 00, superb (V50d(4))

APIA KDPAG 21/3 00 mehrfach klar auf größerem Postanweisungsabschnitt mit zwei senkrechten Paaren 50 Pfg Krone/Adler (page)

Lot 1289 EUR 120
50 penny \"crown / eagle\", part of cancellation \"APIA. \", faultless, horizontal pair, expertized Steuer BPP, Michel 750,- (V50b)

50 Pfennig "Krone/Adler", Teilstempel "APIA....", tadelloses, waagerechtes Paar, geprüft Steuer BPP, Mi. 750,- (page)

Lot 1290 EUR 80
3 penny to 50 penny \"crown / eagle\" with overprint Samoa, impeccable, unused, Michel 395,- (1/3b,4,5a,5b,6)

3 Pfennig bis 50 Pfennig "Krone/Adler" mit Aufdruck Samoa, tadellos, ungebraucht, Mi. 395,- (Im (page)

Lot 1291 EUR 150
3 penny to 50 penny \"crown / eagle\" with overprint Samoa, impeccable, used / letter piece, Michel 780,- (1/3b,c,4,5a,b,6)

3 Pfennig bis 50 Pfennig "Krone/Adler" mit Aufdruck Samoa, tadellos, gestempelt / Briefstück, Mi. 780,- (page)

Lot 1292 EUR 50
10 Pf dark rose (red), UV yellowish orange, impeccable unused with only minimum hinge trace, expertized Jaeschke L. BPP, Michel 200.- (3b)

10 Pf dunkelrosa(rot), UV gelblichorange, tadellos ungebraucht mit nur minimaler Falzspur, gepr. Jäschke-L. BPP, Mi. 200.- (page)

Lot 1293 EUR 500
25 Pf dark orange impeccable mint never hinged with plate flaw \"left upper corner bevelled\", photo expertize Dr. Hartung: \"the stamp from the left upper corner has the originals gum, has fresh colours, very well perforated and in faultless, mint never hinged condition. (the sheet upper margin has (page)
Lot 1294 EUR 40
25 and 50 penny \"crown / eagle\", two faultless letter pieces, Michel 205,- (5b,6)

25 und 50 Pfennig "Krone/Adler", zwei tadellose Briefstücke, Mi. 205,- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1295 EUR 250
3 penny to 5 Mark \"imperial yacht\", impeccable, used, Michel 1.000.- (7/19) Photos of this collection

3 Pfennig bis 5 Mark "Kaiseryacht" (page)

Lot 1296 EUR 50
10 penny \"imperial yacht\" halved on piece as well 3 Mark \"imperial yacht\" used, impeccable, the bisects corresponded seeming no postal necessity, nevertheless interesting, both values with cancellation \"MULIFANUA\", Michel 170,-+plus (9H,18)

10 Pfennig "Kaiseryacht" halbiert auf Briefstück so (page)

Lot 1297 EUR 210
1 to 5 Mark \"imperial yacht\", used, impeccable, Michel 960.- (16/19)

1 bis 5 Mark "Kaiseryacht", gestempelt, tadellos, Mi. 960.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1298 EUR 35
2 Mark \"imperial yacht\" from lower margin, faultless letter piece, Michel 120,- plus (17)

2 Mark "Kaiseryacht" vom Unterrand, tadelloses Briefstück, Mi. 120,- + (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1299 EUR 45
3 Mark \"imperial yacht\", faultless letter piece, Michel 170.- (18)

3 Mark "Kaiseryacht", tadelloses Briefstück, Mi. 170.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1311 EUR 30
SALAILUA on pair 3 penny \"crown / eagle\", faultless letter piece (7)

SALAILUA auf Paar 3 Pfennig "Krone/Adler", tadelloses Briefstück (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1354 EUR 50
50 C on 40 Pf upper margin plate B impeccable mint never hinged, signed on the base Hey BPP, Michel 300.- (5IPORB)

50 C auf 40 Pf Oberrand Platte B tadellos postfrisch, tiefst gepr. Hey BPP, Mi. 300.- (Ima (page)

Lot 1355 EUR 50
1 Fr. 25 cent on 1 Mark, right margin copy mint never hinged (affixed spot in the margin), Michel 200.- (8) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1 Fr. 25 Cent auf 1 Mark, rechtes Randstück postfrisch (Haftstelle im Rand), Mi. 200.- (page)

Lot 1356 EUR 40
3 cent on 3 Pfg Germania, a-colour, type II, neat cancelled, expertized Hey BPP, Michel 120.- (11aII)

3 Cent auf 3 Pfg Germania, a-Farbe, Type II, tadellos gestempelt, gepr. Hey BPP, Mi. 120.- (Image 1)(page)

Lot 1357 EUR 90
50 C. On 40 Pfg Germania, carmine red / black Zw. 0, 8 used on piece, expertized Hey BPP, Michel 400.- (20bI)

50 C. auf 40 Pfg Germania, karminrot/schwarz Zw. 0,8 gestempelt auf Briefstück, gepr. Hey BPP, Mi. 400.- (page)

Lot 1358 EUR 60
75 C. On 60 Pfg Germania, overprint dull, rotary printing from upper margin with configuration z / g / 2, used on piece, signed Hey BPP, Michel 200.- (21aWOR)

75 C. auf 60 Pfg Germania, Aufdruck matt, Walzendruck vom Oberrand mit Konfiguration z/g/2, gestempelt auf Briefstück, signiert Hey BPP, Mi (page)

Lot 1359 EUR 20
1 F. 25 cent. On 1 Mark in type IBb and II impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 70.- (23IBb,II)

1 F. 25 Cent. auf 1 Mark in Type IBb und II tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 70.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1360 EUR 70
1 F. 25 C, 25: 17 perforation holes, type II, block of four from lower margin of the sheet with overprint HAN \"H 4875.16\", mint never hinged, expertized Hey BPP. (23IIHAN)

1 F. 25 C., 25:17 Zähnungslöcher, Type II, 4er-Block vom Bogenunterrand mit Aufdruck-HAN "H 4875.16", postfrisch, geprüft He (page)

Lot 1361 EUR 60
3, 5 and 10 C, 3 private postal stationery postcards, unused (PP 1/3) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

3, 5 und 10 C., 3 Private Ganzsachenkarten, ungebraucht (Auf dieses Los werden 7 % Importabgaben auf den Zuschlagpreis berec (page)

Lot 1368 EUR 80
5 Pfg Germania dark bluish green with red overprint \"LIBAU\" in type II, neat cancelled on piece, expertized Nagler VP, Michel 130.- (1Bb)

5 Pfg Germania dunkelbläulichgrün mit rotem Aufdruck "LIBAU" in Type II, tadellos gestempelt auf Briefstück, gepr. Nagler VP, Mi. 130.- (page)

Lot 1369 EUR 30
10 Pfg Germania with violet blue overprint \"LIBAU\" in type II, neat cancelled on piece, expertized Nagler VP (2Ba)

10 Pfg Germania mit violettblauem Aufdruck "LIBAU" in Type II, tadellos gestempelt auf Briefstück, gepr. Nagler VP (page)

Lot 1370 EUR 60
15 Pfg Germania with red overprint \"LIBAU\" in type II, neat cancelled on piece, expertized Vossen and Nagler VP, Michel 130.- (3Bb)

15 Pfg Germania mit rotem Aufdruck "LIBAU" in Type II, tadellos gestempelt auf Briefstück, gepr. Vossen und Nagler VP, Mi. 130.- (page)

Lot 1371 EUR 30
20 Pfg Germania with red overprint \"LIBAU\" in type II, used on piece, issued only 2.000 piece, expertized Nagler VP, Michel 80.- (4Bbb)

20 Pfg Germania mit rotem Aufdruck "LIBAU" in Type II, gestempelt auf Briefstück, Auflage nur 2.000 Stück, gepr. Nagler VP, Mi. 80.- (page)

Lot 1372 EUR 100
25 Pfg Germania with red overprint \"LIBAU\", type II, on piece, used \"K. D. Fieldpost station office no. 168 b 8.1.19\" on piece, apart from mould stain in perfect condition, expertized Vossen as well expertise Nagler VP (2022), Michel 400.- (5Bb) (page)
Lot 1373 EUR 200
50 penny Germania dark gray purple / black with red overprint \"LIBAU\" in type II, used \"K. D. Fieldpost station office * a no. 168 6.1.19 4-5 N\" on piece, issued only 300 examples, various signs and expertise Nagler VP (2022), Michel 400.- (6Bb) (page)
Lot 1380 EUR 120
15 B. On 15 Pfg - 40 B. On 30 Pfg, mint never hinged block of four, 15 and 40 B. Expertized Hey BPP, Michel 400.- (1/3)

15 B. auf 15 Pfg - 40 B. auf 30 Pfg, postfrische 4er-Blocks, 15 und 40 B. geprüft Hey BPP, Mi. 400.- (page)

Lot 1381 EUR 40
15 B. On 15 Pfg - 40 B. On 30 Pfg. Uniform from of the right upper corner of the sheet, 25 and 40 B. Expertized Hey BPP, Michel 129.-+plus (1/3ERor)

15 B. auf 15 Pfg - 40 B. auf 30 Pfg. einheitlich aus der rechten oberen Bogenecke, 25 und 40 B. geprüft Hey BPP, Mi. 129.-++ (page)

Lot 1382 EUR 40
40 B. On 30 Pfg., overprint sooty, horizontal pair, rotary printing from upper margin with configuration \"1\'4\'1 / 2\'3\'2\" respectively \"1\'4\'1 / 1\'5\'1\", mint never hinged, expertized Wasels BPP, Michel 170.- (7bWOR)

40 B. auf 30 Pfg., Aufdruck rußig, waagerechtes Paar, Walzendruck vom Ob (page)

Lot 1383 EUR 35
25 B. On 20 Pfg Germania dark ultramarine, neat cancelled KGS \"Bucharest\", expertized Hey BPP (11c)

25 B. auf 20 Pfg Germania dunkelultramarin, tadellos gestempelt KGS "BUKAREST", gepr. Hey BPP (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1384 EUR 40
25 B. On 20 Pfg. Dark ultramarine, plate printing from upper margin, mint never hinged, expertized Wasels BPP, Michel 140,- (11cPOR)

25 B. auf 20 Pfg. dunkelultramarin, Plattendruck vom Oberrand, postfrisch, geprüft Wasels BPP, Mi. 140,- (page)

Lot 1388 EUR 30
5 Bani and 10 Bani postage due stamps, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 120.- (6/7)

5 Bani und 10 Bani Portomarken, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 120.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 1401 EUR 200
75 penny black green, unused with original gum, from right margin of sheet, photo expertize vineyard BPP, Michel 1.000.- (24b) Certificate

75 Pfennig schwarzgrün, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung, (page)

Lot 1402 EUR 350
10 Pfg to 1 Mark postage stamps issue with overprint \"Plesbiscite 20 mars 1921. \", impeccable mint never hinged, expertized Landre and photo expertize Gruber BPP (2004) : \"genuine and in perfect quality. \", Michel 800.- (30/40) (page)
Lot 1403 EUR 5,000
10 Pfg to 1 Mark postage stamps issue with overprint \"Plesbiscite 20 mars 1921. \", complete set in vertical gutter pairs, impeccable mint never hinged, because the stamps not really as all sets or even in multiples to be on sale were allowed it concerns an with this set about a major rarity, the h (page)
Lot 1404 EUR 120
1 M., horizontal pair from lower margin of the sheet with HAN \"H 5009.19\", mint never hinged, Michel 550.- (7HAN)

1 M., waagerechtes Paar vom Bogenunterrand mit HAN "H 5009.19", postfrisch, Mi. 550.- (Im (page)

Lot 1411 EUR 40
75 F. Postal stamp, block of eight from left margin of sheet, plate flaw \"dot besides A from Poczta\", impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 190.- (6PFI,6(7))

75 F. Freimarke, Achterblock vom linken Bogenrand, Plattenfehler "Punkt neben A von Poczta", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 190.- (page)

Lot 1412 EUR 200
1 Mark, 10 Mark, 20 Mark and 50 Mark postal stamps, always as upper margin units (four to block of eight) with faked figure of value of rows over field 5 / 6, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 900.- (7F,14/16F)

1 Mark, 10 Mark, 20 Mark und 50 Mark Freimarken, je als Oberrandeinheiten (Vierer- b (page)

Lot 1413 EUR 40
50 Mark postal stamp, strip of five from upper margin, plate flaw I \"large right fist of the miner\", impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 180.- (13I,13(4))

50 Mark Freimarke, Fünferstreifen vom Oberrand, Plattenfehler I "große rechte Faust des Bergmanns", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 180.- (page)

Lot 3848 EUR 40
1915 / 1916, small correspondence with 7 army postal service picture postcards from England to a Belgian soldiers in France (mostly in Volognes with arrival postmark), mostly good condition

1915/1916, kleine Korrespondenz mit 7 Feldpost-Ansichtskarten aus England an einen belgischen Soldaten in Fr (page)

Lot 3849 EUR 400
5 Fr. Red-brown, unused with original gum in deeper fresh colour, expertized Richter, Michel 1500.- (34b)

5 Fr. rotbraun, ungebraucht mit Originalgummi in tiefer frischer Farbe, geprüft Richter, Mi. 1500.- (page)

Lot 3850 EUR 30
1 C. Orange and 10 C. Red, two unperforated trial proofs (89,91 P)

1 C. orange u. 10 C. rot, zwei ungezähnte Probedrucke (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3851 EUR 500
1933, 5 c. -10 Fr. Orval, complete mint never hinged, impeccable, expertized Drahn, Michel 2.200.- (354/65)

1933, 5 c. -10 Fr. Orval, kpl. postfrisch, tadellos, geprüft Drahn, Mi. 2.200.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3852 EUR 35
1934, 10 C. - 5 Fr. Battle against the tuberculosis, 7 values complete, impeccable unused, Michel 140.- (386/92)

1934, 10 C. - 5 Fr. Kampf gegen die Tuberkulose, 7 Werte komplett, tadellos ungebraucht, Mi. 140.- (page)

Lot 3853 EUR 35
1936, souvenir sheets issue national stamp exhibition, impeccable mint never hinged (Bl.5)

1936, Blockausgabe Nationale Briefmarkenausstellung, tadellos postfrisch (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3854 EUR 80
1951, 80 C. To 40 Fr. \"famous men\", complete set with 12 values, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 320.- (929/40)

1951, 80 C. bis 40 Fr. "Berühmte Männer", kompletter Satz mit 12 Werten, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 320.- (page)

Lot 3856 EUR 50
1952, 4 Fr. And 8 Fr. \"Culture: writer (II) \", always with attaching ornamental field, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 200.- (947/48Zf)

1952, 4 Fr. und 8 Fr. "Kultur: Schriftsteller (II)", je mit anhängendem Zierfeld, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 200.- (page)

Lot 3857 EUR 30
1954, 80 C. - 9 Fr. Beguinage, complete mint never hinged, Michel 150.- (995/1000)

1954, 80 C. - 9 Fr. Beginenhof, komplett postfrisch, Mi. 150.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3858 EUR 35
1958, souvenir sheets issue \"South Pole expedition\", impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 150.- (Bl.25)

1958, Blockausgabe "Südpolar-Expedition", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 150.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3859 EUR 40
1960, 20 F. - 70 F. \"75 years Int. Accociation from railway congresses\", complete set with four values, mint never hinged, faultless condition, Michel 180.- (321/24)

1960, 20 F. - 70 F. "75 Jahre Int. Vereinigung von Eisenbahnkongressen", kompletter Satz mit vier Werten, postfrisch, tadellose Er (page)

Lot 3860 EUR 40
40 Heller double eagle orange yellow, fresh colours, unused, original gum with trace of hinge and rest of hinge, ANK. 290,- (19)

40 Heller Doppeladler orangegelb, farbfrisch, ungebraucht, Originalgummi mit Falzspur und Falzrest, ANK. 290,- (page)

Lot 3861 EUR 170
1852, 2 RBS blue, background in typography, on all sides full to with wide margins, used with nummeral cancel \"1\", a few gum creases and in the right margin outside of the stamp design a light little spot, photo expertize Dr. Debo BPP (2II) (page)
Lot 3862 EUR 70
1937, stamp booklet numerals / Hansen Fonds, mint never hinged, Michel 340,- (MH22)

1937, Markenheftchen Ziffern/Hansen-Fonds, postfrisch, Mi. 340,- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3863 EUR 50
10 Markaa Zeppelin, perfect mint never hinged from upper margin. Slightly creased. Michel 160,- (161)

10 Markaa Zeppelin, einwandfrei postfrisch vom Oberrand. Leicht bügig. Mi.160,- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3864 EUR 120
1930, 10 M. As a single franking on postcard to the Baltic Sea trip, addressed to Lorch / Wuerttemberg, on face flight confirmation stamp, faultless condition. (161)

1930, 10 M. als Einzelfrankatur auf Postkarte zur Ostseefahrt, adressiert nach Lorch/Württemberg, vorderseitig Flugbestätigungsstemp (page)

Lot 3913 EUR 30
10 L. Orange on yellow, close to with wide margins, used, rare stamp (56c)

10 L. orange auf gelb, schmal bis breitrandig, gestempelt, seltene Marke (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3914 EUR 40
1.200 Dr. To 4.000 Dr. \"5 years North Atlantic pact (NATO) \", complete set to three values, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 130.- (615/17)

1.200 Dr. bis 4.000 Dr. "5 Jahre Nordatlantikpakt (NATO)", kpl. Satz zu drei Werten, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 130.- (page)

Lot 3915 EUR 220
10-45 Fil. Independence declaration, unperforated trial printings on yellowish brown paper, mint never hinged, in the handbook of the Croatian philatelist association are these trial printings in perforated execution described, the existing unperforated trial printings waren so far unknown, great ra (page)
Lot 3916 EUR 30
5 Din. Uprising from Timok, unperforated, from upper margin, mint never hinged, impeccable (2005U)

5 Din. Aufstand von Timok, ungezähnt, vom Oberrand, postfrisch, tadellos (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3917 EUR 30
200 Din. Postal service, unperforated from lower margin of sheet, mint never hinged, expertized and photo expertize Velickovic (2176U) Certificate

200 Din. Postdienst, ungezähnt vom unteren Bogenran (page)

Lot 3918 EUR 30
400 on 30 Din. Postal service with inverted overprint, mint never hinged, impeccable, expertized Velickovic BPP (2363K)

400 auf 30 Din. Postdienst mit kopfstehendem Aufdruck, postfrisch, tadellos, gepr. Velickovic BPP (page)

Lot 3919 EUR 200
1941, special edition to the foundation the Croatian German Armed Forces, proof in the typography, in black colour on ungummed art paper, horizontal pair, rare, photo expertize Vukovic VP (2020) : \"the quality is perfect. \" (24/38Probe) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this (page)
Lot 3920 EUR 300
1941, 1, 50 Din and 4 Din issue to use up supply on hand in complete sheets with nine ornamental fields with line perforation 11 1/2 as final perforation right, mint never hinged, sheet 4 Din in the margin gum defect. (39/40) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is ship (page)
Lot 3921 EUR 100
1941 / 1942, 0, 50 Kuna landscapes, two unperforated blocks of four, vertical gutter pair unperforated as well four horizontal pairs with variety \"middle unperforated\", mint never hinged / unused. (48) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or t (page)
Lot 3922 EUR 150
1941 / 1942, 0, 75 Kuna, eight unperforated colours samples, always in the block of four, mint never hinged, Michel 640.- plus (49U(32)) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1941/1942, 0,75 Kuna, acht ungezähnte Farbproben, je im V (page)

Lot 3923 EUR 30
1941 / 1942, 0, 25 Kuna to 50 Kuna landscapes, all fourteen known t_te-b_che pairs, impeccable mint never hinged (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1941/1942, 0,25 Kuna bis 50 Kuna Landschaften, alle vierzehn bekannten Kehrdruck (page)

Lot 3924 EUR 150
1941 / 1942, 5 Kuna, eight unperforated colours samples, always in the block of four, mint never hinged, Michel 640.- plus (56U(32)) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1941/1942, 5 Kuna, acht ungezähnte Farbproben, je im Viererbl (page)

Lot 3925 EUR 250
1941 / 1942, 12 Kuna, thirteen unperforated colours samples, always in the block of four, mint never hinged, Michel 1.040.- plus (61U(72)) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1941/1942, 12 Kuna, dreizehn ungezähnte Farbproben, je (page)

Lot 3926 EUR 400
1942, 2 K. - 4 K. Model plane exhibition, unperforated in the complete sheets with ornamental field, always one stamp with engravers mark, unused without gum, as issued, from minister album, sheet to 2 K. In the margin with ink line. (70/73U) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if (page)
Lot 3927 EUR 100
1942, model plane exhibition souvenir sheet unperforated with exchanged stamp pictures, unused without gum, from minister album. (Bl.2U) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1942, Modellflugzeug-Ausstellungsblock ungezähnt mit vert (page)

Lot 3928 EUR 50
1942, 1, 50 K. Red Cross, proof in dark brown, unperforated in the block of four with ornamental field, unused without gum - as issued, from minister album. (86PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1942, 1,50 K. Rotes Kreuz, Pro (page)

Lot 3929 EUR 50
1942, 1, 50 K. Red Cross, proof in red-brown, unperforated in the block of four with ornamental field, unused without gum, from minister album. (86PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1942, 1,50 K. Rotes Kreuz, Probedruck in ro (page)

Lot 3930 EUR 500
1942, 1, 50 - 13 K. Red Cross, trial proofs without background and without red colour, unperforated in the complete sheets, in addition to it compulsory surtax stamp in same execution, unused without gum, as issued, from minister album. (86/90Zw1PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer pri (page)
Lot 3931 EUR 50
1942, 4 K. Red Cross, proof in black violet, unperforated in the block of four with ornamental field, unused without gum - as issued, from minister album. (88PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1942, 4 K. Rotes Kreuz, Probedru (page)

Lot 3932 EUR 50
1942, 4 K. Red Cross, proof in violet blue, unperforated in the block of four with ornamental field, without gum - as issued, from minister album. (88PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1942, 4 K. Rotes Kreuz, Probedruck in vi (page)

Lot 3933 EUR 50
1942, 13 K. Red Cross, proof in carmine, without background and without red colour, unperforated, in the block of four with ornamental field, unused without gum - as issued, from minister album. (90PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the (page)
Lot 3934 EUR 50
1942, 13 K. Red Cross, proof in black olive green, unperforated in block of four with ornamental field, unused without gum - as issued, from minister album. (90PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1942, 13 K. Rotes Kreuz, Probe (page)

Lot 3935 EUR 200
1943, 2 Kuna to 7 Kuna \"fatigue duty\", compilation with 13 different phases prints respectively trial proofs, Michel 780.- (94/96) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, 2 Kuna bis 7 Kuna "Arbeitsdienst", Zusammenstellung m (page)

Lot 3936 EUR 200
1943, 2 K. - 7 K. Fatigue duty, trial proofs the print period \"picture without Spade\", on paper unwatermarked, each value in three different colours, gummed and ungummed, rare. (94/96PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, (page)

Lot 3937 EUR 250
1943, 2 K. - 7 K. Fatigue duty, in the unperforated miniature sheet only with the printing of the stamp design without printing of the spade and of the decorative border printing, unused without gum, hinge traces partly on face slightly brownish visible on the back, from minister album. (94/96PU) (7 (page)
Lot 3938 EUR 250
1943, 2 K. - 7 K. Fatigue duty, in the unperforated miniature sheet only with the printing of the spade in dark brown and with the decorative border printings, unused without gum, once expertized Dr. Rommerskirchen, from minister album. (94/96PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, (page)
Lot 3939 EUR 250
1943, 2 K. - 7 K. Fatigue duty, in the unperforated miniature sheet only with the printing of the spade in pale yellowish brown, without edge decoration, unused without gum, two pieces expertized Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP, from minister album. (94/96PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer pr (page)
Lot 3940 EUR 150
1943, 2 K. - 7 K. Fatigue duty, unperforated trial proofs, each value in all three colours, partly from margin of sheet, unused without gum. (94/96PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, 2 K. - 7 K. Arbeitsdienst, ungezähnte (page)

Lot 3941 EUR 250
1943, K. - 7 K. Fatigue duty, in the unperforated miniature sheet only with the printing of the spade in gray black and with the decorative border printings, unused without gum, twice expertized Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP, from minister album. (94/96PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer pri (page)
Lot 3942 EUR 200
1943, 2 K. Fatigue duty, colours samples in blue-green and gray green, in the unperforated miniature sheet, mint never hinged. (94PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, 2 K. Arbeitsdienst, Farbproben in blaugrün und graugrü (page)

Lot 3943 EUR 200
1943, 3 K. Fatigue duty, colours samples in two different brown shades, unperforated in the miniature sheet, mint never hinged. (95PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, 3 K. Arbeitsdienst, Farbproben in zwei verschiedenen (page)

Lot 3944 EUR 200
1943, 3, 50 Kuna \"700 years city Zagreb\", unperforated miniature sheet in blue, unused without gum, ex Ministers books. (97U) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, 3,50 Kuna "700 Jahre Stadt Zagreb", ungezähnter Kleinbogen i (page)

Lot 3945 EUR 250
1943 / 1944, 12, 50 Kuna landscapes, three different coloured unperforated trial proofs on ungummed paper, always in the block of four, faultless condition, partly expertized Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP and photo expertize Zrinsjscak, Michel in existing form not listed. (99PU(12)) (7 % import duty will b (page)
Lot 3946 EUR 200
1943 / 1944, 12, 50 Kuna landscapes, proof in brown-carmine red, unused without gum, unperforated, block of four, faultless condition, photo expertize Velickovic (99PU(4)) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK). (page)
Lot 3947 EUR 150
1943, 1 K. - 3, 50 K. Personalities, unperforated colours samples, from each value three various minor shade, mint never hinged respectively unused without gum, as issued, for any man value photo expertize Zrinjscak BPP, from minister album. (103/05PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer (page)
Lot 3948 EUR 200
1943, 1 Kuna to 3, 50 Kuna \"famous Croatians\", 3 values - always in four different minor shade as different coloured trial printings, unused without gum, rare, Michel 600.- (103/05PU(12)) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943 (page)

Lot 3949 EUR 400
1943, Zagreb souvenir sheet, colour proof in black blue with engravers mark, unperforated in the large size with plate number V, mint never hinged with small gum defects, in the corners traces from photo corners - of the attachment in the minister albums, less a defect than an authenticity feature! (page)
Lot 3950 EUR 100
1943, 1 K. To 32 K. \"Red Cross\", complete set to ten values in unperforated gutter pairs, impeccable mint never hinged respectively 12, 50 K. Shaded, Michel 300.- (118/27UZW) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943, 1 K. bis 32 (page)

Lot 3951 EUR 250
1943, 1 Kuna to 32 Kuna \"Red Cross\", interesting lot with trial proofs, phases prints and varieties on unmailed sides, with also gutters and so on, mostly mint never hinged, Michel more then 1.000.- (118/29) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the E (page)
Lot 3952 EUR 50
1943 / 1944, 4 Kuna, 5 Kuna, 8 Kuna and 9 Kuna \"Dr. Ante Pavelic\", vertical gutter pairs, unperforated, as usual in the gutter folded (136u. a.) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1943/1944, 4 Kuna, 5 Kuna, 8 Kuna und 9 Kuna "D (page)

Lot 3953 EUR 250
1944, 7 K. To 32 K. \"official of the postal service and railroad\", interesting lot with numerous varieties and colours samples and special feature of this issue, mainly mint never hinged or unused without gum - as produced, Michel 1.140.-+plus (150/53) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hamme (page)
Lot 3954 EUR 250
1944, 32 Kuna \"disabled veterans\", interesting lot with trial proofs, varieties and phases prints, all in miniature sheet, mostly mint never hinged or unused without gum, good condition. (154) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).


Lot 3955 EUR 200
1944, 7 Kuna to 32 Kuna disabled veterans, interesting lot with varieties like perforations, unperforated, besides trial proofs including phases prints, as well values the issued pieces. (154/57) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).< (page)
Lot 3956 EUR 250
1944, 16 Kuna \"disabled veterans\", interesting lot with trial proofs, varieties and phases prints, all in miniature sheet, mostly mint never hinged or unused without gum, good condition. (155) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).


Lot 3957 EUR 250
1944, 16 Kuna \"disabled veterans\", interesting lot with trial proofs, varieties and phases prints, mostly in miniature sheet, mostly mint never hinged or unused without gum, good condition. (156) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK) (page)
Lot 3958 EUR 250
1944, 32 Kuna \"disabled veterans\", interesting lot with trial proofs, varieties and phases prints, latter partly in miniature sheet, mostly mint never hinged or unused without gum, good condition. (157) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or (page)
Lot 3959 EUR 200
1944, 12, 50 K. Francetic, colour proof in dark blue, unperforated, mint never hinged sheet to thirty stamps, slight trace of creases. (161PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1944, 12,50 K. Francetic, Farbprobe in dunkelblau, (page)

Lot 3960 EUR 200
1944, 12, 50 K. Francetic, colour proof in dark brown, unperforated, mint never hinged sheet to thirty stamps. (161PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1944, 12,50 K. Francetic, Farbprobe in dunkelbraun, ungezähnt, postfrischer (page)

Lot 3961 EUR 100
1944, 3, 50 K. Fatigue duty, colour proof in carmine on orange coloured paper, unperforated in the miniature sheet, unused without gum, as issued. (162PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1944, 3,50 K. Arbeitsdienst, Farbprobe (page)

Lot 3962 EUR 100
1944, 3, 50 K. Fatigue duty, colour proof in carmine brown on orange coloured paper, unperforated in the miniature sheet, unused without gum, as issued, small defect in the margin. (162PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1944, (page)

Lot 3963 EUR 100
1944, 18 K. Fatigue duty, colour proof in black green on orange coloured paper, unperforated in the miniature sheet, unused without gum, as issued, small tear in the margin. (164PU) (7 % import duty will be charged on the hammer price, if this lots is shipped within the EC or the UK).

1944, 18 K. (page)

Lot 3964 EUR 160
10-70 Rp accession to power with first day postmark \"SCHAAN 2. XII. 29\" on registered First Day Cover to Basle with arrival postmark (90/93FDC)

10-70 Rp. Regierungsantritt mit Ersttagsstempel "SCHAAN 2.XII.29" auf R-FDC nach Basel mit Ankunftsstempel (page)

Lot 3965 EUR 160
1930, 3 Rp - 2 Fr. Postal stamps, used \"TRIESENBERG 6. X. 30 \" on 2 registered covers to Mannheim with arrival postmark, slight traces of usage (94/107)

1930, 3 Rp. - 2 Fr. Freimarken, gestempelt "TRIESENBERG 6.X.30 " auf 2 R-Briefen nach Mannheim mit Ankunftsstempel, leichte Bedarfsspuren (page)

Lot 3966 EUR 700
1934, souvenir sheets issue \"Liechtenstein national exhibition Vaduz\", impeccable mint never hinged, original format, unsigned, Michel 2.800.- (Bl.1)

1934, Blockausgabe "Liechtensteinische Landesausstellung Vaduz", tadellos postfrisch, Originalformat, unsigniert, Mi. 2.800.- (page)

Lot 3967 EUR 250
1934, Vaduz souvenir sheet, unused with only slight gum defects, small yellowish paper inclusion, Michel 1.700.- (Bl.1)

1934, Vaduz-Block, ungebraucht mit nur leichten Gummifehlern, kleiner gelblicher Papiereinschluss, Mi. 1.700.- (page)

Lot 3968 EUR 60
1939, 5 Fr. Prince Franz Joseph II., miniature sheet, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 220.- (185KB)

1939, 5 Fr. Fürst Franz Josef II., Kleinbogen, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 220.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3969 EUR 150
1941, 10 Fr. \"madonna from Dux\", miniature sheet code letter D, mint never hinged, faultless condition, Michel 500.- (197KB)

1941, 10 Fr. "Madonna von Dux", Kleinbogen Kennbuchstabe D, postfrisch, tadellose Erhaltung, Mi. 500.- (page)

Lot 3970 EUR 80
1946, 10 Franc \"Holy Luzius\", miniature sheet, mint never hinged, Michel 350.- (247KB)

1946, 10 Franken "Heiliger Luzius", Kleinbogen, postfrisch, Mi. 350.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3971 EUR 80
1951, 5 Ry-1 Fr. With first day postmark \"VADUZ 3. V. 51\" on registered First Day Cover to Basle with arrival postmark (289/300FDC)

1951, 5 Ry-1 Fr. mit Ersttagsstempel "VADUZ 3.V.51" auf R-FDC nach Basel mit Ankunftsstempel (page)

Lot 3972 EUR 80
1951, 2 Fr. - 3 Fr. Prince and Princess in B-perforation, full original gum - through moisture a little hygros copied, rare set, Michel 1.500.- (304/05B)

1951, 2 Fr. - 3 Fr. Fürstenpaar in B-Zähnung, volle Originalgummierung - durch Feuchtigkeit etwas hygroskopiert., seltener Satz, Mi. 1.500.- (page)

Lot 3973 EUR 150
5 Fr. Castle Vaduz with first day special cancel \"VADUZ 25. IX. 52\" on registered First Day Cover to Geneva with arrival postmark, Michel 800.- (309FDC)

5 Fr. Schloss Vaduz mit Ersttagssonderstempel "VADUZ 25.IX.52" auf R-FDC nach Genf mit Ankunftsstempel, Mi. 800.- (page)

Lot 3974 EUR 700
2019, 630 Rp, 300 years Principality Liechtenstein, special edition with 24 carat real gold thread and affixed Swarowski crystal, mint never hinged in original packaging, Michel 1.600.- (1932B)

2019, 630 Rp., 300 Jahre Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sonderedition mit 24-Karat-Echtgoldfaden und aufgekle (page)

Lot 3975 EUR 100
400 years Principality Liechtenstein souvenir sheet mint never hinged in book, still in original packaging (Bl.18B)

400 Jahre Fürstentum Liechtenstein Block postfrisch in Buch, noch Originalverpackt (Image (page)

Lot 3976 EUR 150
1891, 1 C. 5 Fr. Prince Albert complete unused, Michel 850.- (11/21)

1891, 1 C.-5 Fr. Fürst Albert komplett ungebraucht, Mi. 850.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3977 EUR 50
1949, 5 Fr. To 100 Fr. \"75 years Universal Postal Union\", unperforated special prints, seven values, impeccable mint never hinged, unsigned. (401/07B)

1949, 5 Fr. bis 100 Fr. "75 Jahre Weltpostverein", ungezähnte Sonderdrucke, sieben Werte, tadellos postfrisch, unsigniert. (page)

Lot 3978 EUR 120
1955, 100 - 1000 Fr. Airmail seabirds uniform with lower margins, 4 values complete, impeccable mint never hinged, unsigned set in outstanding quality the good issue (502/05A)

1955, 100 - 1000 Fr. Flugpost Seevögel einheitlich mit Unterrändern, 4 Werte komplett, tadellos postfrisch, unsignierter L (page)

Lot 3979 EUR 35
Olympic Games 1980, special pair, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 320.- (1415/20)

Olympia 1980, Sonderdruckpaar, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 320.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 3980 EUR 70
1 kreuzer yellow, machine paper, vertical strip of three, right cut into, otherwise with wide margins, used two ring cancel \"BALASSA GYARMAT\", Fb. 975.- (1M(3))

1 Kreuzer gelb, Maschinenpapier, senkrechter Dreierstreifen, rechts angeschnitten, sonst breitrandig, gestempelt K2 "BALASSA GYARMAT", (page)

Lot 3981 EUR 40
1 kreuzer yellow, handmade paper type I, double-sided printing 2-piece, having full to wide margins, clear framed cancel of 3 lines \"PESTH 10 / 7\", Fb. 200.- (1XaDD)

1 Kreuzer gelb, Handpapier Type I, doppelseitiger Druck 2-teilig, voll- bis breitrandig, klarer Ra3 "PESTH 10/7", Fb. 200.- (page)

Lot 3982 EUR 100
1 kreuzer, yellow ochre, silk paper 0, 07 mm, type Ib, horizontal pair, box cancel of 2 lines \"Vienna 2. May\" multiple, on all sides having full to wide margins, photo expertize Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB: \"paper unevennessess, good margined very fine example, Fb 515.- (1Xaw(2)) (page)
Lot 3983 EUR 90
1 kreuzer, orange ochre, handmade paper type Ib, on local printed matter, clear two ring cancel \"railway station Brno 11 / 11\" (1852) and arrival postmark, photo expertize Steiner VOeB (2020) : \"the fresh stamp is minimal touched to full margins, the printed matter cover point at aging traces on. (page)
Lot 3984 EUR 100
2017, Dispenser set 1, no. 1-4 in the folding folder \"nice Austria\". Contains the four first Dispenser stamps used as well a se-tenant with the four subjects on postage stamp paper (1/4)

2017, Dispenser-Serie 1, Nr.1-4 im Klappfolder "Schönes Österreich". Enthält die vier ersten Dispenser-Marken (page)

Lot 3985 EUR 100
2 kreuzer black, handmade paper type IIIa, vertical strip of three, 2 two ring cancel \"TIRNAU\", upper stamp minimal rubbed spot and slight wrinkles, lower stamp corner crease, lower pair left partly very close margin, otherwise having full to wide margins, Fb. 1.250.- (2Xa(3))

2 Kreuzer schwarz, (page)

Lot 3986 EUR 150
2 kreuzer black, handmade paper type IIIa, horizontal strip of three with double cancellation, right above and at the bottom middle minimal touched, otherwise full margins, right stamp plate flaw \"white egg in the coat edge\" (Fb. No. 30), photo expertize Dr. Ferchenbauer, Fb. 1.250.- (2Xa(3)) (page)
Lot 3987 EUR 100
2 kreuzer, deep black, ultra-fine printing, machine paper type IIIb, on local letter, red oval cancel \"K. K. BRIEF-FILIALAMT RECOMANDIRT Vienna 26 / 7 1858\", the stamp war from the incomplete envelope cut out and reinserted. Photo expertize Steiner VOeB (2020) : \"the stamp is above strong cut int (page)
Lot 3988 EUR 40
2 kreuzer black, machine paper type IIIb, vertical pair, large margins all around (vertical crease). Always two ring cancel \"TIRNAU\", Fb. 340.- (2Ya(2))

2 Kreuzer schwarz, Maschinenpapier Type IIIb, senkrechtes Paar, allseits breitrandig (senkr. Bug). je K2 "TIRNAU", Fb. 340.- (page)

Lot 3989 EUR 70
3 Kr. Pale red, handmade paper type IIIa, left lower corner of the sheet, 7 : 4 mm, centered clear single circle postmark \"PERESZLENY 17 / 1\" (Mueller no. 2104, 40 points), Michel 350.- (3Xa)

3 Kr. blassrot, Handpapier Type IIIa, linke untere Bogenecke, 7 : 4 mm, zentrischer klarer K1 "PERESZLEN (page)

Lot 3990 EUR 40
3 kreuzer pale red, machine paper type IIIb, still full to huge margins (above very close margin, at the bottom with neighbor stamp), clear red single circle postmark \"Vienna RECOMMANDIRT 14 / 5 1858\" (Mueller no. 3214 Rd), Michel 200.- (3Ya)

3 Kreuzer blassrot, Maschinenpapier Type IIIb, noch v (page)

Lot 3991 EUR 40
3 kreuzer pale red, machine paper type IIIb, horizontal left margin pair (5 mm), large margins all around, cancellation handwritten and three-line cancel \"FRIEDLAND in Bohemia 7 7\" (Mueller no. 730) (3Ya(2))

3 Kreuzer blassrot, Maschinenpapier Type IIIb, waagerechtes linkes Randpaar (5 mm), alls (page)

Lot 3992 EUR 40
6 kreuzer brown, handmade paper type Ia, double cancellation two ring cancel \"TRIEST 16 / 6\" and \"Villach 18 / 6\" on piece with postage stamps added to cover to pay postage due 3 kreuzer rose red, handmade paper type Ia, with clear two-line cancel manuscript postmark \"Villach 18 JUNY\", interes (page)
Lot 3993 EUR 100
6 kreuzer violet brown, type III handmade paper, vertical upper corner margin pair 8, 5 : 6, 5 mm on complete folded letter to Heidenreichstein, always clear centered two ring cancel \"MA. LACZKA 9 / 12\" (Mueller no. 1603 a), photo expertize Steiner VOeB (2020) : \"fresh pair, left enormous margins (page)
Lot 3994 EUR 50
2 Kr. Pale orange red, used \"Triest 15 / 6\", impeccable, photo expertize Goller BPP, Michel 300.- (10IIc) Certificate

2 Kr. hellorange, gestempelt "Triest 15/6", tadellos, Fotobefund Goller BPP, M (page)

Lot 3995 EUR 35
2. Kr. Franz Joseph, type II, pale orange red, used, photo expertize Rismondo BPP: \"genuine and immaculate\", Michel 300.- (10IIc) Certificate

2. Kr. Franz-Joseph, Type II, hellorange, gest., Fotob (page)

Lot 3996 EUR 140
2 kreuzer Franz Joseph, orange, type II, neat cancelled \"TRIEST 28 / 2\", impeccable, Fb. 700.- (10IIe)

2 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, orange, Type II, klar gestempelt "TRIEST 28/2", tadellos, Fb. 700.- (Image 1 (page)

Lot 3997 EUR 400
2 kreuzer Franz Joseph, type I dark yellow, horizontal pair with 2 red oval cancels \"K. K. MAIL OFFICE RECOMANDIRT Vienna 10 / 11 18 / 58\" ; expertized and photo expertize Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB: \"genuine, the stamps are complete, the design of the stamp is to at the bottom on the right off-center (page)
Lot 3998 EUR 50
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, black, type II, red cancellation, photo expertize Dr. Ferchenbauer: \"perfect perforations superb item\", Fb. 285.- (11IIa) Certificate

3 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, schwarz, Type (page)

Lot 3999 EUR 40
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, deep black, type II, used, photo expertize Steiner VOeB: \"strong with defective or badly placed perforation, patina, very fine example\", Fb. No. 11 IIc, 310.- (11IIa) Certificate (page)
Lot 4000 EUR 120
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, black, type Ia, used with blue additional cancel one-line cancel \"FRANK (O) \" (Mueller no. 3701 a, 510 points), impeccable, expertized Rismondo, Michel 420.- (11Ia)

3 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, schwarz, Type Ia, gestempelt mit blauem Zusatzstempel L1 "FRANK(O)" (Müller Nr. 370 (page)

Lot 4001 EUR 100
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, black, type Ib, plate flaw \"bulldogs head\" on piece, clear framed four line cancel \"Prague\", impeccable, expertized Wallner, Michel 500.- (11IbPFI)

3 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, schwarz, Type Ib, Plattenfehler "Bulldoggenkopf" auf Briefstück, klarer Ra4 "PRAG", tadellos, gepr (page)

Lot 4002 EUR 60
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, black, type Ib, red cancellation framed cancel of 3 lines \"Vienna\" and stroke of pen, impeccable, Fb. 325.- (11Iba)

3 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, schwarz, Type Ib, rot gestempelt Ra3 "WIEN" und Federzug, tadellos, Fb. 325.- (page)

Lot 4003 EUR 150
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, black, type Ic, used framed cancel of 3 lines \"Vienna\", impeccable, Fb. 420.- (11Ic)

3 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, schwarz, Type Ic, gestempelt Ra3 "WIEN", tadellos, Fb. 420.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4004 EUR 90
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, green, 3 pieces on piece (left stamp from other sheet), 2 clear single circle postmark \"TRIEST 8 / 11\" (inverted 8), not so fresh and blotched, otherwise impeccable, photo expertize Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB: \"very fine example\", Fb. 610.- (12a(3)) (page)
Lot 4005 EUR 80
3 kreuzer Franz Joseph, bluish green, neat cancelled framed cancel of 3 lines \"Vienna 2-X\" and blue company advance cancellation, photo expertize Steiner VOeB: \"perfect perforations superb item\", Fb. 300.- (12b) (page)
Lot 4006 EUR 30
10 kreuzer Franz Joseph brown in very good centering on cover (this file fold) from \"TRIEST 7 / 7 in the evening\" (single circle cancel) to Klagenfurt, additional cancellation \"to dispatch / of the postal service\" (14II)

10 Kreuzer Franz Joseph braun in sehr guter Zentrierung auf Brief (dieser (page)

Lot 4007 EUR 140
(1, 05) kreuzer newspaper stamp blue, used, expertized and attest Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB: \"still unwashed having full margins superb item\", Fb. 850.- (16a) Certificate

(1,05) Kreuzer Zeitungsmarke (page)

Lot 4008 EUR 130
(1, 05) kreuzer newspaper stamp blue, used, having full to wide margins, Fb. 850.- (16a)

(1,05) Kreuzer Zeitungsmarke blau, gestempelt, voll- bis breitrandig, Fb. 850.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4009 EUR 160
1, 05 Kr. Blue with plate flaw \"bulbous nose\", full to with wide margins, used, expertized and attest Klambauer (16a) Certificate

1,05 Kr. blau mit Plattenfehler "Knollennase", voll bis breitrandi (page)

Lot 4010 EUR 100
(1, 05) kreuzer newspaper stamp lilac, on all sides having full to wide margins on piece, clear Veneto cancel \"ROVIGO 7 / 11\" ; impeccable, Fb. 550.- (17b)

(1,05) Kreuzer Zeitungsmarke lila, allseits voll- bis breitrandig auf Briefstück, klarer Venetienstempel "ROVIGO 7/11"; tadellos, Fb. 550.- (page)

Lot 4011 EUR 170
1861, 1, 05 Kr. Newspaper stamp light grey, mint never hinged block of four, on all sides having full to wide margins, one stamp gum crease, right small pre-separation cut between the stamps, expertized Pfenniger (23a)

1861, 1,05 Kr. Zeitungsmarke hellgrau, postfrischer 4er-Block, allseits voll- b (page)

Lot 4012 EUR 70
(1, 05) kreuzer, newspaper stamp, gray lilac, used, expertized and attest Matl VOeB: \"genuine, left slightly affects otherwise full margins, freshly minted untreated piece\", ANK 480.- (23c) Certificate< (page)
Lot 4013 EUR 50
(1, 05) kreuzer, newspaper stamp, gray violet, unused without gum, attest Steiner VOeB: \"without evident marks of cancellation, horizontal kink at the bottom, small tiny stain spot in the left margin, with enormous margins original\", ANK 950 for * (23c) (page)
Lot 4014 EUR 40
50 kreuzer Franz Joseph brown, rough print, right above with part of watermark, two tenuous single circle postmark \"Cracow\" ; expertized and attest Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB: \"superb item\", Fb. 235.- (41Ia) (page)

Lot 4015 EUR 40
5 Kr. Double eagle rose red, mint never hinged, expertized Ferchenbauer (corner tooth perforation crease), Fb. No. 46 c, 250.- (46)

5 Kr. Doppeladler rosarot, postfrisch, gepr. Ferchenbeuer (Eckzahnbug), Fb. Nr. 46 c, 250.- (page)

Lot 4016 EUR 500
2, 50 Kr. On 3 Kr., perforated L 11 1/2 with additional franking on properly franked airmail cover from \"Vienna 31. V. 18\" to Lviv, photo expertize Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB (226xB) Certificate

2,50 K (page)

Lot 4017 EUR 140
10 Groschen to 1 Shilling, Rotary-congress, 6 values complete mint never hinged, impeccable, Michel 650.- (518/23)

10 Groschen bis 1 Schilling, Rotary-Kongress, 6 Werte komplett postfrisch, tadellos, Mi. 650.- (page)

Lot 4018 EUR 30
12 and 30 Groschen, FIS contests I, with special cancel on special postcard (creasely), crease through 30 Groschen (551,553)

12 und 30 Groschen, FIS-Wettkämpfe I, mit Sonderstempel auf Sonderpostkarte (bügig), Bug durch 30 Groschen (page)

Lot 4019 EUR 120
12 to 50 Groschen, FIS contests I, 4 values complete used (551/54)

12 bis 50 Groschen, FIS-Wettkämpfe I, 4 Werte komplett gestempelt (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4020 EUR 170
1933, 50 g. \"Vienna Philatelic Exhibition\", granite paper, impeccable mint never hinged, corner margin piece (in the sheet margins hinge traces), unsigned, photo expertize Soecknick BPP (2022) : \"genuine and immaculate\", Michel 750.- (556A) (page)
Lot 4021 EUR 100
1933, 12 Gr. To 64 Gr. \"Catholic day\", complete set, mint never hinged, faultless condition, photo expertize Soecknick BPP: \"genuine and immaculate\", Michel 420.- (557/62) Certificate

1933, 12 G (page)

Lot 4022 EUR 60
5 Pfg. Hitler, grid overprint type II, horizontal pair on local letter \"Vienna\" ; (flap is absent) (668II(2))

5 Pfg. Hitler, Gitteraufdruck Type II, waagerechtes Paar auf Ortsbrief "WIEN"; (Klappe fehlt) (page)

Lot 4023 EUR 60
6 Pfg. Hitler with grid overprint, properly franked single franking on postcard from \"Vienna 22. VI. 46\" to Baden by Vienna, ANK 460.- (669)

6 Pfg. Hitler mit Gitteraufdruck, portorichtige Einzelfrankatur auf Postkarte von "WIEN 22.VI.46" nach Baden bei Wien, ANK 460.- (page)

Lot 4024 EUR 40
1945, 1 Reichmark - 5 Reichmark \"Hitler\" with grid overprint, no longer placed on issue, four values complete, impeccable mint never hinged, superb in every respect (choice copy), photo expertize Dr. Glavanovitz VOeB (2022) : \"genuine and immaculate. \", Michel 240.- (Va/Vd) (page)
Lot 4025 EUR 40
1945, 1 Reichmark - 5 Reichmark \"Hitler\" with grid overprint, no longer placed on issue, four values complete, impeccable mint never hinged, superb in every respect (choice copy), photo expertize Dr. Glavanovitz VOeB (2022) : \"genuine and immaculate. \", Michel 240.- (Va/Vd) (page)
Lot 4026 EUR 40
1945, 1 Reichmark - 5 Reichmark \"Hitler\" with grid overprint, no longer placed on issue, four values complete, impeccable mint never hinged, superb in every respect (choice copy), photo expertize Dr. Glavanovitz VOeB (2022) : \"genuine and immaculate. \", Michel 240.- (Va/Vd) (page)
Lot 4027 EUR 180
1945, 1 Reichmark to 5 Reichmark \"Hitler\" with overprint \"Austria\" in type I, Reichmark in B-perforation, otherwise in A-perforation, impeccable mint never hinged, photo expertize Glavanovitz VOeB (2022) : \"genuine and immaculate\", Michel 800.- (693/96I) (page)
Lot 4028 EUR 160
1 to 5 Reichmark, Grazer overprint type I, 4 values mint never hinged, Michel 800.- (693/96II)

1 bis 5 Reichsmark, Grazer Aufdruck Type I, 4 Werte postfrisch, Mi. 800.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4029 EUR 120
1945, 1 Reichmark to 5 Reichmark \"Hitler\" with overprint \"Austria\" in type II, impeccable mint never hinged, photo expertize Glavanovitz VOeB (2022) : \"genuine and immaculate\", Michel 500.- (693/96II) (page)
Lot 4030 EUR 120
1 to 5 Shilling, Renner, unperforated on miniature sheet, left with ornamental field, complete mint never hinged, impeccable, ANK no. 780 / 83 B, 450.- (772/75B)

1 bis 5 Schilling, Renner, ungezähnt auf Kleinbogen, links mit Zierfeld, komplett postfrisch, tadellos, ANK Nr. 780/83 B, 450.- (page)

Lot 4031 EUR 160
1 Shilling to 5 Shilling \"Karl Renner\" on yellow Japan paper, cut, complete set in horizontal gutter pairs, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 700.- (772/75ZW)

1 Schilling bis 5 Schilling "Karl Renner" auf gelbem Japan-Papier, geschnitten, kompletter Satz in waagerechten Zwischenstegpaaren, ta (page)

Lot 4032 EUR 60
60 Groschen to 20 Shilling, birds, 7 values complete used, impeccable, ANK no. 967 / 73, 360.- (ex955/987)

60 Groschen bis 20 Schilling, Vögel, 7 Werte komplett gestempelt, tadellos, ANK Nr. 967/73, 360.- (page)

Lot 4033 EUR 80
60 Groschen to 20 Shilling, birds, 7 values complete mint never hinged, impeccable, ANK no. 967 / 73, 420.- (ex955/987)

60 Groschen bis 20 Schilling, Vögel, 7 Werte komplett postfrisch, tadellos, ANK Nr. 967/73, 420.- (page)

Lot 4034 EUR 80
60 Groschen to 20 Shilling, birds, 7 values complete mint never hinged, impeccable, ANK no. 967 / 73, 420.- (ex955/987)

60 Groschen bis 20 Schilling, Vögel, 7 Werte komplett postfrisch, tadellos, ANK Nr. 967/73, 420.- (page)

Lot 4036 EUR 240
55 cent, Christmas 2006, church of pilgrimage Christkindl, unperforated, horizontal pair, mint never hinged, Michel 1.200.- (2656U(2))

55 Cent, Weihnachten 2006, Wallfahrtskirche Christkindl, ungezähnt, waagerechtes Paar, postfrisch, Mi. 1.200.- (page)

Lot 4037 EUR 50
6, 90 Euro crypto currency. Variety in black perfect mint never hinged and additional on First Day Cover. (3470)

6,90 Euro Kryptowährung. Variante in schwarz einwandfrei postfrisch und zusätzlich auf Ersttagsbrief. (page)

Lot 4038 EUR 40
(G) FOeHL 29 April, curve cancel S.O.T.N on 3 kreuzer red, handmade paper type III, still full margins (on all sides very close margin), Mueller no. 785 d, 420 points (3Xa)

(G)FÖHL 29 Apr., Bogenstempel klar und zentrisch auf 3 Kreuzer rot, Handpapier Type III, noch vollrandig (allseits Lupenrand) (page)

Lot 4039 EUR 40
K. K. Driving post office / Vienna SALZBURG No. (13), two-line cancel clear on piece 5 kreuzer double eagle in the oval, Mueller no. 3413 a, 280 points (32a)

K.K.FAHRENDES POSTAMT / WIEN SALZBURG No.(13), L2 klar auf Briefstück 5 Kreuzer Doppeladler im Oval, Müller Nr. 3413a, 280 Punkte (page)

Lot 4040 EUR 60
K. K. Driving post office / Vienna SALZBURG No. 12; two-line cancel complete on piece with twice 5 kreuzer double eagle in the oval, Mueller no. 3412 a, 400 points (32a)

K.K.FAHRENDES POSTAMT / WIEN SALZBURG No.12; L2 vollständig auf Briefstück mit 2mal 5 Kreuzer Doppeladler im Oval, Müller Nr. 34 (page)

Lot 4041 EUR 200
K. K. Postal service direction for Austria under the ENNS, clear blue centered almost complete directorate postmark on 10 kreuzer blue double eagle, photo expertize Rismondo BPP: \"genuine and immaculate, very scarce cancellation\", Mueller 3504, 850 points (former starting price 250) (33a) (page)
Lot 4042 EUR 40
To from (gang) / the P (east), delayed cancellation, on 5 kreuzer double eagle in the oval passing over partial cancel on piece with single circle postmark \"TRIEST 26 / 1\". Mueller no. 3731 a, 600 points (26a)

NACH AB(GANG)/DER P(OST), Verspätungsstempel, auf 5 Kreuzer Doppeladler im Oval überge (page)

Lot 4043 EUR 40
Vienna, mute 3 ring cancel with numeral 1, nearly completely with unknown cancellation traces on 3 kreuzer red, handmade paper type III, large margins all around, cancel for retroactive cancellations, Mueller no. 3214 u, 450 points (3Xa)

WIEN, stummer 3-Ring-Stempel mit Ziffer 1, fast vollständig (page)

Lot 4044 EUR 500
Vienna, mute rhombus postmark almost complete strike of this rarity on 3 kreuzer blunt pink, machine paper, type IIIb, with partial cancel of a circular cancel, expertized and photo expertize Steiner VOeB (2020) : \"stamp is having full to wide margins, the strike of a postmark is for this cancel go (page)
Lot 4045 EUR 50
Vienna, mute four-circle punch with nine a little close fitting points, nearly completely on 2 kreuzer gray black, handmade paper type Ia, full margins, scratched and slight aging traces on document fixed, Mueller no. 3214 f, 300 points (2Xc)

WIEN, stummer Vierkreisstempel mit neun etwas enger anl (page)

Lot 4046 EUR 70
50 and 90 Heller Karl I., not issued fieldpost stamps with overprint BANI for Romania, mint never hinged, ANK 360.- (X,XIII)

50 und 90 Heller Karl I., nicht ausgegebene Feldpostmarken mit Aufdruck BANI für Rumänien, postfrisch, ANK 360.- (page)

Lot 4047 EUR 500
80 Heller Karl I., not issued fieldpost stamp with overprint BANI for Romania, mint never hinged, expertized Dr. Ferchenbauer, Fb. 2.300.- (XII)

80 Heller Karl I., nicht ausgegebene Feldpostmarke mit Aufdruck BANI für Rumänien, postfrisch, gepr. Dr. Ferchenbauer, Fb. 2.300.- (page)

Lot 4048 EUR 170
1 Heller to 10 coronas, Franz Joseph, 21 values complete used, Fb. 560.- (1/21)

1 Heller bis 10 Kronen, Franz Joseph, 21 Werte komplett gest., Fb. 560.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4049 EUR 50
1903, 25 c. On 25 H. Perforated K 13: 13 1 / 2, mint never hinged, impeccable, photo expertize Goller BPP, Michel 200.- (3A) Certificate

1903, 25 c. auf 25 H. gezähnt K 13:13 1/2, postfrisch, tadell (page)

Lot 4050 EUR 30
50 c. On 50 H, perforated K 13: 13 1/2 with part of cancellation \"CANEA\", perforation irregularities, photo expertize Goller BPP, Michel 200.- (4A) Certificate

50 c. auf 50 H., gezähnt K 13:13 1/2 (page)

Lot 4051 EUR 30
1 Fr. On 1 Kr. Reddish lilac, with part of cancellation \"CANEA\", perforation irregularities, photo expertize Goller BPP, Michel 180.- (5a) Certificate

1 Fr. auf 1 Kr. rötlichlila, mit Teilstempel (page)

Lot 4052 EUR 50
2 Soldi double eagle yellow, wide perforated, two ring cancel\" (CONSTANTI) NOPEL\", attest Dr. Ferchenbauer VOeB: \"genuine, left upper corner smoothed, at the bottom tear (1, 5 mm) \", Fb. 550.- (V19) C (page)
Lot 4053 EUR 80
Lombardy Venetia 1864, 10 special dark brown with thimble cancel \"SMYRNE 19.12.68\" on cover to Vienna (V23)

Lombardei Venetien 1864, 10 So. dunkelbraun mit Fingerhutstempel "SMYRNE 19.12.68" auf Brief nach Wien (page)

Lot 4054 EUR 160
Lombardy Venetia 1864, 10 special dark brown with blue single circle \"SERES 2 / 3\" on complete folded letter to Vienna, stamp mould stain (V23)

Lombardei Venetien 1864, 10 So. dunkelbraun mit blauem Ekr. "SERES 2/3" auf kpl. Faltbrief nach Wien, Marke Stockflecken (page)

Lot 4055 EUR 160
3 special green, 5 special red and 15 special pale brown as decorative 3 colours franking on cover from \"BERUTTI 6 / 5\" to florence, photo expertize Enzo Diena (2I,3I,5I)

3 So. grün, 5 So. rot und 15 So. hellbraun als dekorative 3-Farben Frankatur auf Brief von "BERUTTI 6/5" nach Florenz, Fotoat (page)

Lot 4056 EUR 70
10 Soldi blue, Franz Joseph, coarser beard, unused, perfect perforations, Michel 350.- (4Ia)

10 Soldi blau, Franz Joseph, grober Bart, ungebraucht, vollzähnig, Mi. 350.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4057 EUR 50
1881, 15 S. Brown, fine printing, with part of cancellation \"CONSTANTINOPEL\", impeccable, photo expertize Goller BPP, Michel 200.- (5II) Certificate

1881, 15 S. braun, feiner Druck, mit Teilstempe (page)

Lot 4058 EUR 40
1918, 6-24 H. City view, uniform used on pieces, expertized Jungjohann BPP (7/9)

1918, 6-24 H. Stadtansicht, einheitlich gestempelt auf Briefstücken, gepr. Jungjohann BPP (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4059 EUR 40
30 Centesimi brown, machine paper type III, horizontal strip of three, used, above and left with wide margins, at the bottom closely still full margins, right minimal touched, Fb. 300.- (4Y(3))

30 Centesimi braun, Maschinenpapier Type III, waagerechter Dreierstreifen, gestempelt, oben und links br (page)

Lot 4060 EUR 70
3 Soldi black Franz Joseph, type I, used, perfect, Fb. 300.- (7Ia)

3 Soldi schwarz Franz Joseph, Type I, gestempelt, einwandfrei, Fb. 300.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4061 EUR 60
3 Soldi gray black Franz Joseph, type I, used (corner crease, lower perforation minimal scuffed), ANK 750.-- (7Ib)

3 Soldi grauschwarz Franz Joseph, Type I, gestempelt (Eckbug, untere Zähne minimal bestoßen), ANK 750.-- (page)

Lot 4062 EUR 400
3 Soldi black (2) and 10 Soldi purple brown on cover from \"VENEZIA 19 / 5\" to Venice, photo certificates Steiner VOeB and Babor VOeB (7IIa,10II) Certificate

3 Soldi schwarz (2) und 10 Soldi lilabr (page)

Lot 4063 EUR 850
Polish occupation from Warwiszki 1923, 100 M. Unused, signed Mikulski and Petriuk BPP, rare stamp, there are only issued 500 piece (2)

Polnische Besetzung von Warwiszki 1923, 100 M. ungebraucht, sign. Mikulski und Petriuk BPP, seltene Marke, die Auflage beträgt nur 500 Stück (page)

Lot 4066 EUR 50
10 and 14 K. Coat of arms, along with five beautiful red varnish seals on the insured letter reverse side, with indication of value over \"26 fr. 67 san. \" in French currency to Berlin (arrival cancel from 29.7.09), beautiful and rare document (41/50)

10 u. 14 K. Wappen, zusammen mit fünf schönen (page)

Lot 4068 EUR 150
1966, 4 Kop. Society and technique, y-paper = fluorescing, variety \"without indication of value and country name\" = testing stamp as a trial measure new stamping machines, impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 600.- (3282y(6))

1966, 4 Kop. Gesellschaft und Technik, y-Papier = fluoreszierend, Abar (page)

Lot 4069 EUR 100
50 C. To 10 L. Airmail stamps 1931, complete set impeccable unused with original gum and rest of hinge, the edition the 10 L. Stamps amounts to only 9.500 piece, Michel 1.500.- for ** (165/74)

50 C. bis 10 L. Flugpostmarken 1931, kpl. Satz tadellos ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung und Falzrest, (page)

Lot 4070 EUR 650
1843, 6 Rp black / dark brownish red, horizontal lines background, type IV - 54 stamp of the sheet of 100, tied by black Zurich rosette, having bright colours and with enormous margins extremely fine copy with visible cutting lines at all four sides, expertized Moser and certificate Marchand SBPV (2 (page)
Lot 4071 EUR 340
1846, 5 C. Black on vivid yellow-olive, left at the bottom of the margin line cut otherwise four sides excellent margined and in good condition, tied by red Genevan rosette, alongside two ring cancel \"GENEVE 19 May 47\" on piece, certificate Marchand SBPV (2022), Michel 1.700.- (4) (page)
Lot 4072 EUR 560
1850, 5 C. Posthorn with Swiss coat of arms, so-called \"Vaud\", centric cancellation with red Genevan rosette, large margins all around and having bright colours extremely fine copy, expertized Fulpius, Moser and certificate Marchand SBPV (2022) : \"in perfect condition. \", Michel 1.600.- (Zumstei (page)
Lot 4073 EUR 500
1850, 2 1/2 Rp \"local mail\" in type I (with cross bordering), horizontal pair (types 37 and 38), tied by blue dated postmark \"Boudevilliers 29 . 1851\" on piece, apart from one slight touch above large margins all around and having bright colours good overall condition, expertized Richter and pho (page)
Lot 4074 EUR 300
1862, 2 Rp dark gray, horizontal pair, having bright colours and having full margins extremely fine copy, cancelled \"BERN 4 MARZ 1863\", expertized Moser and photo expertize Marchand SBPV (2022) : \"in perfect condition. \" (19(2)) (page)
Lot 4075 EUR 100
1864, 1 Fr. Gold, Seated Helvetia, neat cancelled \"Promontogno 7. IX. 78\", impeccable, photo expertize Marchand SBPV (2022) : \"in perfect condition. \", Michel 420.- (28b) Certificate

1864, 1 Fr. (page)

Lot 4076 EUR 380
1882, 10 c. Rose, white paper, unused, impeccable, photo expertize Rellstab, Michel 2.200.- (47) Certificate

1882, 10 c. rosa, weißes Papier, ungebraucht, tadellos, Fotoattest Rellstab, Mi. 2.200.- (page)

Lot 4077 EUR 380
1 Fr. Lilac with slim control mark. Perforated 11 1 / 2: 12, unused, impeccable, photo expertize Zumstein, Michel 2.400.- (63yD) Certificate

1 Fr. lila mit schlankem Kontrollzeichen. gezähnt 11 1/2: (page)

Lot 4078 EUR 550
1907, 2 Rp to 5 Rp \"Tell boy within\", set in blocks of four, each value centric neat cancelled, very rare, 3 Rp photo expertize Renngli, 5 Rp photo expertize von der Weid and certificate Eichele, (Zumstein No. 101 / 03 s Fr. 2.240.-) (95/97(4)) (page)
Lot 4079 EUR 230
Pro Juventute 1915, complete mint never hinged outstanding set in the block of four, photo expertize abbot BPP, Michel 1.120.- (128/29) Certificate

Pro Juventute 1915, kompletter postfrischer Luxuss (page)

Lot 4080 EUR 50
1916, 3 - 10 c. Pro Juventute complete mint never hinged, Michel 200.- (130/32)

1916, 3 - 10c. Pro Juventute komplett postfrisch, Mi. 200.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4081 EUR 400
30 c. Airmail airscrew with additional franking on special delivery cover from \"RHEINFELDEN 22. VI. 21\" to Basle with arrival postmark, cover vertical fold trace, photo expertize Rellstab (152) Certific (page)
Lot 4082 EUR 300
1919 / 1920, 30 C. Brown-orange and 50 C. Dark green with red airscrew overprint, airmail stamps, both used \"Croix 1 III 21\", detailed French-speaking certificate Berra Gautschy \"fresh colours, well perforated and centered. The 30 C. In a good state, the 50 C. Vertical crease. Genuine\", Michel 1 (page)
Lot 4083 EUR 250
1921, 10 Rp to 40 Rp Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, neat cancelled, rare, each value photo expertize Marchand respectively Liniger (172/74 (4)) Certificate

1921, 10 Rp. bis 40 Rp. Pro Juventu (page)

Lot 4084 EUR 80
1934, 25 C. Airmail, block of four, centric neat cancelled \"Basle airfield\", faultless condition, (Zumstein No. 5 z s Fr. 380.-) (180z(4))

1934, 25 C. Flugpost, Viererblock, zentrisch klar gestempelt "Basel Flugplatz", tadellose Erhaltung, (Zumstein No. 5z sFr. 380.-) (page)

Lot 4085 EUR 50
75 C. Ikarus with red airmail special cancel on airmail special delivery registered letter from \"GENEVE 1. VI. 25\" to Bern, there with postage due stamp 15 C. Postage due, expertized Marchand BPP. (190x,P33)

75 C. Ikarus mit rotem Flugpostsonderstempel auf Luftpost-Eilboten-R-Brief von "GENEVE 1 (page)

Lot 4086 EUR 100
1924, 5 C. To 30 C. Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, each value centric cancellation, photo expertize Renggli International Association for Philatelie Experts: \"in excellent condition\", SBK No. J29 / J32 (209/12(4)) (page)
Lot 4087 EUR 100
1927, 5 Rp to 30 Rp Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, each block of four clear centric cancellation, (Zumstein No. J41 / 44 sfr. 580.-) (222/25(4))

1927, 5 Rp. bis 30 Rp. Pro Juventute, Viererblocksatz, jeder Viererblock klar zentrisch gestempelt, (Zumstein No. J41/44 sfr. 580.-) (page)

Lot 4088 EUR 120
1929, 5 Rp to 30 Rp Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, each block of four clear centric cancellation, certificate Liniger, (Zumstein No. J49 / 52 s Fr. 600.-) (235/38) Certificate

1929, 5 Rp. bis (page)

Lot 4089 EUR 140
1932, 5 Rp to 30 Rp Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, each block of four clear centric cancellation, (Zumstein No. J61 / 64 s Fr. 550.-) (262/65(4))

1932, 5 Rp. bis 30 Rp. Pro Juventute, Viererblocksatz, jeder Viererblock klar zentrisch gestempelt, (Zumstein No. J61/64 sFr. 550.-) (page)

Lot 4090 EUR 150
1934, souvenir sheets issue \"national stamp exhibition Zurich\", neat cancelled \"Zurich 6. X. 34\", Michel 750.- (Bl.1)

1934, Blockausgabe "Nationale Briefmarkenausstellung Zürich", tadellos gestempelt "Zürich 6.X.34", Mi. 750.- (page)

Lot 4091 EUR 120
NABA-block with additional franking on registered airmail cover from \"Zurich 4.10.34\" to Kreuzlingen with arrival postmark, letter slight traces of use, photo expertize Marchand BPP (Bl.1) Certificate(page)
Lot 4093 EUR 70
1935, 10 C. On 15 C. Airmail, shining overprint, block of four, centrically cancelled \"EBNAT KAPPELE 30. IV. 35\", faultless condition, (Zumstein No. F19 a, s Fr. 280.-) (285a(4))

1935, 10 C. auf 15 C. Flugpost, glänzender Aufdruck, Viererblock, zentrisch entwertet "EBNAT KAPPELE 30.IV.35", tadel (page)

Lot 4094 EUR 200
1935, 10 C. Airmail, overprint dull, block of four in mixed franking with 20 C. Airmail green on properly franked home letter to the 1. Winter airmail in the Buendner alps, flown Zurich - St. Moritz - Zurich, faultless condition. (Zumstein No. F19 b, F4.1.09 s Fr. For lots already 480.-) (285b(4))


Lot 4095 EUR 40
1935, 5 C. To 30 C. Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, each value centric cancellation, impeccable, (Zumstein No. J73 / 76 s Fr. 180.-) (287/90(4))

1935, 5 C. bis 30 C. Pro Juventute, Viererblocksatz, jeder Wert zentrisch gestempelt, tadellos, (Zumstein No. J73/76 sFr. 180.-) (page)

Lot 4096 EUR 300
1936, 40 C on 90 C. Airmail, overprint orange red in mixed franking with 30 C. On 90 C. On registered airmail cover from \"Zurich airfield 23. VIII. 37\" to Bern, reverse arrival postmark from Sequence day, rare, certificate Liniger, (Zumstein No. F23, F24 a s Fr. 1.200.-) (293a,294) (page)
Lot 4097 EUR 100
Pro Patria-block with additional franking on registered airmail cover from \"Zurich 6. I. 37\" to Bruessel. (Bl.2)

Pro Patria-Block mit Zusatzfrankatur auf Luftpost-R-Brief von "ZÜRICH 6.I.37" nach Brüssel. < (page)

Lot 4098 EUR 70
1936, souvenir sheets issue \"Pro Patria\", neat cancelled \"BERN 3 Bundestag building 31. XII. 36\", faultless condition, Michel 260.- (Bl.2)

1936, Blockausgabe "Pro Patria", klar gestempelt "BERN 3 BUNDESHAUS 31.XII.36", tadellose Erhaltung, Mi. 260.- (page)

Lot 4099 EUR 70
1936, 5 C. To 30 C. Pro Juventute, set in blocks of four, each value centric cancellation, impeccable, (Zumstein No. J77 / 80 s Fr. 340.-) (306/09(4))

1936, 5 C. bis 30 C. Pro Juventute, Viererblocksatz, jeder Wert zentrisch gestempelt, tadellos, (Zumstein No. J77/80 sFr. 340.-) (page)

Lot 4100 EUR 120
1938, 20 C. Landscapes, variety \"double embossing\" - inside a block of four with three normal stamps, impeccable centric cancellation \"Geneve 8. XII. 55\", certificate Liniger, (Zumstein No. 215 y2.01 s Fr. 600.-) (327DP)

1938, 20 C. Landschaften, Abart "Doppelprägung" - innerhalb eines Viererb (page)

Lot 4101 EUR 250
1938, 3 Fr. To 10 Fr. Symbolical representations, blue-grey coloured paper, set in blocks of four, each value centric cancellation \"St. Gallen\", (Zumstein No. 216 / 18 v s Fr. 960.-) (328/30v(4))

1938, 3 Fr. bis 10 Fr. Symbolische Darstellungen, blaugrau getöntes Papier, Viererblocksatz, jeder W (page)

Lot 4102 EUR 60
1940, 20 cent Pro Patria monuments, a-colour, block of four, centric cancellation \"Bern 27. XI. 40\", faultless condition, certificate Liniger, (Zumstein No. B5 c s Fr. 300.-) (366a(4)) Certificate


Lot 4103 EUR 80
20 C. Pro Patria, block of four, centric cancellation \"BIEL (BIENNE) 9. V. 40\" with additional franking on special airmail letter to Hitzhird. (368)

20 C. Pro Patria, Viererblock, zentrisch gestempelt "BIEL (BIENNE) 9.V.40" mit Zusatzfrankatur auf Sonderluftpostbrief nach Hitzhird. (page)

Lot 4104 EUR 100
1940, 20 C. Pro Patria monuments, block of four, centric cancellation \"Herisau 1 13. VII. 40\", faultless condition, certificate Rellstab, (Zumstein No. B7 s Fr. 400.-) (368(4)) Certificate

1940, 2 (page)

Lot 4105 EUR 300
1940, 5 C. To 30 C. Pro Patria monuments, four se-tenants from souvenir sheet single stamps: 5 C. Plus 10 C. Plus 20 C, 10 C. Plus 20 C, 20 C. Plus 30 C. And 5 C. Plus 10 C, neat cancelled, rare offered, Michel 1.665.- (free of premium for the se-tenants) (369/72ZD)

1940, 5 C. bis 30 C. Pro Patria (page)

Lot 4106 EUR 100
10 C. Pro patria from souvenir sheet, used \"Switzerland. Automobile POSTBUREA 1. VIII. 40\" on local letter from Bern. (370)

10 C. Pro patria aus Block, gestempelt "SCHWEIZ. AUTOMOBIL-POSTBUREA 1.VIII.40" auf Ortsbrief von Bern. (page)

Lot 4107 EUR 60
20 C. Pro Patria from souvenir sheet, used \"Switzerland. Car post office 1. VIII. 40\" on local letter from Bern. (371)

20 C. Pro Patria aus Block, gestempelt "SCHWEIZ. AUTOMOBIL-POSTBUREAU 1.VIII.40" auf Ortsbrief von Bern. (page)

Lot 4109 EUR 100
1940, souvenir sheets issue \"Pro Patria\", impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 400.- (Bl.5)

1940, Blockausgabe "Pro Patria", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 400.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4110 EUR 50
1941, 30 Rp to 5 Fr. Airmail, set in blocks of four, each value centric neat cancelled, faultless condition, (Zumstein No. F27 / 34 s Fr. 277.-) (387/94(4))

1941, 30 Rp. bis 5 Fr. Flugpost, Viererblocksatz, jeder Wert zentrisch klar gestempelt, tadellose Erhaltung, (Zumstein No. F27/34 sFr. 277.-) (page)

Lot 4111 EUR 90
Souvenir sheets issue \"200 birthday of Johann Punch Lavater\", perfect cds cancellation Basle 15 XII 41, Michel 450.- (Bl.6)

Blockausgabe "200 Geburtstag von Johann Kasper Lavater", tadellos rundgestempelt BASEL 15 XII 41, Mi. 450.- (page)

Lot 4112 EUR 150
1941, souvenir sheets issue \"Pro Juventute\" in mixed franking with 5 C. Postal stamps t_te-b_che pair on registered letter from \"BERN 23. IV. 42\" to Wettingen as poste restante shipment, expertized abbot BPP, Michel 550.- (Bl.6)

1941, Blockausgabe "Pro Juventute" in Mischfrankatur mit 5 C. Fre (page)

Lot 4113 EUR 30
1941, souvenir sheets issue \"Pro Juventute\", impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 110.- (Bl.6)

1941, Blockausgabe "Pro Juventute", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 110.- (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4114 EUR 60
1942, souvenir sheets issue Pro Patria 2000 years city Geneva, very nice canceled with special cancel \"Helps the red cross, Bern I-IX 1942\" Michel 300.- (Bl.7)

1942, Blockausgabe Pro Patria 2000 Jahre Stadt Genf, sehr schön gestempelt mit Sonderstempel "Helft dem Roten Kreuz, Bern I-IX 1942" Mi. (page)

Lot 4115 EUR 80
Pro Patria-block used \"GENEVE 1. VIII. 42\" on registered printed matter to Zurich. (Bl.7)

Pro Patria-Block gestempelt "GENEVE 1.VIII.42" auf Reco-Drucksache nach Zürich. (Image 1) (page)

Lot 4116 EUR 120
1942 / 51, Geneva souvenir sheet, war victims and LUNABA-block, always neat cancelled, Michel 750.- (Bl.7,11,14)

1942/51, Genf-Block, Kriegsgeschädigten- und Lunaba-Block, je tadellos gestempelt, Mi. 750.- (page)

Lot 4117 EUR 40
A hundred years Swiss postage stamps souvenir sheet and GEPH souvenir sheet on properly franked letter from \"RICHTERSWIL 25. IX. 43\" to Zurich. (Bl.8,10)

100 Jahre Schweizer Briefmarken-Block und GEPH-Block auf portogerechtem Brief von "RICHTERSWIL 25.IX.43" nach Zürich. (page)

Lot 4118 UNSOLD
1943, souvenir sheets issue \"a hundred years Swiss postage stamps\", neat cancelled with red special cancel \"Zurich 28. II. 43\", Michel 65.- (Bl.8)

1943, Blockausgabe "100 Jahre schweizerische Briefmarken", tadellos gestempelt mit rotem Sonderstempel "Zürich 28.II.43", Mi. 65.- (page)

Lot 4119 EUR 20
1943, souvenir sheets issue \"a hundred years Swiss postage stamps\", impeccable mint never hinged, Michel 110.- (Bl.9)

1943, Blockausgabe "100 Jahre schweizerische Briefmarken", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 110.- (page)

Lot 4120 EUR 30
1943, souvenir sheets issue \"Genevan stamp exhibition\" with red first day special cancel and additional franking on registered letter to Amsterdam. (Bl.10)

1943, Blockausgabe "Genfer Briefmarkenausstellung" mit rotem Ersttagssonderstempel und Zusatzfrankatur auf R-Brief nach Amsterdam. (page)

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