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Lot 449 EUR 200
1930, Centenaire de l'Algérie, 5 francs + 5 francs Y&T n°99a *, variété centre renversé et décalé vers le haut, cote Y&T 1'000€ pour le centre renversé seul, signé A. Brun, TB. (page)
Lot 450 EUR 100
1957, Cour mauresque du Musée du Bardo, Y&T n°340A/341 jeu de 2 feuilles de 100 **, non dentelé, cote 1'200€ pour des exemplaires égrainés, coin daté 15.7.57 et 7.1.57, TB. (page)
Lot 451 EUR 3,000
1969, Blocs de 15 de la paire de timbres non émis Conférence Afro-asiatique **, valeur faciale 30 et 60 centimes, avec représentation de colombes blanches (thématique oiseaux), coins datés 9 et 11 juin 1965, le plus grand multiple connu de ces timbres introuvables, grande rareté de la philatélie mod (page)
Lot 452 EUR 150
1843-1871, Collection d'histoire postale d'Algérie sur pages d'album Yvert & Tellier avec notamment lettre avec griffe de franchise bleu "Le Lieut Général / Gouverneur Général" avec texte signé par le Général Espivent de la Villeboisnet (certificat RHP), cursives, affranchissement septembre 1871, u (page)
Lot 453 EUR 600
1926-1960, Collection de timbres et lettres d'Algérie avec au début une sélection de variétés dont arbre coupé ou cinquième arbres, par la suite ensemble remarquable de 66 lettres en FM avec cachets d'agences postales et cachets de franchises des SAS plus 76 lettres avec oblitérations de petits bure (page)
Lot 487 EUR 50
1897-1912, Collection complète de Grande Comore sur page d'album Yvert & Tellier, à noter quelques oblitérations particulièrement belles, TB. (page)
Lot 488 EUR 360
1891-1892, Alphée Dubois, série Y&T n°1/7 plus 4A O, à noter variété surcharge verticale 7b ainsi que de belles oblitérations, cote Y&T 2'195€, les 1, 4, 7b signés A.Brun, TB. (page)
Lot 489 EUR 120
1892, Type Duval, série Y&T n°8/11 O, à noter de belles marges et des oblitérations propres, cote Y&T 730€, le n°10 signé A.Brun, TB. (page)
Lot 490 EUR 1,600
1900, Type Groupe, Y&T n°25 O, valeur 5 sur 20 centimes, cote Y&T 8'000€, signé Calves et Roumet, certificat F. Feldman, TB. (page)
Lot 491 EUR 800
1900, Type Groupe, Y&T n°26 O, valeur 15 sur 30c brun, cote Y&T 4'000€, signé A. Brun, certificat E. Diena, TB. (page)
Lot 492 EUR 100
1892-1944, Collection avancée du Congo sur pages d'album Yvert & Tellier, TB. (page)
Lot 625 EUR 180
1892, Cachets Magzhen, Larache, Y&T n°10 en violet sur document complet, cote Y&T 1'200€, TB. (page)
Lot 626 EUR 150
1913, Feuille d'avis des Postes et Télégraphes Chérifiens avec apposition d'un timbre à 5 centimes des Postes Chérifiennes Y&T n°3, TB. (page)
Lot 627 EUR 380
1915, Lettre de Mogador pour Paris, affranchissement Type Mouchon surcharge Croix Rouge de Rabat/Casablanca Y&T n°58 (cases 3, 4, 8 et 9), oblitération du 8 mai 1915, au dos cachet d'arrivée le 18 mai, tirage 2'500, cote Y&T 2'300€ pour 4 exemplaires détachés, certificat J.F. Brun, une pièce tout au (page)
Lot 628 EUR 3,000
1891-1913, Collection spécialisée des postes locales marocaines et postes chérifiennes sur pages d'album Yvert et Tellier, à noter la présence de variantes de dentelure et de surcharge, nombreux signés et certificats Behr, Renon et Robineau, un ensemble constitué patiemment laissé intact, à feuillet (page)
Lot 629 EUR 5,000
1891-1907, Incroyable stock des postes locales marocaines proprement présenté sur plaquettes, d'après le vendeur 75'000€ de cote, un ensemble idéal pour une revente au détail étant donné la popularité de ces émissions. (page)
Lot 630 EUR 1,800
1892-1912, Collection spécialisée sur les cachets Maghzen sur pages d'album Yvert et Tellier, à noter 2 double frappes ainsi qu'une lettre à destination du Prince Emir Mahomed Bin Abdalah, nombreux certificats Behr, G. du Vachat et Fourcaut, un ensemble constitué patiemment laissé intact, à parcouri (page)
Lot 631 EUR 150
1892, Ensemble de 5 documents entiers avec cachets Maghzen avec Fez, Marrakech et Mogador, TB. (page)
Lot 632 EUR 1,000
1891-1956, Collection complète du Maroc (sans Y&T n°34, hors timbres-taxe et colis postaux) sur pages d'album Yvert et Tellier, à noter Y&T n°9 et 10 signés, 18 et 19b variété de double surcharge sur lettre signé deux fois Calves avec certificat Dutertre, 56 avec belle oblitération d'Oujda du 15 sep (page)
Lot 643 EUR 260
1937-1939, Prince louis II, bloc de 4 Y&T n°163a **, cote Y&T 1'900€, tous signés Calves, TB. (page)
Lot 644 EUR 200
1943-1951, Préoblitéré Y&T n°3b variété double surcharge, reliquat de gomme, cote Y&T 2'000€, signé Calves 2 fois, certificat Brun de 1989, spectaculaire. (page)
Lot 645 EUR 280
1947, BF 2A **, sur papier bleuté, cote Y&T 1'450€, TB. (page)
Lot 646 EUR 440
1947, BF 2Ab **, grand format sur papier bleuté, cote Y&T 2'500€, TB. (page)
Lot 647 EUR 260
1963, Stade Louis II, Football, Feuille complète de 30 timbres Y&T n°623 **, variété de surcharge déplacée, inclinée en biais, coin daté 19 avril 1963, TB. (page)
Lot 648 EUR 4,000
1963, Stade Louis II, Football, Feuille complète de 30 timbres Y&T n°623A **, non émis, sans la surcharge (version sans foulage), cote 30'000€, coin daté 30 avril 1963, SUP. (page)
Lot 649 EUR 3,400
1971, Albert Dürer au lieu d'Albert Durecht, Feuille complète de 10 timbres Y&T n°876A ** non émis, essai de couleur non dentelé, coin daté du 9 juin, infime traces de doigt sur un ex., les exemplaires du haut légende en noir, les exemplaires du bas en bleu, bronze doré, noir, bronze doré et bleu, c (page)
Lot 650 EUR 300
1885-1920, Jolie sélection de timbres de Monaco sur les premières série dont n°10 et 33 *, facile à examiner. (page)
Lot 651 EUR 1,000
1885-1994, Très belle collection en 3 albums DAVO de timbres de Monco neufs dont Y&T n°6 *, 10 * (certificat Roumet), 27/33 ** sauf 32 * (certificat Cérès) et fins de catalogue dont blocs, PA, taxe et téléphone, de nombreuses séries ** avec parfois aussi du *, à consulter. (page)
Lot 652 EUR 100
1900-1975, Boite de lettres semi-modernes et entiers de Monaco avec bonne représentation de tarifs variés et affranchissent, parfait pour s'amuser et détailler. (page)
Lot 653 EUR 100
1988-1992, Lot de Monaco avec 6 blocs non dentelés et blocs spéciaux gommés différents **, TB. (page)
Lot 674 EUR 80
1920, Feuille complète de 30 timbres Y&T n°61, avec variété surcharge point partiel à la case 26, **, cote 1'140€ pour des exemplaires égrainés normaux, TB. (page)
Lot 675 EUR 80
1920, Feuille complète de 30 timbres Y&T n°63, avec variété surcharge point partiel à la case 26, **, cote 1'140€ pour des exemplaires égrainés normaux, TB. (page)
Lot 676 EUR 180
1920, Nouvelle Hébrides, Y&T n°69a **, variété surcharge déplacée verticalement, avec bord de feuille droit, cote Y&T 1'260€, TB. (page)
Lot 677 EUR 600
1924, New Hebrides Y&T n°79a *, variété surcharge renversée, avec bord de feuille gauche, cote Y&T 3'000€, signé A. Brun, certificat B.P.A., TB, une des raretés de ce territoire. (page)
Lot 678 EUR 600
1907-1976, Collection complète de Nouvelles Hébrides (hors timbres-taxe) sur pages d'album Yvert et Tellier, à noter une carte postale affranchie avec un timbre Type Groupe de Nouvelle Calédonie à 5c avec oblitération "Nouvelles Hébrides / Pt. Sandwich" ainsi que le Y&T n°58A O signé A. Brun et Calv (page)
Lot 679 EUR 150
1910-1977, Sélections de timbres avec variétés et anomalies dont Y&T n°60 en bloc de 12 ** avec surcharge point de C absente tenant à normaux, signé Scheller, à noter également les non émis 433a/434a **, à consulter. (page)
Lot 754 EUR 360
1919, Type Blanc, Y&T n°1/3 O dont 1c sur fragment avec magnifique oblitération, cote Y&T 1'850€, tous signés dont A. Brun, Calves et Miro, TB. (page)
Lot 755 EUR 140
1920, Type Merson, Y&T n°24 O, cote Y&T 750€, signé et certificat Calves, TB. (page)
Lot 756 EUR 180
1920, Type Merson, Y&T n°54B O double fleuron noir, centrage particulièrement appréciable, cote Y&T 900€, signé J.F. Brun, TB. (page)
Lot 757 EUR 240
1920, Type Merson, Y&T n°55 O fleuron noir, cote Y&T 1'200€, signé Calves, TB. (page)
Lot 758 EUR 360
1920, Type Merson, Y&T n°55C ** double fleuron rouge, petit pelurage sur la dent inférieure de droite, cote Y&T 2'500€, certificat Straphil, B/TB. (page)
Lot 759 EUR 700
1920, Type Merson, Y&T n°56 * fleuron noir, cote Y&T 3'500€, signé J.F. Brun, certificat Renon, TB. (page)
Lot 760 EUR 600
1920, Type Merson, Y&T n°56A O fleuron rouge, cote Y&T 3'100€, certificat Behr, TB. (page)
Lot 761 EUR 600
1921, AIN-TAB, Y&T n°1/4 O, haut de feuille pour le 3, petit clair pour le 4, cote Y&T 3'235€, certificat Behr pour les 4 timbres et de Laroze pour le 3 (signé Calves), TB. (page)
Lot 762 EUR 500
1921, AIN-TAB, Y&T n°5 ** et 6/8 O, cote Y&T 2'610€, certificat Behr pour les 4 timbres et Guy de Vachat pour le 8, TB. (page)
Lot 763 EUR 160
1934, Sélection de timbres sans la valeur faciale, dentelés et non dentelés, Y&T n°233 nd, 237a, 236 nd en paire et 239a, cote Y&T 1'300€, TB, (page)
Lot 764 EUR 600
1919-1940, Collection très avancée de Syrie sur pages d'album Yvert et Tellier, à noter de bonnes PA, BF 1 sur lettre avec marque spéciale 1ère liaison, 10ème année, des signés plus certificat Behr pour 53A et 54A O, un bel ensemble. (page)
Lot 10000 EUR 350
Essays. 1865 Prevost Essays of Paris: 10pa with black overprint, three singles including black on white paper, red on white paper and pale brown on green paper, fine and scarce (3). (page)
Lot 10001 EUR 160
1865 Prevost Essays of Paris: 10pa red, without overprint on a miniature card, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10002 EUR 400
1865 Prevost Essays of Paris: 10pa red, with black overprint on vignette, white envelope, fine and scarce. Note: Unlisted in the Nile Post (page)

Lot 10003 EUR 260
1865 Prevost Essays of Paris: 10pa red, without overprint & with additional 1pi overprint below vignette on a blue tinted envelope, fine and scarce position of 1pi ovpt. (page)
Lot 10004 EUR 160
1865 Prevost Essays of Paris: 10pa blue, without overprint & with additional 1pi overprint at left on a white envelope, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10005 EUR 160
1865 Prevost Essays of Paris: 10pa red, without overprint & with additional 1pi overprint at left on an off-white envelope, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10006 EUR 800
1865 Pellas Brother Essays of Genoa: 10pa bright yellow, upright watermark, imperforate single showing "10pi ovpt instead of 2pi" error, clear to large margins, very fine and rare. (page)
Lot 10007 EUR 800
1865 Pellas Brother Essays of Genoa: 20pa blue, unwatermarked, imperforate single showing "1pi ovpt instead of 20pa" error, large to very large margins, very fine and rare. Expertise: C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10008 EUR 400
1865 Pellas Brother Essays of Genoa: 1pi mauve, upright watermark, imperforate single showing "10pa ovpt instead of 1pi" error, large to very large margins, some stains, rare. Expertise: C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10009 EUR 400
1865 Pellas Brother Essays of Genoa: 1pi mauve, upright watermark, imperforate single showing "10pa ovpt instead of 1pi" error, large to very large margins, very fine and rare. (page)
Lot 10010 EUR 800
1865 Pellas Brother Essays of Genoa: 5pi blue, unwatermarked, imperforate single showing "1pi ovpt instead of 5pi" error, large to very large margins, very fine and rare. Expertise: Signed C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10011 EUR 800
1865 Pellas Brother Essays of Genoa: 10pi blue, unwatermarked, imperforate single showing "1pi ovpt instead of 10pi" error, large to very large margins, very fine and rare. Expertise: Signed C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10012 EUR 1,200
Issued Stamps. 5pa Grey, perforation 12½, inverted wmk, mint with full gum, block of four, some age spots. A magnificent and exceptional multiple of this stamp, exhibition showpiece. Provenance: Emile Antonini & Samir Fikry. (page)
Lot 10013 EUR 1,600
5pa Greenish grey, perforation 12½, inverted wmk, vertical pair neatly tied by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA/1.AUGO.66 cds, with similar alongside, on printed matter circular, very fine and an extremely rare usage as no more than five covers are known. (page)
Lot 10014 EUR 1,500
10pa Brown, perforation 12½, inverted wmk, unused reconstructed block of four, showing double perforation in lower pair. An important perforation error. Provenance: Royal Palace Collection (Lot 27) & Samir Fikry. (page)
Lot 10015 EUR 1,200
10pa Brown, perf. 12 1/2, two vertical pairs used on 1866 large part folded entire to from Cairo to Alexandria, cancelled by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO / 3.AGOS.66 cds in black, with arrival POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA in black alongside, left stamp is from position 155 showing a (page)
Lot 10016 EUR 4,000
10pa Brown, three singles & 1pi claret, perforation 12½, all tied by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / GALIUB / 16.GEN.67 cds, with similar alongside, on cover to Cairo, with boxed AFFRANCATURA / INSUFFICENTA alongside, arrival bs, cover tears and creases through the stamps, an attractive & extremely rare (page)
Lot 10017 EUR 4,000
20pa Blue, perforation 12½, upright wmk, mint, block of ten, with large part gum, light creasing, and hinge remains, plus age spots. A magnificent and exceptional multiple of this stamp, being the largest known block of this value, exhibition showpiece. Provenance: Royal Collection (Lot 33), Emil (page)
Lot 10018 EUR 2,000
20pa Blue, perforation 12½, upright wmk, mint, left sheet marginal block of four, with large part (FRAN)COBOLLI imprint gum, light creasing and age spots. A magnificent and exceptional multiple of this stamp with marginal inscription, exhibition showpiece. Provenance: Abdullah Mishrick. (page)
Lot 10019 EUR 4,000
20pa Blue, perforation 12½, tied on small neat envelope from Cairo to Assiut in Upper Egypt, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO cds in black, very fine and an extremely rare single franking. An important and extremely rare usage. Provenance: Peter Smith. Note: The single rate was normally 1 pi (page)
Lot 10020 EUR 6,000
20pa Blue and 1pi claret, perforation 12½, tied on 1866 (20.10) folded letter sheet from Cairo to Alexandria, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO / 20.OTT.66 cds in blue, with similar alongside. Underpaid by 1/2pi and struck with framed AFFRANCATURA / INSUFFICIENTE in black and "2" has and addition (page)
Lot 10021 EUR 8,000
1pi Claret, perforation 12 1/2, unwatermarked, unused, lower right corner sheet marginal inscriptional block of twenty, positions 136-140/156-160/176-180/196-200, showing flaws on position 140 with "broken frame and white flaw as base", position 198 "damaged pearls" at the bottom left and on left fr (page)
Lot 10022 EUR 2,000
1pi Claret, perforation 12 1/2, unwatermarked, unused, block of four, showing imperforate vertically resulting in two imperf. between pairs. Three such blocks have been recorded, an important exhibition showpiece. Provenance: Cotta, Royal Collection (Lot 40), Emile Antonini & Samir Fikry. (page)
Lot 10023 EUR 420
2pi Yellow-orange, perforation 12½, tied on 1867 (28.1) folded letter sheet from Cairo to Alexandria, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO /28.GEN.67 cds in blue, similar alongside, arrival bs, very fine, and an attractive single franking. Provenance: Maurice Burrus. (page)
Lot 10024 EUR 3,500
2pi Yellow-orange and 20pa blue, horizontal pair, perforation 12½, all tied on 1866 (6.9) folded letter sheet from Alexandria to Tanta, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA / 6.SET.66 cds in blue, similar alongside, arrival bs in black, cvr crease and slight hinge reinforcement, very fine and (page)
Lot 10025 EUR 4,000
2pi Yellow-orange, perforation 12½, bisected single, tied on 1867 (22.7) folded letter sheet from Cairo to Alexandria, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO /22.LUG.67 cds in blue, similar alongside, arrival bs, central cvr crease, and small tear, very fine and an attractive bisected usage. Provenan (page)
Lot 10026 EUR 2,200
2pi Yellow, perforation 12 1/2, inverted watermarked, unused, block of six, with large part gum, showing two rejoined strips of three both imperforated vertically, an extremely rare unused multiple with the perforation variety. Provenance: British Monarchy collection. Expertise: Cert. RPS (2001). (page)
Lot 10027 EUR 12,000
2pi Yellow, compound perforation 13 x 12 1/2, inverted watermarked, unused, upper right corner sheet marginal inscriptional block of six, with part FRANCO(BOLLI) imprint at right. A unique and important exhibition showpiece. Provenance: Dr. William Byam & Peter Smith. (page)
Lot 10028 EUR 750
5pi Rose, perforated proof on white paper without watermark, bottom sheet marginal block of twenty-five, showing LAVORI imprint on margin, some light toning, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10029 EUR 15,000
5pi Rose, the unique block of twelve in combination with 10pa brown, 20pa blue, 1pi claret and 2pi yellow, perforation 12½, all tied on 1866 (August) large part insured cover front from Cairo to Alexandria, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO cds in black, similar alongside and framed ASSICURATE ha (page)
Lot 10030 EUR 3,000
5pi Rose, imperforate, upright watermarked, unused, vertical strip of three, all showing the error of surcharge "10pi" instead of "5pi", plus middle stamp with damaged "5" plate flaw. A unique showpiece. Provenance: Royal Palace Collection (Lot 61), William Byam. (page)
Lot 10031 EUR 250
10pi Bluish slate, perforated proof on white paper without watermark, top sheet marginal block of six, showing POSTE imprint on margin, some light toning, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10032 EUR 16,000
10pi Bluish slate, perforation 12 1/2, upright watermarked, mint, block of four from positions 13-14 / 33-34, fresh and extremely fine. One of the most important items of classic Egyptian philately, a unique exhibition showpiece. Provenance: Henry Abbott, Samir Fikry. Expertise: Cert. RPS. (page)
Lot 10033 EUR 12,000
The Famous Postal Notice Postal Notice announcing the arrival of the 1867 issue, dated "July the 11th 1867". This original notice shows instruction to the Postmasters in Italian, French, Arabic, and English, bearing a complete set of all six values affixed at the base and another fine mint set on a (page)
Lot 10034 EUR 6,500
Essays. 1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Pyramid only with Arabic script and 10pa vignette depicting Pyramid only, both imperforated in green on thin paper in se-tenant blocks of four in sheetlet format, some creases, very fine, and an extremely rare showpiece. Provenance: (page)
Lot 10035 EUR 260
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Lion in front of Pyramids, imperforate in red on thin ungummed paper, top margin repaired, scarce. (page)
Lot 10036 EUR 1,200
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Lion in front of Pyramids, in blue on thin gummed paper, block of four, cnr clipped, fresh, very fine, and an extremely scarce multiple. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10037 EUR 1,200
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Lion in front of Pyramids, in green on thin gummed paper, block of four, torn and repaired, fresh, very fine, and an extremely scarce multiple. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10038 EUR 260
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Lion in front of Pyramids, perf. 15 in green on thin ungummed paper, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10039 EUR 260
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Sphinx in front of Pyramid, imperforate in mauve on thin ungummed paper, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10040 EUR 260
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Sphinx in front of Pyramid, imperforate in yellow on thin ungummed paper, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10041 EUR 1,200
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Sphinx in front of Pyramid, in blue on thin gummed paper, block of four, heavy hinge remains and thinned, fresh, very fine, and an extremely scarce multiple. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10042 EUR 1,200
1867 Penasson of Alexandria: 1pi vignette depicting Sphinx in front of Pyramid, in yellow on thin gummed paper, block of four, tiny grease spots, fresh, very fine, and an extremely scarce multiple (4). Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10043 EUR 180
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: 10pa green, perforated essay on gummed paper, depicting Sphinx facing left and Pyramid, fine and scarce. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10044 EUR 180
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: 1pi blue, perforated essay on gummed paper, depicting Sphinx facing left and Pyramid, short perfs, fine and scarce. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10045 EUR 180
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: 2pi red, perforated essay on gummed paper, depicting Sphinx facing right and Pyramids, thinned, fine and scarce. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10046 EUR 180
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: 2pi brown, perforated essay on gummed paper, depicting Sphinx only, in circle, facing left, defective, fine and scarce. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10047 EUR 1,200
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: Imperforate sheetlet of four in brown on gummed paper, showing 10pa, 1pi and two 2pi essays of four different designs (in a different arrangement to the last lot), creases and thin spots, an attractive and very rare essay in this se-tenant format. (page)
Lot 10048 EUR 1,200
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: Imperforate sheetlet of four in green on gummed paper, showing 10pa, 1pi and two 2pi essays of four different designs (in a different arrangement to the next lot), creases, an attractive and very rare essay in this se-tenant format. (page)
Lot 10049 EUR 1,200
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: Perforated block of four in red on ungummed paper, showing 10pa, 1pi and two 2pi essays of four different designs, one thinned, an attractive and very rare essay in this se-tenant format. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10050 EUR 1,200
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: Perforated block of four in blue on ungummed paper, showing 10pa, 1pi and two 2pi essays of four different designs, an attractive and very rare essay in this se-tenant format. Provenance: British Monarchy. (page)
Lot 10051 EUR 3,600
1867 Essays of V. Penasson: Imperforate three se-tenant blocks of four in orange on gummed paper, showing 10pa, 1pi and two 2pi essays of four different designs (each block with values arranged differently) with all three in a composite sheetlet, some usual tiny thins, wrinkles and creases, an attra (page)
Lot 10052 EUR 400
1867 National Bank Note Co.: 20pa essay in orange red mounted on large sunken die card, with imprint at foot "NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO. NY.", creased, very fine, attractive, and rare with an imprint. (page)

Lot 10053 EUR 360
1867 National Bank Note Co.: 20pa essay in brown on white envelope, very fine, attractive and scarce. (page)
Lot 10054 EUR 400
1867 National Bank Note Co.: 1pi essay in deep red mounted on large sunken die card, with imprint at foot "NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO. NY.", very fine, attractive, and rare with an imprint. (page)
Lot 10055 EUR 360
1867 National Bank Note Co.: 1pi essay in red on yellow tinted envelope, very fine, attractive and scarce. (page)
Lot 10056 EUR 360
1867 National Bank Note Co.: 2pi essay in rose-red on white envelope, very fine, attractive and scarce. (page)
Lot 10057 EUR 260
1869 Prevost Essays of Paris: 00pa without overprint and with an additional 20pa overprint at right and the word ÉPREUVE below design, including brown on greenish paper, brown on salmon paper, and black on white paper, fine and scarce (3). (page)
Lot 10058 EUR 200
1869 Prevost Essays of Paris: 00pa with overprint and the word ÉPREUVE below design on envelope, brown on greenish tinted paper, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10059 EUR 260
1869 Prevost Essays of Paris: 00pa without overprint and with an additional 20pa overprint at right, in black on rose tinted miniature card, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10060 EUR 500
1874 Essays of Renard, Paris: 20pa Gold with black overprint, showing Sphinx on front of Pyramid on carton, very fine. (page)
Lot 10061 EUR 500
1874 Essays of Renard, Paris: 20pa Blue with black overprint, showing Sphinx on front of Pyramid on normal paper, very fine. (page)
Lot 10062 EUR 500
1870 Essays of Riester, Paris: 20pa Rose with green overprint, block of four in sheetlet, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10063 EUR 500
1870 Essays of Riester, Paris: 20pa Light green with green overprint, block of four in sheetlet, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10064 EUR 300
1870 Essays of V. Penasson: No value and no inscription, perforated 15 x 12 1/2 block of four in blue, few age spots, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10065 EUR 300
1870 Essays of V. Penasson: No value and no inscription, imperforated block of four in green, few age spots, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10066 EUR 120
1871 Essays of V. Penasson: 1pi in black on stout tinted paper, for the Postal Stationery, very fine. (page)
Lot 10067 EUR 120
1871 Essays of V. Penasson: 1pi in green on stout tinted paper, for the Postal Stationery, very fine. (page)
Lot 10068 EUR 200
1870 Essays of V. Penasson: 1pi green on yellow tinted envelope, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10069 EUR 450
1874 Essays of the Continental Bank Note Co.: 20pa Blue, carmine and red overprint, showing Sphinx in oval frame, very fine. (page)
Lot 10070 EUR 450
1874 Essays of the Continental Bank Note Co.: 20pa Blue, green and blue overprint, showing Sphinx in oval frame, very fine. (page)
Lot 10071 EUR 450
1874 Essays of the Continental Bank Note Co.: 20pa Brown, red and red overprint, showing Pyramid in oval frame, very fine. (page)
Lot 10072 EUR 100
Issued Stamps. 5pa Orange yellow, mint block of four, fresh, very fine, and a scarce multiple. (page)
Lot 10073 EUR 100
5pa Orange yellow, used rejoined block of four, showing stunning central POSTE EGIZIANE/SUEZ/CASSA "key-hole" cds, fresh, very fine, and a scarce used multiple. Provenance: Lars Alund. (page)
Lot 10074 EUR 4,500
5pa Orange-yellow, single neatly tied on 1870 (11.3) complete folded page of the LA STAFFETTA newspaper from Cairo to Perugia, Italy, by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO / 11.MAR.70 cds with V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA / 12.MAR.70 transit cds. An Italian 20c blue stamp was applied to pay for the It (page)
Lot 10075 EUR 3,800
5pa Orange-yellow, two singles and 10pa Pale lilac, three singles, one showing extra Arabic letter, all neatly tied on 1871 (16.7) folded entire from Alessandria to El Guisr, by clear crisp POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA / 16.LUGL.71 cds with similar alongside, arrival bs, an attractive, co (page)
Lot 10076 EUR 1,200
10pa Lilac, mint, and mint nh block of sixteen, a few perfs trimmed, fresh, very fine and a scarce mint multiple. (page)
Lot 10077 EUR 300
10pa Lilac, used block of four, cancelled on fragment by POSTE EGIZIANE/SUEZ cds, very fine and a scarce used multiple. (page)
Lot 10078 EUR 1,200
10pa Dull lilac, BISECT neatly tied on 1872 (5.6) on folded part page of the LA TROMBETTA newspaper from Alessandria, by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA / 5.GEN.72 cds, bisect on fragment and rejoined to newspaper to which it originated, a very rare bisect and printed matter usage. (page)
Lot 10079 EUR 1,200
10pa Bright mauve, two horizontal pair types I and II, one showing the remnant of the Arabic character, all neatly tied on 1869 (16.2) large part folded entire from Alessandria to El Cairo, by clear crisp POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA / 16.FEB.69 cds with similar alongside, crease through (page)
Lot 10080 EUR 400
10pa Lilac, mint block of four, top left stamp shows "extra Arabic letter" plate flaw, heavy hinge remains, very fine and a scarce unused blocks with the error. Provenance: Peter Smith. (page)
Lot 10081 EUR 4,200
20pa Deep blue-green, mint irregular block twenty-three, from both stone A and B, fresh very fine and an exceptional unused multiple. One of the largest multiples of the 20 para value, exhibition showpiece. Provenance: William Byam, Samir Fikry (page)
Lot 10082 EUR 800
20pa Pale green, and two singles of the 1pi rose red, tied on 1871 (27.1) envelope from Cairo to Trento, Italy, by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO cds with similar alongside, transit and arrival bs, showing straight-line "Franca" in italic to identify the payment according to the 1866 Austro-Egyptian po (page)
Lot 10083 EUR 2,400
1pi Black, imperforate die proof with guideline at the lower left corner, showing the erroneous inscription in the lower panel where two pencil markings are apparent and these display one dot to be omitted above right hand word in Arabic in the lower panel, and Arabic character to be deleted from th (page)
Lot 10084 EUR 700
1pi Brown-lake, imperforate watermarked colour trials in all four types, few minor faults, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10085 EUR 400
1pi Rose-red, imperforate unwatermarked proof block of four, thins and creases, a scarce proof in a block. (page)
Lot 10086 EUR 150
1pi Brown-lake, imperforate unwatermarked colour trial, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10087 EUR 3,200
1pi Rose-red, six singles and two pairs, tied on large part 1871 (1.7) envelope from Cairo to Hermannstadt, Transylvania, being modern Romania, by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO / 1.LUGL.71 cds with similar alongside, showing straight-line "Franca" in italic to identify the payment according to the 186 (page)
Lot 10088 EUR 750
1pi Rose-red, single and a pair, tied on 1867 (29.12) registered envelope from Suez to Cairo, by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / SUEZ / 29.DIC.1870 cds, similar alongside and framed RACCOMANDATO, showing manuscript of registration number "984" and weight "Gr. 6 1/2" at top left, V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO (w (page)
Lot 10089 EUR 450
1pi Red, mint block of four, showing sewing machine perforations on all sides, creases resulting in a tear, a rare perforation variety. (page)
Lot 10090 EUR 300
1pi Rose-red, mint horizontal pair imperforate horizontally, fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10091 EUR 2,000
2pi Bright blue, mint left sheet marginal block of four, showing text watermark in the margin, fresh, very fine, and a rare unused multiple, showpiece. (page)
Lot 10092 EUR 550
2pi Blue, showing sewing machine perforation at bottom, tied on 1870 (25.4) folded entire from Cairo to Constantinople, by V.R. POSTE EGIZIANE / CAIRO / 24.APR.1870 cds, similar alongside, transits and POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CONSTANTINOPOLI arrival bs in black, very fine and an unusual perforat (page)
Lot 10093 EUR 3,000
2pi Blue, and two singles of the 10pa lilac-gray, tied on 1869 (30.7) envelope from Cairo to Leipzig, Germany, by POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / CAIRO / 30.LUGL.69 cds with similar alongside, showing straight-line "Franca" in italic to identify the payment according to the 1866 Austro-Egyptian postal c (page)
Lot 10094 EUR 1,500
2pi Bright blue, unused block of four, imperforate vertically and imperf. between horizontally, stain on one, an important showpiece. (page)
Lot 10095 EUR 6,000
5pi Brown, mint block of four, insignificant gum bend, fresh, vivid colour, an exceptional fine and extremely rare unused multiple. Only five such blocks are recorded to date, showpiece. Provenance: Emile Antonini, Samir Fikry (page)
Lot 10096 EUR 2,500
1872 Third Issue 20 paras blue, sheet platings on large album pages, with two sheet platings; the first with 180 out of 200 positions, the second 159 out of 200 positions, stamps are mostly used with some mint, in addition, there are 105 lithographed stamps mostly used, the stamps are mostly 12 1/2 (page)
Lot 10097 EUR 260
Essays. 1922 Essay for the First Fouad Issue: Photographic essay in sepia, v.fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10098 EUR 500
1922 Essay for the First Fouad Issue: 1m Blue, essay in the design of the Pictorial Issue with mock perforations and white background, very fine and very rare, apparently unique. (page)
Lot 10099 EUR 700
1922 Essay of Unknown Printer: Photographic Essay 5m in blue, imperforate on unwatermarked paper, showing frame similar to the issued stamp and the vignette depicts King Fouad in military uniform, small size 20 x 26.75 mm, an attractive and unique essay. (page)
Lot 10100 EUR 3,000
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 15m Blue, small format, vignette depicting Fouad facing ahead and 15m blue, small format, vignette depicting Fouad facing right, both on gummed wmkd paper in se-tenant blocks of nine in sheetlet format with ornate gutter margin, very fine, and an extremely rare showpi (page)
Lot 10101 EUR 700
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 15m black, large format, unused block of four, on ungummed unwmkd thick paper, showing two different designs in se-tenant pairs, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10102 EUR 700
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 15m brown, small format, block of four, on ungummed unwmkd paper, showing two different designs in se-tenant pairs, very fine and scarce. (page)

Lot 10103 EUR 600
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 15m light blue, small format, block of four, on ungummed unwmkd paper, showing two different designs in se-tenant pairs, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10104 EUR 2,600
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 15m Blue, small format, vignette depicting Fouad facing right, in two sheetlets both on ungummed thick paper in se-tenant block of nine in sheetlet format with ornate gutter margin, showing printer's manuscript notations, very fine, and an extremely rare showpiece. (page)
Lot 10105 EUR 1,000
1922 Essays by the Survey Department of Egypt, Cairo: 15m Blue, small format, vignette depicting Fouad facing right, two different designs with lotus on the left and papyrus on the right, on ungummed thick paper in se-tenant sheetlet, very fine, and an extremely rare showpiece. (page)
Lot 10106 EUR 1,000
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 5m black and white, large photographic composite essay with extensive hand-drawn modifications in ink and Chinese white (95 x 110 mm) and mounted on gray card, very attractive. A unique item. (page)
Lot 10107 EUR 2,600
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: Presentation sheet showing 16 different essays with nine 5m values, three 10m values, one 15m and three 50m, one 5m is a composite essay with the "engine-turning" background of Perkins, Bacon, all mounted on a special presentation card. A unique item. (page)
Lot 10108 EUR 200
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 5m blue, essay with smooth background behind the head of King Fouad, affixed on card with manuscript 'Design C Photogravure', very fine. (page)
Lot 10109 EUR 400
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 5m black, die proof with top right of the inner frame absent, the die proof is affixed on paper with manuscript number "2988" at top, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10110 EUR 650
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 5m Green, affixed on attractive sunken die card, 76x94mm, very fine and very scarce. (page)
Lot 10111 EUR 3,000
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: £E1 Red, imperforate sheetlet of four on ungummed paper, very fine, attractive, and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10112 EUR 1,600
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: £E1 Green and black, bicoloured composite imperforate essay on unwatermarked paper, mounted on card, very fine, attractive, and very rare. (page)
Lot 10113 EUR 300
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: Enlarged 3m pencil and ink essay of the frame and hollow Arabic lettering, being the original execution drawings for the frame and handwriting, drawn by the designer to double-scale, unique. (page)
Lot 10114 EUR 300
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: Enlarged 10m pencil and ink essay of the frame and hollow Arabic lettering, being the original execution drawings for the frame and handwriting, drawn by the designer to double-scale, unique. (page)
Lot 10115 EUR 350
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: Enlarged pen and ink drawing for the 4m essay showing the entire French and Arabic text, drawn by the designer to double-scale, unique. (page)
Lot 10116 EUR 2,400
1922 Essays of Harrison & Sons: 3m, 4m, 15m, 50m, 100m, 200, and £E1, set of seven photographic proofs showing King Fouad in civil attire, all mounted on thin cream card, plus manuscript annotation "Submitted and approved by Samy Pasha Aug. 27th, 1923 with exception of £1.", an important and a uniqu (page)
Lot 10117 EUR 3,000
1924 Essays of Bradbury Wilkinson: A preliminary sketch set of handpainted essays in two sizes for eight values, showing various frames and colours, including 1m (3), 50m (2), 100m (2) and 200m, a stunningly beautiful and unique set. (page)
Lot 10118 EUR 1,500
1924-27 Essays by the Survey Department: Photographic line-illustration for the 2m mounted on sunken card, in sepia, design similar to King Fouad First Portrait issue, dated "7th Dec 1926", very fine and rare. (page)
Lot 10119 EUR 800
1926 Unadopted essay by De La Rue: Engraved die proof for the 1m value in dark green, showing King Fouad in Military uniform, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10120 EUR 800
1926 Unadopted essay by De La Rue: 1m essay in green, showing SPECIMEN ovpt in black, neatly mounted on a small card, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10121 EUR 700
1926 Unadopted essay by De La Rue: Vignette of centre only showing King Fouad effigy with military attire, very fine and rare. (page)
Lot 10122 EUR 2,000
1932 Essays by the Survey Department for the Surcharged Issue: A unique group of eight ink sketches on tracing paper and four photographic proofs for the 50m and 100m surcharges, a wonderful exhibition assembly (12 items) (page)
Lot 10123 EUR 600
1935 Essays by the Survey Department: 20m stamp size, photographic proof of the frame and corner letters, very fine and rare. (page)
Lot 10124 EUR 500
1935 Essays by the Survey Department: 20m stamp size, complete photographic proof, very fine and rare. (page)
Lot 10125 EUR 150
Issued Stamps. 1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 1m Orange, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control number 'B23' block of four, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10126 EUR 200
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 1m Orange, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error, fresh, few wrinkles, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10127 EUR 1,000
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 1m to £E1 complete set of 12 in strips of three or three singles, all tied on various fragments by "MADAGASCAR/POSTES ET TÉLÉGRAPHES/COLLECTION DE BERNE" large red cachets, a unique group (36). (page)
Lot 10128 EUR 170
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 1m Orange, imperforate colour trial in the colour of the issued stamp, block of four on ungummed unwatermarked paper, very fine. (page)
Lot 10129 EUR 170
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 1m Black, imperforate colour trial in the colour of the 2m value, top sheet marginal block of four on ungummed reversed unwmk paper, light wrinkles, very fine. (page)
Lot 10130 EUR 500
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 1m Orange, issued colour, unused top right corner sheet marginal block of six on wmkd paper, showing overprint "CANCELLED" Type A in black, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10131 EUR 200
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 2m Pale black, mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10132 EUR 170
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 2m Pale black, imperforate colour trial in the colour of the issued stamp, block of four on ungummed paper, very fine. (page)
Lot 10133 EUR 650
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 3m Pale brown, issued colour, unused block of eight on wmkd paper, showing overprint "CANCELLED" Type A in black, showing retouch on pos. 47, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10134 EUR 200
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 3m Pale brown, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10135 EUR 260
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 4m Green, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10136 EUR 150
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 4m Green, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control number 'C23' block of four showing watermark reversed, some wrinkles, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10137 EUR 80
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 4m Green, mint left sheet marginal block of eight, position 38 showing retouch bottom-right lotus, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10138 EUR 500
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m Red brown, issued colour, unused top right corner sheet marginal block of six on wmkd paper, showing overprint "CANCELLED" Type A in black, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10139 EUR 260
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, unused showing overprint "Specimen" Type E in black, very fine and scarce. Provenance: Marcus Samuel. Expertise: Signed C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10140 EUR 80
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, 150m franking, applied to front and back of 1927 (7.12) Savings Bank form, thirty example in singles and blocks, all neatly tied by ISNA cds, a fine and scarce usage. (page)
Lot 10141 EUR 160
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of six, showing control number missing error, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10142 EUR 260
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m Red brown, mint nh imperforate bottom left corner sheet marginal control number 'C23' block of six, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10143 EUR 300
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, mint nh, horizontal coil strip of six, showing coil join and all with CANCELLED ovpt, fresh, very fine, and rare in a horizontal strip. (page)
Lot 10144 EUR 170
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m red-brown, mint horizontal bottom right corner sheet marginal pair perf. 14, showing IMPERF BETWEEN VERTICALLY, very fine. (page)
Lot 10145 EUR 170
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 5m red-brown, mint vertical bottom pair perf. 14, showing IMPERF BETWEEN HORIZONTALLY, very fine. (page)
Lot 10146 EUR 360
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 10m Deep rose, issued colour, unused top right corner sheet marginal block of four on wmkd paper, showing overprint "CANCELLED" Type A in black, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10147 EUR 100
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 10m Deep rose, single tied on postcard to Trieste, Italy, by clear 2-line cancel VAPORE/D'ALESSANDRIA in black, very fine. (page)
Lot 10148 EUR 260
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 10m Deep rose, mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error, minor wrinkles, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10149 EUR 180
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 10m Dark-rose, imperforate colour trial in the colour of the issued stamp, bottom left corner sheet marginal block of four on ungummed paper, slight wrinkles, very fine. (page)
Lot 10150 EUR 360
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 15m Bright blue, issued colour, unused top left corner sheet marginal block of four on wmkd paper, showing overprint "CANCELLED" Type A in black, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10151 EUR 180
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 15m Blue, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, showing the scarce control number "C26", fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10152 EUR 360
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 15m Blue, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control number 'C23' block of six showing watermark reversed, age spots, very fine and scarce. (page)

Lot 10153 EUR 200
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 15m Apple-green, imperforate colour trial in a rejected colour, top right corner sheet marginal block of four on gummed paper, gum wrinkles, very fine. (page)
Lot 10154 EUR 1,200
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: Overprint "SPECIMEN" Type F in red on 2m, 3m, 4m and 20m, very fine and a rare group (4). (page)
Lot 10155 EUR 200
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 20m Deep green, mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error and without retouch on position 81, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10156 EUR 180
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 20m Deep green, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, showing control number missing error and retouch on position 81, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10157 EUR 120
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 50m Bluish green, mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing as usual, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10158 EUR 200
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 50m Blue-green, imperforate colour trial in the colour of the issued stamp, block of four on ungummed paper, very fine (page)
Lot 10159 EUR 200
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 100m Purple, mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of nine, showing control number missing error, light wrinkles, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10160 EUR 100
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 100m Purple, vertical strip of three and 10m (3), on 1926 (13.10) parcel card from Cairo to France, a scarce 330m rate pay of the shipment of three parcels. (page)
Lot 10161 EUR 360
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 100m Purple, mint bottom left corner sheet marginal control number 'B25' block of four showing watermark reversed, slight wrinkles, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10162 EUR 550
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 200m Blue, unissued colour, unused on wmkd paper, showing overprint "HARRISON'S SPECIMEN" Type B in black, somewhat worn, very rare. (page)
Lot 10163 EUR 80
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 200m Mauve, vertical pair in combination with 1927-37 5m, 10m, 50m and 100m, all tied on 1932 (22.11) parcel card from Azhar to New Jersey, USA, paying the 565m rate to ship two parcels, a scarce usage. (page)
Lot 10164 EUR 200
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: 200m Mauve, imperforate colour trial in the colour of the issued stamp, block of four on ungummed paper, very fine. (page)
Lot 10165 EUR 1,000
1923-24 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: £E1 Blue and indigo violet, complete used sheet of twenty-five, neatly cancelled by GHURIA/CAIRO/21.1.28 cds, very fine an extremely rare in complete sheet format. (page)
Lot 10166 EUR 360
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: £E1 Blue and indigo-violet, used single showing REVERSED WMK, fine and a rare wmk error. (page)
Lot 10167 EUR 3,600
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: £E1 Blue and lilac and purple, imperforate colour trial, block of four on gummed wmkd paper, light corner crease, very fine and a rare multiple of the popular One pound value. (page)
Lot 10168 EUR 3,600
1923-34 King Fouad 1st Portrait Issue: £E1 Blue and lilac and red-violet, imperforate colour trial, block of four on gummed wmkd paper, fresh, very fine and a rare multiple of the popular One pound value. (page)
Lot 10169 EUR 160
1926 Surcharges: 10m on 100m Violet, mint and mint nh, vertical pair showing overprint flaw pos. 17 plus inverted watermark, age spot, a unique error. Expertise: Signed C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10170 EUR 100
1926 Surcharges: 10m on 100m Violet, mint and mint nh, left sheet marginal block of six showing overprint flaw pos. 17, a fine and scarce error. Expertise: Signed C.F. Hass. (page)
Lot 10171 EUR 1,200
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 1m, 3m, 10m and 15m, type I, all showing Royal Cancelled on reverse, very fine and a scarce set (4). (page)
Lot 10172 EUR 1,300
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 1m to £E1 complete set 42 singles including shades, type II, all showing Royal Cancelled on reverse, very fine and a very scarce set (42). (page)
Lot 10173 EUR 85
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 2m, 3m and 10m, type I, plus 1m, 4m and 5m, type II, all neatly tied by Port Said cds on 1928 (7.6) registered cover to England, very fine. (page)
Lot 10174 EUR 8,000
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 1m to £E1, type II, complete set of twenty-four including 500m and the £E1 high values, Royal misperforation, bottom left corner sheet marginal control blocks of four, with an array of different control numbers from "A/28" to "A/37", very fine and an extremely (page)
Lot 10175 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 1m Pale orange, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/32", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10176 EUR 85
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 2m Pale black (16) and 4m pale yellow green, pair, all paying the 40m registered rate from Cairo to Brunn in Czechoslovakia, on reverse of 1928 (12.11) envelope, attractive and a scarce destination. (page)
Lot 10177 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 2m Pale black, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/31", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10178 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 3m Brown, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/28", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10179 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 3m Deep blue-green, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/30 A/31", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10180 EUR 350
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 4m Green, type I, mint, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/26", very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10181 EUR 100
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 4m Green, type I, used block of four with clear ALEXANDRIA cds, very fine and scarce Type I usage. (page)
Lot 10182 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 4m Deep green, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/29", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10183 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 4m Pale brown, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/31", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10184 EUR 100
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, type I, used block of nine with clear cds, very fine and a scarce Type I usage. (page)
Lot 10185 EUR 130
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 5m Dark red-brown, left sheet marginal block of ten, showing double perforation and paying the 50m rate on 1928 (29.5) registered cover tied CAMP CESARE cds, sent "En ville", very fine and apparently the only recorded double perforation usage. (page)
Lot 10186 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/29", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10187 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 5m Dark red-brown, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/34", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10188 EUR 800
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 10m Pale rose-red, type I, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/26", very fine and extremely rare especially from Type I. (page)
Lot 10189 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 10m Deep rose-red, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/31", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10190 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 10m Violet, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/34 A/35", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10191 EUR 180
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 13m Red, mint bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, showing control number "A32" with inverted watermark, age spot and gum bend, fresh, very fine, and rare. (page)
Lot 10192 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 15m Ultramarine, type II, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/28", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10193 EUR 360
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 15m Violet, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of six, numbered "A/31 A/32 A/33 A/34", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10194 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 20m Pale olive-green, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/26", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10195 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 20m Deep olive-green, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/28", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10196 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 40m Olive brown, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/37", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10197 EUR 100
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 50m Pale blue-green, mint, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/28 A/29" showing inverted "9" variety, unusual, very fine and a scarce error. (page)
Lot 10198 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 50m Deep blue-green, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/32 A/35", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10199 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 50m Pale blue-green, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/27", light cnr creases, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10200 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 100m Deep lilac, pale centre, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/29", light bends, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10201 EUR 460
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 200m Deep lilac, pale centre, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/35 A/37", very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10202 EUR 550
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: Photogravure 500m bistre-brown and grey blue, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/27", very fine and scarce. (page)

Lot 10203 EUR 3,000
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: 500m Brown and greenish-blue, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/27", very fine and extremely rare, a wonderful exhibition showpiece. (page)
Lot 10204 EUR 440
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: Photogravure & Lithographed 500m bistre-brown and grey blue, mint and mint nh, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/29", very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10205 EUR 420
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: Photogravure & Lithographed 500m bistre-brown and grey blue, mint and mint nh, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/30", very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10206 EUR 420
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: Photogravure & Lithographed 500m bistre-brown and grey blue, mint nh, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/35", very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10207 EUR 220
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: Photogravure & Lithographed 500m bistre-brown and grey blue, on 1937 (9.2) parcel card fragment in combination with 5m, 20m, 50m and 200m, tied CAIRO PARCELS FOREIGN cds, colourful and scarce usage. (page)
Lot 10208 EUR 420
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: £E1m Deep green and deep brown, mint, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/27", very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10209 EUR 3,500
1927-37 King Fouad 2nd Portrait Issue: £E1 Deep green and deep brown, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/27", very fine and extremely rare, a wonderful exhibition showpiece. (page)
Lot 10210 EUR 800
1932 Surcharges: 50m on 50pi Purple, used single showing extended stamp with bottom blank, fresh and very fine, a rare variety. (page)
Lot 10211 EUR 110
1932 Surcharges: 50m on 50pi Purple, neatly tied on 1932 (23.1) registered cover from Alexandria to Paris, with additional 3m green, paying the 53m franking, scarce usage. (page)
Lot 10212 EUR 850
1932 Surcharges: 50m on 50pi Purple, mint, complete sheet of twenty-five, showing position 17 with "coloured spot" constant variety, plus four rows of five each with a blind perf., fresh and very fine, a rare sheet. (page)
Lot 10213 EUR 100
1932 Surcharges: 50m on 50pi Purple, mint and mint nh bottom left corner sheet marginal block of four showing position 17 with "coloured spot" constant variety, mounted in the margin only, fresh and very fine. (page)
Lot 10214 EUR 700
1932 Surcharges: 100m on £E1 Blue and indigo-violet, mint bottom left corner sheet marginal block of four, heavy hinge remains, fresh, very fine, and scarce. (page)
Lot 10215 EUR 2,600
1936-37 King Fouad "Postes" Issue: 1m to 20m, complete set of seven, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control blocks of four, very fine and a unique set as the 15m value is the only issued pane. (page)
Lot 10216 EUR 1,600
Essays. 1936 Essay by Achille Ouvré, Paris: Sunken die proof of an essay in deep blue, stamp size, without denomination, on large card (140 x 150 mm), signed by Ouvré in pencil, an attractive and very rare showpiece. (page)
Lot 10217 EUR 400
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Hand-painted essay on a perforated card for the 50m value in the design of the 30m, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10218 EUR 400
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Hand-painted essay on a perforated card for the 50m value in the design of the 30m, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10219 EUR 400
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Hand-painted essay on a perforated card for the 100m value in the design of the 40m depicting the Agha Mosque, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10220 EUR 400
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Hand-painted essay on a perforated card for the 100m value in the design of the 40m depicting the Agha Mosque, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10221 EUR 1,000
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Hand-drawn perforated block of fifteen on carton, ten of which are showing partial design of the Agha Mosque in brown, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10222 EUR 350
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Pen-and-in drawing on tracing paper with 100m value but deign is for the 40m value, showing almost complete design of the Agha Mosque, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10223 EUR 650
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Enlarged pen-and-ink drawing on tracing paper with 100m value, showing almost complete design of the Aswan Dam, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10224 EUR 350
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized pen-and-ink drawing on tracing paper with 100m value, showing almost complete design of the Aswan Dam, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10225 EUR 400
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized hand-painted essay on a perforated card for the 200m value, showing partial design of the Cairo University, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10226 EUR 400
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized hand-painted essay on a perforated card for the 200m value, showing almost complete design of the Cairo University, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10227 EUR 250
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized pen-and-ink drawing on tracing paper with 200m value, showing partial design of the Cairo University, horizontal format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10228 EUR 200
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Requisition letter signed by A.K. Motawi, with copy to Mr. Hewett, the designer of many of the Survey Department stamps, letter requests permission to develop the essays for the 500m and £E1 values, unusual and an important historical item. (page)
Lot 10229 EUR 800
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized pencil sketches perforated block of ten on carton, five of which are showing partial designs for the £E1 value, vertical format, very fine and extremely rare. (page)
Lot 10230 EUR 450
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized pencil sketch perforated carton, showing almost complete design for the £E1 value, vertical format, very fine and extremely rare, attractive showpiece. (page)
Lot 10231 EUR 450
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized pencil sketch perforated carton, showing almost complete design for the £E1 value, vertical format, very fine and extremely rare, attractive showpiece. (page)
Lot 10232 EUR 450
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Stamp-sized pencil sketch perforated carton, showing almost complete design for the £E1 value, vertical format, very fine and extremely rare, attractive showpiece. (page)
Lot 10233 EUR 800
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Large photographic essay (100 x 170mm), very similar to the issued design of the £E1 value, vertical format, very fine, attractive, and rare. (page)
Lot 10234 EUR 300
1936 Essays for the Young Farouk Portrait: Enlarged photograph of King Farouk, the design of which was used for the unadopted essay of the £E1 value, vertical format, very fine and attractive. (page)
Lot 10235 EUR 2,600
1936 Essay by Achille Ouvré, Paris: A presentation card showing the Achille Ouvré design in seven different colours. Each colour has five examples of different shades to choose from arranged in horizontal strips and afixed to a large presentation card (310 x 370 mm). The chosen colours were for the (page)
Lot 10236 EUR 1,600
1936 Essays for the Farouk "Military" Issue: 5m Stamp-sized unadopted hand-painted essay showing King Farouk's portrait in military attire with the Nile River in the background, horizontal format, very fine, attractive, and a unique showpiece. (page)
Lot 10237 EUR 900
1953 Airmail essays for the King Farouk Issue: Complete set of twelve from 2m to 200m showing "X" obliteration on Farouk's face and Specimen overprints, very fine and a scarce set. (page)
Lot 10238 EUR 250
1953 Airmail essays for the King Farouk Issue: 5m brown-lake, block of four, showing "X" obliteration on Farouk's face and Specimen overprint, very fine and scarce. (page)
Lot 10239 EUR 800
Issued Stamps. 1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: Comprehensive collection of Young King Farouk Portrait control blocks, showing all values, mint and mint nh, over 175 control blocks, including the scarce 40m. A/39 and 100m. A/39, also booklet controls, very fine and a difficult col (page)
Lot 10240 EUR 260
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 1m, 3m, 5m, 6m, 10m and 15m all in mint bottom left corner sheet control blocks of four, showing inverted wmks, plus 6m control block with reversed wmk, very fine. (page)
Lot 10241 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 1m Orange, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/40", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10242 EUR 600
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 1m to £E1 complete imperforate set of eighteen, all showing Royal Cancelled on reverse, very fine and a scarce set (18) (page)
Lot 10243 EUR 800
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 1m Orange, Royal oblique perforation, a complete mint sheet of 100 with control numbered "A/39", very fine and extremely rare, the unique uncut sheet. (page)
Lot 10244 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 2m Vermilion, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/38", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10245 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 3m Sepia, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/37", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10246 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 4m Green, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/37", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10247 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 5m Red-brown, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/37", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10248 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 6m Pale yellow-green, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom right corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/40", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10249 EUR 800
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 6m Yellow-green, Royal oblique perforation, a complete mint sheet of 100 with control numbered "A/42", very fine and extremely rare, the unique uncut sheet. (page)
Lot 10250 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 10m Deep violet, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/37", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10251 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 13m Rose-carmine, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/39", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)
Lot 10252 EUR 300
1937-46 Young King Farouk Portrait Issue: 15m Brown-purple, imperforate, Royal Cancelled on reverse, bottom left corner sheet marginal control block of four, numbered "A/39", very fine and extremely rare as only one sheet was printed for each control number, a unique block. (page)

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