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Worldwide Stamps and Covers
Abu Dhabi (1)
Albania (1)
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Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory (5)
Antarctica: British Expedition 1910-13 (1)
Antarctica: British Graham Land Expedition 1934-37 (1)
Antarctica: Collections (1)
Antarctica: French Southern and Antarctic Territor (2)
Antarctica: Shackleton-Rowett Expedition 1921-22 (1)
Antarctica: Swedish Expedition 1901-04 (2)
Antarctica: Wilkins-Hearst Expedition 1928-30 (1)
Argentina (1)
Austria (3)
Bahrain (1)
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Bangladesh (1)
Belgium (4)
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Bermuda (7)
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Grenada (3)
Guatemala (1)
Haiti (1)
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Iran (3)
Iraq (4)
Iraq: British Occupation: Issues for Baghdad (1)
Ireland (1)
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Israel (1)
Jamaica (4)
Jordan: Transjordan (2)
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Liechtenstein (3)
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Montserrat (3)
Morocco (1)
Morocco Agencies: British Currency (1)
Morocco Agencies: Collections (4)
Morocco Agencies: French Currency (1)
Morocco Agencies: Gibraltar used in Morocco (1)
Morocco Agencies: Spanish Currency (3)
Netherlands Colonies (1)
Netherlands Colonies: Curacao (1)
Netherlands Indies (1)
Norway (2)
Pakistan (8)
Palestine (4)
Poland (1)
Romania (1)
Russia (1)
Samoa (1)
Sarawak (2)
Saudi Arabia: Collections (1)
Saudi Arabia: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2)
Spain (7)
Sweden (1)
Switzerland (6)
Turkey (1)
Turks and Caicos Islands (1)
Yemen (1)
Yemen: Royalist Civil War Issues (2)
Abu Dhabi: 1971 5f. on 50f. surcharge used horizontal pair, the right stamp showing flaw (broken lettering) in the second group of Arabic characters. S.G. unlisted. (2)
Albania: A range of 1920s sheets and large blocks, incl. 1927 Second Year 1r., 3r. complete sheets of 100, 1928 Kingdom 10q., 50q., 2f., 3f. complete sheet of fifty. (100s)
Albania: 1928-35 5q. on 25q. corner block of ten with misplaced overprint leaving surcharge omitted or largely omitted on top row and surcharge at top on lower row, fine unmounted mint. S.G. 280.
Argentina: A mainly mint range on stockbook pages, incl. much middle period, Airs, duplication, etc. (100s)
Austria: 1826 (Jan, 11) wrapper to London with straight line “TRIESTE” datestamps, “CHARGE” mark in red, rated ‘18’kr and with horseshoe “REGISTERED/(crown)” mark also in red and 1848 (Sept. 9) entire letter to Birmingham ‘p. Hamburg’ with “WIEN/RECOMMAND” three-line datestamps, “Franco” and “[CROWN
Austria: 1957 Ottawa P&T presentation book, incl. 1953 Birds 1s., 3s., 5s. and 10s., 1955 10th Anniversary, etc., cat. £575.
Austria: Railway Cancellations: A selection, incl. Brunn, Krakau, Pilsen, Teplitz, etc. (40 items)
Bahrain: 1949 U.P.U. set with serif “SPECIMEN” (horizontal) overprints from an unidentified receiving authority. (4) S.G. 67-70. Photo.
Bahrain: Mint collection in small binder and loose incl. 1933-37 K.G.V 5r. watermark inverted, 1938-41 to 15r., 1942, 1948-49, 1950 sets mint and largely complete to 1996 incl. miniature sheets also small mint group of Iraq, Kuwait and Oman. (few 100s)
Bangladesh: Mint and used selection incl. 1974 2t. mint severely misperforated, 1976 20p. imperforate pair, postal stationery uprated (some with Pakistan issues) and airmail envelopes to India or England, Pakistan mint stationery with Bangladesh overprints, a few revenues incl. 1990 National Savings
Belgium: Essays and Proofs, a collection incl. reprints in various colours and papers in a binder with 1862 Weiner design 10c. (14), 1864 King Leopold Competition essays incl. Fisch design 1c. (14), 10c. (12), 20c. (11) and 40c. (17) and similar range with white numerals., Asthover 1c. (14), 10c. (1
1869-80 5f. red-brown, fine used with neat c.d.s., Stolow (New York) and Senf (Leipzig) expertising marks on rear. R.P.S. certificate (1989). S.G. 57a., cat. £1,900. Photo.
Belgium: Collection of exhibition covers cards, stamps and labels from 1885 to 1935 in an album, incl. 1910 Brussels Exhibition set mint and used on Express cover, postcards, cancellations, advertising vignettes, etc. (few 100s)
Belgium: 1899 to 1993, a collection of leaves of pre-cancelled stamps including a few multiples (some marginal) and sheets with framed Brussels, Antwerp, Charleroi, Gent etc. cancellations, 1936 State Arms issues to 50c. with hexagonal Brussels cancellations, 1951-80 Belgian Lion issue to 4F.50c., a
Belgium: 1913 Ghent Exhibition collection on leaves incl. exhibition map, machine slogan cancellations and c.d.s.’s on contemporary mail, exhibition labels on mail, picture postcards of the exhibition, poster stamps with a few in sheet format etc. (20 items+qty of stamps)
Belgium: Specialised mint and used collection of the 1921-25 small sideface Montenez issue in binder with identified perforation and frame sizes incl. 50c. indigo with plate flaws, 50c. deep grey-blue block of four showing retouch, errors in the engravers name, joined and deformed lettering, re-enra
Belgium: Brussels Philatelic Exhibitions collection incl. 1921 covers with Exhibition cancellations, bicoloured King Albert I ‘Tin Hat’ Exhibition vignettes incl. a sheet of 25 in purple and blue-green, 1924 75th Anniversary of the Epaulette issue covers, vignette unused, on cover and on a piece and
Belgium: A collection of the 1921-25 small Montenez sideface issues on mail incl. 75c. on 1924 to Manchester, 1931 to Zurich franked 75c. marginal imprint corner position with 1c. (5) and 25c. Houyox issues and 70c. Lion, 1925 to Nuremburg franked 1f., 1926 express to England franked 1f. (3) and 50c
Belgium: Special and Private Overprints selection incl. 1922 Madrid Congress on 1c. (2), 1942 Music Hall miniature sheet with Royal crown perfin, 1945 crown V 1945 overprint set and others to 1969 a number with inverted overprints and a few on cover. (approx. 100)
Belgium: 1932 Mercier set unmounted mint (four lowest values mounted), mainly fine. S.G. 609-27, cat. £650. Photo.
Belgium: 1970 Elstrom King Baudouin issue specialised study in binders, loose and on leaves incl. numbered limited editions (on reverse) marginal imperforate blocks of four of all values (to 40F.), “SPECIMEN” overprints on 9f., 4f. plate no. strip of five and on 3f.50c., 6f., 8f. 20f. and 30f. all
Belgium: Collections: Proofs, a selection in binder mostly black prints on thin paper with an official P.O. embossed seal clear of the design incl. 1931 2f. King Albert, 1943 10c.+5c. Winter Relief, 1944 10f.+ 30f. Winter Relief (2), 1945 War Victims Relief sets (both formats), 1945 P.O.W. Relief se
Belgium: Collections: Souvenir sheet collection with first day cancellations incl. 1937 Prince Baudouin, 1937 Queen Astrid and Prince Baudouin, 1938 European Aeronautical meeting (Postal Museum cancellations of June 16), 1938 Prince Albert of Liege, 1939 Rubens, 1940 Music Foundation and later examp
Belgium: Collections: Limited edition luxury proof selection in binder incl. 1947 Film and Fine Arts Festival (800 issued), 1952 Cardinal van Roey Silver Anniversary (1,000 issued,) 1953 Cultural issue (800 issued), 1854 Rotary (650 issued), 1956 Queen Elisabeth 80th Anniversary (200 issued) 1957 Cu
Belgium: Used collection in stockbook of 1863-65 Medallion issues, sorted by value and perf. gauge with a mixture of barred or lozenge type numerals cancellations, a few multiples and a few on piece. (few 100s)
Belgium: A mint range incl. 1910 (June) Brussels Exhibition, 1911 (Apr.) Overprint and (June) Charleroi Exhibition sets mint, 1914 (Oct.) and 1915 (Jan.) sets, 1912 (Apr.-Oct.) set, 1915-22 1c. to 15c. King Albert and 35c. to 10f. set, 1933 Anti-Tuberculosis set mint and a few others. (80)
Belgium: An early to middle period collection on leaves, mint and used, incl. range of imperfs., parcel posts, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
Belgium: Selection of miniature sheets comprising 1930 Antwerp Philatelic Exhibition 4f. used (Exhibition datestamp in top corner), 1931 2f.45c.+55c. Soldiers Fund mint, 1935 Brussels Philatelic Exhibition mint and used (cancelling the stamp), 1936 70c.+30c. Bougerhout Philatelic Exhibition mint, 19
Belgium: 1915 Liege Universal Exhibition, a well written up collection in a Safe album, incl. range of vignettes, postcards and advertising cards, poster stamps, participants vignettes, ephemera, etc. (few 100s)
Belgium: Booklets: Collection on leaves incl. 1963 Red Cross issue and 1969 to 2014 largely complete with some duplication a few c.t.o., also a used group of pairs, panes and or singles from booklets, a number on covers addressed locally or to England with some in conjunction with ordinary issues. (
Belgium: Postage Dues: Collection mostly on mail in a carton incl. 1854 fragment franked 10c. with framed deficiency mark, 1870 10c. and 20c. mint and used incl. 20c. defective imperforate mint pair, 10c. and 20c. bisected diagonally or horizontally and tied to pieces, fragments or covers, 1895 issu
Belgium: Postal Stationery: Collection on leaves in a carton incl. 1877 5c. unissued newspaper wrapper trials overprinted “SPECIMEN”, 1905 5c. postcard to Karachi uprated 5c., 1921 10c. postcard to England uprated 15c. and 5c. redirected twice, 1931 50c. illustrated postcard to London uprated 50c.,
Belgium: Railway Stamps: Collection in binder incl. 1879-82 set used, 1882-94 mint (less 80c.) and used sets and imperforate colour trials of the 80c. and 2F. on thin paper, a few forgeries and reprints, 1895-1902 set used, 1902-14 mint set incl. 3f. in blocks of six (3) and 10f. in blocks of six (4
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: Central Brussels datestamps, a collection incl. 1868 envelope to Scotland franked 30c. with “IXELLES(BRUXELLES)” c.d.s., 1873 envelope to Scotland franked 30c. (2) tied by double ring “BRUXELLES” c.d.s., 1874 5c. postcard to Geneva uprated 10c. and tied by “BRUXELL
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: Specialised study of obliterations on the 1869 King Leopold issue (mostly 10c.) in a large bound ledger with ‘losange de point’ diamond of dots numerals arranged numerically from ‘1’ to ‘438’, double ring datestamps arranged alphabetically Anvers-Ypres and single r
Belgium: Brussels suburban datestamps collection in small carton incl. 1874 wrapper to Genoa franked 20c. pair tied by St Josse-ten-Noode duplex c.d.s, 1877 5c. postcard to Stockholm uprated 5c. and tied by St Josse-Ten-Noode c.d.s., 1871 entire letter to Switzerland franked 10c. (3) with St Giles B
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: 1879 to 1946, a correspondence in a binder, with letters enclosed (some in ‘mirror writing’) and addressed to France, Holland or Switzerland mostly franked at single weight rates and the majority addressed to the Countess Arnaud, a few with 1f.25c. Hoyoux issue sol
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: Brussels Instructional Datestamps collection incl. 1895 (ca.) 10c. envelope to Vienna uprated 10c. and 5c. tied by “BRUXELLES/DEPART” c.d.s., 1901 envelope to Brussels from Ostend franked 20c. and 25c. with double ring oval “BRUXELLES (RECEPTION)” datestamp, 1903 p
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: World War I German Occupation, mail from Brussels post offices in a binder incl. Brussels c.d.s codes, “1d”, “1g”, “1k”, “1n”, “1o”, “5a”, “6a”, “6B”, “8”, “8A”, “10F”, “11”, “11A”, “12B” 1915 field postcard to Osnabruck with framed “BRUXELLES NORD/C RECETTES 3” d
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: A mostly W.W.I selection incl. 1915 unfranked postcard or envelopes (one with O.H.M.S. imprint) to Le Havre with circular or framed cachet of the Belgium Correspondence Bureau at the Grand Hotel (London), 1917 (ca.) envelope to London from the Belgian Government i
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: Collection of post W.W.I Belgian Occupation of Germany mail sent unfranked or with bilingual “ALLEMAGNE/DUITSLAND” overprint frankings and tied or cancelled by Military Post Office datestamps nos. 1A-12 incl. 1921 postcard to Singapore franked 20c. tied by no. “4”
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: 1935 Brussels Exhibition collection incl. 5f. entry ticket, poster stamps (some in blocks), 1934 Exhibition issue and 1935 Exhibition Charity issue used, some on mail (one on a taxed postage due envelope to England), Exhibition cancellations on contemporary mail et
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: 1940 (Nov. and Dec.) censored envelopes to ‘Post Restante 506’ or ‘Boite Postale’ 506 in Lisbon, franked 1f.75c. or 40c. (3), 50c. and 5c. from Warooing or Bruges with British or German censor tape at left and numbered “5350” or “3264” censor marks applied, also a
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: 1942 (Jan. 30) commercial envelope with Brussels return address to Munich franked Germany 12pf. tied by a Feldpost “d” machine cancellation with framed “Durch deutsche Feldpost” in red and “Uber Feldpost und L.G.P.A. Brussel” mark at lower left. Unusual apparently
Belgium: Cancellations and Covers: Modern group with Marchand/De Bast (1952), Baudoin framed issue (1980), Velghe/Spectacles design incl. high values (1981-84), Albert II first issue (1993), Albert II Spectacles (1996), Albert II Spectacles II (1999), Albert II Euro currency (2002) and Albert II in
Belgium: Army Service: Collection of oval imprint “M” (Military) issues of 1967 and 1971-77 with use of contemporary mail plus ordinary (civilian) postage stamps (Elstrom issues) military cancellations. (27 + 12 covers)
Belgium: Postcards: Exhibitions: Unused and used in both black and white and coloured types in three volumes in a carton incl. 1910 Brussels Exposition with views of the Entrance, Grand Palace, Fountain, Antwerp, Gand, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swiss, Monaco Pavilions or sections etc., 1913 Ge
Bermuda: 1865 3d. yellow-buff variety watermark inverted, fine used. S.G. 5aw, cat. £350. Photo.
Bermuda: 1892-93 Watermark Crown CC 1/2d., 2d. and 1s. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D12), a few paper adhesions on rear, uncommon. S.G. 21s, 26s and 29s, cat. £375. (3)
Bermuda: 1901 1/4d. on 1s. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D12), paper adhesion on rear and 1902-03 1/2d., 1d., and 3d. overprinted “SPECIMEN”. (4)
Bermuda: 1916 (June 23) local envelope (one flap missing) to the 1st Battalion Lincoln Regiment, British Expeditionary Force franked 1d. and tied by Hamilton machine cancellation with circular “P.C./BERMUDA” mark below. The addressee, Corporal Phillip Stanley Ingham, was eventually promoted to Serge
Bermuda: 1918-22 2s. to £1 set overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D12a), very fine with gum. (6) S.G. 51bs-55s, cat. £900. Photo.
Bermuda: 1920-21 Tercentenary set (6d. marginal) vertically overprinted “SPECIMEN” (upwards) (Samuel type D12a), very fine. (9) S.G. 59s-67s, cat. £375. Photo.
Bermuda: 1921 Tercentenary set vertically overprinted “SPECIMEN” (upwards) (Samuel type D12a) and very fine. S.G. 68s-76s, cat. £375. (9)
Bermuda: 1924-32 Watermark Mult. Script CA 2s. to 12s.6d. set overprinted or perforated “SPECIMEN” (Samuel types D16 or D19), very fine with gum. (4) S.G. 88s-93s, cat. £600. Photo.
Bermuda: 1924-32 Watermark Mult. Script CA 12s.6d. grey and orange, variety gash in fruit and leaf, mint, fine. S.G. 93g, cat. £800. Photo.
Bermuda: 1935 Silver Jubilee set with diagonal perforated “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type W8), very fine with gum. (4) S.G. 94s-97s, cat. £225. Photo.
Bermuda: 1936 Pictorial set with horseshoe “SPECIMEN” perfin, very fine with gum. (9) S.G. 98s-106s, cat. £325. Photo.
Bermuda: 1937 Coronation set perforated “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D20), very fine with gum. (3) S.G. 107s-109s, cat. £225.
Bermuda: 1938-41 Pictorial and high value set with horseshoe perforated “SPECIMEN”, very fine with gum. (16) S.G. 110s-121s, cat. £2,000. Photo.
Bermuda: 1938-52 an annotated mint study of the shades and printings of all values in accordance with the Potter-Sheldon listing (1952). (72)
Bermuda: 1928-53 2s. purple and blue on deep blue, perf. 14, variety gash in chin, unmounted mint, fine. S.G. 116cf, cat. £325+. Photo.
Bermuda: 1938-53 2s. to £1 unmounted mint set, perf. 13, comprising all the listed shades, very fine. (11) S.G. 116e, f, 117c, d, 118 f, g, 119 e, f, 120e and 121d, e, cat. £596.
Bermuda: 1946 Victory set with perforated “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D21). S.G. 123s-124s, cat. £160. (2)
Bermuda: 1949 U.P.U. set with serif “SPECIMEN” (horizontal) overprints from an unidentified receiving authority. (4) S.G. 130-33. Photo.
Bermuda: A collection on stock cards, incl. K.G.V keyplates to 10s. mint, K.G.VI keyplates to £1 mint, etc. (40)
Ceylon: 1857 1d. and 2s. imperf. plate proofs in black on wove paper, and 1929 reprinted die proof of the 1857 6d. design with value removed. Photo.
Ceylon: 1872-80 2c., 4c., 8c., 16c., 24c., 36c., 48c. and 96c., imperf. and overprinted “CANCELLED”, mainly fine without gum, and 32c. and 48c. imperf. imprimaturs. Photo.
Ceylon: 1872-80 32c. die proof in black on glazed card, endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING” and dated “Apr. 18, 1877”, fine. Photo.
Ceylon: 1872-80 64c. die proof in black on glazed card, dated “Apr. 12, 1877”, fine. Photo.
Ceylon: A range of Q.V. multiples, incl. 1882 20c. on 64c. corner plate block of nine, 1893-99 2r.50, 1899-1900 values to 75c. in blocks of four, etc. mainly fine. (17 items)
Ceylon: 1885 25c. on 32c. (2 shades), 28c. on 48c., and 1885 type 26 10c. on 24c., each in a mint block of four, fine. S.G. 167, 167a, 168, 188. Photo.
Ceylon: 1885 perf. 121/2 x 14 1r.12c. on 2r.50c. lower marginal block of nine, mint, one or two minor imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. 176, cat. £1,090+. Photo.
Ceylon: 1885 1r.12 on 2r.50, selection incl. perf. 121/2 x 14 mint examples (3) and perf. 121/2 used strip of three with fiscal cancellation, etc., mainly fine. (12)
Ceylon: 1886 5c. die proof in black on glazed card, dated “5 AUG 85” and endorsed “BEFORE/HARDENING”, fine. Photo.
Ceylon: 1886 5c. to 28c. set overprinted with diagonal local “SPECIMEN” (type CE4) in red, fine with gum. (4) S.G. 195s, 197s-199s Photo.
Ceylon: 1886-95 1r.12c die proof in black in glazed card, dated “7AUG85” and endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”, fine. Photo.
Ceylon: 1886-95 1r.12c. locally overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type CE4) in red, part gum, light corner crease otherwise fine. Photo.
Ceylon: 1886-95 1r.12c. locally overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type CE4) in red, with part gum, one lightly toned perf. otherwise fine. S.G. 201s, cat. £400. Photo.
Ceylon: 1886-95 1r.12c. overprinted “SPECIMEN”, mint (5, incl. block of four) and used (7) mainly good to fine.
Ceylon: 1886-95 1r.12 rose, strip of four used with Colombo hooded cancellations, fine. S.G. 201. Photo.
Ceylon: 1886-95 1r.12c. used on 1898 (Jan. 11) envelope registered to Canada, tied by “A” barred oval and framed “R” with London Jan. 30 transit and backstamped Montreal Feb. 1 arrival. Photo.
Ceylon: Selection of varieties comprising 1885 2c. on 4c. type 32 on rose overprint double, one inverted, type 33 on rose overprint inverted, type 34 on rose overprint inverted, type 35 on rose overprint inverted, type 35 on rose overprint double, one inverted, 1890 5c. on 15c. with “REVENUE” omitte
Ceylon: 1892 surcharges, a range incl. 2c. on 4c. rosy mauve complete sheet of sixty, 3c. on 4c. rose both watermarks overprinted “SPECIMEN”, 3c. on 4c. rosy mauve corner block of 24, 3c. on 28c. strip of five on cover, etc.
Ceylon: Selection overprinted “SPECIMEN” incl. 1893-99 and 1899-1900 sets, etc. in slightly varied condition. (16) Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99 3c. imperf. colour trials (3) in red-brown, yellow and deep green, and black and deep green respectively on gummed unwatermarked paper. Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99 3c. imperf. colour trial in olive-green on unwatermarked paper, affixed to small piece ex De La Rue archives. Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99, Piece (50 x 78mm) ex De La Rue archives bearing 3c. imperf. colour trial in olive-green and carmine endorsed “12 Cents” alongside and with perf. 6c. in issued colours affixed above. Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99 3c. overprinted “SPECIMEN”, strip of five, with full gum, fine. S.G. 245s. Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99 30c. imperf. plate proof in bright mauve and scarlet on gummed watermarked paper, horizontal pair from the right of the sheet. Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99, 2r.50c. imperf. colour trial in red on red watermarked Crown CA paper, without gum, minor ink traces on surface otherwise fine. Photo.
Ceylon: 1893-99, 2r.50c. imperf. colour trial in black on red watermarked Crown CA paper, without gum, tiny corner crease otherwise fine. Photo.
Ceylon: 1899-1900, die proofs, master frame die proof for 1r.50 and 2r.25 high values in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated “12 JUN 99” and endorsed “BEFORE/HARDENING”. Photo.
Ceylon: 1899-1900, die proofs, master frame die proof for 1r.50 and 2r.25 high values in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated “13 JUN 99” and endorsed “AFTER/STRIKING”. Photo.
Ceylon: 1899-1900, die proofs, die proof of 1r.50 duty only in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated “3 JUL 99”. Photo.
Ceylon: 1899-1900, die proofs, die proof of 2r.25 duty only in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm), dated “3 JUL 99”. Photo.
Ceylon: 1899-1900, colour trials, 15c. imperf. colour trials (6) in brown-purple and orange, brown-purple and black, brown-purple and blue-green, mauve and blue-green (part attached to piece), bistre and mauve, and bistre and blue respectively, mostly fine on unwatermarked wove paper with gum. Photo
Ceylon: 1899-1900, colour trials, 1r.50 imperf. colour trials (5) in brown and blue, rose and blue-green, olive-brown and brown-orange, blue-green and maroon and sage-green and rose respectively, mostly fine on unwatermarked wove paper with gum. Photo.
Ceylon: 1899-1900, selection of mint marginal or corner pairs or multiples, comprising 2c. plate 2 pair and block of four, 3c. plate 2 pair and block of four, 6c. plate 1 and 2 pairs, 4c. plate 3 pair and block of four, 12c. plate 2 pair and block of four, 15c. plate 2 pairs (2), 75c. plate 1 margin
Ceylon: 1899-1900, 1r.50 and 2r.25 mint marginal blocks of four, the latter with minor crease otherwise fine. S.G. 263, 264, cat. £308+. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Essays, early essay with printed head and crown pasted onto die proof of frame used for 1899-1900 1r.50 and 2r.25 originally dated “12 JUN 99” and endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”, and with handdrawn perforations added to surround. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Essays, Composite essay on card (32 x 35 mm) with printed head and crown pasted onto frame handpainted in black and Chinese white, denominated 2c. and with hand-drawn perforations. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Essays, 1910 De La Rue Key Plate essay incorporating stamp sized die proof in black with K.E.VII head in solid background, the upper tablet with country name and ornaments, side frames “POSTAGE &” and “REVENUE”, and 5c. value tablet all handpainted in black and Chinese white,
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1903 K.E.VII master die proof with uncleared value tablet, in black in glazed card, dated “12 JAN 03” and endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, master die proof of frame (key plate types 45/48), in black in glazed card, dated “13 JAN 03” and endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1903-05 2c. die proof in black on white glazed card, endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING” and dated “3 MAR 03”. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1903-05 4c. die proof of duty tablet only in black in glazed card, dated “24 FEB 03” and endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1903-05 5c. die proof in black in glazed card, dated “29 SEP 02” and endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1903-05 6c. die proof in black in glazed card, dated “5 MAR 03”, endorsed “AFTER STRIKING” and initialled. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1910 2c. die proof in unadopted key plate format (type 48) in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm), endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”, dated “3 MAY 10”. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Die Proofs, 1910 6c. die proof in unadopted key plate format (type 48) in black on white glazed card (92 x 60mm), endorsed “BEFORE HARDENING”, dated “3 MAY 10”, this value not reissued. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Colour Trials, Colour Trials: 1903-05 3c. imperf. colour trials (4) in orange and carmine, orange and blue, deep green and olive-green and carmine respectively, each on watermarked paper with traces of gum. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Colour Trials, 1903-05 15c. imperf. colour trials (6) in olive-brown and blue-green, red-brown and blue, lilac and blue, bright blue and violet, blue-green and brown and blue-green and blue respectively on gummed, watermarked paper. Photo.
Ceylon: King Edward VII Specimen Stamps, selection overprinted “SPECIMEN”, incl. 1903-05 and 1910-11 sets, etc., mainly fine with gum. (3)
Ceylon: 1935-36 issue, a collection, incl. two presentation folders containing the set, range of imprint blocks, covers (14), etc., also 1912-25 10r. used.
Ceylon: 1940-41 Provisionals, a group of covers written up on leaves, incl. range of cancellations, scarce. Ex Munro. (8)
Ceylon: A mint Q.V. collection on stock pages, incl. 1867-70 4d., 5d., 8d. and 9d. (part gum), 1866-68 3d., 1872-80 values to 48c., 1883-99 2r.50 (3), 1885 perf. 14 5c. on 32c. (2), 20c. on 32c. (2), 20c. on 24c., watermark Crown CA 5c. on 16c., 1885 set (also another 1r.12 marginal example), 1885 2
Ceylon: “CAVE” private overprints and later perfins produced by H.W. Cave and Co., Colombo, selection incl. Q.V. values to 15c., 1893 cover to Canada and 1896 postcards to London bearing overprinted 3c., etc.
Ceylon: A mint K.E.VII collection on stock cards, incl. range of multiples, 1903-05 set, values to 75c. in blocks of four, 1904-05 set, 1910-11 set, etc. (approx. 150)
Ceylon: A collection of Q.V. surcharged issues, incl. 1885 issue duplicated, watermark Crown CA perf. 14 5c. on 24c. Sperati forgery, etc., also a few mint with 1885 5c. on 4c. rose block of four. (approx. 130)
Ceylon: A Q.V. to K.E.VII range on stock pages and cards, incl. 1893-1900 2r.50 used, 1899-1900 values to 2r.25. used, values to 2r.25 overprinted “SPECIMEN”, etc., slightly varied condition.
Ceylon: A used collection on leaves, Q.V. to K.G.V, incl. 1888-90 varieties, K.E.VII values to 2r.25, some cancellation interest, etc. (100s)
Ceylon: A used Q.V. collection on leaves, incl. 1882 20c. on 64c. block of nine, 1872-80 values to 96c., 1885 overprints, 1890 5c. on 15c. overprint inverted, etc. (approx. 100)
Ceylon: Officials: 1903-04 3c., 5c., 15c., 25c. and 30c. in mint blocks of four, a few minor faults, otherwise fine. S.G. between O22-27. Photo.
Ceylon: Officials: A collection on leaves, incl. prepared for used but never issued overprint type O1 2d. (2), 6d., 8d., and 2s., overprint type O2 1d. (2), 1895 1r. 12 (3, one with watermark upright), 1903-04 set, 2c. strips of five (2, one with offset on reverse), etc., slightly varied condition.
Ceylon: Officials: A mainly used collection, incl. 1895 15c. interpanneau block of eleven mint, 1895 1r. 12 used (4), etc. (72)
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1862 Perkins Bacon 1d. plate proof in black, block of four from Schedule A wording, plate 1, fine. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill: 1874 10c. and 1894 20c. and 30c. in unused strips of three, 20c. with adhesions, otherwise mainly fine. Barefoot 18, 20, 21. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1898 (Jan. 11) complete Bill of Exchange with First of Exchange 60c. red-brown and violet on reverse tied by Carson and Company oval in violet, with British Foreign Bill 2s. applied on arrival, some filing folds. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1898 (Feb. 15) complete Bill of Exchange with First of Exchange 60c. red-brown and violet on reverse tied by Carson and Company oval in violet, with British Foreign Bill 2s. applied on arrival, some filing folds. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1898 (Mar. 2) complete Bill of Exchange with First of Exchange 60c. purple and brown on reverse tied by Carson and Company oval in violet, with British Foreign Bill 2s. applied on arrival, some filing folds. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1898 (Mar. 9) complete Bill of Exchange bearing First of Exchange 1r.20c. tied Carson & Co. oval, with British Foreign Bill 4s., both stamps with National Bank of India perfin, filing crease affecting Ceylon adhesive, otherwise fine. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1898 (July 19) complete Bill of Exchange bearing First of Exchange 40c. tied Carson & Co. oval, with British Foreign Bill 2s., some filing creases, otherwise fine. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill 1904 10c. grey, 20c. violet and blue marginal plate example, 40c. green and red, 80c. yellow and black, 1r.20c. violet and blue marginal plate example, each as mint strips of three, mainly fine. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill, an accumulation, Q.V. to K.E.VII, incl. firsts, seconds and thirds, 1905-09 set as used singles with first, second and third for each, etc., mixed condition. (100s)
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill, a used collection written up on leaves, from 1885 to 1909, incl. first, second and thirds, etc. (approx. 150)
Ceylon: Revenues: Foreign Bill, a used Q.V. to K.E.VII collection of singles, incl. first, seconds and thirds, 1893 60c. on 1r.25 (4, with two seconds and a third), 2r. on 2r.25 purple (5, with a second and two thirds), etc. (100s)
Ceylon: Revenues: Stamp Duty: 1904 5c. imperf. colour trials (4) in dull green and orange, dull green and blue, dull green and violet and lilac and carmine respectively on gummed Watermark Crown CA paper. Photo.
Ceylon: Revenues: Stamp Duty, a K.E.VII collection, incl. two complete documents, one with 5c. and one with 1r. and 2r., etc.
Ceylon: Revenues: Warehouse Warrant, a used collection comprising 1871 1s. (unused), 1873 small vertical overprint 5c. (2), 1873 vertical overprint 5c., 50c., horizontal overprint 5c., 50c. (5), 1903-06 50c., slightly mixed condition.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1881 issue, a mint or part gum collection, values to 5r., incl. 12c. and 50c. blocks of four, 25c. green pair, type 6 1r. (crease), etc. (17)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1881-82 issue, a range used in Trincomalee, incl. used halves and strips, 12c., 25c., 50c., 1r., 2r.50 and 5r. used on telegraph receipt, etc. (61)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1882-94 12c. on 25c. green, 20c. on 50c. blue, 40c. on 50c., 60c. on 1r. , 80c. on 1r. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (type CE5) in black twice, part gum, some adhesions on reverse, otherwise mainly fine. S.G. T24, 33, 48, 67, 90. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1882-94, a mint range comprising type T53 20c. on 25c. green, type T31 20c. on 50c., type T66 40c. on 50c. blue, type T63 60c. on 1r. red-brown, type T76 60c. on 2r.50c. grey, type T101 80c. on 5r. orange, type T108 80c. on 25r. (Ex Hiscocks), type T107 80c. on 10r., mainly fine.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1882-94 20c. on 25c., 40c. on 1r., 60c. on 1r., and 80c. on 1r., each with overprinted local “SPECIMEN” (type CF4) in red twice, with gum, a few minor imperfections, otherwise fine. S.G. T31, 58, 70, 93. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1882-94 type T48 40c. on 50c. pair with inverted “s” in “cents” and type T49 40c. on 50c. pair, mint, some gum wrinkles, otherwise fine. S.G. T53, a, T54. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1892-1903 issue, 20c., 40c., 60c. and 80c. each dated 1-9-92 mint, and a range of used halves. (22)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1892-1903 20c. strip of three dated 1-9-92 mint, fine. S.G. T124, cat. £330. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1892-1903 20c. strip of three dated 1-9-92 mint, fine. S.G. T124, cat. £330. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1894 25c. green, 50c., type 7 1r., 2r.50, 5r., 10r., 25r. and 50r. (2), all overprinted “SPECIMEN” (type CE4) in red twice, also 5r. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (type CE5) in black twice, slightly varied condition.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1903-04 5c., 10c., 20c., 50c. and 60c., mint, mainly fine. S.G. T150, T151, T153, T156, T157, cat. £1,000. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1905, a range of unseparated whole stamps all used in Colombo, with values to 5r. (4), 10r. (3) and 25r., mainly fine. (33)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1905 to 5r. mint, a few extra shades, mainly fine. S.G. T165-176. Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: 1910 issue, a collection incl. 20c. on 12c., 20c. on 25c., 40c. on 12c., and 40c. on 1r. (2) and 60c. on 12c. mint, also range of examples with forged overprinted and genuine Colombo postmarks. (13)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: A used Q.V. to K.E.VII collection in a boxed album, incl. wholes and halves, wide range of cancellations, etc. (100s)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: A used Q.V. to K.E.VII accumulation, some written up on leaves, incl. wholes and halves, 1880 values to 25r., 1881-82 half values to 25r. on piece, 1882-94 range with 5r. on 50r., K.E.VII to 10r. (2) whole, etc. (100s)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: A used Q.V. to K.E.VII collection in a boxed album, incl. wholes and halves, wide range of cancellations with N to Z, etc. (100s)
Ceylon: Telegraphs: A group of items with cancellation interest, incl. 1903-04 1r. strip of three halves with Pearl Fishery c.d.s’s, 1894 piece with values to 10r. tied Slave Island c.d.s’s, two receipts bearing Q.V. values to 25r. used in Trincomalee, etc. (6 items) Photo.
Ceylon: Telegraphs: An extensive used collection of K.E.VII issues, incl. much cancellation interest, wholes with 1905 25r. (3), pairs with 1905 values to 10r. in pairs with Colombo 1909 c.d.s’s, 5r. pair with Paduka c.d.s’s, strips with 1905 6c. strips of five and 75c. strip of four with Colombo 19
Ceylon: Telegraphs: A group of K.E.VII telegraph forms and receipts, incl. 1913 used in Jaffna. (8)
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: Official Mail: A selection of covers and cards, incl. 1899 O.M.M.S. cover to Germany, franked by 1895 5c. strip of five, postal stationery, stampless, etc. (47 items)
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: 1866-68 1d. blue block of four used with Haldumulla barred numerals and 1893-99 4c. block of six used with Colombo c.d.s., fine. Photo.
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: 1898 (Oct. 28) registered envelope to Kent bearing 2c., 3c. (2), 4c., 5c. and 8c. tied Colombo registered c.d.s’s, Ashford Nov. 21 arrival on reverse, also 1899 envelope to Liverpool bearing 4c. carmine strip of three with Colombo duplex. Photo.
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: 1910 (May 19) 5c. postal stationery envelope addressed locally bearing Q.V. values (15) to 1r. 12c., 1r.50c., 2r.25c. and 2r.50c., tied Colombo c.d.s’s, small part of flap missing. Photo.
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: An accumulation of mainly covers and cards in six cover albums, incl. good range of picture postcards, postal stationery, postage due marks, maritime, incoming mail, cancellations with 1894 3c. on 5c. postcard uprated with 2c. and 15c., registered to Germany with Sl
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: An accumulation of mainly covers and cards, incl. 1883 2c. postcard used locally in Colombo, cancelled “A” in barred oval with “COLOMBO/KL” datestamp used to indicate collection from Station boxes, 1901 Q.V. 10c. registered envelope to England, additionally franked
Ceylon: Cancellations and Covers: A range of postmarks on Q.V. high values, incl. Colombo hooded cancellations, 1893-99 2r.50 with Batticoloa c.d.s., 1899-100 1r.50. or 2r.25 with Watalawa, Maskeliya, Diyatalawa or Galle c.d.s’s, etc. (25)
Cyprus: 1881 (Feb.-June) “HALF-PENNY” type 3 (18mm) on 1d. red pl. 215 OB with surcharge much misplaced resulting in part impressions at top and foot, mint, fine and rare. S.G. 7 var. Photo.
Cyprus: 1881 (Oct. 8) G.B. Q.V. 2d. registration envelope (a few faults) from Larnaca to London bearing 30pa. on 1d. red pl. 220 pair tied by “942” barred numeral (one or more stamps missing) with despatch c.d.s., registered oval “and receiving datestamps. A major rarity with only one other example
Cyprus: 1882-86 Watermark Crown CA, Die I 12pi. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D12). Very rare as only 100 produced for U.P.U. distribution. S.G. 22s, cat. £2,250. Photo.
Cyprus: 1882-86 Watermark Crown CA, Die I 12pi. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D12) variety broken “M” in “SPECIMEN”. Only two examples possibly produced of which this is likely the only survivor. S.G. 22s, cat. £2,250 (for normal). Photo.
Cyprus: 1942-43 new values and colours 11/2pi., 2pi. and 3pi. with diagonal perforated “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type D20). S.G. 155as, 155bs, 156as. (3)
Cyprus: 1949 U.P.U. set in blocks of four with unserifed “SPECIMEN” horizontal overprints from unidentified receiving authority, fine with gum. (16) S.G. 168-71. Photo.
Cyprus: 1963 Scouts miniature sheet, ten fine unmounted mint examples. S.G. 231a, cat. £1,100.
Cyprus: A collection in three binders incl. 1880 4d. mint, 1938-51 mint and used sets, 1948 Silver Wedding mint and used sets, 1955-60 used set, 1960-61 mint set, 1963 miniature sheet mint, and mostly mint and largely complete to 2019 also a stockbook of mostly mint duplicates, a few booklets, etc.
Cyprus: A Q.V. to Q.E.II collection, incl. 1880 1d. part gum (5), 1881 to 45pi. used, 1882-86 to 12pi. used, 1912-15 values to 45pi. used, 1938-51 values to £1 (2) mint, 1955-60 set mint, etc. (81)
Cyprus: An accumulation in four albums, incl. G.B. overprinted, 1938-51 set mint, 1955-60 set mint, f.d.c’s., etc. (100s)
Cyprus: A mainly mint collection, incl. 1938-51 values to £1, 1955-60 sets (2), 1963 Scouts miniature sheet unmounted, also 1934 set used, etc.
Denmark: A used early to middle period collection in leaves, incl. range of imperfs., etc., varied condition. (100s)
Egypt: 1879 2pi. yellow-orange, watermark upright, complete pane of sixty with control number 1 and “25 JUL 87” handstamp”, fine unmounted mint. NPD38b. Photo.
Egypt: 1884 5pi. deep slate, chalky paper, imperf. marginal block of four, fine with full gum. NPD44c. Photo.
Egypt: 1888-1906 1m., chalky paper, imperf. marginal block of four, fine with full gum. NPD45e. Photo.
Egypt: 1888-1906 5m. proof in black on thick carton paper, marginal gutter block of eight from the unique sheet, fine, unrecorded. Photo.
Egypt: 1888-1906 5m. chalky paper, imperf. marginal block of four, fine with full gum. NPD50l. Photo.
Egypt: 1893 2pi. orange-brown, watermark upright, complete pane of sixty, control “2”, unmounted mint, some toning, otherwise fine. NPD51. Photo.
Egypt: 1902 2pi. yellow-orange, chalky paper, watermark upright, block of sixty, fine unmounted mint. NPD48b. Photo.
Egypt: 1906 4m. scarlet, watermark upright, chalky paper, complete pant of sixty with control ”1”, fine unmounted mint. NPD49. Photo.
Egypt: 1909 5m. unrecorded vignette, 44m x 37mm, with gum, minor surface flaw. Photo.
Egypt: A comprehensive collection of the 1914-21 pictorial issues written up in an album, incl. 1914 1m. to 10m. corner imperf. block of ten with watermark, 1m. to 200m. imperf. proof pairs without watermark, unrecorded imperf. proof pairs without watermark with Royal cachet on gummed side, three ra
Egypt: 1922 Crown overprint, a comprehensive collection on leaves in an album, incl. mint and used stamps, multiples, controls, positional varieties, unrecorded varieties, reversed watermarks, inverted overprints, double overprints, etc., various usages of all types with domestic and international.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type I complete sheet of 200 (missing lower margin) with two “A.22” controls, incl. varieties ‘accented E’ position 55, ‘broken frame’ position 90, and ‘2 dots omitted’ position 100, unmounted mint, fine, only recorded complete sheet. NPD78I, a, b, c. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type I variety overprint vertically à cheval and inverted, mint, fine. NPD78Id. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type I variety ‘crushed crown’, in control block of six, fine. MPD78Ie. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. variety overprint à cheval, fine used. NPD78IIId. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type II, complete sheet of 200 with two “A.20” controls, mint, perf. reinforcement, incl. varieties ‘accented E’ position 55, ‘broken frame’ position 90, and ‘2 dots omitted’ position 100, fine, the only recorded sheet. NPD78II, a, b, c. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type IIA variety overprint inverted, mint, fine, 34 examples exist. NPD78IIAf. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type III complete lower pane of 100, with control “A23”, fine unmounted mint, the only recorded pane. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type III corner block of 40 mint (38 stamps unmounted), with control “A.23”, variety reversed watermark, one or two stamps with minor adhesions, fine, largest recorded multiple. NPD78IIIe, cat. $1,400. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type III, variety overprint double, fine mint. NPD78IIIg. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 1m. type IV block of twenty, unmounted mint, fine. The largest recorded multiple. NPD78IV, cat. $600. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown type IV 1m. to 20m. mint blocks of four and 50m. (4), from the London typograph printing, fine. NPD78IV-87IV. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 2m. type III, near complete sheet of 196 (missing a block of four), with controls “B.23”, incl. positional varieties with ‘broken frame’ position 14, ‘chopped dots’ position 69, ‘Egypt redrawn’ position 70, ‘broken Arabic letter’ position 81, and ‘pinched left tablet’ position 194,
Egypt: 1922 Crown 2m. type III variety overprint double, fine mint. NPD79IIIi. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 3m. type I, complete upper pane of 100, with control “A.21”, unmounted mint, fine. NPD80I. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 3m. type II marginal block of 96, with control “A.21”, fine unmounted mint. NPD80II. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 4m. type I corner block of 120, with two “B.23” controls, unmounted mint, fine. ND81I. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 4m. type I variety inverted overprint, mint, fine. A.P.S. certificate. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 4m. type I variety ‘crushed crown’, in mint control block of ten, fine. NPD81d. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 4m. type III, marginal sheet of 196 (missing block of four), with two “B.23” controls, incl. varieties ‘joint dot’ position 44, and ‘damaged circle, frame and Arabic figure’ position 179, mint, fine. NPD81III, a, b. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 5m. type I variety ‘crushed crown’, in control block of six, fine mint. NPD82Id. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 5m. type I variety ‘crushed crown’, fine used. NPD82Id. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 10m. type I, block of 112 comprising complete pane of 100 and block of 12, with control “B.23”, unmounted mint, with varieties ‘milliemes redrawn’ position 1, ‘Arabic 1 of 10 redrawn’ position 10, and ‘extra dot over Arabic letter’ position 94, fine. ND83I, a, b, c. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 10m. type I, variety ‘crushed crown’, fine unmounted mint. NPD83Ie. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 10m. type I, variety ‘crushed crown’, used, fine, signed Hass. NPD83Ie. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 10m. type III variety horizontally à cheval, used control block of six, fine. NPD83IIId. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 15m. type I, block of 123 (complete pane of 100 and block of 23 from lower pane), with control “B.22”, unmounted mint, fine, only recorded pane. NPD84I. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 15m. (Mat.) type III, variety overprint vertically à cheval, mint, fine. NPD84IIIIa. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 20m. type I variety overprint double, mint, tone spots, otherwise fine. NPD86Ic. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 20m. type I variety overprint inverted, mint, small tone spot, otherwise fine. NPD86Ib. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 100m. variety overprint double, fine mint. NPD89Ib. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown, 100m. watermark star and crescent pair used at “Ghunia/Cairo”, signed Hass, a rare multiple. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 Crown 100m. variety overprint à cheval, fine used, unrecorded. Photo.
Egypt:1922 Crown 100m. variety overprint double, used on piece. NPD89Ib. Photo.
Egypt: 1923 Crown, 1m. to 15m., group of blocks of four or six with controls type I to III, mint or unmounted. (23) Photo.
Egypt: 1937-51 range of Boy King and Mauchal imperf. proofs in original colours on carton ungummed paper with “Cancelled” on reverse, values to £1, incl. blocks of four (10), shades, Arabic and English wording, upright and inverted wording, etc. (125) Photo.
Egypt: A comprehensive collection of the 1937-43 King Farouk issues in an album, incl. Boy King, Marechal, KES overprints, 3 bars and 6 bars overprints, with block controls, multiples, shades, varieties, imperf. proofs on carton paper with “Cancelled” on reverse, Royal misperfs., unrecorded errors,
Egypt: 1937-51, a group of mainly blocks of four (also some pairs) misperforated from the Royal printings, Boy King and Marechal issues, with values from 1m. to £1, fine. (40 items) Photo.
Egypt: 1937 15m. Boy King complete unmounted mint sheet of 100, with control “A/40”, variety inverted watermark, fine. NPD144a. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 King Farouk 1m. marginal block of eight with bars overprint partially printed on reverse due to paper fold, fine. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 King Farouk overprinted KES and three bars 30m. corner block of twenty, fine unmounted mint from the unique block. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 40m. King Farouk overprinted with three bars, unmounted mint block of four, fine. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 King Farouk overprinted KES and three bars, 40m. lower left control block with unrecorded variety additional bar set at lower margin, fine unmounted mint. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 40m. King Farouk overprinted with six bars, block of four, mint, some reinforced perfs., fine, signed Charles Hass. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 100m. King Farouk overprinted KES and three bars, marginal block of nine, unmounted mint, fine, from the unique recorded sheet of 100. Photo.
Egypt: A collection of De La Rue issues from 1879 to 1906 written up in an album, incl. proofs, imperfs., multiples, controls, various types of paper, watermarks, varieties, shades, singles and multiples usages with domestic and foreign, various rates and routes, airmails, registered, printed matter
Egypt: Collections: Duplicated selection incl. 1923-24 £1 used (8), 1926 50p. used (3), 1927-37 set (3), 1933 Railway set used etc. (many 100s)
Egypt: A range, incl. Sphinx issues, 1933 Aviation Congress set mint, etc. (90)
Egypt: 1880 mourning envelope bearing 10pa. violet block of four tied by Alexandria duplex, with advertising oval alongside, sent to Syra, Greece. Photo.
Egypt: 1883 (Jan. 3) registered cover from Mansma, bearing 10pa. grey pair and 1pi. rose, with framed “Raccomandato” alongside, rare rate. Photo.
Egypt: 1883 (Feb. 21) cover from Farchout to Luxor, bearing 10pa. grey block of four, Feb. 22 arrival on reverse. Hass certificate (1995). Photo.
Egypt: 1882 (June 8) envelope bearing 20pa. blue pair and 2pi. yellow, used on registered cover from Cairo to Dumiat. Photo.
Egypt: 1884 small visitation card bearing 10pa. grey, sent from Abu Hamad to Ismalia. Photo.
Egypt: 1884 (Jan. 24) small visitation card bearing 10pa. lilac, from Cairo to Switzerland, Jan 31 arrival on reverse. Photo.
Egypt: 1888 (Jan.) combination cover bearing 1pi. blue and G.B. 1d. lilac, sent to England (readdressed). Photo.
Egypt: 1900 (Aug.) registered cover from Alexandria to England bearing 2pi. orange and 5pi. grey, filing fold clear of adhesives. Photo.
Egypt: 1901 2m. De La Rue pair tied by “Toura” c.d.s. on postcard to London, rare usage from small village. Photo.
Egypt: 1905 1m. De La Rue strip of three tied by Ras El Tin c.d.s., on postcard sent to Dardanelles, Turkey, taxed 20 para. Photo.
Egypt: 1905 (Nov. 11) cover to Helouan bearing 1m. strip of three, with “The Eastern Telegraph Company Limited” oval advertising handstamp in red alongside. Photo.
Egypt: 1906 2m. De La Rue on postcard, refused by special cancellation, bearing Belgium 1c., sent internally. Photo.
Egypt: 1907 combination postcard bearing Turkey 5pi. tied by Jerusalem bilingual c.d.s, with 4m. De La Rue tied by Alexandria c.d.s., sent to Germany, rare usage between Ottoman post office in Jerusalem and Egypt. Photo.
Egypt: 1911 postcard to Italy bearing 2m. (2) overlapping Germany 10pf. Photo.
Egypt: 1913 1pi. postal stationery envelope bearing 1m. to 10pi. and 5pi. grey, sent registered from Port Said to Germany, light filing folds clear of adhesives. Photo.
Egypt: 1916 (May 25) cover to Malta bearing 1914-21 50m. tied by “Australian Details P.D.” c.d.s, with censor 3151 triangle alongside. Photo.
Egypt: 1916 (July 6) registered cover to Zurich bearing 1914-21 20m. and 100m., with oval “PASSED BY CENSOR No. 6” in red and censorship tape, “Recommande” in violet and “Urgent” in manuscript alongside. Photo.
Egypt: 1920 (Nov. 14) Foreign Parcel Postal Service form bearing 1914-21 20m. (2) and 50m. tied by Cairo Colis Douane Drawback c.d.s’s, sent to Switzerland. Photo.
Egypt: 1921 parcel card form bearing 1914-21 5m., 10m. and 100m. tied by Alexandria Douane c.d.s’s, sent to Switzerland with boxed “DRAWBACK” cachet alongside. Photo.
Egypt: 1922 200m. Crown used with oval Consular revenue cancellation on page of a complete Greek passport, other Egyptian and British revenues on other pages. Photo.
Egypt: 1923 50m. Crown type I used on pre-printed cover with a pair of Fouad 1st portrait 5m., registered to Switzerland, flap missing. Photo.
Egypt: 1923 (Jan 29) parcel card bearing Crown 20m. and 100m. type I used from “Cairo Douane”, sent to Oerlikon, Switzerland, various customs markings, filing fold clear of adhesives. Photo.
Egypt: 1924 (Sept. 22) on value declared parcel card, bearing Crown 50m. type I (pair and single) and Fouad 5m. and 20m., cancelled Cairo P c.d.s’s, sent to Anatolia, Turkey, taxed 5pi. (3) on arrival, rare. Photo.
Egypt: 1930 200m. Crown and Fouad 20m. pair and 50m., used on parcel card from Attaine 8.Oc.30, to Zurich, Switzerland, bearing different customs markings, filing fold clear of stamps. Photo.
Egypt: 1945 (Sept.) “The Kafr-El-Zayat Cotton Co. Ltd.” carton tag bearing Farouk Boy King 200m. pair, sent by expedited airmail service to Switzerland. Photo.
Egypt: 1947 (Oct. 1) registered censored Legation de Belgique cover to Washington bearing Farouk Boy King 50pi. with 10m. and 30m., with wax seal on reverse. Photo.
Egypt: 1951 (June 3) Official airmail cover to Ohio, bearing King Farouk 200m. and King Farouk overprinted KES 50m., tied Sidi Gaber T c.d.s’s, censored. Photo.
Egypt: 1952 cover to Ibrahimia bearing King Farouk overprinted KES 4m. pair and bisect tied Alexandria c.d.s’s, unrecorded bisect making domestic rate of 10m. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 (Aug. 28) registered airmail cover to Switzerland bearing Farouk overprinted with six bars 3m. block of six and pictorials values to 40m., tied by Alexandria R c.d.s’s, Aug. 31 arrival on reverse. Photo.
Egypt: 1953 (Dec. 15) registered cover to Zurich bearing King Farouk overprinted KES with six bars 200m. and Electronic Exposition 10m., tied Alexandria R c.d.s’s, with censor tape. Photo.
Egypt: 1954 (Mar. 18) cover to Zagazig bearing 30m. King Farouk overprinted KES in blue with unrecorded extended three bars, tied Burdin c.d.s. Photo.
Egypt: 1954 (Dec. 7) registered airmail envelope to London bearing King Farouk overprinted six bars 100m. tied Cairo c.d.s. Photo.
Egypt: 1955 (June 23) airmail express cover to Milan, bearing King Farouk overprinted KES and six bars 40m. tied with other values with c.d.s’s, censor tape alongside. Photo.
Egypt: Airmail Covers: Europe: Great Britain: 1933 to 1950, 214 items, mainly covers with some postcards contained in two albums, with a wide range of rates and frankings, various routes and carriers, registered mail, the war time period with a good range of censor marks and labels, F.P.O.’s, etc.,
Antarctica: Swedish Expedition 1901-04: Picture postcard "SOUTH GEORGIA, PITCHING THE TENT IN CUMBERLAND BAY, 28TH MAY 1902", unknown publisher, showing expedition members Andersson, Grunden and Wennersgard, sent from Stanley to Postmaster George Hurst’s son, Robert in New York franked 1904-12 1d. w
Antarctica: Swedish Expedition 1901-04: Swedish Relief Mission, picture postcard showing fine strike of the rare blue straight line “ANTARKTISKA UNDSÄTTNINGSEXPEDITIONEN” cachet dated “Ushuaia 1903 Nov. 20” below and addressed to Buenos Aires franked 2c. cancelled Dec. 3 c.d.s. with Dec. 13 arrival,
Antarctica: British Expedition 1910-13: Fine Art Society postcards, selection comprising Series 1 complete less Wharton type KA-7 but with additional KA-5 and KA-6, Series 2 complete less KA-14, all unused and mainly fine. (14 cards)
Antarctica: Shackleton-Rowett Expedition 1921-22: Great Britain 1912-24 11/2d. (2), one handstamped framed “GOUGH/ ISLAND” expedition cachet and S.R. Antarctic Expedition May 25 1922 c.d.s. in black, the other with “JA 14” expedition c.d.s. and light vertical strike of framed “TRISTAN/DA CUNHA” in v
Antarctica: Wilkins-Hearst Expedition 1928-30: Envelope signed by Hubert Wilkins with two light “Wilkins Antarctic/Expedition/Deception/Island” cachets in green and bearing Falkland Is. 1d. tied by Port Stanley “29 OC/28” c.d.s., the cover later carried on the 1931 Wilkins-Ellsworth Trans-Arctic Sub
Antarctica: British Graham Land Expedition 1934-37: Scarce envelope addressed to Manchester bearing Centenary 11/2d. cancelled South Georgia SG2 Aug. 16 1936 c.d.s. A similar cover is recorded enclosing a Christmas greetings card signed by Sydney Herbert Creese (and dated May 17). Photo. Expedition
Antarctica: Literature: A collection in a small carton incl. “King Edward VII Land” by Sefi (1912), “Antarctic Penguins” by Levick (1914), “South with Scott” by Evans (1921), “South” by Shackleton (1922), “The Great White South” by Ponting (1935), “The Postal History of the Antarctic 1904-49” by Bag
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: 1972 Silver Wedding 5p. and 10p., both watermark inverted, the latter marginal at left, unmounted mint, fine. SH 43wmk1, 44wmk1, S.G. 42w, 43w, cat. £346. Photo.
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: 1972 Silver Wedding 5p. and 10p. both lower marginal with watermark inverted, unmounted mint, fine. SH 43wmk1, 44wmk1, S.G. 42w, 43w, cat. £346. Photo.
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: 1972 Silver Wedding 10p. watermark inverted, lower right corner marginal block of four with cylinder nos., unmounted mint, fine. SH 44wmk1, S.G. 43w, cat. £1,300+. Photo.
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: 1977 Silver Jubilee sets in scarce gutter pairs, one unfolded unmounted mint, the other unusually c.t.o. with one 33p. also showing blob in “O”, fine. SH 83-85, S.G. 83-85.
Antarctica: British Antarctic Territory: Postal Stationery: 34p. Aerogramme (A21) unused but with Halley Bay type Z14 “23 DE/92” c.d.s. on the reverse. A very scarce trial aerogramme. Photo.
Antarctica: French Southern and Antarctic Territories: 1956-60 values to 200f., 1959 Pringlea 10f., 1960 Kerguelen 25f., 1961 Charcot 25r., 1962 Satellite 50f., and 1963 Quiet Sun set, all used on two pages with Kerguelen c.d.s’s.
Antarctica: French Southern and Antarctic Territories: 1965 I.T.U. 30f. unmounted mint ‘coin daté’ block of four, fine. S.G. 39, cat. £900. Photo.
Fiji: 1915 “WAR STAMP” 1/2d. and 1d. overprinted “SPECIMEN” (Samuel type FJ1) and 1942 2d. and 21/2d. perforated “SPECIMEN”. S.G. 138s-139s, 255s-256s.
Fiji: A collection in two binders in a carton incl. 1938-55 mint and used sets with several of the listed perf. varieties, 1954-59 mint (2) and used sets, 1959-63 mint and used sets, 1962-67 mint and used sets and mostly mint and largely complete to 2007 also a stockbook of mostly mint duplicates. (
Fiji: A Q.V. to Q.E.II duplicated range, incl. Q.V. to 1s. used, K.G.V to 5s. mint, 1922-27 2s. block of four mint, etc. (approx. 180)
Fiji: A study of postmarks on cover on leaves, mainly early Q.E.II, incl. small villages, pieces, etc. (54)
Fiume: An accumulation in a stockbook, incl. 1918-19 to 10k. mint, 1919 Students Fund set mint, Free States, postage dues, duplication, etc. (100s)
Fiume: A range in a stockbook, incl. 1919 Student’s Fund set mint, 1919-20 10 on 45c. (number 45), 1920 Valore set mint, 1920 New Currency set mint with express, 1921 Provisional Government set mint (less one low value), 1923 sets mint (2), etc. (100s)
Fiume: A selection of varieties, incl. a range of inverted overprints on 1918-19 issues with postage dues, etc. (22)
Gibraltar: 1903 Watermark Crown CA £1 mint, fine. S.G. 55, cat. £650. Photo.
Gibraltar: 1938-51 perf. 14 11/2d. carmine, complete sheet of 60 split into two marginal blocks of 30, unmounted mint, one with plate no. B1, some toning one with tear in selvedge, otherwise fine. S.G. 123, cat. £2,100+.
Gibraltar: 1949 U.P.U. set with serif “SPECIMEN” (horizontal) overprints from an unidentified receiving authority. (4) S.G. 136-139. Photo.
Gibraltar: 1977-82 Flowers 1/2d. complete coil of 480 stamps with coil join every five stamps, fine.
Gibraltar: A collection in four binders and stockbook in a carton incl. 1886 overprint mint or unused to 6d., 1886-87 mint to 21/2d., used to 1s., 1889 surcharges mint and used, 1889-96 mint and used sets, 1898 mint and used sets, 1904-08 mint to 4s. and used to 2s., 1906-11 mint and used to 2s., 1
Gold Coast: 1875-76 Watermark Crown CC, perf. 121/2 1d., 4d., 6d., mint, fine. S.G. 1-3, cat. £1,950. Photo.
Gold Coast: 1876-84 Wmk. Crown CC perf. 14 set mint also 4d. used (2, one with inverted watermark and another on an 1880 (Sept. 6) envelope to London tied by barred cancellation and with Accra and Liverpool transit datestamps). S.G. 4, 5, 6, 7, 7w, 8, cat. £1,375 (6 + 1 cover) Photo.
Gold Coast: 1876-84 Wmk. Crown CC perf. 14 selection with 2d. bisected diagonally or vertically on separate pieces and tied by “556” barred oval or “APPAM” c.d.s, and 1884 (Feb. 11) piece with 2d. quadrasected alongside normal 2d. and both tied by “566” barred oval (1952 B.P.A. certificate). S.G. 6a