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Return to Table of Contents of Briefmarken Stilus e.U. Sale: 14

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Worldwide Stamps and Covers
      Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)   Austria/Italy Lombardy & Venetio (20)
Lot 234 US$ 250
1939-48 Plane over Kabul, imperforate horizontal (1939 Issue) and vertical pairs (1948 Issue), the latter n.h., v.f., signed Stolow (only 100 sets issued. These stamps were immediately withdrawn due to resemblance to the earlier set) (Cat No. C1-6var) (page)
Lot 235 US$ 450
1913 2pi blue black, red handstamp, faint cancel, v.f., with full original gum, with 1959 BPA certificate (as unused) cat. $1250 (Cat No. 8c) (page)
Lot 237 US$ 200
1944 National Anthem, 5c+50p souvenir sheet, n.h., v.f., cat. $425 (Cat No. B11) (page)
Lot 238 US$ 130
1930s Arms of Argentina, selection of 5 different die proofs, each with multiple designs, card mounted, with die numbers at bottom, some with pencil notations, fine (page)
Lot 239 US$ 230
1944 "Renta Provincial" large die proofs 2c, 3c, 19c and 60c, also composite 25c+50c and 5c+1c, various colors, all die sunk on cards, v.f. (page)
Lot 240 US$ 140
1850 1kr lemon yellow, horizontal pair, used, large margins all around, showing clear watermark, v.f. (Cat No. 1) (page)
Lot 241 US$ 140
1850 outer FL franked with horizontal pair of 3kr red, used July 7 from Putnok, via Rozsnyo and Tornallya, v.f. (Cat No. 3) (page)
Lot 242 US$ 1,700
1915 (6 Oct) Value Declared money letter transmitting 100,000kr (100 banknotes x 1000kr) franked with 3x10kr blue, bistre & brown, tied by "Wien 6.X.15" departure cds, additional 12h and 72h added on back, three mostly intact wax seals, insignificant cover wrinkles, fine and rare item (catalogued as (page)
Lot 243 US$ 280
1929-32 Landscapes, Large and Small Format, also Air Post, n.h., fresh, fine-v.f. sets (ANK Euro 2,220) cat. $1575 (Cat No. 326-53,C32-46) (page)
Lot 244 US$ 1,800
1932 Landscapes (smaller size), imperforate blocks of four, complete set, n.h., v.f. (ANK 530-43U, Euro 7,000) cat. $4800 (Cat No. 340-53var) (page)
Lot 245 US$ 325
1934-35 Costumes, imperforate horizontal pairs, 18 different, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 1,000) (Cat No. 354-71var) (page)
Lot 246 US$ 230
1934-35 Costumes, 2sh dull green, two blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK 584, Euro 1,200) cat. $1280 (Cat No. 371) (page)
Lot 247 US$ 280
1936 Dollfuss, 10sh dark blue, used and unused singles, the latter with a small h.r., fresh, v.f. (ANK Euro 2,400) cat. $1450 (Cat No. 380) (page)
Lot 248 US$ 250
1936 Dollfuss, 10sh dark blue, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 1,500) cat. $1100 (Cat No. 380) (page)
Lot 249 US$ 290
1936 Dollfuss, 10sh dark blue, lower right sheet corner margin single, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 1,500) cat. $1100 (Cat No. 380) (page)
Lot 250 US$ 200
1930 Wilhelm Miklas, two sets of blocks of four (8 sets), n.h., v.f. (ANK 512-17, Euro 1,520) cat. $1000 (Cat No. B81-86) (page)
Lot 251 US$ 200
1931-33 Rotary, Poets, Catholic Congress, three complete sets, n.h., fresh, fine-v.f. (ANK 518-29,557-62, Euro 1,4750) cat. $1060 (Cat No. B87-98,112-117) (page)
Lot 252 US$ 150
1931 Rotary, complete set, n.h., v.f. (ANK 518-23, Euro 750) cat. $550 (Cat No. B87-92) (page)
Lot 253 US$ 475
1931 Rotary, complete set in blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 3,000) cat. $2200 (Cat No. B87-92) (page)
Lot 254 US$ 150
1933-36 Ski Federation issues, sheet margin singles, n.h., v.f. sets (ANK 551-54,623-26, Euro 900) cat. $655 (Cat No. B106-109,138-141) (page)
Lot 255 US$ 180
1933 WIPA, 50gr ultramarine, ordinary and granite paper varieties, n.h., v.f. (ANK 555-556, Euro 1,080) cat. $860 (Cat No. B110,110a) (page)
Lot 256 US$ 700
1933 WIPA souvenir sheet of four, usual light hinge marks at top margin, stamps n.h., fresh, v.f., cat. $2500 (Cat No. B111) (page)
Lot 257 US$ 750
1933 WIPA souvenir sheet of four, barely l.h at the top margin, stamps n.h., accompanied by the original folder, v.f. (ANK Euro 3,700+) cat. $2500 (Cat No. B111) (page)
Lot 258 US$ 900
1933 WIPA souvenir sheet of four, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., seldom offered in this superior quality (ANK Euro 4,400) cat. $3050 (Cat No. B111) (page)
Lot 259 US$ 1,100
1933 WIPA souvenir sheet of four, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., with the original folder, seldom offered in this superior quality (ANK Euro 4,400) cat. $3050 (Cat No. B111) (page)
Lot 260 US$ 140
1933-36 Catholic Congress, Architects and FIS sets, n.h., v.f., cat. $600 (Cat No. B112-17,122-27,138-4) (page)
Lot 261 US$ 140
1933-36 Catholic Congress, Architects and FIS sets, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 855) cat. $600 (Cat No. B112-17,122-27,138-4) (page)
Lot 262 US$ 150
1933-36 Catholic Congress, complete set of inscription sheet margin singles, also sets of Military Leaders and FIS, n.h., v.f., cat. $605 (Cat No. B112-17,132-141) (page)
Lot 263 US$ 240
1933 Catholic Congress, complete set of sheet margin blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 1,800) cat. $1400 (Cat No. B112-17) (page)
Lot 264 US$ 250
1933 Catholic Congress, complete set of sheet margin blocks of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $1400 (Cat No. B112-17) (page)
Lot 265 US$ 475
1946 "Niemals Vergessen" (Never Forget), set of two, l.h., fresh, fine-v.f. (see footnote in Scott following No.B178) cat. €1300 (Cat No. ANK 13-14) (page)
Lot 266 US$ 450
1946 Dr.Karl Renner souvenir sheets of eight, n.h., v.f. (ANK Euro 2,500) cat. $2000 (Cat No. B185-88) (page)
Lot 267 US$ 1,400
1946 Dr.Karl Renner, three sets of souvenir sheets of eight, n.h., fine-v.f. (ANK Euro 7,500) cat. $6000 (Cat No. B185-88) (page)
Lot 268 US$ 180
1950 Carinthia Plebiscite, 10 sets, including blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK 964-66, Euro 1,800) cat. $1200 (Cat No. B269-71) (page)
Lot 269 US$ 180
1950 Carinthia Plebiscite, 10 sets, including blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK 964-66, Euro 1,800) cat. $1200 (Cat No. B269-71) (page)
Lot 270 US$ 190
1950-53 Birds, four complete sets, n.h., v.f. (ANK 967-93, Euro 1,600) cat. $1328 (Cat No. C54-60) (page)
Lot 271 US$ 280
1950-53 Birds, complete set in blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK 967-93, Euro 1,600) cat. $1328 (Cat No. C54-60) (page)
Lot 272 US$ 280
1950-53 Birds, complete set in sheet corner margin blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (ANK 967-73, Euro 1,600) cat. $1328 (Cat No. C54-60) (page)
Lot 273 US$ 140
1951-53 Birds, three used sets, also 1sh, 3sh, 5sh and 10sh set of four photo proofs in black, v.f. (Cat No. C54-60) (page)
Lot 274 US$ 130
1953 Birds, 1sh, 3sh, 5sh and 10sh complete as issued, used on registered FDC from Graz to Geneva, v.f. (ANK Euro 1,300) (Cat No. C54/60) (page)
Lot 275 US$ 140
1932 2nd SAF flight from Vienna to Berlin, where German 1m Zeppelin adhesive was added for further voyage to Brazil, with blue green and red forwarding cachet alongside, v.f. two-country combination (page)
Lot 276 US$ 150
1911 5kr, 10kr violet, h.r., v.f., cat. $320 (Cat No. J45-46) (page)
Lot 277 US$ 230
1918 imperforate singles, "Feldpost" double, l.h., v.f. (Cat No. M1-21var) (page)
Lot 278 US$ 475
1945 Hitler stamps 1pf-24pf overprinted "Osterreich" Type II, complete set of 12, each canceled by 22.5.45 Leibnitz cds on unaddressed cover, fine-v.f. (ANK Euro 1,815) (page)
Lot 279 US$ 500
1950 Pictorials, complete set of twelve specially prepared perforated and gummed souvenir sheets, with UPU overprints in margins, h.r., fine-v.f., cat. $1750 (Cat No. 193/219var) (page)
Lot 280 US$ 140
1915 1c-10fr, set of 14, including 5 "Franken", used on large unaddressed cover, each tied by Antwerp cds, fine-v.f. (COB 135/149) (Cat No. 108/122) (page)
Lot 281 US$ 140
1946-49 Knights, special folder with 17 different proofs in issued colors, also 1952 UPU issue, special folder with proofs of the issued stamps, v.f. (Cat No. B246/514P) (page)
Lot 282 US$ 140
1959 "Europe of the Heart", set of three imperforate black die proofs, each with official imprint, v.f. (Cat No. B638-40P) (page)
Lot 283 US$ 2,400
1915 5c-10fr complete set of 10 (without Q51,52,55A), h.r., 10c, 25c, 45c, 50c, 2fr and 5fr with minor faults (thin, crease, short perf or gum stains), otherwise fine-v.f., less than 750 sets issued, with 2024 Pierre Kaiser certificate, cat. $10225 (Cat No. Q49/60) (page)
Lot 284 US$ 900
1951 400th Anniversary of the founding of La Paz, selection of 16 different imperforate proofs, each cut to stamp size and affixed on printer's card, some with letters from Security Bank Note Co. ("received and approved", dated 1949), v.f. and scarce group (Cat No. 342/C149P) (page)

Lot 285 US$ 450
1951 400th Anniversary of the founding of La Paz, selection of eight different perf. or imperf. souvenir sheets of three or four, each stamp with security punch and overprinted "Specimen" in red, n.h., fine-v.f. (Cat No. 348a/C140bS) (page)
Lot 286 US$ 900
1951 Fifth Athletic Championships Issue, selection of 12 different imperforate proofs, each cut to stamp size and affixed on printer's card, also a letter from Security Bank Note Co. ("received and approved", dated 1949), v.f. and scarce group (Cat No. 352/C156P) (page)
Lot 287 US$ 260
1951 Athletic Championships, 50c Tennis, two imperforate proof sheetlets on gummed paper, one frame only in green, the other center only in black, each with marginal staple holes, v.f. (Cat No. 353P) (page)
Lot 288 US$ 170
1954 Agrarian Reform, imperforate horizontal pairs, complete set, also two additional pairs of 20b and 100b, l.h., v.f. (Cat No. 384-87,C176-81var) (page)
Lot 289 US$ 250
1951 Athletic Championships, 5b Stadium, two imperforate die proofs, one reading "Estadio La Paz", with "II Congresso Nacional de deportes 1948" inscription at bottom and the other (rejected) "Estadium La Paz" (penciled "to be revised") and "V Campenato Sudamericano de atletismo La Paz Octobre 1948" (page)
Lot 290 US$ 150
1940 New York World's Fair, sheetlets of 10, unused without gum as issued, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $399 (Cat No. 496a-98a) (page)
Lot 291 US$ 180
1942 5.40cr on 5,400r slate green, multiple "Correio Brasil" watermark, bottom sheet margin horizontal pair, n.h., v.f., cat. $450 (Cat No. C47a) (page)
Lot 292 US$ 270
1943 Stamp Centenary, imperforate blocks of four, n.h., v.f., signed Oriol (Cat No. C50-52var) (page)
Lot 293 US$ 250
1930 "Graf Zeppelin" overprints, set of three used on flown, cacheted cover to New York, fine-v.f., scarce on one cover (Cat No. 4CL8-10) (page)
Lot 294 US$ 140
1931-33 Balkan Games, two different sets, l.h., fine-v.f., cat. $637 (Cat No. 237-250) (page)
Lot 295 US$ 475
1934 Shipka Pass Battle, souvenir sheet of six, tiny separations hinge reinforced, v.f., only 100 printed, cat. $1500 (Cat No. 235-238) (page)
Lot 296 US$ 150
1987 Balkan Air fleet, 25s error, missing the entire engraved portion, including name of the country and inscriptions, canceled to order, with regular stamp included for comparison, v.f. error from the original discovery (one sheet of 25, this being position 3, penciled on back) (Cat No. C161var) (page)
Lot 297 US$ 230
1950 Coronation, imperforate horizontal pairs, n.h., v.f. (Cat No. 53-58var) (page)
Lot 298 US$ 450
1945 Chain-breakers, 100f gray blue and 200fr red blue, sheets of 40, the former with six marginal stars and imprint at bottom, the latter showing variety double vertical perforations through the middle stamps, n.h., some perf. separations and strengthening, some marginal gum staining, still fine-v. (page)
Lot 299 US$ 90
1920 100m Zeligowski entering Vilnius, two different imperforate trial color proofs, v.f. (Cat No. 57P) (page)
Lot 300 US$ 230
1928-29 6c on 10c red overprint, three singles and a block of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $455 (Cat No. C6E) (page)
Lot 335 US$ 1,000
1935 Barranquilla Olympics, complete set of sheet margin singles, n.h., post office fresh, mostly v.f., seldom offered in such superior quality (catalogued as hinged) cat. $1225 (Cat No. 421-436) (page)
Lot 336 US$ 1,900
1920 10c Plane at Rest, unused without gum as issued, fresh and v.f., signed Calves, etc. Only 41 unused examples have been recorded, cat. $4500 (Cat No. C9) (page)
Lot 337 US$ 450
1893 1m black, proof sheetlet with large margins, showing dividing markings, v.f., rare (page)
Lot 338 US$ 850
1944 Storm Division souvenir sheet of three, n.h., v.f., signed Marjanovic, with his 1970 certificate, cat. $1650 (Cat No. B76) (page)
Lot 339 US$ 750
1944 Storm Division souvenir sheet of three, n.h., v.f., pencil signed Raybaudi, cat. $1650 (Cat No. B76) (page)
Lot 340 US$ 230
1899 2c carmine, 3c purple, 5c blue, three different large die proofs on full cards, fine-v.f. (Cat No. 228-230P) (page)
Lot 341 US$ 500
1934 National Anthem sheetlets of 15, unused without gum as issued, h.r. in margin, fine-v.f. (Cat No. 200a-201a) (page)
Lot 342 US$ 1,700
1920 surcharges, imperforate blocks of four, n.h., v.f., signed Stolow (catalogued as hinged singles) cat. $320 (Cat No. C1-3) (page)
Lot 343 US$ 290
1931 1st SAF cover to Brazil, sent from Znojmo, with 2x2kr franking, sent via Friedrichshafen, where 4M Zeppelin adhesive was added, with Rio de Janeiro arrival pmk on back, fine combination flight cover (page)
Lot 344 US$ 190
1932 1st SAF cover to Buenos Aires, attractive combination franking Air Post/Commemoratives on "Aeropostale" envelope, with Praha registry label, backstamped on arrival in Argentina, fine (page)
Lot 345 US$ 140
1866 3c rose, top sheet margin block of four, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., cat. $350 (Cat No. 2) (page)
Lot 346 US$ 230
1866 3c rose, top sheet margin block of six, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., cat. $525 (Cat No. 2) (page)
Lot 347 US$ 240
1874-1901 1c green & claret, frame inverted, block of six, also 10c blue & brown, block of four, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., cat. $1120 (Cat No. 5e,20) (page)
Lot 348 US$ 90
1874 7c lilac & orange, horizontal strip of three, n.h., v.f., cat. $285 (Cat No. 9) (page)
Lot 349 US$ 140
1895 10c on 50c violet, horizontal strip of five, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., cat. $500 (Cat No. 15) (page)
Lot 350 US$ 180
1895 10c on 50c violet, 10 copies, including three pairs, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., cat. $1000 (Cat No. 15) (page)
Lot 351 US$ 190
1895 10c on 50c violet, 16 copies, including pairs and strips of three, n.h., post office fresh, fine-v.f., cat. $1600 (Cat No. 15) (page)
Lot 352 US$ 450
1901 10c blue & brown, Perf. 13, right sheet margin block of ten, n.h., v.f., cat. $2350 (Cat No. 20) (page)
Lot 353 US$ 140
1903 8c brown, block of six, usual patchy gum, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $540 (Cat No. 30) (page)
Lot 354 US$ 170
1905 5b on 5c light blue, 5b on 8c brown, tied by Christiania cds on small cover to St. Croix, v.f., signed Bloch (Cat No. 41-42) (page)
Lot 355 US$ 140
1915 Christian X, two sets of blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $672 (Cat No. 51-58) (page)
Lot 370 US$ 250
1872 cover (with letter) from Copenhagen to a Major Waring, garrisoned aboard Royal St. George's Yacht in Kingstown, Ireland, franked with 2sk, 4sk and 8sk Numerals (some perf. Toning), tied by numerals in concentric circles, with Copenhagen forwarder's cachet, pmk below and Kingstown arrival pmk on (page)
Lot 371 US$ 260
1918 surcharges, blocks of four, each with a central pmk, fresh, mostly v.f., cat. $1166 (Cat No. 145-54) (page)
Lot 372 US$ 140
1926-27 surcharges, blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $620 (Cat No. 181-191) (page)
Lot 373 US$ 130
1927 Caravel, blocks of four, l.h. at top, bottom pairs n.h., also 1939 King Christian blocks of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $839 (Cat No. 197-97,239-43) (page)
Lot 374 US$ 350
1935 Hans Christian Andersen's "Fairy Tales", seven unexploded booklets, showing three different advertisements on back, fine-v.f. (Facit H9, SEK 24,500) (Cat No. 246a-249b) (page)
Lot 375 US$ 140
1925-34 Airplane & Plowman, used and unused (l.h.) sets, also 1934 Towers set n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1265 (Cat No. C1-10) (page)
Lot 376 US$ 800
1925-29 Airplane & Plowman, blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f. set, cat. $3900 (Cat No. C1-5) (page)
Lot 377 US$ 260
1921-30 1o-5kr, also 1907 Newspaper Stamps 1o-10kr, blocks of four, used, fine-v.f., cat. $1279 (Cat No. J9-24,P1-10) (page)
Lot 378 US$ 250
1935 Bolivar Issue, set of four, 1s on 5s double overprint, used on registered FDC from Quito (July 24) to New York, with Miami transit and New York arrival pmks, v.f., signed Bloch (Cat No. C37a) (page)
Lot 379 US$ 120
1953 Pan-American Highway, set of three die proofs mounted on original card, with penciled corrections, Security Banknote Co. approval label on back, v.f. (Cat No. C242-44P) (page)
Lot 380 US$ 110
1960 issues, two different sets, imperforate horizontal pairs, n.h., v.f. (Cat No. C401-03,C16-18var) (page)
Lot 381 US$ 230
1879-1908 Sphinx & Pyramid, complete sets, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., cat. $514 (Cat No. 29/49) (page)
Lot 382 US$ 150
1923-24 King Fuad, complete set of 12, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f. (SG 111-22, £600) cat. $270 (Cat No. 92-103) (page)

Lot 383 US$ 230
1923-24 King Fuad, two complete sets of 12, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f. (SG 111-22, £1,200) cat. $650 (Cat No. 92-103) (page)
Lot 384 US$ 230
1923-24 King Fuad, two complete sets of 12, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f. (SG 111-22, £1,200) cat. $540 (Cat No. 92-103) (page)
Lot 385 US$ 280
1926 King Fuad, 50p purple, five copies, mostly l.h., v.f. (SG 134, £650) cat. $700 (Cat No. 114) (page)
Lot 386 US$ 750
1926 Port Fouad overprint on 50p King Fuad, corresponding Port Fouad Dec 28 cds, full original gum, v.f., signed Ela, etc. (SG £1,300) cat. $875 (Cat No. 124) (page)
Lot 387 US$ 700
1926 Port Fouad overprint on 50p King Fuad, corresponding Port Fouad Dec 26 cds, full original gum, v.f., signed Diena (SG £1,300) cat. $875 (Cat No. 124) (page)
Lot 388 US$ 190
1932-38 50m and 100m surcharges, also £1 Birthday Issue, n.h., v.f., cat. $570 (Cat No. 166-167,224) (page)
Lot 389 US$ 230
1933 Aviation Congress, six sets, n.h., v.f. (catalogued as hinged) cat. $540 (Cat No. 172-76) (page)
Lot 390 US$ 450
1934 10th Congress of UPU, complete set, mostly n.h., few lower values l.h., balance n.h., fine-v.f. (SG 219-32, £750) cat. $737 (Cat No. 177-90) (page)
Lot 391 US$ 170
1938 "11 Fevrier 1938", £1 green & sepia, two singles, n.h., v.f., cat. $600 (Cat No. 224) (page)
Lot 392 US$ 170
1938 "11 Fevrier 1938", £1 green & sepia, two top sheet margin singles, n.h., v.f., cat. $600 (Cat No. 224) (page)
Lot 393 US$ 1,400
1956 Pan-Arab Jamboree, perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets, n.h., v.f. (SG MS13-14, £3,400) cat. $3500 (Cat No. B13-15) (page)
Lot 394 US$ 1,400
1956 Boy Scout Jamboree, set of perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets of three, n.h., v.f. (SG MS13-14, £3,400) cat. $3500 (Cat No. B13-15) (page)
Lot 395 US$ 230
1917 5m red violet & black, two panes of 20, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1300 (Cat No. 107) (page)
Lot 396 US$ 150
1963 Faltpost, block of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $640 (Cat No. M8) (page)
Lot 397 US$ 900
1941-43 Issues, selection of 60 covers or cards, mostly philatelic or FDCs, some commercial and fieldpost usages, variety of postmarks, cachets and frankings, registration labels and markings, few censor cachets, fine-v.f. (page)
Lot 398 US$ 450
1920 Coat of Arms, varieties including 10p, 25p vertical or horizontal pairs imperf. between, 50p vertical strip of three imperf. horizontally, 25p three singles, each imperf. at left, 50p two singles, each imperf. at left, also an imperf. 50p used, with invalidating perforations, plus 30p commemora (page)
Lot 481 US$ 400
1930 Centenary of French Occupation, imperforate horizontal pairs, n.h., v.f. (catalogued as hinged) cat. $800 (Cat No. B14-26var) (page)
Lot 482 US$ 325
1934 First SAF cover and 11th SAF card, both from Alger to Brazil, v.f., with Friedrichshafen transit and arrival pmks (Si.247A,283) (page)
Lot 483 US$ 900
1940 Cameroun Francais, also "Ambulance Laquintinie" overprints, complete set of 33 sheet corner margin blocks of four, each used on locally addressed registered cover to Lomie, official government handstamp alongside, fine-v.f. Also included "Spitfire" overprints set of four on unaddressed FDC, fi (page)
Lot 484 US$ 140
1940 50c green & cerise, horizontal pair, right stamp small, broken "2" of "27", h.r., v.f. (YT 202c, Euro 500) (Cat No. 264var) (page)
Lot 491 US$ 230
1941 France Libre overprints, 5c-10fr complete set of 12, plus five additional values, used 24 Sep 1941 on registered cover from Port Villa to New York, with arrival pmk on back, fine (YT 124-35, Euro 400 for used off cover) (page)
Lot 495 US$ 140
1931 two composite artist signed die proofs in black, each with frame and center printed alongside, v.f. (page)
Lot 633 US$ 140
1915 (6 Nov) Russian "Kitai" 3k stationery postcard from Tientsin to a German Prisoner of War in Spaskoe/Vladivostok POW camp, handstamped "Service des prisonniers de guerre", Russian censor mark and Pogranichnaya border cds, fine (page)
Lot 634 US$ 150
1917 (13 Mar) Red Cross cover headed "Agence des Prisonniers de Guerre", registered from Tientsin to Mainz, sent via the U.S. Post Office in Shanghai to Seattle, Washington and New York, with July 22, 1918 (after 16 months) arrival in Germany (date written by hand), showing framed Japanese and Russi (page)
Lot 688 US$ 180
1865 3p buff, imperforate plate proof on thin card, horizontal gutter block of eight, each stamp "Cancelled" overprint, v.f., ex-Sir Henry Tucker (Cat No. 3P) (page)
Lot 689 US$ 140
1894 1sh green, horizontal gutter block of eight, n.h., faint toning, mostly between stamps on back, fresh, v.f. (Cat No. 9) (page)
Lot 690 US$ 450
1874 "Three Pence" on 1sh green, unused, some original gum, usual centering, irregular perforations at top, rare stamp, with 1984 Friedl certificate, cat. $1700 (Cat No. 10) (page)
Lot 691 US$ 475
1874 "Three Pence" on 1sh green, also "One Penny" on 2p blue, used, each with faint toning, usual centering, the latter with corner creasing, also "One Penny" on 3p buff, used, rare stamps, with 1980 BPA certificates (SG 13,15,16, £1,575) cat. $1875 (Cat No. 12,13,14) (page)
Lot 692 US$ 260
1874 "Three Pence" on 1sh green, used, good color and perforations, fine, with 1984 Friedl certificate, cat. $975 (Cat No. 12) (page)
Lot 693 US$ 450
1875 "One Penny" on 2p blue and on 1sh green, two different, unused, the former without gum, the latter l.h., usual centering, with 1984 Friedl certificate, cat. $1550 (Cat No. 13,15) (page)
Lot 694 US$ 150
1875 "One Penny" on 3p buff, used, fine stamp, with 1984 Friedl certificate, cat. $425 (Cat No. 14) (page)
Lot 695 US$ 230
1883 2p blue, sheet margin block of 18, fresh, mostly n.h., fine-v.f., scarce multiple (catalogued as hinged singles) cat. $1350 (Cat No. 20) (page)
Lot 696 US$ 140
1883 2 1/2p gray black, imperforate plate proof on card, v.f., ex-Sir Henry Tucker (Cat No. 22P) (page)
Lot 697 US$ 150
1900 (8 Nov) registered cover from St. George's, via New York to Germany, attractively franked with a combination of two each 1/2p, 1p and 2p Queen Victoria, with Registry label added in New York (12 Nov), Kenzingen (21.11.00) arrival pmk on back, fine (page)
Lot 698 US$ 130
1910 1p Caravel, imperforate plate proof trial color in blue, v.f. (Cat No. 42P) (page)
Lot 699 US$ 180
1918 5sh George V, watermark inverted, l.h., fine (SG 53dw, £475) (Cat No. 52var) (page)
Lot 700 US$ 950
1910 £1 black & violet, red, watermark inverted, small h.r., fresh and v.f., rare, only 2 sheets recorded (SG 55w, £2,000) (Cat No. 54var) (page)
Lot 701 US$ 300
1920 Tercentenary, die proofs for the 2d and 4d, each frame in black, on glazed card, handstamped "Before Striking", dated 21/9/20 and 24.9.20, fresh, v.f. (Cat No. 57,59P) (page)
Lot 702 US$ 230
1921 George V, 1sh purple, two imperforate trial color plate proofs on card, each handstamped Specimen, one mounted on black card, both v.f. (Cat No. 79P) (page)
Lot 703 US$ 140
1921 George V, 1sh purple, imperforate trial color plate proof on card, v.f., ex-Sir Henry Tucker (Cat No. 79P) (page)
Lot 704 US$ 750
1922 2sh6p black, bright orange, vermilion and deep blue, used, v.f., with 1982 Royal certificate (SG 89h, £2,750) (page)
Lot 705 US$ 240
1926 2d gray, single, watermark reversed, also 3d ultramarine watermark inverted, bottom sheet margin block of four, l.h., fine-v.f. (SG 80x, 83w, £715) (page)
Lot 706 US$ 190
1938 George VI, 12sh6p gray & yellow, neat St. George cds, v.f., with 1984 BPA certificate (SG 120d,£450) cat. $600 (Cat No. 127b) (page)
Lot 707 US$ 140
1948 unexploded 5sh and 10s6d booklets, two of each, v.f. (SG SB1-2, £580) cat. $640 (Cat No. 121Ac) (page)
Lot 708 US$ 140
1948 unexploded 5sh and 10s6d booklets, two of each, v.f. (SG SB1-2, £580) cat. $640 (Cat No. 121Ac) (page)
Lot 709 US$ 140
1948 unexploded 5sh and 10s6d booklets, two of each, v.f. (SG SB1-2, £580) cat. $640 (Cat No. 121Ac) (page)
Lot 710 US$ 180
1948 unexploded 5sh and 10s6d booklets, five of the former and one of the latter, fine-v.f. (SG SB1-2, 870) cat. $960 (Cat No. 121Ac) (page)
Lot 711 US$ 800
1962-70 2d QEII variety, light violet omitted, also same with a 2c surcharge, both n.h., v.f. (SG 164a,233a, £2,100) cat. $2000 (Cat No. 176a,239a) (page)
Lot 712 US$ 150
1962 2d lilac, indigo, yellow & green, watermark inverted, used, fine and scarce variety (SG 164w, £350) (Cat No. 176var) (page)
Lot 713 US$ 3,250
1968 Olympics, 3c value and "Bermuda" omitted, n.h., v.f. example of this major and striking Bermuda error, stamp missing "Bermuda" and value (SG 220a, £4,750) cat. $4750 (Cat No. 226a) (page)

Lot 714 US$ 140
1970 1c on 1p QEII, watermark inverted, sheet corner margin block of six, n.h., one tiny gum spot, otherwise v.f. (SG 232w,£300) (Cat No. 238var) (page)
Lot 715 US$ 600
1970 2c on 2d QEII, color omitted, sheet margin single, n.h., v.f., cat. $1000 (Cat No. 239b) (page)
Lot 716 US$ 375
1970 5c Poinsettia, imperforate horizontal pair, n.h., v.f., cat. $1500 (Cat No. 259a) (page)
Lot 717 US$ 230
1986 90c on $3 Turtle, double surcharge, single and lower right sheet corner margin block of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $550 (Cat No. 509var) (page)
Lot 718 US$ 625
1936 Hindenburg flight, legal-size cover addressed to Scotland, franked with 2 1/2d George V, dispatched from Hamilton, via Lakehurst where U.S. franking (35c) was added to Germany, "First Hindenburg Flight" cachet, arrival pmk on back, fine and scarce dispatch from Bermuda (Si.409K) (page)
Lot 719 US$ 700
1901 cover from Transvaal to Bermuda, addressed to a Boer Prisoner of War, with oval "Passed by Censor" Johannesburg, arrival violet and "Prisoner of War Bermuda Passed Censor" handstamps, Hamilton Oct 22, 1901 arrival, some cover wear, fine incoming Boer POW (page)
Lot 720 US$ 450
1936 12sh6p orange & grayish black, h.r., v.f., with 1992 BPA certificate (SG F1, £1,100) cat. $1250 (Cat No. AR1) (page)
Lot 721 US$ 450
1936 12sh6p orange & grayish black, h.r., v.f. (SG F1) cat. $1250 (Cat No. AR1) (page)
Lot 722 US$ 180
1903 1/2d stationery card, also 1/4d and 1/2d stationery wrappers, each overprinted SPECIMEN, canceled by large double circle "Postes et Telegraphes Madagascar Collection de Berne" handstamp, all three v.f., scarce group of Bermuda stationery items, ex-Madagascar Post Office archives (page)
Lot 800 US$ 130
1935-36 George V, 2c-1r, perforated Specimen, l.h., 10c with faint toning, fine-v.f. (SG 368-378s) cat. £350 (Cat No. 264-274S) (page)
Lot 802 US$ 450
1950 2m-100m, six complete sets, n.h., fine-v.f. (SG D149-155) cat. £2250 (Cat No. J1-7) (page)
Lot 817 US$ 260
1953 Queen Elizabeth II definitives, blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (SG 145-58) cat. £760 (Cat No. 132-45) (page)
Lot 829 US$ 150
1924 Mount Everest Expedition label on card from Calcutta to Ireland, British Empire Exhibition cancel and red Base Camp pmk tying the label, v.f., uncommon destination (page)
Lot 830 US$ 3,250
1931 King Faisal, 25r violet, postage and Official overprints, h.r., v.f., cat. $3500 (Cat No. 27,O38) (page)
Lot 831 US$ 1,100
1934 9th SAF card from Baghdad to Brazil, Stuttgart forwarding cachet and arrival pmks, v.f., scarce (page)
Lot 832 US$ 2,100
1931 King Faisal, 25r violet, l.h., v.f., cat. $1600 (Cat No. O38) (page)
Lot 833 US$ 210
1798 (24 Sep) FL addressed to Major Robert Donald, with red BELFAST straight-line handstamp, re-addressed to Dumfries and Lancaster, with additional letter penned in 1800 from London, with arrival mark on reverse, fine usage during the Irish Rebellion (24 May-12 October,1798) (page)
Lot 834 US$ 230
1811 partly printed form for a soldier in the militia to obtain a weekly allowance of 1/9 for his wife, posted at 1d concession rate from Aberdeen to Dublin, with a paid Mermaid datestamp applied on arrival, fine example of mail sent during Garrison Duty in Ireland (page)
Lot 835 US$ 325
1834 (24 May) FL from J.W.P. Grant, in Lisbon, Portugal, regarding the Civil War to Colonel Badcock, HQ, 15th Hussars in Ireland, redirected to him at the United Services Club in London, with Portsmouth, with additional markings. The letter gives news of developments during the departure of Colonel (page)
Lot 836 US$ 230
1840-42 Great Britain 1p red, four singles, one pair and two FLs, mostly with distinctive Irish Maltese Cross cancels of Cork and Dublin, mostly fine (page)
Lot 837 US$ 230
1861-65 cover to Ireland used during the American Civil War, a Patriotic cover ("Our Shield is still there"), sent by an Irish soldier to his mother in Dublin, also a coverfront "Headquarters Corcoran Irish Legion", franked with 24c gray lilac and addressed to New Ross, Ireland, minor wear, fine pai (page)
Lot 838 US$ 550
1862 soldier's cover from Montreal to Ireland, paying 2c with pair of Canada 1c Victoria, tied by departure pmks, with "Bray" Oct 23, 1862 arrival cds on front, fine soldier's concessionary rate from Canada. The sender, J.Chambers, of the Scottish Fusilier Guards wrote to his mother or wife, cover c (page)
Lot 839 US$ 250
1872 cover to Stillorgan, endorsed "Via Brindisi", franked with 1p red (Pl.145), postage left uncanceled en route, tied by London "98" duplex on arrival in England, re-addressed to Dublin and charged 1d in ms (for forwarding within 24 houses), with receipt docketing "30 July 72" "Whampoa" in pencil (page)
Lot 840 US$ 900
1922 Thom to Dollard proof on buff paper, single, plus a five-line proof, imperforate block of eight. Also included is the unique set of "Specimen" overprints from the T.E. Field collection ("believed to have come from the collection of a retired Post Office official", according to Samuels), some t (page)
Lot 841 US$ 400
1922 Rialtas 5-line overprints with block "1922" on Royal Cypher 1d, 2d, 6d and Royal Cypher 1 1/2d, four different, unissued type, supposed to have been trials for either National Insurance stamps of Postal Stationery, disturbed gum, h.r., fine-v.f., ex-Field and Fletcher collections (page)
Lot 842 US$ 400
1922 "Saorstat Eireann", portion of the original printing plate, fine and very rare, stated to be the only such item in private hands, ex-Pedneault (page)
Lot 843 US$ 1,000
1922 Proof of the overprint in blue ink, upper left sheet corner margin block of six, with "Dollard" in pencil in margin, folded between settings, with some creases, nevertheless a fine and extremely rare multiple, originating from the only known block of 24 (MW PR1, unpriced) (page)
Lot 844 US$ 1,700
1922 (11 July) cover from Corcaigh to Cork, franked with left diagonal half of 4p gray green, with 5-line Dollard overprint, tied by framed "Learn Irish Tailteann Games August" slogan supported by adjoining departure cds at left, sender's notation in magenta ink: "no 1/2d, 1d, 1 1/2d or 2d stamps av (page)
Lot 845 US$ 450
1922 Thom 3-line, 6d purple, lower left sheet corner margin control "V23" (lower margin perforated through) block of six (MW T55, SG 60), l.h. or n.h., v.f., with 1985 MacDonnell Whyte and 2016 David MacDonnell AIEP certificates, ex-T.E.Field, B.S. Wallas and Pedneault collections (page)
Lot 846 US$ 475
1922 registered cover to IRA member, also two letters, one headed "Irish Republican Army", the other with typewritten "Headquarters 2nd Battn. Cork 2 Brigade", each demanding the use of the member's car, ex-Pedneault (page)
Lot 847 US$ 4,500
1922 Thom 3-line overprint in blue black on Royal Cypher 1d scarlet, right sheet margin block of four, upper right copy showing Missing Accent (from Plate 1, Row 15, Stamp 12), l.h., slightly disturbed original gum, fresh and otherwise v.f., ex-Wolfson collection, with 2017 David MacDonnell AIEP cer (page)
Lot 848 US$ 230
1922 2sh6p brown, left sheet margin single, major re-entry, Row 2, first stamp, n.h., minor crease at right, otherwise v.f. (SG 64a), catalogued as hinged, cat. £1200 (Cat No. 56var) (page)
Lot 849 US$ 230
1922 5sh carmine rose, variety "accent omitted", two copies, n.h., fine-v.f. (catalogued as hinged) cat. $1100 (Cat No. 57a) (page)
Lot 850 US$ 475
1922-23 definitives, complete set in blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1665 (Cat No. 65-76) (page)
Lot 851 US$ 625
1923 UPU Specimen handstamps, 1/2p-5sh overprints, 15 horizontal strips of three, adhered on lined paper and handstamped "Specimen Collection Mauritanie", fine-v.f. (copy of an article by David MacDonnell and John Pedneault) (page)
Lot 852 US$ 1,400
1923 (3 Feb) cover from Monkstown in West Cork, franked with left half of 4p gray green, with red 5-line Dollard overprint, tied by departure pmk and addressed to Blackrock Co. Cork, some overall toning and filing fold away from the stamp. An unusual and unchallenged way to pay the normal 2 pence (page)
Lot 853 US$ 1,400
1923 (13 May) cover from Dublin to Dover, England, franked with right half of 1p red, used in combination with 1 1/2p definitive, paying the correct 2 pence to England, tied by slogan cancel, with departure pmk alongside. An unusual and unchallenged way to pay the normal 2 pence local rate, one of (page)
Lot 854 US$ 150
1923 (27 Dec) coverfront from Dublin to Belfast, Northern Ireland, franked with diagonal right half of 2 1/2p blue, with clear Phibsborough D.P. Dublin departure pmks, fine. IRA raids and robberies took their toll on post office stocks and some bisects went through untaxed, rare usage, ex-Pedneaul (page)
Lot 855 US$ 350
1927 10sh gray blue, Wide Space, upper right sheet corner margin block of four, one stamp n.h., others l.h., v.f., cat. $1300 (Cat No. 79b) (page)
Lot 856 US$ 1,000
1934 (9 Jan) registered cover from the Italian Consulate in Dublin, franked with 10sh blue, Wide Date Issue, black ink, used with 10p definitive, tied by departure cds, flown to Paraguay, with Asuncion (24 Jan) arrival pmk on back, small piece of lower left corner missing, otherwise fine and impress (page)
Lot 857 US$ 750
1935 2d green, perf. 15ximperf. Coil single, fine used, with 1975 David Feldman certificate, cat. $2000 (Cat No. 68b) (page)
Lot 858 US$ 450
1935 Seahorses, 2sh6p, 5sh and 10sh (3), various shades, l.h., fresh, v.f., cat. $1452 (Cat No. 93-95) (page)
Lot 859 US$ 450
1935 Seahorses, 2sh6p (3), 5sh (2) and 10sh, used, various shades and pmks, fine-v.f., cat. $1310 (Cat No. 93-95) (page)
Lot 860 US$ 180
1940 St. Patrick, set of three, n.h., v.f., cat. $700 (Cat No. 96-98) (page)
Lot 861 US$ 350
1922 Income Tax return envelopes, two different "Official Paid", each handstamped in purple ink (Provisional Government of Ireland 1922) to cover and replace "O.H.M.S." or "On His Majesty's Service", the latter with Dublin cds, the former unused, fine-v.f., ex-Pedneault (page)
Lot 862 US$ 350
1936 Hindenburg return flight cover from Montego Bay to Germany, franked with 2d and 2s, with Air Mail label and Hindenburg cachet, filing fold away from the stamps, still fine-v.f., with Frankfurt arrival pmk on back (Si.409S, Euro 1,500) (page)
Lot 880 US$ 2,800
1856 (1 June) FL written by Samuel Smiley at "Malta June 1st 1856 Ship Lady Russel" to his brother at Island Magee, Co. Antrim in Ireland, endorsed "Via Marseilles", franked by GB 1sh Embossed (cut to shape), canceled by a bluish "OXO" applied at Constantinople, with unclear blue "Post Office Britis (page)
Lot 881 US$ 950
1919 10sh MCA, unused without gum, v.f., cat. $3500 (Cat No. 65) (page)
Lot 882 US$ 240
1922-26 £1 carmine red and black, top sheet margin block of four, n.h., fine-v.f. (SG 140; catalogue value for hinged singles) cat. £440 (Cat No. 114) (page)
Lot 883 US$ 230
1935 Silver Jubilee, 20 complete sets, all in blocks or strips of five, n.h., v.f., cat. $800 (Cat No. 184-87) (page)

Lot 885 US$ 280
1977 Churchill, 1c new blue, cerise color omitted, n.h., faint overall gum toning, otherwise v.f., with 1977 Stolow certificate (and photocopy of the larger discovery pane) cat. £750 (Cat No. SG 179a) (page)
Lot 890 US$ 325
1927-42 Issue, complete set in blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f. (catalogued as hinged) cat. $878 (Cat No. 63-84) (page)
Lot 891 US$ 260
1927 2m-500m, duplicated selection of 15 different gutter pairs, also five blocks of 20, etc. (catalogued as hinged singles) cat. £500 (Cat No. SG 90/110) (page)
Lot 892 US$ 500
1927 2m-500m, selection of 14 different matched Plate No. Blocks of four (four different positions of each value), n.h., fine-v.f., catalogued as hinged singles (SG 90-95,97,99,100,103,107-110) cat. £1244 (Cat No. SG 90/110) (page)
Lot 912 US$ 3,250
1898 George II, 7 1/2c green & black, Center Inverted, unused part original gum, overall partial gum toning, well centered, v.f. (SG 48a, £9,000) cat. $9250 (Cat No. 47a) (page)
Lot 914 US$ 190
1861 10 Lepta red orange, bluish paper, red "10" numerals on back, used, margins all around, v.f., signed Bloch, cat. $500 (Cat No. 7) (page)
Lot 915 US$ 250
1906 Olympics, complete set, l.h., fresh, fine-v.f., cat. $516 (Cat No. 184-97) (page)
Lot 916 US$ 375
1927 1dr Temple of Hephaestus, four die proofs, slightly different shades and stages, also proof of center single and block of four, plus two imperforate trials (Cat No. 328P) (page)
Lot 917 US$ 180
1934 Stadium, block of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $800 (Cat No. 381) (page)
Lot 918 US$ 400
1934 Stadium, single and two blocks of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $1800 (Cat No. 381) (page)
Lot 919 US$ 240
1934 Athens Stadium, 16 singles, six n.h., others l.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1850 (Cat No. 381) (page)
Lot 920 US$ 260
1935 Church of Panthalassa, Mistra, 4d brown, 26 copies (blocks of four and six), n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1235 (Cat No. 382) (page)
Lot 921 US$ 250
1940 Youth, Postage & Air Post, n.h., fine-v.f. sets, cat. $1000 (Cat No. 427-36,C38-47) (page)
Lot 922 US$ 260
1940 Youth, Postage and Air Post, n.h., fine-v.f. sets, cat. $1000 (Cat No. 427-36,C38-47) (page)
Lot 923 US$ 475
1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mourning Issue, 60dr imperforate sheet of 50, printed on both sides, few minor surface faults, mostly v.f. (Cat No. 470var) (page)
Lot 924 US$ 180
1946 Venizelos, 300dr brown, gutter pane of 25 (five horizontal gutter pairs), n.h., v.f. (Hellas Euro 400) (Cat No. 483) (page)
Lot 925 US$ 180
1950-54 Marshall Plan and NATO, three sets of each, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1011 (Cat No. 539-44,C71-73) (page)
Lot 926 US$ 90
1960 Olympics, panes of 20, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $393 (Cat No. 677-87) (page)
Lot 927 US$ 260
1930 Zeppelin set of three, also two sets of Aero-Espresso, plus the subsequent issue, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $950 (Cat No. C5-21) (page)
Lot 928 US$ 475
1933 Zeppelin, six sets of three (singles and pairs), n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1950 (Cat No. C5-7) (page)
Lot 929 US$ 350
1933 Zeppelin, set of three used on registered, flown cover to Friedrichshafen, with blue Roma cachet, appropriate Crociera Zeppelin and Friedrichshafen arrival pmks, v.f., signed Bloch (Cat No. C5-7) (page)
Lot 930 US$ 325
1933 Zeppelin, set of three used on registered, flown cover to Friedrichshafen, with blue Roma cachet, appropriate Crociera Zeppelin and Friedrichshafen arrival pmks, v.f., with 1966 Diena certificate (Cat No. C5-7) (page)
Lot 931 US$ 240
1933-40 Aero-Espresso, General Air Post, Allegories and Youth sets, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1125 (Cat No. C8-30,38-47) (page)
Lot 932 US$ 240
1933 Aero-Espresso, complete set used with additional franking on both sides of flown FDC from Athens to Patras, v.f. (Cat No. C8-14) (page)
Lot 933 US$ 230
1933 Aero-Espresso, complete set used with additional franking on both sides of FDC, Athens cancels, v.f. (Cat No. C8-14) (page)
Lot 934 US$ 150
1954-58 NATO and Harbors, singles and blocks of four of each issue, n.h., v.f., cat. $945 (Cat No. C71-80) (page)
Lot 935 US$ 170
1932 3rd SAF card to Brazil, v.f., with Berlin forwarding cachet (page)
Lot 936 US$ 180
1936 Hindenburg flight, registered cover from Athens to USA, franked on both sides, with appropriate Europe-North America flight cachet, Frankfurt forwarding datestamp and St. Petersburg, Florida arrival pmks on back (Si.441) (page)
Lot 937 US$ 240
1941 Youth Issue, overprinted in carmine, sheet corner margin blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1286 (Cat No. N219-238) (page)
Lot 938 US$ 425
1945 Issue, three complete sets, also "5 May" overprints, sheet margin singles, n.h., v.f., cat. $2325 (Cat No. 10-27) (page)
Lot 939 US$ 220
1945 Issue, blocks of four, one set l.h., other three sets n.h., v.f., cat. $1141 (Cat No. 10-18) (page)
Lot 940 US$ 280
1945 Pictorials, sheet margin blocks of four, n.h., v.f. set, cat. $1300 (Cat No. 10-18) (page)
Lot 941 US$ 4,500
1945 American Issue, group of 15 imperforate plate proofs on card, sheet margin blocks of four, nine of frame only, plus six of center only, all in issued colors, fresh and v.f. set of American Bank Note Issue proofs (Cat No. 10-18P) (page)
Lot 942 US$ 450
1871 5c bister brown, horizontal tete-beche pairs (4), various shades, with or without gum, mostly fine, cat. $1400 (Cat No. 2b) (page)
Lot 943 US$ 325
1936 Hindenburg flight cover to Germany, mixed franking with U.S. adhesives added and canceled in Guatemala, Hindenburg flight cachet on front and Frankfurt arrival pmk, minor adhesive toning, otherwise fine, with 1936 "Guaranty" from F.W. Kummer ("not more than 50 letters each were mailed from Cost (page)
Lot 944 US$ 425
1845-52 two FLs from Jacmel to London and to Bordeaux, first charged "115", with departure and red arrival markings on back, the latter with framed "Colonies Art.13" accountancy mark and charged "15" (decimes) on arrival. Also included is a coverfront with 1sh green, wing margin single, canceled by (page)
Lot 945 US$ 525
1936 Hindenburg flight cover from Port Au Prince to Germany, mixed franking with U.S. adhesives added in New York (May 11), with violet cachet and Frankfurt arrival pmk, minor adhesive toning, v.f. and scarce (Si.409Q) (page)
Lot 946 US$ 450
1960 selection of 16 different imperforate proofs, central vignettes only, all blocks of four on gummed paper, each stamp with security punch, n.h., v.f. (page)
Lot 947 US$ 300
1927 4f-5p, imperforate horizontal pairs, set of 12, n.h., v.f., cat. $500 (Cat No. C12-23var) (page)
Lot 948 US$ 1,200
1936-47 Airplanes, Landscapes, imperforate horizontal pairs, n.h., v.f. (catalogued as hinged) cat. $1850 (Cat No. C35-52var) (page)
Lot 949 US$ 230
1950 UPU, perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $1125 (Cat No. C81,var) (page)
Lot 950 US$ 230
1950 UPU, perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $1125 (Cat No. C81,var) (page)
Lot 951 US$ 230
1919 (4 May) large registered cover franked with 20 different adhesives, overprinted "Occupation Francaise", with Registry and Express labels, addressed locally, with arrival pmk (page)
Lot 952 US$ 230
1919 (4 May) large registered cover franked with 38 different adhesives, overprinted "Occupation Francaise", with Registry and Express labels, addressed locally, pencil markings, fine (page)
Lot 953 US$ 230
1919 (4 May) large registered cover franked with 23 different adhesives, overprinted "Occupation Francaise", with Registry and Express labels, addressed locally, pencil markings, fine (page)
Lot 954 US$ 230
1919 150f stationery entire envelope with four additional surcharges, registered from Pecs to Uszog, fine, with arrival pmk (page)
Lot 955 US$ 230
1919 unoverprinted Hungarian 5f stationery card with "Baranyia 30 filler" alongside, franked with three additional surcharged adhesives, registered from Pecs to Pecsvarad, oval departure and arrival markings, framed censor handstamp, fine (page)
Lot 956 US$ 290
1876 6a gray, two horizontal pairs, n.h., fresh, v.f., cat. $1800 (Cat No. 10) (page)
Lot 957 US$ 700
1876 6a gray, 10 stamps, mostly in pairs, n.h., fresh, fine-v.f., cat. $4500 (Cat No. 10) (page)
Lot 958 US$ 700
1924-30 10kr on 1k yellow, lower left sheet corner margin block of four, stamps n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $3800 (Cat No. 141) (page)

Lot 959 US$ 140
1940 Parliament, 25kr gray black, upper right sheet corner margin block of four, n.h., v.f., cat. $800 (Cat No. 273) (page)
Lot 960 US$ 230
1931 Zeppelin overprints, set of three blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1156 (Cat No. C9-11) (page)
Lot 961 US$ 140
1946 two covers addressed to Medan, each multifranked with Japanese Occupation overprints on Malaysian States, "Indonesia P.T.T." handstamps and Medan, Indonesia cds, fine-v.f. (page)
Lot 962 US$ 190
1876 4k yellow, Types A, B, C, D, canceled Hamadan, Tabriz, Yezd and Kerman, one sound, another small thin, two defective, fine appearance, with Sadri card certificates (Persiphila 17) cat. $1200 (Cat No. 20) (page)
Lot 963 US$ 240
1876 4k yellow, vertically laid paper, Types B, C, D, each with a fairly light pmk, small thins, fine appearance, with Sadri card certificates (Persiphila 17Dc) cat. $1500 (Cat No. 20b) (page)
Lot 964 US$ 190
1878 1kr carmine rose, Types A-B/C-D, Meched and Teheran cancels, margins all around, thinned, fine appearing group of the four types, with Sadri card certificates (Persiphila 26) cat. $700 (Cat No. 33) (page)
Lot 965 US$ 650
1897 Provisional Issue, 1kr on 5kr violet & silver, partial pane of 45, n.h., fine-v.f., with 2016 Sadri certificate (catalogued as hinged singles) cat. $1800 (Cat No. 102) (page)
Lot 966 US$ 800
1901-02 5 Krans on 50kr red brown, block of four, l.h. at top, bottom stamps n.h., faint crease at lower left, otherwise v.f., with 2011 Sadri certificate (Cat No. 171) (page)
Lot 967 US$ 270
1902 Arms of Persia, Mozaffar-eddin Shah Qajar, complete set, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., cat. $810 (Cat No. 351-63) (page)
Lot 968 US$ 450
1907-09 Mohammed-Ali Shah Qajar, complete set, n.h., fine-v.f. (catalogued as hinged), cat. $1198 (Cat No. 428-445) (page)
Lot 969 US$ 700
1907-09 Mohammed-Ali Shah Qajar, 4k bister-50kr gold, blocks of four, n.h., fine-v.f. (catalogued as hinged singles), cat. $1914 (Cat No. 440-45) (page)
Lot 970 US$ 900
1917 24 Chahis on 1kr ultramarine & carmine, perf. 11 1/2 x 11 (Tall Vignette), block of four, n.h., minor perf. separations, fine-v.f., signed Sadri, with his 2019 certificate, cat. $10000 (Cat No. 587) (page)
Lot 971 US$ 1,200
1925 Provisional Issue, 2kr bright lilac, complete pane of 80 with margins on three sides, n.h., folded between stamps, slightly toned throughout, minor separations, still a fine and rare multiple, with 2018 Sadri certificate (catalogued as hinged singles) cat. $15200 (Cat No. 695) (page)
Lot 972 US$ 160
1993 60r Guelder Rose, flowers inverted, sheet of 100, n.h., also regular sheet, folded between stamps n.h., v.f., cat. $960 (Cat No. 2558var) (page)
Lot 973 US$ 900
1903-06 12ch blue, block of 16, 5kr brown, block of 20, 10kr rose red, block of 30, mostly n.h., fine-v.f., signed Sadri (catalogued as singles) cat. $2792 (Cat No. O13,16,17) (page)
Lot 974 US$ 625
1948 Doar Ivri, 3m-1,000m Plate No. Blocks of four, n.h., occasional disturbed or toned gum spots, otherwise fine-v.f. (Cat No. 1-9) (page)
Lot 975 US$ 625
1948 Holidays, matched set of top and bottom Plate No. Blocks of six and Tab Blocks of six (six tabs total), n.h., fine-v.f. (Cat No. 10-14) (page)
Lot 976 US$ 700
1948 Holidays, unfolded vertical gutter pairs, three sets, mostly in larger blocks, n.h., fresh, fine-v.f. (Cat No. 10-14) (page)
Lot 977 US$ 270
1948 Holidays, four sets of horizontal gutter tete-beche Plate No. blocks of six (total of 12 horizontal gutter tete-beche pairs), n.h., fine-v.f. (Cat No. 10-14) (page)
Lot 978 US$ 450
1948 Holidays, unfolded vertical gutter pairs, four different (missing 10p), three of each, mostly in large blocks, n.h., fresh, fine-v.f. (Cat No. 10/14) (page)
Lot 979 US$ 850
1949 Flag and Petah Tikvah, matched set of Tab/Plate blocks of six (12 tabs) of each, n.h., fine-v.f. (Cat No. 15, 27) (page)
Lot 980 US$ 525
1949 Holidays, sets of right and left sheet margin Tab Blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (Bale $2,800) (Cat No. 28-30) (page)
Lot 981 US$ 500
1950 Independence, sets of Right and Left sheet margin Tab Blocks, n.h., faint toning, otherwise fine-v.f. (Bale $2,600) (Cat No. 33-34) (page)
Lot 982 US$ 750
1951 Menorah, left and right Tab Blocks of six (six tabs), n.h., v.f. (Cat No. 55) (page)
Lot 983 US$ 140
1951 Menorah, horizontal pair with tabs, also three Plate No. Blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (Cat No. 55) (page)
Lot 984 US$ 800
1950 Issue, complete set in unfolded sheets of 50 (10 sets of tabs), hinged at top margin only, stamps n.h., occasional wrinkles, mostly fine-v.f. (Bale $4,500) (Cat No. C1-6) (page)
Lot 985 US$ 450
1948 complete set of Plate No. Blocks of six, n.h., fine-v.f. (Bale $850) (Cat No. J1-5) (page)
Lot 986 US$ 450
1949 Issue, complete set in unfolded sheets of 100, hinged at top margin only, stamps n.h., somewhat wrinkled, otherwise fine-v.f. (Bale $3,000) (Cat No. J6-11) (page)
Lot 987 US$ 140
1948 20m surcharge, l.h., v.f., signed Brun (page)
Lot 988 US$ 230
1863 (16 Feb) mourning FL from Venezia to Milano, franked with horizontal pair of 3sld green, used in combination with 10sld brown, tied by departure cds, red P.D. to destination, with arrival pmks on back, fine mixed franking letter (Cat No. 9,14) (page)
Lot 1019 US$ 2,300
1909-11 "Gerusalemme" surcharges, complete set of eight blocks of four, n.h., usual centering, fresh and attractive set of blocks, with 2023 Dr.Avi certificate (Sass.1-8, Euro 20,000+) cat. $13820 (Cat No. 1-8) (page)
Lot 1022 US$ 325
1933 1st SAF from Bengasi to Brazil, franked on both sides, Friedrichshafen transit, Sao Paolo arrival pmk on back, v.f. (page)
Lot 1023 US$ 700
1945 special presentation folder with Polish Eagle and opening lines of the Polish National Anthem on front cover, with stamps and all three souvenir sheets inside adhered to ten numbered pages, with text in Polish, French, English and Italian, fine-v.f., only 2,000 printed in Rome and presented to (page)
Lot 1024 US$ 4,500
1946 Polish Victories in Italy, unsevered large sheet containing four souvenir sheets of four, folded between stamps, unused without gum as issued fine-v.f., with 1991 Raybaudi certificate. A rarity, probably the only known uncut sheet of four (page)
Lot 1025 US$ 1,100
1946 souvenir sheet (112x130mm) with 2zl violet brown (General Anders) and 55gr blue (Ancona), canceled "Poczta Polowa 136 / 4.VI.46", v.f., with 2019 Avanzo and 2024 Colla certificates. A rarity, one of only two (!) recorded (Sass.F(13A+2A), Euro 6,500) (page)
Lot 1026 US$ 4,500
1946 souvenir sheet with 2zl violet brown (General Anders) and 55gr blue (Ancona), the latter inverted, canceled "Poczta Polowa 136 / 4.VI.46", horizontal uncut pair, folded between stamps, v.f., with 2002 Raybaudi certificate. A rarity, probably unique double sheet printed in tete-beche form (page)
Lot 1027 US$ 700
1946 souvenir sheet (90x115mm) with single 55gr blue (Ancona), canceled "Poczta Polowa 136 / 4.VI.46", v.f., with 2020 Avanzo and 2024 Colla certificates. A rarity, only a few known (Sass.F2AS, Euro 4,750) (page)
Lot 1028 US$ 900
1946 souvenir sheet (115x160mm) with single 2zl brown (General Anders), canceled "Poczta Polowa 136 / 4.VI.46", v.f., with 2020 Avanzo and 2024 Colla certificates. A rarity, only a few known (Sass.F13A, Euro 5,000) (page)
Lot 1029 US$ 2,300
1946 souvenir sheet of three, 55gr blue (Ancona) omitted, canceled "Glowna Poczta Polowa 104 / 1.1.46", v.f., with 2020 Avanzo and 2024 Colla certificates. A rarity, one of only two (!) recorded, cat. €15000 (Cat No. Sass.F.1Acab) (page)
Lot 1051 US$ 450
1914 (22 Nov) cover franked with 10k (Romanov 7k, 3k), used from Talsen to Kandau (23.11), with boxed Talsen censor handstamp, also a selection of five covers and cards used during the 1940-41 Soviet Occupation of Latvia, including mixed frankings (Soviet/Latvia), interesting and scarce group, ex-Cr (page)
Lot 1052 US$ 575
1934 (27 June) S.S. "Europa" flight cover from Riga, Via Berlin to New York, with green "Dampfer Europa Deutsche Schleuderflug" cachet, red forwarding handstamp applied in Germany, v.f. (page)
Lot 1053 US$ 230
1945 Landscapes, imperforate blocks of four, n.h., v.f. (YT Euro 1,000) (Cat No. C97-100var) (page)
Lot 1054 US$ 325
1946 Victory, six gummed souvenir sheets of 14, n.h., also seven souvenir sheets on thick chamois paper, blue inscriptions, including one canceled, v.f. cat. $950 (Cat No. C106var) (page)
Lot 1055 US$ 230
1894 2c-$2 imperforate pairs, nine different, also $5 imperf. block of four, v.f. (Cat No. 34/39var) (page)
Lot 1056 US$ 140
1929 50c+20c, 1,25L+25c varieties, each with center shifted to bottom or top, the former unused without gum, latter l.h., v.f., unusual (Cat No. B18,19var) (page)
Lot 1057 US$ 140
1915 Prince Johann II, set of three, thin unsurfaced paper, tied by Vaduz 27.9.1916 cds on registered cover to Breslau, red Military Censor handstamp, backstamped 2.10.16 on arrival in Germany, v.f. (Cat No. 1a-3a) (page)
Lot 1058 US$ 450
1934 VADUZ Exhibition souvenir sheet, n.h., post office fresh, v.f., cat. $2250 (Cat No. 115) (page)
Lot 1059 US$ 140
1935 5fr dark violet, n.h., v.f., cat. $700 (Cat No. 131) (page)
Lot 1060 US$ 230
1944-52 Prince and Princess, set of three, also 5fr henna brown, shetlets of eight, also 1952 Art, sheetlets of 12, n.h., v.f. (Zu.SFr 2,140) cat. $1368 (Cat No. 215-17,222,261-63) (page)
Lot 1061 US$ 230
1951 2fr and 3fr, perf. 12 1/2x12 and perf. 14 1/2, set of four, n.h., fine-v.f. (Zu.SFr 1,510) cat. $1075 (Cat No. 259-60,259a-60a) (page)

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