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Worldwide Stamps and Covers
   Algeria (1)
Lot 1A EUR 4,000
Germany/se-tenants - an exceptional collection se-tenants German Reich, Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin in three large thick stock books with many rarely issues. As well the German Reich outstanding occupies from Germania including several advertisement se-tenant, Weimar Republic outstanding (page)
Lot 1D EUR 2,000
Europe/oversea - a very interesting and high quality inventory in three plastic boxes on stock cards with plenty of better issues and sought-after areas. With also Australia kangaroo pound values with overprint "SPECIMEN", Monaco Michel number 10 used with photo certificate Buehler, Michel number 27 (page)
Lot 1F EUR 1,000
Germany - interesting inventory postwar Germany with numerous issues on stock cards in a plastic box, many better values, New Saar including several values with printed on the gummed side, Council of Europe multiple, Federal Republic of Germany with numerous first issues often multiple, a strong par (page)
Lot 1G EUR 1,000
Germany - interesting lot on numerous stock cards in a plastic box, as well German occupation I. World war, furthermore also German occupation II. World war, old Saar extensively present with good overprint values, with also varieties, Gdansk, Memel and Old German States. Please check carefully!

D (page)

Lot 1H EUR 500
Europe/oversea - extensive inventory on stock cards with issues of various areas, as well oversea including French area in the Antarctica, German Reich, German colonies, as well a good part postwar Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein with good issues, an interesting part Switzerland, Netherlands with se (page)
Lot 1J EUR 500
Europe - very interesting and high quality inventory in the box. Many better issues, slightly mixed condition, also German Reich two help in need souvenir sheets, Great Britain, French zone Baden Michel number 46 I in the mint never hinged original sheet with photo certificate Schlegel BPP and so on (page)
Lot 1K EUR 2,000
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - extensive inventory from post valid mint never hinged issues, all in bags to denomination value presorted. The franking value amounts stated by the consignor approximate 5200,- €, what however from us unverified was, therefore without guarantee. Please have (page)
Lot 1M EUR 2,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots in 25 albums. As well an extensive collection Baden, Berlin 1948/90 complete mint never hinged with red overprint and monetary sovenier sheet, American/British Zone, French Zone, Soviet Zone, New Saar, an extensive collection German Reich (page)
Lot 2 EUR 3,000
Estate - with a very extensive stock of collections and lots in 21 albums and stock books. As well a strong part Germany including one extensive collection Old German States, German Reich well represented, an interesting part German colonies, Saar, Federal Republic of Germany/Berlin with early value (page)
Lot 2C EUR 500
German colonies - attractive lot covers, cards and postal stationery, with also navy ship´s mail. Is included also the Mariana Islands the scarce P5 (unwatermarked) commercially used with violet single circle postmark "SAIPAN 24.11.99" to Kiel with arrival postmark and so on. A delightful lot!

DEU (page)

Lot 2D EUR 200
Lot of letters - interesting lot covers, cards and postal stationery including better documents, as well a nice part Asia including russian post office in China, Hong Kong, Turkey postal stationery from 1895 with beautiful red signet stamp and so on. A delightful lot!

BRIEFPOSTEN - interessante Pa (page)

Lot 2E EUR 100
Lot of letters - interesting inventory with covers, cards and postal stationery in the box, as well issues of various areas, much Germany and so on please have a look!

BRIEFPOSTEN - interessanter Bestand mit Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen im Karton, dabei Ausgaben verschiedener Gebiete, viel Deuts (page)

Lot 2H EUR 500
BERLIN - 1948/90, neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in the lighthouse hingeless illustrated album. As well black overprint expertized Schlegel BPP, red overprint with photo certificate "the quality is perfect" Hans Dieter Schlegel BPP, Stephan set, buildings 1949 with (page)
Lot 2J EUR 500
BERLIN - 1948/90, nice used collection, in the main numbers completely in two Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. Also the black overprint set expertized Schlegel BPP (Mark values with short attests respectively photo expertize Schlegel BPP), the monetary sovenier sheet with plate flaw I a (page)
Lot 2K EUR 300
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2000, nice mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in four Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. Also the posthorn series expertized Schlegel BPP. A neat collection!

BUND - 1949/2000, schöne postfr. Sammlung, in den Hauptnummern kompl (page)

Lot 2M EUR 500
Norway - 1867/2014, very nice collection in two lighthouse hingeless illustrated albums clean formed with a lot of better issues, complete sets, many mint never hinged issues, an extensive part post-war period and so on In this richness rare offered!

NORWEGEN - 1867/2014, sehr schöne Sammlung in z (page)

Lot 2N EUR 500
Norway - 1855/2016, extensive used collection in three lighthouse hingeless illustrated albums and two large stock books, many better issues from Michel number 1, head stamps, numerous special- and commemorative issues and so on right up to the novelties. A very nice object!

NORWEGEN - 1855/2016, (page)

Lot 2P EUR 1,000
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas. As well German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) with all early values twice collected, a nice used collection Federal Republic of Germany with all early values and many centric cancellation issues to to the year 2017, a (page)
Lot 2Q EUR 1,500
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - comprehensive holding mint never hinged valid for postage issues in two boxes, partly in hingeless illustrated albums, as well also numerous yearbooks and so on very high franking value!

BUND/NOMINALE - umfangreicher Bestand postfr. frankaturgültiger Ausgaben (page)

Lot 2R EUR 1,000
Estate - with an extensive inventory collections and lots of various areas in 17 moving boxes. As well issues of different countries, much Germany, also Berlin with the first issues including monetary sovenier sheet, Federal Republic of Germany early values, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) (page)
Lot 2S EUR 5,000
Germany - vast collection in 36 hingeless printed form ring binder including numerous better issues, as well Bavaria one kreuzer black used with photo expertize Sem BPP, former and New Saar including flood souvenir sheet pair mint never hinged, as well also an extensive used part, Federal Republic o (page)
Lot 2T EUR 4,000
Austria - 1922/2020, a very nice and neat collection, almost exclusively mint never hinged formed in 12 Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder including numerous high-value issues. With also a very good portion pre-war years including WIPA souvenir sheet 1933, the stamp from the souvenir sheet (page)
Lot 2U EUR 500
Austria - 1945/2020, a particularly beautiful used collection in 12 Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder, as well are the years 1947/2020 in the main numbers completely is existing. The collection includes also nice covers of the airmail issue 1953, as well numerous miniature sheet. A very Cul (page)
Lot 2W EUR 500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding, as well duplicate stocks of various areas, Federal Republic of Germany with numerous corners of the sheet with centric postmarks and so on. Please have a look!

REGAL - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand, dabei Dublettenbestände verschiedener Gebiete, Bund mit zahl (page)

Lot 2X EUR 1,000
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - the officials yearbooks from 2001/20 complete with the mint never hinged issues. Furthermore a collection "Germany PLUS" with corners of the sheet mint never hinged and parallel with centered first day postmarks from the years 2001/20 in the main numbers complet (page)
Lot 2Y EUR 3,000
Rack - with an extensive inventory collections and lots of various areas in 31 large albums and stock books. As well interesting stocks of various areas, such as a strong inventory Liechtenstein with a lot of better issues and sets the pre-war years, Soviet Zone including large Christmas souvenir sh (page)
Lot 2Z EUR 1,000
German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - huge inventory collections, lots and stocks in numerous albums and stock books in the rack. As well are the first issues enormously strong be present with several complete collections including the key values. We recommend a detailed inspection and calcula (page)
Lot 3 EUR 2,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, predominantly from the subscription supply. As well considerable quantities Federal Republic nominal often multiple, also booklet, partly in stock books respectively as well in bags of the philatelic agency, Switzerland with many post va (page)
Lot 3A EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, as well Federal Republic of Germany with numerous post valid issues to start 2020, a rich collection Switzerland mint never hinged and used with many post valid values and much more material. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem re (page)

Big lot - with a very extensive inventory in 26 moving boxes. As well collections and lots of various areas, duplicate stocks, countries and thematic collections and so on please check carefully!

GROßPOSTEN - mit einem sehr umfangreichen Bestand in 26 Umzugskartons. Dabei Sammlungen und Partien ve (page)

Lot 3C EUR 1,500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well Federal Republic of Germany twice collected with good first issues, Berlin very fine occupies, also the early values mint never hinged except for red overprint complete, herewith the monetary sovenier sheet with (page)
Lot 3D EUR 800
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, as well a nice mint never hinged collection Third Reich in the Borek ring binder, Federal Republic of Germany including post valid issues, as well one abundant collection used, often with centric postmarks and so on please have a look!


Lot 3E EUR 22,000
Germany - enormously vast collection including duplicates stocks in numerous albums and stock books, mixed quality, with many sought-after issues. As well German Reich from 1872/1945 twice collected and very represented strongly with expensive sets, Zeppelin sets, charity souvenir sheet in both cond (page)
Lot 3F EUR 1,500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, as well Federal Republic of Germany with all early values including posthorn set, as well post valid issues, Berlin with all early values mint never hinged/unused, a rich collection German Reich with useful issues Weimar and Third Reich, (page)
Lot 3G EUR 1,500
Germany - vast collection in the KABE illustrated album. Many better issues including an abundant part Old German States, mixed quality, German Reich from 1872/1945 very well-staffed including charity souvenir sheet Nothilfe (still with the bill of delivery of the philatelic agency), Gdansk, old Saa (page)
Lot 3H EUR 1,500
Europe - interesting collection of various areas in three old albums, as well a comprehensive part Austria from the classic, many further countries including Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy from the classic, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia and so on. Please have a look!

EUROPA - interessante Sa (page)

Lot 3J EUR 500
Europe - extensive inventory mounted on pages with issues of different countries, much older material, with also German Reich from the breast shields including charity souvenir sheet Nothilfe, German colonies, Austria and many further areas. Treasure trove!

EUROPA - reichhaltiger Bestand auf Alben (page)

Lot 3K EUR 200
Lot of letters - extensive inventory covers, cards and postal stationery with many older documents in the box, a versatile treasure trove, the you should inspect in detail!

BRIEFPOSTEN - reichhaltiger Bestand Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen mit vielen älteren Belegen im Karton, eine vielseitige Fund (page)

Lot 3M EUR 1,000
Big lot - enormously comprehensive holding in 21 moving boxes with an enormous amount of material of various areas from Germany, Europe and overseas, as well issues in albums/stock books, boxes and so on for the assessment should they a little time calculate!

GROßPOSTEN - enorm umfangreicher Besta (page)

Lot 3N EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas. As well a nice mint never hinged collection Austria post-war issues including a good part Grazer overprints, some with certificates, Renner set cut with ornamental field and further better issues, also a comprehensive pa (page)
Lot 3P EUR 800
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots in 23 albums and stock books. As well Federal Republic of Germany from 2000/13 nearly complete mint never hinged with high nominal, Switzerland including numerous post valid issues, partly in PTT booklets, an extensive mint never hinged c (page)
Estate - interesting estate in the moving box. As well Berlin from 1948/69 complete mint never hinged (black overprint, red overprint and monetary sovenier sheet expertized Schlegel BPP), Federal Republic of Germany with numerous first issues mainly mint never hinged, with also two posthorn sets exp (page)
Lot 3R EUR 800
Latvia - extensive stock lot in a large stockbook, thereby many interesting early issues, special feature, various perforations, gutters, numerous complete sets and so on. Please have a look!

LETTLAND - reichhaltige Lagerpartie im großen Einsteckbuch, dabei viele interessante frühe Ausgaben, Beson (page)

Lot 3S EUR 1,500
Soviet Union - 1923/40, extensive inventory in a large thick stockbook formed, as well better issues, many complete sets, an extensive part thirties and so on. Enormous catalog value!

SOWJETUNION - 1923/40, umfangreicher Lagerbestand im großen dicken Einsteckbuch zusammengetragen, dabei bessere Au (page)

Lot 3T EUR 500
Soviet Union - 1941/46, extensive inventory in a large stockbook, often stacked closely one above the other, as well numerous complete sets, block of four and so on. Very high catalog value!

SOWJETUNION - 1941/46, reichhaltiger Lagerbestand im großen Einsteckbuch, oft dicht übereinander gesteckt, (page)

Lot 3U EUR 500
Soviet Union - 1947/49, extensive stock lot in a large stockbook chronologically sorted, as well numerous complete sets, special- and commemorative issues, block of four and so on. Very high catalog value!

SOWJETUNION - 1947/49, reichhaltige Lagerpartie im großen Einsteckbuch chronologisch sortier (page)

Lot 3W EUR 200
Soviet Union - 1950/56, extensive inventory en masse thick stockbook formed, as well numerous complete sets, nice topics, block of four and so on. Very high catalog value!

SOWJETUNION - 1950/56, umfangreicher Lagerbestand im großen dicken Lagerbuch zusammengetragen, dabei zahlreiche komplette Seri (page)

Lot 3X EUR 200
Soviet Union - 1957/59, extensive inventory in a large thick stockbook with numerous complete sets, beautiful subjects, block of four and so on. Very high catalog value!

SOWJETUNION - 1957/59, umfangreicher Lagerbestand im großen dicken Einsteckbuch mit zahlreichen kompletten Serien, schönen Motiv (page)

Lot 3Y EUR 300
Soviet Union - extensive lot in a large stockbook including many older issues, block of four, overprint values and so on. Very high catalog value!

SOWJETUNION - reichhaltige Partie im großen Einsteckbuch inklusive vielen älteren Ausgaben, Viererblocks, Aufdruckwerten usw. Sehr hoher Katalogwert! (page)

Lot 3Z EUR 500
Soviet Union - extensive mint never hinged collection from predominantly miniature sheet, mostly from the eighties years in two ring binder with a lot of better issues, thereby also good part cosmos, World Wide Fund for Nature miniature sheet, olympic games 1988 and so on. Very high catalog value!


Lot 4 EUR 2,000
Austria - 1850/2008, very extensive collection, twice collected with plenty of better issues right up to key values, all in 18 brown Lindner T ring binder, a few problematic cancel not calculated. Thereby also strong part twenties and thirties including WIPA souvenir sheet 1933, 10 Shilling Dollfuss (page)
Lot 4A EUR 1,000
LIECHTENSTEIN - 1912/2010, extensive used collection in five Lindner T ring binder with plenty of better issues, in the main numbers completely, a few problematic cancel were not calculated. A maintained object with enormous acquisition price, which you should inspect in detail!


Lot 4B EUR 1,000
LIECHTENSTEIN - 1912/2015, vast collection, in the number of a major listing except for few minute value complete in seven Lindner T hingeless ring binder, including all early values, with also Vaduz souvenir sheet, many postal valid issues and additional as well numerous novelties used a beautiful (page)
Lot 4C EUR 1,000
Old German States - vast collection of Baden to Wuerttemberg, mainly used collected in the lighthouse hingeless illustrated album, mixed quality, forgeries were not calculated, Wuerttemberg 70 Kr. On piece multiple expertized and signed and so on please check carefully!

ALTDEUTSCHLAND - umfangreic (page)

Lot 4F EUR 1,000
Shelves - with an extensive inventory collections and lots in numerous albums and stock books. With also lots of Federal Republic including stamp booklet, further areas, also First Day Cover and so on. A large amount of material, please check carefully!

REGALE - mit einem umfangreichen Bestand Sam (page)

Lot 4G EUR 1,500
Estate - with an extensive inventory collections and lots of various areas. As well a comprehensive part Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic from 1945 mint never hinged and used collected, Germany extensively present, with also numerous postal valid issues Federal Republic of Germany and so on please (page)
Lot 4H EUR 1,500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots in 34 albums and stock books and so on, as well much Germany, USA, allied occupation help for the aged souvenir sheet pair with special cancel, extensive stocks allied occupation, Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin with early values, (page)
Estate - with a very extensive inventory collections, lots, duplicate stocks and so on from various countries in 13 moving boxes. As well much Germany, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) with useful first issues, topics and so on. Please check carefully!

NACHLASS - mit einem sehr umfangreic (page)

Lot 4K EUR 800
Estate - with an inventory collections and lots of various areas, as well an extensive used collection Third Reich including better issues, Federal Republic of Germany twice collected, thereby also mint never hinged posthorn set with photo certificate Hans Georg Schlegel BPP, yearbooks Federal Repub (page)
Lot 4M EUR 500
Europe - interesting inventory collections and lots in 10 large albums/stock books. As well numerous issues Soviet Union including special- and commemorative issues from the thirties, Luxembourg, a nice part Greenland and so on. Please have a look!

EUROPA - interessanter Bestand Sammlungen und Par (page)

Lot 4N EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots. As well a collection Romania including many mint never hinged issues, Federal Republic of Germany postal valid values and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen und Partien. Dabei eine Sammlung (page)

Lot 4P EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots in six moving boxes. As well much Germany, also bundle goods, furthermore Federal Republic of Germany including post valid issues to to the year 2007 and so on. Perfect for liquidation!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlun (page)

Lot 4Q EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding in 10 moving boxes, as well issues of different countries, however due to storage often stuck, but there are also many used issues is existing. With also an interesting part Old German States. We recommend a detailed inspection!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhalti (page)

Lot 4R EUR 500
Europe union - 1956/2019, extensive mint never hinged collection in 16 large stock books, as well a strong part sought novelties. A beautiful object with enormous subscription price!

EUROPAUNION - 1956/2019, umfangreiche postfr. Sammlung in 16 großen Einsteckbüchern, dabei ein starker Teil gesucht (page)

Lot 4S EUR 500
Rack - with an interesting inventory, as well numerous Ministers books and yearbooks of the Federal Republic of Germany including post valid issues, a small collection German colonies from the Borek subscription and so on. Please have a look!

REGAL - mit einem interessanten Bestand, dabei zahlreic (page)

Lot 4T EUR 700
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots in 29 albums and stock books. As well German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) twice collected in each case with all first issues, Federal Republic of Germany with numerous good first issues, a comprehensive part Berlin including early v (page)
Lot 4U EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, as well Germany collections from Old German States, German Reich, German occupation II. World war, Federal Republic of Germany with first issues including posthorn set (unfortunately regumed), as well further areas. Please have a look!


Lot 4W EUR 800
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, many European countries with numerous mint never hinged issues, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) with all early values, Algeria abundant and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestan (page)

Lot 4X EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, with also Federal Republic of Germany with numerous first issues, Berlin with early values and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen und Partien verschiedener Gebiete, dabei a (page)

Lot 4Y EUR 1,000
Europe - interesting lot in a large stockbook, as well in the spring back binder, as well allied occupation with four help for the aged souvenir sheet pairs, German Reich professions set in block of four, numerous issues Austria including good sets from the thirties, as well an extensive post-war co (page)
Lot 4Z EUR 3,000
Estate - with an extensive inventory collections and lots of various areas. As well Berlin from 1948/90 complete mint never hinged with all better issues, Federal Republic of Germany from 1949/2014 mint never hinged including posthorn set and many post valid issues, German Demokratic Republik (East (page)
Lot 5A EUR 500
Austria - 1850/2017, vast collection in eight Borek spring back binders from the classic. As well better issues, many complete sets, a nice part thirties, as well the post-war period extensive, with also Renner set cut from corner margin and so on. Very high catalog value!

ÖSTERREICH - 1850/2017, (page)

Lot 5B EUR 300
Vatican - 1929/2002, rich collection, in the number of a major listing except for the provisional set complete in two Borek spring back binders. Many better sets the early years, airmail stamps and so on. Very high catalog value!

VATIKAN - 1929/2002, reichhaltige Sammlung, in den Hauptnummern bis (page)

Lot 5C EUR 500
Italy - 1863/2003, vast collection in four Borek spring back binders, with also a comprehensive part pre-war period including complete sets from the thirties, the post-war period extensive, with also postal valid values and so on followed by still postage and package stamps, also the package stamp n (page)
Lot 5D EUR 500
France - 1849/2006, vast collection in eight Borek spring back binders from the classic with plenty of better issues the pre-war years, as well an extensive post-war period, many mint never hinged issues, including a high nominal value. Please check carefully!

FRANKREICH - 1849/2006, umfangreiche (page)

Lot 5E EUR 1,000
LIECHTENSTEIN - 1912/2015, very extensive collection in nine Borek spring back binders with plenty of better issues, frequently twice collected. As well are the early years outstanding set with many better sets, as well also an extensive part post-war issues, with also many postal valid values inclu (page)
Lot 5F EUR 200
Europe union - extensive mint never hinged collection in five Borek spring back binders and two ring binder, as well are the CEPT-editions from 1956/2005 nearly complete is existing, in addition to that a comprehensive part follower. Please have a look!

EUROPAUNION - umfangreiche postfr. Sammlung (page)

Lot 5G EUR 500
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2017, nice collection, both mint never hinged as also used parallel formed in 13 Borek spring back binders, in each case in the number of a major listing except for few minute value complete. Is included also the posthorn set mint never hinged furthermore also post (page)
Lot 5H EUR 2,000
Germany - vast collection in 10 Borek spring back binders with plenty of better issues. With also Old German States, an extensive part German Reich 1872/1945 with all Zeppelin series, International Postage Stamp Exhibition souvenir sheet 1930 with photo certificate Schlegel BPP, Berlin with all firs (page)
Lot 5J EUR 500
Rack - with a rich inventory of collections of various areas, as well a comprehensive part Uno, Faroes islands, Azores, Madeira and so on. Please have a look!

REGAL - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen verschiedener Gebiete, dabei ein reichhaltiger Teil Uno, Färöer, Azoren, Madeira usw. Bi (page)

Lot 5K EUR 1,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well much Germany, including German Reich, postwar Germany, Federal Republic of Germany with many post valid issues, Berlin monetary sovenier sheet, Austria including post valid values and so on please have a look!


Lot 5M EUR 1,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots. As well Federal Republic of Germany from the beginning years to to the year 2018 with many post valid issues, Berlin, German Reich, Switzerland including post valid values and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltig (page)

Lot 5N EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots. As well a vast collection Federal Republic of Germany from 1949/2020 with early values and many post valid issues, Berlin and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen und Partien. Dabei eine umfa (page)

Lot 5P EUR 1,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots. As well a number of Schaubek albums with interesting collections of different countries from Germany, Europe and overseas, including German Reich, German colonies, postwar Germany, as well different countries from all over the world. Ple (page)
Lot 5Q EUR 400
Germany - interesting lot stamp booklet in a box on stock cards with useful issues, slightly mixed condition, with also many perfectly issues, a good part German Reich, as well numerous stamp booklet Federal Republic from Heuss. Enormous catalog value!

DEUTSCHLAND - interessante Partie Markenheftc (page)

Lot 5R EUR 400
Hungaria - extensive lot in three spring back binders and one box on stock cards, as well a great many unperforated issues with sets and souvenir sheets, mainly in mint never hinged condition. Enormous catalog value!

UNGARN - reichhaltige Partie in drei Klemmbindern und einer Kassette auf Einsteck (page)

Lot 5S EUR 300
Federal Republic of Germany/se-tenants - extensive lot se-tenants in a ring binder from posthorn, with also numerous Heuss se-tenants including lying watermark and so on enormous catalog value!

BUND/ZUSAMMENDRUCKE - reichhaltige Partie Zusammendrucke im Ringbinder ab Posthorn, dabei auch zahlreich (page)

Lot 5T EUR 300
Federal Republic of Germany - 1952/59, extensive lot illustrated First Day Cover with useful issues in the box, in addition to that few later issues. A listing is enclosed. Michel approximate 9200,- €.

BUND - 1952/59, reichhaltige Partie Schmuck-FDC mit besseren Ausgaben im Karton, dazu noch (page)

Lot 5Y EUR 300
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well a collection 200 years USA in four volumes, numerous stamp booklet sheet from Federal Republic of Germany/Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany from the beginning years, a large number mint never hinged issues Fren (page)
Lot 5Z EUR 600
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots. As well a collection Berlin from black overprint, Federal Republic of Germany with all first issues mostly twice collected including posthorn set, as well also numerous post valid issues, a collection German Demokratic Republik (East Ger (page)
Lot 6 EUR 300
France - 1989/2010, extensive mint never hinged collection in five Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder, nearly complete, in addition to that a ring binder with stamp booklet. Very high franking value!

FRANKREICH - 1989/2010, umfangreiche postfr. Sammlung in fünf Lindner-Falzlos-Vordruck-Rin (page)

Lot 6A EUR 300
Austria - 1975/2013, extensive mint never hinged collection in six Lindner ring binder with many post valid values. In addition to that another album including many miniature sheet. Already high franking value from the € time!

ÖSTERREICH - 1975/2013, reichhaltige postfr. Sammlung in sechs Lin (page)

Lot 6B EUR 300
Federal Republic of Germany - 1965/2017, extensive mint never hinged collection, nearly complete in eight ring binder, partly also additional used furthermore another album with special features like block of four and so on high franking value!

BUND - 1965/2017, umfangreiche postfr. Sammlung, nahe (page)

Lot 6C EUR 300
Switzerland - 1982/2012, extensive mint never hinged collection, nearly complete in three Lindner ring binder. In addition to that another ring binder with stamp booklet. High franking value!

SCHWEIZ - 1982/2012, reichhaltige postfr. Sammlung, nahezu komplett in drei Lindner-Ringbindern. Dazu noch (page)

Lot 6D EUR 500
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - 2001/18, the officials yearbooks complete with the mint never hinged issues. The contained franking value amounts exactly 1022,- €.

BUND/NOMINALE - 2001/18, die offiziellen Jahrbücher komplett mit den postfr. Ausgaben. Der enthaltene Frankaturwert beträgt (page)

Lot 6E EUR 500
Boxes - comprehensive holding in 13 moving boxes. As well was many in the subscription related with issues of different countries including numerous First Day Cover, Liechtenstein mint never hinged with post valid issues, accessories and so on. Please have a look! (Sales only at self-collectors, oth (page)
Lot 6F EUR 1,000
KENNEDY - a very nice and extensive special collection in 30 ring binder with issues from various countries from Europe and overseas, very many mint never hinged issues, sets and souvenir sheets, documents and so on. With also an outstanding part Qatar with many good mint never hinged sets and souve (page)
Lot 6G EUR 500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, with also a comprehensive part USA with older issues and post valid values, as well also duplicate stocks on the subject of Kennedy and so on. Please have a look!

REGAL - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen und Pa (page)

Lot 6H EUR 500
Netherlands - 1852/1927, very interesting and rich collection, specialized formed in a ring binder clean made up. With also two pre philately letters, an interesting part 1. Issue with colours and minor shade, as well partly better cancel, the following issues well-staffed, as well likewise interest (page)
Lot 6J EUR 1,000
Austria - 1850/64, very interesting and extensive special collection the classic issues in a ring binder clean made up. As well a comprehensive part the 1. Issue including many different cancel, colours, shades, different paper types, types, covers, the Emperor Franz Joseph issue, as well coat of ar (page)

Lot 6K EUR 300
Austria - interesting and extensive special collection of the stamps issue 1867, as well various prints, numerous colours and minor shade, cancel, as well also newspaper stamps and crest issue 1883. An attractive object!

ÖSTERREICH - interessante und reichhaltige Spezialsammlung der Freimarkenausg (page)

Lot 6M EUR 500
Finland - 1860/1931, interesting collection in a ring binder clean made up, as well serpentine rouletted stamps, the crest issue 1875/82 nice occupies including the 25 Penni as multiple franking on registered cover with registration label "from foreign country over railway mail 11 EYDTKUHNEN-DIRSCHA (page)
Lot 6N EUR 150
Norway - very interesting special collection the service- and postage due stamps in a ring binder with inscription mounted. As well a strong part postage due stamps 1889/1920 with many different types and so on an extraordinary collection!

NORWEGEN - sehr interessante Spezialsammlung der Dienst- u (page)

Lot 6P EUR 3,500
Switzerland - 1850/81, magnificent special collection in a ring binder very fine made up with inscription, many better issues, a delightful part pre philately letters, 2 1/2 Rp local post without framed cross, 2 1/2 Rp Poste Locale with framed cross, an extensive special part Rayon stamps including (page)
Lot 6Q EUR 200
Germany/telegrams - 1900/93, very interesting and extensive special collection telegrams in four ring binder, many attractive examples, interesting printed forms such as unused telegram covers to the Queen respectively to the King from Wuerttemberg, numerous telegrams from the German Reich with diff (page)
Lot 6R EUR 300
Luxembourg - 1852/1930, interesting and rich collection specialized formed and in a ring binder clean made up. As well early issues from Michel number 1, interesting part coat of arms stamps cut and rouletted and many further issues, sheet and so on. An attractive object!

LUXEMBURG - 1852/1930, in (page)

Lot 6W EUR 4,000
Box - with an interesting inventory of various areas including high-value Single pieces, as well a delightful part German colonies including Cameroon forerunner Michel number V37 c (2) and 46 c (2) on piece with photo certificate Steuer BPP (Michel/Steuer 15500,- Euro), German Reich stamp booklet pa (page)
Lot 6X EUR 1,500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well a rich collection Third Reich with good issues, Federal Republic of Germany early values, Czechoslovakia and further areas, numerous covers and so on an extensive treasure trove!

REGAL - mit einem reichhaltigen B (page)

Lot 7 EUR 2,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas in numerous albums and stock books, issues of European countries, covers and so on. A comprehensive holding, the be in the best way to the liquidation is suitable!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen u (page)

Lot 7A EUR 2,000
LIECHTENSTEIN - enormously comprehensive holding collections and lots in numerous albums/stock books and boxes accommodated. As well numerous complete years, special- and commemorative issues, souvenir sheets, documents and so on, predominantly in the subscription related. A huge amount of material (page)
Lot 7B EUR 500
Railroad - extensive inventory on the subject of railroad in 18 albums and stock books, two sheet folder and two boxes, as well issues from various countries from Europe and overseas, many mint never hinged issues, special- and commemorative sets, souvenir sheets and so on. Perfect for liquidation!< (page)
Lot 7C EUR 2,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas. With also Berlin with all early values mint never hinged, herewith are the better values mostly expertized Schlegel BPP (monetary sovenier sheet photo expertize Schlegel BPP), German occupation II. World war, a comprehen (page)
Lot 7D EUR 400
Rack - with a comprehensive holding from collections and duplicates stocks of various areas with numerous albums and stock books and so on with also Monaco including numerous mint never hinged issues, Federal Republic of Germany and many further areas. Please have a look!

REGAL - mit einem reichha (page)

Lot 7E EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well Federal Republic of Germany with numerous post valid issues, Austria including post valid values, two volumes Asia including China and many further areas. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen (page)

Big lot - with an extensive inventory in 21 boxes (different sizes). As well issues of different countries, also topics, duplicate stocks and so on right up to kilo ware. An extensive treasure trove, the you should inspect in detail!

GROßPOSTEN - mit einem umfangreichen Bestand in 21 Kartons (vers (page)

Lot 7G EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, with also Federal Republic of Germany with post valid issues, a collection "eclipse of the moon" in two volumes, Federal Republic of Germany numis sheets and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltige (page)

Lot 7H EUR 300
Netherlands - 1944/86, extensive mint never hinged collection, except for few issues complete in the lighthouse hingeless illustrated album. Also the gulden values Queen Wilhelmina 1946 (Michel number 453/56), many further complete sets, special- and commemorative issues and so on very high catalog (page)
Lot 7J EUR 100
Netherlands - interesting lot on a stock card with useful sets, as well a nice part twenties years.

NIEDERLANDE - interessante Partie auf einer Einsteckkarte mit besseren Serien, dabei ein schöner Teil zwanziger Jahre. (page)

Lot 7M EUR 2,000
Old German States - interesting collection covers and postal stationery with rarely documents in the Frank Godden luxury album. As well scarce documents including a beautiful part Preussen, also the scarce Michel number 7 c with no. 10 an on cover with photo expertize Wasels BPP, Saxony with attract (page)
Lot 7N EUR 800
Europe/oversea - interesting small collection with useful covers and cards of various areas in the spring back binder with useful documents, with also Great Britain Mulready-envelope with red Maltese Cross, the Black penny on cover with additional single line cancel "bridge ST. WEST", card with doub (page)
Lot 7P EUR 1,000
Old German States - very nice lot with predominantly chosen superb in every respect (choice copy) and pieces in outstanding quality, the nearly all as single lots on auctions one acquired. As well selected examples Baden imperforated values including margin copies, a nice part Preussen head issues, (page)
Lot 7Q EUR 500
German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - very interesting special lot in a ring binder with varieties, perforation varieties, postal stationery envelope with missing colour and so on. Including expertized issues, some with photo attests. An attractive object!

DDR - sehr interessante Spezialpart (page)

Lot 7R EUR 5,000
France - vast collection including various duplicates in eight large albums and stock books, mixed quality, with much perfect material and better issues, frequently even twice collected. As well a strong part classic issues with lots of better values Ceres and Napoleon, a very strong part twenties a (page)
Lot 7S EUR 500
Estate - with an inventory collections and lots of various areas in 17 albums and stock books. As well a rich collection Switzerland with many post valid issues, as well old illustrated albums Europe/oversea. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem Bestand Sammlungen und Partien verschiedener Geb (page)

Lot 7T EUR 400
Box - extensive inventory in five large albums and stock books, included are collections from Germany. As well an extensive used Berlin collection from 1948/90, Federal Republic of Germany from the beginning years, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) souvenir sheets and miniature sheet and so (page)
Lot 7U EUR 500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas in 18 albums and stock books, as well still on numerous stock cards. As well a rich collection German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) with many better first issues, extensive duplicate stocks German Demokratic Republik ( (page)
Lot 7W EUR 400
Germany - extensive almost only used collection in two illustrated albums, as well Federal Republic of Germany with the first issues, a comprehensive part Soviet Zone/German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) including Goethe souvenir sheet 1949 with special cancel, all first issues of the German De (page)
Lot 7Y EUR 500
Russia/Soviet Union - 1865/1977, vast collection in two spring back binders, as well mounted on pages, as well older issues, numerous special- and commemorative sets, in the later progress a great many mint never hinged issues, also the green Olympia-block 1964 and so on. A beautiful object with ver (page)
Lot 7Z EUR 500
Estate - interesting inventory in seven albums and stock books. As well Switzerland, an extensive collection Italy from the classic, as well an extensive part German Reich, German occupation II. World war with National India including the three Rupien values. Please have a look.

NACHLASS - interes (page)

Lot 8 EUR 1,500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well Federal Republic of Germany first issues, a rich collection German Reich from the breast shields to the Third Reich, American/British Zone, Great Britain, a large number covers and cards and so on. Extensive treasu (page)
Lot 8A EUR 400
LIECHTENSTEIN - extensive mint never hinged collection in the Lindner ring binder with plenty of better issues, with also pre-war issues including Zeppelin series 1936, madonna from Dux 1943 single and in the miniature sheet, as well many further issues, complete sets, better sets and issues from th (page)
Lot 8B EUR 300
BERLIN - 1948/90, extensive mint never hinged collection in the Lindner ring binder with many good issues including black overprint, buildings 1949, green overprint, monetary reform vitims set, Freedom Bell sets, philharmonic and so on, with also various postage stamp issues with horizontal pairs an (page)
Lot 8C EUR 300
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - assorted lot postal valid mint never hinged issues, predominantly in miniature sheets of 10. The exact franking value calculated by us is 458,- €.

BUND/NOMINALE - sortenreiche Partie postgültiger postfr. Ausgaben, vorwiegend in Zehner-Kleinbogen. Der von (page)

Lot 8D EUR 200
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, as well Federal Republic of Germany with numerous first issues including better sets from Lower House of German Parliament 1949, helper the mankind sets and so on, a vast collection Federal Republic of Germany miniature sheet mint never hi (page)
Lot 8E EUR 3,000
Old German States - very nice and neat collection in a large stockbook with numerous sought-after issues from Bavaria to Wuerttemberg unused respectively mint never hinged formed including many superb in every respect (choice copy) and pieces in outstanding quality. As well Bavaria with better value (page)
Lot 8H EUR 700
German plebiscite area/occupation issues I. World war - very nice collection, predominantly mint never hinged formed on Lindner hingeless preprinted pages with many better sets and sought-after issues. A very nice object!


Lot 8J EUR 2,000
Gdansk - 1920/39, a neat collection, mainly mint never hinged formed and nearly complete with many better sets including small indoor service, gulden values, special- and Commemorative stamps, service- and postage due stamps, as well also Polish Post in Gdansk harbour. A very nice object!

DANZIG - (page)

Lot 8M EUR 2,000
German occupation II. World war - very nice and neat collection, almost exclusively mint never hinged in the spring back binder with a lot of better issues from Albania to Zara including many better sets and souvenir sheets. A maintained object!

DEUTSCHE BESETZUNG II. WELTKRIEG - sehr schöne und g (page)

Lot 8N EUR 300
German colonies - extensive lot in the spring back binder with numerous values including large formats. An interesting inventory with very high catalogue value!

DEUTSCHE KOLONIEN - reichhaltige Partie im Klemmbinder mit zahlreichen Werten inklusive Großformaten. Ein interessanter Bestand mit sehr (page)

Lot 8T EUR 500
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/80, neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely including posthorn set and all further issues. In addition to it followed by still se-tenants including Heuss watermark sideways. A beautiful object!

BUND - 1949/80, saubere postfr. Sammlung, i (page)

Lot 8U EUR 600
BERLIN - 1948/84, neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in the hingeless illustrated album including black- and red overprint, Stephan, buildings, monetary sovenier sheet and so on, like from collector in the subscription related. In addition to that a few later issues. A (page)
Lot 8W EUR 300
German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - 1949/68, neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in the hingeless illustrated album including German Chinese friendship, Marx souvenir sheet, Five Year plan series, heads set and so on. Favorable!

DDR - 1949/68, gepflegte postfr (page)

Lot 8X EUR 1,000
Rack - with an interesting inventory collections and lots of various areas. As well a rich collection Slovakia with older issues, an extensive mint never hinged collection France, Austria from the classic extensively present, with also Grazer overprints and so on. Perfect for liquidation!

REGAL - (page)

Lot 8Y EUR 1,000
Germany - interesting lot in two large stock books. As well numerous issues allied occupation/American/British Zone including better issues (overprint items were not calculated), as well numerous first issues Federal Republic of Germany including posthorn set, many margin copies and corners of the s (page)
Lot 8Z EUR 300
Rack - with a comprehensive holding, as well much Federal Republic including numerous block of four and corners of the sheet, parts of sheets, older issues the Slovakia with specialties and so on. Please have a look!

REGAL - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand, dabei viel Bundesrepublik inklusive zahl (page)

Lot 9 EUR 3,000
Europe - vast collection in the thick Schaubek album with numerous interesting issues of various areas from the classic formed. As well Bavaria from of the Kreuzer period abundant, Belgium from the classic, Denmark, Gdansk well-staffed, German Reich with several breast shield stamps, Weimar with Int (page)
Lot 9A EUR 200
France - extensive inventory from mostly pre philately letters in the box, as well many different localitys, mixed postmark types, historic interesting texts and so on treasure trove for specialists!

FRANKREICH - reichhaltiger Bestand von meist Vorphilabriefen im Karton, dabei viele verschiedene O (page)

Lot 9B EUR 500
Italy - comprehensive holding from mostly pre philately letters in the moving box. Thereby many interesting documents, various places, historic interesting contents, various postmark types and so on. Large number of pieces and treasure trove for specialists!

ITALIEN - umfangreicher Bestand von mei (page)

Lot 9C EUR 300
Lot of letters - comprehensive holding covers and cards Germany, partly also contents, as well lots of German Reich with an extensive part fieldpost documents from the I. And II. World war and so on large number of pieces and extensive treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - umfangreicher Bestand Briefe und (page)

Lot 9D EUR 800
Austria - comprehensive holding collections and lots from the years 1850/2001 in 12 large albums and stock books. With many older issues from the classic, numerous complete sets, better issues, interesting covers including airmail, good issues the post-war period and so on. Perfect for liquidation!< (page)

Lot 9E EUR 1,000
World - comprehensive holding in 120 large albums and stock books with issues of different countries from Germany, Europe and overseas, as well parts of collections, duplicate stocks and so on in the best way to the liquidation on the internet and so on. Suited. Very favorable!

ALLE WELT - umfangr (page)

Lot 9F EUR 10,000
Germany - vast collection in the thick Lighthouse album with plenty of better issues, mixed quality, whereby also forgeries included are. The collection begins with an abundant part Old German States from Baden to Wuerttemberg with many expensive issues, with also expertized values, a comprehensive (page)
Lot 9G EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding in three moving boxes, as well duplicate stocks, stock lots, bundle goods and so on including Bavaria, Scandinavia, as well also various covers and cards. Treasure trove!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand in drei Umzugskartons, dabei Dublettenbestände (page)

Lot 9H EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots, as well Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) and so on, many from the subscription supply, without large key values, however a large amount of material, often in hingeless illustrated albums. Ple (page)
Lot 9J EUR 1,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well a collection Austria post-war issues, Liechtenstein with useful issues, German Reich, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) with the first issues, Federal Republic of Germany including posthorn set, extensive (page)
Lot 9K EUR 500
Estate - with a comprehensive holding of collections and lots of various areas, as well an extensive used collection Third Reich including Wagner set, Federal Republic of Germany with post valid values and so on. Please have a look!

NACHLASS - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand Sammlungen und Partien (page)

Lot 9N EUR 1,000
Estate - with a comprehensive holding lots of various areas, as well covers. As well an interesting inventory Saar on stock cards including good peoples help issues the Old Saar period, railway cancel (TPO) from Old German States, postwar Germany and so on an extensive treasure trove!

NACHLASS - m (page)

Lot 9Q EUR 800
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/99, vast collection in 14 Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. As well are the issues in the main numbers completely is existing, almost exclusively mint never hinged including posthorn set. The special allure the collection lies in the numerous covers, ca (page)
Lot 9R EUR 400
BERLIN - 1950/90, very nice collection in six Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. The collection is in the main numbers completely mint never hinged special attention earns the extensive part covers, cards and First Day Cover with many beautiful documents, better frankings and so on an att (page)
Lot 9T EUR 200
Boxes - extensive inventory in five moving boxes, without large key values, however much material, often from the subscription supply, as well numerous yearbooks Federal Republic of Germany to 2001, stamp booklet and so on. Please have a look!

KARTONS - reichhaltiger Bestand in fünf Umzugskartons, (page)

Lot 9U EUR 500
Europe - interesting and vast collection different of European countries in three thick old illustrated albums, as well in two folders accommodated, many old issues from the classic, interesting areas, a comprehensive part french colonies and so on. Please check carefully, huge catalogue value!

EU (page)

Lot 9W EUR 1,500
Dealers stock - with a gigantic lot in 30 moving boxes with issues from various countries from Germany, Europe and overseas, as well much material in boxes, albums and stock books, boxes and so on with postage stamps and documents. An enormous amount of material and in the best way to the liquidatio (page)
Lot 9X EUR 800
Estate - with a very extensive stock of collections and lots, as well lots of Germany, in stock created stocks, documents and so on including better issues. In total includes the lot 55 albums and stock books, as well additional still stocks in boxes. Perfect for liquidation!

NACHLASS - mit einem (page)

Lot 9Y EUR 1,500
Old German States - interesting and rich collection in the album with plenty of better issues, mixed quality, as well a comprehensive part Baden including 18 Kr. Used, 30 Kr. Used with photo expertize Stegmüller BPP, better cancel, colours, shades, Heligoland with original and reprints, Preussen, Sa (page)
Lot 9Z EUR 3,000
LIECHTENSTEIN - 1912/81, magnificent used collection in the main numbers completely in the thick lighthouse hingeless illustrated album. With also Michel number 1/3 x, 1/3 ya (key value expertized Marxer BPP), 3 Practice with photo expertize, the good issues from the twenties and thirties, with also (page)
Lot 10 EUR 3,000
Turkey - 1863/1981, a very interesting and vast collection in two thick KABE albums beautiful made up with plenty of better issues and specialties. As well a nice part classic from of the first issue, the overprint issues very extensively covered including different types, colour shades, further pos (page)
Lot 10A EUR 100
South America - rich collection of different countries in two large thick stock books, as well Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica and so on. Very high catalog value!

SÜDAMERIKA - reichhaltige Sammlung verschiedener Länder in zwei großen dicken Einsteckbüchern, dabei Venezuela, Chi (page)

Lot 10C EUR 300
Ethiopia - 1884/1982, nice and rich collection in a large stockbook with many older values, overprint issues, special- and commemorative sets, numerous mint never hinged issues and so on a beautiful object this favorite area!

ÄTHIOPIEN - 1884/1982, schöne und reichhaltige Sammlung im großen Einste (page)

Lot 10D EUR 800
Europe - five very nice and very fine Schaubek gilt edge illustrated albums, issue 1944, black leather spring back binder with gold lettering. Included are base collections the different European countries. So nice albums from this period become nowadays only still rare offered. Perfect to the const (page)
Lot 10E EUR 100
Germany - extensive inventory in the shoe box with mainly issues of the German Reich on stock cards, with also island postage stamps and so on please check carefully!

DEUTSCHLAND - reichhaltiger Bestand im Schuhkarton mit überwiegend Ausgaben des Deutschen Reiches auf Einsteckkarten, dabei auch In (page)

Lot 10J EUR 100
Lot of letters - interesting inventory from predominantly postal stationery in the box, many hundred piece, almost only older documents, as well attractive issues, additional frankings and so on treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - interessanter Bestand von vorwiegend Ganzsachen im Karton, viele hundert (page)

Lot 10K EUR 100
Lot of letters - extensive inventory from covers and cards with a lot of older material in the moving box, with also numerous documents army postal service I. And II. World war, as well franked documents of various areas. Treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - reichhaltiger Bestand von Briefen und Karten m (page)

Lot 10N EUR 300
Camp mail - nice collection camp stamps Quiet life, as well The Persuaders! Rarely values camp mail Bando, clean unused. Rare offered!

LAGERPOST - schöne Sammlung Lagerpostmarken Ruhleben, sowie die zwei seltenen Werte Lagerpost Bando, sauber ungebraucht. Selten angeboten! (page)

Lot 10P EUR 100
Germany - extensive inventory on stock cards in the box, as well German local issue, American/British Zone with three export fair souvenir sheets and further material. Treasure trove!

DEUTSCHLAND - reichhaltiger Bestand auf Einsteckkarten im Karton, dabei Deutsche Lokalausgaben, Bizone mit drei Ex (page)

Lot 10Q EUR 200
Lot of letters - extensive inventory from covers, cards and postal stationery in the box, as well documents of various areas, much older material and so on treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - reichhaltiger Bestand von Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen im Karton, dabei Belege verschiedener Gebiete, viel ält (page)

Lot 10R EUR 300
BAD NAUHEIM - interesting homeland history collection in two spring back binders from Old German States, as well a delightful part German local issue. Please have a look!

BAD NAUHEIM - interessante Heimatsammlung in zwei Klemmbindern ab Altdeutschland, dabei ein reizvoller Teil Deutsche Lokalausga (page)

Lot 10S EUR 500
Box - with a comprehensive holding in eight albums and stock books, as well a rich collection German Reich from 1872/1945, Japan including souvenir sheets, many mint never hinged issues of different countries from Europe/oversea, with also nice topics, a rich collection German Demokratic Republik (E (page)
Lot 10U EUR 500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding of various areas, as well numerous issues on stock cards, as well in albums and so on a versatile treasure trove!

REGAL - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand verschiedener Gebiete, dabei zahlreiche Ausgaben auf Einsteckkarten, sowie in Alben etc. Eine vielseitige Fu (page)

Lot 10W EUR 500
Estate - with an interesting inventory in albums/stock books and boxes accommodated. As well a very interesting inventory covers and cards including Old German States, as well attractive documents from Wuerttemberg, German Reich, as well postage stamps and documents from various countries. Treasure (page)
Lot 10Y EUR 2,000
Gliding mail - 1920/2000, a very nice and extensive special collection in 15 large albums with numerous beautiful documents of different countries, decorative frankings, cancel, many sought-after flights, beautiful picture postcards, numerous signatures from pilots and so on. A quite extraordinary o (page)
Lot 10Z EUR 1,800
Hungaria - 1963/79, extensive mint never hinged collection the unperforated issues, nearly complete in a large stockbook, as well in two hingeless printed form ring binder. As well numerous popular issues, lovely topics, souvenir sheets and so on. Michel approximate 18550,- €.

UNGARN - 1963/7 (page)

Lot 11 EUR 500
VENEZUELA - interesting and rich collection from the classic with a lot of better issues including expertized values, from Michel number 1 formed, with also colours and minor shade, rare offered values, special feature, ship´s mail stamps, as well followed by also an interesting part forgeries diffe (page)
Lot 11A EUR 300
Argentina - rich collection in a large stockbook, with numerous older issues from the classic including colours and minor shade, supplemented with some forgeries. Also postal stationery are is existing, special- and commemorative issues, souvenir sheets and so on and as well a nice part Corrientes.< (page)
Lot 11B EUR 150
CHILE - interesting collection in a large stockbook, as well older issues, nice topics, souvenir sheets/commemorative pages and so on.

CHILE - interessante Sammlung im großen Einsteckbuch, dabei ältere Ausgaben, schöne Motive, Blocks/Gedenkblätter usw. (page)

Lot 11C EUR 500
Colombia - interesting and rich collection in a large stockbook from the classic with useful issues, also colours, shades, different cancel, local issue and so on. An attractive object!

KOLUMBIEN - interessante und reichhaltige Sammlung im großen Einsteckbuch ab der Klassik mit besseren Ausgaben, (page)

Lot 11D EUR 150
PANAMA - nice lot in a large stockbook, as well various issues, complete sets, varieties (Michel number 384 DD and 384/85 K). Also Michel number 487/98 are present. An attractive lot!

PANAMA - schöne Partie im großen Einsteckbuch, dabei verschiedene Ausgaben, komplette Serien, Abarten (Mi.Nr. 384D (page)

Lot 11E EUR 250
Animals - extensive thematic collection, almost exclusively mint never hinged formed, in addition to that a few documents, in a large stockbook. As well numerous sets and souvenir sheets of different countries. There are 42 sides with mint never hinged issues included, the remain is uncharged.

TIE (page)

Lot 11F EUR 300
ECUADOR - rich collection in a large stockbook, with numerous older issues from the classic, many complete sets and so on a beautiful object!

ECUADOR - reichhaltige Sammlung im großen Einsteckbuch, dabei zahlreiche ältere Ausgaben ab der Klassik, viele komplette Serien etc. Ein schönes Objekt! (page)

Lot 11G EUR 200
Argentina - interesting lot with better values including Michel number 3 an used signed twice Roig/Barcelona (right touched) and so on please have a look!

ARGENTINIEN - interessante Partie mit besseren Werten inklusive Mi.Nr. 3a gest. doppelt signiert Roig/Barcelona (rechts berührt) etc. Bitte bes (page)

Lot 11M EUR 500
Germany - extensive lot in a ring binder with useful issues, mixed quality, as well Old German States including covers and postal stationery, expertized issues, as well Berlin early values with monetary sovenier sheet. Please have a look!

DEUTSCHLAND - reichhaltige Partie im Ringbinder mit bessere (page)

Lot 11P EUR 150
Europe/oversea - interesting lot classic issues of different countries, strong mixed quality with better values, as well a good part France. Please have a look!

EUROPA/ÜBERSEE - interessante Partie klassischer Ausgaben verschiedener Länder, stark unterschiedliche Erhaltung mit besseren Werten, dab (page)

Lot 11Q EUR 100
Germany - interesting lot, as well Bavaria Pfennig period, German Reich and so on with stamp issues and letters. Please have a look!

DEUTSCHLAND - interessante Partie, dabei Bayern Pfennigzeit, Deutsches Reich etc. mit Markenausgaben und Briefen. Bitte besichtigen! (page)

Lot 11T EUR 400
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/80, nice mint never hinged collection, complete with all issued postage stamps in two Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder including all helper the mankind issues, posthorn set, Heuss 1954 and so on. A maintained object!

BUND - 1949/80, schöne postfr. Samml (page)

Lot 11X EUR 4,000
Germany - extensive used collection in seven Lighthouse illustrated album with plenty of better issues. As well a strong part German Reich from 1872/1945 with numerous better sets, South America flight 1930, Chicago travel 1933, Ostropa souvenir sheet, a very good part French Zone, many expertized u (page)
Lot 11Y EUR 1,000
Big lot - with an extensive inventory in 18 moving boxes. As well issues of different countries from Germany, Europe and overseas, in albums/stock books and further material. An enormous amount of material and in the best way to the liquidation on the internet and so on suited!

GROßPOSTEN - mit ei (page)

Lot 11Z EUR 1,200
Rack - with an extensive inventory collections, lots, stocks and so on in 125 large albums and stock books (smaller stock books as uncharged extra). As well issues of different countries, a comprehensive part of Germany, as well also Europe and so on extensive treasure trove and perfect for liquidat (page)
Lot 12B EUR 1,000
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/99, a beautiful used collection, in the main numbers completely, without Heuss fluorescent and watermark sideways. This is an extraordinarily nice quality collection, there a majority the contained issues centric cancellation is. Naturally are also all first issues (page)
Lot 12D EUR 600
France - 1945/2002, extensive mint never hinged collection in two large stock books with numerous special- and commemorative sets, many beautiful subjects, better issues and so on including airmail 1949 and 1954, famous French peoples 1954/55 and so on. An extensive object with very high catalogue v (page)
Lot 12E EUR 200
Federal Republic of Germany - extensive inventory in 12 large mostly thick stock books clean organized with mint never hinged issues from the years 1952/2000 and used values from 1949/2017. Enormous catalog value!

BUND - umfangreicher Lagerbestand in 12 großen meist dicken Lagerbüchern sauber geor (page)

Lot 12F EUR 400
Federal Republic of Germany - extensive inventory issues of the Federal Republic of Germany in 10 albums. As well numerous used collections including six collections, whereby the beginning years in the main numbers virtually complete are present. Also various stamp booklet. Please have a look!

BUN (page)

Lot 12G EUR 100
Box - with a comprehensive holding, as well a plate flaw collection Berlin buildings 1949, an extensive lot American/British Zone, allied occupation with help for the aged souvenir sheet pair, Federal Republic of Germany inventory souvenir sheets in the card box and so on. Please have a look!

KART (page)

Lot 12H EUR 400
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/68, extensive mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely, mainly in excellent condition, few values small defects, as well a great many upper margin copies. Also the posthorn series exist, partial from margin of sheet. A beautiful object!

BUND - (page)

Lot 12J EUR 250
Federal Republic of Germany - extensive used special collection permanent issues from posthorn in a large stockbook, many horizontal pairs, block of four and so on with an abundant part Heuss. Already the catalogue value from posthorn to Brandenburg Gate amounts approximate 4700,- €.

BUND - r (page)

Lot 12M EUR 500
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2000, neat mint never hinged collection, complete with all issued postage stamps in five hingeless illustrated albums of the German post. Also the posthorn series expertized Schlegel BPP. A beautiful object!

BUND - 1949/2000, gepflegte postfr. Sammlung, komplett (page)

Lot 12N EUR 250
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2017, extensive used collection in eight Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder (from 1970 T system). With also various early values, the collection is from 1970/2017 except for few issues complete, as well in the new time a great many nice corners of the sheet (page)
Lot 12P EUR 400
Yugoslavia - 1944/69, very nice mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in the lighthouse hingeless illustrated album including railroad souvenir sheet pair, Esperanto, good postage stamp issues, special- and commemorative sets and so on a maintained object with very high catalo (page)
Lot 12R EUR 350
BERLIN - 1948/90, extensive mint never hinged collection in two hingeless illustrated albums of the German post. With also black overprint 1948, buildings 1949, Stephan, green overprint, monetary reform vitims set, as well all issues from 1950/90. Very high catalog value!

BERLIN - 1948/90, reichha (page)

Lot 13A EUR 500
Rack - with a comprehensive holding, as well better issues, some however due to storage stuck. As well an interesting part Soviet Zone with souvenir sheets, Switzerland including two copies the Zurich 6 Rappen, Rayon values, Federal Republic of Germany with post valid issues and so on. Please have a (page)
Lot 13B EUR 100
Miscellanea - interesting log book for the airplane D-IMCH, owner Prof. Dr. Todt/Berlin, manufacturer of the Airplane are the Siebel airplane works Halle. Included are numerous various note and cancel from the time of the third Reich. Interesting lot!

VARIA - interessantes Bordbuch für das Flugzeu (page)

Lot 14E EUR 100
German occupation/plebiscite area I. World war - interesting lot in a large stockbook, with also numerous specialties, house order numbers, nice letter pieces and so on.

DEUTSCHE BESETZUNG/ABSTIMMUNGSGEBIETE I. WELTKRIEG - interessante Partie im großen Einsteckbuch, dabei auch zahlreiche Spezialit (page)

Lot 14F EUR 500
Olympic games 1936 - very interesting and extensive collection with approximate 100 covers and cards, many attractive documents, various special cancel, picture postcards, registered mail, Zeppelin mail and so on. An attractive object!

OLYMPISCHE SPIELE 1936 - sehr interessante und reichhaltige Ko (page)

Lot 14K EUR 250
Germany - extensive lot predominantly used respectively on covers in a ring binder, as well in a large stockbook, as well an extensive special part American/British Zone with volume and net pattern overprint, as well buildings including block of four and multiples, Federal Republic of Germany very a (page)
Lot 14M EUR 150
Denmark/ship´s mail - nice and extensive special collection from decorative ship´s mail letters from the sixties and seventies years with many interesting documents, cancel and so on in two ring binder, large number of pieces!

DÄNEMARK/SCHIFFSPOST - schöne und reichhaltige Spezialsammlung von deko (page)

Lot 14N EUR 200
Germany - interesting lot from covers and cards in two ring binder with attractive documents, slightly mixed condition, as well better frankings, a nice part Saar and so on. Favorable!

DEUTSCHLAND - interessanter Posten von Briefen und Karten in zwei Ringbindern mit reizvollen Belegen, etwas unter (page)

Lot 14R EUR 100
German occupation I. World war - nice collection mostly commercially used postal stationery with the areas Belgium, postal area Oberost, Poland and Romania mounted on pages, with also censorship stamp and so on

DEUTSCHE BESETZUNG I. WELTKRIEG - schöne Sammlung meist bedarfsgebrauchter Ganzsachen m (page)

Lot 14U EUR 300
Germany/POL punching - interesting collection POL punching with particular stamps, as well covers, as well scarce examples including German Reich, allied occupation abundant and Federal Republic of Germany. Rare offered!

DEUTSCHLAND/POL-LOCHUNGEN - interessante Sammlung POL-Lochungen mit losen Mar (page)

Lot 14X EUR 150
Lot of letters - interesting inventory from covers and cards, all postwar Germany, as well first issue of stamps for Germany after WW II. Including provisonal postmarks, allied occupation and so on treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - interessanter Bestand von Briefen und Karten, alles Nachkriegsdeutschl (page)

Lot 14Z EUR 150
German Demokratic Republik (East Germany)/service - extensive inventory from approximate 200 covers, predominantly with official stamps frankings, as well interesting documents, various postage steps, registered mail, single- and multiple franking and so on. Treasure trove for specialists!

DDR/DIE (page)

Lot 15 EUR 1,100
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - extensive inventory from post valid mint never hinged issues in the box, very assorted. Also eight yearbooks are present. The exact franking value calculated by us is 1761,- €.

BUND/NOMINALE - reichhaltiger Bestand von postgültigen postfr. Ausgaben im Kar (page)

Lot 15A EUR 2,700
Switzerland/nominal - extensive inventory from post valid mint never hinged issues, very assorted in the box. The exact franking value calculated by us is 4616,- Sfr.

SCHWEIZ/NOMINALE - reichhaltiger Bestand von postgültigen postfr. Ausgaben, sehr sortenreich im Karton. Der von uns errechnete Fran (page)

Lot 15B EUR 700
Great Britain/nominal - extensive inventory from post valid mint never hinged issues, very assorted, with also nice topics. The exact franking value calculated by us is 1298,- Pfd.

GROSSBRITANNIEN/NOMINALE - reichhaltiger Bestand von postgültigen postfr. Ausgaben, sehr sortenreich, dabei auch schö (page)

Lot 15C EUR 400
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - 2001/21, extensive mint never hinged collection mounted on pages, nearly complete, in addition to it various used issues as uncharged free extra. The franking value the contained mint never hinged issues, which through us calculated was, amounts exactly 600,- &e (page)
Lot 15D EUR 600
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - extensive lot postal valid mint never hinged issues, very assorted. The exact franking value calculated by us is 920,- €.

BUND/NOMINALE - reichhaltige Partie postgültiger postfr. Ausgaben, sehr sortenreich. Der von uns errechnete Frankaturwert beträgt exa (page)

Lot 15E EUR 2,200
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - extensive inventory from post valid mint never hinged issues very assorted in two ring binder and two boxes. The exact franking value calculated by us is 3341,- €.

BUND/NOMINALE - reichhaltiger Bestand von postgültigen postfr. Ausgaben sehr sortenreich in (page)

Lot 15F EUR 700
Federal Republic of Germany - 2001/19, nice collection corners of the sheet in the Germany Plus albums, in total eight volumes. The collection is in the main numbers completely to to the 1. Quarter 2019, both mint never hinged as also with centered first day special cancellations. Already the franki (page)
Lot 15G EUR 4,500
Austria/nominal - very nice and extensive inventory from post valid mint never hinged issues from the € time, to denomination value sorted, very assorted, with also numerous souvenir sheets and miniature sheet. The pure franking value amounts exactly 6436,- €.


Lot 15H EUR 5,300
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - extensive lot postal valid mint never hinged issues, very assorted, all to denomination value sorted, with also nice topics, souvenir sheets and so on. A listing is enclosed. The pure franking value amounts exactly 8014,- €.

BUND/NOMINALE - reichhaltige P (page)

Lot 16 EUR 600
Topics - comprehensive holding collections to different motif fields in 25 albums. Thereby many interesting and sought areas, partly from the subscription supply including olympic games, Albrecht Duerer, zeppelins, tennis and so on. An extensive object with enormous acquisition price!

MOTIVE - umf (page)

Lot 16A EUR 600
Europe/souvenir sheets - enormously inventory from souvenir sheets and miniature sheet, mostly mint never hinged, a small portion is used included, all in 14 ring binder and a stockbook. As well numerous popular issues, lovely topics and so on. Much material with enormous acquisition price!

EUROPA (page)

Lot 16C EUR 500
Austria - 1850/2001, interesting and comprehensive holding in 15 albums and stock books, as well collections and lots from the classic, better issues, numerous complete sets, documents and so on. Perfect for liquidation, very favorable!

ÖSTERREICH - 1850/2001, interessanter und umfangreicher Besta (page)

Lot 16D EUR 300
UNO - comprehensive holding collections and lots from Geneva, New York and Vienna in 12 albums and stock books, as well lots of mint never hinged material, numerous complete sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheet, nice topics, UNTEA set and so on. Enormous amount of material and huge catalogue value (page)
Lot 16E EUR 300
Europe union - comprehensive holding collections with mostly mint never hinged issues, partly also used from the year 1956 until the eighties years in nine ring binder, as well numerous CEPT-editions, as well also follower. Included are many complete years, better issues and so on very favorable!


Lot 16F EUR 100
Hungaria - comprehensive holding in five large stock books with numerous issues from the years 1871/2007 used/mint never hinged/unused, with also nice topics and so on favorable!

UNGARN - umfangreicher Bestand in fünf großen Einsteckbüchern mit zahlreichen Ausgaben aus den Jahren 1871/2007 gest./p (page)

Lot 16J EUR 350
Scandinavia - interesting and extensive inventory collections and lots of the area Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland in 10 large albums and stock books. Many special- and commemorative issues, complete sets, souvenir sheets, years and so on favorably valued!

SKANDINAVIEN - interessanter (page)

Lot 16K EUR 230
LIECHTENSTEIN - extensive inventory in three large stock books and a ring binder, mainly mint never hinged issues, as well a large number miniature sheet, many nice topics, block of four and so on. Enormous catalog value!

LIECHTENSTEIN - reichhaltiger Bestand in drei großen Einsteckbüchern und ein (page)

Lot 16M EUR 500
Russia/Soviet Union - interesting and comprehensive holding collections and lots in 10 large albums and stock books including older issues, also many mint never hinged issues to to the year 2008, as well as well Belarus mint never hinged to 2016 and so on perfect for liquidation!


Lot 16N EUR 600
Czechoslovakia - comprehensive holding collections and lots in 17 albums and stock books with enormous amount of material, older issues, also Czech Republic including many mint never hinged issues to to the year 2008, Slovakia with older and modern issues and so on. Also numerous mint never hinged s (page)
Lot 16P EUR 300
Poland - comprehensive holding collections and lots in nine large albums and stock books including older issues, numerous special- and commemorative values and so on perfect for liquidation!

POLEN - umfangreicher Bestand Sammlungen und Partien in neun großen Alben und Einsteckbüchern inklusive ält (page)

Lot 16Q EUR 150
Great Britain - extensive lot in four large albums/stock books, with also numerous postal valid mint never hinged issues to to the year 2012. Favorable!

GROSSBRITANNIEN - reichhaltige Partie in vier großen Alben/Einsteckbüchern, dabei auch zahlreiche postgültige postfr. Ausgaben bis zum Jahr 2012. (page)

Lot 16R EUR 400
Yugoslavia/areas - comprehensive holding with older and modern issues in nine large albums and stock books, as well lots of mint never hinged material, sought novelties, nice topics and so on with Yugoslavia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia. Favorable!

JUGOSLAWIEN/GEBIETE - umfangreicher Be (page)

Lot 16S EUR 300
Luxembourg - 1882/2004, comprehensive holding in four large ring binder and a stockbook with useful issues, with also Charlotte souvenir sheet 1949, United Europe 1951 twice, further better issues from the fifties and so on favorable!

LUXEMBURG - 1882/2004, umfangreicher Bestand in vier großen Rin (page)

Lot 16T EUR 200
Romania - 1946/93, extensive lot collections and stocks in six large albums and stock books, as well numerous special- and commemorative issues, nice topics, souvenir sheets and so on favorable!

RUMÄNIEN - 1946/93, umfangreiche Partie Sammlungen und Bestände in sechs großen Alben und Einsteckbüche (page)

Lot 16W EUR 600
Italy/San Marino - comprehensive holding collections and lots in 10 large albums and stock books, with also classic issues Tuscany, kingdom Italy, many mint never hinged issues including numerous mint never hinged values to 2015 and so on. Perfect for liquidation!

ITALIEN/SAN MARINO - umfangreiche (page)

Lot 16X EUR 1,500
Europe - comprehensive holding collections and lots in 32 albums and stock books. As well sought areas and better issues such as Monaco, Greece, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Albania and so on. Favorably valued inventory, perfect for liquidation!

EUROPA - umfangreicher Bestand Sammlung (page)

Lot 16Z EUR 350
German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - comprehensive holding in nine large albums, mostly hingeless illustrated albums, many better issues of the early years including all souvenir sheets, with also Marx souvenir sheet, German Chinese friendship, many complete years, numerous se-tenants from fi (page)
Lot 17A EUR 250
British colonies - extensive inventory of various areas in seven large stock books and a ring binder with older and modern issues, as well Transvaal, Caribbean, African states and further areas. Lots of material and enormous catalog value!

BRITISCHE KOLONIEN - reichhaltiger Bestand verschiedener G (page)

Lot 17B EUR 600
Asia - comprehensive holding collections and lots in 29 large albums and stock books with numerous interesting issues and areas, as well an extensive part Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, Laos and further areas. There are a great many nice topics included. Huge catalogue value!

ASIEN - u (page)

Lot 17C EUR 500
South America - comprehensive holding collections of various areas in 21 large stock books/ring binder including numerous older issues, special- and commemorative values, different postal stamps, favorite areas and so on with also Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Colombia and so o (page)
Lot 17D EUR 500
Africa - extensive inventory in 36 large stock books/albums with collections and lots of various areas, numerous special- and commemorative issues, mint never hinged respectively used values, lovely subjects and so on as well Ghana, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Madagascar, former french co (page)
Lot 17F EUR 500
Oversea - extensive inventory collections and lots in 37 large albums and stock books, as well a multiplicity of various areas including Israel, Middle East, China and many further areas. Perfect for liquidation!

ÜBERSEE - reichhaltiger Bestand Sammlungen und Partien in 37 großen Alben und Einstec (page)

Lot 17J EUR 1,000
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2009, superb mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in 11 safe hingeless printed form ring binder. And, of course, all first issues including posthorn set (top values are expertized Schlegel BPP), a high quality portion postal valid issues, as (page)
Lot 17K EUR 200
LIECHTENSTEIN/nominal - 1996/2005, nice mint never hinged collection in the lighthouse hingeless printed form ring binder. Also various miniature sheet are present. The pure franking value this post valid issues amounts 775,- Sfr.

LIECHTENSTEIN/NOMINALE - 1996/2005, schöne postfr. Sammlung im Leuc (page)

Lot 17M EUR 1,000
Europe - huge mint never hinged inventory on stock cards neatly sorted with issues of various areas, all in four boxes accommodated, many various areas, complete years, block of four, numerous souvenir sheet issues and so on an enormous amount of material and in the best way to the liquidation on th (page)
Lot 19 EUR 1,000
Estate - with an interesting inventory collections and lots of various areas, with also a nice mint never hinged collection New Saar from 1947/59 including initial printing set and flood souvenir sheet pair, Berlin with useful first issues, as well black overprint and red overprint mint never hinged (page)
Boxes - comprehensive holding in eight moving boxes, as well issues of different countries, duplicate stocks, accessories and so on. Please have a look!

KARTONS - umfangreicher Bestand in acht Umzugskartons, dabei Ausgaben verschiedener Länder, Dublettenbestände, Zubehör usw. Bitte besichtigen! (page)

Box - with a comprehensive holding, as well lies the main value on an extensive lot Lufthansa first flight letters from 1955 with many beautiful documents, different flights, attractive frankings, incoming lines and so on. Please have a look!

KARTON - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand, dabei liegt d (page)

Box - with a comprehensive holding First Day Cover, special envelopes and so on in nine ring binder, as well issues of various areas, also a nice part cosmos and so on please have a look!

KARTON - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand FDC, Sonderumschläge etc. in neun Ringbindern, dabei Ausgaben verschi (page)

Lot 20C EUR 300
Box - with a comprehensive holding in eight large stock books and one box, as well lies the main value on the post valid issues of the Federal Republic of Germany including novelties to to the year 2019. Please have a look!

KARTON - mit einem reichhaltigen Bestand in acht großen Einsteckbüchern un (page)

Lot 20D EUR 500
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2003, neat mint never hinged collection, complete with all issued postage stamps in four Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder. Also the posthorn series. Michel approximate 8100,- €.

BUND - 1949/2003, gepflegte postfr. Sammlung, komplett mit allen verau (page)

Lot 20H EUR 200
Lot of letters - comprehensive holding covers, cards and postal stationery in the moving box. As well documents of different countries from Germany, Europe and overseas. An extensive treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - umfangreicher Bestand Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen im Umzugskarton. Dabei Belege ver (page)

Lot 20J EUR 300
German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - very comprehensive holding from approximate 5000 covers, cards and First Day Cover from the fifties, many nice documents, decorative frankings, single-, multiple and mixed frankings and so on in two moving boxes. Favorable treasure trove!

DDR - sehr umfa (page)

Lot 20K EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/nominal - lot of post valid mint never hinged vignettes in a box. Please have a look!

BUND/NOMINALE - Partie von postgültigen postfr. Vignetten in einer Schachtel. Bitte besichtigen! (page)

Lot 20Q EUR 150
German occupation I. World war - interesting lot on stock pages, all issues Eupen and Malmedy with better values, partly multiple, with also some top values. A delightful lot!

DEUTSCHE BESETZUNG I. WELTKRIEG - interessante Partie auf Einsteckblättern, alles Ausgaben Eupen und Malmedy mit besseren (page)

Lot 20S EUR 350
Box - with an extensive inventory collections and lots in eight albums and stock books including better issues, mixed quality, with also much German Reich, Federal Republic of Germany beginning years, French Zone abundant and so on. Very favorably valued!

KARTON - mit einem umfangreichen Bestand S (page)

Lot 20T EUR 800
Austria - comprehensive holding in the moving box, all in seven albums and stock books and a box accommodated. As well an interesting collection including better issues, slightly mixed condition, a good part thirties, with also WIPA-stamp, FIS set 1933 and 1936, airmail stamps, numerous post-war iss (page)
Lot 20W EUR 600
Germany - extensive inventory collections and lots in eight large albums and stock books, with also numerous better issues, slightly mixed condition, also an extensive inventory German Reich from the breast shields to Weimar including Zeppelin value, Federal Republic of Germany first issues and much (page)
Lot 20X EUR 300
Switzerland - extensive lot in a large stockbook, many postal valid issues to to the year 2003, nice topics, numerous values with philatelic agency cancel, also the Embroidery souvenir sheet mint never hinged and with first day special cancel and so on please have a look!

SCHWEIZ - reichhaltige Pa (page)

Lot 20Y EUR 200
Box - with various. As well a collection American/British Zone and French Zone in the hingeless printed form ring binder, as well numerous issues Liechtenstein to to the year 2003 on stock cards including many mint never hinged post valid values, as well issues with philatelic agency cancel. Please (page)
Lot 21 EUR 500
Germany - magnificent inventory from estimated approximate 500-600 covers, cards and postal stationery, predominantly German Reich, as well also further documents in the card box accommodated. Many frankings of the inflation period, extraordinary documents, postage steps, various use forms, better d (page)
Lot 22 EUR 300
Lot of letters - very interesting and extensive inventory from approximate 500 covers, cards and postal stationery with many attractive documents, as well a good part German Reich including better frankings, a little postwar Germany and Europe/oversea. A great treasure trove and perfect for liquidat (page)
Lot 23 EUR 600
Censored mail - magnificent inventory from approximate 800 censored mail documents with numerous attractive covers and cards from the I. World war, with also German occupation I. World war, various European countries and so on a magnificent treasure trove for specialists!

ZENSURPOST - großartiger (page)

Lot 24 EUR 1,000
Lot of letters - magnificent inventory from approximate 1000 covers, cards and postal stationery in the box, as well German colonies, as well a great many documents German occupation issues I. World war and II. World war including much commercial mail and so on with attractive frankings, cancel and (page)
Lot 25 EUR 300
Germany - interesting and extensive inventory covers, cards and postal stationery in two thick ring binder, thereby many interesting documents, commercial mail and so on including Gdansk, a comprehensive part former and New Saar, as well much German Reich. Treasure trove and perfect for liquidation! (page)
Lot 26 EUR 300
Lot of letters - very interesting and extensive inventory covers, cards and First Day Cover in five albums with many attractive documents and better issues. As well German Reich, postwar Germany including better documents, mixed quality, a comprehensive part Austria including many documents from the (page)
Lot 27 EUR 100
Lot of letters - interesting and extensive inventory covers, cards, First Day Cover of various areas in seven albums and one box accommodated, with also much commercial mail, airmail, large number of pieces and treasure trove!

BRIEFPOSTEN - interessanter und reichhaltiger Bestand Briefe, Karten, F (page)

Lot 28 EUR 500
Switzerland - very interesting and extensive inventory covers, cards and postal stationery in six albums and one box accommodated. Thereby many interesting documents from sitting Helvetia, different frankings, postage steps and use forms, as well a very extensive special collection Federal celebrati (page)
Lot 29 EUR 400
Censored mail - magnificent inventory from approximate 900 censored mail letters before 1945 with many attractive documents from Europe and overseas. A great treasure trove for specialists!

ZENSURPOST - großartiger Bestand von circa 900 Zensurpostbriefen vor 1945 mit vielen reizvollen Belegen aus (page)

Lot 33 EUR 400
Soviet Union - enormously inventory from approximate 2000 documents with numerous postal stationery, picture post postal stationery, also postage stamps, stamp booklet and so on, all in nine ring binder as well much further material in boxes. Extensive and favorable treasure trove!

SOWJETUNION - e (page)

Lot 34 EUR 800
Old German States - enormously inventory from approximate 800-1000 covers, cards and postal stationery with many attractive documents from the pre-philately onwards, as well many franked covers, as well interesting frankings, cancel and so on, many still on old auction´s lot cards (former single lot (page)
Lot 35A EUR 300
Prisoner of war mail I. World war - extensive special collection in a ring binder very fine with inscription mounted, additional not yet incorporated documents, in total approximate 150 piece. Many attractive examples, various printed forms, censorships and so on rarely offered in this richness and (page)
Lot 35B EUR 300
Germany - interesting and extensive inventory covers and cards, as well First Day Cover, mostly the early postwar years in 13 albums, many attractive documents, a nice part Berlin, American/British Zone abundant and so on extensive treasure trove!

DEUTSCHLAND - interessanter und reichhaltiger Best (page)

Lot 35E EUR 600
Prisoner of war mail I. World war - extensive special collection from approximate 1000 covers and cards, all prisoner of war mail from the I. World war from French store in five large ring binders with inscription mounted, as well in a box. A large variety with many attractive documents, censorship (page)
Lot 35M EUR 250
Censored mail II. World war - interesting and extensive special collection censored mail from the II. World war in two albums clean made up, all inscribed, thereby many interesting documents from the German Reich abroad respectively from foreign country in that German Reich, various censorship strip (page)
Lot 35N EUR 1,000
Topics - magnificent inventory from approximate 900-1000 covers and cards from 1865 with cancel the postal service automation, as well scarce trial cancel, including several copies the from 1865 used arrival postmarks from Berlin or Hamburg, focal point Germania with numerous different postmark type (page)
Lot 36 EUR 2,000
German Reich/inflation - very nice and extensive special collection the overprint issue 1922, almost exclusively mint never hinged formed in three large lighthouse spring back binders, with detailed inscription made up. A lot of interesting material, numerous overprint error and special feature, pri (page)
Lot 45 EUR 500
MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ - attractive collection unused issues mounted on pages, with also colour shades and so on with better values. In this richness rare offered!

MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ - reizvolle Sammlung ungebrauchter Ausgaben auf Albenblättern, dabei auch Farbnuancen etc. mit besseren Werten. In (page)

Lot 52 EUR 500
Federal Republic of Germany/coil stamps - extensive mint never hinged special collection from Heuss to places of interest in the Lindner ring binder clean formed. As well were the coil stamps the on the back coil stamp number arranged (normal stamps are for comparison beside puted). As well a nice p (page)
Lot 53 EUR 600
Federal Republic of Germany - 1949/2000, neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in four beautiful claret Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. And, of course, all first issues including posthorn set (top values expertized Schlegel BPP), all welfare series, Heuss 19 (page)
Lot 56 EUR 150
BERLIN - 1950/90, neat mint never hinged collection, complete with all issued postage stamps including philharmonic, Day of the Postage Stamp 1951, ERP, all Freedom Bell sets and so on in two blue Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. Michel approximate 2500,- €.

BERLIN - 1950/90, gep (page)

Lot 57 EUR 300
BERLIN/coil stamps - extensive mint never hinged special collection the coil stamps with popular issues on Lindner hingeless pages. As well are the coil stamps with the corresponding number shown, besides thereon to the better representation are the normal stamps. Included are the issues Berlin town (page)
Lot 58 EUR 150
BERLIN/stamp booklet - special collection of the stamp booklets from Important Germans, as well popular issues, various types, including prevention of accidents, an abundant part castle and palaces, as well places of interest, an attractive object!

BERLIN/MARKENHEFTCHEN - Spezialsammlung der Marke (page)

Lot 59 EUR 150
American/British Zone/help for the Needy - interesting collection Berlin help for the Needy surtax stamps, specialized, thereby also block of four vertical and in the middle unperforated, as well also French Zone.

BIZONE/NOTOPFER - interessante Sammlung Berliner Notopfermarken, spezialisiert, dabe (page)

Lot 61 EUR 500
German occupation I. World war - interesting and rich collection on Lindner pages, partly even multiple formed including colour shades and so on as well a comprehensive part territory postal service in Belgium, communications area West, postal area Oberost including provisional issue for Dorpat, Pol (page)
Lot 62 EUR 2,000
German colonies - very interesting and rich collection with plenty of better issues, partly also multiple formed, in the Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder, slightly mixed condition, with many sought-after issues, numerous large formats, Mark value, overprint issues and so on as well German (page)
Lot 70 EUR 350
BERLIN - 1948/77, nice collection in the spring back binder mint never hinged/unused, in the main numbers completely with all good issues including black overprint, red overprint expertized Schlegel BPP, Stephan set, buildings 1949, Goethe set, green overprint, monetary reform vitims set, monetary s (page)
Lot 71 EUR 3,000
Austria - 1850/2001, very extensive collection in four albums with a large number from better issues from the classic formed. With numerous older issues Emperor Franz Joseph, better values and sets, birthday series 1910, a very good part twenties and thirties, large and small landscapes, Rotary set (page)
Lot 72 EUR 1,600
Austria - 2002/20, extensive mint never hinged collection, nearly complete, a few issues also double is existing in four ring binder. Many popular issues, nice topics, also numerous miniature sheet, postage stamps Sets and so on. Already the pure, from us calculated franking value amounts exactly 26 (page)
Lot 74 EUR 1,500
France - 1849/1970, rich collection in the thick spring back binder with numerous different issues from the classic, slightly mixed condition, with much perfect material and better values, with also Red Cross 1918, war orphan stamps, Paris souvenir sheet 1925, Strassburg souvenir sheet 1927, grin fr (page)
Lot 75 EUR 1,500
France - 1946/2006, vast collection mint never hinged formed and nearly complete in six beautiful blue Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. Additional are as well a great many issues used is existing. A neat collection with enormous acquisition price!

FRANKREICH - 1946/2006, umfangreiche (page)

Lot 77 EUR 1,000
Denmark - 1851/1998, vast collection in the thick lighthouse hingeless illustrated album, nearly complete with plenty of better issues, slightly mixed condition with much perfect material. Thereby also good part classic issues including 60 Sk. Violet rouletted, the following postage stamp issues ext (page)

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