240 rice lilac, on face attractive, vastly artful repaired copy (left and right various margin supplements), nummeral cancel \"1\" from Lisbon, Michel 600.- (33) 240 Reis lila, bildseitig attraktives, erheblich kunstvoll repariertes Exemplar (links und rechts diverse Randergänzungen), Nummernstemp
240 rice lilac, used, repaired, photo expertize Ehrig BPP (08 / 2019), Michel 1.500.- (44xB) Certificate 240 Reis lila, gestempelt, repariert, Fotobefund Ehrig BPP (08/2019), Mi. 1.500.- (page)
1853 - 1985, mint never hinged, unused and cancelled collection, partly multiple, partly in both conditions collected with among others Michel number 3, 385-405, 456-71, 606-13, souvenir sheet 1, 4, service, postage, Azores and Madeira (page)
1853 - 1942, pre-war collection on contemporary text, in the best way equipped (the stamps often one above the other ranged in and the good values inconspicuous in between, many good stamps and top values like Michel number 7-14, 16, 24, 33, 58, 76-77, 85-86, 91, 92, 119 and so on, good estate objec
1 and 3, 50 Escudos OTAN. Perfect mint never hinged. Michel 320.- (778/79) 1 und 3,50 Escudos OTAN. Einwandfrei postfrisch. Mi.320.- (Image 1)
1867 - 1884, very comprehensive formed specialist stock of more than 60 values Luis I perforated, as well no. 25, 27, 32, 39 (2), 42-43, 45, 47-48 (2), 60 (3), please inspect, Michel at least 1.900.- 1867 - 1884, sehr reichhaltig gestalteter Spezialistenbestand von über 60 Werten Luis I gezähnt.,
1880 - 1944, very large and neat cancelled stamps stock with a minimal share of unused stamps, many middle and better values from no. 50 over 76-77 to 553-58, 559-64 and so on, please inspect, Michel approximate 2.000.- 1880 - 1944, sehr umfangreicher und sauber gestempelter Markenbestand mit eine
1862 - 1884, very neat and extensive collection Luis I with only different and often better values, as well no. 12-14, 16, 19-21, 25, 27, 31-32, 39-42, 47-49, 60, Michel at least 1530.- 1862 - 1884, sehr saubere und reichhaltige Kollektion Luis I mit nur verschiedenen und oft besseren Werten, dabe
1853 - 1933, extensive collection from early issues including some duplicates, lots of means material, with also no. 193 unused, 247 c unused and so on, Michel 1.300.- 1853 - 1933, reichhaltige Kollektion ab frühen Ausgaben inklusive einigen Dubletten, sehr viel Mittelmaterial, dabei auch Nr. 193
1880 - 1944, extensive mostly cancelled stamps stock with more then 750 values from no. 50 over 76 right up to special editions like 553-58, please inspect, Michel 2.000.- 1880 - 1944, umfangreicher zumeist gestempelter Markenbestand mit über 750 Werten ab Nr. 50 über 76 bis hin zu Sonderausgaben
1862 - 1866, small old specialists item the cut Luis issue ex 12-23, 25 values with 12 (5), 13 (10), 18, 19 (2), 23, some very wide margined, Michel 830.- 1862 - 1866, kleiner alter Spezialistenposten der geschnittenen Luis-Ausgabe ex 12-23, 25 Werte mit 12(5), 13(10), 18, 19(2), 23, einiges sehr