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NEW ZEALAND - Commemoratives
   NEW ZEALAND - Commemoratives (18)   next (10)
Lot 543 NZ$ 425
1906-25 Christchurch, Auckland & Dunedin Exbn sets; Victory set with some shades; 1d Map (all 3 papers). Also 1d & 6d Auckland Exbn forged ovpts (6d wrong perf). All FU. (page)
Lot 544 NZ$ 525
1906-25 Christchurch, Auckland & Dunedin Exbn sets. Jury cat $1605. Mint. (page)
Lot 545 NZ$ 300
1906 Christchurch Exbn set, each on separate piece tied by complete "Exhibition NZ Christchurch 12 AP 07 4.30PM" cds. Attractive. Cat $850. (page)
Lot 546 NZ$ 230
1906 Christchurch Exbn set of 4 (1d & 6d with Exbn cancels, 3d CTO). Jury cat $850. FU. (page)
Lot 547 NZ$ 210
1906 Christchurch Exbn set. Jury cat $775. Mint except ½d MUH. (page)
Lot 548 NZ$ 300
1906 Christchurch Exbn set. Cat $1500. MUH. (page)
Lot 549 NZ$ 350
1913 Auckland Exbn set. Jury cat $1350. Mint except 6d MUH. (page)
Lot 550 NZ$ 400
1920 Victory set (no 2d) in blocks of 4. Jury cat $1600. MUH. (page)
Lot 551 NZ$ 1,750
1935 Silver Jubilee extensive mint/MUH & used accum on Hagners. Incl 7 x complete set of 7 plate blocks; 10 sets in B of 4s; 148 sets; several ½d & 1d B of 4s & larger. Used: 6d x 2 B of 4s; 112 used sets (5 x 6ds only have parcel pmks plus other ½d & 1ds. An incredibly large accum. Massive cv. (page)
Lot 552 NZ$ 350
1935 Silver Jubilee Pictorial FDCs x 6 - Kings head & Map in blue & silver (latter colour not listed by Jones) each with complete set; Caroline Bay x 4 - all 4 colours (brown full set, other 3 individual stamp to match colour). Jones C35.1C, C35.1F(1) to (4). (page)
Lot 553 NZ$ 1,400
1935 Silver Jubilee x 75 covers - incl 27 Pictorial FDCs, 2 Express Delivery FDCs, 8 registered FDCs, 34 plain FDCs & 11 some pictorial now FDCs. Interesting range of postmarks & destinations. Many with complete sets (2 with block of 4 sets), some only single value. A remarkable assemblage. (page)
Lot 554 NZ$ 180
1935 Silver Jubilee complete set of plate/imprint block of 4 (½d x 2, 1d x 4 & 6d). CP Cat $460. MUH. (page)
Lot 555 NZ$ 425
1963 3d Railway missing blue (sky etc) with normal. SG 818a, cat £750. CP S90az. Cat $1750. MUH. (page)
Lot 556 NZ$ 350
1968-72 errors: 1968 3c Maori Bible, gold colour omitted, with normal for comparison, MUH (cat $450); 1972 4c Alpine Plant, double green & violet colours, with normal for comparison, MUH – unpriced by CP; 1973 4c Locomotive, plate (1A 1A 1A 1A) block of 8 with impressive double black colour, MUH (si (page)
Lot 557 NZ$ 525
1970-2003 Christmas errors seln: 1970 3c missing olive single; 1975 3c horiz strip of 10 with orange colour skewed (not cat by CP); 1982 18c yellow & blue colours offset; 1994 45c right vert selvedge pair with 3.5mm perf shift to left (not cat by CP); 2003 40c self-adhesive vert strip of 8, one with (page)
Lot 558 NZ$ 180
1970 (3c) Christmas missing olive colour ("New Zealand Christmas 1970 3c"). CP SC11bz. Cat $500. MUH. (page)
Lot 559 NZ$ 180
1975 18c Kaweka Forest Park with dark blue colour omitted. With normal for comparison. CP cat $500. MUH. (page)
Lot 560 NZ$ 2,300
1977 QEII Silver Jubilee imperf & missing silver colour m/s error (with normal), tiny corner crease. Pieron states that only 1 known. This is a 2nd and in better condition as he states that the one he knows has a vertical crease between 3rd & 4th stamps. CP SM220v-4v. Cat $8000. MUH. (page)
Lot 561 NZ$ 1,050
1985 18c & 50c Christmas: 18c horiz 4 x 2 top left corner block with selvedge, 3 x 2 value block & single, all with "CRISTMAS" unapproved design error; 50c horiz 5 x 2 bottom right corner block with selvedge, 2 x 2 bottom right corner block with selvedge & single, all with "CRISTMAS" error. Individ (page)
Lot 562 NZ$ 300
1985 18c Christmas plate block of 6, with "CRISTMAS" error. Unapproved design. Individual stamps ACS cat $150. MUH. (page)
Lot 563 NZ$ 425
1990-2001 errors: 1990 40c Legend, missing chalky blue colour (cat $850); 2000 $1.20 Scenic Reflections, misperfed resulting in sky appearing at foot of stamp (cat $750); 2001 $1.50 Tourism Centenary misperfed resulting in part of NEW ZEALAND appearing in upper selvedge (cat $500). MUH. (page)
Lot 564 NZ$ 425
1992 $1 Olympics, an impressive 8mm vertical misperforation error in block of 4, resulting in country name & denomination appearing in centre – not priced by CP. Also, block of 4 with R5/1 variety. MUH. (page)
Lot 565 NZ$ 350
2000 $1.20 Scenic vert pair with top selvedge, major perf shift 5mm downwards. CP SS141az. Cat $1500. MUH (with normal). (page)
Lot 566 NZ$ 1,050
2004 Olympics error, $2 Snell horiz strip of 4 with invtd laminate on 4th stamp, scarce thus. CP S918a(y). Cat $5000. MUH. (page)
Lot 567 NZ$ 350
2005 45c Cafe Culture die cut outline invtd & two phosphor outlines. With normal. CP SH116ay. Cat $1000. MUH. (page)
Lot 568 NZ$ 12,500
2006 Kapa Haka booklet, one of only 11 sold, most have been split up. Jury cat $25,000. MUH. (page)
Lot 569 NZ$ 850
2007 Classic Sayings group of 5, all missing thermographic ink so that saying is visible - "She'll be right", "Shark and taties", "Laughing gear", "dreaded lurgi" & "rark up". Only part of 1 sheet has been discovered & this is 5 of the 7 known. CP S1033az, S1044z, S1046az, S1049az, S1050az. Unpr (page)
Lot 570 NZ$ 300
2012 Year of the Dragon enlarged gold foil miniature sheet framed (& in special box). Limited edn of 128. (page)

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