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Literature and Supplies
White, R.H. "Encyclopedia of the Colors of United States Postage Stamps" Vol. 1-5 (includes the vollume for Postage Dues) plus "The Papers and Gums of United States Postage Stamps 1847-1909" and "Color in Philately", Very Fine
US 19th Century Stamps and Postal History Library, numerous books, handbooks and pamphlets including standards as Brookman Vol 1-3, Neinken "US 1c Stamp of 1851-61", Arfken "The US Large Numeral Postage Due Stamps 1879-1894", Chase "The 3c Stamp of the US 1851-57 Issue Revised", Tif
20th/21st Century Issues Philatelic Library, includes Linn's US Stamp Yearbook 1983-2010, Johl Vol I revised, II-IV, Jol Commems Vol I-II, Armstrong 1906-38 Coils, 1908-21 Wash-Franklins and 1922-38 Definitives, Griffith 1922-26 and 1927-32 Issues, assorted pamphlets and handbooks f
Confederate States Literature, includes "Dietz Confederate States Catalog and Hand-Book" (1959 and 1986 editions) plus 7 different Brian Green authored pamphlets, all almost as new
US Philately General Library, includes Philatelic Foundation "Opinions" I-VII plus index/ abstract, Linn's "Philatelic Gems" Vol 1-5, few National Philatelic Museum pamphlets, Williams "Fundamentals of Philately" (1990), Schmid "How to Detect Damaged, Altered and Repaired Stamps" an
German Philatelic Society, Reference Manuel Of Forgeries, vol. 1-10 (missing vol.8), by Dr. Werner Bohne, in English, all Fine and from a working library, also includes several other important works: vol. 1 BNA Forgeries (Pugh), "Outfoxing the Fakers (2), etc., an important group of
Balance of a Philatelic Library, wide ranging from 1986 Dietz Confederate Catalog to Ryan "Cancellations of Hungarian Post Offices on Austrian Stamps" and few dozen handbooks, pamphlets and catalogs added in, others of note include Turner "Essays and Proofs of US Internal Revenue St