J3a, 1920-22 20c Buff and magenta, Overprint at bottom, fresh color, o.g., typical Fine centering; signed "AD" (Diena) (Scott $950)
Sicily, 15, 1859 5g Vermilion, bright shade, o.g., margins to just cutting, Fine and attractive; signed E Diena (Scott $875)
Two Sicilies Assortment, includes Naples 1 used, 7 used (repaired; Sismondo certificate), Sicily 10 mint (2), 12 mint, unused and used, 13 unused, 14 used, 16 unused, 16a used, 17 unused and used, 18 unused, usual mixed condirion, VG-VF (Scott $11,900)
1815/50 Parodi Correspondence, desirable holding of 20 folded letters sent from Napoli to Genova featuring variety of postal markings incl ms. ratings, overall Very Fine selection of these historic covers
Occupation of Zante, 1941 1d-100d King George II Overprints, 1d l.h., others with cds cancels, F-VF and scarce, 1d signed Oliva, 3d-100d each signed Sorani (Sassone EUR6,400)
Q1-12, 1944 5c-20L Parcel Post, fresh colors, o.g., most small h.r., typical Fine centering (Scott $1,065)
ITALIAN STATES ASSORTMENT. 36 stamps incl a few reprints/ forgeries with better as Parma 4 used, 5 used (2), 6 used, 8 used, 10 mint, 14 unused, Romagna 5 used (signed Diena), Roman States 13 unused (2), 14 used, 15 unused (3), Sardinia 5 used, 8 used, Tuscany 6-7 used, 12 used (2),
SARDINIA COLLECTION of about 75 items on pages and incl some shade varieties and 6 cover fronts, note 5-6 used, useful assortment of mostly used 1855/63 issue incl range of shades, usual mixed condition incl few reprints/ dubious as usual, VG-VF, view to appreciate
TUSCANY "LION" ISSUES ASSORTMENT WITH BONUS. over 350 singles on multiple stock cards, mostly «Lion» issues but also includes some "Coat of Arms" and a bonus of some Naples issues, Sicily Ferdinand II issues, Roman States, early imperf Italy, etc., expect some faulty and forgeries/ reprints but al
A.M.G. aand TRIESTE-A COLLECTIONS. binder with Bush specialty pages (some mounted, some waiting to be placed) plus three cover albums of Trieste-A FDC (incl 53-54, J29), AMG issues for Germany, France, Sicily, Naples, Austria, AMG/ VG, some censored/ POW mail, errors and varieties,