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Italy, Italian States and Colonies
   Aegean Islands (1)  
   Italian Areas - Lots and Collections (12)  
   Italian Colonies and Possessions (3)   Aegean Islands (1)   Cyrenaica (Cirenaica) (1)   Eastern Africa (1)   Eritrea (7)   Eritrea (4)   Libya (4)   Oltre Giuba (4)   Somalia (8)   Somalia (3)  
   Italian Local Issues II. Worldwar (1)  
   Italian Occupations WWI
      Fiume (1)   Trento and Trieste (1)  
   Italian Occupations WWII
      Dalmazia (Dalmatia) (2)   Montenegro (2)  
   Italian Republic (3)  
   Italian States (1)  
   Italy (4)  
   Italy and Areas Collections and Lots (3)  
   Italy Fiume (2)  
   Lombardy Venetia (4)  
   Missions, Post Offices and Postal History Abroad
      Poland (1)  
   Modena (2)  
   Naples (9)  
   Papal States (5)   next (5)  
   Parma (3)  
   Post Offices Abroad (1)   Italian Post China (1)  
   Regno d'Italia (5)  
   Repubblica (1)  
   Romagna (1)  
   San Marino (3)  
   Sardinia (1)  
   Sicily (4)  
   Tuscany (6)  
   Vatican State (1)   next (1)
Lot 50068 CHF 150
Italy: 1820s-1945, album collection of Italian pre stamp material, with good range of postmarks, incl. private forwarding by Napoli agents from Marseille, also some classic Swiss letters, and a little Germany. Also a vertical pair unhinged mint Italy 1946 30 lire (Y&T 501). (page)
Lot 50069 CHF 600
Italian States: 1850-1862, nice collection mint */(*)/O, with a large part of good values, nice Modena part, Tuscany, better Sicilian stamps, very good range Parma, and more. Mixed condition, but many fine and very fine. Lot to be examined carefully! (page)
Lot 50070 CHF 60
Italy : 1852-1940, group of Italian States, Italy and some Greece Hermes Heads, mainly classic stamps, a few forgeries, mixed condition (80+). (page)
Lot 50071 CHF 100
Italy: 1862-2011, in three Yvert albums, mint and used collection especially provided from the 70s to Euro period with many complete years ** and a very interesting face value. Fine condition and low starting price! (page)
Lot 50072 CHF 100
Vatican : 1962-2012, Colln. in stock book with div. face value from 1983-2000 + a lot of presentation folders, postal stationery, FDC's, etc., mostly v.fine. (page)
Lot 80787 CHF 1,000
1851-61, Sperati reproduction elements for Italian States, including a beautiful glass cliché of Sardinia 3 lire in a strong vermilion colour, also clichés and proof prints (Glass, celluloid and paper) for cancellations, incl. Roma and Parma circular datestamps, Annollato (one dated Sep. 1943), and (page)
Lot 80788 CHF 2,500
1850s entire to Constantinopoli, franked at bottom right by 1854 machine paper 15c type III and two 45c Type III (Sassone 20a +22) making 105c rate (21Kr.) tied Brescia cds, reverse with Trieste Abends transit 12/9 and arrival of 21/9; some slight ageing, an important, rare item. Dott G Colla Cert (page)
Lot 80789 CHF 500
1855-62 Sardinia 20c Greyish Cobalt, 1860 printing (Sass. 15Cb), tied to folded letter to Milano (bs) by the provisional manuscript cancel of "Barzago / 6/2" from 1861 (Sass. "13" = €11'000, listed under Lombardy-Venetia), an important showpiece in excellent condition, extremely fine and elusive sho (page)
Lot 80790 CHF 300
1850-1865, nice 25 stamps collection with good values : Sassone n° 1, n° 2, n° 4 (certificate), n° 29, n° 32, n° 40. Very fine condition for these old stamps. Must see! (page)
Lot 80791 CHF 300
1850 Issue, attractive specialised assembly of mostly used singles with an array of interesting cancels, plus some useful covers, showing all values represented, mixed to very fine (80+ & ten covers) (page)
Lot 80792 CHF 200
1852 15c "No period after CENT" variety from pos. 132 tied by P.D. hs to April 1853 folded letter from Carrara (cds) to Pietracanta (bs), an important and easily seen variety, great margins all around, very fine, signed A. & G. Bolaffi, Vaccari, A. Diena and Dr. Avi (cert. 2007) (Sass. 3c, € 4'000) (page)
Lot 80793 CHF 300
1852-1860, 36 mint and used stamps with good values and shades, Sassone CV > 6'000€, mixed conditions with reprints and forgeries, many fine stamps. (page)
Lot 80794 CHF 80
1861 1gr black, pair with full to very wide margins, on piece with choice strike of TERLIZZI 9.8 1861, an extremely fine pair. (page)
Lot 80795 CHF 200
1858 1/2gr to 20gr unused & used group on stock cards, showing an array of Annullato cancels in stamps and fragments, incl. 2gr, unused cert. Biondi, mixed to very fine (page)
Lot 80796 CHF 150
1859 10gr Bright Carmine, plate II + 1gr Dark Carmine, plate II, each with ample to large margins, tied together by boxed "Annullato" hs, on ship mail cover inscribed "Vapore Francese" sent from Naples (red 5 NOV 1860 cds on reverse) to Catania, with Messina cds dated 6 11 60 (during the Dictatorshi (page)
Lot 80797 CHF 500
1860 Savoy Cross 1/2 t, Sperati glass support cliché featuring the stamp design in vermilion colour and with mirror image, with some colouring around the margin. A scarce cliche that shows the very fine impression that Sperati was able to achieve with his technique. (page)
Lot 80798 CHF 600
1861 2gr Light Blue, tied to cover by light legible strike of scarce "ribbon" (type 33; Sass. rated "R1" = €16'500) of Pizzo (Calabria) with red cds (10 GIU. 1861) at side, sent to Napoli (large red bs), very fine showpiece from this town, signed Avanzo & Vaccari. (page)
Lot 80799 CHF 600
1861 2gr Blue on cover from Napoli to Popoli (Pescara), showing red "Partenza da Napoli" completely without dateslugs, one of only two postal documents known, very fine and distinct showpiece; signed & cert. Colla (2002) (Sass. "R1" = €11'500) (page)
Lot 80800 CHF 200
1861 10gr. bistre, and 2gr. blue, singles both with clear to good margins, on 1862 folded letter from Bari to Naples, tied by clear crisp strike in black of the red BARI/20.FEB.1862 cds with oval red framed BARI alongside, fine, cert. Colla (2017) (page)
Lot 80801 CHF 150
1861 10gr. orange bistre, single with clear to good margins, on 1862 folded letter from Napoli to Milan, tied by 2-line strike in red VIA/DI MARE with similar alongside, fine; cert. SPC (2019). (page)
Lot 80802 CHF 200
1861 10gr. orange bistre, and 2gr. blue, singles both with clear to good margins, on 1861 folded registered letter from Melfi to Naples, tied by clear crisp strike in black of the fancy MELFI/17.SET.1861 cds with similar and straight line ASSICURATA alongside, fine, cert. Avi (2018) (page)
Lot 80803 CHF 160
1809, Occupazione Francese, insieme composto da sei lettere per Firenze con timbro tondo "BUREAU FRANÇAIS/ROME'. (page)
Lot 80804 CHF 80
1852 1/2b, horizontal pair on letter-piece, struck by line cancel MONTERUBBIANO, a very scarce strike on stamp (unrecorded in Sassone which mentions only strike on cover alongside the stamp), additionally struck by grid of Fermo in transit, very fine and with certificate Raybaudi 1971 and signed on (page)
Lot 80805 CHF 400
1863 3b Leather Brown and 3b Greyish Chrome Yellow, highly contrasting colours, tied together to 1863 cover from Rome (27 NOV. 63 cds) to Civitavecchia (bs same day), large portions of dividing lines on all sides, very fine showpiece of great interest, signed and cert. E. Diena (2000). (page)
Lot 80806 CHF 400
1852 4b on Yellow, DIAGONAL BISECT used as 2b value, an outstanding example showing dividing lines on two normal sides of stamp, tied by lozenge grill to face of cover from Viterbo (17 OTT. 66 cds and official "Governo Ponteficio" cachet), another strike of cachet on reverse, sent to Grotte S. Stefa (page)
Lot 80807 CHF 3,000
1852 5b Light Rose, sheet margin at right, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, tied by grill to complete folded letter from Civitavecchia (17 OTT. 65) to Napoli (final bs 23 OTT. 65), cover cut at foot else very fine and very rare; Cert. E. Diena (cert. 1992) & signed Avanzo (Sass. €55'000). (page)
Lot 80808 CHF 1,000
1852 50 baj, Sperati reproduction elements for the finished reproduction, comprising three paper trials, with one in a dark blue-grey with coloured border around, with manuscript dating May and June 1924, also a paper with two mute diamond cancellation trials and extensive technical notations and Sp (page)
Lot 80809 CHF 25,000
THE MOST VALUABLE SINGLE STAMP OF PAPAL STATES 1858, 20 b. yellow, unissued, uncancelled without gum, good to very large margins displaying on three sides the dividing lines between stamps, refulgent color. Two complete sheets of 100 are recorded, of which one is in the Vatican Postal Museum, and o (page)
Lot 80810 CHF 2,000
1867 3c grey on chalk surfaced paper, block of 16 (4x4) from the lower left corner of the sheet, featuring one of the four panes of 16 comprised in the sheet, exceptional margins enabling to exhibit the bordering lines of the pane, with full original gum and two hinge remains in horizontal row at ba (page)
Lot 80811 CHF 800
1867 20c Indian Red, horizontal INTERPANNEAU PAIR plus single used on insured cover from Palestrina (two cds dated 4 MAR. 68) sent to Rome (bs), rare use of an interpanneau on cover (the pair is joined only in the lower portion), centre 20c also shows missing period after "20", very fine; signed by (page)
Lot 80813 CHF 15,000
THE LARGEST MULTIPLE KNOWN OF THE VALUABLE 1868 3C. GREY-ROSE ORIGINATING FROM THE ONLY SURVIVING SHEET 1868 3c grey rose, the extraordinary block of 16 (4x4), including four vertical and four horizontal interpanneau pairs, very fresh and outstandingly preserving its full original gum, except for (page)
Lot 80814 CHF 100
1852 5c black on yellow bistre, horizontal strip of three, cancelled by two strikes of the boxed grid cancel on 1852 folded cover from Piacenza to Parma, fine, cert. Diena (1991) (page)
Lot 80815 CHF 200
1852 5c black on yellow bistre, and 10c black on white, cancelled by boxed grid cancel on 1852 folded cover from Piacenza to Parma, fine, cert. SPC (2018), plus 40c black on blue, single tied Parma ds, on 1852 large part cover to Wurttemberg, fine, cert. Fiecchi (1976). (page)
Lot 80816 CHF 800
1859 Provisional 5c deep blue-green mint with large margins and original gum, a magnificent example of this scarce stamp; copy of cert. Colla (2002) (Sassone €7'500). (page)
Lot 80817 CHF 300
1859 6b black on yellow-green mint left marginal with good margins and original gum, a superb example, one of the finest we have seen; signed Diena (Sassone €1'100). (page)
Lot 80818 CHF 12,000
UNA DELLE PIÙ BELLE LETTERE CON IL 40 CENTESIMI FRAZIONATO DELLA IV EMISSIONE 1861, 40 c. rosa chiaro, splendido esemplare con margini ampi, frazionato a metà in diagonale per il porto da 20 c. su lettera da Orvieto del 29 gennaio 1863 per Viterbo, annullato con doppio cerchio a data in partenz (page)
Lot 80819 CHF 1,000
1859, 1 gr. bruno olivastro, I tavola, II stato, coppia proveniente dalle posizioni 67 (ritoccato) e 68, margini stupendi, usata su lettera del 25 aprile 1859 da Girgenti per Palermo, multiplo molto raro su lettera; cert. Enzo Diena (1984), firmata A. Diena e Russo. (Sassone 25.000+ €). (page)
Lot 80820 CHF 200
1859, 2gr light blue, block of four with sheet margin at base, positions, 86-87 / 96-97, original gum with the bottom pair being never hinged, large margins and sharp impression. A magnificent showpiece. Signed Enzo Diena and Calves. Sassone €2,500. (page)
Lot 80821 CHF 200
1859 5g reversed image impression on celluloid paper, with production annotations at base; no similar example found in the “Ultimate” collection. (page)
Lot 80822 CHF 600
1859 group of 12 issues on stocksheet with unused 1/2g, 1g, 2g, 2 x 10g and 2 x 20g. Also 1/2g (with Cardillo cert. stating "giallo oliva", olive yellow, Mi 32.000 eur), 3 x 5g and 20g used (with Cardillo Certs). An attractive group. (page)
Lot 80823 CHF 80
1851 1cr carmine, very fine stamp with four full margins and very wide at top, cancelled by a most unusual circle of dots which we couldn't classify, very fine. (page)
Lot 80824 CHF 5,000
1851, 2 cr. azzurro su grigio, eccezionale blocco orizzontale di 10, margini completi o prevalentemente ampi, appena sfiorato a sinistra, su grande lettera da Bagno del 2 dicembre 1854 per Rocca San Casciano, annullato a penna ed all'arrivo, il secondo blocco noto in ordine di grandezza, uno dei doc (page)
Lot 80825 CHF 10,000
ONE OF THE FINEST 3 LIRE EXAMPLES USED Provisional Government. 1860 3L ochre-yellow, a used example just lightly touched in part of the right margin, complete at left, large to huge margins on other two sides, being outstandingly well margined for this stamp which is mostly found cut into, infreque (page)
Lot 80826 CHF 400
1851-57 Issue, attractive specialised assembly of mostly used singles, pairs and strips with an array of interesting shades, cancels, plus three covers, showing a variety of values represented, mixed to very fine (30+ & three covers) (page)
Lot 80827 CHF 800
1851-1860, 32 used stamps with good values and shades, Sassone CV > 14'000€, mixed conditions but mostly fine. Must see! (page)
Lot 80828 CHF 200
1860 Provisional Issue, attractive specialised assembly of mostly used singles, plus four covers, showing various values represented, mixed to very fine (35+ & four covers) (page)
Lot 80829 CHF 100
1921, Dante Alighieri Sassone n° 116c and 118c doppia stampa (double print). The two stamps mint ** MNH. Very fine (page)
Lot 80830 CHF 150
1922, Triest Congress Sassone n° 123-126 used on four fragments, very nice cancellations. (page)
Lot 80831 CHF 200
1934, Football WCS 1L25 + airs 50C & 75C tied to airmail cover to USA by 'POSTA AEREA ROMA FERROVIA 17.8.34' to New York, also ppc of Rodi franked Aegean Islands football WCS 25C + definitive 50C Rodi bearing 'MOTONAVE POSTALE IL IPPOGRIMANI 18.6.34' to Poland, scarce, cover sign.Diena (page)
Lot 80832 CHF 80
1938 (April 3) Legal size cover from Hong Kong to Asolo (Italy), franked by Mussolini 50c used with maritime "Lloyd Triestino Conte Rosso" postmark, most probably sent by a Jewish refugee. (page)

Lot 80833 CHF 180
1943 So-called Rommel memorial folders (2, including one with facsimile signature cachet of Generalfeldmarschall Rommel), scarce. (page)
Lot 80834 CHF 14,000
Italian Post Offices - The Post Offices abroad (except China) complete in main numbers, followed by 9 certificates. Key items are Constantinople 6+7 on piece signed Bolaffi + certificates, Sassone 20000+60000 €, only 49 pieces of 7 were ever printed, a great rarity. Rest of the collection is mainly (page)
Lot 80835 CHF 6,000
Italian Post China. 1917-1919, Italian Post Offices in China almost complete with Pechino 1+2 **, cert for 2, 8/17 **, Error di Valore 19A+20A ** cert, 19/27 * then Tientsin with 1+3 * cert for the alter, 2 **, 4/13 **, Errore di colore 15A ** + 16 A * and 15/23 * as well as rare Segnatasse 5 (page)
Lot 80836 CHF 270
Aegan Islands : 1934, Calcio sets, Sassone n° 75-79 and A34-A37 mint ** MNH. SBPV Certificate. Fine! (page)
Lot 80837 CHF 600
Italian Colonies: Somaliland with earlier types including 1903 set, 1922 'BESA' o/pts etc, 1926 set to 10L, with the Manzoni, 1934 ovpt and Airs, 1935 set etc, plus the scarce 1917 Parcel Post set. A lovely collection. (page)
Lot 80838 CHF 440
Italian Colonies: 1932-36 issues including 1933 Garibaldi, Annexation and Anniversary sets, 1934 World Cup etc. Also Libya with, of note, 1912 to 10L and 1921 to 10L, a little Saseno, Corfu and Castlerosso. (page)
Lot 80839 CHF 100
1915 1c Fiscal General Issue for all Colonies, plate proof in red-brown and orange on ungummed cardboard, v.fine & scarce (page)
Lot 80840 CHF 150
Eastern Africa. 1941, Italian German friendship Sassone air mail n° 20 mint ** MNH. Very fine. (page)
Lot 80841 CHF 1,200
Cyrenaica (Cirenaica). 1923-1941, very nice mint **/* collection, very extensive including many good values and complete sets : Manzoni, Cyrenaica Sassone n° 68-71, Tripoli 69-72, also back of the book : Cyr. n° A30-39, Trip. A34-40 with certificate, A47-56, Servizio Aera n° 1 (rare stamp) Hi (page)
Lot 80842 CHF 150
Eritrea. Eritrea parcel post stamps : 1916, Sassone n° 7 mint ** MNH signed Raybaudi, very fine (page)
Lot 80843 CHF 150
Eritrea parcel post stamps : 1916, Sassone n° 8 mint ** MNH signed Raybaudi, very fine (page)
Lot 80844 CHF 200
Eritrea postage due : 1920, Sassone n° 16 mint *. Very fine. (page)
Lot 80845 CHF 100
Eritrea : 1924, Manzoni set Sassone n° 71-76 mint *. Very fine. (page)
Lot 80846 CHF 800
Eritrea parcel post stamps : 1927, Sassone n° 23-32 mint ** MNH. Fiecchi certificate. Rare and very fine. (page)
Lot 80847 CHF 1,000
1893-1939, very nice mint and used collection, very extensive with many complete sets and good values : Sassone n° 1c inverted overprint (*), n° 6 *, 11 used, n° 36 *, n° 40 *, n°65-70 *, n° 113-115 *, n° 136-137 *, n° 142-143 *, n° 170-173 *, air mail n° 7-16 * and more. Also nice back of the book (page)
Lot 80848 CHF 100
Eritrea : 1934, Sassone n° 213-219 mint ** MNH. Very fine. (page)
Lot 80849 CHF 80
Eritrea postage due : 1934, Sassone n° 26-38 mint ** MNH. Very fine (page)
Lot 80850 CHF 400
Eritrea air mail post : 1934, Sassone Servizio Aero "Servizio di Stato" n° 1 mint *, American Philatelic Society certificate. Rare and very fine. (page)
Lot 80851 CHF 100
1936, I-Rodi hydroplane crash, postcard from Massaua to Chieti (Italy) on flight Asmara to Rome bearing at front 2-line crash cachet 'Ricuperata Incendio idrovolante I-RODI, scarce (page)
Lot 80852 CHF 280
1903-41, Accumulation of nearly 70 covers/cards including airmails, registered and military mail, some ppc's and a few maritime items, etc.; mixed to very fine, for the specialist. (page)
Lot 80853 CHF 150
Libya. 1912, Sassone n° 1-12 mint *. Very fine (page)
Lot 80854 CHF 1,000
1926, "Pittorica" complete set Sassone n° 58-65 mint ** MNH, extremely rare in ** MNH condition, Diena and Vaccari certificates, very fine. (page)
Lot 80855 CHF 300
1942 (21.6.) Italian-German brothership sets of Libya and Africa Orientale Italiana 1941 with semi-official or even private handstamp overprints 'Tobruch 21-6-1942-XX' (the day Tobruk was recaptered by German-Italian troops) in marginal MNH blocks of 6, the status of these overprints remains in the (page)
Lot 80856 CHF 1,200
1912-1941, very nice mint **/* collection, very extensive including many good values and complete sets : Sassone n° 21-32, 44-53, 78-80, 95-102, 108-117. 118-124, also back of the book with n° A4-A7, A8-A13, parcel post 1-13. High value > 9'000€ and very fine condition. Highly recommended (page)
Lot 80857 CHF 150
Oltre Giuba. 1926, Sassone n° 42-44 mint ** MNH. Very fine (Sassone €1'250). (page)
Lot 80858 CHF 300
1925, postage due Sassone n° 1-10 mint ** MNH. Very fine (Sassone €2'600). (page)
Lot 80859 CHF 300
1925, parcel post stamps Sassone n° 1-13 mint ** MNH. Very fine (Sassone €3'000). (page)
Lot 80860 CHF 300
1925-26, small collection with 1925 2L and 5L, also set to 2L.50, 1926 Express and the scarce 1925 Dues to 5L plus Parcel Post pairs to 20L. Useful, seldom offered material. (page)
Lot 80861 CHF 200
Somalia. Somalia : 1905, Sassone n° 8 used. Sismondo certificate, very fine. (page)
Lot 80862 CHF 300
Somalia postage due : 1906, Sassone n° 8 mint *, signed Diena and certificate, very fine. (page)
Lot 80863 CHF 400
Somalia postage due : 1920, Sassone n° 23-32 mint *, rare complete set, very fine. (page)
Lot 80864 CHF 500
Somalia parcel post stamps : 1923, Sassone n° 15-20 mint ** MNH, rare complete set, very fine (page)
Lot 80865 CHF 200
Somalia parcel post stamps : 1923, Sassone n° 21-29 mint ** MNH, Diena certificate. Rare and very fine. (page)
Lot 80866 CHF 150
Somalia : 1930, Sassone n° 140-143 mint ** MNH. Very fine. (page)
Lot 80867 CHF 600
1934, Sassone Servizio Aero "Servizio di State" n° 1 mint *, SBPV certificate. Rare and very fine. (page)
Lot 80868 CHF 600
1934, Sassone Servizio Aero "11 Nov. 1934 Servizio Aero Speciale" n° 2 mint *, Sottoriva certificate. Rare and very fine (Sassone €3'750). (page)
Lot 80869 CHF 150
1934, air post Sassone n° 7-16 used very fine. (page)
Lot 80870 CHF 1,500
1903-1940, very nice mint and used collection, very extensive with many complete sets and good values : Sassone n° 1-7 *, n° 9 used Sismondo certificate, n° 19-22 *, Manzoni n° 55-60, n° 67 used, n° 73-80, n° 92-104, n° 167-184 **/* (rare mint set), air mail n° 7-16 *, n° 17-26 *, postage due n° 11 (page)
Lot 80871 CHF 500
1935-1938, Sassone n° 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228 and 230, n°228 mint * all the others mint ** MNH. Rare and very fine. Must see! (page)
Lot 80872 CHF 120
Aegean Islands. Aegean Islands/Rodi : 1920, very nice cover franked with eight stamps and cancellations "Rodi Egeo 6/5/20". Spectacular and not so usual. Very fine (page)
Lot 80873 CHF 10,000
1939-1945, Italian occupation of the II WW mainly MNH collection with around 20 certificates and some rarities. Albania cpl. incl. the rare set 12-15 ** with two certs (9'000 € for Albania)and Laibach 1-40 **, only 33 * , certificate for 14, then rare set 42-56 * (6'500 € certificate) and Aerea 1-10 (page)
Lot 80874 CHF 100
1954 LAI flight DC-6 crash, postcard from Ostigliano to Jersey (N.Y.) bearing 2-line 'DAMAGE DUE TO AIRMAIL INTERRUPTION / NEAR N.Y. INTL. AIRPORT DEC.18.,1954' the plane crashed at New York Idlewild (page)
Lot 80875 CHF 100
1956, SS ANDREA DORIA crash with SS Stockholm off the coast from Nantucket Island: Cover from Gibraltar to USA bearing at front company cachet of Andrea Doria 5.MAR.1954 + some adhesives depicting the crash, nice collateral material (page)
Lot 80876 CHF 100
1961 Presidential Visit ("gronchi rosa") 205L rose mint o.g., signed, very fine (Sassone €850). (page)
Lot 80877 CHF 300
1918-19 10f vermilion with machine "FIUME" overprint, neat Fiume double circle ds, very fine; cert. Scheller (2023) and Avi (2024) (Sassone €5'000). (page)
Lot 80878 CHF 600
Italy - Fiume: 1919-24 attractive range of these difficult issues with all spaces filled, therefore including the 1918 to 10k and 1919-20 sets, Dues, 1920-21 o/pts etc. Very high catalogue and seldom offered. (page)
Lot 80879 CHF 7,500
1952 "100 Years of Pontifical Stamps" 50L miniature sheet, the extremely rare imperforate version, mint n.h., very fine, a great Vatican rarity, one of only two known; cert. Avi (2024) (Sassone Foglietti 1a, €35'000). (page)
Lot 80880 CHF 700
1860-1940s Maritime Mail collection with about 175 items, with examples from Italy or abroad, including a wide range of cancels and frankings, a lot for the specialist, viewing essential. (page)
Lot 80881 CHF 280
1893-1954, Italy, Italian Colonies & AMG FTT: Lot of covers and mint n.h. stamps including an unusual 1893 cover from Italy with Swiss postage due stamp cancelled ST BERNARDIN, M.E.F stamps used in Eritrea on cover, scarce Repubblica Sociale Italiana Espressi 1944 on censored cover to France, intere (page)
Lot 80882 CHF 240
1930-1973 AFRICA ORIENTALE / SOMALIA / ERITREA : Accumulation of about 45 covers & cards, noted registered, airmail, military mail, diverse mixed frankings Orientale with Eritrea or Somalia, etc., mostly to Italy, mixed to very fine (page)

Lot 80883 CHF 400
Trento and Trieste. 1918-19, a very useful range of these difficult issues including Trieste 1918 o/pt to 3k plus set to 1L, Trentino 1918 to 2k, 1919 issues, 1918/19 Dues etc. High catalogue, seldom seen material. (page)
Lot 80884 CHF 100
Fiume. Fiume/Arbe and Veglia : 1920, special delivery stamps Arbe Sassone n° 1-2 used , Veglia n° 1-2 used, very fine (page)
Lot 80885 CHF 400
Dalmazia (Dalmatia). Istria and Slovenian Coast: 1946 2nd Issue set of 10 in MNH complete sheets of 100, v.fine, (Sassone 51-60 € 4000) (page)
Lot 80886 CHF 200
1947 Slovenian Coast (Military Administration): Set of 10 in mint nh part sheets of 80, some with double perforation in margin, (Sassone 67/76 € 3200) (page)
Lot 80887 CHF 60
Montenegro. 1941 (Nov 16) Picture postcard franked with Italy 30c and 50c airmail tied by "Posta Militare 14" cds and an additional strike to the left, endorsed "via airmail", sent to Genoa, scarce combination. (page)
Lot 80888 CHF 500
1941 0.5D to 30D set of 8 in mint n.h. blocks of four, very fine. (page)
Lot 80889 CHF 3,000
Poland. Italy/Polonish Corps in Italy : Corpo Polacco with Madonna in different colours Sassone 19A+21A ** (12'000 €), 6 A/I errore di colore, certificate Raybaudi, F2A only few sheets known, pencil signed (4'500 €), 14-16 (14 perfect centered + signed) (8'000 €), Airmail 2 (Raybaudi+Diena s (page)
Lot 80890 CHF 100
1954, Crash cover, LAI 451 DC-6 flight, registered large size cover from the 4th World Petroleum Congress in Rome to Ottawa (Canada) bearing large 4-line cachet 'RECEIVED DAMAGED PLANE CRASH AT N.Y., quite unusual cover (page)
Lot 80891 CHF 80
Withdrawn (page)
Lot 80892 CHF 150
1937-1965, 14 Souvenir-sheets incl. Sassone n° 6/7 mint, n° 17 mint n.h., n° 22 mint n.h., etc., fine condition. (page)
Lot 80893 CHF 700
1877-1936 attractive collection with useful (and very highly catalogued) early issues including 1877 to 5L (ex 1L blue, including 1L carmine and yellow), 1903 issues, 1918 plus o/pt set, 1931 Airs, 1932 Garibaldi (ex 2L.75), 1933 Zeppelins and 1935 set. A useful range of Postage Dues also. A lovely (page)
Lot 80894 CHF 1,500
1850-1862, very nice mint and used collection, very extensive with a large part of good stamps and high and very high values. Some stamps signed, many genuine but also reprints and forgeries. Of course huge catalogue Sassone value, fine global condition. Must see! (page)
Lot 80895 CHF 300
1852-1860, lot of more than hundred stamps and various covers mainly of Sardinia, Modena and Pontifical States, a nice section of prephilately is also included. The condition is as usual quite mixed. Many stamps are signed by Chiavarello. High catalogue value (page)
Lot 80896 CHF 300
1858-1861, small group of mint/unused and used values, incl. Parma 25c unused, Modena 10c mint part o.g., Naples 1861 20gr mint, Sicily 2gr unused, used single and used pair, 5gr unused (small pinhole), 10gr unused and 20gr unused, many signed Calves and Brun, mostly fine to very fine (12). (page)
Lot 80897 CHF 120
1862-1999, In a box, thousands of mint and used stamps, Italy and Italian Areas. Stockbooks plenty of used stamps, many old period, nice part of modern years (mint ** MNH with complete sets) and also Vatican and San Marino (with good first issues values). Big item to work and sort. High value! Fine (page)
Lot 80898 CHF 1,200
1862-1945, very nice mint and used collection from the first issues to 1945, very extensive item with many good values and complete sets well cancelled, back of the book, various offices, some covers and more. High additional value and very fine condition! Must see! (page)
Lot 80899 CHF 200
1863-1935, small group on a stockpage with several 1930s mint nh. sets incl. Sassone A21-24, 292-298, 303-314, very fine condition. (page)
Lot 80900 CHF 300
1870-90s accumulation of Municipal fiscals sorted into packets with many colourful attractive stamps, largely hinged mint or used with some thematic interest such as Romulus and Remus issues of Rome, Eagles from Vittoria, etc, about 300 (page)
Lot 80901 CHF 80
1871-1937, Regno - Guerra d'Etiopia, insieme composto da 36 pezzi, compreso Regno con solo una lettera (difetti) del 1871 con affr. non comune 5 c., 40 c. e 60 c. (2), il resto principalmente annulli di P.M. su lettere affrancate nell'Ethiopia (un esempio della P.M. 106-Emissione B) ed alcuni usi ci (page)
Lot 80902 CHF 120
1868-1925 used collection of around 125 predominantly used on 4 pages with a useful range of the early issues to 2L, 5L etc, Officials and Dues, also 1923 Fascist set mint (STC approx. SG £3'500). (page)
Lot 80903 CHF 100
1920s, Accumulation of Ricevuta di ritorno used from Bank of America in Napoli to mainly Foggia, Potenza and Napoli each franked 20c Black Volta, loose earlier pink forms used plus forms that have been pinned to an internal USA 2c envelope from Columbus Exchange Bank to an Italian in various cities, (page)
Lot 80904 CHF 200
1935-1955, Italy and Italian possessions small group of mint sets, with Sassone n° A111-A116, S43-S65, Trieste Philatelic Congress 10c to 40c mint, Aegean Islands A4-A7, S32, S35, Trieste Zone A Parcel Post S49 mint n.h. blocks of four, very fine group. (page)
Lot 80905 CHF 100
2002-2011, all mint ** MNH collection. Extensive item with high face value (Euros). Very fine (page)

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