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Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Advertising Covers (3)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (1)
Datestamps (2)
Coins (6)
Commemorative Covers (8)
Covers By Manufacturer (11)
Decimal Issues (3)
Decimal Issues Collections and Misc. Groupings (3)
Decimal Issues Postage (12)
Engraved Issues (4)
First Day Covers (9)
First Flight Covers (1)
Georgian Head Issues (1)
Kangaroos - CofA Watermark (3)
Kangaroos - First Watermark (10)
Kangaroos - Second Watermark (2)
Kangaroos - Third Watermark (3)
KGV - CofA Watermark (10)
KGV - Large Multiple Watermark (4)
KGV - No Watermark (1)
KGV - Single Watermark (48)
KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 13½x12½ (17)
KGV - Small Multiple Watermark Perf 14 (10)
Kilo & Bundleware (12)
Military Postmarks (1)
Military Postmarks - World War II (2)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (2)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (1)
Datestamps (80)
Datestamps Postmarks Collection (1)
Numerals (63)
Postal History (1)
Postmarks Collection (2)
Travelling Post Offices (1)
Booklets (1)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (2)
Other Pre-Decimals (6)
Patriotic Covers (1)
Philatelic Numismatic Covers (11)
Postage Dues (2)
Postal History (11)
Postal Stationery (2)
Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes (1)
Postal Stationery - Envelopes (2)
Postal Stationery - Envelopes (Official) (2)
Postal Stationery - Envelopes (PTPO) (2)
Postal Stationery - Letter Cards (2)
Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (1)
Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (PTPO) (1)
Datestamps (88)
Numerals (1)
Postal History (1)
Postal Stationery - Wrappers (1)
Postmarks Collection (1)
Registered Handstamps (1)
Reliefs (1)
Revenues (1)
Travelling Post Offices (1)
Revenues (2)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (1)
Datestamps (21)
Postal History (1)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (1)
Datestamps (21)
Numerals - Second Allocation (2)
Postal Stationery - Letter Cards (1)
Barred Numerals (191)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings (1)
Datestamps (123)
Pictorial Envelopes (3)
Postal History (2)
Postal Stationery - Postal Cards (3)
Railway Stamps (1)
Reliefs (1)
Revenues (1)
Travelling Post Offices (2)
Datestamps (12)
Reliefs (1)
Philately. SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, unused mint vertical block of twelve (I) with full original gum (!), printing plate 5, letters H-G to K-I; wide margins on three sides, sligtly cut to margin on stamps HG and IG, original mint never hinged gum, only 3 stamps with hinge remnants (!), small h
Philately. SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, selection of 2 stamps from plates 1a + 1b with same letters E-B (!), red and black cancel. Maltese cross; very fine pieces, c.v.. £850
Philately. SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 2, letters J-B, almost complete red cancel. Maltese cross; very fine piece, c.v.. £375
Philately. SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 8, letters I-L, light print of red cancel. Maltese cross; very fine piece, c.v.. £500, rarer printing plate
Philately. SG.2, 7, PENNY BLACK and ONE PENNY RED, Matched Pair, same letters K-J also same printing plate - 8 (!); very fine, c.v.. £655
Philately. SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 10 (!), letters I-K, light print of black cancel. Maltese cross, close margin at right; fine piece, c.v.. £950, rare printing plate!
Philately. SG.5, TWO PENCE BLUE blue, letters L-J, close, but full margins, black cancel. Maltese cross; fine, c.v.. £975
Philately. SG.5, TWO PENCE BLUE blue, horizontal pair, plate 1, letters D-A and D-B, rarer cancel. of red Maltese cross; exceedingly fine and attractive pair in perfect quality, c.v.. £2.500++, rare
Philately. SG.43, PENNY RED (rose-red), unused block of 6 with left margin with inscription on edge ...PRICE 1d Per Label..., plate 116, letters OA-QB; stamps with original gum, minor gum faults and some peforation imperfection, c.v.. ** £1.200++, attractive multiple
Philately. SG.54, horizontal pair Embossed 1Sh light green, distinct silk threat, touched to margins horizontally; F-VF, signed Rutkovsky, c.v.. £2.000
Philately. SG.55, 57, Embossed 10P brown + 1Sh green; fine, c.v.. £2.500
Philately. PLATE PROOF for SG.92, 3P in colour light brown, on stamp paper without watermark, plate 4; original paper crease in paper, very fine piece, cat. Gibbons Spec. £2.500, rare stamp!
Philately. SG.137, Victoria £5 orange, wmk anchor, white paper, with oval cancel. REGISTERED 15.AP.99; very fine piece with perfect centreing and perforation, c.v.. £3.500 + 75%, favourite classic stamp!
Philately. SG.158-163, Victoria 3P-1Sh; very nice complete set, original gum, 2x minor faults, 1Sh very fine, c.v.. £3.450
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.51, 1½P rose-red, incomplete reconstruction of plate according to letters, total 136 various combinations, various plates + SG.80-82, 4P in various shades, mainly with hair lines and Roman II (plate 4), wmk Large Garter, incomplete reconstru
Philately. SG.462-475, George VI. ½P - 1Sh; complete set mint never hinged, some small production gum flaw, c.v.. EUR45
Philately. POSTOFFICE IN LEVANT / Field Office in Saloniki - SG.S1b, George V. ½P with overprint LEVANT, in vertical pair, at top overprint OMITTED, on reverse in addition machine offset; very fine pair with certificate BPA, c.v.. £2.800, scarce!
Philately. LEVANT / SG.3, overprint Victoria 12Pia/2Sh6d; nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £550
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / of used stamps on 8 cards A5, issue Victoria - Edward VII.,, i.a. 1x SG.14 with numeral spoon cancel. 466 LIVERPOOL; various quality
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly used stamps in two full IKEA boxes, various countries, i.a. more interesting England, Belgium, France, Turkey etc.., mainly cheap material, part also as motives etc..; various quality, interesting, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Philately. SG.126-137, George V. 1C - $2, complete used set of 11 values with wmk Mult Script CA; c.v.. ca. £230
Philately. SG.95, Fregate Sandbach 8C pink, perforation 10; very fine, exp. Stolow, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.103, Fregate Sandbach 24C yellow green, perf 10; very fine, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.109, Fregate Sandbach 4C bright blue, perf 15; c.v.. £350
Philately. SG.216s-221s, Jubilee 1-15c, complete set with overprint SPECIMEN; mint never hinged, c.v.. £160
Philately. SG.308a-319, George VI. - Motives 1c - $3; complete mint never hinged set incl. both types of value 2c, 4x marginal or corner piece, c.v.. £120+
Philately. SG.51, George V. 5Sh grey-green / violet; c.v.. £95, fine
Philately. SG.98s-109s, George VI. - Motives ½P - £1; complete set with perf SPECIMEN, hinged, c.v.. £350
Philately. SG.120a-134, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½c - $4,80; complete mint never hinged set incl. shades of values 1, 3, 4 and 6c, 2x marginal piece, c.v.. ca. £120
Philately. SG.41, Victoria Chalon Head 4P rose, perf 12, wmk CA; F-VF, exp. Herbert Bloch, c.v.. £550
Philately. SG.157, George VI. £1 thick paper; very fine, c.v.. £250
Philately. SG.161, 162-175, George VI. ½d - £1, complete set with better types SG.174 and 175 + overprint George VI. 3d/2½d blue; part mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. £160
Philately. SG.4a, pair Britannia (2P) greyish slate; very fine, certificate BPA, c.v.. £650++
Philately. SG.57, Britannia 4P dull vermilion, wmk Small Star, perforation. 11 x 14½, rare stamp, c.v.. £800
Philately. SG.60, Britannia 6P orange-vermilion, wmk Large Star, perforation. 14½-15½, rare stamp with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £900
Philately. SG.68w, Britannia 4P deep red, wmk CC INVERTED, perf 12½; F-VF, c.v.. £475
Philately. SG.163-169, Coat of arms ¼d - 1Sh, wmk Mult Crown CA; complete set, c.v.. £90
Philately. SG.250d+250da, Coat of arms 2d carmine, lower left corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1, left upper stamp with plate variety - EXTRA FRAME LINE; mint never hinged, c.v. ca. £70
Philately. SG.289-301, Elizabeth II. - Motives 1c - $2,40, wmk Mult Script CA, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. £75
Philately. SG.3a, Edward VII. ½P, DENTED FRAME, wmk single CA; c.v.. £300, lightly toned
Philately. SG.10a, Edward VII. 2½P, DENTED FRAME; heavier hinges, c.v.. £400
Philately. SG.13a, Edward VII. 4P, DENTED FRAME; VF, c.v.. £800
Philately. SG.15a, Edward VII. 1Sh violet and green, DENTED FRAME; very fine, c.v.. £950
Philately. SG.35, Edward VII. 4P brown and blue with overprint 2½P; fine stamp, only lightly hinged, exp. A. Diena, Th. Champion and A. Brunn; c.v.. £1.800
Philately. SG.135-147, George VI. - Motives ¼P - 10Sh; complete set hinged, c.v.. £90
Philately. SG.27ab, Victoria (De La Rue) 1d carmine with plate variety - TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED; very fine, hinged, c.v.. £600
Philately. SG.110s-121s, George VI. - Coat of arms ½d - £1, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; highest values 10Sh and £1 **, c.v.. £425
Philately. SG.17b, pair Victoria 6P violet, wmk CC, perf 14; very fine pair with original gum, c.v.. £500++
Philately. SG.113s-124s, George V. - Landscape ½P - 10Sh; complete set with perf SPECIMEN, hinged, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.128a-141, George VI. - Portraits and motives ½P - £1; complete long set, mainly hinged, 2½d with upper margin, c.v.. £80
Philately. SG.149-159, George VI. local motives ½P - £1; XF, c.v.. £60
Philately. SG.2, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28; very fine selection of Victoria (De La Rue), incl. overprint provisional; c.v.. £800, stamp 2½P brown is rare (exp. Diena)
Philately. SG.68s-77s, George VI. - Motives ½d - £1, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; mint never hinged, minor gum faults, c.v.. £300
Philately. SG.F7, F8 NEVIS - postally fiscal stamps 4P and 6P and SG.R3-36 ST. CHRISTOPHER (KITTS) - postally fiscal stamps in/at complete set 1P-1Sh; very fine, c.v.. £160
Philately. SG.246-256, George VI. - Motives 1c - $4,80; complete set mint never hinged, 4x marginal resp. corner piece, c.v.. £130+
Philately. SG.95-114c, George VI. ¼P-1£; luxury series, some also on chalky paper, c.v.. £375
Philately. SG.95s-114s, George VI. ¼P - £1; complete set with perf SPECIMEN; hinged, c.v.. £850
Philately. SG.112b+bb, George VI. 5Sh, right marginal horizontal pair, left stamp with RETOUCHED VALUE TABLET; rare, c.v.. £1.235
Philately. BRITISH OCCUPATION / SG.S10-S20, S21-S31, two complete overprint sets 5c - 5Sh, overprints B.M.A. SOMALIA and B.A. SOMALIA; mint never hinged, c.v.. £85, sought
Philately. SG.131-150a, George VI. - Motives 1C- £1, set of 15 stamps, incl. some better variants; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. £360
Philately. SG.131-150b, George VI. Motives 1C - £1, interesting selection of 51 stamps, specialised on varieties perf and shades, basic set + i.a. SG.134c, 139a, 141a, 148a, 150a, 150ab etc..; overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. £1.500, rare selection
Philately. SG.131s-150s, George VI. - Motives 1C- £1; complete popular set with perforation SPECIMEN, hinged, c.v.. £1.000, VF and rare
Philately. SG.135+135a, horizontal pair George VI. - Lake Naivasha 10c, right stamp with MOUNTAIN RETOUCH; mint never hinged, c.v.. £110+
Philately. SG.167-180, Elizabeth II. - Motives 5c - £1, complete set, supplemented with SG.169a, end £1 brown red also rarer venetian red; mainly hinged, c.v.. £235
Philately. SG.183-198, Elizabeth II. - Fauna and flora 5c - 20Sh, complete set; c.v.. £70
Philately. SG.7, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P orange vermilion, early impression, large margins; small reparation, otherwise attractive stamp, certificates BPA (purple) and The Philatelic Foundation New York, c.v. £8.000
Philately. SG.23, Red Mauritius POST PAID, 1P latest impression; G-F, c.v.. £6.500
Philately. SG.32+38, cut square with 2P LAPIROT (intermediate impression) + 6P Britannia blue; very fine, with certificate BPA, rare
Philately. SG.41, Dardenne 1P deep red, round cancel. PAID; very nice piece with certificate Alcuri, c.v.. £2.500
Philately. SG.43a, Dardenne 1P blue, round dumb postmark.; fine piece, exp. Buhler, c.v.. £1.100
Philately. SG.276-290, George VI. - Motives 1c - 10Rp; complete mint never hinged set, c.v.. £80
Philately. SG.1-8, Victoria 2c - 96c, all DIE I; complete very fine set, hinged, c.v.. £200
Philately. SG.146, 146 George VI. 75C and 1Rp; very fine, c.v.. £245
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] collection Tanganyika and Tanzania on 28 pages, incl. issue Giraffes and George V., complete sets Fishes, Butterflies, also letters, officials, i.a. KUT OFFICIAL O1-12b on cut-squares cancel. Tanganyika; various quality, high catalogue value
Philately. SG.8j, Indian Victoria 2A6P yellow-green with defective overprint ZANZIDAR instead ZANZIBAR; very fine piece, c.d.s. ZANZIBAR 1.JA.96, rare stamp with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £1.500
Philately. SG.32-34, 3x overprint Victoria 1 Ann ZANZIBAR with additional overprints 2½P in RED colors, types 3, 4, 5; very fine, exp. Diena, c.v.. £1.000
Philately. SG.120w, George V. - Sloni 1Sh violet / black, INVERTED wmk Mult Crown CA; hinged, c.v.. £190
Philately. SG.32a, Edward VII. £1 green and violet, wmk multiple CA, chalky paper; very fine, c.v.. £350
Philately. SG.34s-45s, George V. - Motives ½P - £1, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; hinged, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.49-59, George VI. local motives ½P-5Sh; complete set, 2P minor faults, otherwise fine, c.v.. £75
Philately. SG.69-80, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½d - £1, complete set; 3d minor gum fault, otherwise mint never hinged, 1x marginal piece, c.v.. £100
Philately. SG.1-9, Victoria ½P - 10Sh SPECIMEN; complete set, some toned, c.v.. £225
Philately. SG.20-27, Edward VII. ½P - 2Sh6P, selection of 19 stamps, complete set supplemented with stamp on chalky paper, i.a. SG.25a, 26a and 27a; overall fine
Philately. SG.2, Victoria 6P grey lilac, without watermark; F, c.v.. £300
Philately. SG.127, 127a, George V. 10Sh red and green and carmine and blue-green, wmk Mult Crown CA; very fine, c.v.. £280
Philately. SG.167, George V. Palms £1; very fine c.v.. £180
Philately. SG.188-200, George VI. - Motives ½d - £1; complete set, mainly mint never hinged, cheap 5d small spots, very fine, c.v.. £140
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection in stockbook A4, from SG.7, divided according to issues, incl. better values, colors and perf; part various quality, overall interesting, we advice examination, sought destination!
Philately. SG.10-20, ½P - 3Sh incl. rare SG.11d 1P grey-black / bright blue-green; very fine, c.v.. £470
Philately. SG.38-47, George VI. local motives ½P-10Sh; complete set of 16 values incl. SG. 39a, 39d etc., very fine, some with better perf 14, c.v.. £275++
Philately. SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. - local motives ½d - 10Sh; mint never hinged, value 3d minor gum fault, c.v.. £150
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 pages, i.a. complete Landscape George V., then George VI. 13 stamps from the set with SG.42, QE II. SG.70-83 etc..; various quality, overall fine
Philately. SG.10, George V. 10Sh Crocodile, very fine highest value, c.v.. £225
Philately. SG.18-28, George VI. - Crocodiles ½d - 10Sh; mint never hinged, c.v.. £130, sought set
Philately. Barefoot.16, fiscal Edward VII. £1 with overprint BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE.; very fine high face-value, c.v.. Barefoot £75
Philately. SG.9, 55, two Brit. Victoria JUBILEE ½P with overprint BRITISH BECHUANALAND and ditto in addition with overprint PROTECTORATE; very nice, c.v.. £300
Philately. SG.118-128, George VI. / Buvoli ½P - 10Sh; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. £110
Philately. SG.6a+18, Allegory 4P blue + 1P deep carmine red; value 4P exp. Buhler, c.v.. £415
Philately. SELECTION / 8 stamps issue Allegory, 1 value 1d, 3x 4d, 2x 6d, 2x 1Sh, various issues; various quality, margins etc., viewing of quality recommended
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] KG VI. / interesting collection on 9 pages Stanley Gibbons, various complete sets in pairs, as Motives, War effort, coronation etc., also better officials, postage-due etc..; mainly fine quality, part mint never hinged, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing
Philately. SG.29-30, Victoria Falls 2-3d, complete set in marginal or corner blocks of four; mint never hinged, c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.40-52, George VI. ½P - 5Sh; complete set hinged, c.v.. £85
Philately. SG.144s-157s, George VI. - Motives ½P - 20Sh, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; lightly hinged, c.v.. £600, as SPECIMEN rare set
Philately. SG.15-17, George V. 7Sh6P, 10Sh, 20Sh; sought highest values, very fine, c.v.. £700
Philately. SG.25-45, George VI. - Fauna ½P - 20Sh; complete long set, part mint never hinged, 2x marginal piece, c.v.. £250
Philately. SG.20, overprint Victoria 5Sh/6P orange; very fine, c.v.. £60
Philately. SG.131-140, George VI. ½P-10Sh; lightly hinged, c.v.. £140
Philately. SG.131s-140s, Coat of arms colony ½P - 10Sh, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; hinged, some minor spots, c.v.. £600, as SPECIMEN rare set
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] small selection of several sets and stamps, i.a. George V. Fregate in Jamestown to 5Sh, Jubilee, Wedding, Elizabeth II. 1961; part minor faults, cat. min. 320EUR
Philately. SG.28-38a, George VI. ½P - 10Sh; complete set, mainly hinged, c.v.. £95
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook from SG.1 and forerunners (on reverse), sets George V., George VI., Elizabeth II., local motives, souvenir sheets, blocks of four, official, attractive motives; mostly more times, sought destination, cat. min. £3.500
Philately. SG.1-12, George VI. - Motives ½d - 10Sh with overprint TRISTAN DA CUNHA; complete mint never hinged set, value 1Sh with lower margin, c.v.. £140
Philately. SG.1-12, George VI. - Motives ½P - 10Sh; complete set, c.v.. £140
Philately. SG.28-41, Elizabeth II. - Sea life ½d - 10Sh; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. £75
Philately. SG.71-84b, Elizabeth II. - Ships ½d - £1, complete set; popular motive
Philately. SG.281, Victoria Diamond Jubilee 2Sh6P, surtax stamp; hinged, bend, for this issue usual, c.v.. £250, rare
Philately. SG.10, Victoria 6P slate-blue, local print; very fine piece, c.v.. £200
Philately. SG.97 Victoria 6P indigo, wmk Large Star, perf 10; very fine piece, c.v.. £750
Philately. SELECTION / 11 pcs of Large formats Victoria 3P - 5Sh, issue 1902-1912, contains i.a. SG.289, 290 and 305; overall fine
Philately. SG.32a, 41, 41a, 42-45, 45a, 63, 67, 70, 70a, 71, 70b,c; selection of 19 stamps Victoria 1P-6P issue Samuel Calvert, from various issues with wmk also without, imperforated also Rouletted, paper normal also laid, stamp 6P SG.32a is rare and in catalogue undervalued; various quality
Philately. SG.121-123, Southern Cross 2d-6d, complete airmail set in blocks of four; mint never hinged, c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.196-199, Imperil forces 1d-6d, complete set in blocks of four, from that 1x in marginal and 1x in corner; mint never hinged, c.v.. £200
Philately. SG.224b-224d, Coat of arms 10Sh, £1, £2, with overprint SPECIMEN; VF, c.v.. £340
Philately. N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS / SG.78w, Kangaroo 6P ultramarine, wmk INVERTED; c.v.. £325, VF
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used modern stamps in 30-pages stockbook A4
Philately. SG.36, Lakatoi 1Sh black / orange, horiz. position of watermark; very fine piece, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.48, 58, 65, 82, Lakatoi 1Sh and 2Sh6P; selection of 4 highest values, c.v.. £275
Philately. SG.59-61, 54, 71, Lakatoi 1Sh perf 11, 1Sh perf 12½, ½P,1P, 2P perf 11; fine, all with RIFT IN CLOUDS, c.v.. £370
Philately. SG.O26, O30, O45, O66, O66a, Official Lakatoi with perfins and overprints O.S., i.a. 4 rare highest values 1Sh and 2Sh6P; c.v.. ca. £550
Philately. SG.D2-D6, postage-due overprint 1P-3Sh, ** only cheap 3P green *, c.v.. £115
Philately. SG.33, Victoria Chalon Head 1P orange-vermilion; fine, c.v.. £1.000
Philately. SG.671+671a, Peace 3d, upper marginal vertical pair, bottom stamp COMPLETED RUDDER + also with SWA, SG.137, Silver Jubilee 3d, block of four with plate variety - dot on forehead King on 1 stamp.; mint never hinged, interesting
Philately. SG.F191-203, comp. of 10 values, postally fiscal stamps Coat of arms 1Sh3P - £1; very fine, c.v.. £539
Philately. SG.F198, postally fiscal Coat of arms 7Sh6P olive grey; very fine, c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.F202, postally fiscal Coat of arms 15Sh sage-green; lightly hinged, very fine, c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.F205w, postally fiscal Coat of arms 30Sh brown, wmk inverted; lightly hinged, c.v.. £500
Philately. SG.F206, postally fiscal Coat of arms £2 violet; small hinge ramnant, c.v.. £225
Philately. SG.F207, postally fiscal Coat of arms £2 10Sh red; very fine, mint never hinged, c.v.. £600
Philately. SG.F210, postal revenue Coat of arms £4 light blue; XF, c.v.. £350
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND / OCEANIA / collection / selection in two full stockbooks A4, small part classic period, mainly incomplete sets, part motives etc.
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION / AUSTRALIA / NEW ZEALAND / small used collection on pages Schaubek, supplemented with mainly used duplication in 5 various stockbooks, from classic period, mostly more times; various quality
Philately. SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½d - £1, without additionally issued £1; mint never hinged and sought, c.v.. ca. £130
Philately. Mi.25-38, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½P/½d - 50P/10Sh, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. 150EUR
Philately. SG.G26-G40, Elizabeth II. - Ships, ½P - £1; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. £225
Philately. SG.146-163, George VI. - Motives ½d - £1; complete set hinged, SG.155 minor bends, c.v.. £475
Philately. SG.172-185, George VI. - Motives ½d - £1, complete set; hinged, c.v.. £190
Philately. Reg letter to Germany, with Victoria 6P, SG.3, CDS FALKLAND ISLANDS NO.16.1896, transit REGISTERED LONDON; vertical bend in the middle, rare letter, cat. min. £850
Philately. SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P - £1, face values complete set, without additionally issued £1; mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. £190
Philately. SG.1-8, George VI. - Motives ½d-2Sh6d; complete mint never hinged set, highest value 2Sh6d with upper margin, c.v.. £75
Philately. SG.18b-33, George VI. - Motives 1p-10Rs; complete mint never hinged set, 2x marginal piece, c.v.. £250, sought set
Philately. SG.O1-O14, official George V. 3P - 10R with overprint SERVICE; complete rare set, hinged, 9P with upper margin, 5R light bend, otherwise very fine, c.v.. £1.000
Philately. SG.O28-O40, official George VI. - Portraits and motives 3P - 10R with overprint SERVICE; complete set, values 3P - 4A mint never hinged, c.v.. £80
Philately. SG.O41-O53, Official George VI. 3P - 10R with overprint SERVICE; complete set, lightlyhinged, 1x production bend in paper, c.v.. £225
Philately. SG.79-85, Coat of arms 3P - 1R, complete set, incl. 2A deep brown; very fine, 1A, 2A and 4A - 1R superb with gum mint never hinged, others issued without gum, c.v.. £110
Philately. SG.100-107, Indic George VI. ½A - 25R; overall fine, c.v.. £700, rare!
Philately. SG.108-120, George VI. 3P-14A with overprint CHAMBA; complete set, hinged, c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.85c, Kerala Varma II. 1A brown-orange, wmk Umbrella; part original gum, tiny thin, overall fine, c.v.. £3.000, scarce stamp!
Philately. SG.O54a, O55a, O56a, O56b, O56d, selection of 5 service stamps Ravi Varma on unissued stamp with overprint ON CGS, type O10; very fine, c.v.. ca. £180, SG. O56b is rare
Philately. PC ½A violet uprated with stamp 3A green, SG.63 with mailing CDS SAWAI JAIPUR 24.Mar.44; good condition
Philately. SG.127-136, George VI. 3P - 25R with overprint JIND; complete set, end 2R - 25R mint never hinged!, c.v.. £375
Philately. SG.92-97, George VI. 1R - 25Rs with overprint PATIALA STATE; nice selection of 6 highest values, c.v.. ca. £560
Philately. SG.7C, Bundi 1R brown with hand-made blue overprint; very fine, c.v.. £250, from old collection, rare occurrence!
Philately. SG.14, Victoria 1A deep red, on paper with wmk Coat of arms; very fine piece without usual thins, c.v.. £275, sought classic stamp
Philately. SG.265-277, George VI. 3p - 14A; complete set, XF
Philately. SG.O132-O138, Official George VI. ½a - 10R; complete set, hinged, 2R light bend, otherwise very fine, c.v.. £80
Philately. SG.O140-O150, official George VI. 3ps-8A; complete set, mainly hinged
Philately. SG.12c, Coat of arms Labuan 3C with overprint BRUNEI TWO CENTS, in inscription LABUAN is plate variety LINE TROUGH B; very fine printing error, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.18a, Coat of arms Labuan 12C with overprint BRUNEI FOUR CENTS, in inscription LABUAN is plate variety LINE TROUGH B; very fine printing error, c.v.. £350
Philately. SG.18a, Coat of arms Labuan 16C with overprint BRUNEI TEN CENTS, in inscription LABUAN is plate variety LINE TROUGH B; very fine printing error, c.v.. £450
Philately. SG.122, Edward VII. £100 violet / green and yellow with wmk Crown CA; very fine high value, with original gum, only lightly hinged, signed and certificate Herbert Bloch, c.v.. £22.000, scarce stamp!
Philately. SG.133-147, Sultan Ismail 1c - £5; long set, VF, missing only additionally issued value 30c, c.v.. £160
Philately. SG.155-165, Sultan Izmael - Motives, 1c - $5, complete set, 10c marginal piece; mint never hinged, c.v.. £70
Philately. SG.42-62, Coat of arms 1c - $5, set as usual without additional 30c (1955); 2x light tonning, mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. £130
Philately. SG.23, Sloni 1$ green / light green; very fine piece, c.v.. £475, often missing in collections!
Philately. SG.29s-46s, Abu Bakar 1c - $5, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; mainly hinged, c.v.. £500, rare set
Philately. SG.53-73, Abu Bakar 1C - £5; complete mint never hinged set supplemented with 11 stamps, various shades, 2x marginal piece, c.v.. £212+
Philately. SG.44-54, Elizabeth II. - Motives 1c-$5, complete set; value 20c hinged, c.v.. £70
Philately. SG.103s-121s, Sultan Iskandar 1c - $5, complete long set with perf SPECIMEN; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £650
Philately. SG.7-27, Seyd Putra 1c-5$, long mint never hinged set, as usual missing only additionally issued value 30c, c.v.. £190
Philately. SG.146-149, Centenary 8C - $1, complete set in blocks of four; c.v.. £100+
Philately. SG.171-185, George VI. - Motives 1C - $5; complete set in fine quality, c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.68s-85s, Mosque and Sultan Suleiman 1c-$5, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; mainly hinged, c.v.. £500, rare usage
Philately. SG.90-110, Sultan Hisamuddin 1c - $5, long mint never hinged set, as usual missing only additionally issued value 30c; c.v.. £120
Philately. SG.67-87, Sultan Ismail 1c - $5, complete set mint never hinged, missing only additionally issued value 30c; c.v.. £180
Philately. SG.123a, Coat of arms $5 with provisional overprints 4 CENTS, rare color dull purple + SG.124, Coat of arms $10 with provisional overprint 4 CENTS; 1x toned, c.v.. £485
Philately. SG.320-334, 50. Anniv British North Borneo Company 1c - $5 with overprint BMA; VF, c.v.. £275
Philately. SG.335s-349s, Local motives 1c - $5, with overprint G VI R, complete set with perf SPECIMEN; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £325
Philately. SG.356-370, George VI. - Motives 1c - $10, complete set incl. both types of values 50c; cheap 3c brown tooth, otherwise very fine, c.v.. £140
Philately. Reg letter to Hongkong, franked with issues Motives 1c - 24c, SG.66-79, CDS SANDAKAN, on reverse arrival HONGKONG; good condition, rare
Philately. SG.169a-170a, George VI. - Victory 30c-$1, complete set, both stamps with plate variety - EXTRA STROKE; mint never hinged, c.v.. £300, rare
Philately. SG.171+171a, Silver Jubilee 10c violet, UR corner blk-of-4, left bottom stamp with plate variety - SPUR ON N; hinge in margin, stamps mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. £110
Philately. SG.188a, Elizabeth II. $1,30 blue / red, left lower corner piece with plate number 1 and plate variety - SHORT THI; mint never hinged, c.v.. £200+
Philately. SG.F11, postage revenue Victoria $2 bluish green ONE DOLLAR; fine, c.v.. £300
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of used also mint stamps on 5 pages in stockbook A4, from issue Victoria - Elizabeth II., incl. several middle values, complete SG.163-168, stamp duty etc.
Philately. SG.16-27, George VI. - Motives ½a-10Rs; complete mint never hinged set, value ½a in 2 shades, 6x marginal piece, c.v.. £130+
Philately. SG.36-46, overprint George VI. - Motives 5c/1a - 10Sh/10R; complete set, cheap 5c/1a hinged, otherwise **, 50c/8a marginal piece, c.v.. £90
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] collection on 7 pages, contains i.a. complete SG.16-27, Seiyun SG.1-11, 20-27 etc..; various, mainly good quality, sought destination
Philately. SG.11a, Sultan Saleh - Landscape 5Rs with plate variety - EXTRA WALL; XF, c.v.. £350, sought plate flaw
Philately. SG.20-27, Sultan Saleh - Landscape 5c/1A - 5Sh/5Rs, with overprint values, wmk Mult Script CA; complete mint never hinged set
Philately. SG.20-27, Sultan Jafar - Landscape 5c/1a - 5Sh/5Rs, with overprint values, wmk Mult Script CA; complete mint never hinged set, c.v.. £55