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Great Britain and British Commonwealth
   Aden (5)  
   Antigua (8)   next (2)  
   Ascension (10)   next (14)  
   Australia (16)  
   Australian States (1)  
   Australian States: New South Wales (5)   next (18)  
   Australian States: Queensland (1)   next (7)  
   Australian States: South Australia (7)  
   Australian States: Tasmania (6)   next (20)   next (3)  
   Australian States: Victoria (8)  
   Australian States: Western Australia (7)  
   Bahamas (6)  
   Barbados (4)  
   Basutoland (2)  
   Bechuanaland (1)   next (7)  
   British Guiana (2)  
   British Honduras (6)  
   British Indian Ocean Territory (1)  
   British Levant: British Currency (1)  
   British Levant: Collections (1)  
   British Levant: Turkish Currency (1)  
   British Solomon Islands (3)   next (3)  
   British Virgin Islands (1)  
   Brunei (1)  
   Burma (7)  
   Burma: Japanese Occupation (1)  
   Cayman Islands (3)  
   Christmas Island (1)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: 1944-45 Overprints (3)   next (9)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: Collections (5)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: Graham Land (3)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: Issues from 1946 (4)   next (20)   next (4)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: Operation Tabarin (7)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia (8)   next (20)   next (20)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Georgia and S (6)  
   Falkland Islands Dependencies: South Shetlands (7)  
   Falkland Islands: 1914 Battle of the Falkland Isla (3)  
   Falkland Islands: 1929-37 'Whale and Penguin' (6)  
   Falkland Islands: 1933 Centenary (7)   next (11)  
   Falkland Islands: 1935 Silver Jubilee (4)  
   Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Argentine Forces (2)  
   Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, British Forces (1)  
   Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Civilian Mail (2)  
   Falkland Islands: 1982 Conflict, Various (2)  
   Falkland Islands: Airmails (7)   next (5)  
   Falkland Islands: Collections (6)   next (18)  
   Falkland Islands: Covers and Cancellations (6)   next (20)   next (20)   next (2)  
   Falkland Islands: Early Mail and Documents (7)  
   Falkland Islands: Formula Registered Envelopes (8)  
   Falkland Islands: Fox Bay (4)  
   Falkland Islands: King Edward VII Issues (2)   next (6)  
   Falkland Islands: King George V De La Rue Issues (14)   next (7)  
   Falkland Islands: King George VI Issues (5)   next (10)  
   Falkland Islands: Miscellaneous (2)   next (1)  
   Falkland Islands: New Island (1)  
   Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery (13)  
   Falkland Islands: Queen Elizabeth II Issues (10)   next (20)   next (20)   next (14)  
   Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Issued Stamps (19)   next (18)  
   Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Proofs and Specim (13)   next (1)  
   Gambia (6)  
   Gilbert and Ellice Islands (2)  
   Gilbert and Ellice Islands: Kiribati (4)  
   Gilbert and Ellice Islands: Tuvalu (1)  
   Hong Kong (16)   next (9)  
   Hong Kong: British Post Offices in China (1)  
   India (3)   next (20)   next (20)   next (20)   next (20)   next (1)  
   India used Abroad (1)  
   India: Rocket Mail (1)  
   India: Sind Province (2)  
   Indian Convention States (2)  
   Indian Convention States: Chamba (5)  
   Indian Convention States: Gwalior (3)  
   Indian Convention States: Jind (3)  
   Indian Convention States: Nabha (2)   next (1)  
   Indian Convention States: Patiala (3)  
   Indian Feudatory States (1)  
   Indian Feudatory States: Gujarat (1)  
   Indian Feudatory States: Jaipur (3)  
   Indian Feudatory States: Jammu and Kashmir (1)  
   Indian Feudatory States: Kashmir (1)  
   Indian Feudatory States: Travancore (1)  
   Indian Feudatory States: United Kingdom of Saurash (1)  
   Indian States (2)  
   Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika (5)  
   Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: British East Africa (7)   next (3)  
   Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Collections (8)  
   Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: East Africa and Ugan (3)  
   Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika: Kenya and Uganda (1)  
   Leeward Islands (11)  
   Malaya and States (6)   next (20)   next (5)  
   Malaya: British Military Administration (7)  
   Malayan States: Johore (2)  
   Malayan States: Kedah (1)  
   Malayan States: Kelantan (3)  
   Malayan States: Malacca (2)  
   Malayan States: Negri Sembilan: Negri Sembilan (1)  
   Malayan States: Pahang (1)  
   Malayan States: Penang (5)  
   Malayan States: Perak (1)  
   Malayan States: Selangor (1)  
   Malayan States: Trengganu (2)  
   Malaysia (2)  
   Malaysia: Federated Malay States (3)  
   Malaysia: Japanese Occupation (2)  
   Malaysia: Singapore (13)   next (1)  
   Malaysia: Straits Settlements (12)  
   Mauritius (7)  
   Nauru (2)  
   New Zealand (18)   next (20)   next (3)  
   Nigeria (2)  
   Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate (1)  
   Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Oil Rivers (6)  
   Nigeria: Niger Coast Protectorate: Protectorate Is (3)  
   Nigeria: Niger Company Territories (1)  
   Nigeria: Northern Nigeria (2)  
   Nigeria: Southern Nigeria (1)  
   North Borneo (7)  
   Nyasaland (4)   next (1)  
   Papua (2)  
   Rhodesia (6)   next (1)  
   Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia (6)  
   Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia (4)  
   Saint Helena (15)  
   Saint Kitts-Nevis (2)  
   Saint Lucia (1)  
   Saint Vincent (1)  
   Seychelles (3)  
   Sierra Leone (7)   next (14)  
   Somaliland (6)  
   South Africa (2)   next (5)   next (20)   next (20)   next (20)   next (20)  
   South Africa: Cape of Good Hope (8)  
   South Africa: Natal (1)  
   South Africa: Orange Free State (1)  
   South Africa: South African War 1899-1902 (2)  
   South Africa: South African War 1899-1902: British (1)  
   South Africa: Transvaal (2)  
   Swaziland (2)  
   Tanganyika (4)  
   The Nigerias (3)  
   Trinidad (1)  
   Trinidad and Tobago (2)  
   Trinidad and Tobago: Tobago (2)  
   Tristan da Cunha (1)  
   Uganda (3)   next (1)  
   Zanzibar (1)   next (2)

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