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Germany and German Colonies
   DANZIG (1)  
   GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China (6)  
   GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in the Turkish Empi (2)  
   GERMAN COLONIES Marshall Islands
      Postal Stationery (1)  
   GERMAN STATES Bavaria (1)  
   GERMAN STATES Prussia (1)  
   GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Albania (3)   Semi-Postals (1)  
   GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propa (1)   Postal Stationery (1)  
   GERMANY (1)   (3)   Air Post (5)   Air Post Semi-Officials (2)   Dornier Do X Flights (2)   Postal Stationery (1)   Semi-Postals (3)   Zeppelin Flights (5)  
   GERMANY German Democratic Republic (D.D.R) (1)  
Lot 1 EUR 5,000
Soviet Zone - magnificent special collection in five large thick stock books with numerous rarely issues. Many colours, paper types and so on including an abundant part city Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania very represented strongly, a good part East Saxons, country Saxony abundant, Thuringia v (page)
Lot 1B EUR 1,000
German Reich - very interesting and extensive special collection the issues pennies/penny and crown/eagle in two Lindner ring binder clean made up with inscription. As well enormously many expertized issues, colours, various paper types, interesting frankings, various use forms and so on, slightly m (page)
Lot 1C EUR 200
Soviet Zone - interesting lot in the letter album, on stock cards, as well mounted on pages. As well a comprehensive part hand stamp, as well also various philatelic covers with postmaster separations and so on please have a look!

SBZ - interessante Partie im Briefalbum, auf Einsteckkarten, sowie (page)

Lot 1E EUR 2,000
German Reich - very interesting and high quality inventory in 3 plastic boxes from the breast shields to the Third Reich with a lot of better issues, with also many expertized values, some with photo attests. Included are also a great many better issues Weimar and Third Reich, Zeppelin value, Intern (page)
Lot 2F EUR 1,000
German Reich - 1872/1945, vast collection in two lighthouse hingeless illustrated albums, as well lies the main value on of the Weimar Republic and the third Reich including many better sets, wood-pigeon 1924 mint never hinged with photo certificate "the quality is perfect" Hans Dieter Schlegel BPP, (page)
Lot 2G EUR 1,000
German Reich - 1872/1945, extensive used collection in two Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder, slightly mixed condition, with much perfect material and numerous better issues from the breast shields to the Third Reich, with also expertized values, many inflation period issues, Weimar includi (page)
Lot 4D EUR 1,000
German Reich - 1872/1945, vast collection, frequently twice collected in six Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder, many better issues, right up to key values, a few problematic cancel were not calculated. Included are also all Zeppelin series, all souvenir sheets including charity souvenir s (page)
Lot 4E EUR 1,000
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - vast collection in 23 Lindner T hingeless ring binder, twice collected. As well are the first issues from Federal Republic of Germany complete is existing mint never hinged/unused including posthorn set, as well also the used issues, in addition to it a rich coll (page)
Lot 5U EUR 500
German Reich - extensive inventory se-tenants from Germania in a ring binder, mainly issues of the third Reich including Wagner, winter help work issues, Hindenburg and so on. A large amount of material and enormous catalog value!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltiger Bestand Zusammendrucke ab Germania (page)

Lot 5W EUR 400
Allied occupation - extensive inventory from approximate 130 numerals stamp booklet, mainly in perfect condition mint never hinged, partly small defects, in a ring binder. Included are many variety, mixed border bars note and so on. An extraordinary object with enormous catalogue value!


Lot 6S EUR 1,000
Saxony - interesting and extensive special collection in a ring binder clean made up, slightly mixed condition, with numerous superb and extremely fine copies. The Saxony 3 Pfennige red is unfortunately only as forgery included. The following issues very well-staffed, with also a comprehensive part (page)
Lot 6T EUR 200
Army postal service - interesting collection army postal service from the German French war 1870/71 in a ring binder with inscription mounted. As well better documents, good cancel, predominantly Prussian army postal service, as well also Bavarian army postal service and so on an attractive object!< (page)
Lot 6U EUR 500
German Reich - a magnificent special collection Rheinland occupation with many rarely documents in the ring binder formed, all Palatinate places. As well scarce telegram covers, decrees, numerous telegrams with historic interesting contents and so on an unique collection!

DEUTSCHES REICH - eine gr (page)

Lot 8F EUR 5,000
German Reich - 1872/1945, a very nice and neat collection, mainly mint never hinged formed in the Lindner album, with also breast shield stamps, Germania-time including mark values outstanding occupies, besides a strong part Weimar Republic with expensive sets, South America flight 1930, Internation (page)
Lot 8G EUR 300
German army postal service II. World war - nice collection the fieldpost stamps of the II. World war including better issues, partly expertized with sought-after island post values, Tunis small package stamp, as well also the Courland set. A beautiful object!


Lot 8P EUR 500
French Zone - nice mint never hinged collection on Lindner hingeless preprinted pages, in the main numbers completely, also the Constance II twice signed Schlegel BPP. Besides also a nice part housing brands including Michel number 1.

FRANZÖSISCHE ZONE - schöne postfr. Sammlung auf Lindner-Falzlos (page)

Lot 8Q EUR 500
Allied occupation/American/British Zone - extensive mint never hinged collection on Lindner pages with mounts with plenty of better issues, including buildings sets, volume and net pattern overprint with better values, indeed it is only with old signs, therefore not calculated, although surely very (page)
Lot 8R EUR 800
New Saar - 1947/59, nice collection, almost exclusively mint never hinged formed in the spring back binder, with also 2-60 Pfg. "white it paper", initial printing set except for 10 Fr. Complete (3 Fr. Mint never hinged with photo certificate Ney BPP), flood souvenir sheet pair and so on. A beautiful (page)
Lot 8S EUR 100
German local issue - nice collection on Lindner hingeless preprinted pages, many mint never hinged issues, complete sets, souvenir sheets and so on.

DEUTSCHE LOKALAUSGABEN - saubere Sammlung auf Lindner-Falzlos-Vordruckblättern, dabei viele postfr. Ausgaben, komplette Serien, Blocks usw. (page)

Lot 9M EUR 2,000
French Zone - magnificent exhibition special collection in 10 safe ring binder, mainly with inscription mounted, thereby many interesting and better documents, taxe precu, censored mail, many attractive frankings, mixed use forms, single- and multiple franking, post check covers, better postal stati (page)
Lot 9S EUR 200
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - rich collection covers, cards and First Day Cover with main value on the issues from Berlin in two ring binder, as well a nice part bells frankings. Please have a look!

BUND/BERLIN - reichhaltige Sammlung Briefe, Karten und FDC mit Hauptwert auf den Ausgaben vo (page)

Lot 10M EUR 200
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - extensive inventory on stock cards with numerous issues of the early years, as well better values, early welfare issues and so on. Treasure trove!

BUND/BERLIN - reichhaltiger Bestand auf Einsteckkarten mit zahlreichen Ausgaben der Anfangsjahre, dabei bessere We (page)

Lot 10T EUR 200
Soviet Zone - rich collection specialized formed in the Lighthouse-Ringbinder with useful issues, numerous special feature, varieties, unperforated values, souvenir sheets and so on, mixed quality. Please check carefully!

SBZ - reichhaltige Sammlung spezialisiert zusammengetragen im Leuchtturm-Rin (page)

Lot 11N EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - interesting lot, as well Berlin with useful early values, Federal Republic of Germany covers from the fifties and so on please have a look!

BUND/BERLIN - interessante Partie, dabei Berlin mit besseren Anfangswerten, Bund Briefe aus den fünfziger Jahren etc. Bit (page)

Lot 11R EUR 150
BADEN/Wuerttemberg - extensive lot covers and postal stationery in the box, almost exclusively Wuerttemberg from the pre-philately onwards, as well numerous documents from the Pfennig period. Treasure trove!

BADEN/WÜRTTEMBERG - reichhaltige Partie Briefe und Ganzsachen im Karton, fast ausschließli (page)

Lot 11S EUR 1,000
New Saar - 1947/59, neat mint never hinged collection, complete with all issued postage stamps in the Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder. Also the scarce initial printing set (Michel number 226/38 I), the flood souvenir sheet pair, all welfare sets, Council of Europe, official stamps and so (page)
Lot 11W EUR 200
Allied occupation/American/British Zone - nice mint never hinged collection on Lindner hingeless preprinted pages, with also the help for the aged souvenir sheet pair, 2 Pfg. -5 DM buildings wide perforated, 2 Pfg. -1 DM buildings close perforated, export fair souvenir sheet and so on. Favorable!


Lot 12Q EUR 600
Postwar Germany - nice mint never hinged collection of the area Soviet Zone, French Zone and American/British Zone in the hingeless printed form ring binder. Also the good 52 values numeral with volume and net pattern overprint expertized Schlegel BPP. A maintained object!


Lot 13G EUR 7,000
German Reich - enormously inventory from predominantly breast shield issues in a ring binder with plenty of better issues often multiple, mixed quality, thereby also first day postmark, many better values, often multiple, colours, shades, as well followed by anymore island post. A most interesting i (page)
Lot 14 EUR 100
German Reich/North German Postal District - interesting lot on stock pages, mixed quality, with superb pieces, as well numerous breast shield stamps, interesting cancel and so on please have a look!

DEUTSCHES REICH/NDP - interessante Partie auf Einsteckblättern, unterschiedliche Erhaltung, mit Pra (page)

Lot 14A EUR 150
Bavaria - interesting lot in a ring binder from of the Kreuzer period, mixed quality, with superb pieces, as well interesting documents, various cancel and so on. Treasure trove!

BAYERN - interessante Partie im Ringbinder ab der Kreuzerzeit, unterschiedliche Erhaltung, mit Prachtstücken, dabei int (page)

Lot 14B EUR 300
German Reich - interesting and extensive special collection of the issue crown/eagle in a large stockbook, as well numerous specialties, block of four, gutters, cancel, perfins, different frankings and so on, slightly mixed condition. An extraordinary object!

DEUTSCHES REICH - interessante und rei (page)

Lot 14C EUR 200
German Reich - interesting collection Germania issues in a ring binder, as well better documents, good single frankings, various postage steps and use forms and so on

DEUTSCHES REICH - interessante Sammlung Germania-Ausgaben im Ringbinder, dabei bessere Belege, gute Einzelfrankaturen, verschiedene (page)

Lot 14D EUR 250
German Reich/stamp booklet - nice lot of 12 stamp booklet in a ring binder with useful issues, as well winter help work, help in need and so on, often in good condition, partly defects. Please have a look! Michel approximate 2300,- €.

DEUTSCHES REICH/MARKENHEFTCHEN - schöne Partie von 12 Mark (page)

Lot 14J EUR 350
German Reich - interesting mint never hinged special lot of the issue SA/SS 1945 in a ring binder, as well numerous complete sets perforated and cut, multiples and so on Michel approximate 5000,- €.

DEUTSCHES REICH - interessante postfr. Spezialpartie der Ausgabe SA/SS 1945 im Ringbinder, dab (page)

Lot 14S EUR 150
German Reich - extensive collection from predominantly covers and cards, almost all from the German Reich in the thick large ring binder, with also detailed censored mail, interesting cancel, army postal service and so on treasure trove!

DEUTSCHES REICH - umfangreiche Kollektion von vorwiegend Bri (page)

Lot 14T EUR 150
German Reich - extensive lot covers and cards, as well as some letter pieces the breast shield issues, mixed quality, in a ring binder, as well better documents. Please have a look!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltige Partie Briefe und Karten, sowie einige Briefstücke der Brustschildausgaben, unterschi (page)

Lot 14Y EUR 600
German post offices in the Turkish Empire - extraordinary lot of approximate 120 cards and letters the military mission in the Turkey with many rarely documents, sought-after cancel, navy ship´s mail, picture postcards, incoming mail and so on. In this richness rare offered!


Lot 16Y EUR 600
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - comprehensive holding collections and lots in 29 albums, mostly illustrated albums, as well Federal Republic of Germany with many good issues of the early years partly multiple including helper the mankind sets, St. Mary´s Church and so on, also numerous miniatur (page)
Lot 17 EUR 800
German Reich - interesting and comprehensive holding collections and lots in seven large albums and stock books with numerous issues from the years 1872/1945, many better issues, from the breast shields to the Third Reich, numerous complete sets, souvenir sheets and so on including Chicago travel 19 (page)
Lot 19A EUR 1,000
German local issue - magnificent inventory collections and lots in 10 albums and stock books with plenty of better issues, overprint values, many complete sets, special feature, expertized issues, covers, varieties and so on a great stock!

DEUTSCHE LOKALAUSGABEN - großartiger Bestand Sammlungen un (page)

Lot 20F EUR 100
German Reich - extensive inventory in the box, as well a sheets album with inflation sheet and parts of sheets (partly stuck), as well numerous fieldpost service letters from the I. World war in six letter albums. Please have a look!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltiger Bestand im Karton, dabei ein Bog (page)

Lot 20R EUR 150
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - extensive inventory with only issues from the fifties, all in glassine-bags in larger numbers of pieces, from an American dealers stock, as well numerous special- and commemorative issues and so on huge catalogue value!

BUND/BERLIN - reichhaltiger Bestand mit n (page)

Lot 35 EUR 600
Postwar Germany - very interesting and comprehensive holding with approximate 1000 covers, cards and postal stationery with many better documents, interesting frankings, focal point before 1960, also many documents to the United States used, various use forms, postage steps, Federal Republic of Germ (page)
Lot 35C EUR 500
German Reich - very interesting and extensive inventory from covers and cards, predominantly from the German Reich in 20 letter albums, thereby many interesting documents, from breast shield to the Third Reich, different frankings, rural postal service postmark, railway mail, propaganda and so on. A (page)
Lot 35G EUR 200
German Reich/Bavaria - very nice lot of 70 attractive documents, as well good private postal stationery, early special cancel, interesting topics, nice picture postcards and further special feature. Perfect for liquidation on the internet and so on

DEUTSCHES REICH/BAYERN - sehr schöne Partie von 7 (page)

Lot 35H EUR 80
German army postal service I. World war - interesting lot of approximate 50 fieldpost card from November 1918 to February 1919 during demobilisation and Return the militaries, all with town cancellations from the territory of the German Reich. An extraordinary lot!


Lot 38 EUR 150
German Reich/inflation - very nice special collection of the Billions provisional 1923 (Michel number 331), almost exclusively mint never hinged, very fine mounted on pages made up with detailed inscription. As well overprint variety, numerous OPD prints, complete original sheets and so on (by this (page)
Lot 39 EUR 200
German Reich/inflation - nice special collection the official stamps from of the inflation period in the spring back binder with inscription mounted, mostly mint never hinged, as well sought specialties such as overprint variety, inverted overprints, complete original sheets, house order numbers and (page)
Lot 42 EUR 800
Hamburg - interesting and extensive collection, mainly used collected, condition varies, with superb and extremely fine copies. With also four examples of the Michel number 1 including an used value, the following issues partly multiple with colours, shades, different cancel and so on an attractive (page)

Lot 44 EUR 800
Luebeck - interesting collection in the ring binder very fine made up, slightly mixed condition, with superb pieces, as well better values the unperforated and perforated issues, colours, shades and so on an attractive object with very high catalogue value!

LÜBECK - interessante Kollektion im Ring (page)

Lot 50 EUR 2,500
Allied occupation/American/British Zone - neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in the Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. As well allied occupation including help for the aged souvenir sheet pair, American/British Zone with first issue of stamps for Germany aft (page)
Lot 54 EUR 500
French Zone - very nice and neat mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely in the Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. Included are naturally also all postal stamps, red cross sets, all souvenir sheets and so on furthermore also the scarce 30 Pfg. Constance II from the le (page)
Lot 55 EUR 600
New Saar - 1947/59, very nice mint never hinged collection, in the main numbers completely, clean and neat in the Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder including flood souvenir sheet pair, all welfare sets, Council of Europe, Day of the Postage Stamp, the postal stamps, official stamps set an (page)
Lot 65 EUR 3,000
German Reich - 1872/1945, enormously vast collection, mainly in good condition, going through used collected in two thick ring binder on hingeless preprinted pages, partly also anymore specialized including colour shades and so on as well a comprehensive part breast shields with a lot of better issu (page)
Lot 69 EUR 300
Soviet Zone - rich collection in the Lindner ring binder, as well numerous complete sets, better issues, Leipzig fair souvenir sheet 1946 with special cancel, the Leipzig large fair souvenir sheet in the corresponding protective cover, Goethe souvenir sheet 1949 and so on favorable!

SBZ - reichhal (page)

Lot 98 EUR 300
BADEN - rich collection mounted on pages with plenty of better issues, mixed quality, with superb and extremely fine copies, with also colours, shades, different cancel and so on. A beautiful object! Michel approximate 5600,- €.

BADEN - reichhaltige Sammlung auf Albenblättern mit zahlreichen (page)

Lot 102 EUR 500
German Reich - interesting and rich collection covers, cards and postal stationery from the breast shield time to the Third Reich in the Borek ring binder, numerous interesting documents, frankings, interesting letter from 1933 with Cachet stamp "green athletic and ANIMAL BREEDING SHOW 1933 BERLIN" (page)
Lot 118 EUR 500
Soviet Zone - rich collection in the KABE hingeless printed form ring binder with plenty of better issues, with also Michel number 1/7 B, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania abundant including Michel number 22, farewell series on white paper, country Saxony with Michel number 80 X, Thuringia including sma (page)
Lot 119 EUR 100
Allied occupation/American/British Zone - rich collection on KABE hingeless preprinted pages, with also the help for the aged souvenir sheet pair, first issue of stamps for Germany after WW II., volume and net overprints on worker complete including the light 60 Pfg. Ribbon type overprint, export fa (page)
Lot 129 EUR 100
German Reich - extensive lot from the breast shields to the Third Reich in two large ring binder, mixed quality, with also much Germania, Weimar and Third Reich. Enormous catalog value!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltige Partie ab den Brustschilden bis ins Dritte Reich in zwei großen Ringbindern, unte (page)

Lot 133 EUR 150
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - 1956/75, vast collection illustrated First Day Cover in eight large ring binder, as well numerous special- and commemorative issues, welfare and youth sets and so on, as well still a few Lufthansa documents. A beautiful and extensive object with enormous catalogu (page)
Lot 137 EUR 150
German Reich - interesting inventory in the box, as well issues in stock books and on stock cards, from the breast shields, including better values such as 3 time the key value wood-pigeon 1924 and so on. Treasure trove!

DEUTSCHES REICH - interessanter Bestand im Karton, dabei Ausgaben in Einsteck (page)

Lot 147 EUR 150
German Reich - 1933/45, extensive lot in a large stockbook, as well numerous special- and commemorative issues, complete sets, nice letter pieces with special cancellations, Gdansk farewell series, brown ribbons and so on. Very high catalog value!

DEUTSCHES REICH - 1933/45, reichhaltige Partie im (page)

Lot 172 EUR 70
German Reich - 1872/1945, two nice blue lighthouse hingeless illustrated albums complete. Original price approximate 200,- €.

DEUTSCHES REICH - 1872/1945, zwei schöne blaue Leuchtturm-Falzlos-Vordruckalben komplett. Neupreis circa 200,- €. (page)

Lot 182 EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - 1974/2000, all 27 officially yearbooks complete with the mint never hinged issues, black prints and so on huge subscription price! Michel approximate 2750,- €.

BUND/BERLIN - 1974/2000, alle 27 offiziellen Jahrbücher komplett mit den postfr. Ausgaben, Schwa (page)

Lot 224 EUR 300
German Reich - comprehensive holding from the breast shields to to the third Reich in the thick ring binder on stock cards with lots of material, numerous special- and commemorative issues, official stamps and so on huge catalogue value, perfect for liquidation!

DEUTSCHES REICH - umfangreicher Bes (page)

Lot 225 EUR 150
German Reich - extensive inventory in a ring binder with numerous different issues, as well inflation time, Third Reich and so on much material with enormous catalogue value!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltiger Bestand im Ringbinder mit zahlreichen verschiedenen Ausgaben, dabei Inflationszeit, Drittes (page)

Lot 241 EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - comprehensive holding welfare stamps booklets and official issued stamp booklet in the box, as well a great many various issues, nice topics such as Red Cross and so on large number of pieces and huge purchase price!

BUND/BERLIN - umfangreicher Bestand Wohlfahr (page)

Lot 249 EUR 100
Saar - extensive lot with issues the New Saar time on stock cards, with also better issues such as Council of Europe set used, further special- and commemorative issues, Heuss values including top values, block of four and so on. Favorable!

SAAR - reichhaltige Partie mit Ausgaben der Neusaar-Zeit (page)

Lot 264 EUR 300
German Reich - 1933/45, rich collection with a lot of better issues in the safe ring binder, as well a great many mint never hinged sets, special- and commemorative issues, all fours Hitler souvenir sheets, Gdansk farewell series, commemorative page "GRENZGAU BADEN 1938" with appropriate special can (page)
Lot 313 EUR 500
Soviet Zone - rich collection in the KABE hingeless illustrated album with plenty of better issues, with also 12 Pfg. Potschta expertized Richter, country Saxony 15 Pfg. With falling watermark mint never hinged expertized Ströh BPP, national theater souvenir sheet pair, bridge building souvenir shee (page)
Lot 315 EUR 500
German Reich - 1872/1932, rich collection in the Schaubek illustrated album, from the breast shields formed with lots of better values, slightly mixed condition, with superb and extremely fine copies. As well various breast shield issues, Germania-time including mark values, Gelber Hund 1912, numero (page)
Lot 323 EUR 500
Soviet Zone - vast collection covers and cards with predominantly commercial mail in two ring binder, thereby many interesting documents, single- and multiple franking, a comprehensive part Thuringia (unexamined to colours and paper types), country Saxony, West Saxons, generally issues and so on. An (page)
Lot 345 EUR 300
German Reich - extensive lot souvenir sheet issues of the German Reich in a large stockbook, as well numerous Hitler souvenir sheets including better issues, Munich Riem overprint block twice and so on. Favorable!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltige Partie Block-Ausgaben des Deutschen Reiches im großen (page)

Lot 346 EUR 350
German Reich - 1933/45, extensive used collection, except for Michel number 496/98 and souvenir sheet 2 in the main numbers completely in the Lighthouse-Ringbinder, with also Wagner set, trade set, winter relief series, Ostropa souvenir sheet 1935 with special cancel (only souvenir sheet stamps calc (page)
Lot 354 EUR 200
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - 1961/96, enormously extensive mint never hinged inventory in four large stock books, with also a huge number block of four including many corners of the sheet, souvenir sheets, enormously many complete sets, welfare and youth sets and so on huge post price respec (page)
Lot 355 EUR 200
German Reich - 1933/45, rich collection in the Lighthouse illustrated album, partly also twice collected, as well better issues such as Wagner set in both perforations complete, winter relief series, brown and blue ribbons, also some mint never hinged issues on stock pages, as well still German occu (page)
Lot 356 EUR 150
German Reich - 1872/1932, rich collection on lighthouse preprinted pages, used collected, from the breast shields including numerous inflation period issues, as well Weimar, with also help in need sets and so on. Favorable!

DEUTSCHES REICH - 1872/1932, reichhaltige Sammlung auf Leuchtturm-Vordruck (page)

Lot 361 EUR 800
German Reich - 1872/1945, extensive used collection in a large stockbook, partly specialized formed, with also a comprehensive part breast shields, penny/pennies and crown/eagle including colours and minor shade, with also many expertized values, gutters, Germania-time including mark values, many in (page)
Lot 362 EUR 500
German Reich/se-tenants - very extensive lot se-tenants from Germania to the Third Reich in a ring binder, as well numerous Germania se-tenants, Weimar including help in need with combinations, as well much Third Reich with an extensive part Hindenburg, many winter help work issues, also Wagner se-t (page)
Lot 364 EUR 250
German Reich/inflation - rich collection block of four from Germania in the Lindner ring binder, all upper margins respectively upper corners of the sheet with plates and rotary printings, OPD print, expertized issues and so on an attractive object!

DEUTSCHES REICH/INFLATION - reichhaltige Sammlun (page)

Lot 368 EUR 150
German Reich - interesting lot of almost only mint never hinged issues, all block of four with Germania and inflation period issues. With also Michel number 96 BIIb in the mint never hinged corner margin block of four expertized Dr. Hochstädter BPP and so on. A delightful lot!


Lot 374 EUR 200
German Reich - interesting and extensive inventory in four large albums/stock books. With also enormously many used block of four and multiples from of the inflation period, an extensive mostly used collection from the breast shields and much more material. Favorably valued!

DEUTSCHES REICH - inte (page)

Lot 395 EUR 100
Allied occupation - old lot on stock pages close one above the other puted with issues worker/peace pigeon and numeral multiple, a few se-tenants, help for the aged souvenir sheet perforated used, letter pieces, export fair Hanover and so on. Unexamined treasure trove!


Lot 397 EUR 300
German local issue 1945 - interesting lot on stock pages partly close puted, over and over again with good issues. As well some values Fredersdorf, Döbeln, Storkow, Barsinghausen, Glauchau, Grossräschen, Saulgau, Spremberg, Görlitz, issues Mühlberg, Strausberg and so on


Lot 400 EUR 150
German Reich - good lot se-tenants in a large stockbook partly close puted with many different se-tenant combinations Hindenburg, gutters, various advertising label, issues Third Reich with winter help work and so on in addition to that a few stamp booklet panes from Hindenburg. High catalog value!< (page)
Lot 401 EUR 150
German Reich - 1933/45, in stock created inventory in the spring back binder often stacked closely one above the other with definitves and commemorative stamps, Hindenburg sets, winter help work, issues brown and blue ribbon, 1/2 Mk. Gdansk farewell issue, comradeship block sets and so on


Lot 402 EUR 400
German Reich - 1923/32, in stock created inventory Weimar Republic on stock pages partly close one above the other puted with many postal stamps, complete sets, Presidents of the Reich and famous German, airmail stamps with Mark value golden eagles, IAA 1927, help in need issues, Zeppelin stamps amo (page)
Lot 403 EUR 300
German Reich - 1872/1923, very old inventory in stock created in two spring back binders often stacked closely one above the other from the breast shield issue, also many nice partly centered cancel, then some values penny/pennies and crown/eagle, Germania well represented, also Mark values multiple (page)
Lot 404 EUR 150
Soviet Zone - old lot in the spring back binder and in the stockbook, here, too, many tightly stacked with issues west and East Saxons, Thuringia, many variety, watermark and perforations, generally issues, good lot hand stamp overprints, also multiples and so on treasure trove!

SBZ - alter Posten (page)

Lot 412 EUR 100
German Reich - versatile inventory, as well beautiful lot documents in a ring binder with covers, cards and postal stationery, Third Reich, different frankings, also propaganda cards and cancel, then stamps in the stockbook with Germania and Infla, Weimar Republic with help in need, IAA 1927 and so (page)
Lot 432 EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - lot on stock cards in a box accommodated with ample postal stamps Heinemann to castle and palaces, also uniform sets from margin of sheet, pairs, block of four, issues Letterset, corner margin copies, furthermore coil stamps for vending machine, a few welfare ser (page)
Lot 437 EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - mint never hinged stamp booklet in the box, in covers and glassine-bags accommodated, all issues castle and palaces with many variety. Large number of pieces!

BUND/BERLIN - postfr. Markenheftchen im Karton, in Umschlägen und Pergamintüten untergebracht, alles A (page)

Lot 484 EUR 150
Allied occupation - enormously comprehensive holding the numerals issue with all denomination value, mostly in larger numbers of pieces, often stacked closely one above the other, in a large thick stockbook, mostly in mint never hinged condition. Unexamined to colours and so on, a treasure trove for (page)
Lot 486 EUR 250
Allied occupation - enormously extensive used inventory the numerals issue of 1 Pfg. -1 Mk., all denomination value in larger numbers of pieces in two large stock books with a gigantic amount of material, usually placed close to each other, unexamined to colours and so on great treasure trove for sp (page)
Lot 488 EUR 200
Allied occupation - very large used inventory in two large thick stock books with an enormous amount of material, as well numeral stamps, worker and Mark values peace pigeon. Huge number of pieces and treasure trove for specialists!

ALLIIERTE BESETZUNG - sehr umfangreicher gest. Bestand in zwei gr (page)

Lot 489 EUR 500
German Reich/inflation - enormously comprehensive holding in nine large stock books. Many issues in larger numbers of pieces, often stacked closely one above the other, lots of legitimately cancelled material, also upper margins with OPD print and so on. An extensive treasure trove for specialists!< (page)
Lot 490 EUR 50
Saar - extensive lot with issues from former and New Saar, usually placed close to each other in the stockbook, large number of pieces and very high catalog value!

SAAR - reichhaltige Partie mit Ausgaben von Alt- und Neusaar, meist dicht übereinander gesteckt im Einsteckbuch, große Stückzahl und s (page)

Lot 493 EUR 150
Allied occupation - extensive inventory in a ring binder, as well in two large stock books, with also numerous multiples and parts of sheets, many values numerals, worker issue and Mark values peace pigeon. Treasure trove for specialists!

ALLIIERTE BESETZUNG - reichhaltiger Bestand im Ringbinder, (page)

Lot 500 EUR 500
German army postal service II. World war - nice collection the field and island postage stamps with popular issues. Also the Tunis small package stamp 1943, island Crete perforated on decorative letter piece with clear railway cancel (TPO) "Munich STUTTGART 2.1.45. ", island Rhodes rouletted from ma (page)
Lot 511 EUR 200
German army postal service I. World war - interesting collection from approximate 200 picture postcards, nearly all with army postal service transported, with also interesting cancel, interesting views and so on

DEUTSCHE FELDPOST I. WELTKRIEG - interessante Sammlung von circa 200 Ansichtskarten, n (page)

Lot 538 EUR 200
Soviet Zone - extensive lot in the box, predominantly covers and cards including commercial mail, several documents with postmaster separations 25 Pfg. (Kempe covers) and so on.

SBZ - reichhaltige Partie im Karton, vorwiegend Briefe und Karten inklusive Bedarfspost, etlichen Belegen mit Postmeiste (page)

Lot 629 EUR 350
New Saar - 1947/59, vast collection in the Lindner ring binder, in the number of a major listing much more than complete, many issues are even in both conditions is existing. Naturally is also the flood souvenir sheet pair included, as well all welfare sets, Council of Europe and so on favorable!


Lot 641 EUR 150
German local issue - interesting lot on stock pages including better issues, with also se-tenants from Niesky, overprint items from Glauchau, Horse wine Michel number 1/2 mint never hinged from margin of sheet, Cottbus and so on. An attractive lot!

DEUTSCHE LOKALAUSGABEN - interessante Partie auf (page)

Lot 647 EUR 100
Postwar Germany - mainly used old collection mounted on pages with good part allied occupation, postal stamps numerals as well worker/peace pigeon, almost all values multiple partly also with special features collected, obviously colour shades, plate flaw, as well collection French Zone from of the (page)
Lot 648 EUR 150
French Zone - interesting lot generally issue often in multiples with ample gutter pairs, also machines numbers, Michel number 5 with six mint never hinged gutter pairs (600,- Euro), then approximate 30 corner margin copies respectively block of four with dates of printing and so on. Guarantees unex (page)
Lot 652 EUR 200
Soviet Zone - collection from the Berlin bear-edition mounted on pages, many multiple available also with variety and special feature, plate flaw, colours and colour shades, watermark and perforation variants, generally issues also with hand stamp overprints including the light 60 Pfg., letter piece (page)
Lot 654 EUR 150
German Reich - collection covers, cards, commemorative pages and so on with different frankings and use forms, special cancel, registered mail, set frankings, airmail, souvenir sheet 11 on Zeppelin letter, propaganda cancel and -cards and so on

DEUTSCHES REICH - Sammlung Briefe, Karten, Gedenkblät (page)

Lot 656 EUR 150
German Reich - collection from mainly postal stationery in the album, many various postage stamp impression, Third Reich with propaganda cards, private postal stationery, used and unused examples and so on

DEUTSCHES REICH - Sammlung von überwiegend Ganzsachen im Album, viele verschiedene Wertstemp (page)

Lot 657 EUR 300
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - collection covers, cards and postal stationery in the album, all documents the fifties with good frankings, various use forms, registered mail, single- and multiple franking, Berlin 1 Mk. Black overprint and further values on registered cover, bells frankings and (page)
Lot 658 EUR 250
Allied occupation/American/British Zone - very interesting lot from approximate 300-400 covers, cards and postal stationery, mainly American/British Zone with different use forms, ample registered covers, different frankings with buildings, volume and net overprints, a few postal stationery, single- (page)
Lot 663 EUR 300
German Reich - again interesting old collection covers, cards and postal stationery in the Schaubek album accommodated. As well postal stationery with different postage stamp impression Germania to Third Reich, also propaganda cards and cancel, then covers and cards with different frankings, Infla d (page)
Lot 665 EUR 200
French Zone - old inventory in albums partly close puted, many mint never hinged issues often in multiples, pairs and block of four, also a number of dates of printing, sheet numbers, generally issues, then album with complete sheet, Rhineland-Palatinate and Wuerttemberg and so on


Lot 674 EUR 150
Postwar Germany - lot on stock pages, in stockbooks and so on as well allied occupation with help for the aged souvenir sheet pair, mint never hinged multiples, sheet and parts of sheets, printer signature, house order numbers, American/British Zone with special features, good part Soviet Zone in tw (page)
Lot 677 EUR 150
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - inventory complete sheet as well as some parts of sheets in albums and portfolios in the box. As well sixties and seventies years well represented, special stamps, complete sheet sets and so on to plate flaw unexamined!

BUND/BERLIN - Bestand kompletter Bogen so (page)

Lot 684 EUR 150
German Reich - 1872/1932, clean sorted inventory in the thick stockbook almost everything close one above the other puted from the breast shield issue, also good part crown/eagle, many values Germania with Mark value, Infla close puted as well issues Weimar Republic also with complete sets like airm (page)
Lot 685 EUR 250
German Reich - 1933/45, again clean sorted inventory in a large thick stockbook, almost everything close one above the other puted with many complete issues, special stamps, winter relief series, Occupation state 1934, traditional costumes 1935 multiple, olympic games issues, brown and blue ribbon, (page)
Lot 688 EUR 100
Allied occupation - good lot on stock cards, as well help for the aged souvenir sheet pair twice mint never hinged, then beautiful part letter pieces with special cancel, margin of sheet pieces, export fair Hanover with all se-tenant combinations and so on

ALLIIERTE BESETZUNG - guter Posten auf Ei (page)

Lot 689 EUR 80
Soviet Zone/German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - lot on stock cards, as well Soviet Zone generally issues with hand stamp and machine overprints, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) with some early values, also perfect centered cancel, academy 1950 centric cancellation, then a few lette (page)
Lot 691 EUR 80
French Zone - lot of the general issue on stock cards, as well a number of gutter pairs mint never hinged and used, block of four, corner margin copies with dates of printing and so on

FRANZÖSISCHE ZONE - Posten der Allgemeinen Ausgabe auf Einsteckkarten, dabei mehrere Zwischenstegpaare postfr. un (page)

Lot 693 EUR 160
Soviet Zone - issues Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the stockbook as well on stock cards with ample special feature, many plate flaw, also multiples, margin of sheet pieces, block of four, Michel number 8 y mint never hinged expertized Kramp BPP, corners of the sheet with printer signature, partia (page)
Lot 695 EUR 100
German Reich - versatile lot on album pages, stock cards and so on as well for example German Reich documents, also propaganda cards and cancel Third Reich, letter pieces, parts of collections, plebiscite area and occupation issues I. World war, Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin with postage st (page)
Lot 699 EUR 100
French Zone - collection on Borek pages with mounts from of the general issue with good mint never hinged sets such as Baden 3. Postage stamps issue mint never hinged, Freiburg set used as well Baden, Rhineland-Palatinate and Wuerttemberg in each case red cross set and souvenir sheets mint never hin (page)
Lot 722 EUR 100
Soviet Zone - rich collection in the Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder, slightly mixed condition, as well numerous various issues, complete sets and so on. Favorably valued!

SBZ - reichhaltige Sammlung im Lindner-T-Falzlos-Vordruck-Ringbinder, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung, dabei zah (page)

Lot 726 EUR 150
German Reich - 1872/1945, rich collection in two beautiful light-brown Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. As well numerous various issues, a comprehensive part inflation, as well Weimar and Third Reich. Enormous catalog value, original price the albums already approximate 300,- €.


Lot 755 EUR 100
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - comprehensive holding in seven large albums and stock books, as well numerous special- and commemorative issues, welfare and youth sets, complete years, souvenir sheets and so on. Huge catalogue value!

BUND/BERLIN - umfangreicher Bestand in sieben großen Alben (page)

Lot 763 EUR 150
Soviet Zone/German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) - extensive inventory in glassine-bags in the box, partly many times presented, a rich treasure trove!

SBZ/DDR - reichhaltiger Bestand in Pergamintüten im Karton, teils vielfach vorhanden, eine reichhaltige Fundgrube! (page)

Lot 781 EUR 50
German Reich - 1872/1932, safe binary printed form ring binder complete. Is included also uncharged a small base collection. Original price of the album approximate 120,- €.

DEUTSCHES REICH - 1872/1932, Safe-Dual-Vordruck-Ringbinder komplett. Enthalten ist auch unberechnet eine kleine Grundst (page)

Lot 805 EUR 500
French Zone - 1945/49, nice used collection in the KABE illustrated album clean formed. Also the generally issue (10 Pfg. And Mark values expertized Schlegel BPP), Baden 3. Postage stamps set, Freiburg set expertized Schlegel BPP, Freiburg souvenir sheet pair expertized Schlegel BPP, Goethe set expe (page)
Lot 811 EUR 3,000
German Reich/horseshoe cancel - wonderful special collection the horseshoe cancel with many rarely cancel, wonderful outstandig quality pieces, lovely covers and so on different places in a ring binder, often with inscription mounted. Many wonderful centric cancellation examples, with mainly full an (page)
Lot 815 EUR 1,200
German Reich - 1933/45, very nice and neat mint never hinged collection in the Borek hingeless printed form ring binder, many better issues including Hindenburg watermark waffle, Wagner set, airmail 1934, trade set, uniform set, Gdansk farewell series and so on. A maintained object! Michel approxima (page)
Lot 893 EUR 200
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - beautiful inventory mint never hinged issues in the box, as well numerous sheet and parts of sheets including several values places of interest, with also high denomination value. Huge post price respectively catalogue value!

BUND/BERLIN - schöner Bestand postf (page)

Lot 940 EUR 150
German Reich - interesting collection from approximate 100 picture postcards, as well lots of from the I. World war, many illustrations from soldiers and so on an extraordinary object!

DEUTSCHES REICH - interessante Sammlung von circa 100 Ansichtskarten, dabei sehr viel aus dem I. Weltkrieg, viele (page)

Lot 973 EUR 150
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - again versatile inventory, as well a few stamp booklet, old Berlin First Day Sheets complete with 30 Pfg. Stephan, 1 Mk. Great Elector, then Berlin Lindner T pages 1948/90 as good as new complete with used base collection, ring binder with approximate 180 sheetle (page)
Lot 1023 EUR 150
German Reich - interesting lot of approximate 280 legitimate documents housed in box, with also nice company advertising and so on

DEUTSCHES REICH - interessante Partie von circa 280 Bedarfsbelegen im Karton untergebracht, dabei auch schöne Firmenwerbungen etc. (page)

Lot 1115 EUR 250
BADEN - interesting collection mainly used collected and nearly complete, mixed quality, with also Michel number 1/4, 5/8, 9/12, 13/15, 21 an used and so on. Michel approximate 2850,- €.

BADEN - interessante Sammlung vorwiegend gest. zusammengetragen und nahezu komplett, unterschiedliche Erha (page)

Lot 1131 EUR 700
French Zone - interesting and extensive exhibit collection in two ring binder formed, as well attractive covers, numerous dates of printing, souvenir sheets, taxe precu and so on. An attractive object! The collection was already partial executed, accordingly documents are enclosed.


Lot 1172 EUR 250
Allied occupation/American/British Zone - extensive lot in a large stockbook, predominantly mint never hinged, as well an extensive part allied occupation including many margin copies, block of four, plates and rotary printings, colour shades, as well also a comprehensive part volume and net overpri (page)
Lot 1183 EUR 100
German Reich - rich collection from covers, cards and postal stationery en masse ring binder, mixed quality, with also Zeppelin mail, picture postcards, numerous documents Third Reich and so on. Please have a look!

DEUTSCHES REICH - reichhaltige Sammlung von Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen im große (page)

Lot 1244 EUR 100
German Reich - 1933/45, rich collection in the Lighthouse illustrated album, slightly mixed condition, with much perfect material, partly also double is existing, as well numerous special- and commemorative issues, complete sets, as well followed by still occupation II. World war. Favorable!

DEUTS (page)

Lot 1731 EUR 1,500
Heligoland/picture postcards - very nice and extensive special collection from 510 older picture postcards with many attractive copies in four ring binder formed. Numerous interesting and sought townscapes, greatings from, lithographies and so on. In this richness become collections this sought-afte (page)
Lot 1732 EUR 1,500
Heligoland/navy - exceptional extensive and interesting special collection from 137 cards and letters, almost everything commercial mail, with numerous extraordinary documents, mailed in Heligoland respectively with the S. M. S. Heligoland transported. As well an abundance interesting cancel, letter (page)
Lot 1735 EUR 800
German Reich - 1933/45, rich collection, almost completely formed, slightly mixed condition, with much perfect material and better issues. With also Chicago travel 1933 completely on two beautiful Zeppelin items, Wagner set, trades set, winter relief series, brown and blue ribbons, Nurburg-race, Gda (page)
Lot 1739 EUR 2,500
German Reich - 1933/45, very nice collection, in the Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder, mainly mint never hinged formed. Included are naturally also all key values, with also Chicago travel 1933, Wagner set, Hindenburg watermark waffle, charity souvenir sheet Nothilfe in full original size, (page)
Lot 1740 EUR 1,000
German Reich - 1900/32, interesting and extensive collection with plenty of better issues, slightly mixed condition, with much perfect material in the Lindner T hingeless printed form ring binder. With also Germania period including mark values, numerous inflation issues, as well a strong part Weima (page)
Lot 1742 EUR 400
German Reich - 1933/45, rich collection, in the number of a major listing except for Michel number 496/98 and souvenir sheet 2/3 complete. With also Wagner set 1933, trade set, uniform set, winter relief sets, brown and blue ribbons, Nurburgring race on beautiful letter piece with special cancel, Gd (page)
Lot 1769 EUR 150
German Reich - interesting collection from approximate 200 covers, cards and postal stationery from Germania to Weimar Republic, thereby many interesting documents, different frankings and cancel, mixed use forms, 10 Pfg. Germania (3) as multiple franking on censored letter to Turkey, post paid lett (page)
Lot 1778 EUR 200
German army postal service II. World war - interesting collection from approximate 190 covers and cards, almost exclusively German army postal service in two letter albums accommodated. Thereby many interesting documents, various cancel, units of troops, air fieldpost, registered mail and so on an e (page)
Lot 1840 EUR 150
Federal Republic of Germany/BERLIN - beautiful and extensive inventory from approximate 1500 covers with many magnificently documents, lovely frankings, single- and multiple franking up to the euro time, numerous special- and commemorative issues, welfare, youth and so on with also many nice topics (page)

Lot 1882 EUR 80
Soviet Zone/city BERLIN - interesting collection specialized formed with the bear's issue (Michel number 1/7) mounted on pages. With also numerous plate flaw, various paper types and so on.

SBZ/STADT BERLIN - interessante Sammlung spezialisiert zusammengetragen mit der Bärenausgabe (Mi.Nr. 1/ (page)

Lot 1885 EUR 1,500
Soviet Zone/hand stamp - nice and rich collection from covers the hand stamp from the district 16 in the spring back binder, predominantly commercial mail. Many attractive documents, various hand stamp, mixed frankings, registered mail, single- and multiple franking and so on an extraordinary collec (page)
Lot 1887 EUR 350
Soviet Zone/BERLIN - nice collection of letters and cards with frankings Soviet Zone bear-edition city Berlin, all with cancel from Berlin in a ring binder accommodated. Many attractive documents, including commercial mail, single- and multiple franking, registered mail and so on. An attractive obje (page)
Lot 1902 EUR 1,500
New Saar - 1947/59, very nice mint never hinged collection in the Lindner hingeless printed form ring binder, complete with all issued postage stamps. Also the scarce initial printing set (Michel number 226/38 I), the flood souvenir sheet pair, all welfare sets, Council of Europe, Day of the Postage (page)
Lot 1983 EUR 3,000
German local post - interesting and extensive collection from approximate 600 postal stationery and cards from the German Reich in four albums accommodated. Thereby many interesting examples, different value levels and printed forms, mixed drawings, also covers, many different localitys and so on as (page)
Lot 2831 EUR 2,500
Dreamlike breast shield ornament letter from BERLIN: 1 Gr. Carmine, large shield, having bright colours outstanding quality on beautiful small-format ornament letter, costly front- and reverse in blue printed with pricked clear single circle postmark "BERLIN P. A. 5. HAMB. BHF. 8.2.74. " in the loca (page)
Lot 2838 EUR 1,000
2 Mk. Violet purple, so-called "late printing", wonderful having bright colours block of four, a tooth supplemented, otherwise in perfect condition mint never hinged a spectacular and very scarce unit for the advanced collector. Photo expertize Wiegand BPP.

2 Mk. violettpurpur, sogenannter "SPÄTDR (page)

Lot 2843 EUR 1,000
50 Pfg. Brown carmine (under ultraviolet light claret), the very scarce colour, fresh colours, neat and clear used "BERLIN 6.11.89. ". A nearly always missing issue! Photo expertize "excellent condition" Petry BPP.

50 Pfg. braunkarmin (unter UV-Licht weinrot), die sehr seltene Farbe, farbfrisch, s (page)

Lot 2852 EUR 2,000
The international money order: 20 Pfg. Germania Reichspost in a horizontal pair, 1 Mk. Red and 3 Mk. Black violet (type II) on spectacular international money order over 100 Dollar from "Gdansk 21.8.00. ", form as usual folded, to jersey city/USA with on the back on route passing cancellation from N (page)
Lot 2856 EUR 6,000
5 MK. REICHSPOST type I mint never hinged: 5 Mk. Green black/brownish carmine, the extremely rare type I not redrawn, wonderful fresh colours and very well perforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged actual mint never hinged examples of this rare type are nearly unknown and to class among the (page)
Lot 2859 EUR 6,000
3 PF on 5 Pfg., the legendary "VINETA provisional arrangement" (right half), fresh colours and in perfect condition on very nice letter piece with pricked clear, full and straight mounted single circle postmark "KAIS. German navy ship´s mail No1 12.5.01. ". An outstanding quality this large German R (page)
Lot 2872 EUR 2,500
20 Pfg. Dark violet blue, war time printing, wonderful fresh colours, large margins all around unperforated, neat cancelled "between ancestor 4.9.20. ". An outstanding quality this extraordinarily rarely variety! Photo expertize "faultless condition" Jäschke Lantelme BPP.

20 Pfg. dunkelviolettblau (page)

Lot 2875 EUR 1,500
15 Pfg. Disabled veterans 1919, the scarce black violet colour, a dreamlike nice multiple franking from four values on wonderful registered mail special delivery letter in the local usage transported from "MAINZ 1.5.19. " with additional violet single line cancel "from the postbox" and arrival postm (page)
Lot 2900 EUR 1,000
2 RM. Polar travel 1931 with scarce overprint error "hyphen to polar is absent", which only on field 41 occurs, having bright colours and excellent perforated outstanding quality on wonderful Zeppelin postcard with clear two ring cancel "FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24.7.31. ", the overprint variety free leaving (page)
Lot 2901 EUR 600
4 RM. Polar travel 1931, a dreamlike nice right upper corner of the sheet as properly franked single franking on very nice Zeppelin letter to the Polar travel 1931 with violet on board cancellation mark "airship Count Zeppelin 26.7.1931", red special confirmation stamp and stamp from ice-breaker Mal (page)
Lot 2905 EUR 100
3 Pfg. Wagner, vertical margin pair as multiple franking on beautiful ship picture postcard with bridge cancel "WESTERLAND 29.6.34. " and additional violet single circle postmark "on the high sea aboard of the steamer COBRA 29. June 1934" to Neustadt. Rare!

3 Pfg. Wagner, senkrechtes Randpaar als (page)

Lot 2913 EUR 1,000
5 Pfg. Hindenburg with mourning edge, upper margin copy above unperforated, fresh colours and very well perforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. An outstanding quality of this scarce variety for your highest requirements! Photo expertize "the quality is perfect" Ha (page)
Lot 2925 EUR 500
6 Pfg. Peter Rosegger 1943, four sides with wide margins unperforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged a scarce variety! Photo expertize "the quality is perfect" Andreas Schlegel BPP.

6 Pfg. Peter Rosegger 1943, vierseitig breitrandig ungezähnt, tadellos postfr. Eine seltene Abart! Fotoatte (page)

Lot 2928 EUR 700
12 Pfg. Hanseatic league city Luebeck 1943, unperforated in a little lighter colour as block of six from the left lower corner of the sheet, with offset on the gum side, two values manufactured creasely, in perfect condition mint never hinged very decorative and scarce unit!

12 Pfg. Hansestadt Lüb (page)

Lot 2931 EUR 2,000
Fee slip of the Regional Directorate of Posts Cologne: "free according to recompense account", wonderful fresh colours and on all sides perfect margined on beautiful letter with clear additional single circle postmark "WESEL 22.1.84. " to Bottrop. A wonderful official letter of the railroad and one (page)
Lot 2936 EUR 3,500
Help in need 1929, the very scarce stamp booklet with inscription "valid until 30. June 1930", fresh colours, unfolded, in perfect condition mint never hinged with the three stamp booklet panes in utterly perfect condition. An outstanding quality this large stamp booklet rarity, from the very few ex (page)
Lot 2937 EUR 800
Germania stamp booklet pane 1916, not perforated throughout, fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. Complete stamp booklet panes of this issue are in mint never hinged condition extraordinarily rare! Photo expertize "perfectly quality" Weinbuch BPP. Michel (page)
Lot 2940 EUR 1,000
Help in need 1928, 8 Pfg. -X-8 Pfg., vertical se-tenant, fresh colours and very well perforated, unfolded and in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. An outstanding quality for the highest standards! Photo expertize "the condition is perfect" Hans Dieter Schlegel BPP.

Nothi (page)

Lot 2941 EUR 1,000
Help in need 1928, X-8 Pfg. -X, the very scarce vertical se-tenant, fresh colours and very well perforated, unfolded and in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures, left with gutter extension. An outstanding quality for the highest standards! Photo expertize "the quality is perfe (page)
Lot 2943 EUR 600
Help in need 1928, used the welfare postcard 8 Pfg., vertical se-tenant, fresh colours and very well perforated, unfolded, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. An outstanding quality for the highest standards! Photo expertize "the quality is perfect" Hans Dieter Schlegel B (page)
Lot 2946 EUR 900
Help in need 1928, 15 Pfg. -Z-Z-8 Pfg., horizontal tête-bêche gutter se-tenant, from lower margin with house order number "V4517.29", fresh colours and very well perforated, unfolded and in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. An outstanding quality this se-tenant rarity! Pho (page)
Lot 2952 EUR 2,000
Polar travel 1931, a dreamlike nice double postage, handing in for transport in Switzerland with 20 Rp with ship´s cancel "W. Ship´s mail on the Lake Constance 22. VII. 31. " and German Reich 4 RM. Polar travel with neat postmark "FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24.7.31. ", as well red special confirmation stamp th (page)
Lot 2956 EUR 100
Trip to Görlitz 1939, very nice Zeppelin letter with mixed franking German Reich and San Marino with red special confirmation stamp, to Hamburg.

Fahrt nach Görlitz 1939, sehr schöner Zeppelinbrief mit Mischfrankatur Deutsches Reich und San Marino mit rotem Sonderbestätigungsstempel, nach Hamburg. (page)

Lot 2985 EUR 1,300
3 Mk. Violet black, the scarce Petschili provisional arrangement on telegram part with neat postmark "fieldpost station office number. 2 (Beijing) ", in perfect condition. A very nice copy of this rare issue! Photo expertize Steuer BPP. Michel 3800,- € .

3 Mk. violettschwarz, das seltene Pets (page)

Lot 3033 EUR 2,500
"HARIS (German Southwest Africa) 26.3.00. ", the very scarce violet three line razor-sharp on very decorative small-format letter with horizontal pair 5 Pfg. German Southwest Africa, this with crosswise mounted stroke of pen cancellation to Windhoek. The rubber type set postmark from Haris counts to (page)
Lot 3063 EUR 300
Dentist permit of a camp inmates, with handwritten note and seal stamp of the camp commander. Inside is the dental formula. This exceptional document adorns each magnificent collection and places in this kind an unique piece dar.

Zahnarzt-Passierschein eines Lagerinsassen, mit handschriftlichen Ve (page)

Lot 3065 EUR 1,000
BANDO, Lagerzeitung "the barrack from issue 12/1917 to 09/1919 nearly complete, as well various attachments. Followed by still the issues 1-6 the ship newspaper "the journey home" from 1920 printed on the steamer Hofuku Maru. Strapped in two books, with a large number from illustrated boards and Fol (page)
Lot 3070 EUR 300
BANDO, picture postcard set Easter, topic "two chicken with Easter basket", with camp cancel and post endorsement cancel, from "12.3.18", to Tientsin/China.

BANDO, Bildpostkarte Serie Ostern, Motiv "ZWEI HÜHNER MIT OSTERNEST", mit Lagerstempel und Postleitstempel, vom "12.3.18", nach Tientsin/Chin (page)

Lot 3071 EUR 300
BANDO, bonded booklet the health insurance of the encampments Bando, as well the annual reports of the years 1917/19. Extremely interesting and rare.

BANDO, gebundenes Heft der Krankenkasse des Lagers Bando, dabei die Jahresberichte der Jahre 1917/19. Äusserst interessant und selten. (page)

Lot 3072 EUR 300
BANDO, small book with medical certificates to the participate to the camp exercises the caught between May and oct. With censorship stamps. From the estate of the sailors Maye. Unique.

BANDO, kleines Buch mit ärztlichen Attesten zur Teilnahme an den Lagerübungen der Gefangenen zwischen Mai und Ok (page)

Lot 3073 EUR 300
BANDO/homecoming postal service, picture postcard topic "LAGERZAUN/barbican", very interesting text about the forthcoming journey home at the 26.12.19 with the steamer "HOFUKU-MARU", with camp cancel and post endorsement cancel, from "17.12.19" to Germany. In this kind very scarce homecoming postal (page)
Lot 3074 EUR 100
BANDO, theater ticket for the listing "the GWISSENSWURM" at the 26.8.1917. Rare.

BANDO, Theater-Eintrittskarte für die Aufführung "DER GWISSENSWURM" am 26.8.1917. Selten. (page)

Lot 3075 EUR 100
BANDO, calendar coversheet for the year 1919. Perfect as collection addenda.

BANDO, Kalenderdeckblatt für das Jahr 1919. Ideal als Sammlungsergänzung. (page)

Lot 3079 EUR 500
KURUME, Photo album of a prisoner of war, many photographs from the daily camp life the caught. Very interesting contemporary document. Unique.

KURUME, Fotoalbum eines Kriegsgefangenen, dabei viele Aufnahmen aus dem täglichen Lagerleben der Gefangenen. Sehr Interessantes Zeitdokument. Einmalig. (page)

Lot 3080 EUR 100
KURUME, theater program booklet "the broken jug" from the detention camp January 1917.

KURUME, Theater-Programmheft "DER ZERBROCHENE KRUG" aus dem Gefangenenlager Januar 1917. (page)

Lot 3081 EUR 100
KURUME, commemorative page for the captain of the "STOCKBALLVEREIN II" from 1919.

KURUME, Gedenkblatt für den Spielführer des "STOCKBALLVEREIN II" von 1919. (page)

Lot 3082 EUR 100
MATSUYAMA, photo postcard from the hutment (doss) franked on reverse with two Japanese stamps and special cancel.

MATSUYAMA, Fotokarte aus dem Barackenlager (Schlafplatz) rückseitig frankiert mit zwei japanischen Marken und Sonderstempel. (page)

Lot 3083 EUR 100
NAGOYA, picture postcard topic "sincere Easter greeting" on blanco card.

NAGOYA, Bildpostkarte Motiv "HERZLICHEN OSTERGRUSS" auf Blankokarte. (page)

Lot 3084 EUR 100
NARASHINO, picture postcard topic" NIKOLAUS on Leader/Christmas 1918", with camp cancel, censorship and post endorsement cancel, from "18.10.18", to Gera with British censorship.

NARASHINO, Bildpostkarte Motiv " NIKOLAUS AUF LEITER/Weihnachten 1918", mit Lagerstempel, Zensur und Postleitstempel, v (page)

Lot 3085 EUR 500
Osaka, letter contents equipped with the camp stamp type II violet oval cancel (two-sided perforated). Letter of an Officer at his loved one from 2. April 1915. These adhesive stamps to class among the largest rarities of the Japanese prisoner of war mail. To Rüfer/Rungas only ten examples known. In (page)
Lot 3087 EUR 1,000
TOKUSHIMA, Lagerzeitung "TOKUSHIMA advertiser" from issue 05/1915 to 09/1916 nearly complete. Strapped in two books, with a large number from illustrated boards and Fold cards. A spectacular contemporary document from a prisoner of war camp. In this kind assuredly unique.

TOKUSHIMA, Lagerzeitung " (page)

Lot 3088 EUR 200
TOKUSHIMA, "honorary certificate" of the gymnastics club for the sailors Maye from May 1916, signs from first lieutenant at sea (later Major) Erwin apiarist. Very fine illustrates.

TOKUSHIMA, "EHRENURKUNDE" des Turnvereins für den Matrosen Maye vom Mai 1916, unterzeichnet von Oberleutnant zur See (page)

Lot 3089 EUR 100
TOKUSHIMA, hand-painted and coloured picture postcard topic "Christmas/New year", with violet camp cancel, censorship and post endorsement cancel, from "6.11.16" to Germany.

TOKUSHIMA, handgezeichnete und colorierte Bildpostkarte Motiv "WEIHNACHTEN/NEUJAHR", mit violettem Lagerstempel, Zensur und (page)

Lot 3099 EUR 5,000
3-50 Pfg. Crown/eagle with overprint "marshal islands", the very scarce so-called "Berlin initial printing issue", wonderful fresh colours and very well perforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged an outstanding set this Colonial-rarity for the highest standards! Photo expertize "perfectly mi (page)
Lot 3104 EUR 4,000
The JALUIT provisional arrangement: 10 Pfg. Bright-purple-red, diagonal bisects, fresh colours and well perforated in perfect condition as properly franked provisional arrangement on beautiful coloured picture postcard "greatings from JALUIT" with clear single circle postmark "JALUIT Marshall Island (page)

Lot 3159 EUR 3,000
2 Pfg., 3 Pfg. And 7 1/2 Pfg. Bavaria Sarre, the three not issued values on beautiful white letter pieces, clean date-appropriate cancellation "ROHRBACH 11. April 20. " respectively "HOMBURG 13. MRZ. 20. ". The edition amounted to be on only 1000 sets, from which genuine used only a few examples, es (page)
Lot 3161 EUR 500
2, 50 Mk. Brown lilac, the scarce colour fresh colours and in perfect condition from right margin of sheet on decorative letter piece, especially nice centric and neat cancelled "SCHWALBACH 21.3.21. ", photo expertize brown BPP.

2,50 Mk. braunlila, die seltene Farbe farbfrisch und tadellos vom rec (page)

Lot 3176 EUR 350
Airmail 1948, all three values four sides unperforated, uniform with wide right upper corner of the sheet, fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, in the margin expertized Hoffmann BPP. An outstanding set for the highest standards!

Flugpost 1948, alle drei Werte vierseitig ungezä (page)

Lot 3211 EUR 150
4 Zl. Abbey Tyniec unperforated in the complete sheet to 25 values with margin inscriptions, unfolded, in perfect condition mint never hinged, plate I/1. Rare!

4 Zl. Kloster Tyniec ungezähnt im vollständigen Bogen zu 25 Werten mit Randinschriften, ungefaltet, tadellos postfr., Platte I/1. Selten! (page)

Lot 3212 EUR 150
6 Zl. City Lviv, unperforated original sheet to 25 values with margin inscriptions, unfolded, in perfect condition mint never hinged, plate I/3. Rare!

6 Zl. Stadt Lemberg, ungezähnter Originalbogen zu 25 Werten mit Randinschriften, ungefaltet, tadellos postfr., Platte I/3. Selten! (page)

Lot 3213 EUR 150
6 Zl. City Lviv, unperforated original sheet to 25 values with margin inscriptions, unfolded, in perfect condition mint never hinged, plate I/1. Rare!

6 Zl. Stadt Lemberg, ungezähnter Originalbogen zu 25 Werten mit Randinschriften, ungefaltet, tadellos postfr., Platte I/1. Selten! (page)

Lot 3217 EUR 1,200
5 Pfg. Vermilion, Jew postal service Lodz ghetto, horizontal tête-bêche pair fresh colours and with wide margins, in perfect condition on ungummed paper, extraordinarily rare, expertized Mikulski, photo expertize Jungjohann.

5 Pfg. zinnober, Judenpost Litzmannstadt-Getto, waagerechtes Kehrdruckpaa (page)

Lot 3220 EUR 1,500
Earned Slovenes 1945, the not issued set to six values, seven unperforated strip of six in different colours, in perfect condition mint never hinged, in each case a value with neat trace of a hinge. In this completeness very decorative and rare!

Verdiente Slowenen 1945, die unverausgabte Serie zu (page)

Lot 3221 EUR 250
Earned Slovenes 1945, not issued set to six values unperforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures.

Verdiente Slowenen 1945, unverausgabte Serie zu sechs Werten ungezähnt, tadellos postfr., ohne jegliche Signaturen. (page)

Lot 3222 EUR 100
Postage stamps set 1941, in perfect condition mint never hinged

Freimarkenserie 1941, tadellos postfr. (page)

Lot 3233 EUR 300
Prisoners of war 1942, complete adornment sheetlet series to 20 pieces, unfolded, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. In of this outstanding quality rare offered!

Kriegsgefangene 1942, vollständige Zier-Kleinbogenserie zu 20 Stück, ungefaltet, tadellos postfr., ohne jeg (page)

Lot 3242 EUR 3,000
5 C. - 10 L. Postal stamps 1943, all 16 values fresh colours and very well perforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged, issued only 800 sets. Except for three smaller values are all stamps expertized Ludin BPP.

5 C. - 10 L. Freimarken 1943, alle 16 Werte farbfrisch und sehr gut gezähnt, tad (page)

Lot 3261 EUR 100
German forgeries for Great Britain, 1 1/2 P. King George VI. And Stalin, from left margin of sheet, right with gutter extension, neat cancelled issued only approximate 500 pieces. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BPP.

Deutsche Fälschungen für Grossbritannien, 1 1/2 P. König Georg VI. und Stalin, v (page)

Lot 3262 EUR 600
1/2 P. King George V. With overprint "WORLD-BOLSHEVISM", fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, as issued without gum the edition amounted to be on only approximate 30 piece. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BPP.

1/2 P. König Georg V. mit Aufdruck "WORLD-BOLSHEVISM", farbfrisch (page)

Lot 3263 EUR 600
German forgeries for Great Britain, 1/2 P. King George VI. With overprint "WORLD-JUDAISM", fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, as issued without gum the edition amounted to be on only approximate 30 piece. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BPP.

Deutsche Fälschungen für Grossbr (page)

Lot 3269 EUR 600
German forgeries for Great Britain, 1 1/2 P. King George VI. With overprint "WORLD-BOLSHEVISM", fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, as issued without gum the edition amounted to be on only approximate 30 piece. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BPP.

Deutsche Fälschungen für Gr (page)

Lot 3271 EUR 600
German forgeries for Great Britain, 1 1/2 P. King George VI. With overprint "WORLD-JUDAISM", fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, as issued without gum the edition amounted to be on only approximate 30 piece. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BPP.

Deutsche Fälschungen für Gross (page)

Lot 3274 EUR 600
German forgeries for Great Britain, 2 1/2 P. King George VI. With overprint "WORLD-BOLSHEVISM" with two-sided gutter extension, fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, as issued without gum the edition amounted to be on only approximate 30 piece. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BP (page)
Lot 3275 EUR 5,000
German forgeries for Great Britain, 2 1/2 P. King George VI, all six different values the 2. Issue complete in the horizontal se-tanant stripe with gutters, fresh colours in utterly perfect condition. This strip counts to the large rarities of the German forgeries for Great Britain, there be the tot (page)
Lot 3278 EUR 600
German forgeries for Great Britain, 3 P. King George VI. With overprint "WORLD-JUDAISM", fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, as issued without gum the edition amounted to be on only approximate 30 piece. Photo expertize "perfect" Pieles BPP.

Deutsche Fälschungen für Grossbrit (page)

Lot 3286 EUR 250
3-8 Pfg. Hitler, all fours propaganda forgeries from upper margin, fresh colours and very well perforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged photo expertize "the quality is perfect" Pieles BPP.

3-8 Pfg. Hitler, alle vier Propagandafälschungen vom Oberrand, farbfrisch und sehr gut gezähnt, tad (page)

Lot 3306 EUR 100
1-12 Pfg. Country Saxony with red roulette and on the back overprint, in perfect condition with additional franking Soviet Zone 8 Pfg. On registered decorative cover with special cancel "NAUMBURG Rescues the children", expertized shrub.

1-12 Pfg. Provinz Sachsen mit rotem Durchstich und rückseitig (page)

Lot 3310 EUR 500
12 Pfg. - 16 Pfg. Numeral, vertical se-tenant from lower margin, unfolded and in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. An outstanding quality from the not issued stamp booklet sheet. There are only a few examples of this have become known! Photo expertize "the quality is perfe (page)
Lot 3311 EUR 350
10 Pfg. Black brown, paper wb, horizontal ribbed gum and additional 10 Pfg. Sienna light, paper wb, horizontal ribbed gum, both values fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo attests "mint never hinged perfect" Ströh BPP. Michel 1600,- €.

10 Pfg. schwarzbraun, Papier w (page)

Lot 3313 EUR 3,000
12 Pfg. Victim of the fascism 1945, the scarce dark red colour unperforated in the horizontal tête-bêche pair from of the right lower corner of the sheet, fresh colours, unused, slight traces of rubbings in the margin of sheet become only as a matter of form mentions. A spectacular rarity of the SBZ (page)
Lot 3315 EUR 400
6 Pfg. Greenish black, the scarce colour variety, fresh colours and large margins all around, in perfect condition mint never hinged an outstanding quality of this popular issue! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Ströh BPP. Michel 1400,- €.

6 Pfg. grünlichschwarz, der seltene Farbfehld (page)

Lot 3332 EUR 2,500
30 Pfg. Goethe in of the rare colour black olive, type of paper z1 with steep increasing paper pattern of stripes or streaks, wonderful fresh colours and first-class perforated, in perfect condition mint never hinged an enormously scarce issue, the in almost all collections is absent. Photo expertiz (page)
Lot 3349 EUR 1,000
6 Pfg. Gray violet rouletted 10 from the post office "Horse wine" with very scarce increasing watermark, fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged. There are only a few examples of this have become known! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Schulz BPP.

6 Pfg. grauviolett mit Du (page)

Lot 3351 EUR 250
12 Pfg. Bright carmine red with scarce sewing machine roulette from the post office "GASCHWITZ", falling watermark, neat cancelled "GASCHWITZ". Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Schulz BPP. Michel 2500,- €.

12 Pfg. lebhaftkarminrot mit seltenem Nähmaschinen-Durchstich vom Postamt "GASC (page)

Lot 3356 EUR 600
5 Pfg. Blackish olive green - 6 Pfg. Bright gray violet unperforated, horizontal se-tenant from upper margin, fresh colours, large margins all around, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. An outstanding quality this very rare varieties se-tenant! Photo expertize "genuine a (page)
Lot 3358 EUR 700
8 Pfg. Bright red orange Z 6 Pfg. Bright gray violet, horizontal se-tenant unperforated, wonderful fresh colours, large margins all around, in the gutter like always with fold trace, in perfect condition mint never hinged this se-tenant is one of the large se-tenant rarities and is only known in ver (page)
Lot 3365 EUR 2,000
24 Pfg. Third German people congress 1949, horizontal strip of three from of the right lower corner of the sheet with printers mark "M301/Z3202" with spectacular variety "middle stamp with part imprint, right stamp without overprint", attributable to sheet cover, in perfect condition mint never hing (page)
Lot 3369 EUR 250
24 Pfg. Pieck on scarce cardboard paper, neat cancelled "ALTENBURG", photo expertize "the condition is perfect" Mayer.

24 Pfg. Pieck auf seltenem Kartonpapier, tadellos gest. "ALTENBURG", Fotobefund "DIE ERHALTUNG IST EINWANDFREI" Mayer. (page)

Lot 3372 EUR 500
12 Pfg. Five year plan 1953 with rare variety "vertical watermark upright German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) and posthorn IN type I", in perfect condition mint never hinged. There are only a few examples of this have become known! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Koenig BPP.

12 Pfg. (page)

Lot 3373 EUR 1,500
24 Pfg. Leipzig zoo 1953 with extremely rare variety "right unperforated" from right margin of sheet, in perfect condition mint never hinged. There are only a few pieces of this variety have become known! In the Michel special catalogue due to missing offers only noted without price! Photo expertize (page)
Lot 3381 EUR 280
20 Pfg. Day of the Postage Stamp 1954 with rare variety "ribbed paper" and additional plate flaw "frame right above broken", in perfect condition with first day special cancel "BERLIN 30.10.54. ". Photo expertize "the condition is perfect" Mayer.

20 Pfg. Tag der Briefmarke 1954 mit seltener Abart (page)

Lot 3382 EUR 400
20 Pfg. Day the liberation 1955 with rare variety "printing on the not painted side of the paper", in perfect condition with special cancel "WEIMAR 9.4.55. ". Michel unpriced! Photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Koenig BPP.

20 Pfg. Tag der Befreiung 1955 mit seltener Abart "DRUCK AUF DER NICH (page)

Lot 3383 EUR 1,000
20 Pfg. Schiller 1955 with extraordinarily rare variety "watermark Y IN type I", minimal trace of crease, as far as in perfect condition mint never hinged. Only very few examples in mint never hinged condition have become known. Therefore in the Michel special catalogue only noted without price. Pho (page)
Lot 3386 EUR 500
10 Pfg. Land reform 1955 with rare variety "vertical watermark IN type II", in perfect condition mint never hinged photo expertize "the condition is perfect" Koenig BPP. Michel 2500,- €.

10 Pfg. Bodenreform 1955 mit seltener Abart "SENKRECHTES WASSERZEICHEN IN TYPE II", tadellos postfr. Fotoa (page)

Lot 3388 EUR 500
10 Pfg. Heinrich Heine 1956 with rare variety "vertical watermark", small paper scratch, as far as in perfect condition with clean philatelic agency cancel "BERLIN 11.7.57. ". In the Michel special catalogue only in mint never hinged condition with 2700,- € valued. Photo expertize Mayer.

10 P (page)

Lot 3389 EUR 1,500
Ernst Thälmann souvenir sheet 1956 in the very rare "first issue" with blurred cap seam, fresh colours and in full original size, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. In this excellent quality extraordinarily rare! Photo expertize "the condition is perfect" Mayer.

Ernst (page)

Lot 3395 EUR 200
20 Pfg. Savings week 1957 with rare variety "colour light greenish gray (background) missing", in perfect condition philatelic used, expertized Weigelt BPP, photo expertize "genuine and immaculate" Mayer. Michel unpriced!

20 Pfg. Sparwoche 1957 mit seltener Abart "FARBE HELLGRÜNLICHGRAU (UNTERDRUC (page)

Lot 3405 EUR 200
Historic Toy miniature sheet 1980 with rare variety "margin left not perforated throughout", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel unpriced!

Historisches Spielzeug-Kleinbogen 1980 mit seltener Abart "SEITENRAND LINKS NICHT DURCHGEZÄHNT", tadellos postfr. Michel ohne Preis! (page)

Lot 3414 EUR 600
8, 10, 12, 15, 16 and 24 Pfg. Black overprint, fresh colours and in perfect condition on First Day Cover from "BERLIN CHARLOTTENBURG 3.9.48" to cincinnati/USA with arrival postmark. Very rare! Expertized Schlegel BPP.

8, 10, 12, 15, 16 und 24 Pfg. Schwarzaufdruck, farbfrisch und tadellos auf Erstt (page)

Lot 3415 EUR 200
2 Mk. Black overprint neat cancelled "BERLIN CHARLOTTENBURG", fresh colours and very well perforated, photo expertize "the quality is perfect" Andreas Schlegel BPP.

2 Mk. Schwarzaufdruck sauber gest. "BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG", farbfrisch und sehr gut gezähnt, Fotoattest "DIE QUALITÄT IST EINWANDFREI (page)

Lot 3416 EUR 200
3 Mk. Black overprint, fresh colours and neat cancelled "BERLIN CHARLOTTENBURG 29.9.48. ", expertized Lippschütz BPP, Schlegel BPP.

3 Mk. Schwarzaufdruck, farbfrisch und tadellos gest. "BERLIN-CHARLOTTENBURG 29.9.48.", geprüft Lippschütz BPP, Schlegel BPP. (page)

Lot 3417 EUR 200
5 Mk. Black overprint, fresh colours and neat cancelled, expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 700,- €.

5 Mk. Schwarzaufdruck, farbfrisch und tadellos gest., geprüft Schlegel BPP. Mi. 700,- €. (page)

Lot 3421 EUR 150
Stephan 1949, fresh colours and in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize "the condition is perfect, in the for this issue normal perforation" Andreas Schlegel BPP. Michel 750,- €.

Stephan 1949, farbfrisch und tadellos postfr., Fotoattest "DIE ERHALTUNG IST EINWANDFREI, IN DER F (page)

Lot 3426 EUR 200
Monetary sovenier sheet 1949, fresh colours and in full original size, in perfect condition mint never hinged, without any signatures. Michel 950,- €.

Währungsblock 1949, farbfrisch und in voller Originalgröße, tadellos postfr., ohne jegliche Signaturen. Mi. 950,- €. (page)

Lot 3438 EUR 180
Duerer stamp booklet 1962, scarce type c I, in perfect condition mint never hinged, expertized Schmidl BPP. Michel 550,- €.

Dürer-Markenheftchen 1962, seltene Type cI, tadellos postfr., geprüft Schmidl BPP. Mi. 550,- €. (page)

Lot 3441 EUR 70
Brandenburger Tor stamp booklet 1970, type d, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 240,- €.

Brandenburger Tor-Markenheftchen 1970, Type d, tadellos postfr. Mi. 240,- €. (page)

Lot 3442 EUR 50
Prevention of accidents stamp booklet 1972, type b, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 160,- €.

Unfallverhütung-Markenheftchen 1972, Type b, tadellos postfr. Mi. 160,- €. (page)

Lot 3446 EUR 500
1 Pfg. -5 Mk. Generally issue 1945, all 13 values as unperforated reference prints, fresh colours large margins all around and in perfect condition mint never hinged a scarce set! Photo expertize "the condition is perfect" Hans Dieter Schlegel BPP.

1 Pfg.-5 Mk. Allgemeine Ausgabe 1945, alle 13 Wer (page)

Lot 3451 EUR 1,000
Postal stamps 1948/49, the complete set of 10 Secretary of State souvenir sheets in full original size, fresh colours and in perfect condition on ungummed cardboard paper. At the left lower margin is in each case the printers mark in French formal language. A very scarce, undervalued set. Issued onl (page)
Lot 3457 EUR 600
Red cross souvenir sheet 1949, type I, fresh colours and in full original size, in perfect condition with very nice, centered red special cancel "FREIBURG HENRI DUNANT founder of the Red Cross 8.5.49. ", expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 2000,- Euro

Rotes Kreuz-Block 1949, Type I, farbfrisch und in (page)

Lot 3458 EUR 1,200
The Constance dates of printing multiple franking: 30 Pfg. Constance I, horizontal pair from of the right lower corner of the sheet with date of printing "18.6.1949", fresh colours and perfect perforated as beautiful properly franked multiple franking on beautiful registered cover with two clearly s (page)
Lot 3473 EUR 350
Gustav Werner foundation 1949, both values as having bright colours and faultless Secretary of State souvenir sheet. Very small edition and clearly undervalued by Michel!

Gustav Werner-Stiftung 1949, beide Werte als farbfrischer und tadelloser Ministerblock. Sehr geringe Auflage und im Michel deut (page)

Lot 3496 EUR 500
24 Pfg. Worker with ribbon type overprint in the complete original panes to 100 values, in perfect condition mint never hinged as well the 5. Stamps row with spectacular variety "missing lower cord border", perforation between the 5. And 6. Alignment partly separated. Very decorative and of prime ra (page)
Lot 3498 EUR 100
2, 12 Pfg. Red, 15 Pfg. (both colours), 25 Pfg. Ultramarine, 30, 45, 50, 75 and 84 Pfg. Numeral with net pattern overprint, neat cancelled, expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 410,- €.

2, 12 Pfg. rot, 15 Pfg. (beide Farben), 25 Pfg. ultramarin, 30, 45, 50, 75 und 84 Pfg. Ziffer mit Netzaufdruck, (page)

Lot 3500 EUR 80
8 Pfg. Numeral with net pattern overprint, fresh colours and neat cancelled, expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 250,- €.

8 Pfg. Ziffer mit Netzaufdruck, farbfrisch und tadellos gest., geprüft Schlegel BPP. Mi. 250,- €. (page)

Lot 3502 EUR 80
10 Pfg. Numeral with net pattern overprint, fresh colours and neat cancelled, expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 250,- €.

10 Pfg. Ziffer mit Netzaufdruck, farbfrisch und tadellos gest., geprüft Schlegel BPP. Mi. 250,- €. (page)

Lot 3506 EUR 70
16 Pfg. Numeral with net pattern overprint, fresh colours and neat cancelled, expertized Schlegel BPP. Michel 220,- €.

16 Pfg. Ziffer mit Netzaufdruck, farbfrisch und tadellos gest., geprüft Schlegel BPP. Mi. 220,- €. (page)

Lot 3559 EUR 2,000
2 DM Heuss 1954, a dreamlike nice right upper corner of the sheet, wonderful fresh colours and perfect perforated on a spectacular registered First Day Cover, small traces of use are virtually meaningless from "LÖRRACH 15.6.54" to Graz/Austria. First-Day-Covers this high value are generally rare. As (page)
Lot 3560 EUR 300
National exhibition Baden Wuerttemberg 1955, both values four sides with wide margins unperforated with additional variety numeral of value numeral right in lieu of left, in perfect condition mint never hinged, from the spoilage springing. Hardly ever offered! 7 Pfg. Signed Schwenn.

Landesausstell (page)

Lot 3583 EUR 100
Heuss stamp booklet 1955, advertisement "pelican royal blue", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 320,- €.

Heuss-Markenheftchen 1955, Reklame "PELIKAN KÖNIGSBLAU", tadellos postfr. Mi. 320,- €. (page)

Lot 3584 EUR 100
Heuss stamp booklet 1955, advertisement "PELIKANOL for paper", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 320,- €.

Heuss-Markenheftchen 1955, Reklame "PELIKANOL FÜR PAPIER", tadellos postfr. Mi. 320,- €. (page)

Lot 3585 EUR 80
Heuss stamp booklet 1955, advertisement "PELIGOM glues all", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 260,- €.

Heuss-Markenheftchen 1955, Reklame "PELIGOM KLEBT ALLES", tadellos postfr. Mi. 260,- €. (page)

Lot 3586 EUR 100
Heuss stamp booklet 1955, advertisement "pelican for any man", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 300,- €.

Heuss-Markenheftchen 1955, Reklame "PELIKAN FÜR JEDEN", tadellos postfr. Mi. 300,- €. (page)

Lot 3588 EUR 200
Heuss tentative stamp booklet 1960, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 550,- €.

Heuss-Versuchs-Markenheftchen 1960, tadellos postfr. Mi. 550,- €. (page)

Lot 3589 EUR 800
Heuss 1960, fluorescent paper, the scarce trial stamps booklet the first issue, booklet sheet margin with green, lying "L" above the central perforation, in perfect condition mint never hinged photo expertize "the quality is perfect" Hans Dieter Schlegel BPP.

Heuss 1960, fluoreszierendes Papier, d (page)

Lot 3594 EUR 60
Brandenburger Tor stamp booklet 1968, types b and c, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 210,- €.

Brandenburger Tor-Markenheftchen 1968, Typen b und c, tadellos postfr. Mi. 210,- €. (page)

Lot 3597 EUR 180
Brandenburger Tor stamp booklet 1968, scarce type f, with violet two-line cancel "fee indication invalid", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 600,- Euro

Brandenburger Tor-Markenheftchen 1968, seltene Type f, mit violettem L2 "GEBÜHRENANGABEN UNGÜLTIG", tadellos postfr. Mi. 600,- €+ (page)

Lot 3598 EUR 150
Floral greeting stamp booklet 2004, the scarce type d, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 500,- €.

Blumengruß-Markenheftchen 2004, die seltene Type d, tadellos postfr. Mi. 500,- €. (page)

Lot 3604 EUR 80
40 Pfg., 60 Pfg. Important Germans, strip of five with coil stamp numbers "1000", in perfect condition mint never hinged

40 Pfg., 60 Pfg. Bedeutende Deutsche, Fünferstreifen mit Rollennummern "1000", tadellos postfr. (page)

Lot 3606 EUR 100
40 Pfg. Important Germans, pair with four attached blank fields, two covers with mixed blank field colours and additional franking 40 Pfg., in perfect condition with special cancel "BAD King 13.9.67. " to highly. Rare!

40 Pfg. Bedeutende Deutsche, Paar mit vier anhängenden Leerfeldern, zwei Briefe (page)

Lot 3607 EUR 150
60 Pfg. Important Germans with four attached blank fields, three very nice registered covers with different blank field colours, in perfect condition with special cancel "BAD King" to highly. Rare!

60 Pfg. Bedeutende Deutsche mit vier anhängenden Leerfeldern, drei sehr schöne Einschreibebriefe mit (page)

Lot 3608 EUR 100
70 Pfg. Important Germans with four attached blank fields in grey, in perfect condition on registered cover from "BÜNDE 25.6.64. " to Häver with arrival postmark. Rare!

70 Pfg. Bedeutende Deutsche mit vier anhängenden Leerfeldern in grau, tadellos auf Einschreibebrief von "BÜNDE 25.6.64." nach Häv (page)

Lot 3609 EUR 150
40 Pfg. Prevention of accidents with rare blue counting number "035", in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 500,- €.

40 Pfg. Unfallverhütung mit seltener blauer Zählnummer "035", tadellos postfr. Mi. 500,- €. (page)

Lot 3610 EUR 50
720 Pfg. Places of interest 2001, two coil stamps with counting numbers "165 respectively 160" on mixed paper with coloured fibres respectively without coloured fibres, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 210,- €.

720 Pfg. Sehenswürdigkeiten 2001, zwei Rollenmarken mit Zählnummern " (page)

Lot 3611 EUR 50
440 Pfg./2, 25 € Cologne Cathedral 2001, two coil stamps with numbers "470 respectively 355" on mixed paper with coloured fibres respectively without coloured fibres, in perfect condition mint never hinged Michel 160,- €.

440 Pfg./2,25 Euro Kölner Dom 2001, zwei Rollenmarken mit Nummern (page)

Lot 35L EUR 300
German army postal service I. World war - magnificent special collection fieldpost card in four large thick albums formed with the subject "the imperial German Army and his military training areas", thereby many interesting and partly scarce cancel, numerous nice picture postcards and so on hardly e (page)
Lot 8L EUR 900
Saar - 1920/34, very nice collection, mostly mint never hinged formed on Lindner hingeless preprinted pages with a lot of better issues. With also Sarre Germania, as well Bavaria Sarre except for 5 Mk. Complete (partly expertized Burger BPP), all landscape sets, welfare sets including the issue of 1 (page)
Lot 11L EUR 300
Bavaria - extensive, almost mainly used collection from of the Kreuzer period in the Lindner ring binder, mixed quality, as well better values, colours, shades, a comprehensive part Pfennig period and so on very high catalog value!

BAYERN - reichhaltige, fast überwiegend gest. Sammlung ab der Kreu (page)

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