GERMAN STATES - BAVARIA: 23/275,vars: Collection of over 400 mint and used 1849 to 1920, and many both mint and used 1911 on, including Dues, Officials, some on cover, etc, earlier quality mixed, duplication with shades, cancels, etc, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect
GERMAN STATES - BAVARIA: 1/22,vars: Over 170 used 1849 to 1862, many SON COG wheel cancels, dup with shades, cancels, many with full margins, some questionable cancels not incl in totals, quality a bit mixed, appears mostly f-vf.
GERMAN STATES - WURTTEMBERG: 1/72,etc: Collection of over 300 mostly used 1851 to 1920, some both mint and used, couple covers, duplication with shades, cancels, earlier quality a bit mixed including 1857, 1859, 1861, and 1865 18kr, with Officials, etc, appears mostly fine with many clear can
GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: A few hundred mint and used 1870s to 1970s in glassines, much of the mint NH including 469, 664a, B49-B54, B173, B295, B315, 9N61 and better used 12 (pen cancel), 36b, B317-B319, B323, B337 (3), 9N62, most appear f-vf. Inspect. (Owners Cat Val $3140)
GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Small accumulation of many hundreds of used, mostly 1970s, some 2000s, plus Berlin, CTO East Germany (DDR), and some French Zone, mostly f-vf. Inspect.
GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of thousands of used and hundreds covers, mostly FDCs, mostly 1946 to 2001, some earlier, with Berlin, East Germany, etc, ETBs, much is neatly mounted in albums, in three cartons, appears mostly clean and f-vf. Inspect. (Shipping Wt. 49 kg).
GERMANY - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: THIRD REICH: PROPAGANDA AND PICTURE POSTCARDS: Collection of over 90 different incl 45 used, 26 unused, 8 letters, etc, much is philatelic, with Nuremberg Rally, 1939 Auto Show, War Ships and planes, Luftwaffe Real Photo card signed (scarce
GERMANY - FEDERAL REPUBLIC - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of many hundreds of 1946 to 1990s in three albums, plus 22 year sets, booklets, much is nh, f-vf. Inspect.
GERMANY - FEDERAL REPUBLIC - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 530/1391,B296/610,etc: Collection of mint and used 1945 to 1983 with many better singles and sets including mint 683, B310-B313, B316-B347 cpl, etc, used 665-666, 667-668, B314-B315, many others with Cat Val up to $40, plus AMG, French
GERMANY ZEPPELIN COVERS: C35,C52: 1RM red and 5pf green tied by 11.12.34 LUGTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN cancel, with red South America flight, and green Christmas flight confirmation cachets, to illustrated Airmail cover to Chicago USA, plus letter written on Airship stationery, roughly opened at t
GERMANY - ZEPPELIN COVERS: Forty-one covers or postcards, including thirty LZ 127 GRAF ZEPPELIN, Sieger 22B to 291A, six HINDENBURG, and three GRAF ZEPPELIN II, mostly f-vf. Inspect. (2001 Sieger €2210)
GERMANY - ZEPPELIN COVERS: C43,C44: 2RM and 4RM tied by Berlin C 13.10.33 19-20 L 2 cancels to Binghamton NY (USA), with red South Africa to Chicago Flight and Berlin- Friedrichshafen confirmation handstamps, 26 Oct 1933 Century of Progress World’s Fair June 1 - Nov 1 Chicago 1933 receiver on
GERMANY - REVENUES: Hundreds of mostly mint, duplication, many better, appear mostly f-vf. Inspect.
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II: Collection of over 550 mostly mint and some used, with Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania including Alsedziai (M2, M3, M7 signed) and Telsiai, Romania, Serbia, Sudetenland, Zara, etc, including complete and souvenir sheets, appears mostly nh, f-vf. Inspect
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II - ESTONIA: ELWA: Nine mint locals, nh, f-vf. Richter and Bocking (60k red and brown) backstamp guarantees. (2018 Mi 1-4,7,11,17,A23 €8130)
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II - ESTONIA: ELWA LOCALS: Russian 60k red and brown (Scott 822) with 'Eesti Post' ovpt, mint, small 84 on back otherwise nh, fine. J. Bocking backstamp guarantee. (Mi 48 €4000)
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II - LITHUANIA: ALSEDZIAI LOCALS: 2k to 1r complete, og, f-vf. All with Richter backstamp guarantees, 80k and 1r also with Dr Dub back stamps. (Mi 1-10 €9800)
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II - LITHUANIA: ALSEDZIAI LOCALS: 1r og, nh, very fine. Richter and Dr Dub backstamp guarantees. (2018 Mi 10 €5000)
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II - LITHUANIA: TELSIAI LOCALS: 'Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26' ovpts on 80k and 30k Russian stamps Scott 779,803,805,808, all used, with J Bocking backstamp guarantee. (Mi 9II,20I,21III,22II €4000)
GERMAN OCCUPATION - WORLD WAR II - LITHUANIA: TELSIAI LOCALS: 80k ultramarine (Scott Russia 779 var) with 'Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26' (type III) OVERPRINT INVERTED, used, very fine. J Bocking backstamp guarantee. (Mi 9K €5500)
EAST GERMANY (DDR): Collection of hundreds of used, 1965 to 1989 in three Davo albums, clean and f-vf. Inspect.