Zeppelin Flight. 1931 (June 28), Schwaben Flight postcard, franked by two values, tied by oval date stamp, Friedrichshafen ''28.6.31'' connection and Böblingen the same day arrival marking, violet confirmation cachet, VF, Sieger #112
1913, German-English Airship Expedition to New Guinea, 1m multicolored, perfect centering, strong colors and intact perforation, full OG, NH, VF and scarce in premium quality, Sieger #II
Zeppelin Flights. 1929 (April 19), South West Germany Flight two postcards and one cover, franked by 3pf (cards) or 8pf (cover), cancelled by Baden-Baden, Mannheim and Stuttgart, each one with red confirmation ''19.APR.1929'' marking, housed on pages from a Collection, Sieger #023.Ic, d, e, C
Zeppelin Flights. 1929 (April 23-25), Mediterranean Sea two Flight covers, both addressed to Chicago, franked by Zeppelin stamp of 2m ultra, tied by board cancel, red confirmation cachet, drop markings of Seville (machine ''24.ABR.29'') or S. Remo (''25.4.29''), mostly VF, Sieger #24d, var, C
Zeppelin Flights. 1929 (September 17), Germany Flight one cover and four postcards, properly franked and tied by the ''17.9.29'' cancellations of Brand, Eschweiler, Aachen, Osnabruek and Oldenburg, each one with red on-board the same day markings, mounted on 5 pages from a Collection, VF and
Zeppelin Flights. 1929 (October 17), Silesia Flight postcard (Graf Zeppelin), franked by two stamps tied on-board ''17.10.1929'' cancellation, the same day Beuthen drop (63 cards flown), in addition card from the same flight but with on-board ''7.10.1929'' cancel and Breslau drop, Sieger #43c
Zeppelin Flights. 1931 (June 14-15), Hanover Direct and Return Flight postcards, each franked by Zeppelin stamp of 1m carmine, tied by on-board ''14.6.1931'' or the same day Hanover ds, all appropriate markings, arranged on two pages from a Collection, VF, Sieger #111Ab, Ba, C.v. €190 w
Zeppelin Flights. 1931 (July 5-6), Upper Silesia Direct and Return Flight postcards, each franked by Zeppelin stamp of 1m carmine, tied by on-board or Glewitz ''5.7.1931'' date stamps, violet confirmation and arrivals of Glewitz (5.7) and Friedrichshafen (6.7),arranged on two pages from a Col
Zeppelin Flights. 1933 (June 20), Two Short Flights to Switzerland, cover franked by two stamps, including Zeppelin 1m carmine, tied with on-board ''20.6.33'' cancel, ''Mit Luftschiff ''Graf Zeppelin'' line confirmation marking, VF and scarce, Sieger #0216 I, C.v. €250 plus €100 a
Dornier Do-X First Flight. 1931 (January 30), Europe - America Flight cover to NYC, franked by Cathedral 5m green and se-tenant block of four from IPOSTA souvenir sheet, cancelled by Friedrichshafen ''13.11.30'' date stamp, black and red confirmation markings, Rio ''22.IV.31'' arrival handsta
Balloon Flight. 1933 (July 30), Osnabrück II Flight from Quakenbrück, real photo postcard addressed to Aurich, red label ''Ballon Gebuhr Bezahlt'' (Balloon Fee Paid), violet and black confirmation markings, in addition franked by two adhesives (minor perf yellowing), tied by Cologne-Hamburg o
COMPLETE SHEETS UNIT: 1954-74, 24 issues in sheets of 50 or large blocks (separated sheets of 50) in a green folder, complete issues only, most from the middle 1950's, a few folded along perforation, some separation possible, generally post office fresh condition, NH, VF, Mi #115/472, C.v. is about
Estonia. 1941, Numerals with Arms and Swastika, 15(k), 20(k) and 30(k), complete set of three, printed on chalk- surfaced paper, sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, Mi #1x-3x, C.v. €240++
Estonia - Pernau. 1941, black overprints (type II) ''Pernau 8.V11. 1941'' on definitive stamps of 1k-50k, 15k and 20k with broken first ''1'' of ''1941'', full OG, NH or LH (both 3k, 4k and 30k), Mi #1II - 10II, 7-8II PFVI, C.v. €405
France - Dunkirk. 1940, Head of Mercury 10c ultra and Peace 90c green, two values with boxed type I marking, sent from Ghyvelde to Dunkirk, minor perf soiling, still VF, expertized by Roumet and others, Mi #52, 82, C.v. €800
France - Saint Nazaire. 1945 (May 8 - Victory Day), Galley 2fr lilac brown, right sheet margin imperforate single used together with five French definitives on registered cover in La Baule, appropriate markings, arrival ds on reverse, VF, Mi #2U, C.v. €2,000++