Germany/ Finland 1918-44 set of 5 Kenttapostia Military/ Feldpost covers to various destinations(Image 1)
Finland 1942-44 WWII soldiers free Kenttapostia FPO 6 covers to Ristila(Image 1)
Finland set of 3 Military free mail Kenttapostia letter/ postcards to Helsinki(Image 1)
Suomi Finland 1917-64, window/feldpost 7 covers to Helsinki/Järnvägsgatan/Nummela/Waasa redirected to Valtakatu(Image 1)
Finland 1945-7 4 scarce Airmail par avion Etiquettes 1 used(Image 1)
Finland group of 9 covers/ FDC, 3 airmail to various overseas destinations(Image 1)
Russia Finland 1893-99 set of 5 Coat of Arms 10p, 4k & 1.25m postcards (2 unused) to various destinations(Image 1)
Finland 1896-1954 set of 4 postcards/ parcel card, 1 meter franked to various domestic destinations(Image 1)
Finland/ Austria Bosnia Herzegovina Feldpost group of 8 (3 used+ 5 unused) postcards/ envelopes, 2 addressed to Sweden(Image 1)
Finland 1930-42 set of 5 variously cancelled parcel cards to Nummi/ Sampu/ Askainen(Image 1)