CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1860 3d green on medium paper, SG 11, very fine mint with bright color.
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1862-64 5d red-brown, SG 19a, a fine never hinged mint marginal block of four.
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1868 1c Edward, Prince of Wales (SG 34) PERF 12 COLOUR TRIAL PROOF printed in black on gummed paper, never hinged mint, very fresh & attractive.
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1897 Discovery of Newfoundland set, SG 66/79, very fine mint (14 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1897-1918 Royal Family 'SPECIMEN' overprints complete set (ex 2c orange), SG 83s/85s & 87s/90s, never hinged mint, with small security punch-holes, 4c with some adherence on back, very fresh, from the American Bank Note Company archives. (7 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1923-24 'Small Publicity issue' complete set, SG 149/162, very fine mint. (14 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1929 Re-engraved Publicity set, SG 179/187, very fine mint. (9 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1929-31 Publicity (P.B.) set, SG 179/187, fine mint. (9 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1931 (5 June) registered cover to USA, bearing 1929-31 15c blue re-engraved (SG 186) tied by 'St David's' cds cancel, plus registration mark alongside and transit marks on reverse
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1933 AIR set, SG 230/34, very fine mint - the 75c with watermark top of shield to left, SG 234w. (5 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1941-44 24c deep blue Bell Island, upper marginal imperf block of four with security punch holes, mint with large part gum, usual light archival creasing.
CANADA - PRINCE EDWARD IS - 1862-72 MINT ASSEMBLY presented on a stock card that includes an 1862-69 perf 12 range with 2d x4 (one Die II), 3d blue & deep blue shades & 4d black, 1870 4½d (3d.stg) deep brown, 1872 1c x3, 2c x2, 3c, 4c x4, 6c x4 & 12c x2. Useful range, some minor imperfections (24 st
CANADA - 1852-57 3d red Beaver handmade paper, SG 5, fine used, four mostly good to large margins, fresh & attractive.
CANADA - 1854 (Feb.) wrapper Montreal to Danville C.E., bearing 3d Beaver, SG 5, with four margins, tied by target cancel, Richmond and arrival marks on reverse. Central file crease well clear of the stamp.
CANADA - 1857 3d red imperf on machine - made paper, SG 18, very finely used with 3 margins.
CANADA - 1859 10c brown 'Prince Albert', SG 36, Scott 17b, unused & without gum, APS Photo Certificate.
CANADA - 1859 1c deep rose, S.G. 30, mint with redistributed gum.
CANADA - 1868-1898 ATTRACTIVE USED COLLECTION on pages, includes 1868-90 12½c & 15c (x2) Large Queens, 1870-1897 Small Queens (50+) vals to 10c (x5) with shades, mainly with fancy & cork cancels, 1893 20c & 50c Widow, 1897-98 set, 1898-1902 set etc. Good to fine condition. (84 stamps)
CANADA - 1868-90 12½c bright blue, SG 60b, fine used, couple short perfs.
CANADA - 1897-98 3c carmine Maple Leaves, SG 145, a fine mint upper marginal plate '6' block of four, two never hinged.
CANADA - 1897-98 6c brown Maple Leaves, SG 147, a very well centered fine mint example.
CANADA - 1898-1903 10c pale brownish purple, SG 163, very fine mint.
CANADA - 1899 2c on 3c rose-carmine surcharge, SG 172, never hinged mint BLOCK of 4. (4 stamps)
CANADA - 1916 2c brown imperfxP8 Die I, SG 241, never hinged mint PAIR, fresh, cat £250. (2 stamps)
CANADA - 1925 3c carmine (Die II) imperf x perf 8, SG 258b, mint COIL STRIP FOUR, the centre pair never hinged.
CANADA - 1928-29 $1 olive-green Parliament Buildings, SG 285, used block of nine with large 'R' in oval registration cancels. Cat. £810++
CANADA - 1928-29 PICTORIAL SET PLUS COIL SET presented on a stock card, SG 275/87, very fine mint (13 stamps)
CANADA - 1932 6c on 5c Ottawa Conference Air stamp, SG 318, mint / never hinged mint block 4. Cat £64.
CANADA - 1989-1994 FINE USED COLLECTION incl. se-tenant pairs, strips & blocks incl 1989-1994 WWII issues, 1989-93 Flag set, 1990 Forests blocks of 4 surrounded by margins set, 1991-96 Defins to $5, 1992 Exhibition set & m/s, 1992-1994 Canada Day sets etc (+/- 350 stamps & 3 m/s)
CANADA - COMMERCIAL AIRWAYS LTD 1929 (21 May) First Flight cover, Grande Prairie to Edmonton, 10c black 'COMMERCIAL AIRWAYS / VIA AIR' private airmail stamp, tied by blue cachet & 'Edmonton' machine cancel, Montreal arrival mark alongside. Unitrade CL47, cat C$150.
CANADA - PRIVATE COMMERCIAL AIRLINES JACK V. ELLIOT AIR SERVICE 1926 (6 Mar) airmail cover bearing 3c Admiral stamp and on reverse Elliot 1926 25c red on yellow local semi-official air post stamp (Unitrade CL6) cancelled by 'Rolling Portage' cds, oval 'Kenora (Red Lake) Received' and boxed 'First Fl
CANADA - PRIVATE COMMERCIAL AIRLINES COMMERCIAL AIRWAYS LTD 1931 (24 Feb) Athabasca to Fort McMurray first flight airmail cover bearing 2c stamp cancelled by 'Athabasca' cds and on reverse Commercial 1930 10c black 'Air Fee' local semi-official air post stamp with BREAK IN OVAL variety (Unitrade CL4
CANADA - REVENUES - ELECTRICITY AND GAS 1930 50c to $10 in orange plus 60c to $10 in blue, FEGI 1/11, never hinged mint. (11 stamps)