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ADEN - 1937 - 1948 COLLECTION of 48 chiefly mint stamps, note 1937 Dhows set to 5r, 1949 10r Wedding, etc, incl states. Stc £834.
ADEN - 1937 - 1963 COLLECTION on stock pages, mint & used, includes 1937 Dhow to 1r mint & 2r (x2) used, 1951 surcharges set used, Kathiri & Qu'aiti States etc. Stc £2,350+ (many 100's)
ADEN - 1937 - 1965 MINT / NEVER HINGED COLLECTION includes Kathiri & Qu'aiti. Cat £1200+ (few 100's)
ADEN - 1937 Dhow set, SG 1/12, very fine mint. Cat £1200.
ADEN - 1937 Dhow set, SG 1/12, very fine mint. Cat £1200.
ADEN - 1937 Dhows set, SG 1/12, fine used, cat £850 (12 stamps)
ADEN - 1953 - 1965 NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION near- complete including extra perfs & shades, a complete run for the period (SG 47-86). Cat £418.
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA - 1863 - 1981 COLLECTION of mint (some never hinged) and used stamps, also some covers and cards. Note 1863-67 1d & 6d, 1884 1s mauve, KEVII reign vals to 5s, 1913 5s, 1921-29 £1 purple and black / red, KGVI reign complete, much else. Also 1929 First Flight covers, a few early unus
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA - 1935 1d deep blue & carmine Silver Jubilee DIAGONAL LINE BY TURRET variety, SG 91f, fine mint, cat £100.
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA - ESTATE FOLDER. Chiefly mint and NHM. Stamps of note, 1863-67 6d used wmk upright (SG 8a), 1876 1d mint, 1886 1s mint, 1932 Tercentenary mint set, 1938-51 NHM set in blocks of 4, and extensive QEII range with many blocks. Also includes Barbuda QEII mint and used collection with va
ASCENSION - 1922 - 1953 COLLECTION of mint stamps on protective pages, note 1938-53 set plus some extra different perfs, 1948 Wedding etc. Cat £600+
ASCENSION - 1937 - 1953 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION from 1937 Coronation to 1949 UPU set, also most extra perfs & shades. Cat £700+.
ASCENSION - 1938-53 Pictorials eight different values to 1s on registered cover incl 4d black & ultramarine MOUNTAINEER FLAW variety, SG 42da. Address removed, variety cat £700.
ASCENSION - EX DEALER'S FOLDER. Mint and used. KGV to 2s inc overprints, 1935 Jubilee 2d 'Cleft Rock' variety, KGVI perf varieties, 1947 Postal Congress folder, etc. (900+ stamps)
AUSTRALIAN STATES - NEW SOUTH WALES 1854-59 5d dull green imperf, SG 88, fine used with 3 large margins (just brushing at bottom). Cat £700.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - NEW SOUTH WALES 1854-59 8d dull yellow-orange imperf, SG 98, used with 4 close to large margins. Cat £1500.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - NEW SOUTH WALES chiefly used stamps on album or stock book pages (400+ stamps)
AUSTRALIAN STATES - POSTAL STATIONERY collection of 14 chiefly used items from New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1856-58 1d yellow green imperf, SG 6, used pair, tear at base of right-hand stamp, cancelled Adelaide 1859 cds's. Cat £1600.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1856-58 1d yellow green (pair) & 2d red imperfs (SG 6 + 9) used, tied to piece by neat mute cancellations. Light foxing chiefly to the piece. Cat £1642+.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - TASMANIA THE FRANKING SYSTEM collection with an 1885 cover with Government House frank & 17 pieces bearing official franks variously identified. Interesting.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - VICTORIA 1886-1899 1d orange-brown/brownish orange shades, used bundleware. Postmark interest. (approx 1,100 stamps)
AUSTRALIAN STATES - VICTORIA 1905-13 £2 dull blue perf, 11, SG 445, very fine mint. Cat £1300.
AUSTRALIAN STATES - WESTERN AUSTRALIA CANCELLATIONS. Very fine strikes on 150+ stamps arranged from Albany to York, over 90 offices incl Cossack, Day Dawn, Hines Hill, Lennonville, Mt Sir Samuel, Niagara, Princess Royal, Roslyn Farm etc. List accompanies.
AUSTRALIA - 1876-1990's MINT MOSTLY NEVER HINGED RANGES on stock cards & in packets, includes few States incl Queensland 1879-81 1s & 1882-95 £1, South Australia Official 1876-85 4d (x2), Victoria Postage Dues 1890-94 set to 1s, AUSTRALIA 1915-27 Roos set to 9d (x2) & 1s (x2) and 1923-24 to 2s, 1918
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1931 SPECIALIZED COLLECTION of 97 mint and used stamps, note 1914-20 mint set with extras incl ½d yellow-green, 1d line perf 14¼, 1d carmine-pink, 4d (5, all SG listed shades incl lemon-yellow & pale orange-yellow) & 5d (2, shades), 1916-18 rough paper 1d (2) mint, 1d rosine (cert
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1935 FINE USED range of 17 stamps includes 1913-14 range to 5s grey and yellow (Die II) SG 13 incl 1s emerald with wmk inverted SG 11w, 1918-23 1½d red-brown showing a retouched corner, 1932 5s blue-green Sydney Harbour Bridge SG 143.
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1936 'HEADS' COLLECTION of used stamps on protective pages incl. 1926-30 perf. 14 set, perf 13½ x 12½ set incl. 1d sage-green Die II etc. Stc £815.
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1936 USED COLLECTION on album pages, note 1913-14 Roos set to 5s, 1913-14 6d Kookaburra, 1915 Roos set to 2s, 1915-27 Roos set to 10s, 1918-23 Heads set, 1924-25 Heads set, 1926-30 Heads both different perf sets, 1929-30 Roos set, 1931 Flights set + 6d 'OS' opt'd, 1931-36 Heads se
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1936 COLLECTION of around 180 used stamps on protective pages, many sets, values to £1, etc. Cat £3000+.
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1971 MINT COLLECTION includes 1913-14 to 2½d, 3d & 6d, 1915 9d, many more Roo's & Heads, 1934 Victoria & Macarthur sets, 1935 Jubilee set, 1936 South Australia set, 1937-49 definitives both perf sets, much else (400+ stamps)
AUSTRALIA - 1913 - 1990 ACCUMULATION IN BOX with many 1000's stamps in stockbooks and albums.
AUSTRALIA - 1913 1s blue-green 'roo, SG 11a, never hinged mint. BW $1750 for never hinged mint.
AUSTRALIA - 1914 - 1936 COLLECTION of 42 used stamps, a complete run of commemorative sets to 1936, 1932 Sydney Bridge set.
AUSTRALIA - 1914 - 1936 'HEADS' COLLECTION of used stamps on protective pages, includes extra shades, note 1914-20 vals to 5d, 1918-20 vals to 1½d, 1918-23 vals to 1s4d, 1926-30 perf 14 range to 4½d, perf 13½ x 12½ vals to 1s4d, 1931-36 vals to 1s4d, nice cds cancellations. Stc £580.
AUSTRALIA - 1914 - 1936 PICTORIALS / COMMEMORATIVES collection of 42 mint stamps on protective pages, note 1914 6d Kookaburra, 1931 Air set plus 6d re-entry, 1931 Air 6d and 'OS' overprint, 1932 both 1s shades, 1934 Victoria both perf sets, 1934 Macarthur set with both 2d's, 1934 Air (all three), 19
AUSTRALIA - 1914 - 1936 NEVER HINGED MINT collection of 39 stamps on stockbook pages, note most commemoratives sets, often with the different perfs or papers, SG 19-163. Cat £710.
AUSTRALIA - 1914-20 5d yellow brown Head with wmk inverted, SG 23bw, fine mint. Cat £950.
AUSTRALIA - 1914-20 5d yellow-brown Head with wmk inverted, SG 23bw, used, cat £750.
AUSTRALIA - 1914-20 HEADS COLLECTION of 21 fine mint stamps between SG 20-23ba, includes three listed ½d shades plus inverted wmk, 1d red inc shades, inverted wmk & Die II, 4d inc all five listed shades plus inverted wmk, 5d both listed shades. Cat £1307.
AUSTRALIA - 1915 -27 £2 black and rose, wmk Narrow Crown, SG 45, used and well-centred. Cat £3250.
AUSTRALIA - 1915 2d Silver-grey (shiny paper) Die IIa, SG 35d, block 6, never hinged mint. Cat £420.
AUSTRALIA - 1916 - 1936 PENNY HEADS in album, all used 1d reds (350+), 1d greens (750+) and 1d violets (35), cat £2000++ as cheapest.
AUSTRALIA - 1918-23 HEADS SPECIALIST'S NEVER HINGED MINT stock of 15 stamps includes 1d violet Dot before '1', Flaw under neck & 'RA' joined, 1½d black-brown wmk inverted & 'TA' of 'POSTAGE' joined, 1½d deep red-brown wmk inverted, 1½d bright red-brown, 4d ultramarine (2, one wmk inverted) & 4d pale
AUSTRALIA - 1923-24 2s maroon 'roo with wmk inverted, SG 74w, fine mint, cat £2250.
AUSTRALIA - 1924-25 HEADS SPECIALIST'S NEVER HINGED MINT stock of 40 stamps includes 1d Dot before '1', Secret mark, Flaw under neck, 'RA' joined, Ferns, Break in top frame & wmk inverted, 1½d thin paper 'HALEPENCE', 'RAL' thin, curved '1' and thin fraction, Cut lower frame & wmk inverted, wmk Mult
AUSTRALIA - 1926-30 HEADS SPECIALIST'S NEVER HINGED MINT stock of 48 stamps includes 1926-30 perf 14 ½d wmk inverted, 1d 'RA' joined & 'RA' retouch in pairs with normal, 1d Flaw under neck, 1d imprint block 8, 4d (5, incl block 4), 4½d pair & Retouched right value tablet, 1s4d, perf 13½x12½ 1d 'RA'
AUSTRALIA - 1927 - 1947 COLLECTION on hingeless album pages, of mint (many never hinged) & used stamps, includes 1928 Exhibition miniature sheet never hinged mint, 1932 5s Sydney Harbour Bridge (small thin), etc (60 stamps & 1 M/S's)
AUSTRALIA - 1937-49 £1 bluish slate overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG 178s, never hinged mint. Cat £800
AUSTRALIA - 1945 - 2012 COVERS a box with mainly unused postal Stationery cards incl many complete sets, also a small selection of commercial covers & FDC's (approx 900 items)
AUSTRALIA - 1981-1999 YEAR BOOKS Complete run containing never hinged mint issues, plus a few special packs. (22 books)
AUSTRALIA - 1985 Australian Military Uniforms horizontal strips of five (SG 964a) MISPERFORATED PANE 50 (10 strips) displaying a dramatic upward shift of the perforations removing '33c AUSTRALIA' inscriptions from the bottom of each stamp - therefore 40 stamps erroneously showing the inscription at
AUSTRALIA - 1988 4c Trade Unions 'Living Together' block of 16 stamps with sheet selvage, with printers control perforation device, never hinged mint.
AUSTRALIA - 1989 2c Tenpin-bowling (SG 1170) block of 27 stamps unissued with printers control perforation device across 18, never hinged mint.
AUSTRALIA - 1990 5c Kayaking and canoeing (SG 1172) block of 10 stamps, unissued with printers control perforation device, never hinged mint.
AUSTRALIA - 1993 40c, 70c, 90c & $1.20 Australian Wildlife values in sealed Australia Post presentation pack, the $1.20 Cockatoo stamp with printers control perforation device.
AUSTRALIA - 1993 45c Parliament and Women issue (SG 1421/22) block of 10 stamps unissued with printers control perforation device, never hinged mint.
AUSTRALIA - 1993 Paintings by Albert Namatjira pair in sealed Australia Post presentation pack, the stamps with printers control perforation device.
AUSTRALIA - 1993 Prehistoric Animals set + miniature sheet, the miniature sheet in sealed Australia Post presentation pack, the 45c Ornithocheirus & $1.05 Minmi stamps with printers control perforation device.
AUSTRALIA - 1994 Australian Zoos. Endangered Species set + miniature sheet in sealed Australia Post presentation pack, the miniature sheet with printers control perforation device affecting the 45c Iguana / butterfly and 45c Cheetah stamps.
AUSTRALIA - 1995 Endeavour Replica pair in sealed Australia Post presentation pack, the stamps with printers control perforation device.
AUSTRALIA - 2002 Golden Jubilee set + miniature sheet, the miniature sheet with printers control perforation device, in Australia Post presentation pack.
AUSTRALIA - 2005 First Australian Coin set + miniature sheet, the miniature sheet with printers control perforation device, in Australia Post presentation pack.
AUSTRALIA - 2009 Australian Legends both blocks 4 each with printers control perforation device, in Australia Post presentation pack.
AUSTRALIA - BOOKLETS 1956-70 3s6d SB 32, 4s SB 33 and 34, 5s SB 36, 36a, 37a, 38 (imprints DG9, DV8, DV9), 1966 60c SB 39 (imprints DV11, N67/2, V67/1), 39a, 1967 50c on 60c, $1 on 60c (3, incl. with waxed interleaves), 1969 Famous Australians $1 (editions G69/4, N69/3, V69/3, N70/1, V70/1) etc, fin
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS WITH SPECIALISM IN BOX. Roos, heads and dues showing degrees of specialism with stamps and varieties identified. Also includes OS perfins, Dues imprint blocks, Service covers an album, stamps in glassines and much else. Stamps noted: 5s mint roo (SG 42b), 10s used roo (SG 43a
AUSTRALIA - EXTENSIVE COLLECTION IN 36 ALBUMS 1913-2011 mint (some never hinged) and used stamps and many COVERS. Includes 1913-14 Roos to 2s mint, 1928 Exhibition m/s nhm, 1931 Australia to England first flight cover, blocks incl with imprints, first day covers, self-adhesive issues, presentation p
AUSTRALIA - FIRST DAY COVERS, MAXI CARDS, POSTAL STATIONERY 1946 - 1996 in two albums, many from 1980 onwards also with never hinged stamps (200+ covers/cards, 300 stamps & m/sheets)
AUSTRALIA - OFFICIALS 1913 - 1933 FINE USED COLLECTION with many sets and higher values, on protective pages, note 1913 'Roo 1d to 2s set, 1914 'Roo vals to 1s, 1915 2d 'Roo, 1914-21 Heads set, 1915-28 'Roo set to 10s, 1918-23 Heads set, much else (100+ stamps)
AUSTRALIA - POSTAGE DUE 1906-08 3d green, perf 11½, 12, compound with 11, SG D48, very fine mint. Cat £700.
AUSTRALIAN ANT.TERR - 1930-2014 COLLECTION WITH MANY COVERS in seven albums, includes mint mostly never hinged and used stamps, various covers incl 1930-31 'B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Exp.' cover, various ANARE expeditions covers from 1947 onwards, 1948 Operation 'Sinbad' covers (x2 incl one r
AUSTRALIAN ANT.TERR - 1993 $1, $1.40 & $1.50 Antarctic Wildlife values, the $1.50 King Penguin with printers control perforation device, in sealed Australia Post presentation pack.
AUSTRALIAN ANT.TERR - 1994 Departure of Huskies from Antarctica set, the 85c value with printers control perforation device, in sealed Australia Post presentation pack.
BAHAMAS - 1859 - 1884 COLLECTION of 39 mint / unused stamps, includes 1859-60 1d thin paper, 1861-62 6d, 1863-77 perf 12½ 1d (7), 4d (4) & 6d (5, one wmk inverted) and perf 14 1d (4) & 4d with shades & watermark varieties, 1863-80 1s (2), 1882 perf 12 1d & 4d (3) and perf 14 1d, 1882-98 1s (3), 1884
BAHAMAS - 1859 - 1898 MINT COLLECTION of 24 stamps includes 1859-60 1d dull lake imperf pair (SG 2), 1863-77 perf 12½ 1d rose red (SG 23) & wmk rev (SG 23x), 1d vermillion plus an wmk inv (SG 25 & 25w), 4d brownish rose wmk rev (SG 28), 6d dp violet (SG 31), perf 14 1d scarlet-vermillion (SG 33), 1
BAHAMAS - 1859 - 1980 COLLECTION IN ALBUM of mint, never hinged mint and used stamps, plus picture postcards and a few covers. Note 1884-90 set (to £1 Venetian red), 1902-07 £1 green and black, 1912-19 £1 green and black, 1938-52 definitive set, 1942 Columbus set, 1948 Tercentenary sets (both m & us
BAHAMAS - 1862 - 1935 COLLECTION of 80 used stamps on album pages, note 1862 1d perf 11½,12, 1863-77 perf 12½ to 4d (2) & perf 14 vals to 4d, 1882 vals to 4d, 1882-98 1s value, 1884-90 set to 5s, 1901-03 Staircase set, plus much else.
BAHAMAS - 1862 - 1964 COLLECTION of mint & used stamps on protective pages incl 25+ Chalons, KEVII ranges with mint to 5s, KGV inc 1912-19 set to 5s mint, 1921-37 to 5s used, much else (400+ stamps)
BAHAMAS - 1863 - 1938 COLLECTION of 80+ mint & used stamps on album pages, incl 1884 set to 5s mint & £1 used, 1911-19 2s black and blue mint, 1920 Peace set mint, 1931 2s and 3s mint, etc. Stc £1100+.
BAHAMAS - 1882 - 1977 MINT COLLECTION includes many sets (400+ stamps)
BAHAMAS - 1911 - 1937 MINT SEMI-SPECIALISED COLLECTION on protective pages, rather comprehensive with some additional shades, varieties & multiples. Note 1911-19 Staircase set with extra 1d shades, 3d shade/papers, 1912-19 MCA Wmk set, 1917 Red Cross 1d incl 'extra trunk' & block with 'long stroke t
BAHAMAS - 1911 - 1937 USED STAMPS & COVERS on protective pages, note 1911-19 Staircase set, 1912-19 MCA Wmk definitive set (½d on cover), 1918 War Tax (Feb) set plus ½d plate block (SG 91, cat £200), 1918 (Jul) War Tax set, 1920 Peace set, 1921-37 Wmk Script set, much else (75+ stamps & 5 covers)
BAHAMAS - 1911 - 1952 MINT COLLECTION includes the 1930 3s black and green Tercentenary, 1938-52 complete set SG 149/157a, etc. Cat £550+.
BAHAMAS - 1912 - 1937 COLLECTION of over 65 mint stamps on both sides of a protective page, many sets and higher values, also 1921-37 6d 'deformed 'E' variety. Stc £785.
BAHAMAS - 1937 - 1952 COLLECTION in album, incl mint with companion used stamps, also additional covers. Includes a number of somewhat specialised items such as the mint 1938-52 with extra shades to 5s (4), 1942 ½d green Landfall with 'Elongated E' in block 6 (variety never hinged), various 'extra d
BAHAMAS - 1953 - 1970 SEMI-SPECIALISED COLLECTION comprehensive & well- annotated with both mint (much never hinged) & used, with additional varieties, plate blocks, etc (500+ stamps, 25+ covers, 1 certificate)
BAHAMAS - 1969 Christmas set (SG 338/341) IMPERFORATE PROOFS each afixed to a De La Rue file card (4 proofs)
BAHRAIN - 1933 - 1950 MINT COLLECTION on album pages, 1933-37 set to 2r, 1934-37 set, 1938-41 set to 10r, 1942-45 set, 1950-55 set including 2r on 2s6d type II, SG 77a. Cat £1528.
BAHRAIN - 1933 - 1952 USED COLLECTION of over 65 used stamps on protective pages includes 1933-37 most values to 5r, 1938-41 most with all rupee values, 1942-45 'White background' set, 1948 Silver Wedding set, 1948-49 surcharged set, 1950-55 surcharged set.
BAHRAIN - 1933 - 1959 FINE MINT COLLECTION with 1933-37 values to 1r, 1934-37 all values inc 2s vermillion small die, 1938-41 values to 5r, 1942-45 set, 1948-49 set, 1948 Wedding enevr hinged, 1956-57 and 1957-59 sets, commemorative sets etc (75 stamps).
BAHRAIN - 1938 - 1964 MINT / NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION of around 140 stamps, includes a complete run of sets from 1942 to 1964 (SG 38-138), plus the 1953 to 1961 local stamps (SG L1-L12), also 1938 1r & 5r gutter blocks 4, 1950 2r on 2s6d type II (SG 77a, never hinged mint), various 1955-60 Castl
BAHRAIN - 1938 - 1964 FINE USED COLLECTION of over 140 stamps on protective pages, note 1938-41 range to 10r, then a complete run of sets from 1942 to 1964 (SG 38-138), plus some additional shades, surcharge types, multiples, etc.
BAHRAIN - 1942 - 1960 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on protective pages, a complete run from the 1942-45 White Background set to 1960 (SG 38-116) including some additional types of the 1955-60 Castles. Cat £660.
BAHRAIN - 1968 - 1880 NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION near- complete for the period (between SG 155-278) approx 120 stamps. Cat £700+.
BARBADOS - 1852 - 1881 BRITANNIA 'CLASSICS' collection of 60+ mint / unused stamps on protective pages, includes 1852-55 1d blue imperfs (29, incl unissued stamps, pairs & block 8), 1855-58 ½d & 1d (2), 1861-70 ½d (11), 1d (3), 6d & 1s, 1870-71 ½d (2), 1873 ½d, 6d imperf pair, 1873 3d, 1874-75 ½d (2
BARBADOS - 1852 - 1881 USED COLLECTION on protective pages, includes 1852-55 1d blues (2) & 1d brownish reds (2), 1855-58 1d (2), 1858 6d (5) & 1s (5), 1861 ½d & 1d, 1861-70 vals to 1s (2), 1870-71 to 6d (2) & 1s, 1871 4d & 6d, 1872 to 6d & 1s, plus ½d, 1873 3d, 1873 5s (3), 1875-81 vals to 1s, plus
BARBADOS - 1852 - 1977 FINE MINT COLLECTION includes many 'better' stamps & sets (400+ stamps)
BARBADOS - 1855 - 1910 MINT COLLECTION of over 120 mint stamps on album pages, note 1855 (½d) green unused, 1861 clean cut perf ½d greens, 1861 rough perf ½d green (3, shades) & 1d blue (2, shades), 1873 Large Star Wmk 6d orange imperf & 1s black perf, 1873 5s dull rose handstamped 'SPECIMEN' and so
BARBADOS - 1855 - 1927 OLD COLLECTION of chiefly used stamps, comprehensive with many Britannias, sets, higher values. Cat £2500+ (120+ stamps)
BARBADOS - 1858 - 1953 COLLECTION annotated on protective pages, includes 1858 6d & 1860 1d used, 1882-86 set used, plus 3d deep purple mint & 4d grey no gum, 1892-1903 set mint, 1897-98 Jubilee set incl 2s6d mint (x2), 1905 set to 8d used, 1907 2d Nelson pair mint, 1909-10 set used, 1912-26 set to
BARBADOS - 1861 - 1874 PERFORATED BRITANNIAS collection of chiefly used stamps, comprehensive.
BARBADOS - 1861-1982 COLLECTION on pages, some used but mostly mint (many QEII sets never hinged) stamps, includes 1906 Nelson set mint, 1920-21 Victory set to 2s mint, 1921-24 most vals to 3s mint, 1938-47 set mint, 1950 set mint, 1953-61 set to $1.20 NHM etc. (400+)
BARBADOS - 1882 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION of 90+ stamps, note 1892-1903 set, 1897-98 Jubilee set, plus some blued papers, 1906 Nelson set, 1906 1d Tercentenary 'SPECIMEN', 1907 Nelson set, 1909-10 set, 1921-24 set, 1925-35 set, etc. Cat £1800+.
BARBADOS - 1882-86 Wmk Crown CA set with all additional shades of the ½d, 1d, 3d, and the 4d grey and 4d pale brown (SG 89/103), mint, the 6d value with darker gum but never hinged. Cat £1102 (12 stamps)
BARBADOS - 1907 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION on album pages, note sets, ranges to higher values. Chiefly fine & fresh, stc £540 (69 stamps)
BARBADOS - 1937 - 1952 MINT COLLECTION on pages, complete for the basic issues with additional items, note 1938-47 ½d green perf 14, 1d scarlet perf 13½x13 (£275), 2½d blue 'Mark on central ornament', some plate blocks (approx 180 stamps)
BARBADOS - 1953 - 2010 MINT COLLECTION in 2 albums, substantial & semi-specialized with changes of papers & watermarks (1800+ stamps, 60+ m/sheets or sheetlets)
BASUTOLAND - 1933 - 1949 MINT COLLECTION on pages, note 1933 set, 1935 Jubilee set, 1938 set etc. Cat £478 (42 stamps)
BATUM - 1919 - 1920 COLLECTION of chiefly mint stamps on pages, comprehensive, will include some forgeries (approx 250 stamps)
BATUM - 1920 (Jan-Feb) perforated set + the additional surcharges in blue, SG 29/37, 29a/33a, very fine mint. Cat £1650 (14 stamps)
BECHUANALAND - 1884 - 1965 SEMI-SPECIALIZED COLLECTION of 90+ mint stamps, includes the 1897 opt'd set with all three spacings plus an additional selection of minor varieties, 1897-02 ½d vermillion with misprint E, ½d blue-green never hinged mint block 10, 2d bearing black diagonal ink line through
BECHUANALAND - 1885 - 1897 COLLECTION of used stamps on pages, note 1885-87 set to 6d, also various forgeries identified (16 examples, incl inverted overprints), 1888 set to 10s, plus a 4d handstamped 'Specimen' with bogus cancellation, 1888 surcharges set to 1s on 1s, 1888 (27 Dec) ½d, 1891 set, 18
BECHUANALAND - 1885 - 1936 MINT COLLECTION on protective pages, includes many sets (85 stamps)
BECHUANALAND - 1885 - 1938 MINT & USED STAMPS on protective pages, note 1885-87 CA ½d (3, one used) & 3d used, wmk Anchor ½d opt double lake + black unused (faults), plus some forgeries, much else. Cat £1650+ (200+ stamps)
BECHUANALAND - 1904 - 1949 FINE USED COLLECTION of around 80 stamps on pages, includes sets, higher values. Cat £900+.
BECHUANALAND - 1904 - 1966 USED COLLECTION on album pages, note 1904-13 vals to 1s, 1913-24 set (no 2½d), 2s6d & 5s Waterlow, 2s6d De La Rue, 2s6d Bradbury Seahorses, 1925-27 set (no 6d chalky paper), 1945 1d Barbed wire flaw within block of 4, 1961 set with different surcharges such as the 3½c on 4
BELIZE - 2012 25c on 10c provisional surcharge, SG 1380, complete never hinged sheet of 50. Cat. £1250 (50 stamps)
BERMUDA - 1865 - 1953 COLLECTION 1865-1903 Wmk CC 1d mint, 2d mint, 3d used (8), 6d dull mauve mint block 4, 6d dull purples used (3), 1s (2) used, perf 14x12½ 3d used (5), 1s mint blocks 6 & 12, 1880 4d mint block 10, 1883-1904 incl. 2d blues mint (4), 2½d mint block 4 (never hinged), 1s used block
BERMUDA - 1865 - 1968 COLLECTIONS IN FOLDER. Mint and used on pages. Includes QV sets, 1875 3d wmk inv, 1935 Jubilee 1d and 1½d 'bird by turret' varieties, KGVI NHM Key Types, 1951 photographic essays x10 and near complete QEII. (Approx 300 stamps)
BERMUDA - 1865 - 1976 FINE MINT COLLECTION includes 1883-1904 set with extra shades, 1902-03 & 1906-10 'Dry Dock' sets, 1910-25 set with extra shades, 1918-22 2s6d & 4s, 1920-21 & 1921 Tercentenary sets, 1922-34 set with extra shades incl both 1s, 1924-32 2s & 2s6d (2, shades), also 2s 'Specimen' op
BERMUDA - 1865-03 2d bright blue wmk inverted, SG 4w, fine used. Cat £750.
BERMUDA - 1865-1871 Wmk Crown CC, perf 14 set of mint values with some additional shades, includes 1d both shades SG 1/2, 2d both shades SG 3/4, 3d yellow-buff SG 5a, 6d dull mauve SG 7 (two shades), plus 1s green SG 8, some faults. Cat £2336.
BERMUDA - 1865-1910 MINT COLLECTION of 27 stamps includes 1865-1903 Wmk CC perf 14 6d dull purple (SG 6, cat £1000 with some trimmed perfs), 1883-1904 range with most values to 1s, 1906-10 Dock set, 1906-10 Dock set. Some mixed condition, stc £1467.
BERMUDA - 1874 3d on 1s green ('P' same type as 'R'), SG 13b, fresh unused without gum. Cat £2000.
BERMUDA - 1874 3d on 1s green, SG 14, used lightly cancelled with very small thin. BPA certificate, cat £650.
BERMUDA - 1875 1d on 3d yellow-buff, SG 16, mint with original gum redistributed. BPA certificate, cat £450.
BERMUDA - 1902 - 1936 FINE USED COLLECTION of 87 stamps on pages, includes 1906-10 set, 1910-25 set with extra shades, 1918-22 2s6d & 5s (2), 1920-21 & 1921 Tercentenary sets, 1922-34 set with extra shades incl both 1s, 1924-32 2s (2) & 2s6d, 1935 Jubilee set, 1936-47 Pictorials set etc. Cat £1400+.
BERMUDA - 1902 - 1936 MINT COLLECTION of over 75 stamps on album pages, note 1902 set, 1906-10 set, 1910-25 set with additional shades, 1918-22 2s, 2s6d, 1921 Tercentenary set, 1922-34 comprehensive including 2d reversed Wmk, 1924-32 2s (2, shades), etc.
BERMUDA - 1902 - 1936 MINT COLLECTION includes 1902-03 & 1906-10 'Dry Docks' sets, 1910-25 set with extra shades, 1920-21 & 1921 Tercentenary sets, 1922-34 set, 1935 Jubilee set, 1936-47 Pictorial set etc (74 stamps)
BERMUDA - 1910 - 1936 FINE USED COLLECTION includes 1910-25 set with additional shades, 1918-22 set to 10s (2, shades), 1920-21 Tercentenary set, 1924-32 2s (2, shades), 2s6d (2, shades) & 12s6d. Stc £2500+ excluding any fiscally cancelled.
BERMUDA - 1918 - 1948 COLLECTION OF COVERS annotated on pages, in album with censored & uncensored 'War Tax' frankings, late fee, various cachets and covers for visiting Royal & US Navy ships, a 'Fleet Mail Office / Bermuda' datestamp cancels Indian stamps, etc (21 covers)
BERMUDA - 1918-22 4s black & carmine 'Broken crown and scroll' flaw, SG 52bb, very fine used. Cat £650.
BERMUDA - 1918-22 LARGE KEY TYPES mint range of 14 stamps with shades of 2s (3), 2s.6d (3), 4s 'Break in scroll' SG 52ba, 'Broken crown and scroll' SG 52bb and 'Damaged leaf at bottom right' SG 52be, 5s (3), 10s 'Break in scroll' SG 54a (cat £650, faded) and fine £1 SG 55. Cat £2315.
BERMUDA - 1937 - 1949 FINE USED COLLECTION of over 60 stamps on pages, includes 1938-53 set with many listed shades, perf & paper types incl 2s (7, all printings incl perf 14¼ SG 116b), 2s6d (4), 5s (8, incl SG 118g), 10s (4), 12s6d (4) & £1 (3, incl SG 121), 1948 Wedding set etc. Lovely fresh condi
BERMUDA - 1937 - 1951 USED COLLECTION of 100+ stamps on protective pages, includes Key Plates with various shades incl. line perf. 2s (2), 2s6d, 5s, 10s 1st printing on piece, 12s6d (3, one fiscal cancel), £1 (4, one red paper), perf. 13 to 10s (3) and £1 etc. Cat £2000+ excluding any fiscally cance
BERMUDA - 1937 10s and 12s6d first printings, SG 119 and 120, tied to piece by Hamilton 1938 cds cancellations. Cat £925.
BERMUDA - 1938 - 1953 LARGE KEY TYPES COLLECTION of 158 mint (with never hinged) and used stamps incl. many better shades, some line perfs and some varieties. Briefly we note 2s (49) incl. 'Gash in chin' mint (2), 'Broken lower right scroll' in plate number pair and block of four mint or nhm, 2s.6d
BERMUDA - 1938-53 £1 pale purple and black / pale red with 'Gash in chin' flaw, SG 121bf, very fine mint (note excess black frame ink on lower frame). Cat £2250.
BERMUDA - 1938-53 LARGE KEY TYPES NEVER HINGED MINT collection of 16 stamps includes 2s (4, SG 116c, 116d, 116e, 116f), 2s6d (4, SG 117, 117b, 117c, 117d), 5s (3, SG 118, 118f, 118g), 10s (2, SG 119e, 119f), 12s6d grey and pale orange SG 120e and £1 (2, SG 121c, 121d,) very fine. Cat £702.
BERMUDA - BOOKLETS 1948 5s pink and 10s6d light blue, SG SB 1/2, very fine. Cat £290.
BERMUDA - NEWSPAPER POSTAL STATIONERY WRAPPERS 1903 - 1970 collection (accompanied by handy Bermuda Collectors Soc. list) of unused & used items including 5 different overprinted 'SPECIMEN', other items showing different printings of the same item, etc (36 items)
BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY - 1969 £1 red and brownish black HMS Endurance, SG 15a, never hinged mint. Cat £120.
BRITISH EAST AFRICA - 1890 - 1935 COLLECTION of used stamps, includes sets & higher values. Stc £1430 (100+ stamps)
BRITISH GUIANA - 1853-59 1c vermilion original printing, SG 11, used pair, expertly and extensively repaired. Cat £3400.
BRITISH GUIANA - 1862 - 1970's COLLECTION of mint (some never hinged) and used stamps, plus some covers and cards, in album. Note 1862-65 range to 24c including 1c brown, 1863-76 range to 48c, 1876-79 set, 1888-89 'INLAND REVENUE' set to 72c, 1889-1910 most values & colours to 96c (2 different), 189
BRITISH HONDURAS - 1865 - 1911 FINE USED COLLECTION on 3 album pages, note 1865 1d blue (SG 1), 1872-79 perf 12½ 3d brown, 6d rose & bright rose-carmine, 1s green & 1s deep green, much else.
BRITISH HONDURAS - 1865 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION of 90+ stamps on pages from the SG 'Imperial' album, 1865 1d blue, 1882-87 1d carmine, 4d, 1891-01 $1, 1902-04 & 1908-11 sets, 1915 to 1935 no spaces left to fill (note 1922-33 $5 is perfined), etc.
BRITISH HONDURAS - 1865 - 1970's COLLECTION of mint (some never hinged) and used stamps, also some covers & cards, includes 1865 1s used, 1872-79 1d, 3d & 6d used, 1888-1891 surcharges including 2c on 6d (SG 25) used, 1891-1901 most values to $2 mint, 1904-07 $1 used, KGVI reign complete mint. Also
BRITISH LEVANT - 1885 - 1921 FINE USED COLLECTION on protective pages, note 1885 set, 1887 set, 1902-05 set to 12pi on 2s6d, 1905-08 set, 1911-13 12pi on 2s6d (both shades) & 24pi on 5s, Tirkish Currency 1921 Seahorse set (45pi on 2s6d with 'Joined Figures'), much else.
BRITISH LEVANT - 1885 - 1922 MINT COLLECTION of 59 stamps on protective pages, note QV ranges to 12pi on 2s6d, 1902 to 4pi on 10d, 1909 range to 5pi on 1s, 1911-13 set, 1913-14 set to 4pi on 10d, 1905-12 'Levant' set, KGV ranges to 18¾pi on 1s & 'Levant' opt'd to 2s6d, etc.
BRITISH LEVANT - 1896 - 1921 MINT STAMPS on album pages + Hagner page, plenty of higher values. Stc £780 (67 stamps)
BRITISH LEVANT - TURKISH CURRENCY 1885 - 1921 collection of mint stamps on protective page, note 1887-96 set, 1902-05 set, 1909 and 1910 sets, 1911-13 4pi on 10d (2, shades) and 5pi on 1s, 1913-14 set, etc. Cat £750+.
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - 1942 - 1950 MINT COLLECTION of over 140 stamps on protective pages, incl MEF basically complete, Eritrea missing just one stamp, Somalia complete including postage dues, Tripolitania complete incl postage dues.
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - BALANCE OF A SPECIALISED COLLECTION of 200+ mint & used items on album pages, Eritrea 1948 sets (1 mint, 2 used), 1950 sets (2, used) and 1951 sets (2, used), Tripolitania 1948 sets (1 mint, 1 used), 1950 sets (2, used) and 1951 sets (2, used), Somalia 1943-46 'E.
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - ERITREA 1948 - 1950 complete collection of 43 very fine used stamps (SG E1-E32 & ED1-ED10). Cat £630.
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - ERITREA 1951 high value stamp frankings on 5 Telegraph forms, each with 'B.A. ERITREA' surcharged stamps including 5s on 5s reds (3) & 10s on 10s ultramarines (4) all with punch cancels tied ASMARA TELEGRAFO cds's.
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1945 (11 Jun) unaddressed env with attractive printed back flap (translated) 'The Private Secretary to the Governor of the Italian Aegean Islands' bearing the M.E.F. 1943-47 overprinted set complete to 2s6d (SG M11/19, Sassone 6/14) each tied by 'RODI - EGE
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1946 (9 Mar) cover / samples bag registered from Asmara to Tel Aviv bearing twenty-eight M.E.F. 1943-47 overprinted stamps - 1d, 2½d (pair), 3d (block 4), 1s (21, block 16, block 4, single) making a £1. 2s. 6d franking. Asmara registration label, sent from
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1949 (10 Feb) large env endorsed 'AIR MAIL REGISTERED' to Cairo (The Shell Co. of Egypt Ltd, Aviation Dept.) bearing the 1943-47 M.E.F. 1d, 3d, 5d & 2s6d stamps cancelled 'BENGHAZI - AIR MAIL' cds's, a formula registration label tied by Benghazi cds alongsi
BRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - TRIPOLITANIA 1948 (4 Oct) large env registered to Cairo bearing the 10m on 5d, 12m on 6p and 60m on 2s6d stamps tied Tripoli cds's with Tripol registration label, various Air Mail notations, Egyptian censor mark & arrival cds. Cat €4000+.
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1866 - 1935 COLLECTION of over 60 mint & used stamps, on well-filled SG 'Imperial' album pages. Stc £864.
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1866 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION. on 2 well-filled SG 'Imperial' album pages, note 1883-84 set, 1887-89 set, 1899 set plus ½d error SG 43b, 1904 set, 1913-19 set, 1922-28 sets, etc (approx 90 stamps)
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1866 - 1952 FINE USED COLLECTION incl. 1935 Jubilee set, KGVI reign complete incl. the 1938 2s.6d & 5s chalk papers papers. Cat £900+.
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1866 - 1960's COLLECTION IN ALBUM of mint and used stamps, plus a few covers and cards. Note 1866 6d, 1879-80 1d & 2½d set, 1883-84 (CA) set mint, 1899 set, 1904 set, 1913-19 set, etc, a range of covers and picture postcards includes 1922 cover to England (approx 180 stamps,
BRUNEI - 1895 (22 Jly) env registered to London bearing 1c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 8c & 10c local issues tied by Brunei cds's, Labuan 18c stamp tied alongside by Labuan cds, registration handstamps and London receiver datestamp all on the address side. Striking.
BRUNEI - 1895 (22 July) env registered to London, bearing 2c, 3c & 5c local stamps tied Brunei first day of issue cds's with Labuan 18c stamp tied by Labuan cds and various registration handstamps + London arrival date stamp alongside.
BRUNEI - 1906 overprinted on Labuan set, SG 11/22, fine used. Cat £800.
BRUNEI - 1906 set complete to 50c on 16c, SG 11/21, fine used, cat £660+++ (11 stamps)
BRUNEI - 1907-10 set, SG 23/33, fine used. Cat £375.
BRUNEI - 1908-22 part set overprinted 'SPECIMEN' missing the 4c, 25c, 50c & $1 values, SG 34s-48s, mint, some gum faults & $25 light crease (9 stamps).
BRUNEI - 1908-22 Wmk Crown CA set, SG 34/47, fine mint (paper adherance to 50c gum). Cat £300.
BRUNEI - 1908-22 Wmk Crown CA set, SG 34/45, very fine used. Cat £500.
BRUNEI - 1922 Malaya - Borneo Exhibition set, SG 51/59, very fine used with light toning to 5c. Cat £850 (9 stamps)
BRUNEI - 1922 Malaya - Borneo Exhibition complete set each stamp with broken 'N' variety, SG 51+51b pair, 52c-54c, 55d, 56c-59c, very fine used. Cat £1395 (9 items)
BRUNEI - 1922 Malaya - Borneo Exhibition 2c to $1 complete set, each value with broken 'E' variety, SG 52b-54b, 55c, 56b-59b, very fine used. Cat £1305 (8 stamps)
BRUNEI - 1922 Malaya - Borneo Exhibition 7 different values, each with the short 'I' variety, SG 51a, 52a, 54a, 55b, 56a, 57a and 59a, very fine used. Cat £995 (7 stamps)
BRUNEI - 1922 Malaya-Borneo Exhibition set, SG 51/59, very fine used. Cat £850.
BRUNEI - 1924 - 1947 COLLECTION of fresh mint stamps & blocks on protective page, stc £750+ (19 items)
BRUNEI - 1924-37 complete set with the additional 5c orange-yellow and 5c chocolate each with '5c' retouches, SG 60/78, 66a, 68a, very fine used, cat £455 (21 stamps)
BRUNEI - JAPANESE OCCUPATION 1942-44 6c scarlet, SG J8, very fine used. RPS certificate states cancelled to order. Cat £600.
BURMA - 1937 - 1947 USED COLLECTION on protective pages, note 1937 set to 15r, 1938-40 set, 1945 set, 1946 set, 1947 set, some Officials etc. Stc £700+ (approx 100 stamps)
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1857 - 1944 COLLECTION of mint & used stamps on 7 album pages, note 1857-64 1d brown- purple imperf used with 4 margins, 1865-70 set used, 1890 3c greys (4 mint shades), 1897 Discovery set mint, 1910 pictorials perf 12 set mint with both 6c types, 1911-16 Coronation set mint
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1857 - 1949 COLLECTIONS. Interesting accumulation which includes 1852 plate proof, 1868 trail proof, 1921 Flight cover with variety, 1928-29 Publicity blocks of 4 (5 values) PUC Presentation folder, 1932-49 mint collection, various stamps of stock cards and a selection of cov
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1860 - 1947 COLLECTION of around 140 mint & used stamps on pages, note 1860 3d triangle, 1957 8d scarlet-vermilion, 1932-35 set, etc. Mixed condition, stc £4655.
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1865 - 1947 MINT COLLECTION on protective pages that includes 1868-73 perf 12 5c black, 1876-79 roulette 5c blue, 1887 new colour set, 1911 Coronation set, 1919 Contingent set, 1923-24 Pictorial set (missing 9c), 1928-29 Publicity set, 1929-31 Perkins Bacon printing set, 1931
CANADA - 1857 ½d deep rose imperf on thin soft vertically ribbed paper, SG 21a, used with 4 margins & light cancellation. Tiny repair to bottom left corner, cat £3250.
CANADA - 1857 3d red imperf on thin soft horizontally ribbed paper, SG 28, used, just brushing outer frame at left otherwise good / large margins. Cat £2000.
CANADA - 1859-1911 MINT BETTER ITEMS on stock card, includes 1859 5c, 1868-90 15c (x2 shades) Large Queens, 1873-79 5c & 1889-97 3c pair Small Queens, 1893 50c Widow, 1898-1902 20c (x2), 1908 20c Tercentenary and 1911-22 10c. Some with poor gum as usual, cat £2,650+ (11 stamps)
CANADA - 1868 - 1890 LARGE QUEENS COLLECTION of 37 attractive used examples on 3 album pages, note 1868-90 Ottawa printing on thin transparent paper complete set SG 46/52 (7 stamps), on medium to stout wove paper complete with all SG shades SG 53/61c (18) including the 1c deep orange, 1c orange-yell
CANADA - 1898 IMPERIAL PENNY POSTAGE 2c Map specialized collection of mint stamps incl blocks 4, 'Extra Island', 'Cable retouch' and plate scratch varieties, also two used stamps with re-entries. Basic stamps cat £1000+ (24 items)
CANADA - 1911 - 1936 MINT / NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION of around 150 stamps on hingeless pages, strong definitives & commemoratives are complete and chiefly never hinged mint inc 50c Bluenose & $1 Ottawa Building, 1930-31 $1 Mount Cavell & 1935 set. Stc £3000+.
CANADA - 1912 - 1935 USED COLLECTION. A comprehensive collection of KGV stamps on pages, many sets, much 'back of the book'. Stc £1800+.
CANADA - 1912 - 1936 MINT COLLECTION on protective pages, note 1911-31 Admirals to 20c & 50c, 1927 Historic sets, 1935 Jubilee set, Special Delivery, Postage Due 1933 set & 1935 set amongst much else. Cat £1000+.
CANADA - 1927 - 1998 NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION of around 900 stamps, note coils, air mails, Special Delivery issues, among much else.
CANADA - 1929-30 3c Admiral reversed design essays by Herbst & Illig (of Germany) prepared for the American Bank note Co., these imperf, ungummed essays depict the 3c Admiral stamp reversed and larger than the issued design, in various red shades. Mixed condition, fresh and striking (5, incl pair)
CANADA - 1937 - 1951 MINT COLLECTION on album pages, complete for the KGVI period (SG 356-440) plus Special Delivery sets (SG S9/17, OS20/21), Postage dues, various Officials, etc.
CANADA - OFFICIAL STAMPS 1939 - 1953 chiefly used on protective pages includes blocks, stc £2000+ (over 500 stamps)
CANADA - POSTAGE DUE MAIL 1852 - 1895 a group of 15 covers (+1 front) sent between GB and Canada (both directions), mostly in dealers sleeves with extensive descriptions, note 1873 boxed 'Deficient Postage/British share of fine', 1878 oval double framed 'Insufficiently Prepaid', much else.
CANADA - TRANS-ATLANTIC MAIL TORONTO ,U.C., TO LONDON 1837 (21 Nov) ELS with original enclosure with red ‘PAID 7 & 25’ (Canadian inland 7c, and after cross-border fee abolished U.S. inland 25c), carried by U.S. sailing packet out of New York for Portsmouth with step-type ‘PORTSMOUTH / SHIP LETTER’ c
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION on a protective page, note 1900 ½d and 1d, 1905 2½d and 1s, 1907-09 incl. 4d, 5s, 1932 Centenary set to 5s, 1935 Jubilee set, etc. Cat £416.
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1937 MINT COLLECTION on protective pages, note the 1900 shades, 1905 set, 1907-09 range with different shades/papers, 1912-20 complete to 3s, etc to the 1935 Pictorials complete set, etc. Cat £800+
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1938 FINE MINT range of 32 stamps incl 1900 set SG 1/2, 1907-09 set SG 25/34, much else. Cat £496.
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1950 FINE USED COLLECTION on stock pages, chiefly all different, includes 1902-03 6d & 1s, 1905 set, 1907 set to 1s, 1907-09 to 1s & 5s, 1921-26 wmk SCA set (5s missing), 1938-48 set with extra perfs, etc (100+)
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1950 MINT COLLECTION includes 1902-03 set, 1905 set, 1907 6d & 1s, 1907 ½d on 1d, 1938-48 set with extra perfs, 1950 set etc.
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1973 MINT AND USED COLLECTIONS in a folder. 1937-1967 complete mint set, many used sets, and varieties. Noted - 1902-03 complete used set, 1907 1d on 5s (SG 19) fine mint, 1921-26 (SG 69/83) used set and 1935 Jubilee used and mint sets. (A few 100s of stamps).
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1976 COLLECTION of around 250 mint stamps & covers, on album pages, The QV to KGVI stamps all fine mint including 1907 set, 1907 ½d on 1d; 1907-09 set, 1912-20 set, 1921-26 Wmk Script set, 1935 pictorials set, KGVI reign complete, much else incl a few covers from 1937 onwards.
CAYMAN IS. - 1900 - 1976 FINE MINT COLLECTION includes 1905 set, 1907 4d, 1921-26 both wmk sets to 5s, 1935 Pictorials set, 1938-48 set incl both 2s & 10s, 1950 set, 1953-62 set, 1962-64 set, 1974 Birds set, 1974 set etc (380+ stamps)
CAYMAN IS. - 1907 handstamped '1D' on 5s salmon and green, SG 19, fine mint. Cat. £275.
CAYMAN IS. - 1912-20 Wmk Mult Crown CA complete set with all additional shades / papers, SG 40/52c, fine mint, cat £639 (21 stamps).
CAYMAN IS. - 1932 ¼d brown Centenary with 'A' of 'CA' missing from watermark, SG 84a, very fine lightly hinged mint. Cat £1500.
CAYMAN IS. - 1935 6d Silver Jubilee with 'Dot by flagstaff' flaw, SG 110h, fine mint. Cat £350.
CEYLON - 1857-2024 COLLECTION WITH BLOCKS in nine stockbooks, earlier issues mint & used, from 1940's to 2024 seems to be almost complete for both mint (later never hinged) & used examples, plus many never hinged mint blocks of 4 incl apparently highly complete run from late 1990's to 2024. Includes
CEYLON - 1857-59 4d dull rose imperf, SG 4, used lightly cancelled with good square margins just touching outer frame at one corner. BPA certificate, cat £4500.
CEYLON - 1866 - 1940 USED COLLECTION of over 300+ stamps on pages, comprehensive. Stc £3000+.
CEYLON - 1872 - 1936 MINT COLLECTION includes 1872-80 4c rosy-mauve, 8c, 96c, 1885 1r.12 0n 2r.50 perf. 12½x14, 1885 1r.12 on 2r.50, 1886-95 1r.12c, 1899 2r.50, 1898-99 1r.50 on 2r.50 and 2r.25 on 2r.50, 1899-1900 2r.25, 1904-05 set, 1912-25 with various shades and papers to 5r (2), etc, chiefly fin
CEYLON - 1903 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION on album pages, note 1903-05 set, 1904-05 set, 1910-11 set to 5r, 1918-19 2c 'War Tax' inverted, 1921-32 most vals to 2r incl 50c Die I, 1926 set to 5r, 1935-36 set, etc (approx 100 stamps)
CEYLON - 1918 - 1965 COLLECTION of over 250 chiefly mint / never hinged mint stamps on album pages, comprehensive.
COOK IS. - 1892 - 1949 MINT COLLECTION of 100+ stamps on several album pages, chiefly complete sets. Cat £1200+.
COOK IS. - 1893 (15 Oct) env registered to Paris bearing the 1892 set tied by violet Cook Islands 'P O Rarotonga' circular cancellations, Rarotonga 15 OCT 93 cds and red Paris 3 Dec 93 datestamps alongside, on reverse Auckland and other transit markings. Some folds and peripheral faults, a rare fran
COOK IS. - 1899 - 1965 COLLECTION of around 100 mint & used stamps on album pages, note 1899-00 1d browns by papers, 1902 by paper types, also a 1d rose-pink 'feather in hair' flaw (unlisted), 1920 set, etc. Cat £900+.
COOK IS. - 1937 - 1995 COLLECTION of mint / never hinged mint & used stamps & miniature sheets, also some First Day covers (350+ stamps, 50+ covers)
COOK IS. - 1953 - 2000 COLLECTION. A beautiful collection of mint & never hinged mint sets, and never hinged mint miniature sheets & sheetlets, in 3 albums with a degree of semi-specialisation including errors and varieties, different overprint / surcharge settings, papers, 'Specimen' overprinted, a
COOK IS. - 1963 - 1970 IMPERFS COLLECTION. A collection of never hinged mint imperf pairs, note such things as the 1963 pictorials values to 3s, 1965 Self Govt set, plus much else (200+ imperfs)
CYPRUS - 1880 - 1886 COLLECTION of used stamps on album page, 1880 ½d opt, 1881 wmk CC set to 4pi, 1882 '½' on ½pi wmk CC, 1882-86 set, 1894-96 set to 6pi & 18pi. Chiefly fine, cat £1000+.
CYPRUS - 1880 - 1928 MINT COLLECTION on album pages, note 1880 1d (plates 201 & 218), 1881 ½d on 1d (plate 205), 1882-86 range to 12pi, 1882 ½+½ on ½pi, 1894-96 to 6pi, 9pi, and more (55+ stamps)
CYPRUS - 1880 - 1935 USED COLLECTION of around 100 stamps on protective pages, note 1880 ½d rose, 1880 1d used (plates 205 & 217), 1881 set to 2pi, 1882 set to 6pi, 1882 surcharged set inc Wmk CC ½d shades, much else.
CYPRUS - 1880 - 1960 COLLECTION of approx. 140 mint and used stamps on album pages, note 1880 1d red plate 218 mint, 1881 1d red plate 201 mint, 1d red plate 215 mint, 1d red plate 216 used, 1894 set to 12p, 1904-10 set, 1912-15 set to 18pi; 1928 Anniversary set (£1 fiscal cancel), 1934 set set, 196
CYPRUS - 1880 - 1963 MINT BETTER ITEMS. on protective pages, includes 1880 1s opt (no gum), 1881 ½d on 1d 18mm surchs (2, plates 174 & 218), 16-16½mm surchs (2, plates 201 & 216) & 13mm surch plate 217, 1881 set to 4pi, 1882 '½' on ½pi, 1894-96 set, 1902-04 18pi, 1921-23 18pi (2) & 45pi, 1924-28 45p
CYPRUS - 1880 - 1965 COLLECTION of mint & used stamps, includes 1880 ½d (3, plates 12, 15, 19), 1d (11, incl plate 181), 2½d (7) & 4d, 1881 ½d on 1d (3, incl plate 218), 1881 30pa on 1d (2), 1882-86 set, 1882 30pa on 1pi, 1886 ½ on ½pi (2 with 6mm bars), 1894-96 set, 1904-10 set mint, also to 9pi us
CYPRUS - 1880 - 2013 COLLECTIONS IN A BOX. Wide range of material in albums, pages and on stock cards which includes penny reds, varieties to KGV, 1947 UPU presentation folder, 1974-88 Turkish/Cypriot collections, mini sheets and covers. (3,900+ stamps)
CYPRUS - 1881 - 1935 COLLECTION of 90 used stamps on protective pages, 1881 1pi & 2pi, 1882-86 Die I to 4pi & 12pi, 1892-94 1pi & 4pi, 1894-96 set to 9pi, and so on including sets. Cat £1500+.
CYPRUS - 1902 - 1949 USED COLLECTION comprehensive with many sets and higher values. Stc £1100+ (not including any fiscally cancelled stamps)
CYPRUS - 1911 - 1935 USED COLLECTION includes 1912-15 set, 1921-23 Wmk Script most to 45pi, 1924-28 Wmk Script set to 90pi, 1928 British Rule set to 45pi, 1934 set, 1935 Silver Jubilee set. Cat £1736.
CYPRUS - 1923 10s green and red on pale yellow, watermark multi Crown CA, SG 100, fine mint. Cat £400.
CYPRUS - 1937 - 1965 COMPLETE FINE USED COLLECTION includes 1938-51 set with extra 1pi perf 13½x12½, 1948 Wedding set with extra 1½pi with 'Extra decoration' SG 166a, 1955-60 set, 1960-61 set, 1962 set, 1963 Scouts miniature sheet, etc. Cat £680+.
CYPRUS - 1960 - 1984 COLLECTION complete for the period including miniature sheets, SG 188-647. Cat £570+.
CYPRUS - REVENUES 1878 - 1974 chiefly used assembly on stock pages, includes 1924-28 to 90pi (2) & £1 (13) fiscally used, 1938-51 £1 (52 incl blocks of 4, 6 & 8) fiscally used (approx 100 stamps)
CYPRUS - TURKISH CYPRUS 1970 - 2005 COLLECTION in album of chiefly never hinged mint stamps with (from 1995) used also tucked behind. Michel €1375 (approx 600 stamps & miniature sheets / sheetlets)
DOMINICA - 1886 - 1972 MINT COLLECTION on album pages, cat £600+ (approx 280 stamps)
DOMINICA - 1903 - 1935 COLLECTION of around 75 stamps on pages, note 1903-07 set to 2s6d, plus chalky papers to 2½d & 3d, 1907-08 set, 1908-20 set with shades, 1916 ½d on ½d 'War Tax' opt with small 'O' in 'ONE' variety, 1923-33 set to both 5s, incl both 3s, etc.
DOMINICA - 1903 - 1975 COLLECTION of mint stamps on protective pages, 1903-07 set to 2s6d, 1908-20 set to 2s6d plus shades, 1921-22 set to 2s6d, 1938-47 set, 1951 set; 1954-62 set; 1963-65 set. Stc £1100+ (few 100's).
DOMINICA - 1908 - 1951 FINE USED COLLECTION includes 1923-33 to 5s, Wmk MCA 3s, 1935 Jubilee set, 1940-42 set, 1948 Wedding, etc. Cat £732.
DOMINICA - 1914 5s red and green on yellow, SG 54, fine used. Cat. £100
DOMINICA - POSTAL FISCALS 1879-88 1d lilac bisected vertically (½d), SG R1a, four examples tied to 1887 (22 Sept) reduced env addressed to Antigua tied 'A07' cancellations with Dominica and Antigua datestamps on reverse. Vertical fold clear of the stamps and damage to the reverse. Cat £2750+.
FALKLAND IS. - 1878 - 1902 COLLECTION of 30 mint stamps on protective page, note 1878 no wmk 6d & 1s SG 3/4, 1882 1d dull claret SG 5 (BPA certificate), the 1891-02 issue basically complete with most of the different shades. Cat £2000+.
FALKLAND IS. - 1878-1898 MINT STAMPS include the 1878 no wmk 1s (repaired), 1882 1d & 4d (no gum), 1885-91 1d mint & 4d no gum, 1891 ½d (2), 1d (2, inc rev wmk), 2d, 2½d, 6d (2, shades), 9d, & 1s, 1898 5s, chiefly good to fine, stc £2550 (16 stamps)
FALKLAND IS. - 1889 - 1976 FINE MINT COLLECTION includes 1889-91 4d wmk reversed (thin, cat £550) no gum, 1891-1902 set with additional shades some without gum, 1904-12 set to 1s, through to 1938-50 set (£1 never hinged mint), 1948 Wedding set, 1952 set, much else (approx 300 stamps)
FALKLAND IS. - 1891-02 9d pale reddish orange with watermark reversed, SG 35x, fine mint. Cat £750.
FALKLAND IS. - 1891-2004 MOSTLY MINT & NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION includes 1891-1902 vals to 6d (x2) mint, 1935 Jubilee sets (x2), 1938-50 set mint incl 1s (x3) & 10s (x2), plus 5s used, 1952 sets (x2) mint, QEII issues mostly never hinged with loads of sets incl 1968 Flowers set NHM, Dependencies
FALKLAND IS. - 1912 3s and 5s overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG 66/67s, mint. (2)
FALKLAND IS. - 1937 - 1952 FINE USED COLLECTION complete from 1937 Coronation to the 1952 Pictorial definitive set with some additional shades (SG 143-185). Cat £539.
FALKLAND IS. - 1937 - 1952 VERY FINE USED COLLECTION of 46 stamps on protective pages, includes Omnibus sets, the 1938-50 pictorials set incl three shades of the 5s value, 1952 pictorials set. Cat £850.
FALKLAND IS. - 1938-50 Pictorial definitives complete set perf 'SPECIMEN', SG 146s/151s, 153s/155s, 157s/163s, never hinged mint. Cat £2500 (16 stamps)
FALKLAND IS. - 1960-66 Birds set, SG 193/207, plus De La Rue printing ½d, 1d, 2d and 2s (SG 204a), and weak entry ½d and 2d (SG 195ab), never hinged mint. Cat £698 (21 stamps)
FALKLAND IS. - 1974 Wildlife Tourism set complete interpane block 10 creating of 5 gutter pairs, cancelled by Port Stanley cds's. Heijtz 222/225, cat £750 (£150 per pair).
FALKLAND IS. DEPS. - 1944 - 1970 MINT COLLECTION of approx 300 stamps on album pages, comprehensive with sets, Map varieties, plate blocks, some Br Antarctice Terr., South Georgia. Cat £1500+.
FIJI - 1871 - 1891 COLLECTION of chiefly used stamps, includes 1871 1d, 1872 surcharges set, 1876-66 lithographed 'VR' wove paper 6d (2) and laid paper 1d, 2d on 3d & 6d (2), 1877 4d on 3d, 1878-99 perf 12½ 1d (2), 2d & 6d, perf 10 vals to 4d on 2d (2, both types), perf 10x12½ 1d & 6d, perf 10x11¾ 1
FIJI - 1871 - 1898 COLLECTION of used stamps on album pages, note 1871 1d blue SG 10, 1878-99 stamps arranged by perfs, 1881-99 1s & 5s, 1891-1898 stamps arranged by perfs.
FIJI - 1871 - 1935 FINE USED COLLECTION on protective pages, note 1871 1d blue & 6d rose, 1872 2c on 1d, 1876-77 1d & 6d (2) on laid paper, 1878-99 perf 12½ to 6d, perf 10 to 6d, perf 10 x 12½ 6d, perf 11 x 12 4d's & 6d, 1881-99 1s shades & perfs, 5s imperf pair (remainder cancel), and much else wit
FIJI - 1871 - 1951 COLLECTION approx 90 mint and used stamps on album pages, note 1871 1d blue, 6d rose mint, 1877 6d mint, 1879 vals to 6d, 1881 5s used, etc. Cat £1400+.
FIJI - 1872 - 1899 USED COLLECTION on protective pages, includes 1872 2c on 1d (2), 6c on 3d & 12c on 6d surcharges, 1876-77 1d & 6d (4, incl wove paper) with lithographed 'VR', 1877 4d on 3d, 1878-99 perf 12½ set, perf 10 set to 6d (x2) incl 4d on 1d, 4d on 2d Type B & 4d, perf 10x12½ 1d & 6d (x2),
FIJI - 1891 - 1935 COLLECTION of over 50 mint stamps on album pages, values to 5s, sets, etc. Cat £500+.
FIJI - 1935 1s Silver Jubilee with 'Dash by turret' flaw, SG 245i, never hinged mint. Cat £700.
FIJI - 1953 - 2000 FINE USED COLLECTION near-complete for the period (SG 278 - 1096) with most additional perfs, shades, glazed papers plus a few watermark varieties. Stc £1000+.
FIJI - 1967 - 1989 NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION near- complete for the entire period, on protective pages, stc £970+ (approx 700 stamps, 35 miniature sheets)
GAMBIA - 1869 - 1963 COLLECTION of mint & used (often both) stamps, note 1869-72 6d used (4 margins), 1909 set used, 1922-29 10s sage-green, etc (approx 180 stamps)
GAMBIA - 1869 - 1981 FINE USED COLLECTION includes 1869 4d imperf no wmk, 1880-81 3d upright wmk, 1906 ½d on 2s6d, near- complete from 1935 onwards. Cat £1000+ (few 100s stamps)
GAMBIA - 1874 4d brown, wmk Crown CC, imperf, SG 5, pair mint with 4 large margins. Cat £800.
GAMBIA - 1874 4d pale brown, wmk Crown CC, imperf, SG 6, pair from the corner of the sheet, fine mint with large margins. Cat £850+.
GAMBIA - 1880 - 1965 COLLECTION of around 140 used stamps on protective pages, note higher values, many sets. Stc £700+.
GAMBIA - 1886 - 1966 COLLECTION of mint / later never hinged mint stamps, on protective pages. Cat £920+.
GAMBIA - 1902-05 6d pale sage-green & carmine DENTED FRAME variety, SG 51a, fine mint, cat £375.
GAMBIA - 1904 - 1965 MINT COLLECTION of approx 120 stamps on album pages, 1906 1d on 3s, 1909 2d, 3d and 5d blocks 6, many sets.
GAMBIA - 1912 - 1929 MINT COLLECTION of over 50 stamps on protective pages, 1912-22 Wmk Mult CA set with additional shades, 1921-22 set to 10d, 1922-29 Wmk Crown CA set to 1s, Wmk Script set, also the 1s blackish purple / yellow-buff SG 134a. Cat £681.
GAMBIA - 1912 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION includes the 1912-22 Wmk Mult Crown CA set + almost all the additional shades SG 86/102 (28 stamps), 1921-22 Wmk Script set, 1922-29 Wmk MCCA 5s, Wmk MSCA most values to 5s & 10s, etc (60+ stamps)
GAMBIA - FORGERIES a specialized collection includes some genuine examples, in album, note 1869-74 Cameo 4d brown imperfs arranged by forgery type (approx 70 examples) incl 3 genuine stamps, 1869-74 Cameo 6d blue imperfs similar study of approx 60 items including 5 genuine; 1880-81 Cameo perforated
GIBRALTAR - 1787 - 1855 POSTAL HISTORY Collection of 12 EL's addressed to Spain, Italy, France & Guernsey annotated on pages with various handstamps 'S. Roque Andalucia Baxa', 'Andalucia Vaxa', boxed 'Andalucia Baxa' with sun, 'De Gib S. Roque Anda Baxa', 'S. Roque Franca', 'Ejixa Franqueada', 'Espa
GIBRALTAR - 1809 - 1856 POSTAL HISTORY Collection of 13 EL's annotated on pages, note 1809 & 1816 incoming from Cadiz, 1824 two letters to Spain with 'S. Roque Andalucia Baxa' mark, 1826 to Genoa with 'De Gib S. Roque Anda. Baxa' & 'S. Roque Franca', 1832 from Algeciras to Madrid with 'S. Roque Anda
GIBRALTAR - 1824 - 1859 POSTAL HISTORY collection of 12 EL's includes 1824-1854 to France, Holland, Spain, Italy & England with 'De Gib. S. Roque Anda. Baxa' marks, two 1840 letters to London & Porto with 'Gibraltar' arc marks, 1842 ship letter to Genoa endorsed 'p. Phenicien', 1852 letter to Cadiz
GIBRALTAR - 1886 - 1935 USED COLLECTION on protective pages, much here. Stc £700+ (70+ stamps)
GIBRALTAR - 1886 - 1935 MINT COLLECTION of around 75 stamps on album pages, values to 10s, sets, etc. Cat £1753.
GIBRALTAR - 1886 - 1935 COLLECTION of used stamps on protective pages, cat £1200+.
GIBRALTAR - 1886 - 1948 COLLECTION of 70 mint stamps on protective pages, note 1889 range to 75c on 1s, 1889-96 complete set, 1931-33 set, 1935 Jubilee set, 1948 Wedding set. Stc £1300+.
GIBRALTAR - 1889 - 1933 MINT COLLECTION on a protective page, includes 1889 to 50c on 6d & 75c on 1s, 1898 2½d to 1s, 1903 1d to 1s, 2s, 1904-08 to 1s incl. 6d chalky paper, 1906-12 2s, 1912-24 2s (2) and 8s, 1921-27 set to 4s, 1931-33 Views both perf. sets etc. Chiefly fine. Cat £1844.
GIBRALTAR - 1906-11 Colours changed set, SG 66/74, fine mint. Cat £700 (9 stamps)
GIBRALTAR - 1937 - 1951 COMPLETE FINE USED COLLECTION on protective pages (SG 118-143), the definitives with all the different perfs. Stc £761 (48 stamps)
GIBRALTAR - 1937 - 1952 COMPREHENSIVE FINE USED COLLECTION presented on album pages, a complete run of basic issues from 1937 Coronation to the 1950 New Constitution set (SG 118-143) plus ALL the listed perfs & shades (50+ stamps)
GIBRALTAR - 1938-51 2s black & brown perf 13 BIRD ON MEMORIAL variety, SG 128bb, used, cat £600.
GIBRALTAR - 1938-51 Pictorial set mint with a near- complete run of the different additional perfs, incl. 1½d carmine perf. 13½, 3d perf. 14, 6d perf. 14, 1s perf. 13½, 2s (all three), 5s (all three), 10s (both) etc, cat £1500+ (34 stamps)
GIBRALTAR - 1994 Pobjoy Mint 'Brilliant uncirculated Coin Collection' year set.
GILBERT & ELLICE IS - 1912 - 1979 FINE USED COLLECTION on protective pages, chiefly complete sets (approx 300 stamps, 4 miniature sheets)
GILBERT & ELLICE IS - 1935 3d Silver Jubilee with 'Double flagstaff' flaw, SG 38e, fine used, cat £700.
GILBERT & ELLICE IS - 1969-1990 NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION Includes Gilbert & Ellice Is, Gilbert Is, Kiribati & Tuvalu with many sets, mini--sheets, gutter pairs, Specimen opts etc. Very fine. (many 100's)
GILBERT & ELLICE IS - 1971 (May) 3c, 4c and 5c, all variety watermark Crown to right of CA, SG 175w, 176w, 177w, never hinged mint from the left side of the sheet. Unpriced.
GILBERT & ELLICE IS - 1973 35c Abemama 'The Land of the Moon' watermark inverted (SG 216w.), block 10 from the lower left sheet corner including printers imprint, never hinged mint. Cat £600.
GOLD COAST - 1876 - 1957 USED COLLECTION arranged on pages from a stock book, note 1876-84 range to 6d, 1884-91 set, 1889 5s, 10s & 20s, 1898-1902 set (no 2d), 1901 surcharged set, etc (150+ stamps)
GOLD COAST - 1876 - 1960 COLLECTION of mostly fine used stamps, many sets, higher values. Stc £1000+ (400+ stamps)
GOLD COAST - 1876 - 1963 USED COLLECTION on protective pages, many sets & higher values, near complete from 1935 onwards with additional perfs. Cat £572 (few 100's)
GOLD COAST - 1902 20s purple and black on red, SG 48, fresh mint. Cat. £250.
GRENADA - 1861 - 1930's COLLECTION of mint & used stamps on protective pages, note 1861-62 1d & 6d, 1863-71 1d (2, one unused) & 6d (8), 1878 6d (2), 1881 surcharges to 4d unused with ½d 'no hyphen' variety, 1883 set to 8d mint, 1895-99 set mint, 1934-36 to 5s never hinged mint, Postage Dues, Revenu