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Übersee / Overseas
   Ägypten / Egypt (1)  
   Angola / Angola (1)  
   Arab. Staaten / Arab. States (2)  
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   Australien / Australia (1)   next (2)  
   Burundi / Burundi (1)   next (1)  
   Cook Inseln / Cook Islands (1)  
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   Indonesien / Indonesien (1)  
   Israel / Israel (1)   next (1)  
   Jemen / Jemen (2)  
   Jemen VAR / Republic of Jemen (1)  
   Kambodscha / Cambodscha (1)  
   Kanada / Canada (9)  
   Kongo Brazzaville / Congo Brazzaville (1)  
   Kongo-Kinshasa / Congo-Kinshasa (1)  
   Kuweit / Kuwait (1)  
   Liberia / Liberia (1)   next (1)  
   Marshall-Inseln / Marshall islands (1)  
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   Mocambique / Mozambique (1)  
   Neufundland / Newfoundland (1)  
   Neuseeland / New Zealand (1)  
   Nicaragua / Nicaragua (2)  
   Ozean. Staaten / Oceanian States (1)   next (1)  
   Ozeanien/Südostasien / Oceania/Southeast Asia (1)  
   Palau-Inseln / Palau Islands (1)  
   Papua-Neuguinea / Papua New Guinea (1)  
   Samoa / Samoa (1)  
   Somalia / Somalia (1)  
   Sri Lanka / Sri Lanka (1)  
   St. Thome & Principe / St. Thome & Principe (4)  
   Südafrika / South Africa (1)  
   Südamerika / South America (1)  
   Südkorea / South Korea (1)  
   Südwestafrika / South West Africa (1)  
   Syrien / Syria (1)  
   Thailand / Thailand (1)   next (1)  
   Togo / Togo (1)  
   Tonga / Tonga (2)   next (1)  
   Übersee / Overseas (4)  
   USA Unionsausgaben / USA General Issues (8)   next (4)  
   USA Zeitungsmarken / USA Newspaper Stamps (1)  
   Volksrepublik China / China (19)   next (3)   next (1)

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