Aruba 1986-2020 meest postfris in 2 Davo luxe albums zo goed als compleet inclusief alle blokken.
Low Estimate € 175
Opening EUR 175.00
Sold...EUR 400.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 428
Aruba 1986-2020 meest postfris in 2 Davo luxe albums zo goed als compleet inclusief alle blokken.
Low Estimate € 175
Opening EUR 175.00
Sold...EUR 400.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 429
Aruba 1986-2015 meest postfris in 2 Davo luxe albums zo goed als compleet inclusief alle blokken.
Low Estimate € 125
Opening EUR 125.00
Sold...EUR 250.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 430
Aruba complete postfrisse collectie 1986-2013 in luxe Davo album.
Low Estimate € 100
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 180.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 431
Aruba complete postfrisse collectie 1986-2004 in luxe Davo album.
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 50.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 433
Aruba 1986-2010 voornamelijk postfris in Davo luxe album.
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 75.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 434
Aruba 1986-2000 postfris compleet in Davo de luxe album.
Low Estimate € 40
Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 40.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 436
Aruba 1986-1998 zo goed als compleet postfrisse collectie in Davo luxe album
Low Estimate € 10
Opening EUR 10.00
Sold...EUR 25.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 25
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 505
Austria 1867-2013 in 4 Leuchtturm albums. Collection MNH with a lot of better stamps/sets (588, DolffuB extremely lightly hinged) and after 1945 almost complete including € period. (Image)
Low Estimate € 600
Opening EUR 600.00
Sold...EUR 1,100.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 506
Austria 1850-1983 in Davo album. Collection used and mint and some MNH ( Mich. 447-467** and 555A** WIPA) with many better sets before 1938 and after 1945 almost complete. Also some Postage Due and Territories. (Image)
Low Estimate € 250
Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 340.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 340
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 507
Austria 1850-1955 in 2 stockbooks. Collection mint/used with classic part collected on types and postmarks and incl. (post)cards and covers, fiscals, Feldpost, occupation of Italy, Romania, Serbia, Poland and Ukraine, Bosnia Herzegovina and Republic Austria from 1918 onwards (with 623-626*, 633U**, 636U**) and some seals. Interesting collection.
Low Estimate € 200
Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 460.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 460
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 508
Austria 1880-2007 in 2 Davo albums. Collection mint/MNH and after 1960 most MNH and almost complete.
Low Estimate € 150
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 180.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 509
Austria 1945-2008 in 2 Davo albums, mostly MNH (face value)
Low Estimate € 100
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 170.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 511
Collection Austria territories 1850-1918 in ordner with Lombardi, Venetia, Levant, Crete Issuance, Soldi, Bosnia & Herzegovina collected on types and perforations.
Low Estimate € 75
Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 230.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 512
Austrian territories 1879-1918 in Leuchtturm ringbinder. Start collection mint/MNH with some Levant, Fieldpost (Austro-Hungarian, Romania, Serbia etc.) and a nice section Bosnia and Herzegovina. A nice start!
Low Estimate € 75
Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 120.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 513
Austria 1850-2007. Collection used incl. postage Due, Air mail Feldpost and Bosnia Herzegovina in 2 Davo albums.
Low Estimate € 75
Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 80.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 514
Austria 1858-1999 in 3 Davo luxe albums mostly used and from +/- 1955 as good as complete.
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 160.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 515
Austria 1850-1918 in stockbook. Collection classic and old stamps incl. covers and stationary with Levant, Bosnia Herzegovina and K.U.K. Feldpost.
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 220.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 516
Austria 1945-1962. Stockbooks mint/MNH/used (often both) with better stamps and sets incl. Air Mail Birds (Mi.984-987 etc.) MNH and used.
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 50.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 517
Stockbook blocks and sheetlets Austria 1996-2013 with face value approx. € 140,-
Low Estimate € 40
Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 70.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 70
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 518
Austria 1850-2004 **/*/0 in 4 Davo albums. The lot needs to be checked very carefully (reprints).
Low Estimate € 40
Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 160.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 519
Austria 1850-2015. Nice start collection used in stockbook.
Low Estimate € 40
Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 40.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 520
Austria 1960-1991 MNH and almost complete in Leuchtturm album.
Low Estimate € 25
Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 25.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 25
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 521
Austria 1945-1980 in Davo album */**/0 whereby better sets MNH.
Low Estimate € 20
Opening EUR 20.00
Sold...EUR 20.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 20
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 522
Austria 1958-2000 in 4 Leuchtturm albums and 1 stockbook. All stamps are multiply collected on different cancelations.
Low Estimate € 10
Opening EUR 10.00
Sold...EUR 25.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 25
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 523
Austria 1863-1947 collected on cancelations also some MNH blocks.
Low Estimate € 10
Opening EUR 10.00
Sold...EUR 30.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 30
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1271
Box Austria 1860-2013 with some classic stamps, postmarks, FDC's and a lot of modern stamps in glassine nveloppes uptill 2013. Also some enveloppes with face value and some sheets of 20**
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 130.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1272
Box Austria Mostly MNH multiply in glassine and some covers/FDC's.
Low Estimate € 20
Opening EUR 20.00
Sold...EUR 40.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1691
Moving box Austria 1848-2015 in 14 stockbooks. A beautiful stock Austria mint/used/MNH until 1960 reasonably filled and afterwards in various amount used and MNH including 80/90ties with special blocs and sheetlets (used/ and MNH) as well as a large amount of € stamps used/MNH incl. blocs and sheetlets of ten (multiple stocked). An interesting lot!
Low Estimate € 750
Opening EUR 750.00
Sold...EUR 1,700.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 1700
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1692
Moving box 12 stock books/albums Austria 1883-2010 mostly starter collections with many MNH also some doublettes stocks.
Low Estimate € 75
Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 110.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1693
Austria 1970-2005. Moving box First Day Covers in 10 Albums in excellent quality.
Low Estimate € 75
Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 75.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Baltic States
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 524
Stock book Belgium Railway stamps 1879-1977, service stamps, Malmedy, German occupation Belgium, most is used.
Low Estimate € 40
Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 40.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 101
BL1 - MNH bloc blok International Stamp Exhibition 1924, with special cancellation 24.V.1924, top edge no gum as issued, catw. € 675 (Image)
Low Estimate € 100
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 120.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 102
LO8 & LO16 - MNH local stamps for Moresnet 50c in marginal block of 4 and 50c imperforate in marginal block of 4, both with cert. C.V.J. Soeteman (2001), catw. € 980
Low Estimate € 60
Opening EUR 60.00
Sold...EUR 80.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 527
België 1863-1983. 3 large stockbooks with mainly mint stock (also some MNH) including 20/30ties with better sets and stamps (incl. duplicates), period 1946-1960 empty but much MNH afterwards.
Low Estimate € 200
Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 200.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 200
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 528
Belgium 1849-199 in 6 Davo albums whereby Nr 244-248, 287, 432, 433, 506-513, 947-948 MNH and from 1955 upwards mostly compleet also blocks booklets and airmail.
Low Estimate € 150
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 260.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 529
Belgium 1893-2007 in 3 Davo albums. Collection mint/MNH and after 1960 most MNH and almost complete incl. face value. (Image)
Low Estimate € 150
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 220.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 530
Belgium 2007-2012. Collection MNH and seemingly complete in 2 Davo (luxe) albums.
Low Estimate € 125
Opening EUR 125.00
Sold...EUR 320.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 320
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 531
Belgium in 2 albums/2 stock books 1888-2009 used upto the 30ties and afterwards mostly MNH whereby better sets like Michel Nr 191-203, 291-297, 315-321 but also Mint Blocs etc.
Low Estimate € 100
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 535
Belgium **/*/0 period 1849-2003 in 4 Davo albums whereby Railway stamps, airmail, Expresse, service, newspaper stamps, advertisement stamps etc. And 1 stock book doubletten,
Low Estimate € 75
Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 110.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 536
Belgium 1849-1940 in old notepad **/*/0 whereby Railway Stamps, Pubs (commercial labels), Allemange, Congo, Ruanda Urundi etc.
Low Estimate € 50
Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 70.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 70
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 537
Belgium 1858-1951 in 2 stockbooks. Start collection used/mint incl. Belgian Congo, Ruanda Urundi, Belgium occupation of German East Africa and some modern Burundi etc.
Belgium (from and to) in 3 ordners with P.O,W, Soldiers Post, Army Post well documented, minimal 300+ pieces.
Low Estimate € 25
Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 85.00
Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 85
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1273
Box Belgium 1960-2023 incl. 2001-2023 most 2 or 4 (blocs) times present. Also a lot 1980-2000. All-in enveloppes etc. as sold by Belgium Post.
Low Estimate € 750
Opening EUR 750.00
Sold...EUR 2,200.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 2200
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1274
Box Belgium in 10 stock books with Births (large amount), Ocupation, Private stamps, Prè cancels (1900-1999),railway stamps, Sheet parts, Face value, Black prints, Boudewijn tetè becè / 10%, Auto booklets (nr 1 and so on), coil stamps (strips of 5) and all the other things.
Low Estimate € 300
Opening EUR 300.00
Sold...EUR 600.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1275
Box Belgium with approx. 150 black stockcards with Belgium from about 1850 with all sorts of stamps, cinderella's, gutterpairs (Incl. KT 13**, 2x in a block, PUC 4**( tete-beche gutter-pair), most items before 1955. Also over 50 covers with special flights, fancy cancelations, Rocket-mail, FDC's etc. (Image)
Low Estimate € 250
Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 850.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 850
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1276
Belgium a very illustrated collection with newspaper articles about stamps, paper money (face value), coins, letters, machine booklets, blocks, postage due, sovereign sheets, face value and stamps MNH/Mint/Used from 1869-2006 in 4 thick ring binders.
Low Estimate € 150
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 150.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1277
Belgium 2013-2017 + 2019 MNH on Davo de luxe pages in box.
Low Estimate € 125
Opening EUR 125.00
Sold...EUR 650.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 650
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1278
Box Pre-Cancels (voorafgetempelde) Belgium 1911-1938 in 66 old club circulation booklets an envelop and a cigar-box.