1913 PROVISIONAL OVERPRINT ON 1909 ISSUE OF TURKEY: 1pi ultramarine used, tied to small piece. Expertised on reverse by P. Holcombe and one other. SG 7 (£325) (Image)
Opening GBP 18.00
Sold...GBP 28.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 28
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 277
Cat No: Collection
ARGENTINA - PROVINCIAL REVENUES: Two stock books with an extensive collection of early Revenues & Provincial Revenue issues. Both mint & used ranges. (Many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 110.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 318
Cat No: Collection
BELGIAN CONGO 1886-1962; A neatly-written-up collection with a mixture of mint & used stamps in an Alpha Major album plus a stockbook of duplicates. Comprises selection of early values inc. 1898 10f used; 1909 optd range to 1f inc redrawn pair; 1921 high values mint; 1923 Native set mint;1928 Anniversary set; 1931 optd values; 1931 set used with 20f mint; 1934 Air used; 1937 & 1938 mini sheets mint; 1939 Gardens set mint; 1942 sets used; 1947 Carvings set used; 1952 flowers set used (50f & 100f mint); 1955 King Baudouin sets mint & used; 1956 Mozart pair mint. Also a small selection of Ruanda 1916-62 inc 1924 Native set mint; 1948 carvings. (several 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 110.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 311
ENTRY, ACCOUNTANCY, EXPRESS MARKS, ETC.: Substantial range of pre-stamp covers c.1768-1874 with an interesting range of marks inc. DE LIEGE (1780), red ‘H’ & ‘A’ of Amsterdam & Antwerp, uncommon ‘G’ of Ghent, range of rayon marks and boxed entry marks inc. Givet, Valenciennes, Lille & Thionville; scarce Antwerp ‘PAR ESTAFETTE express mark (1834), undated / dated circular entries and later cds types, accountancy marks, boxed frontier marks, boxed FRANCE/PAR FURNES (1833). (68) (Image)
Opening GBP 32.00
Sold...GBP 42.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 42
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 312
Cat No: Collection
MINT & USED COLLECTION 1849-1923: A Viking album containing an extensive display collection of mainly used stamps commencing with a comprehensive range of 1849-61 issues imperf. Also includes 1863-65 values with all three variations represented; 1865 values to 1f on both thick & thin paper; 1869-80 set to 1f (both perfs); 1893 set to 2f; 1905 P.Stat.PC with Liege Exposition pmk; 1910 & 1911 Brussels Exhibition sets; 1912 set with variations; 1914 & 1915 Red Cross sets mint inc colour trials & proofs; 1915 postage dues with large 'T' overprint. High catalogue value. (several 100's) (Image)
Opening GBP 260.00
Sold...GBP 480.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 480
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 313
Cat No: Collection
MINT & USED COLLECTION 1925-84: A carton containing a neatly written-up collection in two springback binders and on album leaves. Includes 1925 Anniversary issue mint; 1928 Abbey Restoration mint; 1929 high values used; 1929, 1930, 1931 & 1933 Anti-TB; 1930 Air Mint & used; 1930 BIT optd. mint & used; 1936 & 1937 Exhibition mini. sheets; 1937 Ysaye mini. sheet; 1939 Ruben's set mint; range of post WW2 surcharges. 1941 Abbey mini sheets; 1953 Red Cross & Tourist sets mint; Also includes a few covers & PPCs, a page of German occupation issues. and a mint collection of Belgium occupation of Germany 1919-21.(several 100) (Image)
Opening GBP 95.00
Sold...GBP 170.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 314
Cat No: Collection
RAILWAY & PARCEL POST STAMPS 1879-1954: An attractive collection of mainly used parcel post related stamps, inc. Official issues neatly-written-up on album pages. 1879 set; 1882 values to 2f inc. 15c & 50c mint; 1895 set; 1902 set with high values mint; 1916 set; 1920 both sets; 1929 set; 1935 to 50f; 1939 set mint; 1940 and subsequent sets inc. 1954 set mint (ex 3f 50); Also 1928 Newspaper set used. (several 100's) (Image)
Opening GBP 50.00
Sold...GBP 55.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 55
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 315
Cat No: Collection
COLLECTOR'S ACCUMULATION 1849 ONWARDS: A carton containing six stockbooks/albums plus some loose of collector's duplicates. Inc. Railway Parcel stamps; postage dues; mini sheets; P.Stat. PCs with 1889-97; WW1 censored covers; PPCs with Exhibition pmks or station pmks; 1897 Exhibition 5c full sheet mint; 1930 Congress set mint; 1937 Anti-TB set mint. An extensive variety which would repay careful study. (many 1000's) (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 170.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 319
Cat No: Collection
KGVI MINT (A FEW USED) COLLECTION ON ALBUM LEAVES: 1938 defin. set to £1 plus many later key plate high values inc. 2/- (10), 2/6d (5), 5/- (3), 10/- (4), 12/6d (4) & £1 (2). Several better shades noted. One for the specialist. High cat. value. (c.44) (Image)
Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 260.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 320
EARLY POSTAL FISCAL SHEET & CURRENCY ERROR: 1955 first issue Postal Fiscal "8" value (= 2r or 5r) orange in complete mint sheet of 50, SG F4 (50 x £20). Also 1966 metallic 'coin' stamps in set of 3 values Bhutanese 15ch, 33ch & 75ch, all showing Indian currency in centre circle of 50np, 1r & 3r. Very rare set, with limited release. (Total 53 stamps)Cross Reference: ERRORS (Image)
Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 105.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 105
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 321
Cat No: Collection
EARLY TO MODERN, MINT & USED COLLECTION housed in large stock book. Strength in early 20th C. issues with 1930s Air issues and many attractive 1940s mini. sheets. Later issues to 1960s. (Many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 150.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 322
Cat No: Collection
1879-1918 MINT & USED COLLECTION on printed leaves showing a high degree of completion with 1879-98 'Arms' used, 1900 - 04 'Arms' mixed mint & used, 1906 set used with top three vals. mint, 1910 set used (cat. £100), 1912 -14 set used (cat. £250), 1916 set used (cat. £100), 1917 set mostly used inc. top three vals. (cat. £100) plus the majority of other issues inc. newspaper stamps. (157) (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 75.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 354
Cat No: Collection
QV USED COLLECTION ON SG "NEW IMPERIAL" ALBUM PAGES: A slightly remaindered collection with some useful pickings inc. 1857 1/9d green SG 11 (£800), various later vals. to 96c and a range of surcharges with values to 1r.12c & 2r.50c. (c.78 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 130.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 356
Cat No: Collection
1857-1972 COLLECTION on printed leaves inc. range of early QV used imperf. issues to 1/- (16) in mixed condition plus a similar range of perf. issues (14) also in mixed condition to later 19th C. issues. Good coverage of KEVII & KGV with mixed mint and used sets to 20R with high vals. being fiscally used, and then fairly complete to 1972. Some stamps are incorrectly placed so viewing advised. (100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 80.00
Sold...GBP 90.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 90
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 359
Cat No: Collection
COMMERCIAL AERONAVIGATION CO. ('TESTART') STAMPS & COVER COLLECTION: Presented on display pages, collection includes Testart 40c (2), 80c & 1p.20 values used as singles or on piece, along with the unissued commemorative depicting Bernardo O'Higgins on which the Testart Air Mail issues are based. Collection inc. 8 Mar. 1928 cover from Santiago to Valparaiso bearing a complete set of the 5 different values and a large cover front dated 14 Nov. 1927 also franked with a complete set of 5. Postcard & 4 other covers bearing mostly singles of the issue inc. 4 May 1927 cover to USA. (3 stamps, 3 pieces, large front, card plus 5 covers) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 550.00
Sold...GBP 650.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 650
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 360
Cat No: Collection
1928-32 PROVISIONAL AIR MAIL OVERPRINTS: Collection of stamps & covers, superbly presented and typed up on display pages. Extensive study of opts. on the 1928-1932 issues with varieties inc. black & blue opts. on 10p value (SG 197/198) and complete set to 10p perforated "SPECIMEN"; various 'errors' on high value multiples inc. "AEREU" instead of "AEREO" (posn. 32 in sheet), also 'full stop' after "AEREO". Also inc. the scarce 3p on 5c slate-blue mint (SG 201) and two forged examples on covers (very scarce thus). Both wmkd. and unwmkd. sets of 1928 are represented. A range of covers illustrates usage of the provisional opts. inc. 4 Jun. 1930 first direct crossing of Atlantic Natal to Dakar and 8 Oct. Graf Zeppelin cover from Concepcion to Germany. Very fine throughout. (c.95 stamps & 16 covers) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 340.00
Sold...GBP 420.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 420
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 361
Cat No: Collection
LINEA AEREA NACIONAL (LAN), 1929-42: Superb presentation on typed up display pages illustrating the development of LAN routes and associated stamps & covers between 1929 and 1942 inc. trial and first flights, etc. Includes 26 Feb. 1929 trial flight Santiago to Arica (one of just 50 covers carried) and return flight cover dated 4 March (but arrival 23 Mar.), inaugural flight of 5 Mar. 1929 pilot (Meneses) signed cover and 23 Mar. 1929 cover Antofagasta to Valparaiso inscribed "Por correo Aereo Militar"; examples of route extensions to Tacna, Puerto Montt, Puerto Aysen, etc. Study of the 1931 LAN Air Mail stamp issue and c.23 internal covers illustrating their usage inc. various LAN Agency cancels. Inc. scarce Mar. 1937 LAN Potez 5 crash cover. Collection also inc. 9 Jan. 1937 Magallenes (Punta Arenas) to Valparaiso test flight cover and 20 Jan. 1937 inaugural flight cover Santiago to Magallenes (Sikorsky seaplane), also a study of the 1940 LAN provisional surcharges and covers showing usage. (c.39 stamps & c.37 covers) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 340.00
Sold...GBP 420.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 420
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 362
Cat No: Collection
LINEA AEREA NACIONAL (LAN) EXTERNAL AIR MAILS, 1931-40: Well presented and typed up collection on display pages indicating the variety of rates, fees & supplements associated with each cover. A good variety of destinations inc. more unusual ones such as Yugoslavia, India, China, Sweden, Norway, Czechoslovakia, etc. Many attractive frankings and more interesting covers inc. Feb. 1934 cover to Bolivia with Bolivian Military censor mark due to Chaco war. Very fine throughout (23 covers)Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 190.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 363
Cat No: Collection
STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL AIR MAIL ISSUES, 1934-55: Very fine collection of stamps & covers on display pages. Includes study of 1934-55 (wmk) issue and 1944-46 (no wmk) issue with many shade varieties, multiples and some postal forgeries. Fine selection of covers illustrating usage inc. examples of diplomatic cover, first flight and several very high rate covers with multiple high values e.g. 1955 env. to California charged 1,146 pesos & 1956 packet to Switzerland charged 2,126 pesos, etc. (c.108 stamps & c.13 covers) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 240.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 240
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 364
Cat No: Collection
LINEA AEREA NACIONAL (LAN) COLLECTION, 1941-46: Album with very fine collection of stamps and covers of the period. Includes the 1941-42 stamp set to $10 blue-green mint and a large engraved format composite souvenir sheet by J. Moreno in black print.Also the 1942-46 set mint to $10 blue plus a philatelic cover to US bearing the complete set. Fine range of internal Air Mail covers superbly presented and typed up to illustrate the variety of fees & supplemental charges making up the final postage rate. A fine collection. (c.65 stamps + souv. sheet & 30 covers) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 170.00
Sold...GBP 190.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 365
Cat No: Collection
LINEA AEREA NACIONAL (LAN) COLLECTION, 1947-1962: Superbly presented and typed up collection of stamps & covers from the post-WWII period. Collection inc. the 1947-53 stamp issue to $10 in wmk. positional varieties and the 1950-55 series to $10 mint or used plus 1951 provisional surcharges and 1960-62 set mint or used. Accompanied by a range of internal & overseas Air Mail covers illustrating the changes in postage rates and various supplements & other fees over the period. The lot includes 6 Feb. 1965 Crash cover (complete with Ambulance cover) with purple cachets relating to Flight 107 which resulted in the death of 87 people in Chile's worst ever airline disaster. (c.170+ stamps & c.44 covers) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 220.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 375
SCARCE LEPER COLONY MAIL: 1921-73 display leaves inc. 1921 env. ex Agua de Dios leper colony to Bogota with boxed "[CORREOS NATIONAL]ES/[AGUA DE DIOS]/DISINFECTADA/AL AUTOCLAVE" cachet; 1927 env. to USA with unrecorded large boxed "Lazareto de Contratacion/Oficina de Desinfeccion/[???] Centrificamente Desinfectad" & "OFICINA INTERNA/JULIO 29 DE 1927" hs's; plus others inc. to USA with different hs's and two 1973 receipts for parcels to the colony. [Ex Vandervelde]. (7 items) Cross Reference: DISINFECTED MAIL (Image)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 110.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 377
Cat No: Collection
GENERAL EARLY TO MODERN COLLECTION in a binder, with good coverage of 1851 to 1870 period used in very mixed condition then later fine used ranges inc. 1904 50 öre used (cat. £110), 1913 set to both 5kr vals. inc. 27 öre (cat. £70), 1918 27 öre opts with vals. to 5kr value, 1926 ovpts., etc., plus further sets mint or used to about 1980. (100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 34.00
Sold...GBP 55.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 55
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 378
Cat No: Collection
1874-1954 MINT & USED COLLECTION inc. good QV range with bisect and ovpt. types, 1903 set (ex 1/-) mint, 1907 vals. to 2/6d mint, 1908 set (ex 2/6d) mint, 1921 set (ex 6d) mint, 1922-3 most vals. to 5/- plus wmk. Crown CA 3/- & 5/- mint and 5/- used, 1938 set complete mint & used, 1948 Silver Wedding mint & used,1951 set mint, 1954 set mint & used, etc,. Fine lot with a cat. value in excess of £1,750. (238) (Image)
Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 190.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 379
QV 1/- GREEN WITH SELVEDGE: Used on 1860 cover to India via Bombay, presented on display sheet; scarce.Cross Reference: INDIA, G.B. USED ABROAD STAMPS & COVERS (Image)
Opening GBP 40.00
Sold...GBP 40.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 380
1866 5p ROSE INSCRIPTION ERROR: 5p rose wmk. upright p.12½ x 15 unused (no gum) showing error of overprint "10pi" for "5pi". Stamp is of fine appearance, having a trivial diagonal crease and minor soiling. Signed A. Diena and having 1967 RPSL Certificate SG 6d £1,000. (Image)
Opening GBP 55.00
Sold...GBP 60.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 381
Cat No: Collection
1872-1878 'PENASSON PRINTING' (TYPOGRAPHED) & BULAQ PRINTING STUDY: Collection on album pages inc. 1872-75 typographed range from SG 28-34 mint & used with perf. varieties, typically with all values in duplicate (except single example of 2½pi) inc. 2 x 5pi yellow-green (SG £200 ea). Also 1874-75 Govt. (Bulaq) printings mint & used to 5pi with duplication and varieties inc. inverted opts. SG 42a, 43a, etc. High value group. (c.100) (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 110.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 383
BRITISH FORCES IN EGYPT: Inc. 1932/4 mm Postal Seal, Letter Seal and Christmas Seal (SG A1 to A6a); 1P green opt "Harrisons/SPECIMEN" perf. 14½x14 unused (RPSL cert. 2008); 1P carmine & 1P green (used; SG 7 & 8); etc. (15 items) (Image)
Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 280.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 387
1918-24 ISSUES: Binder holding printed pages sparsely filled by mint or used ranges & issues. A good starter album. Does inc. complete mint/used 1919 "Valore globale" set (SG118/130 £140, mixed condition) & mint 1919 10cor. Olive-green (SG51 £70). Also inc. a few p.dues, newspaper issues, etc. (<100 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 18.00
Sold...GBP 20.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 20
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 77
Cat No: Collection
ALL PERIODS MINT & USED SINGLES & SETS: A carton holding a large qty. of stock cards with better items. Countries include France, Germany, Switzerland & Luxembourg with additional material from Oman, Rwanda, Japan, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Vatican, Nicaragua, Turkey, Greece & Nepal, etc. SG cat. value in excess of £4,000. (Many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 240.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 240
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 78
Cat No: Collection
BALANCE OF A COLLECTION OF BETTER FOREIGN USED SETS & SINGLES: Group of early to mid period singles and sets from a variety of European countries and a few South/Central America, mostly identified on dealers cards and stock cards. Inc. France 1849 15c green and 1F carmine (cat. £2,100 both with thinning) 1869 5F (cat. £1,100 thinned), Papal States (8, cat. £955), Austria 1916 10k top value, few possible forgeries, bogus issues, plus many other interesting items. Poor to very fine. (c.80) Cross Reference: FRANCE (Image)
Opening GBP 65.00
Sold...GBP 160.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 79
ECLECTIC RANGE: Carton containing four 'Devon' peg albums with late 19th C. to approx. 1950 mint and used ranges from a variety of countries inc. China with Junks to $1 mint (50c and $1 no gum) plus a range of different printings, Ethiopia, South and Central America with Ecuador, Peru,Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala Haiti, etc. A good solid lot. (100s) Cross Reference: CHINA, ETHIOPIA (Image)
Opening GBP 38.00
Sold...GBP 170.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 80
Cat No: Collection
MINT & USED ITALY & WORLDWIDE COLLECTION: Two stock books: one exclusively Italy with some early issues but predominantly more modern; the other containing a Worldwide mixture. Some duplication. (very many 100s)Cross Reference: ITALY, JAPAN, IRAN/PERSIA, ARGENTINA (Image)
Opening GBP 48.00
Sold...GBP 65.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 81
Cat No: Collection
MIDDLE EAST COLLECTIONS; Two cartons containing early to modern collections of mainly Egypt in eleven albums/stockbooks. Comprises Egypt from 1866 inc. 1933 Air set mint & used; 1948 cover with Winter Palace Luxor pmk; 1946 30m Aviation overprint on piece with MEAN Conference pmk; 1933 Aviation Conference set mint and Egyptian occupation of Gaza issues. Lebanon inc. well written up collection 1942-57 with 1944 Anniv. set mint (cat £130); 1946 12.50p Heron mint (cat £34); 1947 Red Cross set mint (cat £120). Syria from 1920 French Military Occupation overprints. (many 100s) Cross Reference: EGYPT, LEBANON, SYRIA (Image)
Opening GBP 50.00
Sold...GBP 190.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 82
Cat No: Collection
NORWAY & DENMARK COLLECTIONS: Old "Ka-Be" printed, hingeless album with 1855-1945 mostly used Norway collection. Good to fine throughout with useful sets inc. 1925 Polar Bears, 1930 Tourism, etc. Also a good range of basic Posthorns, missing just 1 value from printed spaces. Lot also inc. a small used collection of Denmark on several album leaves, noting several imperfs with vals. to 8s green (2). Total SG cat. £4,000+ (c.400+ stamps)Cross Reference: DENMARK, NORWAY (Image)
Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 170.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 446
Cat No: Collection
QV -QEII MINT AND USED COLLECTION; A lighthouse stockbook containing a collection, much of it mint, commencing with Bermuda stamps optd (cat £555); 1889 Spanish currency to 1p mint inc 25c in block x 9; 1903 4/- & £1 used (cat £975) and 2/-, 4/- & 8/- mint (cat £520);1921/5 high values mint (cat £610) & used to 10/-; 1938 set mint (cat £180). Later issues to c.1992 mint inc. mini sheet & booklet. High cat. value. (many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 340.00
Sold...GBP 420.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 420
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 447
Cat No: Collection
1886-98 COLLECTION virtually complete mint with 1886 ovpts. on Bermuda issues; the 1d, 2d (no gum), 4d & 1/- (others fu. with 6d thinned); 1886 set (2d no gum & 4d with ink stain), 1889 Currency surcharge set, 1889 Spanish currency set (ex 20c olive green) & 1898 Sterling re-issue set. Some heavy hinges but mostly fine and fresh. (39) (Image)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 200.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 200
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 448
1886 - 1898 ISSUES: Range comprising 1886-1887 set to 1/-; 1889 overprinted set mint; 1889 issue in Spanish currency used (ex 20c green and brown) & 1898 issue with values to 1/-. Also inc. 1878 GB 2½d rosy mauve on cover cancelled 'A26', and 1897 10c carmine bisect on piece. (31) (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 90.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 90
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 449
KGV 1925 £5 VIOLET & BLACK: Fine looking example but with a forged cancellation. A genuinely fine used stamp has SG cat. value of £6,000. SG 108. (Image)
Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 170.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 466
Cat No: Collection
AUSTRIA-HUNGARY - T.P.O.s/RAILWAY/BOXED STATION MARKS COLLECTION: Large c.1877-1940 (virtually all pre-1930s) group of mainly p.stat. PCs plus some envs. & PPCs (mostly mounted & written up) with a considerable variety of TPOs (nos. 4-398) and also some instructional marks inc. 1888 postcard with oval "BUDAPEST/VONAT- IV KESES" ('train-delayed) or 1895 postcard with boxed "... POSTA/FIUME SZ-PETER/KOZOTT" ('between' for mailguards on stopping trains to cancel later). Attractive frankings, stationery & marks all mostly fine. (c.106 covers + a few used singles) Cross Reference: AUSTRIA, TRAVELLING POST OFFICES, RAILWAY MAIL (Image)
Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 220.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 468
RARE OCEANOGRAPHY INSTITUTE DRIFT-CARDS LANDED IN ICELAND, GLASGOW/BERGEN PAQUEBOTS, ETC: 1954 quartet of the special GB reply-paid PCs dropped by plane into the Atlantic in plastic bags and washed up at various places. Three of the PCs have Iceland frankings (the other was sent from Iceland but has no stamps and was cancelled by the circular barred "LONDON" printed matter cancel) tied by unclear cds's:- ?Strond, ?Vik & ?Hofdabrekka (only c.52 cards are recorded as having been washed up in Iceland. Plus rare unused drift-card (No.7556) with its explanatory sheet (+ 2 corks and a "Porothene" envelope in which the cards were dropped). Plus 1926 PPC (stamps on picture side) with black or purple boxed Reykjavik "Paquebot" or purple rubber "Paquebot", 1938 pair of larger envs. to GB with Geyser frankings tied by Glasgow cds with matching scarce mainly v. fine boxed Glasgow "PAQUEBOT." marks, 31/5/1945 censored (late date) env. to GB & 1941 'Times' cutting showing Churchill visiting Iceland. (13 items) [The Glasgow Paquebots & the Drift-cards ex Cavendish 'Angus Parker' auction, Apr. 2009; lot 1441 et al.] Cross Reference: PAQUEBOTS, SCOTLAND, NORWAY (Image)
Opening GBP 140.00
Sold...GBP 240.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 240
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 469
WWII - 'SERVICE SUSPENDED' COVER TO BELGIUM RETURNED TO ICELAND FROM G.B.; Unusual 5 June 1940 long env. (filled file-holes clear of stamp & marks) to Brussels franked by Iceland 'Geysir' 45a Blue tied by a light "REYKJAVIK" cds and the edge of a very fine purple boxed London "NO SERVICE/RETURN TO SENDER" mark; censored (2 labels; brown tape + "4094" label), and unusually annotated (at the time?) "French capitulation 4th June 1940". Rare returned mail from the early months of the war with an unusual place of origin. [Ex Cavendish 'Angus Parker' auction, Apr. 2009; lot 1401, realised £180+BP.]Cross Reference: MILITARY - SPANISH CIVIL WAR, MILITARY - WWII, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL, BELGIUM (Image)
Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 280.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 470
WRECK OF THE S.S. EBRO - RARE COVER WITH PURPLE (ABERDEEN?) "DAMAGED BY/SEA WATER" CACHET; 12 Mar. 1942 long commercial env. from Reykjavik to GB at the 45a rate (with 45a Geysir) having British 6028 censor label also having a very fine purple off-centre "DAMAGED BY/SEA WATER" cachet (presumably struck at the Aberdeen P.O.) on the front. This wreck has been clearly identified by Hoggarth & Gwynn (p.267) as that of the Danish SS Ebro wrecked off the Aberdeen coast en route to Hull. Exhibition Quality.Cross Reference: MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL, MILITARY - WWII, CRASH/WRECK MAIL, SCOTLAND (Image)
Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 180.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 578
Cat No: Collection
EARLY TO MIDDLE PERIOD COLLECTION: Album and two stock books with the mint and used collection. Album commences with 1876 issue (earlier 'Lion' types are reproductions) continuing with many complete sets to 1939. Perf. and surcharge varieties clearly annotated throughout. Well-presented and written-up and includes several early cards/covers. The two stock books contain an extensive stock of duplicates up to 1950s. (Very many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 130.00
Sold...GBP 140.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 140
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 580
1922-23 SEA HORSES FINE USED TRIO: The three high values 2/6d chocolate-brown, 5/- rose-carmine & 10/-dull grey-blue with 'wide date' Thom three line overprint. All with fine cds cancels. SG 64/66 £615 (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 140.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 140
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 581
1922 DOLLARD OVERPRINT HIGH VALUES: Lightly mounted mint trio of 2/6d reddish brown, 5/- rose-carmine & 10/- dull grey-blue. SG 18/20 £345 (3) (Image)
Opening GBP 55.00
Sold...GBP 60.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 582
1922 VERY RARE LARGE PAQUEBOT CO'BH CDS:23 July 1922 postcard of the R.M.S. Baltic to Bournemouth bearing Irish 2d tied by an almost complete strike of the large double ring "PAQUEBOT/CO'BH" cds. Very rare as it was replaced with Cobh at the top after a very short period of use. [Ex Studd & Robertson]. (Image)
Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 280.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 280
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 583
1922 COBH PAQUEBOT SKELETON: 5 Oct. 1922 postcard of R.M.S. Ausonia to Barrow in Furness bearing KGV 1d tied by a fine strike of the "COBH/PAQUEBOT" skeleton cds. Scarce. (Image)
Opening GBP 70.00
Sold...GBP 260.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 584
Cat No: Collection
1905-86 POSTAGE DUE MAIL ETC.: Most interesting group of covers/cards inc. many with Irish or English P.Due adhesives. Many of the covers have "TO PAY" and some have"LATE FEE" hs plus other instructional hs. Worth examination. (Qty) (Image)
Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 200.00
Closed..Sep-04-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 200
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 585
Cat No: Collection
PARCEL POST:1905-86 Untidy accumulation of parcel post related items inc. parcel post labels, parcel tags, customs forms and a large number of pieces with adhesives cancelled with a wide range of boxed parcel post cancellations. Needs sorting but would make a good display subject. (Qty). (Image)