Philately. Mi.140var, 141var, blk-of-10 Zogu 1Fr and 2Fr, UNISSUED, in different colors brown / blue, red-brown / green; rare (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 191.00
Sold...US$ 214.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 214
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 3
Philately. C.C. KLOS / Reg letter sent from Montenegro to Italian concentration camp in occupied Albania, franked with Italian stamp with overprint Crna Gora, CDS BAR 3.X.42, on reverse transit CDS CETINJE 4.X.42, redirected with CDS SHKODER 9.10.42; good condition (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 72.00
Sold...US$ 133.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 133
Austria Philately
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 153
Cat No: Collection
Philately. CZECH LANDS/ selection of 5 letters from Plzen region; VON PILSEN, small blue PILSEN, big blue PILSEN, writing MIES (catalogue Votocek. No. 1412/2) and rare blue TUSCHKAU (Mesto Touskov, catalogue Votocek. No. 2491/1); catalogue Votocek. 300 points (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 115.00
Sold...US$ 114.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 114
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 157
Philately. CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters with cancel. PROSNITZ line and rare red PROSSNITZ FRANCO, Vot.230 points (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 72.00
Sold...US$ 76.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 76
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 158
Philately. CZECH LANDS/ interesting militar letter from headquarters 25. pechotniho regiment baron From Trapp from Tyn n./V. through Klatovy to Zelezna Ruda (Eisenstein), cancel. VON MOLDAUTHEIN; in addition letter with line WODNIAN (catalogue Votocek No.2) to Vienna (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 67.00
Sold...US$ 71.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 71
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 159
Philately. CZECH LANDS/ MORAVIA - 6 letters; OSTRA, blue JAMNITZ, NEUTITSCHEIN, V. GAYA, NIKOLSBURG and rare green (!) BRUSAU (catalogue Votocek. No. 261/2); catalogue Votocek. 310 points (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 115.00
Sold...US$ 114.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 114
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 160
Philately. CZECH LANDS/ Reg letter from Vyskov to Brno, with rare oval cancel., RECOMMANDIRT / WISCHAU; signs of age however very interesting entire, porto 15 + 9 Kreuzer, poz. Gegen Auf- and Abgabsrecepisse, catalogue Votocek. 200 points (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 48.00
Sold...US$ 52.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 52
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 165
Philately. Ferch.1HI-5HI, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, T I. hand-made paper, 2 Kreuzer and 6 Kreuzer ERSTDRUCK, 3 Kreuzer with significantly underlaid middle, 9 Kreuzer with plate variety - dot and damaged frame left lower; chosen quality, cat. min. 585EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 115.00
Sold...US$ 114.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 114
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 166
Philately. Ferch.1I -5I; Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, all the first types, 1Kr both sides print, 2 Kreuzer plate variety 7 - interrupted left strip below crown (Ferch.I. page. 262), 3 Kreuzer GRAVUR 2-2, 6 Kreuzer type Ic rotbraun, 9 Kreuzer offset; very fine, c.v.. 555EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 143.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 143
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 167
Philately. Ferch.2MIII, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer type III machine made paper; nice piece with red WIEN REGISTERED., certificate Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 575EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image 3)(Image)
Opening US$ 172.00
Sold...US$ 190.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 169
Philately. Ferch.3, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer, 5 pairs and 3 strips-of-3, from that 4 on cut-square, various types, papers and color; i.a. rare vertical strip of 3 BRUNN, pair with better cancel. CARLOBAGO, pair type IIIc (!) etc..; very fine, cat. min. 500EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 115.00
Sold...US$ 114.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 114
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 173
Philately. folded letter to Paris cash paid, single-circle posting TESCHEN 22/8, on reverse transit BODENBACH and arrival PARIS; good condition, good destination (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 58.00
Sold...US$ 57.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 57
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 174
Cat No: Collection
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 letters, several Lombardy, also 3+6Kr I. types HP STEYR, 3+6Kr III and type I POYSDORF, several small formats, green envelopes, multiple frankings etc..; profitable price! (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 181.00
Sold...US$ 190.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 176
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.10-16, ST: ANDRWEW CROSS - big yellow - blue, for all values; very fine, red with gum; c.v.. for (*) and red * total 830EUR, rare offer (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 381.00
Sold...US$ 405.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 405
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 177
Philately. printed matter with Ferch.10II, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer type II., frame PILSEN, to NEUERN (Nyrsko); VF (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 96.00
Sold...US$ 105.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 105
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 182
Philately. Ferch.39II+49II, cut square 15+25Kr, cancel. MAXIMILIANSTRASSE WIEN; very rare combination with 25 Kreuzer, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v. for 15+25kr - ; rare (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 381.00
Sold...US$ 381.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 381
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 183
Cat No: Collection
Philately. SELECTION of / ANK.35II- 39II, 41II, 31 pcs 2Kr-50Kr with rarer types of perforation, i.a. 12, 13, 10½/13, 13/10½, 10½/9 etc..; cat. min. 1.600EUR (Image 1)(Image)
Opening US$ 215.00
Sold...US$ 238.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 238
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 184
Philately. 5 letters and p.stat, i.a. p.stat strip 2 Kreuzer, envelope 3 Kreuzer, Reg letter 3x 5 Kreuzer, letter to Warsaw 5+10Kr and postal stationery cover uprated with strip of four 10Kr from TERST to BOMBAY (damaged, however extremely rare with c.v.. ca. 5.000EUR) (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 286.00
Sold...US$ 310.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 310
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 185
Cat No: Collection
Philately. selection of more than 50 letters with VI. issue 5 Kreuzer red and 2 Kreuzer yellow with nice cancel. from Czech countries, i.a. ZOPTAU (blue), WITTINGAU, TROPPAU (line), STERNBERG (naprskove), ZASTAWKA, NEU-HWIEZDLITZ (naprskove on reverse), POLITZ B. NACHOD, OLESNICE, MISSLITZ, KOJETEIN, KLEIN SCHWADOWITZ, KELTSCH B. WEISKIRCHEN, FREINSPITZ (small diameter circle), DATSCHITZ, BUDISCHAU, HOHENEURT, LIBCAN (small diameter circle), VLASATICE etc.., also with several pieces of prephilatelic letters and receipts (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image 3)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 143.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 143
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 186
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.44-49a, Coat of arms 2Kr-50Kr; very fine, 2Kr-20Kr **, 50kr * perf 9½ (500EUR); c.v.. total 1.060EUR, rare offer, mint 50kr is rare! (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Philately. 2x heavier Reg letter from Hradec to Prague, unique franking 6x3kr 1883 + 2 Kreuzer 1890,exact rate 20Kr; signs of age, cat. min. 1.000EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 152.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 152
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 189
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.50-62, 63-66, 67-68, Franz Joseph. I. 1Kr-2G, 20Kr - 50 Kreuzer and 1G-2G, various perf; hinged, very fine, c.v.. for cheapest types 210EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 48.00
Sold...US$ 67.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 67
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 190
Symbol: *
Philately. Mi.69-83, Franz Joseph I. 1H - 4Kr, complete set, 2 Kreuzer used.; c.v.. ca. 290EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 81.00
Sold...US$ 124.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 124
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 191
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.138-156, Franz Joseph I. 1h-10K; complete set; some also **, c.v.. for * 500EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 96.00
Sold...US$ 152.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 152
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 192
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.161-177, Jubilee 1H-10K, complete set, high value 10K MNH; c.v.. 930EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 239.00
Sold...US$ 333.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 333
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 193
Philately. ANK.205xII, Coat of arms 3K light red, rare landscape format; nice imprint of postmark, c.v.. 500EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 143.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 143
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 194
Symbol: *
Philately. POSTAGE-DUE / Mi.1-9, 10-21, 22-33, three complete set Numeral in Oval 1894, 1899 imperforated and 1900; hinged, 3x small thin place, ANK-catalogue. 33 cancel., c.v.. ca. 180EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 43.00
Sold...US$ 76.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 76
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 195
Symbol: *
Philately. POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.45-46, Numerals 5 K and 10K violet; first hinges, c.v.. 450EUR, rare (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Philately. POSTAGE-DUE / 20 letters and Ppc with 2-coloured postage-due frankings, i.a. violet cancel. WIEB, red PRAGUE, postcard from Monaco, R.S. letters, letter-card, local letters, double postcard etc..; high catalogue value! (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image 3)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 162.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 162
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 199
Philately. Reg letter from K. Vary to Munich with exact 7 (!) color franking of 16 stamps of 3rd issue, total porto 35h, cancel. KARLSBAD 1 / 21. II. 06; VF, exp. by Ferchenbauer., cat. min. 900EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 96.00
Sold...US$ 133.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 133
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 200
Philately. 3 interesting letters, Registered 30h 1908 + 5h 1906; consular 3x heavier Reg letter to Zurich 35+60h and extremely rare letter from Prague 13.IV.12 through Egypt to Chartum in Sudan with 4- color exact franking 2+6+12+30h (25h letter abroad + 25h reg fee), arrival REGISTERED / SHELLAI HALFA T.P.O. (Traveling Post Office) No.1 / 26. MS pos. 12; rare set! (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 143.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 143
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 202
Philately. money letter for 80K with issue 1908, 2x 25h+3h+1h, Mi.147 2x 141, 139, CDS FELD POSTAMT 26/ 1.XII.14, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 8/ 5/12 14, red military unit postmarks and good condition seal; only small tearing in lower margin (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 43.00
Sold...US$ 43.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 43
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 203
Philately. 2 letters with rare postage-due frankings; commercial postal stationery cover 3h uprated with 3h+6h (1916) with franking 1h+2h (1908) extra paid 10h+20h (1908+ 1916) and then letter with 20 stamps Aushilfnachporto 1h; rare (Image 1)(Image)
Opening US$ 115.00
Sold...US$ 114.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 114
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 205
Symbol: (*)
Cat No: Collection
Philately. SELECTION of / Ferch.6, 6x Blue Mercury, various types and color, 2x Italian cancel., from that once MIRA on cut-square (zuplnene margins); overall nice, cat. min. 1.200EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 172.00
Sold...US$ 181.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 181
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 208
Philately. Ferch.42 Ia and Ib, 6x Mercure 1,05 Kreuzer, Type Ia dunkel lilabraun, 2x braungrau; Type Ib braunlich grau, 2x grau, from that 1x with whole wmk A (rare); rare set, cat. min. 510EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 143.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 143
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 209
Philately. Ferch.42 Id, 2x Mercure 1,05kr Type Id grau violett, SCHUSSELFORMIGER HELM, Stadium I and Stadium II; rare printing specialties, cancel. SELTSCHAN and LAIBACH, c.v.. 525EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 96.00
Sold...US$ 152.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 152
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 210
Philately. Ferch.97, complete address strip on newspaper parcel with franking of block of 45 Mercure 2h, cancel. HLUBOKA 4. VI. 07; upper strip-of-9 with marginal ledge; one from greatest known used blocks of this issue! (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 191.00
Sold...US$ 190.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 211
Philately. Newspaper revenue stamps / Ferchenbauer. 1b(2), 2a, 2b (4); Coat of arms 2x 2 Kreuzer blue-green, 1 Kr PROVISORIUM TYPE, 1 Kr in 4 various colors and types; very fine, cat. min. 490EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 96.00
Sold...US$ 95.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 213
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.498-511, Landscape; complete set, first hinges, c.v.. for * 200EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 39.00
Sold...US$ 43.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 43
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 216
Symbol: **
Philately. Mi.518-523, Rotary; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. 700EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 115.00
Sold...US$ 114.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 114
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 219
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.545-550, Painters; complete set, first hinges, c.v.. for * 180EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 39.00
Sold...US$ 38.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 38
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 220
Symbol: *
Philately. ANK.551-554, FIS I.; complete set, first hinges, c.v.. for * 320EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 72.00
Sold...US$ 76.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 76
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 221
Symbol: **
Philately. ANK.555, WIPA 50 + 50gr with upper margin, ordinary paper; stamp mint never hinged, c.v.. 330EUR+ (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 96.00
Sold...US$ 95.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 222
Symbol: **
Philately. ANK.556, WIPA 50 + 50gr, granite paper; mint never hinged, c.v.. 750EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 143.00
Sold...US$ 143.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 143
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 224
Symbol: **
Philately. ANK.563-566, 613-616, Winter relief I. and II.; two complete sets, mint never hinged, 225EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 48.00
Sold...US$ 48.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 48
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 225
Symbol: **
Philately. ANK.567-587, Profession; complete set, mint never hinged, cheap 12gr small production gum flaw, 6gr type II hinged, end 3S and 5S superb corner pieces (!); c.v.. ** 340EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 67.00
Sold...US$ 76.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 76
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 226
Symbol: **
Philately. ANK.588, Dollfuß 10Sch violet ultramarine, upper right corner piece (!); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.500EUR++ (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)
Opening US$ 358.00
Sold...US$ 381.00
Closed..Nov-19-2021, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 381
Sale No: 67
Lot No: 228
Symbol: **
Philately. ANK.591-596, Builders; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. 180EUR (Image 1)(Image 2)(Image)