Grenada, 1863, Queen Victoria, 6d dull rose red, rough perf 14 to 16 (5a), horizontal pair. Slight separation, bright color. F.-V.F., scarce multiple of this scarce shade. Scott $550 as singles US$0 (Image)
Scott $550 as singles
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 70.00
Closed..Jan-18-2025, 11:47:41 EST
Sold For 70
Europe, Asia and Latin America
Sale No: 368
Lot No: 157
Symbol: Cat No: C43-C45
Germany, Airmail, 1933 Chicago Flight Zeppelins, 1m-4m complete (C43-C45), original gum never hinged (slightly toned). Fresh Very Fine. Scott $3,250 US$0 (Image)
Scott $3,250
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 210.00
Closed..Jan-18-2025, 11:55:42 EST
Sold For 210
Sale No: 368
Lot No: 159
Symbol: Cat No: 45583
Greenland, 1945, Pictorials, 1øre to 5kr complete (10-18), tied on an unaddressed legal size cover by IVIGTUT First Day cancels, 1 Feb 1945, Very Fine. Facit SKr 3,000 ($380). Scott $460 off cover Estimate 100 - 150 US$100-150 (Image)
Scott $460 off cover
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 80.00
Closed..Jan-18-2025, 11:56:53 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 368
Lot No: 176
Ukmerge: German WW2 Occupation, 1941 Overprints on Russia, 5k to 30k complete, tied on a registered, locally addressed postcard, 29 Aug 1941, Very Fine. Michel 1-5; €1,600 ($1,760). US$0 (Image)
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 270.00
Closed..Jan-18-2025, 12:02:44 EST
Sold For 270
Sale No: 368
Lot No: 177
Symbol: Cat No: C18-C21
Vatican, 1949-51 U.P.U & Gratianus Airmails complete (C18-C21), each set on a cacheted, unaddressed First Day Cover, Very Fine. Sassone €870 ($960). Estimate 150 - 200 US$150-200 (Image)
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 70.00
Closed..Jan-18-2025, 12:03:01 EST
Sold For 70
Foreign Country Collections
Sale No: 368
Lot No: 214
Worldwide, Antique "Lincoln" stamp album, many hundreds, mounted in the 100 year old album, stamps appear to be all pre-1925, loaded with better items, especially in the British area and U.S. Condition of course is quite mixed though plenty are Fine. Some of the mint are partly stuck (patience will save many) and some nice higher values are not stuck. Also included is a second older album: "The Strand" stamp album by Gibbons, also with many 100s but no high value items. Estimate 750 - 1,000 View a PDF of images for this lot US$750-1,000 (Image)