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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale: 5154

Accumulations & Assortments

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6252
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, "All Corners of the Globe" Accumulation, 1840-1990s, What does a Fujieira mint sheet, stockpages of U.S. revenues, a penny black on cover in a Fleetwood souvenir folder, and a used Guatemalan collection on homemade pages have in common? If you said, "Absolutely nothing!", you are correct! Then why is it so many of us are enthralled by lots like these? It must be that sense of adventure of not knowing what you might come across; that's certainly the case for me. This lot in four large boxes consists mostly of homemade album pages; not pretty but like I just said, you never know what might pop up, like multiple used Canada collections from 1868-1980 with #21, 45, 54, 56, 101 along with New Brunswick mint 6-8 and Newfoundland 47 used to name just a few. A mostly mint U.S. collection from 1890-1979 with 234 mint and a 2-volume set of mostly mint postal cards from 1892-2000 which appears all mint from 1958 on and fairly complete. And how about France C8-13 MNH; what is that even doing here? No matter how it got here, I have a feeling there's more where that came from. There's collections from all over the world, random stamps on stocksheets, over 50 U.S. 19th-century covers and many modern FDCs, stamps on paper, an accordion file with a little bit of this and a little bit of that, etc. If you're in the Danbury area, swing by and have a look yourself! Mostly Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 106 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $1,000

Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6253
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Stockbook Extravaganza, 1920s-2003, A total of 18 stockbooks of various thickness, half of them filled with extensive mint and used German stock. One stockbook is on the theme of space, another with sports thematics. Much other topical worldwide and 100's of souvenir sheets including a stockbook with non-postal sheets and cards, Fine to Very Fine, Half dozen stockbooks viewable online as reference. Shipping charges apply - weight 60 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Video4 for this lot) (Video5 for this lot) (Video6 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $800

Opening US$ 700.00
Sold...US$ 700.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 700

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6254
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Mystery Accumulation, 1890-2012, Several hundred worldwide stamps in glassines ready to be explored; some are sets sold by H E Harris, many pulled from old albums and some soaked off old envelopes; includes Bolivia, Peru, Switzerland, Germany, Mexican cut squares, Persian revenues, Armenia, Imperial Russia, Great Britain and more; have fun, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $2

Opening US$ 41.00
Sold...US$ 41.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 41

Dealers Stock

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6260

image Various Stamp Boxes, 50 in total, various sizes, various materials, all with faults or damage, some reparable. Shipping charges apply - weight 11.8 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $300

Opening US$ 51.00
Sold...US$ 51.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 51

Worldwide A-Z
Area Collections

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6232
Cat No: Collection

image Europe, "A Taste of Old Europe" Mint & Used Collection, 1854-1930s, Old and battered, this album looks like it had been through a war, and looking at the date and its place of origin, it probably was! This Schaubek album from the 1920s with European countries from Malta to Ukraine has plenty of worthwhile material; Norway used #9, 11, 17, 20, Poland mint Zarki Local Post (Fischer 1-2 & 7-8), Portugal used 15, 37, 39, 42, Romania used 41, 44, 59, 72, extensive Russia, and a lot more, Generally Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 8.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $1,000

Opening US$ 700.00
Sold...US$ 700.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 700

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6237
Cat No: Collection

image Scandinavia, Massive Nordic Dealers Holdings, 1854-2014, beautifully organized Finland & Aland, Iceland, as well as Denmark and related areas in a looseleaf, stockbook, and a number of stock pages; Finland mostly used items range from Scott 31//1516, B15//B263, C4//C10 and M4//M7 as well as Aland ranging from 1//331; a nice collection of unexploded booklets from Finland and Aland consisting of 280 booklets of 39 different types; 325+ mostly mint Iceland stamps range from Scott # 22//687, B1//B24, C26//C31 and O52; Denmark, Danish West Indies and Faroe Islands (more than 1,250) on stock pages; Scott # for Denmark include 25, 33, 51a 52, 56, 76, 129, 134, 160, 176, 177, C2 and J6; Danish West Indies range from 10//47 and Faroe Islands from 8//636; lastly is a stockbook of Denmark and Danish West Indies with more than 1,800 of mostly sound material ranging from Scott# 4//1473, B6//B82, I1//I5, J1//J30, O8//O16, P1//P8 and Q15//Q47 as well as DWI 22//47; clean, attractive material for your Nordic customers; catalog value $9,400+, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.7 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.7 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Video4 for this lot) (Video5 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Western Europe
Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6233
Cat No: NH

image Western Europe, Mint & Used Dealer Cards, 1921-86, Approximately 80 dealer cards with a mix of mint and used better sets and singles. Includes Luxembourg mint #130b, B137-42 (NH), used B4-6, B35-39, B170-73, Monaco used C36-39, Netherlands mint B214-18 (LH), Saar used B91, Vatican mint C9-15 (LH), Fine to Very Fine, Imaged in full. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $350

Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 250

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6235
Cat No: Collection

image Europe (Western), Beautifully Presented Dealer Stock, 1866-2014, nearly 10,000 (yes, they were counted) stamps from 33 countries in immaculate binders, stockbooks, and manila envelopes; Luxembourg 1000+ used from Scott # 49//1208, B73//B367, C7//C13 and J31//J32; Netherlands 325+ used from Scott # 175//1347, and B139//B745; Italy (and Italian Socialist Republic) 400+ including Scott # 492, 503, 506, 579-80, 589 and 600; Switzerland 450+ including Scott 131, 156, 172b, 187, 189, 190-92, 200-03, 208, 210-15, B14, B52, B60, B207-10, and B217-21; Great Britain 910+ mostly used including Scott 20, 49, 67, 82 101, 113, 118, 119, 130, 131, 138, 138a, 179, 180 and 205-08; Spain 350+ stamps; Portugal; Norway 420+ stamps from Scott 53//291 and O35//O113; Greece; Denmark; West Germany 2,300+ used from 114a//2485, B182//B856, C61//C64, MC1, MQ1, and 3N1//3N6b; Berlin 1,000+ mostly used from Scott 9N7//9N592 and 9NB24//9NB285; and Austria mix of mint and used which range from Scott 110a//1531, B3//B349, C61//C63, J47//J102, P24//P55, QE1//QE8, and MB1//MB3; all are beautiful examples neatly arranged on stock pages and ready for sale; Scott catalog value $6,300+, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 11.2 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 11.2 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 175.00
Sold...US$ 175.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 175


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6118
Cat No: Collection

image Cameroun, Solid Pre-War Mainly Mint Collection, 1916-1931., A mainly mint collection of 112 stamps all neatly mounted on European album pages begins with the complete 1916 set Scott 116-129. Key values signed by Diena Scott $1550. We note slight tropical staining on back of 1 Franc and 2 Franc also 5c is used. Otherwise all mint and good quality, 130-163 are present mainly mint, 164-212 again mainly mint with a few used, plus J1-J3 with J10 used. Altogether a striking collection with fresh & bold colors and the very scarce 1916 complete set. Quality is mainly F-VF with few faults. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 450


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6193
Cat No: Collection

image Macao, Mesmerizing Mostly First Day Cover Collection, 1992-99, over 100 covers, including many, many oversized for souvenir sheets, exquisitely produced and Post Office fresh; a few earlier or later First Days noted, along with a handful or two of never hinged stamps (many on stockpages); light duplication that will far from overwhelm; a lot with incredible eye-appeal, and useful for collector or dealer alike, Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.8 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 200


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6211
Cat No: Collection

image Surinam, Beautiful Post-War Mint Collection, 1945-94, With only a small handful of stamps missing, a nearly complete MNH collection in a pristine hingeless Lighthouse album. Almost all the higher value stamps are here - 184-207, 263a, 724-32, 796, B49-52, B55-57, C23-25, J36-46 (hinged), Fine to Very Fine or better. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 390.00
Sold...US$ 390.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 390

Worldwide Stamps and Covers

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6106
Cat No: Collection

image Austria, Mini-Sheet and Souvenir Sheet Collection, 1985-2015, sumptuous modern issues packed in a European black stock book; light duplication for mini and souvenir sheets in the 1985-2015 period; subjects include the Papalcy, mail by rail and air, joint issue with Hong Kong (with glass beads), Boy Scouts, Vienna Museum, legends of film, and space travel; all very tasteful and with solid catalog value, Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 310.00
Sold...US$ 310.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 310

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6107
Cat No: Collection

image Austria, Impeccable Modern Mint Collection, 1955-1987, Lindner Falzlos hingeless album with slipcase virtually complete from 1955-1987; includes Scott 599-603, 608, 611, 618A-630, 662-665, 668-672, 676-681, 685-687, 688-702, 711-717, 729-736, 778-783, 824-829, 830-835, 840 (sheet), 846-853, 865-876, and C61-C63; a delight to leaf through, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 7.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $300

Opening US$ 210.00
Sold...US$ 210.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6108
Cat No: Collection

image Austria, Coat of Arms Issue, 1850, small study consisting of 10 stamps on two black stock cards; three attractive examples of Scott #3 including one with a 1973 VOB certificate listing one as a Type IIIa Plate 4; the remaining 7 (with one on piece) are #5 Type I Plate 1 with the exception of one judged as Type IIb; all the #5s have individual Rene Strakosch certificates issued between 2018-2020; attractive, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6109
Cat No: Collection

image Austria, Pictorial Cancel Cover Collection, 1880-1975, about 65 envelopes in a European cover album; attractive group of covers with engraved cachets and better pictorial cancels; large percentage are aviation related in the 1945-1965 time frame; some are commercial, some personal correspondence, and others are purely philatelic (but still nice); review them on our website, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $2

Opening US$ 51.00
Sold...US$ 51.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 51

Belgium & Colonies

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6111
Cat No: Collection

image Belgium & Colonies, Mint and Used Collection, 1849-1995, approximately a thousand stamps and souvenir sheets, all arranged on pages; Belgium includes used #1-2, 6, mint #482-484, as well as Semi-Postals, Airs, Dues, Officials, Military stamps, and used Parcel Posts with #Q1-Q4, Q7-Q17, mint #Q211-Q215, Q388-Q406, Occupations, Revenues; Belgian Congo mint has #6-9, 27-28, used has #14-25, B1-B7, B12-B20, C7-C15, plus South Kasai and Katanga issues; Rwanda has mint lower values; Burundi has mint #1//8; bonus Liberia #283-288; with some varieties; be sure to check her out, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.6 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 370.00
Sold...US$ 370.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 370

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6112
Cat No: Collection

image Belgium & Colonies, Impressive Mostly Mint Collection, 1850-1973, In a Scott Specialty album, a very clean collection with mint in clear mounts. Excellent coverage throughout from the classics through back-of-the-book with many better sets & singles. A well-filled collection of Belgian Congo is in this same volume. Owner states catalogue value in excess of $3000, Mostly Fine to Very Fine, Scans for the early issues and video flips of the rest for your perusal. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 450


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6115
Cat No: Collection

image Brazil, Mostly Used Collections, 1850-1959, Multiple collections, mostly used, consisting of a few 1000 stamps all in one binder. Waiting for the right person to break it down and merge into one really nice collection! Condition varies with some of the early issues, but overall Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $250

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 150


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6116

image Bulgaria, Fabulous First Two Pages, 1879-1896, early values of Bulgaria on a pair of old Scott pages; Scott 1-20, 21, 22, 23-38, 40-46; mostly used examples in black mounts; beautifully done and well worth a careful look, F.-V.F. (Image)

Suggested Bid $350

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 110


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6119
Cat No: Collection

image Chile, Extensive Dealer Stock, 1854-1994, Seven boxes with thousands of glassines all meticulously labeled with cat # and gum condition in the case of mint. Some envelopes have as many as 30 duplicates and expect some better material as well, such as used #5, 11, 13 and two boxes with B-O-B including semi-postal, airmails, postage dues, officials, postal tax and telegraph stamps, Mostly Fine to Very Fine or better. Shipping charges apply - weight 18.4 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Colombia & States

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6121
Cat No: Collection

image Colombia, Lovely Mint/Used Collection, 1859-1998, Clean and attractive mix of mint & used on pages in two binders, many stamps in duplicate or triplicate. A nice assortment of 19th & early 20th century with some better later material as well, such as mint #433, C318 and used 603, Overall Fine to Very Fine, Portions imaged. Shipping charges apply - weight 8.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6123
Cat No: Collection

image Czechoslovakia, Extensive Postally Used Collection, 1918-2004, two volume Victoria albums essentially complete collection; beautiful selection of mint souvenir sheets, conscious effort to locate nicely centered, sound examples with attractive cancels; lot also includes several hundred stamps on album pages in manila folders and three Czech catalogs; a solid, comprehensive acheivement, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 19.4 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 19.4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 225.00
Sold...US$ 225.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 225

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6124
Cat No: Collection

image Czechoslovakia, Mint & Used Collection, 1918-80, One big Scott Specialty album, clean with all stamps in black mounts featuring many better items, like mint #719 imperf, 793 sheetlet, 1129a, 2042 imperf, 2334, B40-43, C65 sheetlet, J1-14, J49a (signed), Generally Fine to Very Fine, Czech it out! Shipping charges apply - weight 7.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $350

Opening US$ 320.00
Sold...US$ 320.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

Dealers Stock

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6255

image Worldwide, Album of Used Singles, 1860-1950, a few hundred mostly used in tired single volume; China dragons and early junks; Shanghai local post 1/2-2 cent; attractive Danzig; inflation Germany; 1861 Greece issues; early Hawaii; Orange Free State; attractive Serbia; considerable Switzerland; US locals (reprints?); considerable variation in condition with numerous space fillers; finding a few treasures would make it worthwhile, V.G.-Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.6 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.6 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6256
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide Potpourri, of assorted collections and balances featuring (in no particular order) 1958 Brussels World Fair topicals mostly mint collection, Panama mint airmails 1929/66 nearly complete (includes C19 signed Kessler), album of Belgium and Colonies, France used 1840s/1900s issues in a stock book with duplication, Poland collection in a Witkowskiego album, miscellaneous mostly 20th century Spain in a binder, stock book of 100s mostly GB and Commonwealth perfins in a stock book, New Zealand starter collection of mostly used 1870s/1960s on pages, Malta 1860s/1990s starter collection on Scott pages, post-1930s British Commonwealth singles and short sets in a stock book, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 20 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (PDF3 for this Lot) (PDF4 for this Lot) (PDF5 for this Lot) (PDF6 for this Lot) (PDF7 for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 460.00
Sold...US$ 460.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 460

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6257
Cat No: Collection

image Wordwide, Rejuvination Jubilation, with Australia Antarctic Territory mint collection in stockbook with L1-L5, L8-L18, mint & used Spain mounted on Scott pages with Anti Facist propaganda stamps, a few scattered colonies, Poland on pages, Baltic States on pages and a Romania Collection in an album, good pickin's, mixed condition, examine, o.g., some never hinged / some hinged, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 13.8 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 13.8 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200

Opening US$ 72.00
Sold...US$ 72.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 72

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6258
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Canada, Italy, Japan and the World, 1856-2006, thousands of singles, sets, and souvenir sheets; strong in Italy, Canada and British Colonies; about a dozen stock books brimming with stamps as well as numerous album pages from balance lots with lots of stamps; nice collection of Italian stampless folded letters between 1820 and 1850; considerable material for the dealer with hungry customers, Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 21.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6259

image Worldwide, Mostly US and Canada Balance, 1890-1982, hundreds of used stamps on old envelopes from around the globe; dozens of glassines with modern Canada with very minimal duplication; the value lies in mainly Canadian but also US on about 80 Scott pages, the Canada has nice mint and used sets; Canada mint includes 135, 142, 143, 146, 149-154, 162-172, 173, 184, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195-200, 208, 209, 210, 214, 231-236, 246-258, 274, 275, 276, 277, 282, 284-288 and on through about 1970; good fresh value here, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $250

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6261

image Worldwide, Foreign Mixture in Shoebox, 1875-2016, balance from old time dealer; beautiful 1987 folder with the 23 Chinese issues in a hingeless presentation unit; a few dozen mint 2 through 10 cent US postal entires; dozens of brown envelopes packed with singles and complete sets of worldwide; at least a dozen souvenir sheets dating back to the 1930s observed; most of this material appears mid century and prior; an enjoyable hunt for someone so inclined, Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200

Opening US$ 72.00
Sold...US$ 72.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 72

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6262
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Super Hot Space Topical Collection, 1958-2015, thousands of post office fresh MNH singles, sets and souvenir sheets related to the exploration of outer space in 6 binders plus dozens of black stock cards; includes Walt Disney mini sheets from St Vincent, Toy Story from Uganda, both silver and gold S/S from Chad honoring Elvis and Marylin Monroe, The Right Stuff from Madagascar, gold stamps from St Vincent, Star Trek from Guyana, gutter pair sets from British Antarctic Territory, better sets from Ross Dependency, Tristan da Cunha and the Australian Antarctic Territory; imperforate pairs from Somalia, sunk die proofs from Djibouti, gold and silver stamps from Yemen, massive silver and gold stamps honoring the NASA X-15 and M2F1 from Fujeira; beautiful British Commonwealth common design set (including S/S); Belgium Europa deluxe twin proof; extensive Viet Nam imperforates and souvenir sheets; Senegal numbered large die proofs; at least a dozen French Colonies proofs on card; scarce complete 1974 Cambodian set (9 values) on cover and another with imperfs; voyage to Mars set from Palau, 1994 Moldova mini sheets (set of 3), gorgeous New Zealand hologram mini sheet, Star Trek St Vincent sheets (plus S/S); Apollo Soyuz Test Project complete set of 5 stamps from Comores on Registered cover along with perf and imperf souvenir sheets on cover;; extremely clean and organized, a field day for the topical collector or the dealer in search of sought after fresh stock, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 22.7 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 22.7 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Video4 for this lot) (Video5 for this lot) (Video6 for this lot) (Video7 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 725.00
Sold...US$ 725.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 725

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6263
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Two Volume Space Topical Collection, 1960-1990, pair of three ring binder packed manned spaceflight material; Scott 1434-35 sheet, half sheet Scott 1173, sheet Scott 1371; color booklets concerning Apollo 11,13, and 15, National Geographic Society map; over a hundred mint and used issues from Trucial States, Panama, Bhutan, Paraguay, Poland, Bulgaria, Japan, Romania, Russia, Germany, Hungary, Rwanda, and French Colonies; includes Jim Irwin autograph on NASA litho; a fun lot, Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 12.6 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 12.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 245.00
Sold...US$ 245.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 245


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6126
Cat No: Collection

image Denmark, Study Collection of the 27ø King Christian X, 1918, Approximately 130 copies of Scott #110 (AFA #102 / Facit #144), one of the more elusive denominations of the King Christian X series of 1913-28. Almost half of these are mint, some in blocks and strips and the vast majority are never-hinged. Catalogue value easily exceeds $7000, Mostly Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 280.00
Sold...US$ 280.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6127
Cat No: Collection

image Denmark, Stock with Used Collection, 1851-1977, A used collection on Minkus pages with some very nice classics, such as #2, 3-5, 11-14, 16-20, 79-81, 82, 145-49, 191, B3-5. A second used collection in a Scott album adds some more, like #164-75, 176-77, 210-19. There are also around 30 stockpages with very useful mint & used duplicates and 3 circuit pages with some very interesting revenues and railway parcel stamps, Overall Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6128
Cat No: Collection

image Denmark, Used Stock, 1901-75, over 3500 stamps arranged by Scott on brand-new manila pages, with items ranging from #72//1198; nothing rare, but several hundred stamps in the $1 to $5 range; uncommon to find modern material so clean and in quantity, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. Scott $2,100 (Owner's). Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150

Opening US$ 41.00
Sold...US$ 41.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 41


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6129
Cat No: Collection

image Ecuador, Collection in Homemade Album, 1898-1962, Catalogue value often does not tell the whole story, and that's certainly the case here with a wonderful Ecuadorian collection of mostly mint all in mounts. Many of these stamps are quite scarce and a must for any collector of South America, Mostly Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $200

Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 160


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6130
Cat No: Collection

image Egypt, Hotel Cancels & Advertising Covers, 1892-1961. Super presentation of 21 select covers, all but two fully written up and annotated on pages. The vast majority covers the early 1900s to the 30s including the Cataract Hotel at Assouan, Luxor Hotel, Shepheard's Hotel, San Stefano Hotel in Alexandria, Semiramis Hotel, Nile Hilton in Cairo, Ghesireh Palace Hotel, Heliopolis Hotel, Mena House Pyramids, the Savoy, etc. Gorgeous lot from a bygone era, Fine to Very Fine, Collection imaged in full online. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Estimate $1,000-1,500

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 300


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6131

image Finland, Satisfying Suomi, 1917-93, The person who created this 2-volume homemade album certainly did their homework. All in mounts and doubly collected for both mint and used, along with well over 200 plate blocks, mostly of 6, and interspersed with covers, Cinderella labels with show tickets, numerous mini-sheets, booklets, Frama stamps, and paper & phosphor varieties. Whoever you are, nice job! Very high catalogue value and virtually all Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 11 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 420.00
Sold...US$ 420.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6132
Cat No: Collection

image Finland, Classic to Modern Scandinavia, 1875-1998, mostly used accumulation neatly arranged in Scott ascending order on new manila stock pages; items range from Scott 18//1078, B1//B259a, C2//C10, M1//M7, and Q6//Q10; there are over 5,100 stamps; spacefiller copies of Scott 7 and 8 are included; better used items are 18, 27, 47, 48, 51, 95b, 143, 183, 769, 901a, 932a, 1033a, 1061a, B1 and B12; better unused include 414, 415, 470a, 672, 755, 842h, 843, 932a, 1033a, and 1061; in many instances a mint and used copy of the same stamp, booklet or souvenir sheet are found; CV $3,800+; fresh, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $250

Opening US$ 170.00
Sold...US$ 170.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6133
Cat No: Collection

image Finland, Used Stock Accumulation, 1900-2000, neatly arranged in Scott order on pristine manila pages; items range from #41//1145, B60//B260 & C9, along with a few Åland between #3 and #69; approximately 4,000 stamps total, with main strength 1980-2000; an easy lot to break down and sell on, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 3 lbs. Scott $2,000 (Owner's). Shipping charges apply - weight 3 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150

Opening US$ 225.00
Sold...US$ 225.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 225

French Morocco

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6140
Cat No: Collection

image French Morocco, Superior Used Collection, 1891-1935., Several hundred used singles & sets mounted on European album pages. An exceptional collection with wonderful cancels. Complete except for the rarities until 1935. We note 1-8 with 8 signed Diena, 26-54, 55-71, 72-89, C1-C11, CB1-CB10, CB11-CB20, J1-J15, J17-J26, J27-J45. The more difficult pre-war period, a few stamps with minor faults. However, most all are F-VF. Well worth consideration. Scott $2000+. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 420.00
Sold...US$ 420.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

General Collections

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6239
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Mint/Used Collection in Gargantuan Album, 1860s-1970s, At almost 18 lbs., this is perhaps the largest one-volume stamp album I have ever seen; an H.E. Harris Citation album covering the world from A-Z with 1000's upon 1000's of stamps, For the most part Fine to Very Fine, In-person inspection recommended. Shipping charges apply - weight 18.4 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 450

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6240
Cat No: 62 used

image Worldwide, Occupations and Far-Flung Islands, 1877-1949, a few hundred stamps mounted on Scott album pages; Samoa 1877 reprints plus mint #26-30, 31-38, 51-56, 57-66 (#62 used), 70-72; Austria #4N1-4N17; Caroline Islands #1-19, 23; Marshall Islands #1-6 unused, 13-25; Korea (US Occupation) #55-79; Mariana Islands #13, 17-22; Occupied Italy #1N1-1N13; Venezia Giulia #1LN1-1LN19, 1LNC1-1LNC7; Berlin #B294, B295; Occupied Germany #3N1-3N20; Occupied France #2N1-2N20; 1919 picture postcard from Japanese-occupied Truk with censor's chops; some mild duplication of AMG sets; attractive lot, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.5 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 370.00
Sold...US$ 370.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 370

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6241

image Worldwide, Well-filled Albums, 1856-1959, Two big, fat Minkus volumes with what must be well over 20,000 stamps, Most Fine to Very Fine, Images for one volume as reference. Shipping charges apply - weight 23.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Video4 for this lot) (Video5 for this lot) (Video6 for this lot) (Video7 for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6244
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Useful Reference Collection, 1845-1965, about 100 fakes, forgeries, counterfeits, and reprints useful for identification; about 50 different US Locals, Pony Express, Hawaii, Confederate, fake entire surcharge, Department of State Officials, Wurttemberg, France, Poland, US coils, Karolinen, Newfoundland, Italy, Canal Zone, and Romania; many have PF or APEX certificates, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6245
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Massive Old-Time Mint/Used Collection, 1841-1940, A mix of used and mint, some in mounts but mostly hinged in a bulky, one-volume Scott International. Yeah, one look at this album and you know it can't be empty; I wouldn't be surprised if there's over 10,000 stamps here. Some later stamps up to 1960s added but for the most part, just classics. A quick video flip will give you an idea of what's on hand here, but personal inspection is also welcome, Generally Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 11.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 420.00
Sold...US$ 420.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6246
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Mostly Europe Mint & Used Collection, 1850-1950s, Old-school Schaubek album which seems pretty much untouched since the early 50's. All stamps hinged on pages with extensive Germany; many better items, like mint #B48, B49-55, DDR 82-84, and used B57, North German Confederation O1-2, Cameroun 16, German SWA 22 and other countries too, such as used Austria 64, Great Britain 48, 58 (plate 19), 67, 126, Netherlands 22, 32, 49, Norway 59-60, Switzerland 100, and many more. Includes some North & South America at the very end, Some condition issues but mostly Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 320.00
Sold...US$ 320.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6247

image Worldwide, Guinea to Leeward Islands, 1861-1982, thousands of stamps hinged in a Scott International album in need of transplant; includes Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indo-China, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, and Japan; well populated album, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $350

Opening US$ 320.00
Sold...US$ 320.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6248
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Nicaragua to Russia, 1862-2015, massive collection in an aging Scott International; North Borneo, great Persia, Peru, Philippines, Poland, beautiful Portugal, Portuguese India, Reunion, Rouad, Romania, and extensive Russia; you could spend weeks pulling stamps for resale; who knows what you might find? Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 11 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $350

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 350

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6249
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Balance Lot Classics, 1854-1950, about 100 postally used older worldwide issues in glassines and on stockcards; Canada #15 plus about 30 pre-1950; New Brunswick 9; Russia 38, 540-545 plus about 20 others; St Vincent 10; France Napoleon and Ceres Heads on piece with town cancels; Finland 10 (with a full set of teeth), 27-29; Netherlands 3; some Romania and Austria as well; a useful lot, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $300

Opening US$ 225.00
Sold...US$ 225.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 225
Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6250
Cat No: Collection

image Worldwide, Nicely Populated Older Collection, 1855-1968, sitting on a shelf collecting dust, this Scott International Album has a considerable number of stamps without the modern CTO; nice Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Bavaria, Belgium, Brazil, and British Honduras; pick out stamps to offer online or get out your tongs and hinges and start licking, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $300

Opening US$ 275.00
Sold...US$ 275.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 275

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