Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. Sale: 1219
United States
10c 1847 Issue and 5c-10c 1847 Covers (Scott 1-2)
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 34
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Enormous margins all around including parts of three adjoining stamps and s (Image)
$ 775.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:13:51 EST
Sold For 3500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 35
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Enormous margins all around including parts of adjoining stamps at top and bot (Image)
$ 825.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:15:46 EST
Sold For 3500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 36
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Large margins to full at top, beautifully clear bold green grid cancell (Image)
$ 4,250.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:19:07 EST
Sold For 3500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 37
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Huge margins all around, crisp impression on blued paper, neat strike of bl (Image)
$ 825.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 2,000.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:20:05 EST
Sold For 2000
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 38
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Large to huge margins all around, crisp shade and impression, cancelled by (Image)
$ 1,025.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 2,100.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:20:58 EST
Sold For 2100
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 39
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Large to enormous margins all around including frameline of adjoining stamp at (Image)
$ 775.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,900.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:22:44 EST
Sold For 1900
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 40
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Large even margins all around, detailed impression on blued paper, light strik (Image)
$ 775.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 2,100.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:24:00 EST
Sold For 2100
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 41
Cat No: 1, 2
5c Red Brown, 10c Black (1, 2). Both stamps have large margins, rich colors, tied by neat str (Image)
E. $ 4,000-5,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 4,750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:24:48 EST
Sold For 4750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 42
Symbol: C
Cat No: 1
5c Red Brown (1). Ample margins all around, tied by choice bold strike of red Herringbone (Image)
E. $ 4,000-5,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:25:52 EST
Sold For 3750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 43
Symbol: C
Cat No: 1
5c Red Brown (1). Large to huge margins, fresh color and detailed impression, perfectly tied (Image)
E. $ 4,000-5,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 4,250.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:26:40 EST
Sold For 4250
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 44
Symbol: C
Cat No: 1
5c Red Brown (1). Vertical pair, huge margins to just touched at bottom right including la (Image)
E. $ 2,000-3,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 2,000.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:28:34 EST
Sold For 2000
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 45
Symbol: C
Cat No: 2
10c Black (2). Large to full margins, deep shade and sharp impression, tied by vivid orang (Image)
E. $ 2,000-3,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,400.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 11:29:28 EST
Sold For 1400
10c-12c 1857-60 Issue (Scott 31-36B)
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 121
Cat No: 31
10c Green, Ty. I (31). Bright shade, wide and balanced margins clearly showing the type chara (Image)
$ 1,100.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 4,250.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:35:40 EST
Sold For 4250
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 122
Cat No: 32
10c Green, Ty. II (32). Essentially perfectly centered with wide and balanced margins, deep r (Image)
$ 190.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 5,750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:37:01 EST
Sold For 5750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 123
Cat No: 33
10c Green, Ty. III (33). Choice centering with wide and beautifully balanced margins, vivid c (Image)
$ 180.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 2,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:37:28 EST
Sold For 2500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 124
Cat No: 33
10c Green, Ty. III (33). Perfectly centered with wonderfully balanced margins, neat strike of (Image)
$ 195.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 400.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:38:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 125
Cat No: 34
10c Green, Ty. IV (34). Position 74L1, recut at top, pretty shade, beautiful centering with w (Image)
$ 2,100.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 5,250.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:39:12 EST
Sold For 5250
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 126
Cat No: 34
10c Green, Ty. IV (34). Position 55L1, recut at bottom, deep dark color, well-centered with w (Image)
$ 2,425.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,000.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:39:51 EST
Sold For 3000
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 127
Symbol: C
Cat No: 34
10c Green, Ty. III-IV-III-III (33-34-33-33). Positions 2-5R1, horizontal strip of four, secon (Image)
E. $ 4,000-5,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 4,000.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:40:53 EST
Sold For 4000
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 128
Cat No: 35
10c Green, Ty. V (35). Perfect centering with wide margins not only at sides (as usual) but a (Image)
$ 62.50
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 950.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:41:44 EST
Sold For 950
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 129
Cat No: 35
10c Green, Ty. V (35). Position 60R2, wide margins with captured "(Toppa)n, Carpenter & Co (Image)
$ 62.50
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 800.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:43:07 EST
Sold For 800
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 130
Cat No: 36
12c Black, Plate 1 (36). Well-balanced margins, cancelled by bold strike of green circular (Image)
E. $ 5,000-7,500
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 6,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:44:40 EST
Sold For 6500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 131
Cat No: 36
12c Black, Plate 1 (36). Unusually choice centering for this difficult issue, intense shade a (Image)
$ 320.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,800.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:45:19 EST
Sold For 1800
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 132
Cat No: 36
12c Black, Plate 1 (36). Choice margins and centering, intense shade beautifully contrasted b (Image)
$ 310.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,100.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:46:34 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 133
Cat No: 36B
12c Black, Plate 3 (36B). Intense shade and impression, exceptional centering with wide and b (Image)
$ 310.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 14:47:27 EST
Sold For 1500
1861-66 Issue (Scott 56-63)
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 147
Symbol: SS
Cat No: 56
3c Brown Rose, First Design (56). Mint N.H., vivid color on bright white paper, exceptionally (Image)
$ 550.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 5,750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:06:22 EST
Sold For 5750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 148
Symbol: S
Cat No: 56
3c Brown Rose, First Design (56). Original gum, deep rich color, essentially perfect centerin (Image)
$ 550.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,100.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:22:22 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 149
Cat No: 62B
10c Dark Green, First Design (62B). Wide margins and choice centering, wonderful dark shade a (Image)
$ 1,710.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:23:16 EST
Sold For 3750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 150
Cat No: 62B
10c Dark Green, First Design (62B). Excellent centering with wide and balanced margins, rich (Image)
$ 1,600.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:24:04 EST
Sold For 3500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 151
Cat No: 63
1c Blue (63). Outstanding centering with balanced margins, pretty pastel color, neat strike o (Image)
$ 60.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:25:07 EST
Sold For 750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 152
Cat No: 63
1c Blue (63). Brilliant color, blue Wells, Fargo & Co. Express double-circle datestamp (Image)
E. 300-400
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 190.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:26:08 EST
Sold For 190
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 153
Cat No: 63a
1c Ultramarine (63a). Radiant color in the distinctive Ultramarine shade, attractive centerin (Image)
$ 1,900.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 950.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:27:00 EST
Sold For 950
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 154
Cat No: 63b
1c Dark Blue (63b). Intense color and impression which is very distinct from the standard Blu (Image)
$ 875.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,750.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:27:40 EST
Sold For 3750
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 155
Cat No: 63b
1c Dark Blue (63b). Intense color in the true Dark Blue shade, nicely complemented by red (Image)
$ 890.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:28:37 EST
Sold For 1500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 156
Cat No: 63c
1c Blue, Laid Paper (63c). Clear horizontal laid lines, pastel color, neat geometric cork can (Image)
$ 4,500.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,250.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:29:51 EST
Sold For 3250
1861-66 Issue, cont. (Scott 64-66)
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 157
Cat No: 64
3c Pink (64). Choice centering with beautifully balanced margins, bright color, neat "Salina (Image)
$ 600.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,300.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:30:42 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 158
Cat No: 64a
3c Pigeon Blood Pink (64a). Bright color, beautifully centered with full perfs all around, ca (Image)
$ 4,500.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:31:59 EST
Sold For 3500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 159
Cat No: 64a
3c Pigeon Blood Pink (64a). Radiant color in the true Pigeon Blood Pink shade, with selvag (Image)
$ 4,500.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 3,500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:33:37 EST
Sold For 3500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 160
Cat No: 64b
3c Rose Pink (64b). Choice centering and margins, glowing Rose Pink color complemented by (Image)
$ 165.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 225.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:34:38 EST
Sold For 225
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 161
Cat No: 64b
3c Rose Pink (64b). Wide margins and fresh color, neat blue circular datestamp cancel, (Image)
$ 165.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 225.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:35:13 EST
Sold For 225
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 162
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Essentially perfectly centered with wide margins, rich color, neat target cance (Image)
$ 3.00
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 425.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:36:19 EST
Sold For 425
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 163
Symbol: C
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Bright color, attractive margins and centering, cancelled by diminutive 5-Po (Image)
E. $ 750-1,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:37:17 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 164
Symbol: C
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Bright color, outstanding centering and margins, tied by bold strike of blue (Image)
E. $ 500-750
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:38:12 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 165
Symbol: C
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Bright color, perfs touch at right, tied by perfect strike of Devil & Pitchf (Image)
E. $ 3,000-4,000
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,600.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:38:56 EST
Sold For 1600
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 167
Symbol: C
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Cancelled by bright green 5-Point Solid Star fancy cancel (Skinner-Eno S (Image)
E. $ 400-500
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 425.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:40:05 EST
Sold For 425
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 168
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Choice centering, bright color beautifully complemented by green 5-Point Sol (Image)
E. $ 200-300
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 180.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:40:39 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 169
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Bright color, tied to small piece by complete strike of negative "Lincoln" a (Image)
E. $ 500-750
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 500.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:41:31 EST
Sold For 500
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 170
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Well-struck "Union" in Star fancy cancel of Westhampton Mass. (Skinner-E (Image)
E. $ 400-500
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 375.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:41:53 EST
Sold For 375
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 171
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Brilliant color nicely complemented by perfect strike of red Clam Shell (Image)
E. $ 400-500
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 1,100.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:42:55 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 1219
Lot No: 172
Cat No: 65
3c Rose (65). Rich color, perfect strike of Blue Bird fancy cancel of Rockford Ill. (S (Image)
E. $ 300-400
Openings not Provided
Sold...US$ 300.00
Closed..Apr-08-2020, 15:43:35 EST
Sold For 300
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