Cover Lot in Two Boxes. Mostly US first Day Covers. Examine. (Image)
$40 - 80
Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:05:18 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 42
Cat No: Collection
Morris Beck Cachets. File Box Full. Great Group. includes other covers as well. USC & GSS, First Voyage, Paquebot etc. Examine. (Image)
$100 - 200
Opening US$ 85.00
Sold...US$ 85.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:28:59 EST
Sold For 85
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 43
Estate Stamp and Cover Lot. Lot includes an Album loaded with U.S. Booklet Panes, 19th-20th century mint and used U.S., flight covers, Postal Souvenir Books etc. Examine. Better material throughout. (Image)
$200 - 400
Opening US$ 460.00
Sold...US$ 460.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:29:35 EST
Sold For 460
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 44
Space Cover Lot. Includes Satellites, Planetary, Lunar, Astronomy, Comets etc. (Image)
$60 - 90
Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:30:19 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 64
Cat No: Collection
U.S. Accumulation. Huge Tub loaded with mostly Mint Sheets, Plate Blocks, Blocks Singles. Some 19th century but mostly 1920's-60's with 1000's and 1000's of Plate Blocks. Premium Material includes White Plains Sheet, Mint Duck Stamps, Airmails, Back of theBook also a nice group of Hawaii, Canal Zone and Philippines. Plenty of Premium material and a huge amount of face material. Examine. (Image)
$1,500 - 3,000
Opening US$ 1,650.00
Sold...US$ 1,650.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:45:56 EST
Sold For 1650
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 66
Cat No: Collection
U.S. Estate Accumulation 4 bxs. Huge Lot of Mint sheets and Plate Blocks includes Premium material. Highlights includes #294 PB of Six, 371 PB of Six, 401 PB of Six, and others. Large Face Value. (Image)
$4,000 - 7,000
Opening US$ 4,250.00
Sold...US$ 4,250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:47:39 EST
Sold For 4250
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 69
Estate Stamp Lot. U.S. Enormous Face Value with Full sheets up to the $5.00 Value plus premium material 1053 Plate Block of Four, Duck Sheets with approx. $2000 Face value and the balance is approx. $7000 face. This is not counting premium material. Total of over$7000 face value. (Image)
$3,000 - 4,000
Opening US$ 4,500.00
Sold...US$ 4,500.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:52:54 EST
Sold For 4500
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 70
Cat No: 221
United States #221 Full Sheet. Three Cent Jackson Full Sheet of 100 with some separations in the top Margins. Bottom margins intact making one NH Plate Block of Ten. Four Stamps have a Hinge the balance NH. Catalogue Value Approx. $20,260 counting one plate block of ten, 4 mint hinged and 86 NH singles. (Image)
$2,000 - 4,000
Opening US$ 1,850.00
Sold...US$ 1,850.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:53:57 EST
Sold For 1850
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 71
Cat No: 230
United States #230. Sheet of Fifty. Separation in top Margin and side margin. Never Hinged with Two Stamps with gum damage. Catalogue Value approx. $2200 as a Plate Block of Six, Two Mint O.G. and (42) Never Hinged Singles. (Image)
$400 - 800
Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:54:34 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 72
Cat No: 286
United States #286 Sheet of Fifty. Separation between rows 2 and 3 where the Plate Block would be removed. Gum Disturbance on three stamps with the rest being NH. Catalogue Approx. $4100 as (2) plate Blocks of Six, Three OG and (35) NH Singles. (Image)
$800 - 1,200
Opening US$ 750.00
Sold...US$ 750.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:55:12 EST
Sold For 750
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 73
Cat No: 294
United States. #294. Block of Twelve. Mint NH Block of Twelve with perfs separated in the middle of the two blocks of six into the bottom row. Catalogues as a NH Plate Block of 10 at approx. $1100 plus two singles. together with a NH PlateBlock of Eight. Catalogued as a Plate Block of Six plus two singles $565. (Image)
$350 - 550
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:55:46 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 74
Cat No: 294
United States #294 Full Sheet of 100. Right Margin bottom three stamps damaged from poor storage, Balance of Sheet NH. Top right Plate Block of Ten has a slight perf separation on top stamp and margin. Catalogue Value approx. $5600 (2) plates of Ten, (4) No Value Damaged and (76)Singles. (Image)
$800 - 1,200
Opening US$ 825.00
Sold...US$ 825.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:56:52 EST
Sold For 825
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 75
Cat No: 279
United States #279 Sheet of 100. Separated between rows 4 and 5 Vertically. NH with (2) Plate Blocks of Six and (88) Singles. Catalogue Approx. $2900 (Image)
$400 - 600
Opening US$ 550.00
Sold...US$ 550.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:57:37 EST
Sold For 550
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 76
Cat No: 301
United States #301 Sheet of 100. (9) Stamps LH, Two NH Plate Blocks, Separations throughout, one stamp damaged (not counted). Catalogue Value Approx. $3500 (Image)
$400 - 600
Opening US$ 650.00
Sold...US$ 650.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:58:40 EST
Sold For 650
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 77
Cat No: 323-327
United States #'s 323-327. Sheets of Fifty. Wonderful set of Louisiana Purchase Issues in Full NH sheets of 50. Catalogued as one set of Plate Blocks of Six and (44) NH Sets. Approx. $44,880 (Image)
$8,000 - 12,000
Opening US$ 15,500.00
Sold...US$ 15,500.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 12:59:42 EST
Sold For 15500
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 78
Cat No: 328-330
United State #'s 328-330. Full Sheets of 100. #330 has hinges on top row and bottom corners, two stamps bottom with gum toning, the other sheets have separations throughout. Scarce to find as complete sheets. Catalogue Value $10,000+ (Image)
$2,500 - 4,500
Opening US$ 5,250.00
Sold...US$ 5,250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:00:11 EST
Sold For 5250
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 79
Cat No: 332, 367, 368
United States Lot of Sheets. Lot includes #332 sheets of 100 with separations throughout, 367-368 NH Sheets of 100. 368 some gum issues bottom edge. Catalogue approx. $5000 (Image)
$900 - 1,500
Opening US$ 1,500.00
Sold...US$ 1,500.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:01:28 EST
Sold For 1500
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 80
Cat No: 370, 371
United States 370-371 Full Sheets. #370 (2) Full Sheets of (70) NH and 371 Sheet of 79 missing lower right stamp. NH except one stamp with gum disturbance. Catalogue Approx. $6800 (Image)
$900 - 1,500
Opening US$ 2,300.00
Sold...US$ 2,300.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:02:43 EST
Sold For 2300
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 81
Cat No: 372
United States #372 Full Sheet of 60. Separation in the Plate Block Hinge support on two stamps to keep separation from spreading. (Image)
$400 - 800
Opening US$ 340.00
Sold...US$ 340.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:03:19 EST
Sold For 340
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 82
Cat No: 397-399
United States Full Sheets. Includes #397 Full Sheet of 70. Several Stamps hinged or reinforced, sheet hinged in the bottom margin not effecting stamps, Ink spot back of stamp where writing bled through. #398 Full sheet of 70 bottom row middle stamp hinged tosurrounding stamps for reinforcement and 399 Four Stamps hinged Top row, balance NH. #'s 397 and 399 both marked in margin "1st of this issues sold at Birmingham Calif P.O. " signed by Post Master. Catalogue approx. $20,000+ (Image)
$5,000 - 8,000
Opening US$ 5,250.00
Sold...US$ 5,250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:04:42 EST
Sold For 5250
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 83
Cat No: 401, 402
United States. Sheets #'s 401 & 402. 401 NH with minor Gum issues on three stamps, 402 NH but overall gum issues examine. Sheets of 70. Catalogue $10,000+ (Image)
$2,000 - 4,000
Opening US$ 2,300.00
Sold...US$ 2,300.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:05:10 EST
Sold For 2300
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 84
Cat No: 403
U.S. #403 Mint Sheet of (70). Several Hinged the Rest of the Sheet is NH. Catalogue Approx. $30,000+ (Image)
$6,000 - 9,000
Opening US$ 6,500.00
Sold...US$ 6,500.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:06:12 EST
Sold For 6500
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 85
Cat No: 536, 543
Lot of Two U.S. Sheets. 536 & 543. Both NH Sheets of 100. 536 has one stamp damaged in Position 72. Catalogue Value Approx. $4500 (Image)
$800 - 1,200
Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:06:44 EST
Sold For 500
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 86
Cat No: 537, 610-612, 623, 6
U.S. Full Sheet Lot. Lot includes Full Sheets of 100 NH including 537, 610-612 which is a sheet of (80), 623, 637, 699 and two others. (Image)
$1,000 - 1,500
Opening US$ 4,250.00
Sold...US$ 4,250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:07:43 EST
Sold For 4250
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 87
Cat No: 614-616, 617, 619, 6
United States Full Sheet Lot. Includes 614-616 NH Sheets of Fifty, 617-619 NH Sheets of Fifty, 620-621 NH Sheets of 100, 627-628 NH Sheets of Fifty, 629 NH sheet of 100, 643 NH Sheet of 100, 644 NH Sheet of Fifty, 645-648 NH Sheets of 100, 649-50 NH sheets of Fifty, 654,655, 657, 680, 681, 682, 683, 688, 689, 690. 691, Sheets of 100, 703 Sheet of Fifty, 704-707 Sheets of 100. (Image)
$3,000 - 4,000
Opening US$ 5,500.00
Sold...US$ 5,500.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:08:40 EST
Sold For 5500
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 88
Cat No: C1
United States C1 Full Sheet of 100. NH Some Margin separations. (Image)
$2,000 - 3,000
Opening US$ 3,400.00
Sold...US$ 3,400.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:09:27 EST
Sold For 3400
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 89
Cat No: C4
United States C4 Full Sheet of 100. NH with Position 3 damaged. (Image)
$900 - 1,500
Opening US$ 1,100.00
Sold...US$ 1,100.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:10:07 EST
Sold For 1100
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 90
Cat No: C7-C12, C16-C36, C38
U.S. Airmail Sheet Collection. Includes NH Full sheets of C7-12, C16-C36, C38-C40, C42-C51, C53-C60, C62-C64, C66-C72, C74-C81, C84-C93, C97-C120. Lovely collection. (Image)
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 93
Cat No: 264, 266, 267
United States Plate Block Lot of Three. Includes 264 NH Plate Block of Six, slight separation top of margin, 266 Block of 12 with left side Plate Block, Some hinging and hinge remnants. 267 NH Plste Block of Six. (Image)
$400 - 700
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:13:17 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 94
Cat No: 270
United States #270 Plate Block of Six. Beautiful Example wit one stamp has a light mark on the gum, does not look like a hinge mark with the rest NH. (Image)
$150 - 300
Opening US$ 650.00
Sold...US$ 650.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:14:40 EST
Sold For 650
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 95
Cat No: 279, 279B
United States 279 & 279B Plate Blocks. Both NH. Plate Blocks of Six. (Image)
$200 - 400
Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:15:05 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 96
Cat No: 300, 301
United States #300-301 Plate Blocks of Six. Both NH. (Image)
$200 - 400
Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:15:32 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 97
Cat No: 302
United States. #302 Mint NH Plate Block of Six. NH. (Image)
$300 - 600
Opening US$ 260.00
Sold...US$ 260.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:15:55 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 98
Cat No: 306
United States. #306 Mint NH Plate Block of Six. Stamps are NH. There is a hinge reinforcing the top margin separation. (Image)
$300 - 600
Opening US$ 290.00
Sold...US$ 290.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:16:25 EST
Sold For 290
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 99
Cat No: 308
United States. #308 Mint NH Plate Block of Six. Stamps are NH. (Image)
$300 - 600
Opening US$ 1,050.00
Sold...US$ 1,050.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:18:08 EST
Sold For 1050
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 100
Cat No: 314, 320, 320B
United States Plate Block Lot of (3). 314, 320 and 320 B. #314 not hinged but gum skips on bottom, 320 NH, 320 B O.G. with two spots lacking gum. all Plate Blocks of Six. (Image)
$200 - 400
Opening US$ 170.00
Sold...US$ 170.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:18:47 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 101
Cat No: 320A
United States 320 A Plate Block of Six. LH. (Image)
$150 - 300
Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:19:40 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 102
Cat No: 331, 334, 335
United States Plate Block Lot. Includes #331 (2) NH. 335 Plate Block of Six Hinged, #334 Plate of Six Separating (Image)
$300 - 500
Opening US$ 240.00
Sold...US$ 240.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:20:20 EST
Sold For 240
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 103
Cat No: 343-347
United States 343-347 Plate Blocks of Six. #343 O.G., #344-347 NH. #344 & 346 with star. (Image)
$300 - 600
Opening US$ 360.00
Sold...US$ 360.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:21:06 EST
Sold For 360
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 104
Cat No: 346
United States #346 Center Line Blocks of Four. Matching Center Line Blocks of Four. All NH. (Image)
$200 - 300
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:21:40 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 105
Cat No: 374-379
United States. Plate Blocks #374-379. All Mint O.G. All are Star Plates of Six. (Image)
$400 - 700
Opening US$ 440.00
Sold...US$ 440.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:22:19 EST
Sold For 440
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 106
Cat No: 383, 384, 405, 406
U.S. Plate Blocks Lot of (16) Pieces. Includes #383 Star, 384 Star, 405, 406, 408 Matched Set of Four Plate Blocks (2) Sets, 409 Matched Set of Plates. Most are NH. (Image)
$300 - 600
Opening US$ 240.00
Sold...US$ 240.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:22:49 EST
Sold For 240
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 107
Cat No: 415, 416, 418
U.S. Plate Blocks Lot of Three. All Plate Blocks of Six. All Mint O.G. 415, 416 imprint and "A" and 418 with separations starting top of margins, imprint and "A". (Image)
$400 - 700
Opening US$ 420.00
Sold...US$ 420.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:23:23 EST
Sold For 420
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 108
Cat No: 424-427, 429
U.S. Washington Heads Plate Block Lot. Lot of Five Plate Blocks of Six. Includes 424-427 & 429 imprint and star.. #425 NH and the others Mint O.G. or LH. (Image)
$300 - 500
Opening US$ 850.00
Sold...US$ 850.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:25:01 EST
Sold For 850
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 109
Cat No: 430
U.S. #430 Plate Block of Six. Mint Hinged. (Image)
$250 - 450
Opening US$ 210.00
Sold...US$ 210.00
Closed..Jan-29-2020, 13:25:55 EST
Sold For 210
Sale No: 360
Lot No: 110
Cat No: 432, 435
U.S. Plate Block Lot. Two Plate Blocks of Six. 432 and 435. #432 mint OG and #435 mint LH. (Image)