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Kewriga Auctions Sale: 5005

United States
Advertising Covers
Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 172
image (Insurance) Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Columbian, S.C., fancy cornder card on yellow cover bearing 10¢ blue (11), three large margins, tied by blue "Columbia S.C., Jan 12" cds to Col. W.P. Butler, Chappells Depot, S.C. original matching Dec. 27, 1864 letterhead enclosure and additional certificate, Very Fine. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 190.00
Sold...US$ 190.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 14:55:25 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 173
image (Merchants) Dunham, Taft & Co. Boots and Shoes Dealers, Charleston S.C., colorless embossed corner card on 1863 cover bearing 5¢ light blue, De La Rue (6) horizontal pair, three huge margins except in at left, tied by "Bennettsville S.C. Jul 15 cds with military address to Capt. J. E. Spears in Col. Stevens' Regt., Charleston S.C.; slightly reduced at left, Fine. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 14:55:50 EST
Sold For 100

Civil War Postal History
Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 49
image Brig. General Uriah Galusha Pennypacker, preprinted "Soldier's Letter, 97th Reg't, Pa. Vols." orange envelope endorsed "G. Pennypacker, Major" entering mails with "Port Royal S.C. May 15" cds with "Due" oval and "6" due handstamp to Oak Hill Pa.; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:34:28 EST
Sold For 200

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 50
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Office of Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments, Philadelphia, imprint on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65), corner crease, tied by "Philadelphia Pa. Jan 22" cds duplex addressed to Elijah Fitch, Hopkinton Mass.; reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine and scarce Recruiting Colored Regiment imprint. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 900.00
Sold...US$ 900.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:35:44 EST
Sold For 900

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 51
image Head-Quarters Great Western Sanitary Fair, Cincinnati, Ohio, text advertising listing officers and committe members on orange buff cover missing stamp mailed from Cincinnati, Ohio to Butternuts N.Y., Fine and scarce sanitary fair. US$50-75 (Image)

Est. $50-75

Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:36:17 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 52
image "Berdan's U.S.S.S." (1st U.S. Sharpshooters), imprint with "Official Business" crossed out endorsed "Soldiers Letter, H Berdan, Col. Comd'g. U.S.S.S." at left addressed to Abraham Paynter, Long Island City, Long Island N.Y., entered mails with "Due 3" handstamp; repaired opening tears at top left, F.-V.F. and rare Col. Berdan Sharpshooters use. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 375.00
Sold...US$ 375.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:36:58 EST
Sold For 375

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 53
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Head Quarters 2d Regiment, U.S. Sharp Shooters "Washington, D.C.", imprint with ms. endorsement on yellow cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Feb 25" cds to John G. James, North Weare N.H.; reduced slightly at left, small bottom nick, Very Fine and rare U.S. Sharp Shooters imprint use. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:37:31 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 54
image Signal Corps, Department of the Tennessee, imprint on cover endorsed "Confidential" addressed to Capt. J.M. McClustrich, Signal Office, Care Gen. Dodge, Athens Ala., red ms. "Capt O.H. Harman" docketed at left; reduced at right; couple small edge tears, F.-V.F. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:38:30 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 57
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image United States Military Telegraph, imprint on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by blue "Louisville Ky., May 16 '64" cds target duplex to Canton, Ohio; edge tears, F.-V.F. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 140.00
Sold...US$ 140.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:39:52 EST
Sold For 140

Patriotic Covers
Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 1
Symbol: Cat No: 303

image General George McClellan (Walcott 303) black patriotic portrait design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Oct 23, 1864" cds to Dedham Mass.; some edge wear and flaws, partial flap, F.-V.F. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:03:38 EST
Sold For 60

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 3
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image General George McClellan, red and blue patriotic design with portrait, eagle and shield on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) s.e. tied by ms. "Xenia Ind, Oct 11" postmark to William E. Murray, Co H 19th Ind. Vol., in care of Captain Hamilton, Washington D.C., Trinity Hospital, original 1862 enclosed letter; roughly opened at right, Fine. US$75-100 (Image)

Est. $75-100

Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:04:46 EST
Sold For 60

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 4
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image General Scott, red and blue oval portrait patriotic design, trimmed and pasted on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by segmented square cork cancel duplexed with "New York, May 24"cds to Brattleboro Vt., forwarded to Tulbridge Vt. with "Tulbridge, Vt" cds tying pasted patriotic design; large sealed tear at top left and partial backflap, Fine and scarce. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:05:30 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 5
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Fort Donelson, blue Soldier patriotic showing slain soldier with Gates flap imprint on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by partial town cds to Mooresbury Pa.; small flaws, reduced at right, F.-V.F. and rare design. US$300-400 (Image)

Est. $300-400

Opening US$ 240.00
Sold...US$ 240.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:05:59 EST
Sold For 240

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 8
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Soldier with Shield and Eagle, red and blue design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) canceled by target, matching partial "Clinton Ind, Apr 17" cds to Cincinnati Ohio; edge wear and flaws, F.-V.F. and scarce design. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:07:18 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 9
image The Soldier's Dream of Home, overall multicolor patriotic design with Upham imprint on cover with "C. Van Wyck" free frank and "Washington D.C., Oct 11, 1861" cds to Metuchen N.J.; reduced slightly at right, F.-V.F. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:07:45 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 11
image Zouave and Flag, black patriotic design on cover with manuscript officer's endorsement vertically at left, entered mails with "Due 3" rating to New York City, manuscript "1863" docketing vertically at right, Fine and scarce design. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:08:38 EST
Sold For 250

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 12
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Zouave holding Rifle, multicolor patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C., Feb 23, 1863" cds to Covert N.Y.; reduced slightly at left, couple tone spots, F.-V.F. and rare Zouave design. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:09:07 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 14
Symbol: (Cat No: 26

image Lady Liberty and Flag, beautiful patriotic design on cover front bearing 3¢ dull red (26) tied by "Paid 3" in circle cancel, matching "Oxford Furnance, N.J. May 23" cds with ms. date to Philadelphia Pa.; reinforced backing and lower left corner mend, F.-V.F. appearance. US$75-100 (Image)

Est. $75-100

Opening US$ 65.00
Sold...US$ 65.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:10:05 EST
Sold For 65

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 15
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Lady Liberty and Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) canceled by ms. "1862", matching "Keene O., Mar 22" postmark to Nashville Tenn. care of Capt. Nichols; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 90.00
Sold...US$ 90.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:11:20 EST
Sold For 90

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 16
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Lady Liberty and Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65), corner flaw, tied by "Centreville Mass." cds to Cheektowaga N.Y.; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine. US$50-75 (Image)

Est. $50-75

Opening US$ 25.00
Sold...US$ 25.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:11:46 EST
Sold For 25

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 17
Symbol: Cat No: 7.24

image Liberty and Flag, red and blue patriotic design on transatlantic cover to Germany with manuscript New Jersey July 2nd town postmark at left, bold "New York, Br Pkt '23' Jul 9" debit exchange cds, blue "13" due rating, reverse with red Aachen (7.24) transit and German (7.25) arrival backstamp; small left edge and flap tears, some soiling and staining, Fine appearing. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:12:23 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 18
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image "Onward" Lady Liberty and Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) s.e., tied by sharp "Old Point Comfort Va., Jul 7" cds to Chester Pa., Very Fine. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:14:47 EST
Sold For 350

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 19
Symbol: Cat No: 2352

image "The War for the Union" (Walcott 2352) red and blue Lady Liberty and Flag patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Feb 4, 1864" town cds to Lancaster Mass.; edge wear and flaws, F.-V.F. US$50-75 (Image)

Est. $50-75

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:15:29 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 20
Symbol: Cat No: 26

image Eagle and Flag fighting Snake and CSA Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26), preuse fault tied by bold town cds on cover to Bangor Me.; partial flap, restored lower left corner, Fine appearance, a scarce unlisted design. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:16:23 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 21
Symbol: Cat No: 2501

image "Our Country" (Walcott 2501) slogan in ribbon with eagle, shield and cannons patriotic design in red and blue on cover with blue "Nashville, Tenn. Apr 3" cds and matching "Due 6" in circle rating handstamp to Springfield, Pa.; reduced slightly at right, F.-V.F. and attractive, scarce penalty due rate. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:16:51 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 22
Symbol: Cat No: 26

image 34-Star Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26) pair, nibbled at bottom, each canceled by segmented grid cancel, matching jMilleville Ms. May 4" cds to Little Compton R.I., F.-V.F. US$50-75 (Image)

Est. $50-75

Opening US$ 100.00
Sold...US$ 100.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:17:24 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 23
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Flag, red and blue patriotic design on buff cover bearing 3¢ rose (65), nat. s.e., tied by indistinct "Noank, Ct. Jul 23" cds to Mystic Bridge Conn.; right edge flaws, corner chipping right top and bottom, F.-V.F. and unlisted patriotic design. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 275.00
Sold...US$ 275.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:18:02 EST
Sold For 275

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 24
image "History Of Our Flag", overall patriotic design with ornate border in red and blue, lengthy history, on cross border cover with "Washington D.C. Jul 22, 1862" double-circle datestamp and "Due" handstamp with ms. "10" cent rating to Canada West, light arc "U.States" exchange handstamp, magenta manuscript "Missent to" and red split ring "Huberstone, C.W., 25 July 1862" cds as forwarder; small repaired flaws and tone spot, Fine and scarce missent patriotic cross border use, scarce cross border. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 210.00
Sold...US$ 210.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:19:11 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 25
image If anyone attempts….shoot him on the spot", two-line blue verse of red and blue flag patriotic design cover with bold "Saratoga Springs N.Y. May 6" cds and matching boxed "10" cross border rating to Montreal, Canada East; reduced at right, slightly redused at right, still, Very Fine and scarce patriotic cross border use. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 325.00
Sold...US$ 325.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:20:20 EST
Sold For 325

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 26
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image "One Flag And One Government", red verse on multicolored patriotic design with eagle and flag in circle with all the states in points, red Magee imprint vertically at left on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington, D.C. Nov 30" cds to Kiltanning, Pa; some edge wear, F.-V.F. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 130.00
Sold...US$ 130.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:20:51 EST
Sold For 130

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 27
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image "One Flag And One Government" "VICTORY", red and blue patriotic design in circlle with points for all states, on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by blue "Norfolk Va. Mar 16" cds to Romulus N.Y.; lower left edge nick, otherwise Very Fine and attractive. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 130.00
Sold...US$ 130.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:21:29 EST
Sold For 130

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 28
Symbol: Cat No: 26

image "Stand By The Flag", red and blue patriotic design showing Flag, Verse and Mass. State Seal on buff cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26), barely tied by grid, matching "Newburyport Ms. Jul 20, 1861" cds to Boston Mass.; top corners rounded, F.-V.F. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 130.00
Sold...US$ 130.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:22:07 EST
Sold For 130

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 29
Symbol: Cat No: 2766

image "Baby Walker" (Walcott 2766) red and blue Firing Cannon and Flag patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) faulty, tied by indistinct town cds to Hinesburgh Vt.; reduced slightly at right, F.-V.F. US$50-75 (Image)

Est. $50-75

Opening US$ 55.00
Sold...US$ 55.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:23:18 EST
Sold For 55

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 30
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Cannon and Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by segmented grid cancel, matching "Philadelphia Pa., Oct 26, 1861" cds to Bloomsbury Pa.; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine. US$75-100 (Image)

Est. $75-100

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:23:54 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 31
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Cannon and Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by segmented grid cancel, matching "Philadelphia Pa., Sep 2, 1861" cds to Bloomsbury Pa.; 3¢ corner crease, light toning, reduced slightly at left, Fine. US$50-75 (Image)

Est. $50-75

Opening US$ 40.00
Sold...US$ 40.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:24:20 EST
Sold For 40

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 32
Symbol: Cat No: 26

image "Northern Argument for Southern Traitors", blue verse below red and blue patriotic design showing cannon and soldier on yellow cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26) tied by blue "Neshonic, Wis. Jul 22" cds to Waddington N.Y.; light soiling, small edge flaws and wear, reduced at right, Fine and rare unlisted design. US$75-100 (Image)

Est. $75-100

Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:24:46 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 33
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image "The Only Compromise for Treason", red and blue Firing Cannon and Flag patriotic design on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by circular grid cancel, matching "Paducah Ky. Jun 25, 1861" cds to Salem Ohio; reduced slightly at right, edge wear, Very Fine. US$75-100 (Image)

Est. $75-100

Opening US$ 40.00
Sold...US$ 40.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:25:24 EST
Sold For 40

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 34
image "Illinois" Shield and Eagle (Captured by CSA at Battle of Shiloh), blue patriotic design on cover endorsed "Captured in the Yankee Camps by Jno Lyons Jr. at the Battle of Shiloh Church, April 7th 1862", F.-V.F. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 220.00
Sold...US$ 220.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:26:05 EST
Sold For 220

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 35
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image To the Union, State of Michigan, overall red and blue design showing state seal on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Sep 20" cds to Birmingham, Mich.; reduced a bit at right, F.-V.F. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 240.00
Sold...US$ 240.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:26:41 EST
Sold For 240

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 37
Symbol: Cat No: 1490

image Col. Turchin's "Chicago Zouaves", 19th Reg. Ill. Vol. (Walcott 1490) red and blue patriotic design showing Zoave standing on CSA flag on yellow cover addressed to Mediosia, Illinois; reduced at right, Very Fine, ex-Laurence. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 425.00
Sold...US$ 425.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:27:45 EST
Sold For 425

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 38
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image "From 32d Regt. First Gernan Ind. Vol. Colonel A. Willich", purple patriotic design showing ornate oval with Eagle, Flags, Rifles, Cannon and Drum, on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Cairo, Ill. May 12 1862" cds to Baltimore Md.; cover repaired, F.-V.F. appearance, a rare unlisted design. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 230.00
Sold...US$ 230.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:28:17 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 39
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Sixteenth New-Hampshire Regiment, regimental patriotic design on orange cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by target cancel, matching "New Orleans La. Jan 8, 1863" cds to West Milton N.H., Very Fine. US$100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:29:09 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 41
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image 50th Reg't New York Vol. Engineers, bronze patriotic design showing castle and listing officers on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by four-ring cancel duplexed with "Washington D.C. Feb 21" cds addressed to Bondville N.Y.; some edge wear, reduced at right, F.-V.F. US$150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 180.00
Sold...US$ 180.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:30:32 EST
Sold For 180

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 42
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Scott's "Nine Hundred", U.S. V.C., F.B. Halleck, Captain Commanding Co. K., blue illustrated patriotic design showing mounted colider on reverse of cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by partial "Washington D.C. Jun 11" to Springport N.Y.; reduced at right trimming 3¢, Fine and rare regimental design. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:31:05 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 43
image Sherman's Brigade, 65th Reg't, C.S. Harker, Col., flag in shield patriotic design on cover endorsed by Soldier "A. Burns, Chaplain, Co. O" at left, entered mails with Louisville Ky. "Due 3" handstamp addressed to Buckeye, Ohio; reduced slightly at left, edge wear, F.-V.F. and scarce regimental patriotic design. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:31:30 EST
Sold For 250

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 44
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image Panorama of Nashville, bronze overall Magnus design with imprint at bottom on cover bearing on reverse 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Washington D.C. Aug 6, 186" cds to Leon Centre N.Y.; reduced slightly at left, slight discoloring, F.-V.F. and scarce used bronze Magnus. US$200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 425.00
Sold...US$ 425.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:31:57 EST
Sold For 425

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 48
Symbol: Cat No: 65

image "True to the Union", red and blue slogan with star and integral shield patriotic design, red Magee imprint vertically at left on cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "York, Pa Jan 23" cds to Angeliea N.Y.; reduced slightly at right, trivial light wrinkling, still, F.-V.F. US$75-100 (Image)

Est. $75-100

Opening US$ 35.00
Sold...US$ 35.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 13:33:43 EST
Sold For 35

Semi-Official Covers
Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 198
Symbol: Cat No: WD-03

image Confederate States of America, War Department (C.S.A. Catalog WD-03) semi-official imprint on circa 1861 cover with "L.P. Walker" frank as Secretary of War addressed to Hon. Howell Cobb, Spotswood Va., hand carried, Fine and rare imprint, ex-Antrim. US$0 (Image)

C.S.A. Catalog $400

Opening US$ 170.00
Sold...US$ 170.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 15:10:11 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 199
Symbol: Cat No: WD-AG-07

image Confederate States of America, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Official Business (C.S.A. Catalog WD-AG-07) semi-official imprint on legal-size cover bearing 5¢ olive green (1c) pair, small flaws, tied by "Richmond Va." cds with military address to Col. J.W. Gillespie, Care of Brig. Genl. Carroll, Knoxville, Tenn., F.-V.F. US$0 (Image)

C.S.A. Catalog $400

Opening US$ 95.00
Sold...US$ 95.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 15:11:06 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 5005
Lot No: 201
Symbol: Cat No: WD-QM-10

image Confederate States of America, Quartermaster General's Office, Official Business (C.S.A. Catalog WD-QM-10) semi-official imprint on legal-size buff cover bearing 5¢ green (1) tied by "Richmond Va., Feb 22, 1862" cds with military address to Captain C.D. Clark, A.Q.M., Care of Gen. Magruder, Yorktown Va.; small flaws, reduced at ends, F.-V.F. US$0 (Image)

Opening US$ 110.00
Sold...US$ 110.00

Closed..Jan-25-2025, 15:12:23 EST
Sold For 110

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