United Nations 1953-57 inwards covers to Lhasa (2) both 1955, one at 25c airmail rate, both with Lhasa (Hellrigl #C260) arrival backstamps and mss Chinese transit markings, Pharijong (2) with #B50 arrival backstamps, or Gyantse with #B48 (Type 2) backstamp. (5) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00
Closed..Oct-14-2024, 19:45:00 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 2182
Lot No: 7737
Symbol: **
Birds : Birdpex 1990: issues from Aitutaki (2), Cook Isl (4 M/S), Penrhyn (4), Norfolk Isl (3 & M/S), Pitcairn Isld (2 sets in gutter pairs) Solomons (5), Birdpex 2018 Belgium (3), Aitutaki (pair), Cook Isl (pair), Penryhn (2 blocks of 4), Tonga (pair), Niuafo'ou (block of 4). Australia Fisheries & Wild Life, Victoria 1973-81 $2, $3 & $10 from each year USA Dept of Interior Duck Hunting (9), and range of United Nations Endangered Species (22) (125 & 5 M/Ss) (Image1)