1936, Sommer-Olympiade, Bildpostkarte "Berlin-Grünau, Regattastrecke" mit Olympia-Sondermarke und SST "BERLIN-GRÜNAU REGATTABAHN 13.8.36" mit Zuschauer-Erlebnisbericht vom Vorlauf-Sieg des Deutschlandachters im Rudern nach Saalfeld/Saale
1936, summer olympic games, picture postcard "Berlin Grünau, regatta route" with Olympic Games special stamp and special cancel "BERLIN-GRUENAU race track 13.8.36" with viewer experience report from ahead-of-schedule work victory of the Germany rowing eight in the OAR to Saalfeld / Saale (611) (Image 1)(Image)
Opening EUR 30.00
Sold...EUR 30.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 30
Motive - Sport / Themes: Sports
Sale No: E002
Lot No: 7020
Symbol: **
DRESSURREITEN, 10 kpl. ** Kleinbogensätze à 6 Marken aus Ajman (MiNr. 463-65, Abb. "Neckermann", "Klimke" und "Linsenhoff"), Mi. 1.320.-
Dressage, 10 complete ** sheetlet sets ? 6 stamps from Ajman (Michel no. 463-65, illustration "Neckermann", "Klimke" and "Linsenhoff"), Michel 1.320.-
Opening EUR 35.00
Sold...EUR 35.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 35
Motive / Themes
Sale No: E002
Lot No: 7198
Symbol: **
TIERE/OZEANIEN, Partie mit verschiedenen, oft höherwertigen Sätzen und Blocks, überw. aus 2008-2020. Dabei u.a. div. "Birds of Prey", Schmetterlinge uvm., Mi. 2.100.-
Animals / Oceania, lot with different, often higher quality sets and souvenir sheets, mainly from 2008-2020. Including various "Birds of Prey", butterflies and much more, Michel 2.100.-
Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 135.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 135
Sale No: E002
Lot No: 7200
Symbol: **/o
Motivbestand in 3 Standardkartons. Alles Sammlungen aus Abo-Bezug.
Motif stock in 3 standard boxes. All collections from subscription sale.
Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 110.00
Closed..Jan-10-2025, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: E002
Lot No: 7201
Symbol: **/o
Motivnachlass in 3 Kartons. Alles Sammlungen aus Abo-Bezug. Hohe Anschaffungskosten.
Motif estate in 3 boxes. All collections from subscription sale. High acquisition costs.