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Records 1 to 50 of 157

Heritage Auctions Europe Sale: 85

Stamps - Boxes
English Colonies
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1296

India. Box India with Princely and Feudatory states on card, in glassine envelopes, club circulation booklet etc. with all sort of older stamps incl. some Revenu, Service, Birma as well as modern India beginning years incl. a MNH Michel nr. 205 (10 Rp.** € 300.-) An interesting lot!

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 240.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1297

Great Britain and British Commonwealth. Box with over a hundred black stockcards mint used/MNH with all sorts of stamps and sets, each card priced separately incl. better prices.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 600.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1298

Box Mauritius 1860-2007 in 3 start/part collections and a stockbook mint/used/MNH.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 210.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1299

Box Faeröer year sets 1987-2008 (ex 2001/07).

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 50.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1325

Box Thematic stamps in 15 stockbooks incl. Flora/Fauna and Ships mint/used/MNH. Also an empty album (old)

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 160.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

South America
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1336

Box South and Middle America from 1865 onwards in 4 stockbooks incl. Paraguay, Nicaragua and Ecuador all mint/used/MNH.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Thematic stamps
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1361

Box thematic stamps on stockcards with all sorts of topics, funny shaped stamps, golden stamps, imperforate, local stamps etc. etc. A nice lot!

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 220.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1362

Box with hundreds stockcards with all kind of thematic stamps most MNH incl. Flora/Fauna Sport, Eastern Europe, British commonwealth, Africa and Americas

Low Estimate € 75

Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 140.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1363

Box with over 200 black stockcards used/MNH with all different countries and most topical stamps.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 120.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1364

Box thematic stamps on (ca. 200) stockcards mint/used/MNH with all sorts of topics.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 110.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1365

Box thematic stamps mint/used/MNH with some different countries but mainly Russia after 1950 with stamps in plastic bag's/sheets & sheet-parts, on cards, album pages and in stockbook. Also some pre war Russia in envelopes.

Low Estimate € 40

Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 95.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 95

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1366

This box sounds like music, 3 stock books and loose stamps, FDC's, sets, MNH with thematic music.

Low Estimate € 40

Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 110.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1367

Box with 6 stockbook "Olympic Winter Games" mainly used and some mint/MNH and various postcards/covers/FDC's.

Low Estimate € 35

Opening EUR 35.00
Sold...EUR 35.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 35

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1368

Doos "Nederlands Koningshuis" op postzegels met covers, velletjes etc. diverse landen incl. Nederland wb. Ook wat nominaal en modern O.G. en 10 Euromunt.

Low Estimate € 35

Opening EUR 35.00
Sold...EUR 140.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1369

Box "Elvis Presley" in album with covers, FDC's, Phonecards and some stamps. Also 3 DVD's (copied) and a small Elvis clock.

Low Estimate € 25

Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 65.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 65

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1370

Presidents of the U.S.A. Box covers, stamps on pages in stockbooks and such incl. a lot of Kennedy, also Sigar bands etc.

Low Estimate € 25

Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 80.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1371

Collection of lighthouses on stamps (mostly MNH), sugar packets, telephone cards, FDCs, maximum cards, booklets etc.

Low Estimate € 10

Opening EUR 10.00
Sold...EUR 60.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1372

Box Thematic stamps mint/used and some MNH inc. Sports, Flora/Fauna etc. in 7 stockbooks and a box.

Low Estimate € 10

Opening EUR 10.00
Sold...EUR 50.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1373

Box black cards various thematics ( imperforate) incl France michel Nr 1480ZF (3x), India overprints "International commission Viet Nam"

Low Estimate € 5

Opening EUR 5.00
Sold...EUR 45.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 45

United Europe
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1350

Box United Nations 1979-2013 (office Vienna) MNH in 3 Davo(luxe) albums incl. some loose material such as Prestige booklets, Souvenir sheets etc.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 200.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1351

Box United Europe 1950-2001 in 5 stockbooks and an album all MNH and a stockbook used U.N. and United Europe.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1352

Box United Europe 1956-1988 in 4 ringbinders inc. Luxemburg 1956* and used, Lux. 1957** and used, Liechtenstein 1960** and used Sp. Andorra 1972 mint and from 1956 onwards many set used AND mint/MNH collected. Also sheetlets and mini sheets from 1970 onwards.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 50.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1374

Former Eastern Europe with stamps on stockcards, in old autin lots and such all priced incl. many better priced items with Hungary (i.e. Michel 478-479* Zeppelin, 502/510* VLH, Block 1**, Bl. 10-11**, Bl. 18B**[550.-], various Territories and occupation, Baltic states, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. A very nice lot for resellers/collectors.

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 750.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1375

Box Asia on stockcards mainly older material of Japan, Thailand, Korea and Vietnam as well as some various countries. All cards are priced in various ranges from € 1 upto € 80.- each. (about 200+ cards)

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 700.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 700

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1376

Box covers and stamps on stockcards mint/MNH and used with beter Arabian states, middle east, Egypt, some African countries, Asian cards (modern) and such. All priced between € 2,- and € 125.- each. Lot should be viewed.

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 550.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 550

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1377

Box with over 250 black cards (most A5) with all world and mint/used/MNH incl. locals, strange overprints, unclassified etc. Also 4 yearcollections Thailand (90ties) in special folders.

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 340.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 340

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1378

image Box various countries incl. India 10 Rs. Ghandi ( 2 x MNH, almost V.F.), Faroer nr. 1, various better blocks Portugal (Bl. 14, 7 x used) Fatima Block**, etc. etc. (Image)

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 600.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1379

image Box various countries most on stockcards MNH/mint/used with Portugal and Colonies, Greece, Former Eastern Europe, United Europe (with varieties and gutter-pairs) etc. etc. For impression see photo. (Image)

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 380.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1380

Box various countries all world incl. Netherlands on over 300 black cards (A5) with old and modern stamps used/mint/MNH.

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 280.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1381

Box auction lots partly in mixed quality with much better material Like China, Russia, The Netherlands and also stock cards album pages and such.

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 550.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 550

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1382

Box Australia, Faeröer, Island ( inc Nr 277 **), New Zealand, Bundles of 100 block Servië-Montenegro (2006), FDC's European Union, Silver Penning Beatrix and much more. Mostly MNH.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 150.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1383

Box with some 300 black cards (A5) with all sorts of stamps/countries mint/used/MNH, incl. Netherlands, local stamps, seals, vignettes etc. etc.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 400.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1384

Extremely exciting box with stamps from all over the world in bags, including classic, old, modern, (face value). Very fun to find out!

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 320.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1385

Box glassines India, sets Netherlands 50ties, face value, booklets (multiply), classic England. It's just too much to mention, the advice is to look carefully.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 400.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1386

Box with small stock books, glassines with many different countries, old, new, face value, back of the book, Europe, Asia etc .

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 290.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 290

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1387

Box various countries, old, classic in glassines, small stock books with a variety of treasures and miraculous finds.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 270.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 270

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1388

Box glassine with India (MNH), Pakistan (MNH), Nepal (MNH), Russia, The Netherlands, thematics, booklets, blocks and much more.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 220.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1389

Box glassines, envelopes, small stock books with stamps from Angola to Sweden including blocks, booklets, specials and much more **/*/0.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 160.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1390

Box really full with glassines, envelopes, album pages, small books including the whole wide world, better findings possible!

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 200.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1391

Box approximate 300+ stock cards with the strangest foreign countries, perforation variations, misprints, print variations, old and classic.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 480.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 480

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1392

Box Asia on black cards and in envelopes incl. a lot China old and modern.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 600.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1393

Box Qatar **/*/0 1957-1995 in books and glasines whereby booklets (multiply), blocks, sheets, sets, overprints, imperforate and much more.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 600.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1394

Box various countries in 25 (large size)club-circulation booklets(rondzendboekjes) with Pakistan/Bangladesh, Liechtenstein(!), Switserland, Italy and Terr., Indian states, Indonesia and Japanese occupation, Germany (combinations Reich), Netherlands and former eastern Europe. High remainder value.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 180.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1395

Box various countries on stockcard and on covers with Austria, Spain & territories, Switserland and South Africa.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 270.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 270

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1396

Doos diversen wb. Veel Nederland met oa. Klein archief briefkaarten 1943-1946, kaarten Ned. Indie, Esperanto-vel met 212-219, Amphilex velletjes op FDC (6 x), 886-888**, gelegenheidstempels Nederland, Sterrenboekjes (compleet met 3 velletjes), Nederland NVPH nrs. 4, 11 en 12 (ongebruikt met nieuwe gom) Kindblokken op grootformaat FDC's etc. Tevens Zweden 2192 met geschenk-set Zweedse Post (incl. Zwartdruk en ongetand).

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1397

An interesting box all World in 18 old stockbooks and some envelopes most older stamps and in general before 1940 (from 1880 onwards) incl. Netherlands (charity sets engros 1936-1940), Germany (with some Zeppelin stamps, China (before 1940) Hong Kong, Scandinavia etc.etc.. Lot should be viewed.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 340.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 340

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1398

Box various countries incl. some 40 old letters/covers Belgium 1852-1868 (partly glued to pages), stamps Belgium (mainly old), Great Britain 1860-1923 on old pages, some Luxembourg etc.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1399

Box glassines from the whole wide world better findings possible, this is a so-called surprise box. Used/Mint/MNH.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 150.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1400

Box various countries on album pages, Stockpages, in folders etc. etc. incl. all world, seals, thematics, used/mint/MNH, old countries moderns stamps etc. etc.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1401

Box full of glassines with all kinds of things such as England face value, old and classic stamps, this is a treasure chest from which you can get a lot of pleasure.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 180.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

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