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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale: 5256

Postal History
Advertising/Illustrated Covers
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7269
Symbol: C
Cat No: 213

image Two Ohio College Advertising Covers, both franked with 2¢ Green 1887 (Scott 213) to Ohio addresses, one 1888 multicolored from the Euclid Ave. Business College of Cleveland and the other 1890 from Baldwin University of Berea, former backstamped, both covers barely reduced at right and open on sides, still Very Fine, see the Berea cover online. (Image)

Suggested Bid $60

Opening US$ 32.00
Sold...US$ 32.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 32

Airmail Postal History

Rocket Mail
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7318
Symbol: C
Cat No: 1936.0209

image 1936 (Feb. 9), First American Rocket-Airplane Flight picture post card, picture side showing Greenwood Lake, N.Y. flight, address side with printed bi-color "VIA FIRST AMERICAN/Rocket Airplane Flight" corner card with red imperforate rocket vignette below tied by apple green flight cachet; franked by 1¢ green Franklin tied by flight destination Hewitt, N.J. postmark of Feb. 23; addressed to Albion, PA, with Feb. 25 receiver duplex; autographed by rocketry pioneer Willy Ley; only 1823 cards flown, Very Fine, an attractive and scarce piece of Pioneer Rocket Mail.
Ellington-Zwisler 8C2. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 54.00
Sold...US$ 54.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 54

Zeppelin Covers: Graf Zeppelin LZ 127 Flights
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7276
Symbol: C
Cat No: 26 A

image 1929, Interrupted America Flight, Friedrichshafen-Cuers-Friedrichshafen (Sieger 26 A), cover franked with two 2½g Airmails (C30); properly cacheted and backstamped, Very Fine.
Michel 23; €250 ($270). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7277
Symbol: C
Cat No: 30 Ad

image 1929 Round-the-World Flight, Friedrichshafen-Friedrichshafen Round Trip (Sieger 30 Ad), card franked with 2m & 4m Zeppelins & 1m Eagle (C36-C37, C32) canceled Friedrichshafen, Aug 15; properly cacheted and backstamped, Extremely Fine.
Michel 32a; €250 ($270). (Image)

Suggested Bid $80

Opening US$ 48.00
Sold...US$ 48.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 48

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7278
Symbol: C
Cat No: 57 H

image 1930 South America Flight, Friedrichshafen-Friedrichshafen Round Trip (Sieger 57 H), cover franked with a pair of 10s Airmails (C31) canceled May 7; properly cacheted and backstamped.
Michel 68; €240 ($260). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 52.00
Sold...US$ 52.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 52

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7280
Symbol: C
Cat No: 85 D

image 1930 Russia Flight, Moscow-Friedrichshafen Return (Sieger 85 D), card franked with a 40k Zeppelin, perf 12½ (C12) and cover franked with a 80k Zeppelin perf 10½ (C13a), both with additional stamps canceled Moscow, Sep 10, properly cacheted and backstamped, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 122Ab; €270 ($290). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 66.00
Sold...US$ 66.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 66

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7281
Symbol: C
Cat No: 88 Ab

image 1930 Baltic Sea Flight, Friedrichshafen-Helsinki Drop (Sieger 88 Ab), cover franked with 1929-30 Winged Letters (C13-C15) canceled Romanshorn, Aug 11; properly cacheted and backstamped, Very Fine.
Michel 128 III; €125 ($140). (Image)

Suggested Bid $75

Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7282
Symbol: C
Cat No: 91 Ab

image 1930 Leipzig Flight, Friedrichshafen-Leipzig (Sieger 91 Ab), cover with a neat handdrawn frame franked with a 2m South America Flight Zeppelin (C38) canceled onboard, Oct 10, and backstamped Leipzig the same day, Very Fine.
Scott $375. Michel 135c; €280 ($300). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 70.00
Sold...US$ 70.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7283
Symbol: C
Cat No: 100 Ba

image 1930 Chemnitz Flight, Chemnitz-Friedrichshafen Return (Sieger 100 Ba), Zeppelin picture postcard franked with a set of 1930 Semi-Postals (B34-B37) canceled Chemnitz, Nov 16 with red flight cachet and Friedrichshafen receiver on the front, Very Fine.
Michel 155; €40+ ($40). (Image)

Suggested Bid $75

Opening US$ 38.00
Sold...US$ 38.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 38

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7284
Symbol: C
Cat No: 119 A

image 1931 Polar Flight, Friedrichshafen-Berlin (Sieger 119 A), cover franked with a two 1m Polar Flight Zeppelins (C40), red flight cachet and Berlin receiver on the front, Very Fine, signed Gappe.
Scott $295. Michel 202a; €370 ($400). (Image)

Suggested Bid $120

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7285
Symbol: C
Cat No: 119 C

image 1931 Polar Flight, Friedrichshafen-Malyguin (Sieger 119 C), cover franked with eight stamps totaling 6.60s canceled Vienna, Jul 21, with all appropriate markings, Very Fine.
Michel 204a; €240 ($260). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 66.00
Sold...US$ 66.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 66

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7286
Symbol: C
Cat No: 119 C

image 1931 Polar Flight, Friedrichshafen-Malyguin (Sieger 119 C), plain card franked with three Plane & Crane Airs canceled Vienna, Jul 22, with all appropriate markings.
Michel 204a; €240 ($260). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7287
Symbol: C
Cat No: 119 E

image 1931 Polar Flight, Leningrad-Malyguin (Sieger 119 E), registered card & cover, each franked with two of the Imperf Zeppelins (C26-C29) canceled Leningrad, Jul 25, with all appropriate markings; slightly toned, otherwise Very Fine.
Michel 204Aa-b; €210 ($230). (Image)

Suggested Bid $50

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7288
Symbol: C
Cat No: 119 E vars.

image 1931 Polar Flight, Leningrad-Malyguin (Sieger 119 E vars.), registered card & cover, each franked with two of the Imperf Zeppelins (C26-C29) canceled Leningrad, Jul 25, with all appropriate markings, Very Fine.
Michel 204Aa-b; €210 100 ($230). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 90.00
Sold...US$ 90.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7289
Symbol: C
Cat No: 121 B

image 1931 Münster/Essen Flight, Friedrichshafen-Münster (Sieger 121 B), picture postcard—showing passengers boarding the Airship— franked with a 1m Polar Flight Zeppelin (C40) with an Aug 16 onboard cancel and a Münster receiver of the same date, Very Fine.
Michel 207b; €90 ++ ($100). (Image)

Suggested Bid $75

Opening US$ 54.00
Sold...US$ 54.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 54

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7290
Symbol: C
Cat No: 150 A

image 1932 Third South America Flight, Friedrichshafen-Pernambuco (Sieger 150 A), cover franked with 13.50fr postage canceled Brussels, Apr 15; brown flight cachet and Friedrichshafen transit on the front, backstamped Asuncion, Paraguay, Very Fine.
Michel 239a; €250 ($270). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 52.00
Sold...US$ 52.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 52

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7291
Symbol: C
Cat No: 168 A

image 1932 England Flight, Friedrichshafen-London (Sieger 168 A), cover franked with 1.50m including a 1m Polar Flight Zeppelin (C40) canceled onboard, Jul 2, with brown flight cachet but no British receiver, Very Fine.
Michel 253b; €50+ ($50). (Image)

Suggested Bid $75

Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7292
Symbol: C
Cat No: 177 A

image 1932 Sixth South America Flight, Friedrichshafen-Pernambuco (Sieger 177 A), Zeppelin picture postcard to Buenos Aires franked with 1.65m postage including a 1m Zeppelin (C35) canceled onboard, Sep 9; properly cacheted and backstamped, Extremely Fine.
Michel 275d. (Image)

Suggested Bid $40

Opening US$ 37.00
Sold...US$ 37.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 37

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7293
Symbol: C
Cat No: 207 A

image 1933 Rome Flight, Friedrichshafen-Livorno Drop (Sieger 207 A), card franked with three stamps totaling 75pf tied by May 29 onboard cancels; properly cacheted and backstamped, Very Fine.
Michel 302 Ic; €180 ($190). (Image)

Suggested Bid $75

Opening US$ 52.00
Sold...US$ 52.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 52

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7294
Symbol: C
Cat No: 208 var.

image 1933 Rome Flight, Rome-Friedrichshafen (Sieger 208 var.), registered cover franked with a 5L Zeppelin (C13) plus an Italain Colonies 2.25L (for registration) canceled Tripoli, May 29, with all appropriate markings, Very Fine.
Michel 304F ad; €170+ ($180). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 64.00
Sold...US$ 64.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 64

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7295
Symbol: C
Cat No: 208 var.

image 1933 Rome Flight, Rome-Friedrichshafen, registered picture postcard franked with a 3L Zeppelin (C22) (Sieger 208 var.) plus 2.25L in Libyan postage (for registration) canceled Tripoli, May 29, with all appropriate markings, Very Fine.
Michel 304G aa; €140+ ($150). Sassone 208 var. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 92.00
Sold...US$ 92.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 92

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7296
Symbol: C
Cat No: 208 var.

image 1933 Rome Flight, Rome-Friedrichshafen (Sieger 208 var.), registered cover franked with a 5L Zeppelin (C22) plus a Libia 1.75L (for registration) canceled Tripoli, May 27, with all appropriate markings, Very Fine.
Michel 304G ab; €160+ ($170). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 88.00
Sold...US$ 88.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 88

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7297
Symbol: C
Cat No: 208 var.

image 1933 Rome Flight, Rome-Friedrichshafen, registered cover franked with a 5L Zeppelin (C21) (Sieger 208 var.) plus 1.75L Rhodes postage (for registration) canceled Rhodes, May 23, with all appropriate markings.
Michel 304E I ab; €160+ ($170). Sassone 208 var. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 88.00
Sold...US$ 88.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 88

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7299
Symbol: C
Cat No: 229 B

image 1933, Sixth South America Flight, Berlin-Friedrichshafen-Pernambuco (Sieger 229 B), cover to Rio de Janeiro franked with a 10d KGV (199) canceled London; properly cacheted and backstamped, Very Fine.
Michel 333c; €200 ($220). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7300
Symbol: C
Cat No: 290 Ab

image 1935 First South America Flight, frei-Pernambuco (Sieger 290 Ab), cover franked with 1.50m postage including a block of 4 of the 25pf Hindenburg Memorial Issue (441), onboard cancel, Apr 7; properly cacheted and backstamped, Very Fine.
Michel 429b; €80+ ($90). (Image)

Suggested Bid $50

Opening US$ 25.00
Sold...US$ 25.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 25

Zeppelin Covers: Hindenburg Flights
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7301
Symbol: C
Cat No: 406 D vars.

image 1936 First North America Flight, Frankfurt/Main-Lakehurst (Michel 12Aa var., 12Ab), two registered covers, one franked with a pair of 1fr Hindenburgs (C15), the other with a single 2m Hindenburg (16) with red flight cachets and New York backstamps, Very Fine.
Scott $210. Zumstein 406 D vars.
Michel €310 ($340). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 70.00
Sold...US$ 70.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 70

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7303
Symbol: C
Cat No: 409 D

image 1936 (May 9), First North America Flight Cover, TIPEX-franked (Sieger 409 D), Registered cover bearing two TIPEX souvenir sheets plus #C20 and CE2 addressed to Milton Sabin in New York City; stamps all cancelled by Expo cancel with violet flight cachet, reverse with all proper backstamps including Frankfurt receiver Type 1; damp staining at bottom, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7304
Symbol: C
Cat No: 409 D

image 1936 (May 9), First North America Flight Cover, TIPEX-franked (Sieger 409 D), Registered cover bearing two TIPEX souvenir sheets plus #C20 and CE2 addressed to Milton Sabin in New York City; stamps all cancelled by Expo cancel with violet flight cachet, reverse with all proper backstamps including Frankfurt receiver Type 1; damp staining at bottom, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 50.00
Sold...US$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Cancels & Postmarks

Town Postmarks
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7323
Symbol: C

image Boston Mass. Type 657 double ring circular datestamp, cancel dated May 21, with 3c 1857 (Scott 26) tied by large "Paid" in grid cancel on orange cover addressed to Milton Mills NH, with original letter datelined "Boston May 20, 1858", business contents apologizing for mistake made by sender, Very Fine, The Boston circular datestamp is a rare type. (Image)

Suggested Bid $50

Opening US$ 62.00
Sold...US$ 62.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 62

Exposition Covers & Postmarks
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7271
Symbol: **BL
Cat No: 1915, panama pacific expo

image 1915, Panama Pacific Exposition Labels, attractive multicolor ship design in sheet of 100 without selvage; fresh and sound with all perforations intact; any oddities in image due to packaging—the sheet itself is pristine, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine, an uncommon item, particularly as a large multiple. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 54.00
Sold...US$ 54.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 54

Express Covers

Eastern Express Covers
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7272
Symbol: *
Cat No: HOPX-L1

image Hope's Express Labels, Mosher Nos. HOPX-L1, black on red and black on green, singles, unused and affixed to small pieces, probably removed from covers, Very Fine duo, The only other examples we found are one of each uncanceled and affixed to covers in the Manwood collection sold Feb. 2022 (lots 1150 & 1151). For everything you want to known about Hope's Express, see Bruce Mosher's article in the Feb. 2004 NJ Postal History Journal pp. 30-37 (https://njpostalhistory.org/media/journal/feb04njph.pdf). (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 58.00
Sold...US$ 58.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 58

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7273
Symbol: C
Cat No: jay's

image Jay's Dispatch & Richwood's Dispatch, former red on blue label tied by small horse & rider handstamp cancel at left of illustrated corner card cover franked by 2c green 1887 (Scott 213) barely tied by "Waterloo Oct. ?? 1887" circular datestamp and cork cancel addressed to La Hoyt Iowa, cover with light central vertical crease, latter red triangular label ied by small bold violet "J" cancel at top left of cover front franked by 1c ultramarine (Scott 212)with target cancel and adjacent "La Hoyt Ioa Jun. 6, 1888" circular datestamp addressed to Horton Kansas, Very Fine, see the front online. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7274
Symbol: *
Cat No: Thompson

image Thompson & Co.'s Express, black on dark green label, single, with locomotive vignette and "From No. 5 Exchange Albany", full to large margins all around, slightly disturbed o.g.; light horizontal crease at top, attractive Very Fine appearance. We located a sister label in black on pink from Boston on a conjunctive use cover with Wells, Fargo. (Image)

Suggested Bid $50

Opening US$ 27.00
Sold...US$ 27.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 27

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7275
Symbol: C
Cat No: us express

image "Forwarded by the United States Express Co. From Chicago Ill." black on green label on Treasury Dept. Semi Official Cover signed by Lucius Eugene Chittenden, label from bottom left corner of the sheet, affixed over "Treasury Department Register's Office Official Business" corner card and one of two different red oval cancels but leaving the other cancel and the Lucius Eugene Chittenden signature clear, addressed to Rock Island Ill., with manuscript "$1,000 U.S. Bonds" at top left and "2 Bonds $500 Ea." on reverse, cover slightly reduced at left and measures 12 <3/8> x 5½ inches, Very Fine, per his wikipedia page, Lucius Eugene Chittenden (May 24, 1824-July 22, 1900) was an American author, banker, lawyer, politician and peace advocate who served as Register of the Treasury during the Lincoln administration, meaning this cover is 1861-64. (Image)

Suggested Bid $80

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Fancy Cancels

Patriotic Designs
Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7322
Symbol: C

image "US" in Circle (Keeseville, NY), clear, centrally struck socked-on-the-nose cancel on #65 with Keeseville SEP 26 postmark alongside, on orange cover to Jay, NY; envelope reduced at left, with stiffener, stamp with natural straight edge at right and some perforation faults at top due to placement, still Very Fine.
Skinner-Eno PT-US 61. (Image)

Suggested Bid $18

Opening US$ 26.00
Sold...US$ 26.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 26

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7321
Symbol: C
Cat No: 65

image "3" Handstamp, bold strike on 3¢ 1861 (Scott 65) on yellow cover with "Leominster Ms. Dec. 10" circular datestamp, addressed to Boston. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 54.00
Sold...US$ 54.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 54

Sale No: 5256
Lot No: 7268
Symbol: C

image 1¢ blue, type V, vertical pair and single, on 7¾ x 5<3/8> inch Valentine cover (Scott 24), stamps tied by single strike of "Prattsburgh N.Y. Feb. 20" circular datestamp, design shows a woman under a decorative arch on a balcony in a floral scene (best seen when the right edge is the bottom), addressed to South Valley (?) NY, small tears at top and bottom and top backflap removed, otherwise Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $60

Opening US$ 60.00
Sold...US$ 60.00

Closed..Jan-26-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

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