Group of Proof Sets comprising 1980, 1981 and 1982 togrther with 1978 and 1979 Silver $1 proofs all as issued. (5) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 105.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9135
Symbol: U
Cat No: Collection
1882-1970s used collection in Album incl few QV, KEVII mint, KGV values to 1/-, few Healths incl 1931 Smiling Boys (2d damaged), together with a few Arms, Lighthouses and Ross Dependency issues. Few mint issues. Pickings. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$70
Opening AU$ 36.00
Sold...AU$ 36.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 36
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9136
Symbol: */**/
Cat No: Collection
1898-1935 Accumulation incl 1898-1903 Pictorials selection (ex 4d) to 5/- (fiscal) incl both 2½d, 1907 1/- Kaka, 1920 Victory & few duplicates, 1935-42 Picts incl MLH 2½d pairs (2), 4d, 6d, 8d, 9d grey, 1/- plus 9d black used, 'Officials' to 2/-, (2 sets) incl extra 1/- & 2/- in used pairs, etc. Condition on earlies is mixed. (90) (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9138
Symbol: *
1902-30s Mint Array incl 1902 6d pink Kiwi P11, 1907-08 Reduced Size 3d & 6d, 1920 Victory & 9125 Dunedin sets, 1931-35 Airmails (some toning), range of Healths (odd tone spot, 1d Pathway hinge stain); apart from issues mentioned condition is generally fine. (31) (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9142
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection
Booklets 1967-98 collection with light duplication incl 1967 50c (3), 1993 Tusked Weta (2), 1996 Race Horses, 1997 Vineyards, range of 'hanging' types. Itemised list enclosed. CP Cat value NZ$1,140. (50 Items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$160
Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 80.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9143
Symbol: **
Decimal Varieties 1979 10c & 2c Health se-tenant pair with Green doubly printed (CP # 251bY Cat $225) 1970 10c QEII block of 4 with Wmk sideways inverted, 1980 20c on 7c Rose cnr block of 20 with Large ovpt smudge. (3 items) (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 75
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9144
Symbol: U/*/*
Cat No: Collection
Dependencies Collection in ringbinder with selections from Aitutaki, Cook Is, Niue, Penrhyn, Ross Dependency and Tokelau, best likely Ross Dependency which appears complete 1957-2019 with the decimals being MUH, also noted Victoria Land 1911-13 1d mint; mostly fine. (few 100s). (Image1)
1906 Christchurch Exhibition SG #370-3 ½d to 6d set, fine mint, ½d, 1d and key 6d value are all MUH, Cat £275+. (4) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9123
Symbol: *
1909-12 KEVII SG #387 ½d to 1/- plus Officials ½d, 3d, 6d 8d & 1/-, plus 1d Universal (SG #386) and 1d Dominion (2, one optd 'OFFICIAL'), some hinge remnants & odd minor tone, generally fine mint, Cat £400. (17) (Image1)
Estimate AU$160
Opening AU$ 130.00
Sold...AU$ 130.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9124
Symbol: *
1915-33 KGV Heads Definitives SG #416-430c,435-440 with 1915-30 1½d to 1/- set of 15, 1915-33 New Design ½d to 3d set of 6, ½d War Stamp, Officials 1915-34 ½d to 3d, and 1915-27 3d to 1/- (ex 8d red-brown), generally fine hinged mint, Cat £320. (32) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9125
Symbol: *
1926 KGV Admirals SG #466-7 2/- and 3/- on Jones paper, 3/- single nibbed perf, fine MVLH overall (3/- possibly MUH), Cat £220 (2) (Image1)
Estimate AU$140
Opening AU$ 110.00
Sold...AU$ 110.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9126
Symbol: *
1931 Smiling Boys SG #546-7 fine MVLH (possibly MUH), Cat £160. (2) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 125
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 9134
Symbol: **
1975-81 Roses SG #1091a 7c with Triple perfs affecting first 2 columns of marginal block of 10 (5x1) CP #PA7bY Cat $650+. (Image1)