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abacus auctions Sale: 252

Australian Picture Postcards
Sale No: 252
Lot No: 383
Symbol: C

image Cards removed from an original family album with excellent content from NSW x24 including von Koenneritz with trilingual captions x4; Queensland x20 including McWhirter & Son x7 & 1910 real photo card of Sunday School on Thursday Island; South Australia x25; Tasmania x22 including Walch & Sons x5, Spurling x3 & TE Barker Furrier x4; Victoria x64 with selections from Ballarat x11, Mornington Peninsula x11 including NJ Caire real photo types x6, Healesville x8 & the South-West Coast x8, etc, 1908 Great White Fleet 1d Postal Card superb used; & Western Australia x4 including a marvellous Revivalist card with message "...Many hundreds have taken a stand for Christ and the city has been stirred to its foundations..."; also Australiana x11; many Undivided Backs & real photo types, some postmark interest, generally fine to very fine.  (170) (Image1)

Estimate AU$600

Opening AU$ 1,200.00
Sold...AU$ 1,200.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 1200

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 384
Symbol: C

image Small box of mostly 1950s Australian & British cards with some excellent real photo types including set (?) of six pre-WWI Fremantle News Agents Association including a cracker of 'Market Street, Fremantle' & 'Palm Lake, Rottnest Island', a few better Rose, Valentine & similar, also a batch of fold-out wallets & May Gibbs 'Flannel/Flower/Babies' (used under cover).  (100 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 240.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 385
Symbol: CPS

image Small box with NSW x33 including one to Hanoi & a scarce 1907 1d Postal Card with 3-Line Heading 'HAWKESBURY RIVER BRIDGE', Queensland x6 including one court-card size & 1d Postal Card 'Canefield...' underpaid to Germany & taxed, SAust x5, Tasmania x3, Victoria x11 & WAust x2, some Australiana, a dozen New Zealand, then mostly "ladies subjects", condition variable.  (140 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 240.00
Sold...AU$ 240.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 386
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image Box with wide-ranging content including 100 or so Melbourne & Sydney streetscapes & suburbans, country towns, ships & ferries, etc; a bundle of mostly amateur real photo types including towns, industries, rural scenes, military subjects and Renmark (SA) almost postcard-size photographs x13; Aborigines x19 plus moderns x6; other moderns including  groups of splendid reproductions by Queensland Main Roads Board x9 & GPO x20 with emphasis on moving the mails; and Australiana x50+ including artist cards with a lovely Mabel Lucie Attwell, advertising & animals etc; condition variable but many are fine to very fine.  (350 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 725.00
Sold...AU$ 800.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 800

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 387
Symbol: C

image Early-1950s family album of mostly Rose & similar real photo postcards x58 and 250+ smaller professional & amateur photographs with an overall very high quality of the prints, mostly Victoria, NSW & South Australia plus a few Tasmania & ACT, very fine to superb.  (300+)

Grade A/A+ (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 388
Symbol: C

image Small box strongest in Victoria with many common cards but in very fine condition & inscriptional error 'At Kilda Road', small numbers from Queensland South Australia & Tasmania with some better views, quite a number of Undivided Backs, also Australiana including by Bush Artists and two rare real photo cards of 'Australian Imperial Camel Corps...Western Frontier Egypt' with French backs & inscriptions on paper labels affixed at the base, condition variable but many are very fine, plus four fold-out correspondence cards with illustrations by Douglas Pratt (some aging).  (73) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 210.00
Sold...AU$ 210.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 389
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image NEW SOUTH WALES: Sydney Central Railway Station group of all-different 1900s-30s views of the 'new' station (completed in 1906) including real photos x8 one showing a steam locomotive & passenger carriages passing under the main signals, others of the interior, Central (Railway) Square on George Street with bustling tram terminus, etc, also a couple of the 'old' station and Pyrmont Bridge x2, a few postally used, condition a little mixed but most are fine to very fine.  (28)

Grade A/A- (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 390
Symbol: C

image NEW SOUTH WALES: Sydney Harbour Bridge display from late-1920s to 1950s, the majority being photographs showing early construction with derricks on the span, plus real photo postcards comprising late-1930 with roadway half-completed, 1931 (March) 'SS City of Dehli' passing under the completed bridge with cranes on pylons and 1950s x3 with various ships & ferries, generally fine to very fine.  (30)

Grade A/A- (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 340.00
Sold...AU$ 360.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 360

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 391
Symbol: C

image QUEENSLAND: Small box with many better cards including provincial towns & streetscapes some by local producers, bridges, railways, prominent buildings, islands etc, also a few Aboriginal subjects & many mostly professional real photo types including a marvellous multi-view with no fewer than 26 tiny vignettes!, condition variable.  (93)

Grade A/B (Image1)

Estimate AU$300

Opening AU$ 260.00
Sold...AU$ 260.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 260

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 392
Symbol: CPS
Cat No: Collection

image QUEENSLAND: 1911-12 group comprising postcard backs x17 and makeshift postcards x20 all hand-illustrated in India ink & signed in various forms "SH Sheard", most featuring young stylish women or cartoons with very brief messages signed "Saville", the majority apparently posted in transparent envelopes but many are franked ½d only & probably didn't go through the mail, varying degrees of soiling/aging mostly from the acidic paper of the album in which they were originally stored. A unique group.   (37)

Grade B (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 380.00
Sold...AU$ 380.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 393
Symbol: C

image QUEENSLAND: Townsville T Willmett & Sons (Townsville and Charters Towers) coloured photographic types featuring streetscapes, transport, the wharves, local beauty spots etc, one creased otherwise very fine to superb unused; and the original 'Souvenir of Townsville' album. Sold at our auction of 2.12.2022 for $271.  (25 + album)

Grade A/A+ (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 394
Symbol: C

image TASMANIA: Small box of mostly topographicals with many by Walch & Sons or Spurling, a few small local publishers noted, a good number of Undivided Backs & real photo types including several of Queenstown, M&L Series 'Hotel Mt Wellington...1910' that has the appearance of a Niven, marvellous interior of Grattan's Picture Arcade, advert for Leon's Crown Patent Leather Cycle Toe Clips on the address-side (a bit soiled), a few inscriptional errors, etc, condition variable.  (140 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 380.00
Sold...AU$ 650.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 650

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 395
Symbol: C

image TASMANIA: 1910 (circa) high quality real photo of Magnet township featuring the denuded hillside, miners' cottages, a brick house, a hotel (?) and in the middle ground LW Wyatt's Store & the Post Office, used under cover with message headed "Magnet" commenting on the aspect of the photo, minor imperfections. A terrific card. [At Mount Magnet, 6km W of Waratah: silver, lead & zinc mining. PO 1.5.1902; burned-down 8.8.1910]

Grade A- (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 396
Symbol: C

image WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Attractive selection including chromolitho of 'St George's Terrace/Library Institute', Messageries Maritimes 'Governement House' [sic], real photo card of children & maid outside a home at Kalamunda (surface blemishes), King's Theatre (Fremantle) advertising artist card for 'The Woman in the Case' with 'PRINTED MATTER ONLY' h/s, 'Waterhouse Timber Mills/Millers Karri and Jarrah', 'Post Office Broome' with caption also in Japanese, WA 'stamp cards' Zieher flat-plate (unused), VSM embossed with 'Burt Street, Boulder' inset view and Sanatoria Homes (superb unused), and a few others, some postal history/postmark interest, mostly very fine to superb.  (12) (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 480.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 480

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 397
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image ADVERTISING: Swallow & Ariell Cake Walk cartoon card, & a standard PPC with their advertising on the reverse; A.I. House Coal (woman in front of fire) used in 1911; Hoyt's Pictures 'Funeral of King Edward VII' printed by Fraser & Jenkinson (Melbourne); and PPC-size trade card for Longmore's Chemists (Melbourne) 'Henley[-on-Yarra] House Boats 1912'. Scarce to rare group.  (5)

Grade A/B (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 398
Symbol: C

image NAVAL: Batch of mostly real photo cards of HMAS 'Australia' x2, 'Challenger' x2 (in Brisbane or Hobart), 'Encounter' x2 (at Thursday Island or in dry dock at Sydney), 'Euryalus' x2, 'Melbourne', 'Powerful' x3 and 'HMAS Yarra in dock after collision' (with HMAS 'Huon' in the Adriatic), also 'Battle-Cruiser Renown/Australian Tour 1920' and six with unnamed ships at Sydney x5 or Brisbane, fine to very fine.  (20)

Grade A/B (Image1)

Estimate AU$300

Opening AU$ 230.00
Sold...AU$ 230.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 399
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image RAILWAYS: Marvellous batch of railway stations with Melbourne & Sydney suburbans including very fine 1911 1d Postal Card 'FLINDERS ST MELB' (expansive railyards), character-filled rural stations, passenger & goods trains, Trans-Australian Railway group including several views we have not previously seen (and we thought we knew all of them), many from local publishers, generally fine to very fine.  (79) (Image1)

Estimate AU$750

Opening AU$ 600.00
Sold...AU$ 900.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 900

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 400
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image SHIPPING: Entrancing collection with many artist/advertising cards for the various coastal & international shipping lines, some Undivided Backs & many real photo cards, a group of Sanitarium PPC-size trade cards, some faults but most are fine to very fine. Another excellent lot. Weighs 4kg.   (290 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$1,000

Opening AU$ 750.00
Sold...AU$ 750.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 499
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image ANIMALS: Donkeys of the World from Malta, Antigua, Jamaica, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Canary Islands, Argentina, etc, fine to very fine. Excellent basis for a new collection.  (53) (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 500
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image ARTIST CARDS: Marvellous collection of Glamour, Romance, Haute Couture, Pierrots, Children etc with numerous magnificent Art Nouveau, Impressionist, Modernist & other schools, techniques include chromolitho, embossed & serigraphs, generally very fine to superb. Bellisimo!   (200 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$600

Opening AU$ 460.00
Sold...AU$ 460.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 460

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 501
Symbol: C

image ARTIST CARDS: British Bruton Galleries editions of saucy cards all by Raphael Kirchner, a few minor blemishes, unused.  (7)

Grade A/B (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 502
Symbol: C

image ARTIST CARDS: German erotic cards juxtaposing naked women with various animals by Richard Muller, very fine unused. [Muller was an important inter-war artist who mixed Surrealism & Romanticism to create weird & often grotesque images, characterised by the Nazis as "degenerate art"]  (5)

Grade A (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 503
Symbol: C

image ARTIST CARDS: Bundle of Dalkeith's Classic Posters Series being modern reproductions of vintage poster art from France England America & Germany mostly with the artists identified including Mucha, Toulouse-Lautrec, Berthon, Schreiber, Cassandre, Kley, Grun etc, styles include glorious Art Nouveau Cubism & Art Deco, subjects include Advertising, Aviation, Cycling, Motoring, Cabarets etc, superb unused. Magnifique!   (77)

Grade A+ (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 504
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image AVIATION, CIVIL: Collection of aeroplane portraits mostly American but many from Europe & elsewhere, a few of pioneer contraptions through to early versions of the Boeing 747 & Concorde including flying boats, many of interiors & a few schematics, airline advertising, about 40% are US municipal airport 'linens', generally very fine to superb.   (200 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 505
Symbol: C

image CEMETERIES: Box of mostly British & European cards but with others from China, India, Egypt, Hong Kong, Malta & Panama etc, includes headstones, monuments & elaborate tombs, generally fine to very fine unused or used. A fascinating, if somewhat ghoulish, theme.  (100 approx)

Grade A/B (Image1)

Estimate AU$300

Opening AU$ 230.00
Sold...AU$ 270.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 270

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 506
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image CHILDREN: Collection of mostly artist cards predominantly from Europe & America with a surfeit of cuteness, favourite themes are universal innocence, young romance, role playing, sporting prowess plus numerous age-inappropriate themes, a fair amount of sometimes unintended humour, numerous Greetings types, etc, generally very fine to superb.  (600 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 190.00
Sold...AU$ 420.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 507
Symbol: C

image CRICKET: Australian team photos 1878 (1930s ABC 5CL issue), Bolland 1921 & 1926, and 1956 real photo PPC (signed on the reverse "Len Maddocks" and "Ron Archer", soiled & creased), then portraits of English & County players x16 from various series, Philco real photo PPC of the 1907-08 MCC Test Team, and two hilarious Kinsela artist cards, generally fine to very fine.  (23)

Grade A/B (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 508
Symbol: C

image HUMOUR: 'A Frog's Life' hilarious set (?) of artist cards by E Wessel (Brussels) featuring Frogs in love, playing sport & motoring, superb unused.  (8)

Grade A+ (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 509
Symbol: C

image HUMOUR: c.1910 German "tits & bums" artist cards walking a tightrope between the humourous & the disgraceful, unused.  (6)

Grade A/A- (Image1)

Estimate AU$120

Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 90.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 510
Symbol: C

image JUDAICA: Batch of Synagogues, 'Jewish Streets', Rabbis & other portraits, etc, from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Bulgaria, Italy & France, German cards including Deutsch-Israelitischer Gemeindebund x5, some artist cards including Old Testament subjects, generally fine to very fine. A very interesting lot.  (51) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 280.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 511
Symbol: C

image LIGHTHOUSES: Fascinating bundle x60 of cliffside, end-of-pier & out-at-sea structures from America, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland (really!) & Cuba; also Windmills x9; generally very fine to superb.   (69) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 190.00
Sold...AU$ 190.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 512
Symbol: C

image MILITARY - BOER WAR: 1900-01 Underwood stereo cards of various Boer War engagements & events including 'Cronje's men at Modder River...' (Boer POWs), 'NSW Medical Corps moving to the front...', 'NSW Lancers bringing Boer Prisoners into Pretoria', 'Australian Mounted Rifles [at] Belmont', 'South Australian Infantry lined up for inspection...', most with multi-lingual captions on the reverse, generally very fine; also Falkner & Sons (London) artist cards x4 of the Grenadier Guards including two Boer War subjects, superb unused.  (16)

Grade A-/A+ (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 513
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image MOTORING: 1930s-1960s collection with many car 'portraits' - many with blank backs (proofs?) - including advertising of new models, freeways, rural highways and suburban streets, charabancs, buses and infrastructure, working vehicles etc. About half are American & the balance are European mostly from Italy, a good percentage are real photo types, generally very fine to superb. One for the rev-heads and nostalgia junkies.  (250 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$400

Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 380.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 514
Symbol: C

image MUSIC: Range with English Brass Bands x7, Pipe Bands x4, Royal Welsh Male Choir, Corrick Family of Entertainers x3, The Musical All Blacks of Maori Land, Beagles humorous 'An Orchestra Recital' monochrome & coloured sets of 6, etc, condition variable but most are fine to very fine.  (50 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 515
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image NAVAL: Large album mostly of warships with strong Australian content including British ships on the Australian Station, WWI troopships, duplicated group of WWII Japanese midget submarine sunk off Sydney, etc, then predominantly British & a few New Zealand & other countries, nice group of portraits of sailors, many real photo types, generally fine to very fine. An excellent lot. Weighs 2½kg.  (136 plus some reproductions & a few moderns) (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 380.00
Sold...AU$ 380.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 516
Symbol: C

image NUDITY & EROTICA: Mostly 20th century artist cards of overtly sexualised subjects with harlequins, romance, voyeurism, seduction etc, the more artistic tend to be European cards but strength is in American 'naughty' types many of which have plain backs (proofs?) including a batch of mini-cards, also a few smutty Bamforths, condition a little variable but most are fine to very fine.  (175 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$500

Opening AU$ 380.00
Sold...AU$ 380.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 517
Symbol: C

image NUDITY & EROTICA: 1920s to modern mostly photographic cards with numerous highly suggestive motifs including passion, mermaids & water sports, bikini babes, Italian actresses, etc, many American plain backs of starlets in various states of undress, generally fine to very fine.  (150 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$400

Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 518
Symbol: C

image NUDITY & EROTICA: The Classic Nude featuring paintings from the Rennaisance to early-20th century by Titian, Goya, Rupert Bunny & a host of lesser names, about 60% are of statues including a booklet of Italian phallic stones (!), the majority are from France Italy or Germany, generally fine to very fine.  (120 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 190.00
Sold...AU$ 190.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 519
Symbol: C

image NUDITY & EROTICA: Mostly photographic cards from c.1920s to modern, mostly of topless women but including many leaving nothing to the imagination, about 40% are 'ethnic' cards from Africa, the Middle East & Pacific islands, generally fine to very fine.  (150 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$1,000

Opening AU$ 750.00
Sold...AU$ 750.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 520
Symbol: C

image NUDITY & EROTICA: 'Beefcake' selection of German & British cards of male wrestlers, gymnasts & naturists plus four French cards of very strange personal hygiene practices with apparatus, all but one are very fine to superb unused.   (14)

Grade A/A+ (Image1)

Estimate AU$300

Opening AU$ 230.00
Sold...AU$ 230.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 521
Symbol: C

image POLITICS: 1927 Wilhelm Muller (Vienna) real photo card 'Die Opfer der Schreckenstage' (= the Victims of the Days of Fright) with tiny portraits of 51 martyrs & their names, minor blemishes on the reverse. Chilling. [The acquittal of three nationalist activists of killing two social democrat politicians incited a popular revolt & rioting in the capital. Police fired into the crowd, killing 89 protesters]

Grade A- (Image1)

Estimate AU$150

Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 115.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 115

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 522
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image RELIGION: Collection about half of which are American churches for many denominations from tiny chapels to massive cathedrals & Spanish-era missions, many interiors with stained-glass windows, impressive pipe-organs x24 including in European cathedrals etc, various Popes x24, also Amish, Menonite, Mormon, Revivalist & Christian Science subjects, generally very fine to superb.   (350 approx) (Image1)

Estimate AU$400

Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 523
Symbol: C

image SILHOUETTES: Selection of mostly German cards many by named artists with themes including romance, greetings, children, sport etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine.  (82) (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 524
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image SPORT: Superior group with 1906-36 Olympics real photo cards x11, amateur & semi-professional athletics x19 including real photo types x13 (a few are photographs), Royal Daring Club de Bruxelles x2, Canadian 'Hurdle Race on Snowshoes' (only in Canada!), GB real photos 'The Prince [of Wales] Chats with Footballers' (who can probably be identified) & Lawn Bowls, portrait card of 'Billy Bluelight' signed on reverse "With Mr BlueLights/Compliments", several amusing artist cards, etc, generally fine to very fine.  (52) (Image1)

Estimate AU$600

Opening AU$ 460.00
Sold...AU$ 460.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 460

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 525
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection

image SPORT: Portrait cards of World & Olympic Champions, mostly Athletics with Marathoners including 1908 Pietro Dorando and 1936 Sohn Kee-chung (a Korean who reluctantly competed for Japan as Kitei Son), several from the 1924 Paris Games, 1908 swimmer TS Battersby (smudged note & autograph on the face plus personal note & signature on the reverse), half are real photo types, most are fine to very fine. A very scarce & desirable group.  (19) (Image1)

Estimate AU$600

Opening AU$ 460.00
Sold...AU$ 460.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 460

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 526
Symbol: C

image SPORT: 1926 Hungarian Kellner u Mohrluder 'SPORT/TORTENETI/KIALLITAS/...' (= Historical Sports Exhibition) artist card of a discus thrower 'signed' at upper-left 'Manno Miltiades', very fine unused. [Miltiades was a Greek-born Hungarian rower & artist who won a Silver Medal in the Art Competition at the 1932 Olympics]

Grade A (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 75.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 527
Symbol: C

image SPORT: 1920s quartet of German cards of female boxing troupes & their male managers (one of whom is absent) who, of course, are the only people named, one with corner crease, the others fine to very fine.  (4) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 190.00
Sold...AU$ 190.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 528
Symbol: C

image SPORT: Unused postcards of Art Deco posters comprising 1928 Amsterdam Olympics with Enschede Imprint, 1936 Berlin Olympics for the Austrian Olympic Fund, and 1930s Deutschen Turnerschaft (= German Gymnastics) featuring a runner, all very fine to superb unused; also a slightly larger plain back 1920s advertising card for Otto Hierneis of a young soccer-player & female referee (?) with corner crease at lower-right.  (4) (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 529
Symbol: C

image ZEPPELINS: Mostly German cards including of construction x3, 1908 crowd viewing wreckage, 1909 'Lenkbares Luftschiff...', 1911 'Parseval 6', 1914 'Reichsluftschiff Z1' Feldpost usage, etc, also USA Goodyear-Zeppelin Corps - Airship Factory', generally very fine.  (13)

Grade A/A- (Image1)

Estimate AU$240

Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

Sale No: 252
Lot No: 458
Symbol: C

image Delightful selection of early Undivided Back 'Private Mailing Cards' including Arthur Livingstone Niagara Falls x6, EH Mitchell San Francisco x5, Arthur Strauss New York x3, HA Rost New York x5 including a chromolitho, Detroit Photographic chromolithos of Oregon x5, a few others, mostly unused; and 1912 real photo card with message "This is to show you all that remains of Ray [Arizona] after the fire!"; some minor imperfections otherwise very fine.   (30) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 190.00
Sold...AU$ 190.00

Closed..Jun-27-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

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