Sale No: 5257
Lot No: 9455
Symbol: L
Cat No: alevizos auctions nine as
Alevizos Auctions,Nine Asia-Related Auction Catalogues, "Central and Eastern Asia" catalogues comprising sales 16, 22, 24, 28, 31, 33, 36, 42 and 45 (complete less #20, 30, 39); a wealth of information from one of the foremost auction houses handling Asian material; prices realized included. Shipping charges apply - weight 8.5 lbs. (Image)
Suggested Bid $24
Opening US$ 24.00
Sold...US$ 24.00
Closed..Feb-02-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 24
Sale No: 5257
Lot No: 9457
Symbol: L
Cat No: levitt joyce private die
Levitt,The Morton Dean Joyce Private Die Proprietary Collection, extremely useful auction catalog wire-bound to lay open flat, replete with a myriad of illustrations; 512 pp., spiral-bound; back cover loose. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.4 lbs. (Image)
Suggested Bid $40
Opening US$ 20.00
Sold...US$ 20.00
Closed..Feb-02-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 20
General Works on Philately
Sale No: 5257
Lot No: 9464
Symbol: L
Cat No: cockrill series #13-20 et
Cockrill Series #13-20,Ethiopia, 8 staple-bound booklets, 312 pp. in total; comprehensive coverage of the country's stamps and postal history; four volumes cover issues of 1894-1936, plus titles on postmarks and cancels to 1936, fiscals and Fournier forgeries, stationery & airmail flights to 1934, and Italian Occupation & WWII period (1936-43); generally clean, all sound; a tough-to-find resource. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.3 lbs. (Image)
Suggested Bid $13
Opening US$ 13.00
Sold...US$ 13.00
Closed..Feb-02-2025, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 13
Sale No: 5257
Lot No: 9478
Symbol: L
Cat No: singer tibet 1809-1975
Singer, Armand E.,Tibet 1809-1975, 193 pp., stab-bound; highly researched and well-imaged (black-and-white and color) exhibit-based study of Tibet's stamps and postal history. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.6 lbs. (Image)