Great Britain and British Commonwealth 1855 Large Star Printed in London
Sale No: 251
Lot No: 887
Symbol: #
Cat No: 1
ONE PENNY: 1d dull carmine SG 1 (CP A1a; Scott 1), excellent colour, good even margins, ironed-out horizontal crease & a tiny nick in the margin at upper-left, unused, Cat £80,000 (NZ$150,000; US$75,000). BPA (1994) and Chris Ceremuga (2018) Certificates. One of the most attractive unused examples of this iconic "Number One". David Patterson's very fine example, of very similar appearance, sold for US$37,375.
ONE PENNY: 1d dull carmine SG 1 (CP A1a; Scott 1) margins just touching - at left of the base - to good, light numeral cancel, Cat £20,000 (NZ$40,000; US$21,500). An attractive example of this iconic 'Number One'. RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
TWO PENCE: 2d dull blue SG 2 (CP A2a; Scott 2), strong colour, margins close to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit at right, unused, Cat £35,000 (NZ$75,000; US$40,000). RPSofNZ Certificate (1987). David Patterson's very fine slightly larger example sold for US$13,800. The certificate states "creased lengthwise", but we can see no evidence of the stamp having been creased.
TWO PENCE: 2d dull blue/blued paper SG 2 (CP A2a; Scott 2), margins close to large, two shallow thins that don't affect the very fine facial appearance, light numeral cancel, Cat £700 (NZ$1500; US$750). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
ONE SHILLING: 1/- yellow-green SG 3 (CP A6a; Scott 3), strong colour, margins just touching - at upper-right - to large, unused, Cat £60,000 (NZ$125,000; US$52,500). A very attractive example of this rare stamp. Ex 'Lionheart' New Zealand Part I: sold for £10,200. David Patterson's very fine example sold for US$37,375. [Gibbons record the colour as "pale yellow-green". There is nothing "pale" about this stamp]
ONE SHILLING: 1/- yellow-green/blued paper SG 3 (CP A6a; Scott 3), an unusually large stamp with margins just clear - at upper-left - to huge, indistinct numeral cancel, Cat £6000 (NZ$15,000; US$6000). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
ONE PENNY: 1d orange SG 3b (CP A1b; Scott unlisted), good even margins, ironed-out horizontal crease at the base, faint stain at the top caused by hinge remainders, large-part original gum, Cat £32,000 (NZ$200,000). An extremely rare stamp. Ex Joseph Hackmey (Part I), sold for US$13,800 and 'Lionheart' New Zealand, sold for £12,000. BPA (1990) and RPSofNZ (2023) Certificates. [Joseph Hackmey also had a slightly larger example, that sold for US$15,600]
This stamp is an enigma. It is widely believed to be from a single sheet, possibly in the nature of a trial or error, printed by J Richardson at Auckland. However, the Royal of New Zealand certificate states "...the printer, and status as an issued stamp or trial printing, remain unresolved". Robert Odenweller at page 336 states "As many as six copies [sic]...may exist, with three examples [formerly owned by H Gordon Kaye] in the Hackmey Collection [his third example, with faults, was unsold], and one in the Royal Collection".
ONE PENNY: 1d dull vermilion SG 4 (CP A1c; Scott 4), margins just touched - at left - to close, thin at lower-left, faintest traces of a cancellation (acquired as unused), Cat £2500 (NZ$4000; US$2150). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
ONE PENNY: 1d dull vermilion SG 4 (CP A1c; Scott 4), margins just shaved - at top - to large with a fragment of the adjoining unit at lower-right, neat Numeral '10' cancel, Cat £2500 (NZ$4000; US$2150). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
TWO PENCE: 2d blue SG 5 (A2b; Scott 5), margins just clear - at centre-top - to large, ironed-out vertical crease at right & minor blemishes, unused, Cat £4000 (NZ$8000; US$3250). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
ONE SHILLING: 1/- yellow-green SG 6 (CP A6b; Scott 6), margins just clear - at the top - to large, minor blemishes, unused, Cat £60,000 (NZ$100,000; US$45,000). An attractive example of this rarity. Ex Joseph Hackmey (Part II) - sold for US$8050 - and 'Lionheart' New Zealand (Part I) - sold for £12,000. RPSofL Certificate (2000).
ONE SHILLING: 1/- yellow-green SG 6 (CP A6b; Scott 6), margins just shaved - at the base - to good, numeral '10' cancel of Wellington, Cat £4000 (NZ$7500; US$4750). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
Unused selection comprising No Wmk 2d SG 11 (RPSofNZ Certificate), Davies Imperf 1d 2d x2 & 1/- SG 35 36 37 & 44 (RPSofNZ), 1864-71 Star Perf 12½ 1d x2, 2d x2, 3d deep mauve, 6d & 1/- SG 110 111 113 114 122 & 125 (RPSofNZ), New Colours Perf 10 1d SG 126, Perf 12½ 1d 132 (large-part original gum) 6d SG 136, No Wmk 2d SG 138 x2 (RPSofNZ for one), various mostly minor problems & most are of fine to very fine facial appearance, Cat £15,000; also imperf reprints of 1d vermilion, 2d blue & 6d brown (RPSofNZ for both), and imperf plate proofs 2d two blocks of 8 & 6d single.
(29) (Image1)
Estimate AU$2,500
Opening AU$ 2,000.00
Sold...AU$ 2,300.00
Closed..May-16-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 2300
Sale No: 251
Lot No: 885
Symbol: O
Cat No: 5
Used selection including Blue Paper 2d SG 5 (RPSofL Certificate); 1857-63 No Wmk Imperf 2d x3 & 6d x4 SG 9 x2 10 12 13 14 & 15 and Rouletted 7 6d pale brown SG 29 (RPSofL); 1862-64 Star Imperf 2d SG 38 (RPSofNZ) and Rouletted 7 2d SG 51 (RPSofNZ) & 6d SG 53 (RPSofNZ); 1862 Perf 13 2d SG 72 x2 (RPSofNZ for one) 72a (RPSofNZ) & 73, 6d SG 75 & 77 x2 and 1/- SG 78 & 80; Pelure Paper Imperf 2d 6d & 1/- SG 83 (RPSofNZ) 85 & 86 (RPSofNZ) and Perf 13 1/- SG 94 (RPSofNZ); 'NZ' Wmk Imperf 1d 2d & 1/- SG 97 98 & 100, Perf 13 2d & 1/- SG 105 (RPSofNZ) & 106 x2 (RPSofNZ for both) and Perf 12½ 2d & 6d SG 107 & 108; and New Colours Perf 10 1d SG 126 single & pair, Perf 10x12½ 1d SG 128 & 128a and 2d SG 130 single & pair and Perf 12½ 1d x4 including a pair, 2d x4 & 6d; condition variable with all the higher catalogued stamps having problems, generally of fine to very fine facial appearance, Cat £19,000.
(53) (Image1)
Estimate AU$2,500
Opening AU$ 1,900.00
Sold...AU$ 2,300.00
Closed..May-16-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 2300
Sale No: 251
Lot No: 886
Symbol: R
REPRINTED DIE PROOFS IN UNISSUED COLOURS: 1d in blue, 2d in carmine, 3d in bright-green, 4d in slate-blue, 6d in brown-purple & 1/- in vermilion, each with 'Perkins Bacon Ltd' imprint below the impressions, on high-quality vertically laid paper (174x244mm). Superb. These reprinted proofs were produced specifically for inclusion in 'The Postage Stamps of New Zealand: Volume II' (1950).
IMPERFORATE: 1d dull orange SG 8 (CP A1d; Scott 7) marginal example from the top of the sheet with margins good to huge, full colour, unused, Cat £4250 (NZ$8500; US$3500). A superb & lovely example. RPSofNZ Certificate (2022). The non-marginal unused 'Lionheart' example sold for £1140.
Sale No: 251
Lot No: 901
Symbol: V/F
Cat No: 8a (CP
IMPERFORATE: 2d deep ultramarine SG 8a (CP A2c1; Scott 8var) marginal horizontal strip of 3 from the right of the sheet, margins just clear - at lower-left - to large with fragments of four adjoining units, light numeral cancels clear of the portrait on the first & third units, Cat £3600+ (NZ$7500+), for singles. A beautiful & rare multiple. Ex Joseph Hackmey (Part II) - sold for US$4500 - & 'Lionheart' New Zealand - sold for £4500. Robert Odenweller (2006) and RPSofL (2007) Certificates.
IMPERFORATE: 2d light blue SG 9 (CP A2c2; Scott 8) horizontal strip of 3, margins close to large with fragments of two adjoining units at the base, two light strikes of numeral '18' of Otago largely clear of the portrait on all three units, Cat £540+ (NZ$1125+; US$600+), for singles. Another beautiful multiple. Ex Joseph Hackmey (Part II) - sold for US$1020 - & 'Lionheart' New Zealand - sold for £2040. BPA Certificate (2011).
IMPERFORATE: 2d dull deep blue SG 11 (CP A2c42; Scott 8var) Dry Print, marginal example from the left of the sheet, margins good to huge, neat numeral '11', Cat £325 (NZ$700). Superb. Ex Paul Kruger and 'Lionheart' New Zealand: sold for £420. Robert Odenweller Certificate (2011).
IMPERFORATE: 6d pale yellow-brown SG 14 (CP A5a5; Scott 9var), margins just shaved - at the top - to good, ironed-out vertical crease & a small thin still of attractive appearance, unused, Cat £3500 (NZ$7000). RPSofNZ Certificate (2011).
IMPERFORATE: 6d chestnut SG 15 (CP A5a7; Scott 9f), close even margins, light numeral cancel, Cat £750 (NZ$3000; US$650). A very scarce shade: most examples that are offered are wrongly identified. RPSofNZ Certificate (2022). The 'Lionheart' New Zealand similar example sold for £420.
IMPERFORATE: 1/- yellow-green SG 16 (CP A6c1; Scott 10e), margins just clear to good, thinned at lower-left which is evident from the face, very fine numeral '10' cancels, Cat £1800 (NZ$4000; US$2000). RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
Grade C
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00
Closed..May-16-2023, 20:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 251
Lot No: 909
Symbol: #
Cat No: 17 (CP
IMPERFORATE: 1/- pale dull blue-green SG 17 (CP A6c2; Scott 10), margins close to good, minor imperfections that don't affect the very fine facial appearance, unused, Cat £20,000 (NZ$40,000; US$18,500). BPA Certificate (2007). About the equal of Joseph Hackmey's second example - larger margins but creased - that sold for US$9600: his superior example sold for US$21,600.
PIN ROULETTE ABOUT 10 AT NELSON: 1/- dull emerald-green SG 20a (CP A6c1W; Scott 10a), rouletting at left & at base and cut from the sheet to preserve the design at top & right, very fine numeral '15' cancel of Nelson, Cat £8000 (NZ$18,000; US$8250). A very fine example of this rare stamp. RPSofNZ Certificate (2022). [Also with RPSofL Certificate (1945) as 1/- blue-green SG 21 (Cat £9000)]
SERRATED PERF 16-18 AT NELSON: 2d pale blue SG 23 (CP A2c5V; Scott 8b), serrations on three sides and cut from the sheet to preserve the design at the base, small closed tear at the base & thin spot at the top, untidy numeral cancel, Cat £4500 (NZ$9500; US$4100). Despite the faults, an attractive example of this rare stamp. RPSofL Certificate (1939).
SERRATED PERF 16-18 AT NELSON: 6d light brown SG 24 (CP A5a4V; Scott 9b), Serrated 18 except at lower-right, tiny thin spot & light ironed-out horizontal crease near the base, light numeral cancel largely clear of the Queen's portrait & small-part London cds in red at lower-left, Cat £4500 (NZ$9500; US$3800). Another rare stamp. RPSofNZ Certificate (2022).
SERRATED PERF 16-18 AT NELSON: 6d light brown SG 24 (CP A5a4V; Scott 9b), Serrated 18 on all sides, minor separation fault at lower-right & two minor thins at the base, light numeral '15' cancel of Nelson largely clear of the Queen's portrait & small red-ink mark at upper-left, Cat £4500 (NZ$9500; US$3800). A larger example than the previous lot. RPSofNZ Certificate (2023).
SERRATED PERF 16-18 AT NELSON: 1/- greenish blue SG 26 (CP A6c2V; Scott 10b), Serrated 18 on all sides & clear of the design except at left, numeral '15' cancel of Nelson largely clear of the Queen's portrait, Cat £8000 (NZ$16,500; US$7000). Ex John White (Sydney). RPSofL (1958) & RPSofNZ (2023) Certificates.
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 1d orange SG 27 (CP A1dY; Scott 7c), rouletting remarkably clear of the design on all sides, thinned, numeral '9' (?) cancel, Cat £6000 (NZ$13,000; US$5500). BPA Certificate (1947) states "badly thinned" which is a bit harsh.
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 2d light blue SG 28 (CP A2c5X; Scott 8c), rouletting remarkably clear of the design on all sides, shallow thinning & a little soiled, light numeral cancel largely clear of the Queen's portrait, Cat £4000 (NZ$9500; US$3500). Ex Major KM Beaumont. RPSofL Certificate (1944).
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 6d light brown SG 29 (CP A5a10V; Scott 9c), rouletting on all sides, minor damage & thinning at the base still an attractive stamp, light numeral cancel, Cat £3250 (NZ$9500; US$3000). RPSofNZ Certificate (2014).
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 1/- dull emerald-green SG 30 (CP A6c1Z; Scott 10d), rouletting on all sides, concealed tear at right doesn't detract from the very fine facial appearance, light numeral cancel clear of the Queen's portrait, Cat £5500 (NZ$12,500; US$5250). Ex D Bernhard. RPSofL Certificate (1933; duplicate issued in 1944).
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 1/- greenish blue SG 31 (CP A6c2Y; Scott 10c), rouletting clear of the design on three sides & cut from the sheet to preserve the design at the base, two thins that don't detract from the very fine facial appearance, light numeral cancel '1' of Auckland, Cat £6000 (NZ$12,500; US$5250). Ex Joseph Hackmey - sold for US$1920 - and 'Lionheart' New Zealand - sold for £3240. BPA Certificate (1964), when hinged to a small piece, now lost.
IMPERFORATE: 1d orange SG 81 (CP A1g; Scott 21), margins close to good, small expert repair at lower-right, Cat £12,000 (NZ$25,000; US$12,000). An attractive example of this very rare stamp. RPSofNZ Certificate (2000). Joseph Hackmey's superb example sold for US$16,800.
IMPERFORATE: 1d orange-vermilion SG 81 (CP A1g; Scott 21) with a Pre-Printing Paper Fold at the top, margins just clear - at lower-right - to good, tiny ink spot on 'Y' of 'PENNY', light numeral cancel, Cat £2750 (NZ$6000; US$2750). RPSofNZ Certificate (2023) refers to the paper-fold as a "horizontal printing pleat". A rare stamp, that was absent from Joseph Hackmey's collection. The 'Lionheart' New Zealand example sold for £960. [The illustration is above Lot 961]
IMPERFORATE: 2d dull violet-blue SG 82 (CP A2f; Scott 22), good colour, margins close to good, unused, Cat £10,000 (NZ$20,000; US$5500). Peter Holcombe's Certificate (1992) states "A fine margined copy [sic] of a rare stamp".
IMPERFORATE: 2d dull violet-blue SG 82 (CP A2f; Scott 22), margins good to large, complete 'DUNEDIN'-in-Bars cancel, Cat £1200 (NZ$2500; US$1100). RPSofNZ Certificate (2023). The 'Lionheart' New Zealand example sold for £960.
IMPERFORATE: 2d pale dull violet-blue SG 83 (CP A2f2; Scott 22c), significant plate-wear, margins close to large, shallow thin at upper-right, unused, Cat £9000 (NZ$18,000; US$6000). Peter Holcombe's Certificate (1992) states "A fine copy [sic] of this rare & delicate stamp". [The so-called "ultramarine" shades SG 82 & 83 are nothing of the sort]
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 1d orange-vermilion SG 87 (CP A1gY; Scott 21b), rouletting except at right where cut from the sheet clear of the design, two small concealed defects, light but untidy cancel, Cat £8000 (NZ$16,500; US$6500). An attractive example of this very rare stamp. Ex Ernest Collins and Joseph Hackmey: sold for US$3900. RPSofL Certificate (1922; unqualified) and RPSofNZ Certificate (2023).
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 6d black-brown SG 88 (CP A5dW; Scott 24b), rouletting on all sides, light cancel, Cat £750 (NZ$1500; US$550). RPSofNZ Certificate (2023) states "the roulettes on the right margin have been faked", which we find strange because that side has a margin & why would you bother faking roulettes to narrow the margin or if the margin was imperforate??
ROULETTED 7 AT AUCKLAND: 1/- deep green SG 89 (CP A6fZ; Scott 25bc), rouletting except at the top where cut from the sheet well clear of the design, a couple of minor separation faults at the base, light cancel largely clear of the Queen's portrait, Cat £2000 (NZ$5000; US$2000). RPSofNZ Certificate (2023) states "slight thinning on the right edge", which we cannot see. [Joseph Hackmey's very fine example sold for US$1920]
PERF 13 AT DUNEDIN: 1d orange-vermilion SG 90 (CP A1gW; Scott 21a), an unusually tall stamp with characteristic erratic perfs resulting in fragments of three other units being present, unused, Cat £18,000 (NZ$37,500; US$16,000). Superb. Chris Ceremuga Certificate (2016). Joseph Hackmey's example - described as "exceptionally rare" - sold for US$7500.
PERF 13 AT DUNEDIN: 1d orange-vermilion SG 90 (CP A1gW; Scott 21a), light but indistinct numeral cancel, Cat £4500 (NZ$10,000; US$3750). Ex Major KM Beaumont. RPSofL Certificate (1958). [Joseph Hackmey's better centred example sold for US2280]
PERF 13 AT DUNEDIN: 2d dull violet-blue SG 91, perfs at top and right "manipulated/improved", 'DUNEDIN'-in-Bars cancel well clear of the Queen's portrait, Cat £1200. RPSofNZ Certificate (2023).
PERF 13 AT DUNEDIN: 2d pale dull violet-blue SG 92 (CP A2fY; Scott 22a), well centred, characteristic faint discolouration, unused, Cat £10,000 (NZ$20,000; US$8250). Peter Holcombe Certificate (1993). Of superior appearance to Joseph Hackmey's example, that sold for US$5400.