Great Britain and British Commonwealth 1898 Pictorials
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 468
Symbol: M*
1898 London prints mint/MUH seln of 28 stamps on 3 pages, all values to 2/- (except 8d). Noted: 4d Waterlow sample stamp in green, 5d (x 2 - 1 sepia, 2nd with unusual p12 x 14 & R1/1 re-entry), 9d R1/2 major re-entry. SG cat £900+. Mint/MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 300.00
Sold...NZ$ 300.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 469
Symbol: P
Cat No: Collection
c1898 Group of 13 proof type items nearly all in non issued colours, unwmk paper, effectively set (no 2½d Waki). (Image)
1907 1/- Kaka (reduced) block of 4 with lower selvedge. Jury cat $4400. MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 700
1935 Pictorials
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 542
Symbol: P
1935 2/- Cook deep olive-green, imperf die proof on unwmkd wove paper. Margins approx 10-14mm. Fine & rare item. CP KDP13(1). Cat $10,000. Ex K Moir. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 3,500.00
Sold...NZ$ 4,000.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 4000
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 543
Symbol: U
Cat No: Collection
1935 2/- Cook definitive extraordinarily detailed exhibition study of this one stamp, incl approx 550 used examples (265 plate flaws, plus 283 in 3 sheet reconstructions). On pages, arranged by sheet position of known plate flaws (with progressive states & retouches) & further subdivided into the various plate, wmk, perforation & paper variants. For each flaw, a range of diff versions is shown, eg: R1/4 "COQK" flaw x 8 diff, R1/6 "hat" flaw x 5, R6/1 "V" flaw x 4, R8/2 "coconuts" x 6, R9/2 "dot over bow" x 5, & R10/10 plate crack x 6. These 6 flaws alone cat approx $3000 by CP, but in addition there are 200+ plate flaws in this display, all carefully identified. The collection superbly illustrates (with fine hand-drawn illustrations) all the plate flaws listed by CP (& many others unlisted). The last 12 pages contain substantially complete sheet reconstructions of (multiple wmk) CP L13d 1939 p13½ x 14 (99 ex 120), L13e 1941 p12½ fine paper (84 ex 120), & L13g 1942 p14 x 13½ coarse paper (100 ex 120). With 1955 Centennial Stamp Exbn "highly commended" certificate. Collection apparently unmodified for almost 70 years! Ex K Moir. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 1,600.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,750.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 1750
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 546
Symbol: M*
1935-42 2/- Cook plate I study covering all 120 plate positions, mix of different printings, mostly used. On annotated pages, each showing the rigging configuration. About 750 stamps incl 6 x R1/4 ("COQK" flaw) incl 1 MUH. Excellent study. Also "The 2s Pictorial of 1935-1942, Plate I" by RJG Collins. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 1,050.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,050.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 1050
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 554
Symbol: U
Cat No: Collection
1936-42 2/- Cook, multiple wmk, complete sheet reconstructions of the following plate 1 variants: 1936 p13-14 x 13½ (CP L13c), 1939 p13½ x 14 (L13d), 1942 p12½ coarse paper (L13f) (original state of plate), 1942 (Sept) p12½ (final state, with extensive re-entries or retouches). Used (almost all sound). Total 480 stamps, on old linen-hinged album pages. Each variant laid out in 3 groups of 40 (each page 10 rows of 4, R1/1 to 10/4, 1/5 to 10/8, 1/9 to 10/12). Each group incl all the plate flaws etc. Listed by CP. Incl these, CP cat approx $4000. This reconstruction is believed to have been made by RJG Collins himself (who wrote the definitive monograph on the 2/- Plate 1). A copy of the monograph is included. Ex K Moir. (Image)
1941 4d Mitre Peak black & sepia-black plate blocks of 4, multiple wmk, p14 line. War-time emergency printing. Plate "2B" & plate "3" (only upper half of number "3" present, as balance guillotined off). CP L7c. Cat $5000. Each with upper 2 stamps mint, lower 2 MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 1,250.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,250.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 1250
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 560
Symbol: *
1941 9d red & black block of 4, p14 x 15, single wmk. CP L11d. Cat $1000. MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 250.00
Sold...NZ$ 230.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 564
Symbol: M*
1942 5d Swordfish deep cobalt blue shade lower right sheet corner selvedge block of 4, variety double print (1 albino), multiple wmk, coarse paper, p13¾ x 13½. Stamps o/c to lower right. Upper 2 stamps LH mint, lower 2 MUH. Rare (only 2 sheets recorded). CP L8f5x. Cat $7600. Ex K Moir/RJG Collins. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 2,100.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,100.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 2100
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 565
Symbol: *
1942 5d Swordfish cobalt shade (double print, 1 albino), p13¾ x 13½, coarse paper. Rather o/c as usual. CP L8fx. Cat $2500. MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 566
Symbol: *
1942 5d, 2/-, 3/- lower R/H corner vert blocks of 20 (4 x 5) plus 5d & 2/- lower selvedge blocks of 4 & 3/- plate block (No 1) of 4. Coarse paper, p13¾ x 13½. CP L8f, L13g, L14f. Cat $2368. MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 250.00
Sold...NZ$ 250.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 568
Symbol: *
1942 3/- Mt Egmont complete sheet of 60 (1 fold), coarse paper, p14¼ x 14½. Also 1942 2½d Lilies complete sheet of 60 incl flaws (some perf seps), p14¼ x 14½. CP L14g, L5g. Cat $2300+. MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 425.00
Sold...NZ$ 425.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 425
1d Dominions
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 494
Symbol: /
1909-26 specialised colln on 3 pages incl all papers. Incl inverted wmks, flaws, shades. Noted: 1925 DLR sideways wmk vert block of 12 (3 x 4) MUH & sideways invtd wmk blk of 4 MUH; 1925 unsurfaced paper FU. 70+ stamps. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 525.00
Sold...NZ$ 525.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 525
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 495
Symbol: /
1909-25 massive accum/colln, much of the value in album & s/b pages. Noted 1d Auckland Exbn x 26 & 1d Victoria Land x 2, also many MUH blocks of various printings, plus many bags/boxes/bundles incl identified flaws, plate positions, plates etc etc. 10,000s stamps. Huge cv. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 1,800.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,200.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 2200
1d Universals
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 485
Symbol: /
1901-08 colln of 1350+ (incl officials) mint & used (incl 20 blocks) on 23 s/b pages. Most categorised by CP category/perfs. Noted London plate 1st day cancels x 4; 1902 Cowan wmk NZ & star p11 x 14 mint & p14 x 11 GU/FU; 1904 Dot plate p11 x 14 GU/FU; & 1906 Royle plate p11 x 14 mint. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 350.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 350
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 486
Symbol: *
1901 1d Universal complete sheet, p14, London print, with all 14 listed re-entries, folded, fragile, with odd tone. Believed to be unique. CP cat $6000+. MUH. (Image)
1931-56 seln of 19 postally used on Hagner page. Noted: 12/6d x 2 (one on piece with £3), 30/- on piece, £2, £4, £5 on piece, 11/- & 22/- ovpts, all FU. Jury cat $3000+. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 525.00
Sold...NZ$ 525.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 525
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 719
Symbol: M
1931-56 1/3d to £3 simplified (no 35/- or £2). Jury cat $3850+. Mint. (Image)
1940 22/- on 22/- scarlet, WT single wmk, with right selvedge incl red bar. CP Z56a. Cat $1275. MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 300.00
Sold...NZ$ 300.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 762
Symbol: U
New South Wales 1890 20/- Centenary cobalt blue (Governor's Phillip & Carrington), "20/ - / NSW" wmk, p10, with "O S" Official ovpt. Well centered. SG O50. Cat £1100. CTO VFU. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 763
Symbol: U
New South Wales 1893 4d Postage Due pale dull green, p10 x 12, wmk crown over NSW, rare perf var. "NSW" 3 oval cancel. BW states only 4 known used (none mint) all with this cancel (3 of which are in the HL White colln). This is likely to be a 5th known and therefore only the 2nd one in private ownership. A couple shortish perfs at top. BW ND27, cat A$2500. SG D5c. Cat £1000. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 900.00
Sold...NZ$ 875.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 875
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 764
Symbol: U
Queensland 1900 1d (6d), 2d (1/-) Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund set of 2. SG 263-4. Cat £465. CTO (still with gum). FU. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 300.00
Sold...NZ$ 300.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 765
Symbol: S
South Australia 1886-96 QVLTs with "POSTAGE & REVENUE" at top, near complete set of 13 diff values 2/6d - £20 (missing only 5/-), with crown over SA wmk. All with central "SPECIMEN" ovpt (of type used for sets for sale to collectors). All p11½ with gum except £15 p10 (without gum). See note after SG 195-208. (Image)
Victoria 1888-90 "Stamp Duty" bicoloured postal fiscals: £5 pale blue & maroon, £6 yellow & pale blue, £7 rosine & black, £8 mauve & brown-orange, £9 apple-green & rosine. V over crown, wmk, p12½. CTO Melbourne cds c1897-1901. SG 324-8. Cat £1425. VFU. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 900.00
Sold...NZ$ 875.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 875
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 770
Symbol: M
1932 Bridge set of 4 incl both 2d. SG cat £425. Mint. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 250.00
Sold...NZ$ 250.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 250
British Commonwealth
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 820
Symbol: M
Bahrain 1938-41 GVI set of 16 to 25r. SG 20-37. Cat £1000. Mint. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 400.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 400
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 821
Symbol: M*
Bermuda 1902-53 sets: 1902 ½d-3d Dry Dock set; 1920 ¼d - 1/- Tercentenary, both 1st & 2nd issue; 1936 GV to 1/6d MUH; 1938 12/6d, £1 GVI, p13; 1953 QEII to £1 mint incl shades, cat £555. Mint/MUH. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 140.00
Sold...NZ$ 160.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 822
Symbol: U
British PO in Siam (Bangkok) 1883-4 2c, 4c, 6c, 8c, 10c, 12c Straits Settlements stamps with "B" ovpts. SG 15, 17, 19-22. Cat £685. FU. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 300.00
Sold...NZ$ 325.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 325
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 824
Symbol: M
Cape of Good Hope 1853-63 range of 8 unused: SG 5a, 18 x 3, 18a, 19, 21 x 2. 1 x 4d, 2 x 1/- 3 margins. Condition varies but attractive lot. SG cat £4250. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 1,050.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,300.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 825
Symbol: M*
Gibraltar 1903 EVII set of 10 to £1, wmk crown CA (2/- toned perf, £1 with top selvedge). SG 46-55. Cat £1200. Mint/MUH. (Image)
Malaya-Kelantan 1937-40 Sultan Ismail set of 15 to $5. Also incl 1928 $1 blue, p12. SG 39-54. Cat £2028. Mint. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 650.00
Sold...NZ$ 650.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 650
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 831
Symbol: R
Malaya-Penang Japanese Occupation 1942 Indenture document with $5 x 2 GVI Straits Settlements ovptd DAI NIPPON / 2602 / PENANG with 16 SEP 2602 oval cancel. SG J89, cat £1900 as postally used. In May 1942 these stamps issued in April 1942 were replaced by ovptd stamps for use throughout Malaya. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 375.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 375
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 834
Symbol: R
Malaya-Straits Settlements 1930 Indenture document for $21,420 with $25 & $100 GV revenues, also $2 x 2, with orange embossed 24 1 30 cancels. Also, 1931 Indenture document for $60,000 with $100 GV revenue & $5 x 4, with orange embossed 28 3 31 cancels. Barefoot 54, 55 (£70), SG 240 cat £17, and Barefoot 55 (£50), SG 240a cat £180 respectively, as postally used. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 350.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 350
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 835
Symbol: R
Malaya-Straits Settlements 1938 Indenture document for $9,000 with $25 x 2 GVI revenues & $2 x 2 with orange embossed 22 9 38 cancels. Also, 1938 Indenture document for $15,000 with $25, $100 GVI revenues & $2, $5 with orange embossed 2 11 38 cancels & 1941 Indenture document for $13,000 with $100 GVI revenue & $2 x 2, with orange embossed 13 3 41 cancels. Barefoot 58 (£100), SG 291 cat £34; Barefoot 58 (£50), 59 (£175), SG 291, 292, cat £29; & Barefoot 59 (£175), SG 291 cat £24, respectively as postally used. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 700
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 836
Symbol: S
Nyasaland 1896 £25 Arms, SPECIMEN ovpt, 2 small thins on reverse. SG 42s. Cat £500. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 250.00
Sold...NZ$ 230.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 838
Symbol: M
Rhodesia 1910-13 Double Heads clandestine roulettes: 3d, 10d & £1 – latter with part Waterlow & Sons imprint in lower selvedge. Also, 5d horizontal pair with left selvedge, which appears to have double roulettes at base, mint. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 900.00
Sold...NZ$ 875.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 875
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 839
Symbol: S
Rhodesia-British South Africa Company 1891 £1, £5 & £10 Arms each with SPECIMEN puncture. SG 90s, 92s & 93s. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 175.00
Sold...NZ$ 180.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 842
Symbol: M*
Southern Rhodesia 1924 GV set mint, SG 1-14, cat £225. Also Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954 set to £1, MUH. SG 1-15, cat £120. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 175.00
Sold...NZ$ 180.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 843
Symbol: S
Tanganyika 1927 GV defins set of 16, SPECIMEN ovpt. SG 93s-107s. Cat £450. (Image)
Opening NZ$ 175.00
Sold...NZ$ 230.00
Closed..Sep-20-2024, 16:30:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 45
Lot No: 590
Symbol: *
1968 28c Fox Glacier missing yellow colour in horiz pair, with normal. CP OD27ay, cat $4000. SG 878a. Cat £3000. MUH. (Image)