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Mowbray Collectables Sale: 40

Great Britain and British Commonwealth
1898 Pictorials
Sale No: 40
Lot No: 314
Symbol: /

image 1898-1908 specialised colln/accum on Hagners. Good range all values & printings, also incl redrawn issues, ½d Mt Cook & Universals. Noted 2/- x 17 & 5/- x 11 (incl 3 mint, 1 mint damaged & 6 used all appear postal & fiscal). Total about 500 stamps. Some mixed cond. Mint & used. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,400.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,000.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 2000

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 315
Symbol: M*

image 1898-1907 mint/MUH seln on Hagners - most as blocks of 4 or larger - incl ½d sepia: block of 16, blk of 10, blk of 6; 2d lake blk of 4, 2½d Waki blk of 10, strip of 8 & strip of 4; 3d x 3 blk of 4s & single; 4d Terraces; 6d green blk of 4; ½d green blk of 6 & 4; 1½d x 2 blk of 4s & blk of 10; 2d purple blk of 4; 4d Taupo blk of 20 & 2 blk of 4s; 6d red (original) x 2; 3d reduced blk of 4; 6d reduced 2 x blk of 4s; 1/- reduced blk of 4. 1900 ½d & 2d imperf blk of 4s plate proofs. Officials: 2d, 6d strip of 3 & single; 1/- blk of 4 & strip of 3; 5/-. Cat simpl well over $25,000. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 3,500.00
Sold...NZ$ 5,200.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 5200

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 316
Symbol: /
Cat No: Collection

image 1898-1908 specialised colln of mixed m&u on annotated album pages (CP No's). Extensive representation of most vals (only 2 x 5/- mint). Much value in variants which alone cat at c$20,000 which incl: 1d Terraces double perf (4) & R4/15 major re-entry; 1d Taupo 25+ re-entries; 2 x centre offsets (m); 2d brown-lake horiz pair imperf vert (MNG); 6d Kiwi red, mixed perfs & double perfs; 8d strip of 3 imperf at top plus a "cancelled" perfin (M/MUH); 9d Terraces R1/2 & 2 x double perfs (m); 1½d Boer War R2/12 x 2 (m, u) etc; plate proofs in blks of 4 (½d, 1d, 2d, 4d, 8d, 1/- plus 4d Taupo in black & bicolour singles (m). CP cat c$25,000. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 4,200.00
Sold...NZ$ 5,000.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 5000

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 317

image c1898 ½d brown Mt Cook Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. CP ETS1(1). Cat from $900. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 575.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 575

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 318

image c1898 2d indigo Pembroke Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. CP ETS5(1). Cat $1350. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 575.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 575

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 319

image c1898 3d brown-purple Huia Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. CP ETS9(1). Cat from $1800. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 600.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 600

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 320
Symbol: /

image 1898-1908 3d Huias colln, incl mint London x 15; 1st local x 8; Cowan p11 x 2; Cowan p14 x 13; official x 3. Reduced p14 - 1 mint, 4 used; p14 x 13 - 10 mint (3 are MUH) 4 used; p14 x 15 - 16 mostly MUH, 10 used; 1 cover. Imperf 1898 plate block of 4 in issued colour, no wmk, ungummed; 2 x imperf at top used; 1 double perf used. Officials used block of 10 (5 x 2). Also island ovpts incl Aitutaki 1 mint, 1 used; Penrhyn 8 mint/MUH & used block of 4. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,015.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,100.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 1100

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 321

image c1898 4d green Terraces Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. Very minor evidence of toning. CP ETS11(1). Cat from $1350. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 575.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 575

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 322

image c1898 8d purple-brown Canoe Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. Very minor evidence of toning. CP ETS16(1). Cat from $1350. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 525.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 525

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 323

image c1898 9d purple-brown Terrace Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. EP ETS17(1). Cat from $1800. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 825.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 825

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 324
Symbol: M

image 1898 2/- Milford London print block of 4. Ex Baillie. CP E20a. Cat $600. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 420.00
Sold...NZ$ 440.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 440

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 325
Symbol: *

image 1898 2/- Milford, London print. CP E20a. Cat $2000. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 595.00
Sold...NZ$ 750.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 750

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 326

image c1898 5/- black Mt Cook Waterlow sample sheet of 9, perf, ovpt & small punch hole each stamp. CP ETS21(1). Cat from $2250. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,150.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 1150

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 328
Symbol: M

image 1898 Simplified set of 14, mixed condition to 5d, 6d to 5/- fine. Jury cat $2000. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 280.00
Sold...NZ$ 420.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 329
Symbol: M

image 1899 2½d Wakatipu vert strip of 3 with lower selvedge, imperf horizontally, p11, no wmk. Light horiz crease top stamp. SG 260b, cat approx £900. CP E8bx. Cat approx $2250. LH mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 875.00
Sold...NZ$ 875.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 875

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 330
Symbol: M*

image 1899 6d Kiwi green vert block of 6 with lower selvedge, p11. Small hinge mark on selvedge just touches 1 stamp. CP E14b. Cat $3950. Mint/MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,400.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,400.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 1400

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 331
Symbol: /

image 1899-1903 p11, no wmk colln on pages, 2½d x 2, 3d x 6, 4d x 5, 5d x 7, 6d green x 2, 6d red x 5, 8d x 3, 9d x 5, 1/- x 9, 2/- x 7 (incl 1 laid paper mint) & 5/- x 2 (both mint). Toning affects many but 2/- laid paper & both 5/- okay. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 380.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 332
Symbol: M

image 1900 1½d Boer War, p11 x 3 distinct shades: brown, very pale chestnut & reddish-chestnut. CP E4a(2), (5), (6). Cat $950. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 225.00
Sold...NZ$ 260.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 260

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 333
Symbol: M

image 1900 6d Kiwi horiz pair imperf vertically, p11, no wmk. Unused no gum. BPA cert (1958) (issued when stamp had gum & SG No was SG 312a). (SG 312ba cat £850). CP E14cx. Cat $1500. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 350.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 350

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 335
Symbol: M*

image 1902 2/- Milford block of 4, p11, laid paper, lower pair unhinged. CP cat $6000. Mint/MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 700

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 336
Symbol: *

image 1903 9d purple Terraces block of 4, p11, wmk paper. Ex Steinberg - described as brownish-lake - we disagree (used single for comparison). A rare multiple. CP E17c(1). Cat $1600. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 700

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 337
Symbol: M

image 1903 5/- Mt Cook block of 4, p11, upright wmk. Ex Baillie. Attractive item. CP E21d. Cat $3000. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,750.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,300.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 2300

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 338
Symbol: M

image 1906 2/- Milford with RH selvedge, p14, upright wmk incl letters wmk at RH side of stamp. Ex Baillie. CP E20e. Cat $375+. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 175.00
Sold...NZ$ 180.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 180

1935 Pictorials
Sale No: 40
Lot No: 380
Symbol: /

image 1935-42 seln on annotated pages. Noted: 4d p14 line war time issue MUH; 5d p13½ x 14 mint; 9d p14 x 15 single wmk mint. Also incl 1d Kiwi booklets with & without "Parisian" advts; 1d p14 x 13½ block of 20 with R7/2 "halo" flaw & plate crack; 6d p13½ x 14 multi wmk plate no 1 (plate cracked) flaw MUH; 2/- p13-14 x 13½ single wmk invtd MUH; 2/- p13¾ x 12½ with "COQK" flaw MUH; 1d official p13½ x 14 mint & 20 diff plate blocks up to 3/-. CP cat $8200+. Mixture of mint/MUH & used. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,400.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,400.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 1400

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 381
Symbol: /

image 1935-42 colln/accum on pgs & Hagners, range of all values (about 250 stamps) with some blocks incl 15 covers - mix Airmail. Commercial use. Noted 3/- Mt Egmont horiz pair single wmk, p14-13 x 13½ MUH. Some toning. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 245.00
Sold...NZ$ 260.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 260

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 383
Symbol: M*
Cat No: Collection

image 1935 ½d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d wmk invtd group. ½d single wmk plate block of 4, plate 1A (mounted on selvedge), 3d multi wmk MUH; 4d p14 x 13½ marginal block of 4 MUH; 6d multi wmk p13½ x 14 MUH; 8d mult wmk p14 x 13½ MUH. CP L1a(2), L6b(3), L7b(2), L9b(2), L10b(2). Cat $860. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 155.00
Sold...NZ$ 160.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 384
Symbol: C

image 1935 Original set of 14, each on separate pictorial (all 6 designs represented), typed addressed FDCs (same addressee), Wellington MY 35 cdss. 5d badly torn (well clear of stamp). CP cat $500. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 70.00
Sold...NZ$ 80.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 390
Symbol: M*

image 1936 2d Whare block of 4, p14 x 13½, incl "Tekoteko" variety (well advanced), mult wmk, fresh. Mint/3 MUH (variety is MUH). CP L4bx. Cat $675 as block of 6. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 175.00
Sold...NZ$ 320.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 320

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 391
Symbol: M

image 1936 3/- Mt Egmont, single invtd & reversed wmk. CP L14c. Cat $750. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 200.00
Sold...NZ$ 220.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 220

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 393
Symbol: *

image 1942 5d Swordfish, p13¾ x 13½, deep ultramarine, a stunning error: partial offset on R1/1 as a result of a paper fold, selvedge mounted . Stamp MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 775.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 775

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 394
Symbol: *

image 1942 5d Swordfish double print one albino cobalt blue shade, with left selvedge - the albino print can be seen shifted approx 5mm to left in the selvedge, p13¾ x 13½ (hinged in selvedge). SG 584ca, cat £900. CP L8f5v. Cat $2250. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 1,750.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 1750

1d Universals
Sale No: 40
Lot No: 341
Symbol: /

image 1901-8 Comprehensive specialised colln well written up in "Plymouth" album, about 600 stamps incl die proof in black on glazed card (die 3102 with uncleared frame), plate proofs in black (15 incl uncleared block of 4 & single), Waterlow sample sheets of 9 in blue with black or red ovpts). 1901 (Jan 1) First Day cover, London printings with a range of perfs in mint blocks, Wellington printings with shades & multiples, varieties incl OG horiz pair imperf vert, 1902 Cowan p14 x 11 OG (2, 1 the plate I re-entry 9/24) & used (2) p11 x 14 used, 1905-6 Slot machine perfs, with Dickie & Parker types, re-entries from Plates 1-3, reserve, "dot", W1, W2 & Royle plates, mixed & double perfs, invtd & reversed wmks, booklet panes, a range of covers & cards with T.P.O. & other cancellations, official ovpts etc. A very fine colln. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 7,000.00
Sold...NZ$ 7,000.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 7000

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 343
Symbol: /

image 1901 FDI seln - Milton Mills envelope & front (both black lettering); Ward card x 3; Ward card unused; horiz block of 12 (6 x 2) Waimate 1 JAN "A" class cancels; block of 16 (4 x 4) Kirikiriroa 1 JAN "A" class cancels. CP G1aw,u etc. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 560.00
Sold...NZ$ 575.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 575

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 345
Symbol: *

image 1901 Basted Mills block of 8 with lower selvedge incl arrow marking & hand scratched "3" plate marking, p11 x 14. A superb very scarce item. CP G3c. Cat $5000+. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,750.00
Sold...NZ$ 5,600.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 5600

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 348
Symbol: M*

image 1906 Waterlow trial plates horiz block of 10 imperf vert, p14, 5 stamps hinged leaving equivalent 2 MUH pairs. Ex Baillie. CP G9az. Cat $4000. Mint/MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 700.00
Sold...NZ$ 700.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 700

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 349
Symbol: M

image 1906 Waterlow plate vertical pair imperf horizontally. CP G9az. Cat $800. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 245.00
Sold...NZ$ 260.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 260

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 351
Symbol: M

image 1906 Royle plate markings block of 4 (four dots (plate 4), in lower selvedge below centre arrows. Very small perf thin on back but superb appearance. CP G10a var. Cat $7000. Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 2,100.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,100.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 2100

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 352
Symbol: *

image 1908 redrawn block of 4 & single. Jury cat $1000. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 210.00
Sold...NZ$ 420.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 437
Symbol: *

image 1931 5d green horiz block of 12 with RH selvedge. Cat $840. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 175.00
Sold...NZ$ 220.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 220

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 439
Symbol: M*

image 1931-4 set of 5 in blocks of 4, 7d TT with top selvedge MUH (hint gum tone) rest mint/MUH, minor blemish 1 each 4d & 5d. Jury cat $1900+. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 380.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 440
Symbol: *

image 1931-4 set in blocks of 4. Jury cat $2580. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 455.00
Sold...NZ$ 525.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 525

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 443
Symbol: M*

image 1935 3d chocolate block of 4 with LH selvedge, p14 x 15. Very small separated perf repair at right makes this pair VLH mint. CP V1b. Cat $1340. Mint/MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 420.00
Sold...NZ$ 440.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 440

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 564
Symbol: /

image 1931-68 seln on 6 pages: 1931-52 x 26 noted: 1/3d lemon mint, 1/3d yellow-blue mint, 5/- to 7/- mint, 7/6d used, 8/- & 9/- mint, 11/- surcharge FU, 5/- official vert ovpt mint; & 1968 issues x 43 (incl 9 blks of 4 incl $6 R10/3 & $8 R7/6 & R8/6 flaws). CP cat $3000. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 440.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 440

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 565
Symbol: /

image 1931-56 extensive colln/accum on Hagners - good range of all values to £1 & some to £10 (plus decimals $4 to $10) about 350 stamps plus 25 covers. Noted mint: 1/3d lemon (2), 5/6d (3), 6/-, 7/6d (2), 8/-, 9/-, 10/-, 11/-, 12/6d, 15/- (4), 30/-, £2, £2.10, £3. Used: 1/3d lemon (6), 6/- vert B of 24 (3 x 8), 7/- B of 4, 7/6d (11), 8/- (5), 9/- (3), 11/-, 12/6d, 15/- (6), 22/-, 30/- (2), 35/- (ovpt), £2 (3), £3 (3), £4, £5 (2) plus many decimals incl $10 B of 18 (6 x 3). Covers noted incl 8/- Air (to USA). High CV. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 2,975.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,975.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 2975

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 566
Symbol: U

image 1931-56 used colln on 2 pages: 1/3d lemon, 1/3d x 3 (incl blue lettering), 2/6d, 3/6d x 2 (incl sans serif letters, 4/- x 3, 5/-, 7/-, 11/-, 12/6d x 2, £1, £2 x 2 & £4. Cat simpl $2200. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 350.00
Sold...NZ$ 360.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 360

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 567
Symbol: *

image 1931-56 1/3d to £5 complete simplified (except no 12/6d, 35/- & £4.10). 7/6d, £2, £2.10, £3.10 & £4 fine (rest gum tone, varying degrees & £3 oxidised). Good stamps cat $9800. MUH. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 1,750.00
Sold...NZ$ 2,600.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 2600

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 568
Symbol: M

image 1931-56 1/3d to £1, incl 1/3d lemon, 1/3d blue lettering. (16v). Mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 210.00
Sold...NZ$ 280.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 280

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 569
Symbol: M

image 1931-56 6/-, 7/6d, 12/6d, 15/-, £1 x 2, £2 (£1 Cowan & unsurfaced papers). Jury cat $1350. LH mint. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 420.00
Sold...NZ$ 420.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 40
Lot No: 570
Symbol: *

image 1931-56 7/6d, £1, £2. Jury cat $850. MUH (Image)

Opening NZ$ 280.00
Sold...NZ$ 280.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 280
Sale No: 40
Lot No: 571
Symbol: U

image 1931-5 12/6d, £5 Cowan, fine part "Wellington CI" cdss. CP Z40a, Z52a. Cat $795. FU. (Image)

Opening NZ$ 245.00
Sold...NZ$ 260.00

Closed..Mar-18-2022, 14:30:00 EST
Sold For 260

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