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Back to Great Britain and British Commonwealth

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Heritage Auctions Europe Sale: 85

Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 100

image 81Kb - MNH sheetlet 4th National Stamp Exhibition Melbourne 1928, catw. € 200 (Image)

Low Estimate € 40

Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 85.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 85

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 502

image Australia approx.1900-1935 in ringbinder. A somewhat mixed collection with various better items incl. Australian states, British New Guinea, Papua, North West Pacific Islands (overprints in 3 types) and some better Canada. For impression see photo (Australia block 1928 in MNH condition) (Image)

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 800.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 800

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 503

Australia 1913-1989 in Davo album. Collection used with a rather good selection Kangaroo's and KG-V. heads (incl. shades, postmarks and doubles) and afterward mint/used and some 80ties MNH.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 230.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 504

Australia states mostly classic stamps in stock book whereby West Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales. Mostly used in various quality.

Low Estimate € 30

Opening EUR 30.00
Sold...EUR 65.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 65

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1689

Moving box 24 MNH year sets Australia upto 2002 some double collected and 2 ringbinders MNH England (face value), 2 MNH Ireland world cup collections.

Low Estimate € 140

Opening EUR 140.00
Sold...EUR 230.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1690

Moving box 22 MNH year sets Australia upto 2002 some double collected.

Low Estimate € 125

Opening EUR 125.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Channel Islands
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 545

Guernsey 1969-2002 and Alderney 1983-2000 both MNH and seemingly complete in 2 Davo(luxe), Davo and Safe albums.

Low Estimate € 125

Opening EUR 125.00
Sold...EUR 125.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 125

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 546

Guernsey 1941-1985 and Jersey 1969-1998 used and much MNH in 3 Lindner Falzlos albums.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 547

Stockbook Channel Island 1969-2006 MNH and well filled.

Low Estimate € 75

Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 75.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1285

Box Geurnsey and Jersey 1969-1999 in 4 stockbooks and a box. Collection most MNH with modern part in multiples incl. booklet/prestige booklets en Macvhin regionals.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 160.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 140

image Great Britain 1881. 2½ d. blue collected on alphabet AA to TL (240 stamps) complete reconstructed plate 22 and plate 23. SG. Nr. 157. Michel 59. Huge cat. value and scarce item. (Image)

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 130.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 130

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 569

Great Britain 1902-2012 in 4 Davo albums. Collection mint upto 1959, Mint/MNH 1960-1965 and after 1966 most MNH with a strong section modern stamps incl. LS 1-LS3 (P.O. imprint), Locals, Machins etc. as well as double collected used part from 2004.

Low Estimate € 350

Opening EUR 350.00
Sold...EUR 750.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 571

Great Britain 1924-2007 in 2 Davo albums. Collection MNH and from 1965 onwards almost complete all in very good quality.

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 380.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 572

Great Britain 1970-2013 in 2 Davo albums and 2 stockbooks. Collection MNH incl. doubles and new issues.

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 500.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 500

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 573

Great Britain 1840-2003 in Davo album. Collection used with nr. 1(fine), 3-4 (fine/v. fine) and further very well filled but not top-values. After 1935 very almost complete. Also stock page watermark variations, Machin variations etc.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 270.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 270

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 574

Great Britain 1855-1999 in 3 Davo (luxe) albums. Collection with most of the better stamps as reprints collected incl most officials (reprints) and after 1930 most genuine stamps with a lot of mint/MNH after 1960. Lot should be inspected!

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 575

Great Britain 2001-2009. Nice collection MNH and very well filled in Davo album.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 480.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 480

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 576

England 1841-1996 in 3 Davo luxe albums. Used/Mint/MNH face value,

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 160.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 577

Great Britain 1855-1993. Nice start collection mint/used and from 1965 onwards all MNH and almost complete in 2 Davo albums.

Low Estimate € 80

Opening EUR 80.00
Sold...EUR 140.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 578

Great Britain 1955-1999. Collection used/mint/MNH (1977-1991 all MNH) in Davo album

Low Estimate € 75

Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 75.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 579

England Davo album and stock book 1840 -1985, from the 60ties MNH.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 580

Stockbook England ca. 1940-1980 with some better King George VI (£ 1*, [2 ]and better used) and a lot of Wilding mint/used/MNH with types and watermarks as well as a lot of (specialised) Machin** incl. regionals and some gutter-pairs and commemorative sets.

Low Estimate € 25

Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 40.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 40

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 581

Safe Dual album England 1972-1975 including booklets and blocs. Most MNH (face value)

Low Estimate € 20

Opening EUR 20.00
Sold...EUR 20.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 20

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 582

Stock book England mostly MNH whereby gutterpairs and booklets (face value).

Low Estimate € 10

Opening EUR 10.00
Sold...EUR 25.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 25

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1290

Great Britain in box. MNH face value (counted from 1988 onwards) with 793 x 1st class, 89 x 2nd. And 28 x "E" . Mint stamps not counted!

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 800.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 800

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1291

Box Great Britain ca. 1850-1999 with some older used and from 1977 onwards most MNH with a nice part extra gutter-pairs en some loose stamps/booklets in small boxes.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 230.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1292

Box 13 books England with classics (multiply), face value, some colonies also collected on types and specials.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 150.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1293

Box modern Great Britain in presentation pack, stamp booklets, stockbook etc. Face approx. £ 300.-

Low Estimate € 75

Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 250.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 250

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1294

Box Great Britain with doubles used and various MNH including some yearcollections, Machins and Commemoratives**. Also stamp booklets, FDC's and some presentation packs.

Low Estimate € 40

Opening EUR 40.00
Sold...EUR 45.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 45

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 1295

England Year collections 1985-1993 (face value) and also FDC's.

Low Estimate € 30

Opening EUR 30.00
Sold...EUR 60.00

Closed..Jan-10-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 60

Hong Kong
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 682

2 collections Hong Kong 1862-1999 ( both collections, all different) mainly used with in the modern section also some mint and MNH stamps/sets/blocs.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 240.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 240

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 683

image Hong Kong 1863-1998 in 2 stockbooks used and mint/MNH with doubles starting with Q. Victoria and King Edward VII heads, and many commemorative stamps and sets incl. Jubilee 1935 in multiples, RSW and UPU etc. etc. (Image)

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 360.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 360

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 688

image India 1854-1949. A stunning collection mint and used with all sorts of scarce stamps incl. Princely and Feudatory states extensive section Service overprint (incl the States) and various Middle East as, Abu Dhabi, Aden, Maldive Islands, Bahrein, Kuwait, Muscat & Oman and a strong section Pakistan 1949-1964 incl. perforation varities, overprint varities(!) and Service overprints. In the old India section are some MNH high values to be found. For impression see Photos. (Image)

Low Estimate € 2500

Opening EUR 2,500.00
Sold...EUR 5,500.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 5500

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 689

image India 1854-1974 in Scott album. A collection used and (mainly) mint with better classic and old stamps including Princely and Feudatory states (with many better stamps) and period 1937-1974 mint (and complete). For impression see photo. (Image)

Low Estimate € 1250

Opening EUR 1,250.00
Sold...EUR 1,700.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 1700

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 690

image India 1947-1982 in Schaubek album. Collection MNH and almost complete (191-206, 2 x) and most in very fine quality. (Image)

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 500.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 500

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 691

India 1877-1949 in Yvert album. Collection Indian states mint/used well filled and many extra stamps in glassine envelopes between the pages as well as Nepali stamps included.

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 692

India 1854-1955 in 6 stockbooks. A huge stock used stamps mostly before 1950 incl. better values and some states. All together well over 25000 stamps. Interesting for varities, postmarks and watermarks.

Low Estimate € 150

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 693

India 1855-1999 in old Scott album. Collection mint/used/MNH (modern part sometimes double collected o/**) with British period, Indian states and independent India.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 694

India 1931-1953. Stockbook mint/MNH with doubles and various amount incl. varities (WM sideways etc.), retouches and Printing flaws incl. S.G. 245a* (Bird flaw) and 302a** 4x (Teardrop). Interesting lot!

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 180.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 180

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 695

Stockbook India 1854-1951 mint/used incl. states, Burma 1937-1947 and Pakistan 1947-1957. Also Ceylon 1884-1972 and some Nepal.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 170.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 696

2 stockbook India and Indian states mint/used with doubles. Lot should be seen.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 190

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 697

2 stockbooks Indian states mint/used and not very well filled.

Low Estimate € 25

Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 80.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 698

India 1940-1946 in binder. Collection of 50 censored covers/stationary with all sorts of Censor marks and postmarks. Lot should be viewed.

Low Estimate € 25

Opening EUR 25.00
Sold...EUR 90.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 90

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 699

India small dealer stock book 1852-1988 mostly used and with doubles.

Low Estimate € 5

Opening EUR 5.00
Sold...EUR 15.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 15

Isle of Man
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 718

Isle of Man 1973-2003. An almost complete collection MNH in 2 Davo de luxe albums.

Low Estimate € 100

Opening EUR 100.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 731

Jersey collection MNH 1969-2004 in 2 Ka-Be albums as good as complete.

Low Estimate € 50

Opening EUR 50.00
Sold...EUR 100.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 732

Jersey 1969-2000 MNH (mostly) collection in 2 stock books whereby blocks and Souvenir sheets.

Low Estimate € 20

Opening EUR 20.00
Sold...EUR 40.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 40

New Zealand
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 745

New Zealand 1862-2012 in 3 Davo albums. Collection used/mint/MNH partly double collected and after 1969 almost all stamps used AND MNH collected incl. many blocs and sheetlets incl. several sets "The best of…."

Low Estimate € 250

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 440.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 440

Sale No: 85
Lot No: 746

New Zealand 1873-2013 in 3 Davo albums. Collection used/mint/MNH and from about 1978 only MNH and seemingly complete upto and with 2013. Also Some Ross dependency**

Low Estimate € 200

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 480.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 480
Sale No: 85
Lot No: 747

New Zealand 1864-1993 in Davo album. A nice start collection from 1936 onwards well filled with a lot MNH after 1960.

Low Estimate € 75

Opening EUR 75.00
Sold...EUR 110.00

Closed..Jan-09-2025, 11:00:00 EST
Sold For 110

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