Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Sept. 2024 COLLECTIONS
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 832
Cat No: Collection
PAIR OF "LIGHTHOUSE" PRINTED, HINGELESS ALBUMS with the exclusively mint collection on pages for issues from 1840-1989. Few, if any issues prior to KGV, but substantially complete for KGVI/QEII issues to 1989. Includes 1938 'Arms' set of six, 1951 high vals., early Waterlow & De la Rue Castles, all 1960s phosphor commems, etc. Annotated in pencil throughout. (Many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 260.00
Closed..Sep-05-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 833
Cat No: Collection
USED COLLECTION 1841-2017: Five "Lighthouse" printed hingeless albums in slipcases with pages for issues up to 2018, but collection stops at 2017. Sparse early issues, but some QV up to 10/-. Substantially complete for KGVI/QEII issues. Pages annotated with SG nos. in pencil throughout. (very many 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 85.00
Sold...GBP 160.00
Closed..Sep-05-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 835
Cat No: Collection
KEVII/KGV USED COLLECTION INC. HIGH VALUES: 22-ring binder with the duplicated (inc. shades) used collection. Includes KEVII 2/6d (6), 5/- (5), 10/- (2) & £1 green (2), both of the latter two values being sound, fine used examples; range of KGV 1913-19 used Sea Horses of various printings inc. 2/6d (17), 5/- (15), 10/- (10), also 1934 re-engraved 2/6d (7), 5/- (4) & 10/- (2). Also 1929 PUC £1 black, a fine used example with light rubber cds cancel. Various ranges of KGV defins. inc. a few wmk. varieties and KGV 1912 ½d & 1d values mounted mint optd. "SPECIMEN". At the back of binder is a collection of NPM postcards depicting philatelic material of the period. A useful lot. (Few 100s) (Image)
Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 460.00
Closed..Sep-05-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 460
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 837
Cat No: Collection
KEVII TO KGVI MINT CONTROLS ON HAGNER SHEETS: Folder with an accumulation of control blocks, strips, pairs & singles. A few KEVII issues but mostly KGV & KGVI. Many with cylinder nos. A total of c.170 separate control nos. (c.300 stamps) (Image)
Opening GBP 110.00
Sold...GBP 150.00
Closed..Sep-05-2024, 03:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 862
Lot No: 838
Cat No: Collection
KGV CONTROL COLLECTION: Album with a mounted mint collection of control singles, pairs, strips & blocks. From 1911 Downy head issues through to 1934 Photogravure types. Mostly ½d, 1d & 1½d values but a few others up to 6d noted. Well organised throughout with Plate and perf. types annotated. (c.730 stamps) (Image)