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Back to Germany and German Colonies

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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale: 5157

Germany and German Colonies

Empire & Reich
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6001
Symbol: *

image 1930, 10pf & 20pf Regensburg Great Flight Day locals, o.g., hinge remnants, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $20

Opening US$ 12.00
Sold...US$ 12.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 12

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6002
Symbol: o
Cat No: 8

image 1872, Small Shield, 2kr orange (Scott 8), 'MAINZ' cds, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 15.
Scott $165. (Image)

Suggested Bid $50

Opening US$ 40.00
Sold...US$ 40.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 40

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6003
Symbol: **
Cat No: 48

image 1893, 10pf carmine (Scott 48), horizontal strip of 4, o.g., never hinged; fragile perfs, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 47d.
Scott $60. (Image)

Suggested Bid $20

Opening US$ 12.00
Sold...US$ 12.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 12

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6004
Symbol: *
Cat No: 83, 100

image Walter Behrens Germania Issue Authentication Card for 10pf carmine & 15pf dark violet (Scott 83, 100), Very thourough presentation for identifying fakes of these issues including examples of the genuine and fake items. In German but easily understood with detailed diagrams and illustrations., very clean, Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $20

Opening US$ 20.00
Sold...US$ 20.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 20

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6006
Symbol: *
Cat No: B141-B143

image 1939 Nürburgring Races complete (Scott B141-B143), o.g., hinge remnants, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 695-697.
Scott $57. (Image)

Suggested Bid $20

Opening US$ 10.00
Sold...US$ 10.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 10

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6010
Symbol: *
Cat No: C35-C37

image Airmail, 1928-31, 1m-4m Zeppelin complete (Scott C35-C37), o.g., hinge remnants, Very Fine.
Michel 423-424,455.
Scott $93. (Image)

Suggested Bid $40

Opening US$ 30.00
Sold...US$ 30.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 30

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6015
Symbol: *
Cat No: C45

image Airmail, 1933, 4m Chicago Flight Zeppelin (Scott C45), o.g., hinge remnants; thin, Very Fine.
Michel 498.
Scott $75. (Image)

Suggested Bid $10

Opening US$ 5.00
Sold...US$ 5.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 5

Federal Republic
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6034
Symbol: C
Cat No: 702a-c, 704a & 708a

image 1955-56, Theodor Heuss booklet panes (Scott 702a-c, 704a & 708a), 5 booklet panes on Air Mail Covers, Very Fine.
Scott $525. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

German Offices in China: Boxer Rebellion
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6017
Symbol: o
Cat No: 55

image 1913, 1½d on 3m black violet (Scott 55), 'PEKING' cds, Fine to Very Fine, signed Bloch.
Scott $120. (Image)

Suggested Bid $40

Opening US$ 21.00
Sold...US$ 21.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 21

German Offices in Turkey: Regular Issues
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6018
Symbol: Z
Cat No: 30

image 1903, "Reichspost", 25pi on 5m slate & carmine, surcharge type II (Scott 30), 'BEIRUT/DEUTSCHE POST' cds, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Michel 23 II.
Scott $525. (Image)

Suggested Bid $250

Opening US$ 145.00
Sold...US$ 145.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 145

German States: Thurn & Taxis
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6000
Symbol: **
Cat No: 30a

image 1866, 1sgr rose, without rouletting between (Scott 30a), left margin horizontal strip of 4, left pair imperf between., o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 48UM.
Scott $156. (Image)

Suggested Bid $80

Opening US$ 47.00
Sold...US$ 47.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 47

Plebiscite Areas: Danzig
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6019
Symbol: o
Cat No: 200-210

image 1930, 5pf-75pf Free State Anniversary, complete set (Scott 200-210), Very Fine.
Scott $413. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150

Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6020
Symbol: *
Cat No: C26-C30

image 1924, 10pf-2½G Plane over Danzig, complete set (Scott C26-C30), o.g., lightly hinged or hinge remnant, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $47. (Image)

Suggested Bid $15

Opening US$ 15.00
Sold...US$ 15.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 15

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6021
Symbol: *
Cat No: C31-C35

image Airmail, 1932 Luposta complete (Scott C31-C35), o.g., hinge remnants; pulled perf at top #C35, Very Fine.
Michel 231-235.
Scott $45. (Image)

Suggested Bid $15

Opening US$ 10.00
Sold...US$ 10.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 10

Plebiscite Areas: Marienwerder
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6022
Symbol: *
Cat No: 28

image 1920, 50pf violet & black on buff (Scott 28), part o.g. (owner's handstamps on gum), Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $375. (Image)

Suggested Bid $125

Opening US$ 65.00
Sold...US$ 65.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 65

Plebiscite Areas: Memel
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6023
Symbol: **
Cat No: 49a

image 1921, 5,00m on 2m on 1fr claret & olive green, inverted '5,00' surcharge (Scott 49a), o.g., never hinged (owner's handstamp on gum), Very Fine.
Scott $375. (Image)

Suggested Bid $125

Opening US$ 75.00
Sold...US$ 75.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 75

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6024
Symbol: *
Cat No: C4a

image 1921, 2m on 1fr claret & olive green, inverted 'FLUGPOST' overprint (Scott C4a), disturbed o.g. (owner's handstamps on gum), Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $150. (Image)

Suggested Bid $50

Opening US$ 35.00
Sold...US$ 35.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 35

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6025
Symbol: **
Cat No: C7a

image 1921, 3m on 60c violet & ultramarine, inverted 'FLUGPOST' overprint (Scott C7a), o.g., never hinged (owner's handstamp on gum), Extremely Fine.
Scott $600. (Image)

Suggested Bid $250

Opening US$ 140.00
Sold...US$ 140.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6026
Symbol: **/*
Cat No: N46

image 1923, 10c on 25m orange, doubled inverted overprint (Scott N46), bottom right corner margin vertical strip of 3, o.g., hinge remnants (middle stamp never hinged), Fine to Very Fine, 2015 Tobias Huylmans certificate.
Scott $488. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150

Opening US$ 92.00
Sold...US$ 92.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 92

Plebiscite Areas: Saar
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6027
Symbol: *
Cat No: 20

image 1920, 3pf brown 'Sarre' & lines overprint (Scott 20), o.g., lightly hinged (owner's handstamp on gum), Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $80. (Image)

Suggested Bid $20

Opening US$ 20.00
Sold...US$ 20.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 20

Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6028
Symbol: *
Cat No: 22

image 1920, 7½pf green, 'Sarre' & lines overprint (Scott 22), o.g., hinge remnant (owner's handstamp on gum), Very Fine.
Scott $33. (Image)

Suggested Bid $10

Opening US$ 7.00
Sold...US$ 7.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 7

Post-WWII Occupations: Baden
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6030
Symbol: o
Cat No: 5NB8a-5NB8b

image 1949 Reconstruction souvenir sheets, perf and imperf (Scott 5NB8a-5NB8b), Very Fine, signed Schlegel.
Michel Blocks 1A-B.
Scott $420. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150

Opening US$ 80.00
Sold...US$ 80.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Post-WWII Occupations: Berlin
Sale No: 5157
Lot No: 6031
Symbol: **
Cat No: 9N33

image 1949, 1m Red Overprint (Scott 9N33), o.g., never hinged (owner's handstamp on gum), Very Fine.
Michel 33.
Scott $160. (Image)

Suggested Bid $60

Opening US$ 32.00
Sold...US$ 32.00

Closed..Feb-20-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 32

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