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Records 1 to 9 of 9

Phoenix Auctions Sale: 2184

Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8732
Symbol: U/*
Cat No: Collection

image 1872-1974 mint & mainly used collection on Schaubek album, with Eagles to 5g, Pfennige set, Pfennig set, Reichspost set, Germania Deutches Reich set, 1921-23 set, good range to early 1940s, good range of Allied Occupation issues, later issues reasonable in 1950s and patchy after that. Plus Lindner illustrated hingeless album with a range of stamps from 1958-74. Retail value stated to be $4,500. (100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$120

Opening AU$ 95.00
Sold...AU$ 95.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 95

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8733
Symbol: U/*
Cat No: Collection

image 1875-1945 mainly used in hingeless Lindner album with Pfennige set, Pfennig set ex 25g, incl 1936 Olympics M/S set (one cleaned), 1944 Armed Forces set. Plus French Zone 8pf Arms mint in large blocks. Plus a 2nd album of 3rd Reich issue incl faulty used OSTROPA M/S. A patchy collection with nothing of significance noted. Generally in good condition. Retail value stated to be $4,400. (few 100) (Image1)

Estimate AU$180

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 210.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8734
Symbol: U/*

image 1875-1960s mainly used in large Schwaneberger Album, strength in Allied issues, otherwise very patchy, noted 1947 5m Dove, 1945 80pf indigo Cat £425, early West Germany complete to 1957 and then nearly complete to 1968, West Berlin reasonably complete to 1964. East Germany patchy. Retail value stated to be $17,000. (100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$400

Opening AU$ 290.00
Sold...AU$ 420.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 420

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8736
Symbol: U/C

image 1930s-70s mostly used array with better items noted incl 1956 Hannover Industrial Fair commemorative sheet with Berlin 1955 Parliament, Stamp Day & Bishops sets & Germany 1955 Relief Fund 7pf+3pf & 10pf+5pf; also 1934 Airs set to 3m Zeppelin (ex 40pf & 80pf) plus extra 3m strip of 3 (Cat £280+), 1953 30pf Liebeg, 1959 Relief Fund 10pf block of 10, 20pf pair & 40pf x2 on piece, Berlin 1951-52 40pf Bell, 1955 40pf Furtwangler, etc; plus covers/part covers in mixed condition (stamps are mostly fine). (200+) (Image1)

Estimate AU$70

Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 80.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8738
Symbol: *
Cat No: Collection

image 1950-69 hinged collection in hingeless Lindner album, with West Berlin 1950-55 near complete incl Bells the 3 types complete mint, Berlin Philharmonic pair, Famous Berliners used set; West Germany 1950-80 reasonably complete, Posthorn set used, 1952-55 Humanitarians mint sets, 1953 Transport mint set. A good collection. Retail stated to be $4,400. (100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$200

Opening AU$ 100.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 125

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8739
Symbol: **

image 1984-90 (17 Sep) Looking Complete in range SG #2056-325 (excluding M/S) with almost all issues duplicated (most definitives with extra values). Note: the 1986-94 Famous Women and 1987-96 Tourism definitives sets extend into the Germany re-unified era, Cat £1,390 (610 as presented in actual date of issue order). In addition, Germany Re-unified 1990 (3 Oct)-95 in range SG #2326-83, looks complete excluding 1995-08 Tourism with 95% of content in triplicate. Fine and fresh MUH throughout, total Cat £3,750. (1,480) (Image1)

Estimate AU$400

Opening AU$ 200.00
Sold...AU$ 210.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

GERMANY - Allied Occ (French - Rheinland-Pfalz)
GERMANY - Allied Occ (French - Rheinland-Pfalz)
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8749
Symbol: */F

image 1949 Stamp Centenary: Mi #49-50 10pf, 20pf Types I & II, plus used 20pf Type II, Cat €58. (Image1)

Estimate AU$24

Opening AU$ 18.00
Sold...AU$ 20.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 20

GERMANY - Berlin (West)
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8754
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection

image 1970-89 substantially complete (excl M/S) to 1975 in 32 page stockbook incl SG #B350-B477 with duplication of up to x5 including 1970-73 definitives set x3(+) SG #B350-73 Cat £460 (300) followed by a gap to 1975 Youth Welfare set SG #B547-50 thence sets and singles to 1989. This section includes the 1986-89 Famous Women set SG #B732-48 and 1987-90 Tourist Sights set SG #B777-91 Cat £450 (190), fine and fresh MUH throughout Total Cat £910. (490) (Image1)

Estimate AU$250

Opening AU$ 125.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 125
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8751
Symbol: F

image 1951 St Mary's Church Mi #139-40 set. (2) (Image1)

Estimate AU$80

Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 85.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 85

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