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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale: 5154

France and French Colonies

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6113
Symbol: */o
Cat No: Collection

image Bénin, Selection of 1892 Overprints, Mint and Used. A mini-holding of 31 of the first issue overprints on a stock page with some duplicates. Includes: 1-3 mint, 2 & e used, 4 (4) mint & (3) used, 5 (4) used, 6 used, 8 mint & (4) used, 9 mint & (2) used, 10 used, 11 mint & used, 12 used, 14 used and 15A used. A very nice selection of these scarce stamps. A few minor faults most are F-VF, Scott $4740. (Image)

Estimate $800-1,200

Opening US$ 580.00
Sold...US$ 580.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 580

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6114
Cat No: Collection

image Bénin, A Useful Mint & Used Collection, 1892-1894., A nice collection of 57 stamps with mint & used, some duplication, all mounted on Lindner pages. Contains 6 surcharge issues, one full set of 20-32 plus another incomplete set. We note 2 sets of 33-45, all are mixed mint and used, J1 and J4 used. A few faults, most are F-VF. (Image)

Suggested Bid $300

Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 200


Offices in Zanzibar
Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6136
Cat No: Collection

image French Offices in Zanzibar, A Very Useful Mint & Used Collection, 1894-1903., A solid collection, with some duplicates, of 60 stamps neatly mounted on pages. We note 1//10 with duplicate mixed mint & used, 16 mint Scott $475, 17-28 complete mint $260, plus duplicates, 29 used $240, 39-48 mixed mint & used $233, J1-J5 mixed $83 & duplicates. A few faults but overal quite nice quality, mainly F-VF, Scott $1923. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6137
Cat No: Collection

image French Offices in Zanzibar, A Mint & Used Collection, 1894-1903., A nice collection of 35 different stamps all mounted on two Scott pages. highlights include 1-4 mint, 7 mint, 8 used, 10 mint, 17-19 mint, 20-23 used, 24-27 mint, 31 used, 46-48 mint, J1-J3 used, J4 mint, J5 (2) used. A few faults, otherwise F-VF, Scott $1674. (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 250

France & Colonies

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6138
Cat No: Collection

image France & Colonies, Parlez-vous Français? 1849-1974, very clean Scott Specialty album well populated with mint and used in black mounts; mostly postally used before WWII and mostly mint after; includes France proper, Semi-Postal, Air Post, Postage Due, Military Frank, Officials, German Occupation, AMG Occupation, Newspaper; smattering of Offices in China, Canton, Hoi Hao, Kwangchowan (including Semi-Postal), Mongtseu, Packhoi, Tchongking, Yunnan Fou, Crete, Alexandria, Port Said (including Semi-Postal), Levant, Cavalle, Dedeagh, and Zanzibar; a quality collection, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 700.00
Sold...US$ 700.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 700

French Colonies

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6139
Cat No: Collection

image French Offices & Colonies, Eclectic Collection of Mint & Used, 1892-1903., Offices and Colonies, several dozen stamps all on pages. Starts with French offices in Zanzibar, includes: 3 used, 4, 6, 7, 11, plus 3a mint, 25-28 used, 39-49 mixed mint & used. Next is Obock with 1-2, 15 all mint, 21, 24 both used, 32-36 mint, 41 used, 46-57 mint, 58 used, plus some duplicates. Followed by Ivory Coast. A nice showing of mint & used Parcel Psot of 1903 including Q1-Q@ & Q5 all mint, Q6, Q8, Q11 & Q17 all used, Q24-Q25 used, Q29 used, Q32-Q33 mint. Followed by Somali coast including 2 not counted halfs used on piece. A few faults, generally F-VF, Scott $2700. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6174
Cat No: Collection

image Guadeloupe, An Advanced Oldtime Mint & Used Collection, 1884-1931, A wonderful collection comprised of about 160 different singles & sets all neatly mounted on European album pages. Contains only the classic pre-war and 19th century issues. Formed many decades ago by a knowledgeable collector. Colors are fresh and bright, many difficult and scarce issues are noted. Highlights include, all mint unless noted: Scott #1-11 mint, 14-26 missing 22 balance are mint except for 14, 17 and 21 are used Scott $563, 27-44 mixed mint & used Scott $280, 45-49 mixed, 50 mint Scott $75, J4 mint $55, J6-J10 mint Scott $540, J11-J12 used $80. A few with faults but mainly F-VF. (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 370.00
Sold...US$ 370.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 370

Malagasy Republic

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6194

image Madagascar, Mint and Used Singles and Sets, half a "102" red box filled with hundreds of singles and sets; each issue is in a glassine and is cataloged and priced; post office fresh material; ready for your customers, F.-V.F. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $100

Opening US$ 26.00
Sold...US$ 26.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 26


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6223
Cat No: Collection

image Tahiti, Quality Mint & Used Collection, 1884-1915, A collection of sixteen mint & used better single stamps which includes: 2b & 3 both used signed Diena, Scott $540, plus the following are all mint: 8c 10-11, 13, 16, 22-23, 27-28, 29-31, B2 and 25 used. Nice quality throughout of these scarce stamps. Well worth careful consideration. F-VF. (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 310.00
Sold...US$ 310.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 310


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6225
Cat No: Collection

image Tunisia and Togo, Collections, 1888-1974, Two country mint & used collections of several hundred stamps all in a Scott Specialty album. Tunisia is the star collection with a nice showing of used first issues and mixed mint & used later on. Mint sets are strong from 1955-1967 we note Airs and B.O.B. as well. Togo is a bit sparse, mint & used, generally F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. Scott $2,400. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (Image)

Suggested Bid $400

Opening US$ 350.00
Sold...US$ 350.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 350

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