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Back to Foreign Wholesale

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Downeast Stamps Sale: 355

Foreign Wholesale
Foreign Wholesale
Sale No: 355
Lot No: 2149
Symbol: o

CZECHOSLAKIA, 1918 / 1968, about 1000 different, 1-25 each incl airmail & a few 100 Bohemia, in colorful stockbook, great selection of commemoratives

Cat. US$60.00

Opening US$ 36.00
Sold...US$ 54.00

Closed..Jan-29-2025, 16:00:00 EST
Sold For 54

Sale No: 355
Lot No: 2150
Symbol: o

FINLAND, 1936-1987, about 100 different, 1-25 each, in nice 6x8 stockbook, mostly early with a few scattered more recent, generally FVF

Cat. US$171.15

Opening US$ 18.00
Sold...US$ 18.00

Closed..Jan-29-2025, 16:00:00 EST
Sold For 18
Sale No: 355
Lot No: 2155
Symbol: *

GERMANY, 242 / 310, Inflation Overprints, 37 different, 1-17 each, 328 stamps, most NH

Cat. US$91.00

Opening US$ 14.00
Sold...US$ 16.00

Closed..Jan-29-2025, 16:00:00 EST
Sold For 16

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