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Sam Houston Philatelics, Inc. Sale: 3120

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 339
Symbol: -
Cat No: CANADA 14//O44

image CANADA 14//O44, COLLECTION OF OVER (1,400) STAMPS FROM 1859-2010, generally F-VF, mix of Used, LH and NH with classics more NH/LH and modern more used than mint; stamps in mounts or hinged on Scott Canada Master Album Pages (modified for a 3-ring binder). Album includes about (115) for the provinces of New Brunswick (#6, #8), Newfoundland (42//C19), Nova Scotia (#11) and Prince Edward Island (#5,9,11,14-16). Better Canada Stamps incls no's 14, 18, 27 and 60 Used, 96-103 used ($694), #149-59 NH/LH ($749) and C1-9 ($153), there are some KGVI bklt panes, War Tax issues and officials. Catalog value is estimated greater than $4,500. A really great collection from our northern neighbor. Cat($4,500) (Image)


Opening US$ 750.00
Sold...US$ 750.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 342
Symbol: **
Cat No: Czechoslovakia 2114//2356

image Czechoslovakia 2114//2356, Collection of (65) Souvenir Sheets and Mini-sheets, VF NH, in mounts on quadrille pages in 3-ring binder, almost complete for the period 1977-81, missing book illustrations and the '80 flower show issues. Very nice group of sheets to complete your collection Cat($520) (Image)


Opening US$ 165.00
Sold...US$ 165.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 165

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 354
Symbol: -
Cat No: Netherlands and Colonies

image Netherlands and Colonies Collection in, in Minkus album, including Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands New Guinea, Netherlands Indies and Surinam. Contains over (1,000) different mint and used 1872-1970, all hinged. Extremely nice and clean collection Cat($1,300) (Image)


Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 363
Symbol: -
Cat No: Macao-Mozambique

Macao-Mozambique, Collection in (2) homemade albums, contains over (3,000) mint and used stamps on Minkus album pages and stocksheets, stamps from 1880's to at least 2001, including a few S/S's, lots of topicals and few unlisted type stamps to "spice it up" and make it more interesting, including a few Signapore and Myanmar


Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

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