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Phoenix Auctions Sale: 2184

Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8710
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection

image 1938-80 Accumulation of sheets & part sheets incl 1938-55 1½d Die II P13½ (15), 1946 Victory (13 sets), 1951 Health (80 sets), 1953 Coronation (120), Royal Visit (380), 1966 Games (20 sets), 1972 Silver Wedding (100 sets), 1975 Festival M/S (11), 1980 London '80 (20 sets), Tourism (40 sets). Retail $1,700++. (100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$320

Opening AU$ 160.00
Sold...AU$ 160.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 160

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8711
Symbol: **

image Decimal Mint Unhinged Range including many control numbers and colours and a few Minisheets - FV approx $300+. (100s) (Image1)

Estimate AU$75

Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8694
Symbol: F

image 1878-99 'CR' Altered to 'VR' Perf 12½ 6d rose unlisted variety Double horizontal perf 12½. (Image1)

Estimate AU$80

Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 65

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8697
Symbol: **/*

image 1891-1902 New Designs Perf 11¾ SG #95 ½d greenish slate sheet of 100 on Sanderson paper, Cat £300, 71 units MUH, 29 units with sellotape strips along perf lines. (Image1)

Estimate AU$65

Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 50.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 50

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8700
Symbol: **

image 1948 Silver Wedding SG #270-71 in MUH blocks of 4. Retail $120. (8) (Image1)

Estimate AU$48

Opening AU$ 38.00
Sold...AU$ 48.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 48

Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8701
Symbol: **

image 1954-59 Pictorials SG #280-95 very fresh, Cat £85. (15) (Image1)

Estimate AU$80

Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8702
Symbol: **

image 1962-67 QEII Definitives Wmk Block Cypher SG #324 10/- emerald & deep sepia. (Image1)

Estimate AU$15

Opening AU$ 12.00
Sold...AU$ 14.00

Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 14

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